Use your portfolio Alternatively, you can make use of visual aids to help you promote yourself. Consider keeping a portfolio of work samples, photos, graphs or charts, news articles, recommendation and appreciation letters and any other relevant documents that you can display when asked about your accomplishments. Get the interviewer’s permission to show an example of your work, and you can base your answer on the things you have in your portfolio. Having a portfolio not only makes things easier for you because there’s visual proof of your accomplishments, but can also act as a prompt to jostle your memory. More importantly, it takes the limelight away from you, giving you some breathing space every now and then. However, be selective about what you want to include in your portfolio. It may be tempting to include every single certificate or work sample, but remember that a portfolio should complement your answers, not substitute it.
Switch your thinking If you’re worried about over-selling yourself or coming across as arrogant – don’t be. What you’re doing in your interview isn’t boasting; you’re simply providing recruiters with evidence that you’re the right person for the job! Recruiters need to be told about your skills or they’ll probably hire someone else who has done a better job of showing it. So approach an interview knowing that you’ll help them make the best hiring decision when you’re able to clearly showcase your skills and relevance for the position on offer.
Make use of testimonies Another good method to promote yourself without coming across as boastful is by making references to the testimonials of others, such as performance evaluations from your supervisors, lecturers, or managers. You can also obtain testimonials from clients, co-workers and suppliers you’ve worked with. For instance, when asked about a skill or achievement, you can answer with: “My supervisor commended me on my ability to troubleshoot problems calmly whenever emergencies arise. He made specific mentions about how I had contributed to the company during my performance evaluation.” Aside from sounding less boastful, it also sounds more credible. To add to this, do your best to bring in testimonials from the referees listed in your resume. This way, employers will be able to verify your claims, which will improve your credibility even more.
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