Tells Mr. Termite Where to Get Off!
Mr. Termite is an under-cover worker. And when we say worker,we rneanworker. He doesn't care a whoop for time clocks. His single inierest-is in wo-rking conditions and these he finds ideal in any average piece of untreated wood, be it Douglas Fir or what have you.
Mr.Termite carries on his nefarious work clear around the clock, being careful always to keep out of sight. (For this reason, t-ermite-damage seldom is discovered until'far advairced, beciuse he skillfully avoids breaking through the surface.)
t$/hat he works at and how destructive that work is to wood products, is illustrated on this page. Hardwoods (left) and soft woods (right) are all one to him.
But he cao be stopped! More than that, he can be eliminated before he ever gets started which brlnp;s us to the point where he gets off:-
In a word, it is when he tackles a piece of WOLMANIZED lumber, at which moment he's through done . washed up:-
Because \(OLMANIZED lumber puts him squarely on the spot I For lumber so treated, is impregnated under the vacuum-pressure process/ with toxic salts, which spell his certain deleat . . pronto ! More than that, he is not likely to attack a piece of WOLMANIZED stock. no matter how hungty . . . it's too distasteful.
Wherever you find Mr. Termite, you also find wood-d-estroying fungi^. the element whiih causes decay in wood. It's an aftermath of termite attack. So, with Mr. Termite banished, you dispose of decay from that source. However, \(OLMANIZED wood also is imhune to decav caused by moisture. Indeed, the durability record of VOLMANIZED lumber, when usid in contact with the ground or other locations of excessive moisture, is convincing
iestimony to its unusual service under these conditions.
\$7OLMANIZED stock is harmless to mankind and free from all objectionable features, as the treatment is clean, dry, odorless and does not leach out. Any WOLMANIZED item can be handled and stored s'ith untreated stock, and therefore does not require separate storage sPace.
Operating a complete lVolmanizing plant at'Wauna, Oregon, in connection-with the manufacture of lumber, Crossett 'V'estern Company is equipped to furnish treated Douglas -Fir, W'estern Hemiocli and Siruce in cargo shipments direct from its own docks to any domestiC or world potts. Ask Jor oar lree pampblet "Wolman' ized insurance", giaing a readable accoant on ubat termites ate, ubat tbey do, and ubat to do aboat them.
The aathoritatioe stanp at tbe right, Certif es treatmettt and protection agahtst decay rnd tertnites, atd appears on aII Crossett Vestern lYolmanized ltmber products,
Manufacturers of Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar
Georgew. Gorman
Alaska-Commercial Bldg.
310 Sansome St. San Francisco
as their Exclusive Sales Representative
Northern California
George R. Kendrick, district sales manager, Chas. R' McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently spent a week at the Portland office and the company's mill at St. Helens, Ore.
The new Redwood shingle folder, prepared by the shingle 'committee of the California Redwood Association, is in the hands of the printer and will soon be ready for distribution.
Wholesale Dealers in West Coast Woods
George W. Gorman
Alaska-Commercial Bldg.
310 Sansome St.
San Francisco as their Sales Representative
Earle E. Johnson, well known retail lumberman, formerly of Livermore, is now associated with the Eureka Mill & Lumber Company, Oakland.
David Morgan, Southern California representative of the Vancouver Plywood & Veneer Co., Vancouver, Wash., left Los Angeles, October 17, for a trip to the company's plant.
*Advertisementg appear in alternate irrue'
Aberdeen Plywood ComPanY
Bookstaver-Burnr Lumbet C-o. ------ ----- --------19
Boorman Lumber Co. ------------------------------------11
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. ---------------- -----------"'- "2t
Brookmire, Inc.
Buctley Lumber Dealerc' Supply Co.--------------19
Cdifornia Builders Supply C,o. ----------------------r9
€alifornia Panel & Veneer Co. ---------------------19
California Redwood Association ------------------ 5
Campbell-Moore Lumber Co. ---------------- ----- 3
Celotex Company, The --------------------------..-------17
Chamberlin & Co., V. R. ------------------------------2t
Croscett Western Company ---------------------------- 2
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. ---------------------19
Elliott Bay Sales Co. ,-----------------'----11
Forsyth Hardwood Co. -- ---- ----------------'----------r9
Gorman, George V.,-------- ------------------------------ 3
Ifall, Jo-gs L. -- ----- ----------------------------------2,
llarrmond & Little River Redwood Co.,-------- 7
Flemming, E. W. - ---- - ----------19
Hill & Morton, fnc. ---------------------------------------r9
Hogan Lumber Co. ------------------------------------------1,
Ffolmec Eureka Lumber Co. --------------,-------------19
Ffoover, A. L. ------------ -,-------------19
Johnoon Lumber Co, G D. ------------------,---------23
Koehl & Son, fnc., Jno. V. -------------------- -----21
Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. -------------- -, --- 4
Lurnbermen's Credit Acsociation -----------------*
Mc€ormick Lumber Co., Chac. R. -------------f9
MacDonald & Bergstrom, Inc. ----------------------19
MacDonald & Flarrington, Ltd. -----,------------19
Moore MilI & Lumber Co. --------------------,------14
Oregon-Washington Plywood Co. ---------------I9
Pacific Lumber Co., The ------------,-----------------19
Pacific Mutual Door Co. -----------19
Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. ------------------------------13
Pioneer-Flintkote Co.
Pyramid Lumber Sales Co. ----------------------------- 8 Red River Lumber Co. ------------------
J. E MARTIN Malrdng ENtta and Arhrcrdrlnr Meurcr
Iacorlcrtcd uod.r th. lrrr of Cdllcrlr J. C. DhnDG; Prcr. aad Trar.; J. E. Martln, Vlcc-Prrr. Publbhod tbo lrt eld $fb ol acf, roiltt tt tlt-lt-t Orntnl Bulldla3, ltC Wcrt Sbrrh Str!.t, La Aardc+ ar, Tolcntoe. VArd&c tSG Entand u Sccod-ctls uttor SgDt-bc B, IEL rt tL Pat ofile tt Lc Anlclcl Crlllomll udc Act of Merth I Urt.
Subrcription Priccr SZ|X) pcr Ycrr Sia3lc Copicr, 25 ccntr ach. LOS ANGELES, CAL.,
How Lumber Looks
The Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association for the wcek ended October 19 reportd nen' business from 201 mille ae 9218921162 feet, shipments 861861932 feet, and production lffir162,t54 feer. Orden boot(d for t{re week wete about l'(X)O'(X)O feet over the total of the preceding week. The unfilled order file at these millo stood at 32515751960 feet, approximately 510001000 feet over the week befote.
The repot explained t{rat new bueiness continuer to come in at about the same level and much of the poduction ir going into inventories which are low and badly brolcen. Inquiries are rqnrted in greater volume and the industry is optimistic that the pnesent slack scason in orderc will rhift to more activ- ity. Expo'rt boyrog is quiet with moot of the business reported as going to mills in British Columbia.
The \Vestetn Pine Association for the week etrded October 1% 109 mills reporting gave orders as 461652rOO0 feet, shipments 54tE400 feet, and production 66r154,0d0 feet Odeirs welre 29.4 per cent belorv production and 14.5 per cent below
Loolcs Forward to Reading 'Vagabond Editorials"
"I might state here and now that I always look forward to seeing the Merchant arrive so that I may study your'Vagabond Editorials,' the reading of which gives me the greatest pleasure. 'Vagabond Editorials' and 'Time' are my two principal items of reading matter."
(Signed) Walter G. Scrim, President, Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Assn.
Hortoq Tor
shipments. Shipments wete 17.4 per cent below production Orders on hand at the end of the weeL totaled l76r7O9,W fetr', *!frf
The California Redwood Association for the same weel reported production from 15 millr as 8r742rOOO feet, ehipmeotr tr7s2rffn feet, and new btrsiness 611121000 feet Orders on hand at t{re end of the vrcck werne 29164191000 feea Production war 32 prer c:ent greater and new businese 12 pa ceflt grcater than for the same wee& last yean tf*tf
The California market hao fi nd up during the paot two weeks. Fir uppers are still Ecerce and-the marLet is-f,rrn on these itelru. Fir commons are sho$ring more strength.
Cargo chippers ate having considerable trouble with the eeamen, ma&ing lumber delivedes uncettain. Some lumber vesrels have remained inactive in port fo,r sevef,al dayo at a ti-e, .ul some of the crsws are demanding wagcs and hours dclarcd contrery to the awards, and the replacement of these men ic ncesnarrr before the ships can resume operations. * rlc rl.
I-Insold stocks on the public docks at Lor Angeles harbor on October 2E totded about 8r(X)0r000 feet. CargJarrivds at Loc Angeles harbor for the weelc ended October ZA tcrtaleA l4r115.r000 feet which included 14069,000 ftex of. Fir and lSO,000 feet' of Redwood. 64 vessels were operating in the coastwise lumber service on October 26; 34 vessels pere-leid up.
A. J. Todhunter, secretary of the Hipolito Co., Los Angeles, is now at home where he is convalescing nicely from his operation for appendicitis on October 17. He is expected to be back on the job again in a few weeks.
714 Ylest Olympic Blvd. - Los Angeles Telephone PRospect O22g
Consistendy Serving
Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers With Their Complete Lumber Requirements
Agents for
California Dealers to Meet at San Diego November 6-7-g for Annual Convention
California lumbermen will meet at San Diego on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, November 6, 7 and 8, 1935, for the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
A fine program has been arranged for the three-day meeting. The lumbermen will register at the Hotel San Diego on Wednesday morning. Wednesday noon an interesting trip is scheduled for the lumbermen and their ladies which includes a boat trip through the harbor to a 6-mi1lion foot giant log raft, luncheon and a tour through the Benson Lumber Company's mill. These giant log rafts are towed from the Columbia River, the logs coming from the company's timber holdings in Oregon and are assembled at Wallace's slew near Astoria. The return trip from the mill will be made by boat and the balance of the afternoon will be spent at the California Pacific International Exposition.
Thursday morning there will be a business session, an open forum. presided over by Paul Hallingby of the Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles. There will also be a preview showing of the Redwood moving picture talkie.
Thursday afternoon, for the enjoyment of everybody there will be a dual program-a golf tournament at the La Mesa Country Club, La Mesa, at one o'clock with a buftet supper and stag party in the evening, or a visit to the Expositidn where there will be lectures and tours of the C.C.C. exhibit and Tiny Town, a log rolling contest, and dinner, floor show and dancing at the Cafe of the World in the evening.
Business sessions will be held, both morning and afternoon, on Friday when several speakers will address the meeting on current subjects of importance to the dealers. There will be a premiere showing of "Home of the Wooden Soldiers," Red Cedar Shingle Industry talkie, at the afternoon session. In the evening at 7 :fi P.M. the annual banquet, floor show and dance will be held in the Pompeian Room of the Hotel San Diego. The convention program in full is printed elsewhere in this issue.
Through the lumbermen of the San Diego district who have arranged for the Convention program, the City of San Diego extends a cordial welcome to all lumbermen to attend the convention and to visit the California Pacific International Exposition.
V.gabond Editorials
Bv Jack DionneThere'll be "LOTSA" FUN for everyone around here in the next three weeks. Laughs for everyone who likes to fold up his face in a grin.
"LOTSA" FUN is an" ".-" t *, new book of favorite stories that is now in the hands of the printer. It will be ready for delivery between the twentieth and twenty-fifth of this very good month of November.
Three years ago r t,rri"a -i oooo of favorite darkey stories"CULLUD" FUNloose on an unsuspecting world. All I hoped and planned in that book was to give my favorite "nigger" stories to my family and friends. But at the end of three years "CULLUD" FIIN is selling just as steadily as in the beginning. >F**
Encouraged by that success to publish something even broader in the way of laugh-producers, I have been working for a year on another book of stories not confined to the negro dialect. If the world gets as many laughs from reading it as I have in typing and compiling it, it too will be a huge success.
,F :8 rt
Within its covers I have written all of the grand stories I have loved and told during the past generation, save only those darkey stories already printed in "CULLUD" FUN. There are many darkey stories that I have told since I wrote "CULLUD" FUN. And in addition there are Swede stories, Scotch stories, Canadian French (Cannuck) stories, Cajen French (Louisiana) stories, Italian stories, English stories, Hebrew stories, mountain stories, rural stories, political stories, drunk stories, goofy stories, hair-lip stories, stammering stories, and every other sort of story that I have collected and told.
rt wilt be a more *"rrur"lrrir"Ju uoot than "cuLLUD" FUN because of its much greater variety. The best authority on "nigger" stories I know told me that, to his amazement, he found sixty per cent of the stories in "CUILUD" FUN were new to him. I have no doubt that the most gifted and trained story-teller will find fully sixty per cent of the stories in the new book, "LOTSA" FUN, both new and useful.
To me this seems to offer a treasure-chest to public speakers and story-tellers, because I have bought every
promising book of stories I ever had offered me in my life, and I have yet to secure one that gave rne more than one new and worth-while story that I could use. So a book containing hundreds of stories new and useful, or old and wonderful, should be something of an addition to that quantity of the human race that loves to laugh.
"LOTSA" FUN is O"*, n*r*hed in handsome blue and gold cloth binding, all first editions will be autographed, and orders will be filled in the order of their arrival. I expect to sell several thousand for Christmas presents. Wot a Christmas gift to a laugh-loving person ! 'k**
You can send your order now, and the book will be in your hands by the first of December at the latest. The cost is two dollars, post paid. Send the do-re-me. I don't like to send bills. Just send your two bucks to me care of The California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Building, 108 West Sixth St., Los Angeles, Calif., and you'll get the book hot off the press. You can send in the list of friends you want it sent to, and we'll send it with your card and compliments.
It means "LOTSA" FUN to brighten up the winter. I have reason to believe that every person who got "CULLUD' FUN loved it. And I believe you'll love "LOTSA" FUN even more. You'll see ! **rk
That's all about the story book. A friend of mine told me he made a tour through the Los Angeles jail the other day, and on the back of a cell, scratched into the metal with some hard, sharp tool, he saw these words, left by some former inmate: "There'll be days, in here, when you think you just can't stand it. BUT YOU WILL." Some philosopher, that prisoner, whoever he was.
Press reports say afr"a Wifri"rl n"rraotph Hearst, multimillionaire newspaper publisher, is moving his residence from California because of high taxes. No use, Randolph. You cannot dodge'em. Go where you will, they are going to follow and catch up with you. Five years from today, when all the social security philanthropies are in full blast, and when we are beginning to pay the bill for the spending orgy of these days, every man will pay at least fifty cents out of every dollar he earns, FOR TAXES. No
(Continued on Page 8)
"PIace th at RED\X/OOD order with I{AMMOND
Experience indicates the importance of choosing wisely and well when placing orders for Redwood lumber. Flammond fa' cilities, tlammond equipment and the vast stands of Hammond acreage in Redrvood timber, are your assurance that you can always depend on this organi1ation. You rereive the same traditional service whether your order calls for one cll or fifty or more cars of Redwood lumber.
Vagabond Editoriafs
(Continued from Page 6)
earthly doubt about it ! The only doubt is that it will be as low as fifty per cent.
Everywhere -ur, g"tnul,;";", today, they talk taxes. Taxation is the burden of most of the things we read. We debate which forms of taxation we should use to balance the various budgets, state, nation, and even the smaller political sub-divisions everywhere. I'll give you a little bit of advice about that. Quit worrying about WHICH forms of taxation we shall adopt. When these tax bills to pay for our extravagances, our philanthropies, and our necessities begin knocking at the dooq WE ARE GOING TO ADOPT EVERY POSSIBLE FORM OF TAXATION.'
't d< >t
One man says, "I don't want a sales tax; I want some other form of revenue raising." The other man says, ttl prefer a sales tax." I say, "Boys, don't wear out your minds worrying about small matters. When we- begin really paying off you're going to have both of them, and all of them put together. And then we won't have enough revenue to pay off." So why worry?
>k >F ,*
Taxes are things not rnany people understand. That is why you hear so frequently of late the cry, "Tax the rich !" Only the man ignorant of taxation talks of taxing the rich. That we can assess heavy taxes upon the rich, there can be no doubt. And that we can apparently collect those assessed taxes FROM the rich, there is likewise no doubt. But who actually pays them? Ah, my friends! That's something else again' ,k x< >k
My mind goes back to the best address on a general subject of taxation I ever heard. And the high light of that address-the words that stuck indelibly in my mind-was
this: "The rich do NOT pay taxes; they COLLECT them !" And they tell me no man has yet risen wise enough in tax matters to gainsay that declaration. You may tax the rich, indeed. But unless they be strangely dumb, as well as rich, they will simply add that tax to their cost, and pass it along. ***
Strain and struggle as you may to create some tax plan that will operate otherwise; when all the grist has been ground and the books have been balanced, it will be found that every millimeter of tax money finds its way undeniably and definitely through those devious channels that lead as inexorably as fate right to Mr. Consumer-to Mr. Jonesfor it's Jones that pays the tax, as well as the justly famous freight.
So when you go t. aiJ""Jri"i taxation, just keep this thought in the front of your head, and it may guide you in your conclusions: THE CONSUMER PAYS ALL TAXES.
Men with thick skulls and thin brains tear their hair today and cry aloud demanding to know why the cost of living goes up almost daily. And the answer is the same one just given above; THE CONSUMER PAYS ALL TAXES. Multiplied taxation, difficult though it may be to trace, is the reason.the consumer dollar is shrinking, and the food and other costs are swelling.
Sooner or later "*r"o Jr-l oJ" rr..r" spent, every dime we are spending, and every dime we are planning to spend, must be paid in taxes. AND MR. CONSUMER WILL PAY THEM. EVERY DIME OF THEM. So it's no use for Mr. Hearst or anyone else to move from one place to another. The tax man is going to find him, just the same.
M. Vininger Manager and Sole Owner Telephone"Not the cheapest---Just the best"
A populor 4-SOUARE item with Gosl-cutting feotures!
O The big swing in archirecture is back to Colonial -a style that creates and maintains its own market.
]n this market, however, and for some time to come, demand fbr beauty and quality of exterior is tempered by the desire to lower construction costs on the job.
Weyerhaeuser 4-seuARE siding is made for that exact situation. Siding indeed was the first 4-sguer.n item developed, so great was the need for a uniformly good stock that would reach thi job in perfect condition, and then lend itself to the tigbt accurate asrembly required for the exterior.
As the pictures above iliustrate, this is a "pride" item for any retailer or contractor to furnish and firmly fixes in the home on'ner's mind the quality materials that have undoubtedly been furrrished for the balance of the job.
Cost cutting on the job begins at the Weyerhaeuser mill of
origin when the stock is thoroughly seasoned, cut to exact precision lengths, then micrometrically sguared-all of which eliminates much unnecessary end-cutting to provide clean, bright and full square ends to weld in the weather-tight overcoat that siding should provide lor the house.
Cost cutting does not end merely in the time saving or the providing ofa tighter sheath for the exterior.
i-sgvanr siding, properly seasoned and accurateiy joined gives the painter a surlice to cheer about, takes priming and finishing coats that justify the pride of his master brush. And -lgrnsrnlsl this-all this premium quality at ilo ?remium in eort.
So why not use the best!
California Retail Lumbermen's Association Annual Convention
to be held at San Diego, California, November 6th, 7th and 8th, 1935
9:00'A.M.-Registration at Hotel San Diego.
12:00 Noon-Boat Ttip for Lumbermen and Their Ladies, through Harbor, to a Six Million Foot Log Raft-LuncheonBoat leaves Broadway Pier sharply at 12 O'Clock Noon.
l.to P. M.-Tour Through Benson Lumber Company's Saw Mill. This Mill has the Distinction of Being the Only Saw Mill in the World that Bring its Logs in by Raft from the Forest by Ocean to the Mill.
2z3O P. M.-Return Boat Trip to Broadway Pier.
Balance of Afternoon and Evening at America's Exposition-No Set Progtam.
7:30 A.M.-Breakfast Meeting of Redwood Manufacturers and State Lumber Relations Committees at Horcl San Diego.
9:00 A.M.-Open Forum at Hotel San Diego, Conducted by Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles. Preview of Redwood Moving Picture Talkie.
For the Enjoyment of Everybody a Dual Program has been Arranged for the Aftetnoon and Evening as Follows:
La Mesa, Calif.
l:00 P.M.-Golf Tournament.
6:00 P.M.-Buffet Supper
7:30 P.M.--Stag Party.
7 :30 A.M.-Breakfast Meetings.
l:30 P.M.-Lecture and Tour of C.C.C. Exhibit.
3:00 P.M.-Lecture and Tour of Tiny Town.
4:30 P.M.-Log Rolling Contest, Plaza de Pacifico.
6:15 P.M.-Dinner. Dance. Floor Show-Cafe of the World.
l. Directors of California Retail Lumberments Association.
2. Association Secretaries and Managers.
9:00 A.M.-Business Session:
Taxation, Local, State and National-By James Mussatti, Executive Secretary, California Taxpayers Assn. New Costs of Doing Business-By E. C. Parker, Secretary and Treasurer, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles. There will be Open Discussion on the Floor of the Above Subjects.
l2:00 Noon-Luncheon.
1.30 P. M.-Business Session:
Premiere Showing of "Home of the \trilooi"r, Soldiers"-Red Cedar Shingle Industry Talkie. Trade Association Activities-By tt7. W. Woodbridge, Manager Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle.
Title Two of the National Housing Act-By L. R. Gignilliat, Assistant Director, Field Division of Federal Housing Adminisration,'Washington, D.C.
Co-ordination of Local, State and National Association-By I7. C. Bell, Managing Director, Western Retail Lum. berments Association, Seatde.
Merchandising of Building Materials-By George Ream, Kerckhofr-Cuzner Lumber Co., Los Angeles. Report of State Lumber Relations Committee-By Wm. Kendrick, CLairman, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, Calif. Other Reports and Resolutions.
7 :30 P. M.-Banquet-Floor Show-Ball Pompeian Room, Hotel San Diego.
8:00 A.M.-Breakfast Meeting-Directors of California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
George Gorman Enters Wholesale Business in San Francisco
Announcement ls made by George W. Gorman, sales manager for the Hammond Lumber Company at the San Francisco office, that he has resigned his position with the company to go into business on his own account, and that efiective November t he will engage in the wholesale lumber business in San Francisco, handling rail and cargo shipments of West Coast woods, Redwood, Ponderosa and Sugar Pine.
He also announces his appointment as exclusive sales representative for, Northern California for Trans-Pacific Lumber Sales Corporation, of Port Orford, Ore., manufacturers of Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar. This concern has a sarvmill at Port Orford with an S-hour capacity of 125,0@ feet, and also acts as sales agent for several other sarvmills in the vicinity. Their recently opened wharf is 500 feet long, and minimum water depth is 32 feet, giving excellent facilities for rvater shipment.
In addition he will be associated rvith Campbell-N{oore Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., as their California representative, handling rail shipments of West Coast woods and Red Cedar shingles. Mr. Campbell is rvell known to the California retail trade, having been for many years rail sales manager for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Portland.
Mr. Gonnan's rhany friends in the retail, rvholesale and manufacturing branches of the lumber industry will wish him well in his new venture, in rvhich his well rounded experience, both in the Northn'est atrd California, rvill stand him in good stead.
He gained manufacturing and sales experience with the Whitney Lumber Company, of Garibaldi, Oregon, manufacturers of Douglas Fir lumber, K. D. Fir frathes, etc., and spent several years as Northern California sales representative for this firm, u.hich u'as merged with the Hammond Lumber Company in 1927. He later became assistant sales manager for Hammond, and at the passing of Henry Faull some years ago $'as promoted to the position of sales manager.
Having pioneered the use of the airplane in California as a time-saving aid in the sales end of the lumber business, George intends to make extensive use of a private plane in l-ris business in the future.
Your Best and Most Attractive Ad and Useful Noveltv
IVe own and operate the only Yard Stick printery'West of Michigan, shipping our product from Alaska to Mexico and as far East as Iowa.
Where will 2 cents buy as much advertising on a useful household novelty, A REAL TRADE GETTER, whose life is 4 or 1 years, as our Yard Stick?
By placing your order with us you practically eliminate freight charges, thus saving about $4.00 a thousand, the difference between the freight from Oakland to California points and the delivered price from the East.
lazz up your Fall business by the use ol Yard, Sticks. Write lor lull descriptiae price list today.
Wallboard and Panels
is SALES CO. LOS ANGELES OFFICE Dee C. Ersley 539 Petroleum Securitiec Bldg. PRospect 3686
Convention Committees
The lumbermen of the San Diego district, with Orrie W. Hamilton, secretary-manager of the Lumbermen's Service Bureau of San Diego, are arranging for the details of the State retailers' convention to be held at San Diego on November G8, 1935. Harry A. I.ake, president of the California Retail I.umbermen's Association, Garden Grove; Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles; Dee Essley, Elliott Bay Sales Co., Los Angeles, and C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier, met with the committees on October 12 at San Diego to complete the final arrangements of the convention program. The various committees include:
A. B. Cadman, manager, W. P. Fuller Company, .Sarr Diego; E. L. Bullen, president, Homeland Building Co.. National City; Al Frost, proprietor, Frost Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego; W. D. Hall, president, W. D. Hall Co., El Cajon; H. L. Miner, secretary, Whiting-Mead Co., San Diego i W. J. Glasson, president, Glasson Mill & Lumber Co., San Diego; J. D. Johnson, proprietor, National Lumber Co., National City; R. N. Ransom, manager. Ransonr Bros. Lumber Co., Ramona.
Company, San Diego; C. A. Smith, manager, Eabtside Lumber Co., San Diego; W. J. McDermott, proprietor, Miller McDermott Hardwood Co., San Diego.
Harry McGahey, rnanag'er, San Diego Lumber Co., San Diego; Jerry Sullivan, Jr., president, Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego; L. B. Neill, president, La Mesa Lumber Co., La Mesa.
Glen Miner, general rnanager, Whiting-Mead Company, San Diego; Knute (Bud) Rinde, wholesale manager, Benson Lumber Company, San Diego; Frank Meyer. manager, Hillcrest L,umber Company, San Diego.
W. S. (Bill) Cowling, secretary-manager, Dixie Lumber Company, San Diego; George Klicka, vice-president, Klicka Lumber Company, San Diego; George Johnson, manag'er, National Lumber Co., National City; Rex Hall, r'ice-president, W. D. Hall Company, El Cajon.
G. Frank Nolan,
patten Blinn r.uml,er Co., San Diego; I.loyd Russell, president, Centnry Lumber
In an item in the October 15th issue of this paper it u'as stated that George C. Stone is orvner and manager of Boves Springs Lumber Co., Boyes Springs, ancl that he rvas formerly with the El Verano Lumber Co. This is incorrect. as Mr. Stone is formerly of San Francisco, ancl is manager of the yard, which is o'ivned by a. corporation.
A. C. Penberthy, Tacoma I-ttmber Sales. Los Angeles, rvas back at his desk C)ctober 23 fronr a teir-clav trip to mill connections at Tacoma and Willapa Harbor.
Frank Park, president, Park Lumber Co., La Mesa; E. B. Culnan, vice-president, Western Lumber Co., San Diego; Earl McCormick, president, McCormick Lumber Co., San Diego.
Mr. ancl ]'[rs. C. R. Taenzer have retttrned from a rveek's r,isit to San Francisco. While in the Bay clistrict they attended the U.S.C.-California football game at Berkeley, and Mr. Taenzer, 'n'ho is president of the American llardrvood Company, Los Angeles, called on a number of his friends in the lumber business.
Chas. P. Henrl', Chas. R. McCormick i\ngeles, recently visited Phoenix, Ariz., ness.
Lrrn.rber Co., Los on companv busi-
Golf Tournament Hotel San Dieso Will be to be Held at Convention Headquarters
Retailers' Annual Downtown on Broadway, San Diego, close to the business section of this enterprising city, adjacent to theaters and with street car transportation from the door of the Hotel San Diego to the California Pacific International Exposition will make things convenient for the lumbermen, their families ancl friends when they trek to the "Exposition City" for the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association on November 6-8.
One of the highlights of the State Retailers' Convention at San Diego on November G8 will be the golf tournament at the I-a Mesa Country Club, Thursday afternoon, November 7. The tournament 'ivill start at I p.m. A number o{ prizes lvill be awarded to the r,r'inners of the various events. The first prize is a handsome leather zipper bag donated by the U. S. Gypsurn Company. Other prizes u'ill consist rf useful items to every golfer which have been donated by Tacoma Lumber Sales, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., and DolbeerCarson Lumber Co.
In the evening a buffet supper rvill be served and there rvill be an entertainment and various old-fashioned games staged under the direction of Frank Park.
A fee of $2 per person will be charged which includes the cost of green fees, blind bogey fee, locker, supper and everything. The committee is holding down the fee as low as possible which should attract a large crowd to the tournament, The committee states, "We are expecting a big crowd out for the tournament which we hope will be the most successful ever held at a Retailers' Convention, and we can assure all the boys who attend a very h"ppy time."
The committee in charge of the tournament includes : Frank Park, president of the Park Lumber Co., La Mesa; E. B. Culnan, vice president of the Western Lumber Co., San Diego, and Earl McCormick, president of the McCormick Lumber Co., San Diego.
Hotel San Diego will be the Convention headquarters. It is an attractive and home-like l-rostelry and those attend-
Hotel San Diego ing the Convention will be charged a modest rate for accommodations. Within the hotel structure one will find conveniences such as dining room, coffee shop, cocktail lounge, valet service, barber shop and numerous committee roorns for small or large. gatherings for Convention purposes.
Robert Foehl, genial host ancl manager of the l.rotel, has assurecl the Committee arranging for the Convention that San Diego Exposition officials are making special preparations for the lumbermen attending the Conventior.r; special events will be programmed for their entertainrnent and that the personnel of the Hotel will endeavor to add to the pleasures of the Convention by providing its guests r,vith comfortable quarters and efficient service.
Mr. and Ntrs. Eli Destruel of Santa Rosa are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl on October 18. Mr. Destruel is associated n'ith Mead Clark. retail lumber dealer. Santa Rosa.
Hoeam LumEER @@"
2rd & Alice So" OAKLAND Gleacourt 6861
Bv Jock Dionne
Ag" not guaranteed---Some I have
for 20 years---Some less
No Date Set, So \(/hv \(/orry?
Lots of Southern negroes drink themselves into an early grave with booze made out of denatured alcohol. They generally call it "Nacha alcohol." A certain colored turned up sick one day, and his boss said to hrn't) have you been drinking that denatured a Mose said: "Yassuh."
19?6 Redwood Calendar Ready
The Redwood Calendar for 1936 is now off the press, and the publisher, James D. McClure, l40l Santa Clara Ave., Alameda, Calif., is booking orders {or immediate delivery.
The calendar has a complete new setup both front and back. In addition to a beautiful ne'iv series of Redwood forest pictures on the front, the back of the sheets contains a lot of good information for prospective homeowners.
The boss Mose, I sent you to the doctor last ilrank it, and he told you it would kill you, didn't
Mose said: "Yassuh, de doctuh said hit would kill me, BUT HE NEVAH SAID WHEN.''
Represents Redwood Shingle Mill
John Olson, wholesale lumber dealer, been appointed exclusive representative fornia for N. P. Burgesq, manufacturer of and shakes, Weott, Humboldt County.
Los Angeles, has in Southern CaliRedwood shingles
Cecil Whiteside has been appointed manager of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. lumber store at Alhambra, taking over his new position on October 1. He was formerly with the Hammond Lumber Company.
Deep River Logging Co., with offices in the Yeon Building, Portland, has leased the Knappton Mill at Knappton, Wash. P. H. Fortune, rvho has handled the sales of this mill for some time, is sales manager.
W. E. Hall of Phoenix has purchased the entire interest of the Baskett Lumber Co. at Phoenix, Ariz. James P. Gibson of Phoenix, formerly Arizona representative of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., will manage the yard.
For Lurnber Merchants Lie in Reilly Transparent Penetrqting Creosote
The Peterson Lumber & Finance Co. of San Diego sold the Reilly Transparent Penetrating Creosote used to treat the wood in the Bing Crosby residence at Rancho Santa Fe. fncrease your markets by selling protection for wood against termites, beetles and decay. Reilly Transparent Penetrating Creosote is the ideal protective agent. V/ood treated with it is paintable and practically unchanged in color. Reilly Transparent Penetrating Creosote presents no health hazardo is easily applied and has no unpleasant odor. It makes possible the use of lumber in many places whete structural pest danger
prohibits th" employlent of untreated wood. Stocks at important Pacific Coast centers in one, five and 55 gallon containers. Also available in pressure treated lumber. Vrite us for prices and literature.
Architects Building, Los Angeles Central Building, Seattle
Yard Sticks Make Economical Advertising Novelty
In their advertisement on another page of this issue Boorman Lumber Company, Oakland, operating the only yard stick printery West of Michigan, asks the question, "Where will two cents buy as much advertising on a household novelty, a real trade getter, whose life is four or five years, as our yard stick?"
They also point out that dealers buying this advertising novelty for distribution to their customers save $4.00 per 1,000, the difference between freight from Oakland to California points and the delivered price from the East.
More than 6,000 cartons, containing a total of 3,000,000 yard sticks, rulers, and paint paddles, have been shipped from their factory in Oakland, says B. J. Boorman, president of Boorman Lumber Company. "These have been distributed from Alaska to Mexico, as far East as Iowa, and to the fslands," he states.
The yard sticks are kiln dried to just the right moisture content and printed in the company's up-to-date factory at 10035 East 14th Street, Oakland. They are made from both Port Orford Cedar and California Sugar Pine. Valve stem holders, for use by garages in valve grinding. are made with a three-foot measure from pencil Cedar.
Mr. Boorman, who is sponsor of Scout Troop 59, Oakland, recently distributed souvenir yard sticks to each member of the troop. The souvenir sticks have the names of all the members printed on them.
Appointed Exclusive Southern California Representatives
The Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. of Los Angeles have been appointed exclusive Southern California representatives for the Moore Mill & Lumber Co. of Bandon, Oregon. The Moore Mill & Lumber Co., long established sawmill operators in the Southern Oregon district, manufacture Douglas Fir, specializingin constructural grades and heavy timbers.
They ship by water exclusively on their own vessel, S.S. Alvarado, and the S.S. Lawrence Philips rvhich is owned and operated by the Lawrence-Philips Steamship Co.
Represents Oalcland Firm
Pyramid Lumber Sales Company, Oakland, is now represented in the Valley territory from Fresno to Chico, and in the Coast territory from Healdsburg to Salinas by Ray R, Howells.
Chris M. Wininger, owner and manager of Pyramid Lumber Sales Company, established this concern two years ago. and the business has shown a steady growth. Mr. Wininger was general purchasing agent for the Red River Lumber Company, with headquarters at San Francisco, lor 72 years, before he went into business for himself.
J. A. Brush, Brush Industrial Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was recently in San Francisco on a business trip.
All the progress of men and nations is based upon sacredness of contracts.-C. W. Barron.
Panics do not teach logic.-A. B.
The fellow who sits still and ver be told to do big things. wab.
's what we learn after think we Martin.
country s is a share-the-brains plan.-
uhar. ; he is told, will know it all, that what this Anonymous.
f know a little shop that sells A bit of everything; Candles and tea and cardmels, China, and eggs, and string; If cake and ham are rather close, . And cheese and onions meet, I f It doesn't matter, I supPose, / For dear me, everybody knows I 1/ That all are good to eat.
I like the smell when I go in, Of apples, flour, and spice, Coffee and lard and paraffin, It's really very nice.
And often when I'm there and see Each gaily colored shelf, Loaded with things for folks like me, I think how jolty it would be ro have Tl'o,:"ffi''i.,"-r.u.
A visitor threw a nickel into the blind man's cup. He missed the. shot, and the nickel rolled along the sidewalk. Quickly the man in the dark glasses ran after it and picked it up. Said the giver:
"But I thought you were blind."
Said the other: "No, I'm not the regular blind man. I'm just taking his place while he goes to a movie."
.:T" -*"..euv sayyt46t " ::1n ceed in any line oJs'6ysiness. No dou poker player fhoula he waste time in business?
"But, your flonor, I was not
"Then explain why this officer you climbing a lamp post."
"Because, judge, a couple ing me around, and I escape them."
crocodiles had,-b{en f ollow|a \uf,2il(dthe post and
An American was escorting an Englishman about Boston, showing him the sights of interest, and they finally came to Bunker Hill.
"Here," said the American, "is where Warren fell."
"My word," said the Englishman, "was he seriously hurt by the fall?"
"Hurt?" said the American. "He was killed."
"Indeed?" said the Englishman. "Well, I should think he might. That is really quite a distance to tumble."
East Bay Club Hears "Stub" Allison GET YOUR SHARE OF THE
Head football coach
L. B. "Stub" Allison of University of California spoke before the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club at their regular monthly dinner meeting held at Hotel Coit, Oakland, Monday evening, October 21. His subject, "Football from the 50 Yard Line," was very interesting, and his talk was thoroughly enjoyed. He told a number of humorous incidents of his coaching experience and answered questions at the conclusion of his Gord,on D. pierce talk'
President, East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club president GOrdon D. Pierce, of the Boorman Lumber Company, Oakland, presided over a gathering of more than 60 lumbermen, and started off with an old fashioned roll call, imposing fines here and there for infra,ctions of the rules.
Professor Fritz, associate professor of forestry, lJniversity of California, gave a brief talk on ,,Water in Wood," and also outlined the series of short talks he will give in the course of the year.
Howard Gunton, MacDonald & Harrihgton, and lfenry Meyer, Oakland Lumber Co., won two tickets for the U.S. C.-California game that were raffled after dinner.
Entertainment chairman Earle Johnson has made a good start, and promises a series of interesting speakers in the coming months.
In keeping with the spirit of the times Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company have recently modernized and enlarged their offices in the Merchants Exchange Building, San Francisco.
Al Stangor has been appointed manager of the Clearwater Lumber Co. yard at Clearwater. He formerly operated the yard as the Stangor Lumber Co., selling out to the Central Lumber Co. of Compton over a year ago, and since that time was with the Williams Lumber Co. at Hynes.
C. V. Small has purchased the Lancaster-Pioneer Lumber Co. yard at Lancaster. He will operate the yard under the name of the Lancaster Lumber Co.
E. G. Davis, Coos Bay Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back on his territory after spending a few days at the company,s mill at Marshfield, Ore.
With the gratiflng increase in building and modernizing, the Celotex dealer is in the fortunate position of having a product alteedy widely used and favorably known as the ided four-purpoce material.
Since Celotex has demonstrated its outstanding advantages as insulation, as a building materiall as interior finish and as a so'r.d quieting matedal, Celotex dealers olfer their contractors and customers a product that servee both the riew home builder and the owner of old property.
Moreover, the long list of Celotex Products that cover both the new building and remodeligg fields, city and rural, placec the Celotex dealer squarely in the way of profitable business in these gpriling markets.
There's money in Celotex-dealers are experiencing that evety dry. Are you getting your share?
Talk with your Celotex representative and let him show you how to increase your business with Celotex. Or, write direct
o C,elotex Building Board
o C.elotex fnterior Finirh
o C,eloter Lath
o Celotex Sheathing Board
o Celotex Finilh PlanL
o Celotex Tile Board
o Celotex Hard Board
o Celotex Panel Board
o C,elotex Tempered Hard Tilc
Lumber and Shipping
7th Floor, Alarka-Commerciel Bldg.
310 Senro,nre Strcct
San Franciro
American Mill Co.
Hoquiem Lumbcr & Shi4lc Co.
Hulbert Mill Co. ,-
Willepr Harbor Lumber Milb
Senitrm Trini&d
Brrbrre Cetcr
Dorothy Crhill
Bdnl Chrirtcnron
. Aberdcen, Werh. Hoquiam, !7erh.
. Abcrdeen, \Perh. Raymond, Voh.
Janc Chrirtcnron
Annic Chrirtearon
Edwin Chrirtcnron
Crthcrinc G. Suddcl
Blcenor Chrirtcnron
Chrrlcr Chrirtcnron
Branch Olficet
630 Board of Tnde Buitding
N*iolel Bul of C.ornnorcc Bldg.
2OOHraty Bldr;
"R"d" Grimes Returns To
S.n Joaquin Valley
"Ret' Grimes belore he moued to Hollywood, "Red" Grimes, popular Palco salesman, has been transferred by The Pacific Lumber Company from their Los Angeles of6ce to his old stamping ground in the San Joaquin Valley.
Just in case some of his old friends of the Valley might have forgotten what "Red" looks like, we are running his photograph so they rvill all be able to recognize him rvhen they see him again.
Myron Bird, president of the California Saw Works, San Francisco, recently attended the Machine Tool Shon' at Cleveland, Ohio, and follorving his return paid a visit to the company's Southern California branch, rvhich is in charge of G. Irving Fischer, vice presitlent.
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, was back in his office October 21 from a ten-day business trip to Portland and Seattle.
L. C. Cotner, president of the Timbercraft Shingle Corporation, Los Angeles, has returned from a trip to the company's plant at Milwaukee, Ore. This is the largest Red Cedar shake mill in the United States.
Milton Koll, A. J. Koll Planing i\Iill, Los Angeles, is back from a most enjoyable nine tveeks' tottr of the East accompanied by his wi{e and three children.
They traveled with a specially built house trailer attached to the back of their car. The house car is fitted up with all the comforts of an up-to-date home, and is most compact with its refrigerator, four sleeping berths, folding breakfast nook, drawers, etc.
They drove to Chicago over the Lincoln Highway, spent a week at Aurora, Ill., Mrs. Koll's former home, and had a week's fishing and swimming at Kelly Lake, Wis. From there they went on to Boston and Nerv York, and returned to the Pacific Coast by rvay of Washington, D. C'
Chamberlin & Co., W. R.' 9th Fl6r. Fife Bldg. .'..'.......DOuglas 5470
Dolber & Cmm Lumber Co., ?3o Mmhets Excbange Bldg.'...'.Sutter 7456
Hall, Jme L, ,..........'.., 1026 Mills Bldg. ...................Sutter l3ts
Humond & Little River Redwod Co310 Sansome St. .DOuglu 33tt
Holmes Eureka Lmber Co'.
lg0i Finrncial Center Bldg.......GArfield rtzl
C. D, Johpn Lumbq Co.,
260 Califomia Stret. , .GArfield 6Z5lt
Looo Lmber Comtnny, FL of tetb St,....................EXbrmk 1{Bl
MacDonald & Haningtm Ltd.'
16 Cdilrnia Strett. .GArfield E39t
McQimick, Chac. R., Lmber Co.,
4!l Maiket Stret..............'...DOuglaa 2561
Mom Mill & Lumber Co-
925 Marlret Str6t ...'..........'.EXbrok Cl?!
Pacific Lmber Co.- The l|tr Bush Stret...,......,.........GArfield lltl
Red River Lumber Co., 315 Moudrrak BtdS...............GArfreld 0022
Santa Fe Lumber Co16 Califonia Street... ..,...KEamy 2074
Schafer Bre. Lumber & Shingle Co., l20E Fife Bldg.. ,.,. .......Sutter UZI
Sbevlin Pine Sates Co,, l03ll Monadnck BldC. .,.........KEmy 7041
Sudden & Cbristenson, 310 Sanlma Street.....,,.........GArfield 2t16
Trcwer Lumber Co., ll0 Market Stre€t.......,..,.........Sutter 0426
Union Lumber Co., Crockc Building ..Sutter 6U0
Wendling-Nathan Co., ll0 Market Street .,.,..,...........Sutter sadt
E. K. Wood Lumber Co., I Drom Street.............,......KEamy 37lC
Hill & Mortoq Inc.' Dcrnison SL Wharf ......'......A'Ndda f0n
Hocau Lub€r ConPenY' -2nd & Alie Strct!....'.... ....GLencanrt ltll
Pvrmid Lumber Salec Co- 415 Pcific Building '.......Gl*ucart tr3
E. K. W6d Lumber Co.. Fre&rick & Kln! Stc.......,'.'..Fruitvelc lll2
Weyerhaeusa Sales Co. f ,|| Califmia Streei.....,.,...... .GArfield EgZl
Forsyth Hardwood Co., 355 Bayshce Blvd.,...,..........ATwater 0l5t
Buckley Lumber Dealers' Supply Company, lll Sutter Building.........,.,......Sutter 0908
Niolai Dw Saler Cc, il$ ftth Street ...,................Mlssion 7920
Oregon-Washington Plywmd Co., 55 New Mmtgomery Street..,....GArfield ?06!
Wheler-Orgod Sales Corpontion, 30{5 r9th St. ..............,......,VAlencia 2241
Hall, Jamec L.. ......,...,,... 1026 Milb B:ds. .Sutt€r 13t5
McComic}, Chas. R., Lumber Co., l5l Mrrkrt Stret..................DOu3!ae 256t
EUott Bat Saler Co., lt24 Brodvry ..Hlgatc ?llt
Cditmir Buil&n Supply Co, tOf 2lth Avcnue ........,.........ANdov.r Ulf
lf,fect n Dc & Suh Co, 5th & Cyprcs Sti ...........,..LAkaidc t{0|
Bookrtavcr-Burna Lumber Co.
550 Cbamber of Comerce Bldg...PRosD€ct O3l
Chambcrlin & Co', W. R., - irr lVest Ninib St...'..............TUcker l4tl
Dolbeer & Canon Lumbs Co.'
l2l Sbcll Buildirs.. '.. ' ....VAndike t7!2
Hmmod & Little River Redwood Co.'
10itl So. Bmdway ....'..'.......PRGFct OSt
Hemminga, 'E. W.
35s? 3;. Hill St. ....., .Rlchmond z25l
Holner Eureka Lmber Co.,
7ll-?12 Architctr B1d8.,...'.....MUtual tltl
Hryq. A. L.
?O 'So. Ia'Brca Ave. ,.. '. '.... ..YOrk ll6t
C. D. Johnm Lumber Co.,
501 Petrcleum Securities Bldgl....PRcped 1166
Iawrence-Philips Lumber Co.
Slit Petroleum Securtties ' Bldg..,PRospect OZt
MrDodd & Bergstrom, lnc.,
?3it Petroleu Securities Bldg...PRcpect Tltl
MacDmld & Hanington, Ltd-,
54? PetrcleuE Seoritiea Bl&....PRcpest Itf
McCmlck, Cbu. R., Lumber Co.-
lu w;t $h sL'..............'....TRinity 524r
Pacific Lunbcr Co, Itc
70 !'a La Bu Ave. ,,..............YOrk U|tt
Patten-Blinn hmber Co-
52r E. sth St. ....................VArdike A2r
Red Rlver Luber Co, ?lP E. Slaw ,CEntury 290?l
Suta Fe Luber Co., 3ll Firocial Centcr Bldg.......VAndi}e l4?l
Scbafer Brc. Lumber & Shingl€ Co., lZZa lV. M. Garland Bldg.........TRinity lz?l
Shevlin Pine Sales Co-
32E Petrclem Securities Bldg. PRcpect 0615
Sudden & Christenson, 630 Bcerd of Tnde Bldg. .,., ..TRirrity ttl{
Union Lunber Co.
923 W. M. Garjud Bldg,..........TRintty ZA2
Wendling.Natf,an Co., 7|l0 SG k Brea Are. .,,..,.......,YOrk ll6E
E. K. Wood Lumber Co, 47U Santa Fo Ave. ..........,...JEfreno Slll
Weyerhaeusc Salec Co., tl! Patroleu Seoritla Bldg...PRcFct i$e
McCmick, Chu. R., Luber Co., tU W.st ,th St. ..,,....,,......TRhlty 52|r
Reilly Tar & Chcmiol Crp. tif w. Fifth st""et...L.......,...Murud !s
Stantc, E. J., & Sur, 2050 Est tttb Strut.. ..CEntury 2l2ll
Buclrley Lmba Dealers' Supply Co., 539 Petroleun Securitle Bldg..,.PRepect 5Eit
Califmia Parcl & Vemcr Co., t55 So Alame& St.................TRinity 045?
Elliott Bay Sales C-EOl Petrclm Seqritieg Bldg...PRospect 30tC
Kchl, Jnc V/.. & Sru, 052 So Myen St. ...,............ANgelurtltl
Oregon-Washington Plywood Co,, 3lt West Ninth Strete ..,.......,..TUckcr l€l
Pacific Mutual DG Co., CApitol ?!06 1126 Wstmiutcr Ave. (Alhubn)
Red River Lumber Co702 E. Slauco ..CEntury ,ftl
Wheeler-Osgood Sala Ccpontion, zl53 Sacmento SL ...TUcLcr rOSl
Ten of The
Years Aso Today
From the Files California Lumber Merchont, November 1, 1925
A photograph of a Douglas fir tirnber, 2A h. by 22 in. and 114 feet in length, to be .used in repairing one of the arms on the Dutch Windmill in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, appears in this issue. The timber was furrtished to the Park Commission through, J. H. McCallum, San Francisco retailer. The timber weighed 14,630 pounds. It was transported by truck from the dock to the Park and created considerable interest when passing through the downtown streets. The timber came from the Ostrander Railway & Timber Co., Ostrander, Wash., and was brought down from the Northwest on the S.S. Multnomah.
There is a three-page article on the Long-Bell operations at Weed, Calif., showing illustrations of their sawmill and logging operations and photographs of the "men behind the gun," W. P. Sexton, general superintendent, C. W. Murphy, logging superintendent, and J. M. White, general manager'
* ,F *
At the regular monthly meeting held at Tacoma, October 16. the West Coast Lumbermen's Association decided to conduct a national advertising campaign,costing $475,0@ a year and extending over a three-year period for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the entire country the advantages of Pacific Coast lumber and forest products. rF>F*
Harvey Isenhower has joined the sales force of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co. and will represent the company in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley districts.
tF tl. *
Lounsberry & Harris, Los Angeles retailers, are supplying the lumber for the foundation, walls and roof of a new stage being constructed by one of the large Hollywood moving picture studios.
There is an article o" 'L.]r.i flelps" developed by the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation of Los Angeles. A photograph of one of their Road Signs is shown.
Frank F. Minard, general manager of the C. S. Pierce Lumber Co., Fresno, announces they will move to their new location about January 1. ***
"Insect Powder for the Big Volume Bug" is a letter by Sam T. Hayward, vice president and general manager of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. of Los Angeles to their yard managers. *rki<
"The Advertising of Retail Lumber Dealers" is an article by E. M. Howard, manager of the Tulare County Lumber Co. of Visalia. ***
Howard C. Clark, well known California lumberman, discusses the use of Hemlock in the California market. **{<
Harry E. Officer hap joined the sales organization of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. with headquarters in their San Francisco office. He has been connected with the lumber business at Portland, Ore., for the past several years but prior to his going to the Northwest he was associated with the lumber industry in California for many years, calling on the retail trade in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley territories.
:1. :B *
The S. E. Tingley Lumber Co. at Tusti.n has been sold to the Whitson Lumber Company of Santa Ana.
At the Odd Fellows convention held at Eureka on October 15, George Good, Northern California retailer, was selected to head the organization during the coming year when he was elected Grand Patriarch. ***
The Larkspur Lumber Co., pigneer retail lumber dealers of Marin County, are now located in their new yard at Larkspur which is a modern and up-to-date plant. A pho. tograph shows their new office.
Pine Sales Gompany
Hollywood Door Plant Expands
F. G. Hanson. West Coast Screen Company, Los Angeles, has returned from a business trip to the Klamath Falls, Ore., district, and San Francisco. In the latter city he visited the Nicolai Door Sales Company, Northern California sales representatives for the Hollywood combination screen and metal sash door, manufactured by his firm.
Mr. Hanson says the growing sales of the Hollywood Door have made necessary the expansion of their plant at 1145 East 63rd Street. Los Angeles.
The door, constructed of Ponderosa Pine with moisture-proof Pine or Fir panels, may be had with either galvanized or bronze screen. The metal sash moves in a galvanized. track and is adjustable to eight positions, thus affording both ventilation and health protection in all weathers.
The upper illustration shows the removable sash, and the lower picture shows the pullman-type sash lowered into the pocket at center position.
Don R. Philips, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., will return on November 2 f.rom a five weeks' vacation trip in the East where he visited Chicago, Detroit, New York City, Boston and Washington, D. C. He will return on the S.S. Virginia through the Panama Canal and while en route will make stops at Havana and Panama.
John Klass, of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Frangisco, returned October 23 f.rom an extended trip to the Eastern States, where he was engaged in field work for Palco Bark Insulation. He made his headquarters at the company's Chicago office.
Arlo D. Squires, Southern California representative of the Clover Valley Lumber Co,, Loyalton, Calif., and the Quincy Lumber Co., Quincy, Calif., has returned from a business trip to the Arizona and New Mexico territory. He reports that he found conditions considerably improved.
Miland Grant, Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, returned recently from a successful deer hunting trip in Modoc County. He reports having had an enjoyable time, and his friends say the venison was fine.
R. R. Chaffee, formerly Eastern representative of the California Redrvood Association. and now with the United States Forest Service, was a recent caller at the offices of the Association in San Francisco.
Booth-Kclly Douglar Fir, ttrc Argociation gradc and trade mark certifu to your curtomerr drc quality of the stock you handlc. Buildcrr quit guecsing about what they're buying, and buy wherc tficy know what drcy'rc getting.
Ratc---32.50 Pet Column Inch. Min:mum Ad One-Half Inch.
Salesman wanted by one of the oldest established wholesale firms in California. Wholesale selling experience not absolutely essential. In writing give full details as to past experience, etc. Address Box C-574, California Lumber Merchant.
Experien,ced stenographic and bookkeeper desires position. Fully qualified in estimating lumber and in all branches of general office work. Address Box C-573, California Lumber Merchant.
Place wanted by office. Not afraid rounding territory. ber Merchant.
experienced lumberman, either yard or of work-prefer Los Angeles or surAddress Box C-569, California Lum-
We can offer some yard sites with sheds, offices and racks, but without sto.ck or equipment, on attractive terms. In addition we have some good buys in going lumber yards. Twohy Lumber Company, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club Lumber Dealers Receive Palco Bark Holdg October Meeting at Scotia Sales Promotional Folder
At the invitation of The Pacific Lumber Cornpany members of the Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club held their monthly meeting at Scotia on Saturday, October 12.
E. E. Yoder, resident manag'er of the company, welcomed the members at dinner. Mead Clark, the club's president, turned over the duties of presiding at the meeting to P. J. Rutledge, manager of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, E,ureka.
Attendance of members was practically 10O per cent, the only absentee being Andrew McNair of McKinnon-McNair Lumber Co., St. Helena, who was attending a meeting of the Redwood Empire Association, of which he is a director, at Holbert Lake.
Those present were: Mead Clark, Santa Rosa; Henry Laws and Steve Yeager, Henry Laws Co., Santa Rosa; E. J. Striepeke, Sterling Lumber Co., Santa Rosa; M. M. Daubin, Sterling Lumber Col, Petaluma; Delmar Travis, The Diamond Match Co., Petaluma; Jack Cavanagh, Cavanagh Lumber & Mill Co., Petaluma; Oscar Messersmith, Sterling Lumber Co., Penngrove; R. B. Stevens, A. F. Stevens Lumber Co., Healdsburg; L. D. Gilbert and Fred Miller, Healdsburg Lumber Co., Healdsburg; W. Adler, I. C. Nelson and Dale Farrell, Sonoma Mill & Lumber Co., Sonoma; Roy Klinker, Henry Hess Co., Sebastapol; Charles Garrison, Two Rock Commercial Co., Two Rock; Jim Clark, Calistoga Lumber Co., Calistoga; Abel Jackson, G. V. Weller, and John W. Schlosser, IJnion Lumber Co., Fort Bragg; George Stone, Boyes Springs Lumber Co., Boyes Springs; Lloyd Bittenbender, Ukiah; E. H. Shimmins, Ukiah Farmers' Club, Ukiah; George Heywards, Willits Lumber Co., Willits; I. L. Walker, California Lumbermen's Council, San Francisco; L. W. Blinn III and Jack Lauden, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco; J. W. Crowe, Calwear-Smith .Co., San Francisco, and C. E. De Camp, Caspar Lumber Co., San Francisco.
Lumber dealers who handle Palco Bark are receiving this week a new sales promotional piece in shape of an illustrated folder describing this California product for home insulation.
While Palco Bark has for some time been receiving wide acceptance by refrigeration engineers for insulating cold storage warehouses and commercial refrigerators, it is only recently that its advantages as a house insulation have become recognized,.
The new folder points out basic reasons {or the rapidly growing demand for insulation. It also describes the advantages of Palco Bark for meeting this demand.
The folder brings out the fact that Palco Bark is ideal for retail lumber dealers to handle as it is a product of the forest and can be shipped in pool cars with lumber.
Several hundred lumber dealers on the coast have already added Palco Bark to their regular line and the majority of them are enjoying a very satisfactory turnover, according to Edric E. Brown, manager of Palco Bark Division of The Pacific Lumber Company.
Percy Merithew, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los was a recent Arizona visitor where he spent a few company business.
Angeles, days on
Bob Estes has bought the Associated Oil Co. station at Third Street and Serrano Ave., Los Angeles, where he will be glad to fix up his lumbermen friends with their automobile wants. Bob is well known in Los Angeles lumber circles and is a son of the late Cliff Estes who was associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles for many years.
\ "Red" Wood I scys.'
Union Lumber Company
"Big Shots" and "Old Timerst' in Your Teritory are Probably Using
PortOrford Oedar
Considering alternate wet and dry and other conditionc,.NOTHING IS AS SERVICEABLE fnvestigate in Your Vicinity
Smith \(/ood-Products, Inc.
Largert Producers of Band Sawn Pot Orford Cedar Also Producerc of .Douglac Fir COQUILLE, OREGON
California Sales Agentc:
tozo Mills Bldg., SAN FRANCISCO. SUtter 1385
Request out boollet and ramplea No Charge
G. D. Johnson Lumber Go.
Sott Old Growth Te[ow lDougtar Ftr and gltks Spruce
Mills-Toledo, Oregon Capacity 47 M pet hour, largest in Oregon, of combined kiln-dried and green lumber. Over 50 years' supply virgin timber.
Cargo and Rail Shipments-Veekly sailings to California ports-Packaged lumbet, stowed even lengths and widths -Shipments made as promised.
! Wholesale trade solicited-Let I t ,r haoe your inquiries. f
fmmediate teletype service between branch ofrces, head ofrce and mills available at all times peraining to customerst orders and shipments.
"Hope to see you all at the Convention in San Diego, Novernber 6-7-8.
Best wishes for a successful rneeting."
Quality-economy starts from the Tree
"You can mahe pooi lumba out of gooil trees bul gou can't mahe gooil lumber oul of poor lrees."
-PaulRed River ("Paul Brmyan'r") product comcr from rtands of carefully rclected "California Pine" (eoft ponderora) and SWar Pine (brgeet true white pine). In this region pine reacher perfection in texture and rize.
Paul Brmyan pinec are noted for roff uniform texture, fight weight and bright color. These tree-propertier reduce the conlrmertr worting-qr cocte. Ttey cut earily, with or aciosr the grair"" by saw, edged'toolr or cutter-head. Paintins or enamelling is done at lower co*, producing finisher of the finect cudity.
Dealen profit by offering their uade the rtock rtrat yieldr money-raving economiel. Satirfied consurnen build good will and bring in repeat bruinelr.
"Produccrr of Whitc Pinc for Threc Gcncretionr"