ARTICLE 49 PART TIME OFFICER AND PART TIME SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER Section 1. The Part Time Officer program’s goal is to continue to provide the City of Coral Springs with professional law enforcement services through the effective and efficient use of all available resources. While the Part Time Officers can be used in any law enforcement capacity, it is not the intention of the program to replace full-time positions, nor to provide the same level of wages, benefits or conditions of employment as are provided to full-time sworn personnel. Funding of the Part Time Officer program is at the sole discretion of the City. Sworn personnel hired to the Part Time Officer Program are at-will employees of the City and will be paid an hourly rate of pay with no additional monetary benefits. At the sole discretion of the City, Part time Officers may be provided a take home vehicle consistent with General Order 48 Section 2. The Part Time School Resource Officer Program’s goal is to continue to provide the City of Coral Springs with professional (“SRO”) law enforcement services through the effective and efficient use of all available resources. The Part Time School Resource Officers can be used to supplement full-time SRO positions. They shall not be used to replace existing full-time positions, nor to provide the same level of wages, benefits or conditions of employment as are provided to full-time sworn personnel. Funding of the Part Time School Resource Officer program is at the sole discretion of the City. Sworn personnel hired to the Part Time School Resource Officer Program are at-will employees of the City and will be paid an hourly rate of pay and may have additional monetary benefits as determined by the City. At the sole discretion of the City, Part time School Resource Officers may be provided a take home vehicle consistent with General Order 48. Part Time SROs will be awarded sixteen (16) wellbeing hours on the first pay period after the first day of school. All wellbeing hours must be used before the pay period that includes the last day of school. All unused wellbeing hours shall be reset to zero (0) on the last day of school. Wellbeing hours shall not be available for any cash out, conversion, or any other incentive. The first day and last day of school is determined by Broward County School District. Section 3. Except as may otherwise be provided for within this Article, the following articles of the CBA have no application to the personnel hired to the Part time Officer Program: 13,14 (except for Section 4),16,17 (except as provided in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article), 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 (except for benefits that may be required by federal law), 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 39, 45, 47 and 48. To the extent not governed by this CBA, Part Time Officers and SROs shall have the same benefits available to them that are otherwise provided to non-bargaining unit part-time employees of the City. Additionally, Part time Officers and Part time SROs may be granted bereavement leave in accordance with City policy, at the discretion of the Chief of Police. Section 4. Part time Officers and Part time SRO’S shall not be counted towards minimum staffing levels and shall not be used to fill vacant overtime detail positions for full-time members. Part time Officers and Part time SRO’s may work an off-duty detail only if: (1) the detail start time is within 72 hours and the City has made a reasonable good faith effort to staff the detail by a full time member, and a full time member has not