ARTICLE 29 Off-Shift Employment A. Police officers performing off-shift police services shall comply with all Department Directives concerning uniform standards, personal appearance and conduct. B. While assigned to off-shift police service, officers shall only carry their authorized onduty weapon. C. Police officers performing off-shift police services who fail to meet their obligations, may be relieved from the assignment after documentation of their actions. D. Police officers who are relieved from duty pending an investigation, administrative action, or as a result of disciplinary action, shall not perform off-shift police services. An officer on light duty status or completing the Field Training Officer Program shall not be permitted to accept off-shift police assignments. E. If any Police Department supervisor determines that an officer is unfit for duty because the officer has worked too many off-shift police details, that supervisor shall submit, in writing, to the Police Chief through the chain of command, the substantiating facts and specific instances of conduct which render the officer unfit for duty. The Chief of Police, after reviewing the information, may, if he deems it necessary, prohibit the officer from working off-shift police services for any period of time he feels is required. F. Officers shall work off-shift police services with the explicit understanding that they are subject to emergency recall to on-duty status. G. It shall be the responsibility of each officer to report all off-shift employment income to the appropriate government agencies. H. It shall be the responsibility of each member to prepare any activity logs, reports, and/or memos required by the permit holder, and as indicated on the detail slip furnished by the detail office. Required activity logs, reports, signed detail slips and/or memos shall be submitted to the detail office within 72 hours in the format required by the detail office. Members who accept a detail from another member shall furnish the necessary paperwork to the Special Detail Officer within 72 hours after the detail has been worked. I. Officers may not leave their detail site for personal breaks during details lasting four hours or less. For details lasting longer than four hours officers may leave their detail site for a personal break not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes, when necessary, after advising dispatch, and with supervisory approval. Breaks taken away from the detail site must be taken at a location as close to the detail site as possible. No break shall be taken during the first and/or last hour of service. J. The following disciplinary action shall be taken for tardiness, failure to prepare required paperwork, unauthorized breaks, failure to report to a detail and leaving a detail without proper authorization or relief.