Be sure to take breaks Playing the waiting game for your applications is agonising, but dwelling on it won’t make it go any faster. Take that brief downtime to take a short break instead. Some ways you can take breaks include spending time with friends and family, indulging in hobbies, learning something new, or even some exercise. Not only will you give your mental health a boost, but you’ll also keep yourself physically healthy!
Don’t just keep to yourself As they say, a burden shared is a burden halved. Talk to someone who cares about you – it can be a close friend or family member (or several, if you want), so you know that there’s at least someone in your corner in this predicament. They can lend you their ears if you need to vent or accompany you on your downtime, be it going to movies or having a fun game of badminton. You can also turn to your other connections if they can help you during the job search process. They can be a mentor on your journey, to a second pair of eyes when reviewing your resume and applications, or even being a fresh source of job opportunities and connections, if they have any!
Be patient, and don’t lose heart It can be discouraging if you don’t hear from a hiring manager or get a message saying that you weren’t picked for the position. But as you keep going, it’s absolutely crucial that you shake off this mindset as soon as you can. Don’t take these setbacks personally. It doesn’t mean that you’re unqualified – it could be that you need help beating the application tracking system or to write a more effective email job application. There are also plenty of other factors that not only affect a company’s hiring process, but the job market as a whole, especially with the after-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic still going on right now.
Searching for a job is like running a marathon – knowing when to sprint and when to pace yourself is critical, lest you find your efforts turning counter-productive. Remind yourself that finding a job and employer that best fits you will take time and effort. All the resources you need are within reach, you just need to keep going and not give up. But remember, while you may be busy job hunting, it’s also just as important to take a step back every once in a while and take care of yourself, too.
Some ways you can reduce the negative self-talk • Listen to what you’re saying about yourself and challenge it • Stay grounded – while your feelings are valid, the negative fantasy in your head probably isn’t as bad as you think it is • Reframe your thoughts. If you can’t think positively, reword your thoughts instead
directory 2022 | 31