Development news 3/2020

Page 21

06-29 mipim 2020_Layout 1 28.02.2020 14:14 Stránka 21

téma / topic MIPIM 2020


The complex is designed in such a way as to allow the organizing of sports as well as cultural events, for instance concerts. The architectural design, amongst others, includes a massive staircase and grassed area on the roof, which will be permanently open to the general public. Indoor premises will offer aerobic, gymnastic and fitness halls, a hall for ball sports, a running track and a climbing and boulder wall. Outdoor areas will allow for a work-out zone, ball sports ground and an athletics track. The project also includes facilities for scientists – a sleep, biomechanics and physiological laboratory, a laboratory with magnetic resonance and sonograph and a laboratory for the analysis of an organism’s functional state. Last but not least, there will be a lecture room and facilities for the Department of Human Movement Studies. Everything that is to be established there is to be fully exploitable for the gen-

eral public. People will be able to enjoy a run on a professional surface and can also become part of research. NOVÉ LAUBY: MODERN AND ECOLOGICAL RENTAL HOUSING

The Nové Lauby project comprises a block of eight interconnected modern buildings with 85 urban rental apartments, which is situated in the historical development near to the Old Town Hall. The project also includes retail premises, an above-standard number of parking places for residents as well as the general public and a private atrium within the inner block intended for future tenants. The whole project is designed as a modern ecological building with green roof and almost zero consumption – the building is fitted with technologies that reduce heat and drinking water consumption and capture rainwater. “We were preparing a project of apartments for the middle class. Their structure is very versatile but some 40% comprise apartments with a layout of one-bedroom + kitchenette. The second largest group are two-bedroom apartments with kitchenette. All this is complemented with starter apartments and large three-bedroom apartments with enclosed balconies and view of the square. A significant asset of the project is its private atrium within the inner block intended for relaxation and meeting place for tenants and their children. The project also includes two large non-residential premises, which are to be used as a clubhouse for gatherings and community and family events,” says Ing. arch. Kristýna Vyslychová from the architectural studio Znamení čtyř. A tremendous challenge was to design, for the historical centre, a modern smart building which is larger than the surrounding development which it, however, complements well. The building also has two faces – an external one, which connects to the historical facades in the neighbourhood and the interior one – a pleasant hall within the inner block, which will support local community life. MARKÉTA MIKOVÁ

Cílem je přívětivý veřejný prostor plný zeleně The aim is a pleasant public area full of greenery Pro většinu obyvatel České republiky je Černá louka synonymem pro ostravské. výstaviště. Pro místní je to i oblíbená lokalita k odpočinku, kulturním a sportovním. aktivitám v blízkosti centra, řeky Ostravice a Slezskoostravského hradu..


reál výstaviště spravuje městská společnost Černá louka s.r.o. Její jednatel Mgr. Jan Šumbera nám přiblížil historii výstaviště i záměry do budoucnosti.


Vraťme se trochu do historie výstaviště Černá louka… Největším rozvojem prošlo výstaviště na přelomu 70. a 80.

let minulého století. Od počátku 21. století docházelo k postupnému zmenšování výstavních ploch – s ohledem na technický stav starých pavilonů, nebo v důsledku klesajícího zájmu o výstavy. V roce 2002 byl k původnímu pavilonu A přistavěn nový pavilon, který nabízí ve dvou podlažích zhruba 7 000 m2 výstavní plochy. V současné době

dn 3/2020


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