The smart journal for surface treatments
ipcm digital on
ISSN 2280-6083 2022
13th Year - Bimonthly N° 76 - JULY/AUGUST
MORE innovation performance nano technology R&D ESG technical assistance
rotoli, pannelli e celle in fibra di vetro
rolls, panels and cells of glass fiber
celle filtranti per alte temperature
filtering cells for high temperatures
rotoli e pannelli in fibra sintetica accumulatore vernice “Columbus” filtri “Andreae” cartucce filtranti filtri assoluti applicazioni speciali
rolls and panels of synthetic fiber paint accumulator “Columbus” “Andreae” filters filtering cartridges absolute filters special application
FILTRO ALVEOLARE MAX PAINT distributori esclusivi per l’Italia
massima efficienza massimo accumulo di vernice massima durata
minori costi di smaltimento minori costi di manutenzione
L’esclusivo design alveolare permette di trattenere quantità di overspray notevolmente superiori rispetto ai filtri oggi in commercio
SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) Gütegemeinschaft Anti-Graffiti e. V. London Underground
Where Innovation Meets Opportunities North America’s Largest Metal Forming, Fabricating, Welding and Finishing Event Discover innovative solutions, gain insights on opportunities and trends transforming the industry, and make connections that count. From interactive demos on the show floor to impromptu conversations with colleagues, there’s nothing quite like the FABTECH experience.
Event Partners
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painting lines design and manufacturing painting lines modernisation audit of painting lines painting scraps reduction microscopic analysis of defects on painted surface problem- solving for painting defects
QUALITY PAINTING DEVELOPMENT SP. Z O.O. ul. Azotowa 15b, 41-500 Chorzów, POLAND
CONTENTS JULY/AUGUST 2022 © Axalta Coating Systems GmbH
54 05 06 10 18 20
Axalta Publishes New Report on Colour Trends
© Tom Kirkpatrick - BMW Group
The GSB International: Sustainability at the Cutting Edge
The “Ask an Expert” Column
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MONTH Environmental Protection and HangOn’s Green Effect
Government Grants for Energy-saving Drying Technology
30% Material Savings in Silo Coating: Oltrogge’s Electrostatic Application System at Awila Anlagenbau
48 53
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Eurogalvano Found the Ideal Solution for its Flexible Coating Cycle in Cooperating with Multiple Partners
© ipcm
Magical Exterior Colour-Change: BMW iX Flow Featuring E lnk
© Eurogalvano
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Zero Rejection Target: IMR’s New Compact and Highly Flexible Plant for Premium Bumper Coating
New Color’s Environmentally Friendly, High Quality Finishes Achieved by Recovering Pre-Treatment Water and Controlling Every Stage of the Coating Process
72 78 82
Verniciatura Arcudi Invested in the Future with a New Shot Blasting Machine and its Innovative Turbine Orientation System
Quick Colour Change as a Growth Strategy for a Coating Contractor
EcoDose2k for Automated Colour Matching of Bodywork Paints
Lean Manufacturing: How to Translate it from a Concept into Reality with the Right Logistics, Production, and Storage Structures
Investing in Training and Finishing Technologies with a View to Sustainability. Maxion Wheels Group’s Painting Training Course
The new electrostatic Rotary Bell Atomizer
Nanobell 803
Solvent paint
High voltage
0.5 to 500MΩ.cm
Waterborne paint
Current (3 versions)
< 0.5 MΩ.cm
100, 200 & 500µA
Dual shaping air
Paint flow
Rotation speed
30 to 800 cc/min
up to 65.000rpm
WHY A NANOBELL 803 AMONG OTHER SPRAYING TECHNOLOGIES ? Premium Finishing Quality High Transfer Efficiency Easiness of Integration and Use Improved Maintenance Enhanced Safety
Apply your Skills
Magnetic bellcup
© LeRond
Solvent Distillation Reloaded, Made in Germany
ART WITHIN SURFACES LeRond’s Works of Art on Show in Places where Shapes and Colours Come to Life
© Klaus Hohnwald/Getinge
© Advan
138 96 98 104 106 108 114
CASE STUDY - ICT Excellent Cleanliness, High Production Speed, and Digital Integration: Advan’s Watchwords for its new Dental Implant Cleaning Process
ST Powder Coatings’ Cascade of Colour at Fuorisalone
Faster and More Efficient Hanging with the new GNW Interlocking System
What is the Added Value of a Powder Coating? Customisation, Colour and Finishing Engineering, and Small Batches
A Vortex of Colours to Challenge the Perception of the Viewers
Communicating Sustainability with Green Marketing
126 128 135 136
CASE STUDY - ICT High cleaning quality for upmarket special purpose machinery manufacture
ipcm® Academy Will Expand its Training Offer with a Module on Plastic Coating
The Synergy Between University and Industry Enables the Integration of Technology, Innovation, and Research for a Sustainable Future
Innovative Process for Automatic Cleaning of Centrifuged Muds
Production Capacity More than Doubled Thanks to a New Modified Alcohol Cleaning Machine for Precision Parts
Effective and flexible degreasing thanks to ultrasound
An innovative multi-drum vacuum impregnation plant becomes a technological lever for business growth
Analysing and optimizing cleaning processes
Electric mobility: new challenges for cleaning
Zaniolo CdA-03.22
d Pow er Ful
40 Years of Advanced Solutions for Metal Surfaces Treatment 40 years of targeted goals, precise choices and continuous effort developing highly performing and innovative products. For Europolveri this anniversary represents only the first step in the taken direction. Today the main challenge is to plan the future with a constantly evolving growth strategy and great care and sensitivity to the ecological-environmental context.
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Richiedi la versione in italiano a
he last four years have been particularly hard for the automotive industry. First, in 2019, the “diesel crisis” sank car sales in Europe and undermined the image of some OEMs on the international markets. Then, the pandemic caused two years of little or no mobility and, above all, the complete breakdown of supply chains, which tripled the waiting time for electronic components thus making semiconductors and microchips rare commodities and ultimately further weakening the car market. Today, the war between Russia and Ukraine, speculation on energy prices, and the increasing difficulties in the procurement of components are still not allowing this strategic industrial sector to fully recover. On top of that, consumers are disoriented by technological changes and exasperated by delivery delays and price increases even in the second-hand market. Yet, the automotive industry is still a trend-setter, the springboard for new technologies, the cradle of the most advanced customisation techniques. Cars are undeniably a dream or status symbol for many of us – and purely an instrumental asset for others. In both cases, one chooses their car in their own image. And, nowadays, with the knowledge that the future of mobility is not only electric but also and above all digital. Internet of Things (IoT) platforms for connected cars have grown exponentially as on-demand features improve convenience, comfort, multimediality, performance, and safety of vehicles. Together, these technologies are capable of totally transforming user experience but also of expanding the boundaries of personalisation. This is where our industry, that of surface treatments, comes into play. Any new component or device introduced on a car must receive some kind of surface treatment to make it robust and durable and give it a functional or aesthetic (or both) finish. The digitalisation of cars has also made cleaning, surface preparation, and finishing processes more complex, requiring investment in finishing technologies that enhance, and do not hinder, the functionality of new components. Think, for example, of the radars and lidars that enable autonomous driving: the high transparency of the finishes applied on them is essential to preserve their function. The increasing customisation of cars has also called for many technological investments. Whereas until recently customising one’s own car was a dream for a few, now a certain range of customisation options is available for any car. This has required investment in industrialising technologies for mass-produced and not just hand-crafted customisation, as used to happen (and still happens to some extent today) in the body shops of luxury and sports brands. In this summer issue of ipcm®, which has a focus on the automotive and transportation industries, we have collected many articles illustrating innovations and investments in finishing technologies, as well as success stories of companies for which manufacturing car parts has been a turning point in their history. Of course, it also offers many other technical and market insights and content on finishing, not to disappoint any reader. Let alone at the beach! Happy summer.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
The GSB International: Sustainability at the Cutting Edge Philipp Mader GSB International e.V. – Düsseldorf, Germany
t is hard to imagine current news without
must be carried out according to GSB. Also,
the topic of sustainability. One cannot
the coating material has to have a GSB-
and - normatively speaking - should not
approval and the coating has to be carried
avoid the topic. Of course, sustainability is of
out by a GSB-certified coating company.
great importance in the context of coatings.
These companies are inspected twice a year
In order to understand which different areas
by independent accredited testing institutes
of the coating process can be analysed under
without prior notice.
sustainability aspects - one thing in advance, can briefly have a look at the coating process
Quality as a comprehensive sustainability aspect
according to the GSB Quality Regulations.
Before analysing the sustainability aspects
it is possible to do it with all of them - one
of the individual parts of the coating
The coating process according to GSB Quality Regulations
process chain, it is worthwhile to mention a sustainability aspect that spans over the entire
The GSB ensures the quality of coatings
process chain. This is the quality itself. In
on aluminium, steel and galvanised steel.
many tenders for applications in architecture
Depending on the substrate, different pre-
and industry, coatings for outdoor use are
treatment processes are permissible. In
required to be in accordance with GSB. This
the case of aluminium, pre-treatment with
happens for a simple reason.
chromium- or chromium-VI-free pre-treatment chemicals is permitted. These must have a GSB approval. For applications in highly corrosive
© Enviral® Oberflӓchenveredelung GmbH
The entrance portal of the Berlin City Palace/Humboldt Forum was coated according to GSB Quality Regulations.
GSB quality exceeds the requirements of current norms and standards. Architects, planners, building owners and industrial customers can thus be sure that there will
environments, pre-anodisation can also be
be no need for any premature repair work.
used as a pre-treatment process. If steel is
Resources that would have to be used for such repair work can thus be saved.
to be coated, the following pre-treatment
however, the use of chrome VI for pre-
processes can be used: iron or zinc
treatment is now largely banned within the
phosphating and blasting. This is somewhat
EU. Some companies still have a special
Sustainability in pre-treatment
different with galvanised steel. Chromating,
Now it is time to consider the sustainability
chromium- or chromium-VI-free chemical
After the pre-treatment has been completed,
aspects of the individual steps of the coating
pre-treatment, sweeping and zinc phosphating
the electrostatically charged coating powder is
process chain. Therefore, let’s start with
may be used in this case as pre-treatment
applied to the grounded component. Finally,
the pre-treatment. Most GSB-certified
the coating is cured. It should be added that
coating companies that coat aluminium use
To complete the matter, it needs to be added
coating with liquid paint is also possible for
chromium- or chromium-VI-free pre-treatment
that, according to GSB Quality Regulations,
GSB coaters. For coatings according to GSB, it
chromating may also be used for the pre-
is mandatory that the three presented process
The GSB played a leading role in establishing
treatment of aluminium.
steps have to be carried out according to the
the use of chromium-free and chromium-
In the course of the REACh regulation,
GSB Quality Regulations. The pre-treatment
VI-free pre-treatment processes. A look at
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the minutes of the meetings of the GSB
from all steps of the coating process chain are
exchange of knowledge between generations
Aluminium Quality Committee, in which
represented in the working group and that
is particularly important in the course of
representatives from the membership work
interdisciplinary exchange can take place in
a holistic understanding of the concept of
on the Quality Regulations on a voluntary
this way.
sustainability. After all, knowledge is one of the
basis, reveals that the basis for the approval of
In this context, there is close cooperation
most valuable resources that has to be saved.
chromium-free pre-treatment chemicals has
with the “Young GSB” working group. Here,
been laid in 1995 already. At the beginning
young professionals from the membership
of the development, the chromium-free
work on current topics related to the GSB
Rising energy prices boost sustainable business practices
chemical pre-treatment processes were not
and develop innovative approaches. A close
Both within the Task Force and at the recent
yet as reliable as chromating. This has been a
exchange is maintained with the board, quality
PaintExpo, it was apparent that the industry is
thing of the past since the end of the 1990s.
committees and, as already mentioned, the
particularly affected by the war in Ukraine and
Furthermore, it has now become established
sustainability working group. In this way, the
the associated increase in energy prices. This
as the ideal way for plant constructors and
GSB always remains fit for the future and the
is another reason to save energy. Especially
chemical manufacturers to work closely
needs of future generations can be taken into
the gas-operated curing ovens are becoming
together already during the construction of
account in decision-making. Furthermore, the
more and more the focus of the coating
the plants.
companies. This is where the connection to
Sustainability in coating powders
In the case of coating powders, there are
ve d P r e t r e a t m p ro
the GSB Quality Regulations can be made. en
Coating companies that carry a GSB Quality Seal are obliged to monitor and document the
oven temperature. In this way, quality defects
mentioned that are inherent in the powder
due to over- and/or undercuring can be
coating powder. Currently, the reduction of
the coating companies themselves to save
The latter offers enormous potential for
a te r
Approved Quality.
effective possibilities for powder recovery.
Coated Aluminium & Steel.
VOCs. Furthermore, there are nowadays very
not contain solvents and are therefore free of
avoided. On the other hand, by monitoring the
e ri
curing temperatures, the companies have the opportunity to operate at the lower end of the curing parameters specified by manufacturers of the coating materials and thus save energy.
coating process itself. Coating powders do
A p p rove d C o
also some sustainability aspects to be
The reduction of the specified curing temperatures by the coating powder
curing temperatures is also receiving a lot of
manufacturers, as already indicated, is of
attention from coating powder manufacturers
course another way to save energy. Here it is
important to act across all sectors, as coating companies use coating materials from many
“Sustainability” and “Young GSB” working groups
different manufacturers and cannot adjust the oven temperature all the time.
The interested reader may now have an idea issue when it is addressed within the
Powder coating compared to anodising
framework of a quality association that
Up to now, only the coating itself has been
operates across several substrates and covers
discussed. But what about the coated
the entire coating process chain.
product? And how does it compare to the
For this reason, the new GSB working group
identical product without coating or to
“Sustainability” has been established. Here,
the same product finished with a different
of the great complexity of the sustainability
representatives from the membership discuss the latest developments in this highly exciting and dynamic field on a pre-competitive basis. It is very much appreciated that companies
process? Aluminium Deutschland e.V. © GSB International
Philipp Mader, economic expert from GSB International.
developed EPDs for aluminium profiles - bare, coated and anodised. GSB was involved in this project.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
Global warming potential [kg CO2-Eq.] Raw material supply + Transport + Manufacturing 1 kg Aluminium profile mill finished
Waste processing
Reuse, recovery or recycling potential
1 kg Coated aluminium profile; chromium free pre-treated 1 kg Aluminium profile anodised
Global warming potential for 1 kg of aluminium profile - mill finished, anodised and coated.
As can be seen from the table, all three profiles achieve the same values
for coating companies, manufacturers of pre-treatment chemicals and
in waste treatment.
coating materials to work together. Here, GSB is at the cutting edge with
For the “reuse, recovery or recycling potential”, the credits for the
its unique and comprehensive approach to the entire coating process.
anodised and the mill-finished profile are identical. Only the powder-
The challenges that will arise in the future are difficult to assess in light
coated aluminium profile achieves a bigger and thus better credit.
of the current crises, but one thing is certain. Sustainable economic
In terms of the global warming potential for “raw material supply +
activity is not a trend, but will continue to run like a golden thread
transport + production”, the press-finished aluminium profile comes out
through all areas of life.
best with 8.46 kg CO2-eq. This is close to the coated aluminium profile
with 8.59 kg CO2-eq.
The anodised profile comes last with a global warming potential of 10.7
kg CO2-eq. Consequently, powder coating as a surface finishing process
Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (2019).
can be described as extremely attractive in terms of its CO2 footprint
UMWELT-PRODUKTDEKLARATION. Aluminiumprofil beschichtet
compared to anodising.
(EPD-GDA-20190070-IBH1-DE). Retrieved from:
It can be summarised that the coated aluminium profile has only a
PublishedEpd/Download/10999 [13.6.2022]
minimally higher global warming potential compared to the pressfinished aluminium profile.
Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (2019).
If the credit for the “reuse, recovery or recycling potential” is included,
UMWELT-PRODUKTDEKLARATION. Aluminiumprofil pressblank
the global warming potential of the coated profile is only 0.05 kg CO2-eq.
(EPD-GDA-20190068-IBH1-DE). Retrieved from:
higher than that of the mill-finished counterpart. In addition, the lifetime
EmbeddedEpdList/Download/10987 [13.6.2022]
of a coated profile is longer, as chemical pre-treatment and coating protect the aluminium from corrosion.
Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (2019). UMWELT-PRODUKTDEKLARATION. Aluminiumprofil anodisiert
A glimpse into the future
(EPD-GDA-20190069-IBH1-DE). Retrieved from:
As could be seen, the powder coating process offers many advantages
Epd/PdfDownload/10997 [13.6.2022]
in terms of sustainability. Quality assurance in accordance with the GSB Quality Regulations makes a decisive difference in the use of coatings
GSB International e.V. (2022). International Quality Regulations for the
in the sense of sustainable economic practices. Furthermore, the entire
Coating of Building Components. GSB AL 631 / GSB ST 663. Retrieved
industry is required to act in a future-oriented manner. In the mission
to make the coating process as sustainable as possible, it is important
aluminium-and-steel/structure/ [13.6.2022]
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Your partner for green chemical processes Chemtec’s mission is to update tradition. Our revolutionary chemicals are designed to have a very limited environmental impact, to reduce consumption of resources and for a greater operational simplicity.
With Chemtec technologies you can replace zinc&iron phosphate:
PRONORTEC multi-metal surface treatment
TORAN 3® multi-metal pre-treatment process
Researchers Develop Coating Material with Self-healing Properties A team of researchers at Mercer University discovered a polymeric material that can withstand extreme weathering conditions and is capable of self-healing.
echanical engineering professor Dr. Alireza Sarvestani and
Potential application fields
a team of students at Mercer University discovered a novel
Dr. Sarvestani said the material is ideal for coating purposes, especially
polymeric material that can withstand extreme weathering
for aerospace vehicles and watercraft. For instance, pieces of an
conditions and has self-healing properties.
airplane could potentially be coated in the material to protect it from
Experimental studies for this new material started two years ago with
damage from debris in the air and UV exposure. The material could be
a grant from a laboratory that specializes in the study of thermoplastic
used on ships to prevent water corrosion. And if damage or abrasion did
polyurethane, which is a rubber-like polymer with high resilience and
occur, the material could be repaired by increasing the temperature.
long durability. During the past year, Dr. Sarvestani and his team did extensive testing
What’s next
and data analysis on thermoplastic polymers, which melt at increased
Dr. Sarvestani plans to submit the research findings for publication in
temperatures and solidify upon cooling. They reinforced the polymers
high-impact journals this summer and then apply for research grants.
with various fillers, with the goal of creating unique properties that
Next up, his team will conduct further testing and begin to look at ways
would improve the material.
to improve other properties of the material. He hopes to eventually
They prepared numerous samples and then put them to test by
partner with researchers from other fields, such as chemistry, to take
stretching, cutting and heating them. They also put some of the samples
the research further and make the project more sustainable long term.
through an accelerated weathering machine prior to running those
The next phase of the project will include testing the material on a
tests. They found success when one particular sample demonstrated
larger scale and trying to make the polymer conductive by mixing it with
self-healing and weather-resistant capabilities.
materials like silver or gold.
“We prepared a film of the material, and broke it into two parts. We increased the temperature, and at 60 or 70 Celsius, it actually
For further information:
started healing,” Dr. Sarvestani said. “Now we have a material whose property is almost exactly the same as before melting. By increasing the temperature locally, you can heal all the damage done. The other interesting property is it’s a very resistant material against UV radiation.” The material weakened only slightly after healing and still proved to be quite strong after undergoing the same force tests. © Sarvestani and Krashin
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
From left to right: At left, the material is shown after being cut in two. At right, the material is shown fused back together upon being heated. The sample is shown being heated by a heat gun. The material (in machine at left) undergoes a stretch test.
towards the future
BCF Promotes the Training of New Coatings Ambassadors
The British Coatings Federation teamed up with the Royal Society of Chemistry, PRA and OCCA to train new ambassadors from the coatings industry engaging with schools and universities across the UK.
joint project of the British Coatings Federation, the Royal Society of Chemistry, PRA and OCCA is providing training and materials to new Coatings Ambassadors from a spectrum of
businesses in the coatings supply chain who will hold careers sessions at schools and universities in the UK. When delivering the course material, ambassadors will introduce the coatings industry, share their own career paths and the varied jobs and opportunities that are available within the sector.
To train the Coatings Ambassadors, a workshop providing guidance on how to reach out to the younger generation, using activities, presentations and creative projects was held at BCF’s office. Run by Cogent Skills, the workshop hosted a diverse group of attendees from organisations including AkzoNobel, Sherwin-Williams, BASF, Lake Coatings, HMG Paints, Mylands, BTC Europe, Indestructible Paints, Fujichem Sonneborn, Neotech Speciality Chemicals and Nordmann. “On behalf of OCCA, PRA, RSC and BCF, we would like to thank the companies and individuals who took part. They are helping grow this important network, and we wish them every success in engaging with local schools and universities, to help develop the future workforce for the coatings sector”, stated BCF’s CEO, Tom Bowtell. For further information:
Epistolio Srl.
Via Piemonte 120 21100 Varese (VA) ITALY Ph: +39 0332 212692 Fax: +39 0332 223666
GEINSA Integrates Nanotechnological Nebulization System in Treatment Tunnels In the surface treatment tunnels, the pieces received different washing processes that allow a correct final finish to be obtained.
he Innovation Department of GEINSA, the company headquartered in Bilbao (Spain) specializing in manufacturing painting lines, has made it possible
to integrate an innovative nebulization system for the nanotechnological treatment of metal surfaces. In the last phase of the process, the pieces are subjected to a nebulization that consists of the application of a film-forming product that does not need subsequent washing. This system is capable of guaranteeing optimal adhesion with each paint and excellent resistance to corrosion and allows a better finish and a considerable increase in duration in the salt spray chamber. In this way, a constant quality is guaranteed over time with a minimum consumption of nanotechnological products. The operation of this phase is completely automatic by means of a programmable logic controller (PLC) and self-management of the process is achieved. The equipment is provided with a control panel, sprinkler system, air atomizer and pressure unit.
This system allows to increase performance considerably due to its low consumption and the small space it occupies. The work carried out by the R+D+I team has made it possible to obtain a high-performance system in terms of quality and operation with a low investment cost. For further information:
From top: - Nebulization system in a GEINSA surface treatment line. - Treatment tunnel integrating nanotechnological nebulization. - Nebulization system control panel.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Gerdau Graphene Presents Anti-Abrasive Graphene-Enhanced Paint for Architectural Use Gerdau Graphene has unveiled a new water-based anti-abrasive graphene-enhanced paint for architectural use. transformational impact on the entire paint industry,” said Alexandre Corrêa, CEO of Gerdau Graphene. “We are proud to have painted our specialty steel plant in São Paulo in March and have since moved to paint all our assets in Brazil in the coming months. In addition, we have commercialized this new paint for key clients and partners in the construction industry to paint industrial, commercial, and residential building floors. We will continue to optimize our © Gerdau S/A
Alexandre Corrêa, CEO of Gerdau Graphene.
additives to meet the needs of customers and scale commercialization of these paint products globally.”
The development phase erdau Graphene, the nanotechnology
The development phase of this graphene-based
company pioneering advanced graphene-
paint began in December 2021 and is the result
enhanced materials for industrial applications,
of a partnership with Grafftex, a Brazilian paint
has announced that it has developed a water-based
manufacturer, and Polystell, a company focused on
new graphene-enhanced architectural paint.
the R&D of chemical additives.
The new paint is significantly more durable and
Gerdau Graphene created the graphene technology
abrasion resistant than traditional products and finds
used to disperse graphene in a paint additive.
application on concrete, cement, metal and asphalt,
Because graphene comes in a variety of types and
such as sidewalks, cycle paths, garages, stairs, sports
shapes, each of which has unique properties, specific
courts and a wide range of commercial and industrial
research and testing was required to determine the
best graphene format needed to produce a superior
In March, Gerdau applied the new paint to its factory
quality paint product.
floors, making it the world’s first large-scale use of a
Additionally, graphene additives must be customized
water-based graphene-enhanced architectural paint.
based on the unique formula and ingredients of each
The company is already selling its proprietary graphene
paint manufacturer.
additives as development prototypes to major paint
Gerdau Graphene is also working on anti-corrosion
manufacturers in the Americas.
paint additives, focusing on the reduction of heavy
“This new graphene-based floor paint is extremely
metals and fossil-based ingredients from light and
abrasion-resistant and requires less maintenance
heavy maintenance paints.
and repainting over its lifetime compared with traditional paints. Based on the performance gains of
For further information:
our new product, it’s clear that graphene will have a
Condoroil Chemical Launched the New Nanotechnology Passivating Agent CONDORCOAT AL 91 Condoroil Chemical has developed a new passivating product capable of ensuring extreme paint adhesion and improving the coating film’s mechanical and corrosion resistance characteristics without compromising on the environment or worker safety.
n the mechanical engineering industry,
containing polyfunctional substances capable
CONDORCOAT AL 91 guarantees an
both cataphoresis and powder coating
of bonding to both the metal substrates and
extraordinary technical performance level,
processes are of enormous interest.
the resins contained in paints.
an extremely favourable toxicological profile,
Their applications are countless, from
Extreme adhesion is thus achieved between a
and excellent ease of use in one solution.
the automotive sector to the production
metal surface and paint, which improves both
CONDOROIL’s technical service is at our
of manufactured goods and household
the mechanical properties of the coating and
customers’ complete disposal for laboratory
appliances. In all cases, the final quality
the corrosion resistance of the finished product.
tests and demonstrations, allowing them
achieved depends substantially on the type
In many cases, switching from a conventional
to assess the effectiveness of this solution
of pre-treatment to which the surfaces are
product to CONDORCOAT AL 91 enables to
before application on their lines, without any
subjected. In particular, the passivation phase
increase a part’s corrosion resistance by even
makes it possible to modify the surface
more than 100%.
characteristics of workpieces, significantly
Thus, it is no longer necessary to compromise
For further information:
improving the adhesion of paint and,
on the environment and worker safety,
therefore, the corrosion resistance of finished
nor to sustain additional costs for waste
management and disposal or for expensive
Given its importance, much work has
plant modifications.
been done by chemical companies to try to understand the intimate nature of the processes occurring at the microscopic level and to transform this knowledge into application solutions of practical use. Over time, therefore, we have moved from solutions that were often based on very questionable materials in terms of safety to very sophisticated and extremely high-performance solutions that are, at the same time, easy to handle. This is why Condoroil Chemical is pleased to present one of the most important achievements in the field of metal surfaces passivation: CONDORCOAT AL 91.
Product features CONDORCOAT AL 91 is a highly innovative nanotechnology passivating agent. It is a product of a mixed organic/inorganic nature,
© Condoroil
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Innovation and Technology for Three Generations
© Axalta
Axalta Publishes New Report on Colour Trends Edited by Axalta Coating Systems GmbH Basel, Switzerland
In the latest edition of the magazine Vibes, Axalta has published a report which offers a series of reflections on the changing role of colour in a post-pandemic world.
n Vibes, the colour journal published by Axalta, the company
neutral colours that are inspired by nature, in line with the biophilic
has published a new report which reveals the top 10 most
design trends that have emerged in recent years.
popular colours of the past year among designers and
In response to the feelings of disconnection and isolation that have
architects based on searches via the Axalta COLOURit online tool. Calm
characterised large parts of the pandemic, Vibes also identifies a shift
and serious shades ranging from bronze, gold, and brown, to off-whites
towards warmer colour palettes, with earthy colours such as Quartz
and sombre blues and greys, feature prominently in the discussion.
Glint, Black Steel and SuprAnodic Terra proving most popular.
These trends reflect the desire for comfort and security that emerged
Vibes also highlights a return to sleek and functional designs which
as a result of the pandemic. In fact, a key theme to emerge is the
combine traditional materials with industrial and crafted ones, favouring
heightened preference towards familiar, simple and safe colours in
minimalist, austere colour palettes with subtle blue and dark green
response to widespread uncertainty resulting from major global events
tones for facades and cladding.
such as the pandemic.
The pandemic has also sharpened our focus on sustainability and
As multiple lockdowns have forced people to spend more time at home,
wellbeing and one of the themes discussed in Vibes is the role of colour
many are now increasingly focused on creating the desired ambiance.
in creating human-centric urban spaces and infrastructure which can
According to Vibes, this translates into an increased preference for
help foster thriving communities for generations to come.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
It also highlights the growing role of diversity and how designs now draw on a wider than ever range of cultural influences and perspectives, to establish a feeling of exoticism that is difficult to attribute to a particular region but is nonetheless reflective of the global, pluriform world of today. “The pandemic has disrupted every facet of our lives over the past two years and it’s important to recognise the emotional impact this has had on the population. Against an uncertain and volatile backdrop, humans have been experiencing a profound need for comfort, intimacy, and familiarity, something that is reflected in the
key selection of colours that we have identified within our research. These colours illustrate our desire for connection, both with each other and to the planet, therefore, it is understandable that we see a renewed focus on warm and neutral earthy colours which promote a sense of familiarity and intimacy”, said Sally Put, Global ColourDesign and Communications Manager. The trend report by Axalta features expert analysis from a variety of key names from across design and architecture, including Stephen Burks, Carolina Fernández Catalán (Rafael de la Hoz Architects), and Harbinder Birdi (HawkinsBrown). Vibes is also interspersed with
with a complete service that includes system design manufacturing installation technical support chemicals
case studies outlining how these insights have been brought to life on major global projects in collaboration with renowned players like KPF Architects and HOK Architects.
© Axalta
Royal Magenta, Colour of the Year 2022, developed by the R&D Department of the Alesta® powder coatings brand.
Via E. Torricelli, 79 - Z.I. Fossatone 40059 MEDICINA (BO) Tel +39 051 856263
The “Ask an Expert” Column Kevin Biller
Hey Richard, Thanks for reading my article and I am glad that it helped. UV durability is mainly influenced by the primary resin in the powder coating formulation. Both polyester-HAA and polyurethane chemistries rely on a polyester polymer as the main binder component. Polyester polymers can be standard outdoor grade (1-2 years Florida durability) or “superdurable” grade (about 5 years Florida durability). For your products, you’ll want to specify the superdurable grade. Even better yet, require an AAMA 2604 (American Architectural Manufacturers Association) grade (or Qualicoat Class 2) powder. The 2604 spec requires 5 years Florida durability and the Qualicoat Class 2 requires 3 years Florida durability. I have attached copies of these specifications. As for formulators using special additives to enhance outdoor durability, the inherent performance is based on two things - using only UV durable ingredients (raw materials) in the powder formula and not incorporating any weak links or bad actors (e.g., waxes or fillers). Special
Our powder coating expert is back to answer increasingly challenging
additives don’t make a big difference especially in pigmented powder
questions from readers.
coatings. The ole adage, “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear”. I hope that this helps. Please let me know if you have any other
Hey Joe,
My name is Richard Stange and I’m a Mechanical Engineer at
Kind regards, Joe
major fabricator in California. I just read your 2017 article, “Technology Interchange: Choosing an Outdoor Durable Powder
Hi Joe,
Coating”. I found your article very informative and feel like
We have been developing new polymers for powder coatings.
I have a better understanding on the subject. Our company
One of the most critical properties is impact resistance. Our test
designs and manufactures irrigation equipment, which includes
results have been inconsistent and vary significantly depending
metal chassis and pedestals that get powder coated for the
on substrate used. In some cases the coating passes 160 inch-
outdoor environment, which is sold all over the world. We have
lbs. and with other conditions only gets 80 inch-lbs. What could
multiple sheet metal vendors who use different powder coaters.
be the cause of this variation? And how can we eliminate these
We recently discovered that the different powder coaters don’t
variations? Thank you!
all use the same chemistry type. Some use a polyurethane-based
chemistry, where others use a polyester-HAA based chemistry.
From your article, it looks like the Industrial and HighPerformance chemistries are what we are looking for in our
Hi Rebekah,
product for UV durability resistance. My question is this – Is the
First of all, kudos to you and your colleagues for developing new
UV resistance in powder coating based solely on the polyester-
polymers. Most advancements in powder coating technology are based
HAA or polyurethane, or is an additional “UV inhibitor” added to
on new and improved polymer chemistry. It’s tough for us formulators
the chemistry? I’m trying to determine how to best call out UV
to create new coatings without innovative polymers.
resistance for the powder coating in my drawings.
The most common impact resistance test method is described in ASTM
Appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you.
D-2794 Standard Test Method for the Rapid Deformation of Organic
Best regards,
Coatings (Impact). The ISO-6272-1 standard covers the same test
Richard Stange
method. The values typically quoted in impact resistance are inch-
San Marcos, California
pounds (the metric centric folks use Newton-meters) and refer to the
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
weight times the distance (height) of the impact. Another parameter is
Coating parameters to control are mainly film thickness and degree of
the radius of the “ball” or hemisphere that impacts the surface of the
cure. Thinner films tend to exhibit higher impact resistance whereas
coating. North America typically uses a 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) diameter
thicker ones are more brittle. Complete cure is highly recommended
ball although some specifications call for a ½-inch (12.7 mm) one. The
as under-cured powders will usually exhibit lower impact resistance.
smaller the diameter, the greater the deformation and hence lower
Make sure your coating receives the time at temperature specified
impact resistance. Aside from the coating’s inherent flexibility, substrate
by the coating supplier. When characterizing a coating for impact
has the most significant influence on film performance. Adhesion is
resistance the challenge is to use substrate(s) that are relevant to
affected by the type of metal, the surface profile, cleanliness, and pre-
the target market(s). For general industrial end uses, cold rolled steel
treatment. Correspondingly impact resistance is affected by adhesion so
is common whereas the architectural market typically uses various
poorly pre-treated substrate will cause unexpected impact failure. On
grades of aluminium depending upon the fabrication and performance
the other hand, well pre-treated metal will enhance impact resistance by
requirements. In addition, pre-treatment type is important. Cold rolled
providing a strong bond of the powder to the substrate.
steel is usually pre-treated with a phosphate (iron or zinc) or in newer
In addition to metal preparation, the gauge and type of substrate
installations a zirconium-based product. Aluminium is typically pre-
significantly influences impact resistance because of the degree of
treated with chromate, zirconium or sometimes zinc phosphate. For
deformation to the substrate. Hence 80 inch-lbs. on a ductile grade
polymer development I suggest that you obtain your substrate from a
of aluminium will have different deformation than carbon steel.
reputable test panel supplier. A list of them can be found on the PCI
And certainly, the gauge or thickness of the metal will also influence
website ( under “Members”.
deformation and therefore impact resistance. Thicker gauge metal will
Good luck with your polymer chemistry efforts, the industry needs you.
deform less and therefore the coating experiences less stress.
Warm regards, Joe
Environmental Protection and HangOn’s Green Effect Adriano Antonelli IBIX Srl, Lugo (Ravenna) – Italy
The ecological transition calls for the prudent management of each stage of the manufacturing process. Let us analyse in detail how production times and consumption rates can be reduced with the appropriate hanging density of parts in a paint shop.
t is time to talk about the environment. Our long-sick planet
future generations. State law regulates the ways and forms of animal
needs targeted action to reduce emissions and tackle climate
issues. Indeed, these have a decisive impact on the budgets of our
• Article 41: Private economic initiative is free. It may not be carried
governments, which have to intervene firmly to limit damage on our
out in a manner contrary to social utility and in a manner detrimental to
ecosystems and on real economy. Environmental issues have actually
security, freedom, human dignity, health, and the environment. The law
become so pressing that they have entered Italy’s Constitution. In
determines the appropriate programmes and controls so that public
February 2022, two articles were amended that concern environmental
and private economic activities can be directed and coordinated for
protection, which are as follows:
social and environmental purposes.
• Article 9: The Republic promotes the development of culture
Even through a superficial, not analytical reading of these articles, it
and scientific and technical research. It protects the landscape
is clear that environmental protection has become a fundamental
and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation. It protects the
principle to be protected with the most stringent regulatory activity
environment, biodiversity, and ecosystems, also in the interest of
© HangOn
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© HangOn
© HangOn
A diagram for the improvement of the efficiency of a coating line according to HangOn.
A first aspect to be considered, and one that fully concerns the world
pass” for the import of products made in environmentally unfriendly
of business, is the fact that, while remaining guaranteed and free, any
ways. Would it be conceived as an entry barrier and, therefore, as a
economic initiative cannot be carried out in a way that harms health
form of protectionism with possible consequences on exports?
and the environment. This represents a pivotal principle that will
Energy, cost reduction, and production efficiency in paint shops are
have a cascading effect in the regulatory sphere, as well as a historic
the topics that need to be addressed and debated in order not to be
step undertaken first by Europe and then by all its members. It also
surprised by the events that are currently taking shape. In order to
represents an epochal transition that will have consequences on the
do this, it is necessary to move from hypotheses to figures, measure,
economic world. Let us just think of what is happening and will happen
and finally act by implementing any corrective actions in the processes
in the automotive industry: the changes in the production of cars, which
already in place. One tool that can support companies in this is the OEE
will have to switch from internal combustion engines (petrol and diesel)
index, which can help assess the efficiency of a coating line.
to electric ones to reduce emissions, will modify the organisation and manufacturing flows of companies, including technology and research
The efficiency of a coating line
and development. The use of energy sources that can no longer
In a hypothetical coating line, there are six possible types of efficiency
be fossil but must be renewable will cause a revolution in industrial
loss. The first category refers to plant downtime due to breakdowns or
processes and, certainly at least in the first phase, in ancillary costs.
malfunctions, because of inadequate maintenance or lack of it. Loss
From hypotheses to figures
of efficiency can also be caused by colour change operations that lead to system downtime or any intervention that result in interruptions of
One question we have to ask ourselves is whether companies
more than 10 minutes. However, this category has a high efficiency rate,
with a strong focus on environmental protection will continue to
thanks to technologies that allow quick colour change operations, self-
be competitive on the market even with these stricter regulations,
cleaning booths, sensors that anticipate various problems, etc. Another
compared with those from countries where environmental issues are
category where the efficiency rate has reached its highest level is that
still little considered and regulated. It may be time to talk about a “green
of quality. Problems in this area, in general, are related to inadequate
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© HangOn
Increasing hanging density is crucial for reducing time and consumption.
pre-treatment processes, uneven baking, or inappropriate earthing;
customer can choose the pitch best suited to its needs. In order to
these defects, which can cause quality issues, are now managed and
have a compact frame (starting from the package, as for a box of hooks)
controlled by advanced technological devices.
hanging must be done with separate hooks. This frame is designed to
On the other hand, a strategic area that can be addressed through
be used when a sudden need arises and to avoid hanging hook after
design is hanging density, a field offering a wide range of possibilities.
hook. The cost is less than one Euro, so the problem of regeneration
Careful planning in this respect can immediately result in:
does not arise.
• increased productivity; • reduced plant operating hours and, therefore, reduced labour costs,
The new Flexi Frame system
but also and above all reduced energy costs, which are one of the most
Another new product launched this year is the Flexi Frame (flexible
important expense items, especially for the most energy-intensive
frame) system. It can be completely disassembled and stored,
consisting of a T-shaped bar housing two bar holders. HQL, HCL BHL,
HangOn’s hanging systems
H11B, and HQS bars can be housed. This frame was designed for easy storage and for use in times of urgent need.
How can HangOn hanging systems, distributed on the Italian market
It guarantees the following advantages:
by Tecno Supply - Ibix division, achieve this? Every company is different
• saving storage space and reducing storage problems;
and has different needs to meet, from production lines with little
• lower one-off transport costs;
diversity of parts and dimensions to plants where diversification is high
• easy handling;
and part geometry remains unknown until after surface treatment.
• flexibility and compactness;
Some solutions that can facilitate hanging operations, thus reducing
• self-locking;
times and costs, include frames and hanging systems, such as bars,
• possibility of customisation, as required;
which are produced automatically to reduce costs in both an absolute
• low costs.
and relative sense (i.e. the cost of each hanging point is similar to that of an individual hook). The advantage is having stable frames for
The HQL bar
increased density and reduced times, especially compared with hook-
HQL bars are produced fully automatically: this reduces costs and
by-hook hanging.
eliminates the need for regeneration. Hooks with a diameter of 1
An example of this is the new HQW system, a 2 mm-diameter tree-
mm can be inserted into the bar on both sides, in order to hang the
shaped frame with fixed hanging points. The range is wide, so every
workpieces symmetrically. For example, the HQL 800X33 bars house
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
46 hooks over a length of 800 mm. The bars can be inserted into the
The hooks have a pitch of 50, 75, or 100 mm. This type of bar was also
universal HCF system. This makes the system modular and enables
designed to avoid using individual hooks, which dramatically reduces
bars to be inserted according to the length of workpieces. Moreover,
the operators’ hanging time. Indeed, the availability of a ready-to-use
the HQL G6 caps guarantee perfect electrostatics. 1.5 mm-hook bars,
frame eliminates the need to handle single hooks. In addition, it allows
also made of spring steel, are now also available for heavy small parts.
for easy offline pre-hanging. Another advantage is that it can be used
Different configurations are available in the range, e.g. triple bend. Light
for multiple hanging configurations.
workpieces could be lifted into the air during pre-treatment: the triple
This bar’s production technology makes it possible for it to have a
bend allows for more secure anchoring. Finally, HQL bars for single-
similar cost to that of a hook. Therefore, there is no extra cost for the
sided hanging are also available, in case it is necessary to hang parts
purchase of frames compared with standard hooks. Finally, in order
only on one side and avoid any shading effects and other issues.
to make this frame even more versatile, a new metal adapter was
The advantages of using this bar are numerous:
launched that also allows H11B bars to be inserted. In this way, using
• time savings: a line speed 30 times higher than using single hooks can
the same central hook, a bar can be accommodated allowing hooks up
be achieved;
to 4 mm in diameter to be inserted, thus achieving horizontal flexibility.
• the hooks leave only a slight mark on the coated parts; • spring steel hooks;
The H11B bar
• possibility of configuring the bars with special hooks;
These are punched bars inside which hooks are lodged. This ensures
• smart packaging to reduce transport costs.
clean and protected contact points as well as the flexibility to change the hanging hooks whenever necessary. Standard or twin hooks can be
The HQC bar
used with the same bar, fitting between the two punches and remaining
A more robust version of the HQL bar is the HQC one. These bars
fixed. As far as twin hooks are concerned, any configuration can be
accommodate hooks with a diameter of 1.5 mm, but only on one side.
chosen for even greater flexibility. These bars are highly durable (we
They have a coupling that allows hooks to be inserted into a central
have estimated and published how much they can support depending
10 mm-diameter one. The R 58 bar holder allows the bar to be stable
on their length). The H2B, H25B, and H3B versions, even more robust,
and easily removed, also thanks to the BH G 20 caps. These frames are
are also available. These bars can accommodate hooks up to 10 mm in
economical and flexible, as it is possible to avoid filling all the levels.
diameter. Hooks can be welded at their ends to construct a T-shaped
© HangOn
© HangOn
Examples of special hanging methods for particular workpieces.
© HangOn
© HangOn
HangOn’s hanging solutions are flexible and modular.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© HangOn
© HangOn
© HangOn
Even components with the most unusual geometries can be hung in a stable and optimised manner.
Hanging a large-sized part.
frame. This guarantees part stability, while the system’s modularity
workpieces processed, in the space occupied for storage, and in the
allows hooks to be inserted where needed without losing conductivity.
possible problems involved in handling them. The universal frames can
The HCL bar
also be used for cataphoresis operations: the structure remains the same, but the bars and accessories are changed to guarantee maximum
HCL bars have housings for the insertion of springs or hooks made from
conductivity. Already-welded bars with universal hooks are available
round rods or sheet metal. Their ends are protected with silicone caps
in the range, allowing for minimal contact. For greater flexibility, hook
that allow easy removal and ensure conductivity. They can have single
holders are also available where universal accessories and, at the top,
or double housings to increase hanging density. They are therefore
protective caps can be inserted.
extremely flexible, avoiding the need to build a different frame for every
Another interesting application is the use of magnets. In cases where no
part to be coated. Accessories can be made ad hoc, depending on the
metallic paint is used and where it is acceptable to have an unpainted
workpieces. Two springs can be accommodated inside the hook holder
area on one of the two faces of the metal workpiece, magnets can be
with a 4-end outlet. These bars can also be used for cataphoresis
employed for hanging. This makes the operation quicker and easier,
processes, thanks to a cap system that allows their ends to be protected
especially when there are no holes. The range includes different
and prevents the cataphoresis product from climbing up.
magnets depending on the weight to be supported. The magnets are
The HCF universal frame The flexibility of the HCF universal frames allows using bar holders with
always covered by silicone masking systems to prevent them from getting dirty.
interchangeable bars, and in some cases, bars with accessories that
The HQS frame
can be inserted depending on the workpiece to be hung. This leads to a
HQS frames have metal slats for hanging anything from individual parts
significant reduction in the number of frames required for the different
to profiles. The central 4 or 5 mm hook guarantees an overall resistance
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
of the frame up to 100 kg. HQS frames have been recently launched the market with various types of hooks, thanks to which each customer can find the best configuration for its specific use. The tree can be up to 2,400 mm in length, while the slats are 1 mm thick and 18 mm high. It is possible to create different configurations, e.g. slats on one side only (i.e. sheared), zigzag-shaped, or bent from 0 to 180°. This type of frame was also designed to avoid using individual hooks. It is manufactured automatically, which guarantees a low cost, equal to that of single hooks. The new configurations made available allow the users to find the appropriate hook shape for every workpiece to be hung. Another new feature launched on the market is the adapter that allows HQS frames to be extended using standard or currently available frames. The HQS frames can be used
Connect. Analyze. Optimize.
Scan Spray
for hanging small parts, but also parts with varying weights, including profiles.
Conclusions In addition to its automatically produced and standardised range, HangOn can build customised frames, hooks, and systems according to customer requirements. In addition, the implementation of trolleys offers the possibility of managing one’s own treatment processes even better. Indeed, trolleys have become essential in reducing process times and increasing density. In fact, inline hanging may not be efficient in terms of density, when it is not possible to adequately fill the m3 available within the line’s pre-set time. Trolleys allow for pre-hanging and handling within the plant. Some HangOn trolleys are designed to be modular and flexible. In general, managers can and should have the strength to change their company’s inefficiencies and get out of the comfort zone in which the most common phrase is: “We have always done it this way”. A tool that can be useful for moving from ideas to figures is the new CCC - Coating Cost Calculation system on the website
Dynamic Contour Detection Programming-free coating of any shape! The second generation of Dynamic Contour Detection detects the object contour fully automatic and positions the guns individually even for thin objects and at high conveyor speeds. Due to the programmingfree adaption of all relevant line settings the application range is significantly extended.
Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 20090 Trezzano s/N | Italy T +39 02 48 400 486
Government Grants for Energy-saving Drying Technology Petra Schlachter Harter GmbH - Stiefenhofen, Germany
Conventional hot air dryers often fail to achieve the desired performance. This is why the drying stage constitutes a bottleneck in many industrial processes. Moreover, such obsolete dryers are notorious for squandering energy. So, it might be rewarding to have a look at an alternative drying method which has qualified for government funding.
© Harter GmbH
Harter GmbH is specializing in manufacturing drying systems of components after finishing, painting and cleaning processes.
e are talking about heat pump based condensation drying. It
variable between 20 °C and 90 °C, as required for the specific item to be
was developed by drying system manufacturer Harter more
dried or the specific process.
than thirty years ago.
The technology is flexible and may be used for batch or continuous
This type of drying is distinguished from conventional methods by an
applications. Harter techniques include batch drying of racked items and
alternative physical approach. Dehumidification using extremely dry air
in-barrel drying of bulk material.
in an energetically closed system allows products to be dried quickly and
Drying of industrial sludge from waste water treatment is also part of
reliably while saving a lot of energy. Drying takes place at temperatures
Harter’s portfolio. The following examples illustrate typical applications.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Short drying time for racked items Among Harter’s clients there are many plating
© Harter GmbH
subcontractors with a large product portfolio. One of these companies did not quite manage to get their galvanised articles completely dry. Employees had to manually blow off water from some of their articles and have them finish air dry subsequently. The company wished to save the high expenditure incurred by additional time, effort, and energy, plus to eliminate the noise resulting from compressed air blowing. Their process was optimised by investing in a Harter rack dryer. Preliminary drying tests demonstrated that the articles were rendered completely dry, without the need for air blowing, at a temperature of 70 °C within the specified less than 10 minute cycle time. The rated power of the energy-efficient system in production operation is 12 kW approx.
A single dryer in lieu of multiple ovens
© Harter GmbH
A silverware manufacturer plates various plastic items for articles such as jewellery, watches or picture frames in their inhouse plating shop. The continuous dryer they were using was not part of their existing production line, that is items had to be removed from their racks and transported to the continuous dryer in a laborious effort. The company wished to optimise their process. Yet, as is the case in many companies, there was not enough space to place several ovens at the end of the plating line. And a single oven would not have achieved the desired drying performance. Tests demonstrated, again, that the Harter technology was capable of drying a rack of items within 5 minutes. So, a single dryer suffices to dry the silverware completely and likewise gently at a temperature below 65 °C. © Harter GmbH
From top to bottom: - The Harter’s barrel dryer. - Metal items gently rendered completely dry in rack dryers within the specified cycle times. - Bulk material is comfortably and reliably dried in the barrel. In-barrel drying is state-of-the-art today.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
In-barrel drying of bulk material One of Harter’s engineering milestones was the drying of barrelled items inside the barrel, either static or with minimal intermittent movement. As early as in 1996, Harter developed a special half-shell technique for this purpose. Meanwhile, hundreds of in-barrel dryers have been successfully installed although some circles stubbornly entertain the opinion that in-barrel drying is impossible. Here is an example to prove the opposite. A plating subcontractor abandoned the detrimental and time-consuming centrifugal drying in their barrel galvanising system. The in-barrel dryer integrated in their system today is capable of drying their bulk items within an eight minute cycle time, sometimes even faster. The items are rendered completely dry. The drying temperature is about 75 °C. This temperature is easy on both the items to be dried and the barrels. The compact in-barrel dryer has a rated power of 15.9 kW. Drying in a closed system makes the process fully independent of the weather conditions and the seasons. Absolute process reliability is ensured. The same applies to any type of bulk material drying in baskets, trays or other containers.
Saving cost by sludge drying Heat pump based condensation drying is also used for mechanically pre-dewatered sludge to minimise transport and disposal cost. Sludge weight and volume may be reduced by as much as 60 percent, as applicable for the type and properties of the specific sludge. Cost is also reduced by a commensurate 60 percent. So, sludge drying has an enormous cost cutting potential! Various projects have shown that dried sludge might obtain a better waste classification. Recycling might also be an option opening up an opportunity for extra revenue.
Government grants Companies choosing to invest in an energy-saving Harter condensation © Harter GmbH
dryer may obtain government grants. The heat pump technology integrated in the dryers is energy and
© Harter GmbH
carbon saving to such an extent that it was classified a sustainable technology in 2017 and is eligible for government grants within the scope of the applicable funding schemes. This applies to clients in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Sample drying test results to illustrate the potential for cost reduction by sludge drying. Standard sludge dryer for processing 1,000 kg a day.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
30% Material Savings in Silo Coating: Oltrogge’s Electrostatic Application System at Awila Anlagenbau When coating large surface areas or particularly complex-shaped parts, it is often difficult to achieve even film thickness. This is especially true for large industrial structures such as silos for animal feed, grain, or biomass pellets. Long-established service provider Oltrogge GmbH & Co. KG (Bielefeld, Germany) has installed an electrostatic coating system at the premises of Awila Anlagenbau GmbH, which can now achieve uniform thicknesses on all components while reducing material consumption and saving costs. Tailor-made solutions for customer-specific requirements
designing and building structures of this kind and assembling them in 57
In many industrial sectors, there are raw, semi-finished, or end products
countries worldwide. Its core business includes small to large turnkey and,
that have to be transported, dosed, or stored in the form of powder or
on request, modular animal feed and grain handling systems, developed
bulk goods, including food and animal feed but also colour pigments,
for customers mainly operating in the animal feed, plastics, and food
pharmaceutical substances, cement, or coal. Silos of the appropriate size
industries. Depending on customer needs, as well as on regional
are ideal for storing these products. For more than one hundred years,
conditions and requirements, Awila can create both comprehensive
Awila Anlagenbau GmbH (Lastrup, Lower Saxony, Germany) has been
overall solutions and individual components.
© Oltrogge
Awila builds silos, plants, and individual components for a wide range of industries. A special challenge for its staff lies in the coating of very large-sized structures.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Oltrogge
Traditionally, Awila had been using proven airless painting technology. During a product demonstration by long-established service provider Oltrogge, however, it got to know the electrostatic coating process.
Tomas Schulze, Head of Production and Manufacturing at Awila, puts the company’s mission in a nutshell: “Our ultimate goal is to multiply our customers’ successes. We are always on the lookout for innovative solutions to effectively support them in turning raw materials into high-quality products.” Among other things, this firm’s employees boast in-depth know-how in mechanical and thermal process engineering with regard to conveying, cleaning, sorting, grinding, mixing, dosing,
hygienising, drying, and forming raw products.
From airless to electrostatic coating As a reliable technology partner, therefore, Awila develops and builds silos, plants, and individual components for a wide range of industries. A special challenge for its staff lies in the coating of very largesized structures. Traditionally, Awila had been using proven airless technology for this. This process consists of feeding paint to an airless spray gun via a hose with the aid of a high-pressure pump: thanks to such high pressure, the material is finely atomised and effectively applied to surfaces.
© Oltrogge
Metal, plastic, carbon parts
A practical test convinced the company to install a new system.
During a product demonstration by long-established service provider
essential. The control unit also guarantees maximum safety during the
Oltrogge in Bielefeld (Germany), however, Awila got to know another type
electrostatic coating process and monitors the gun’s earthing: if this is not
of coating process, as Marco Dahlkötter, area sales manager at Oltrogge,
connected, the high voltage switches off automatically.
recalls: “We were able to get Awila interested in electrostatic coating few days, thus enabling it to directly compare both painting processes in
Electrostatic coating: more efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective
its actual production conditions.” This practical test completely convinced
Awila’s switch from airless to electrostatic painting has paid off. “Especially
Awila: it bought Oltrogge’s system and had it fully installed at its Lastrup
with large surface areas, we now achieve perfect film thickness: thanks to
site just a few days later.
this new technology, the coating spreads optimally and homogeneously
during a product demonstration and to provide it with our system for a
High-quality products offered by Oltrogge-Partner Wagner
at all times,” notes Tomas Schulze. “On small or complex-shaped parts, we also obtain a significant material saving of 30 to 50% compared with
Awila is now using Oltrogge-Partner Wagner’s electrostatic coating system,
our previous coating process.” This process’ operating principle, based on
consisting of an electrostatic handgun of the latest generation and a
the attraction of the earthed workpieces to the charged paint droplets,
control unit. In addition to their robustness and comfortable, ergonomic
depending on the paint, part geometry, and set parameters, also ensures
handling, the GM 5000 handguns guarantee a soft and homogeneous
significantly less overspray and thus higher application efficiency and
spray jet for high coating quality and very high application efficiency. “The
more sustainable and cost-effective use of materials. Paint savings,
smart control unit allows adjusting all coating parameters in real time,”
lower disposal costs, and lower VOC emissions guarantee the rapid
explains Reiner Feldkamp, application engineer at Oltrogge. “This ensures
amortisation of the system and provide yet another proof that Awila’s
that the gun delivers optimum performance under any condition.”
investment in electrostatic coating was absolutely the right decision.
For example, setting the voltage and current depending on material properties, ambient conditions, and workpiece requirements can prove
For further information:
© Oltrogge
Awila is now using Oltrogge-Partner Wagner’s electrostatic coating system, consisting of an electrostatic handgun of the latest generation and a control unit. The robust spray gun offers comfortable, ergonomic handling and it provides a soft and homogeneous spray jet for high coating quality and application efficiency.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
AUTOMOTIVE È il settore più esigente in termini di controllo qualità e performance. Imel fornisce impianti ai maggiori produttori mondiali per le componentistiche in acciaio, plastica e fanalerie. This is the most demanding sector in terms of quality control and performance. Imel has been supplying plants to top global producers, both for steel and for plastic components and lights.
I PROCESSI L’esperienza ultradecennale di Imel in questo settore ha consentito la realizzazione di svariate tipologie di impianti tra cui pretrattamento, cataforesi e applicazione di tutte le tipologie di vernici. Tutti questi processi vengono gestiti dall’avanzato sistema di controllo in tecnologia 4.0 The experience of Imel in this sector for over ten years has allowed the construction of various types of plants including pretreatment, cataphoresis and application of all paints typologies . Each of these processes is managed by an advanced control system of 4.0 technology
MORE INFORMATION +39 0432 908578 - Via Divisione Julia 10, 33033 Codroipo, UD - Italy
© Eurogalvano
Eurogalvano coats metal, plastic, glass, and crystal components while also applying special, customised effects.
Eurogalvano Found the Ideal Solution for its Flexible Coating Cycle in Cooperating with Multiple Partners Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®
To overcome the coating issues it was facing and speed up production, surface treatment specialist Eurogalvano started a joint project for a liquid painting plant. Thanks to Daphne Impianti’s system with CM Automazione’s conveyor, Epistolio’s self-learning coating robot, and Sames Kremlin’s paint management unit, the company is now equipped with a flexible solution adapted to its application needs.
utomation and self-learning robots are two elements that are
The Italian Association of Robotics and Automation (SIRI) estimated a
becoming increasingly common within the manufacturing
22.6% increase in domestic purchases in 20211.
industry, as they allow optimising and speeding up production
while improving the precision and quality of machining operations.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
However, some doubts may still arise as to the usefulness of such
to improve paint consistency, reduce consumption, and optimise
systems with production cycles that require flexibility and adaptability, as
production by being able to quickly alternate between automatic and
in the case of Eurogalvano S.r.l (Lodrino, Brescia, Italy). “We offer a very
manual processes.
high number of different surface treatments and we select the most suitable cycle for each requirement together with every customer. As we
Innovation on a two-year basis
produce components that will be subjected to mechanical stress, high
Eurogalvano began operations in 1993 as a contractor in the field of
temperatures, and corrosive environments, coating for us is a means
cleaning, sandblasting, tumbling, decorative electroplating, and Teflon
of providing a high degree of protection and aesthetic value. With the
coating of aluminium, iron, and steel for furniture components and
recent increase in customer requests, however, we also needed to
weapons. Always attentive to changing market demands, it has since
speed up our painting process. We considered installing a self-learning
been expanding or upgrading its equipment on a two-year basis. To
robot, but we were concerned that it would not be a flexible solution
differentiate its target markets, it first updated its systems to be able
capable of adapting to the different types and quantities of workpieces
to process rocker arms for Ducati gearboxes and pistons for Brembo
we treat,” says Matteo Anfuso, production manager at Eurogalvano.
brakes. Then, in order to also expand the types of surface treatments
“However, a partnership with four renowned Italian companies made us
on offer, it had a new department built with an electroplating plant
change our mind.”
specifically devoted to hard chrome plating, intending to meet new
Indeed, Eurogalvano identified the right solution in cooperating with
market demands and guarantee better technical properties even for
Daphne Impianti S.r.l. (Casella (Pesaro Urbino), CM Automazione S.r.l.
products made from less noble materials. It later implemented new
(Giussano, Monza e Brianza), Epistolio Srl (Casciago, Varese), and
treatments such as (polished or thick) brass plating and bronzing and it
Sames Kremlin Srl (Pioltello, Milan). The resulting liquid coating system
began machining all types of alloys, even the most delicate ones such as
with a self-learning application robot has in fact enabled the company
aluminium and stainless steel, in order to expand its range of decorative
© Epistolio
© ipcm
The X37R inverted conveyor supplied by CM Automazione.
The MRK self-learning coating robot supplied by Epistolio.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© ipcm
© Epistolio
Coating some home automation components with the Sames Kremlin TRP gun mounted on the robot’s mechanical arm and the paint management unit supplied by Sames Kremlin.
treatments. Subsequently, it implemented a zero-impact sputtering
management system. “The characteristic that has allowed us to grow is
process that enabled the vaporisation and deposition of noble metals in
our flexibility. We process 40,000 parts per day and have 230 customers.
a vacuum.
We are able to provide a complete, tailor-made service from the design
“We carefully observe the market and take action to improve our
of a component to the formulation of its finish, including moulding and
equipment and provide new services to our customers, which have
all intermediate surface treatments,” explains Anfuso.
grown exponentially over the years and now cover a variety of sectors:
Indeed, the company puts its research and development department
automotive, marine, home and industrial furniture, home automation,
and technicians at the service of each customer, in order to identify
doors and windows, and small parts. We also have an in-house chemical
together the properties and configuration of the required workpiece. It
laboratory, which has proved indispensable in controlling the quality of
then realises a design, creates a prototype in plastic or metal using 3D
our treatments. Every day, we carry out chemical analyses on our plating
printing technology, scans it, and finally mass produces it. Of course,
baths, salt spray resistance tests, thermal shock tests, and destructive
it also carries out the most suitable surface treatments to meet the
thickness tests,” states Anfuso. The acquisition of new plants, machinery,
aesthetic and technical requirements of every part: Eurogalvano can
and equipment has therefore enabled Eurogalvano to expand the
perform different types of pre-treatment by deburring with abrasive
treatments it offers, its target markets, and its expertise. This is why, in
belts, polishing with cotton wheels and heated abrasive pastes, solvent-
addition to contract machining, the company built another factory for
free ultrasonic cleaning, phosphating, or shot blasting. Afterwards, the
the own-brand production of over 200 types of modular joints, tubes,
parts undergo the required finishing processes.
and accessories for civil, business, and industrial furniture.
A flexible, customisable production cycle
The importance of coating “More than half of our products is destined for foreign countries, so we
Eurogalvano is therefore now able to coat metal, plastic, glass, and
make sure that our treatments generate high-quality surfaces that can
crystal components while also applying special, customised effects.
withstand high temperatures and corrosive environments. Coating plays
It has also obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification for its quality
a very important role here, both because it enables us to offer finishes
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
with a high aesthetic value and because it is a valid
and a 600-mm pitch. One of the special features of
alternative to the use of hexavalent chromium. We
the conveyor is the presence in the motorised rotation
can apply transparent, matte, glossy, and pigmented
device of a pneumatic cam for releasing the lever that
protective finishes on workpieces with very different
blocks the rotation of the chain’s hooks in the segment
dimensions and shapes. We are equipped with eighty
passing through the coating station: a movable casing
tanks for electroplating processes, a manual powder
allows the device to be closed while the parts are
coating booth, and a water transfer printing tank. In
being painted, in order to protect the conveyor’s
2019, we also added a new liquid coating plant with
gears and reduce cleaning and maintenance work.
an Epistolio MRK articulated robot with a self-learning
The drying booth is equipped with a second rotation
module, in order to achieve greater flexibility in
device with the same characteristics as the one
production, better uniformity in application, and a
located in the coating booth.
significant reduction in lead times. This investment also enabled us to offer an additional service to
The MRK self-learning coating robot
our customers, the coating of plastics, thus further
The pressurised liquid painting booth is equipped
expanding the range of surfaces we are able to paint,”
with an Epistolio MRK six-axis articulated robot, on
notes Anfuso. “Finally, in 2021, we also installed a
which a Sames Kremlin TRP 501 electrostatic gun is
colour mixing system to create unique finishes. We
mounted. “The robot allows parts with complex and
make them in-house, test them, and apply them.
very different shapes and geometries to be coated
Finally, we provide the recipes to our customers so
precisely, applying a uniform finish to each surface
that they can replicate them.”
while avoiding the Faraday cage effect and reducing
The new liquid coating plant
paint consumption. Outside the booth, the touchscreen control panel with multilingual software
The flexibility that characterises its liquid coating plant
includes a module for managing and customising
enables Eurogalvano to handle large batch quantities
production, as well as offering statistics and data on
as well as smaller, customised orders. “During a work
robot utilisation,” indicates Epistolio sales manager
shift, we have to be able to handle very different
Luca Venturini.
components. For example, we might have to paint
The MRK coating robot has a self-learning function:
500 plates for hotel domotics, then 100 small fittings
by means of an ergonomic, removable joystick
for furniture, and finally 10 components for 1.5-metre
with programmable buttons, one operator can
long coat hangers. Consequently, we needed a
set the manual movement of the robot and guide
solution that would allow us to quickly switch between
it in spraying a workpiece. “Once the start button
automatic and manual operation,” indicates Anfuso.
is pressed, the software programme stores all
The plant is composed of five stations: a loading and
movements, saving them when the operator
unloading area, a liquid paint booth, a flash-off tunnel,
confirms that the painting cycle has been successfully
a drying oven, and a cooling area.
completed. In this way, all subsequent parts can be
Features of the X37R inverted conveyor
treated automatically. It is also possible to modify existing programmes, should an alternative cycle be
The coating line is linked to an X37R inverted
identified or any subsections be added or changed.
conveyor with a maximum distributed load of 3,000
The robot is in fact equipped with proportional
daN, characterised by a step-by-step or continuous-
valves through which paint quantities, atomisation,
flow operation with a speed of 3 m/min at 50 Hz and
fan opening, and kilovolt range can be adjusted to
controlled through the line’s general switchboard. The
customise even individual sections of each coating
attachments to the chain, which can be rotated and
programme according to the requirements of parts,”
are equipped with a locking lever, are moved together
says Venturini.
with the parts to be processed along the entire line,
“For example, if we find any difficulties in coating,
up to the discharge area. There are 116 frames with
we can change the parameters and avoid or reduce
a maximum load capacity of 20 daN per attachment
Faraday cage issues at critical surface areas. In
© Eurogalvano
© Eurogalvano
Products treated with a satin chrome plating process and other components manufactured by Eurogalvano.
addition, the robot’s pneumatically balanced arms are made of very
and the amounts of dispensed paint in order to minimise material
robust yet lightweight materials, so manoeuvrability during programming
consumption and improve finishing quality,” notes Anfuso.
and manual painting is comfortable and quick. As mentioned, we need to be very flexible and able to coat even just a dozen components. Self-
The added value of cooperation
learning is very useful, but so is the ability to quickly configure the robot
The plant went into operation in 2019 and Eurogalvano is completely
arm for manual operation. In this way, for example, we can paint a frame
satisfied with the investment.
with components that require a high degree of customisation and, after
“We visited Epistolio’s premises to see an MRK robot in operation,
a few minutes, resume the automated coating of other batches. Finally,
test the ergonomics of its mechanical arm and its self-learning
in order to ensure the safety of all personnel, Epistolio’s articulated
function, and see if it was the most suitable solution for our flexibility
robot is also equipped with appropriate safety systems that immediately
requirements. The robot immediately proved to be very useful and
stop arm movements if they perceive the presence of an operator,”
easy to handle, so we decided to make this investment. We discussed
explains Anfuso.
with Epistolio, Daphne Impianti, CM Automazione, and Sames Kremlin,
The paint management unit
we identified together the potential problems we would face, and we studied how to solve them.”
Sames Kremlin’s mixing system and control unit automatically manage
“Synergy was our trump card for this project. For example, an
two tanks containing hardeners and five tanks with other paint
Epistolio motor interpolated with the robot’s 6 axes is mounted on
components, the feed pumps, and the cleaning and quick colour change
CM Automazione conveyor’s workpiece rotation unit to manage
operations, the latter of which takes two minutes. Paint products can
the workpiece rotation in terms of angle and speed, thus further
thus be created, mixed with hardeners, and fed to the robot directly
optimising the coating process. This was made possible by working
the moment they are to be applied. Based on customer requirements,
with several qualified and reliable partners. All the companies that
Eurogalvano applies primers, base coats, and customised two-
took part in the project discussed the best solution, each providing
component top coats even on small batches. In addition, should it be
their technologies best suited to the needs of Eurogalvano,” points out
necessary to paint many components in sequence, the automatic mixing
system integrated with the product and catalyst tanks allows production
“We encountered maximum willingness on everyone’s part. Now, our
to be quickly alternated.
system is perfectly configured and optimised. It has provided us with
“One of the advantages of having our different suppliers cooperate with
benefits in terms of coating speed and quality, but also of production
each other is that we can manage the Sames Kremlin’s unit directly from
process management. The operator teaches the articulated robot the
Epistolio software. We are therefore able to optimise paint application,
best coating cycle, then takes over personally to paint smaller batches
configure the transition from manual to semi-automatic application,
when we have specific requests, and finally lets the robot resume
and adjust the oven’s parameters, the conveyor’s frame rotations,
normal production,” states Anfuso.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Partners for the successful renovation, implementation and commissioning of your coating plant.
Revamping, implementation, renovation, modification, recovery, and relocation of painting installations professionality
© New Color
New Color’s Environmentally Friendly, High Quality Finishes Achieved by Recovering Pre-Treatment Water and Controlling Every Stage of the Coating Process Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®
While keeping the flexibility of coating processes as the cornerstone of its production, New Color wanted to optimise and reduce the environmental impact of its operations. The control system for all process phases implemented by Avin and the physical-chemical water treatment process developed by NoksorSokemGroup have thus enabled the company to offer its customers environmentally sustainable, high-quality finishes while reducing consumption.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
The pre-treatment tunnel.
ews about climate change is unfortunately the order of the day.
customers turn to us because they know we can adapt our processes
Northern Italy, for example, is experiencing its driest period
to their requirements, but also because they are aware of the efforts we
since 1952 and many municipalities are rationing water use1.
make to limit the consumption of energy resources and waste materials
Sustainable behaviours are therefore increasingly indispensable both in
during processing.”
the lives of individuals and in production processes. In particular, climate
Needing to maintain the flexibility of its painting processes, but at the
change has further affected the water crisis and, therefore, also the
same time wanting to optimise production times and further reduce the
technological interventions made by companies to mitigate it.
environmental impact of its operations, New Color collaborated with
New Color (San Donà di Piave, Venice, Italy), a company specialising in
NoxorSokem Group Srl (Cusano di Zoppola, Pordenone, Italy) and Avin
the coating of street furniture, lighting, and home furniture components
(San Martino al Tagliamento, Pordenone) to upgrade its existing coating
and metalwork fabrications, is at the forefront of the transition to
plant. Its synergic cooperation with these two companies has had two
greener production.
main results: implementing an Industry 4.0-oriented digital control
“Our company’s mission has always been to provide our customers
system of all phases of the coating process, supplied by Avin, which
with finishes that are not only of high quality but also environmentally
allowed New Color to improve production times and finishing quality
sustainable,” states Massimo De Gianni, the CEO of New Color. “This is
by constantly monitoring each stage, and installing a zero-discharge
a contract coating firm, so we deal with many different types of parts:
physical-chemical treatment plant for rinse water and concentrates coming from the pre-treatment line, developed by NoxorSokem.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© ipcm
The in-line coating plant.
So, the company will be able to add a related section on its website
a contractor, but we can also carry out consultancy work to help our
that will allow clients to check all the information about their orders:
customers identify the most suitable coating solution for their needs.
they will be able to monitor the status, the amount of powder used
The technological investments and innovative solutions we have
and the environmental data such as the quantity of water that has
implemented have allowed us to gradually expand and update our
been saved compared to processing without a purifier.
coating plant, so as to adapt it to emerging market demands and, at
Environmental sustainability and quality control
the same time, meet all the environmental sustainability requirements we have imposed on ourselves,” continues De Gianni.
New Color was founded in 1995 with only six employees and a powder
“Another important element of our production is the focus on quality
application booth.
and control of every process stage. In fact, we intend to obtain the
“Thanks to the thirty years of experience of the founding partners,
Qualisteelcoat certification, so that we can offer our customers
which has been passed on to new employees and heirs, the company
products made with processes certified by independent institutions,”
has grown steadily, until it acquired a new factory in 2002 and
adds Walter Donà, technical manager at New Color. This is why, to
assumed a more prominent role within its market. When we decided
reduce the environmental impact of its production and monitor the
to expand our offer to treat outdoor and street furniture components,
quality of its coating process, in the summer of 2021 the company
we turned to some expert companies to develop together with us
equipped itself with a new water purification and recycling plant
the most suitable pre-treatment process for our requirements. This
designed and installed by Avin together with Noxor, which also takes
allowed us to gain further knowledge, and now we are no longer just
care of its control, maintenance, and technical support.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A flexible coating plant
gives New Color the flexibility to always identify, with the support of the
New Color uses a static powder coating line for treating steel, galvanised
supplier, the most suitable pre-treatment operation for each incoming
steel, and aluminium components with maximum dimensions of 12 x
substrate (ORS, EG, HDI, stainless steel, Al).
2.60 metres and a maximum weight of 1,500 kg and a second automatic
The parts then go through a Gema automatic booth, where two
plant with a one-rail overhead conveyor to paint parts with maximum
reciprocators with twelve guns (six on each side) apply the powder
dimensions of 5 x 2.4 metres. “This flexible plant enables us to adapt our
coating. There are also two pre- and post-finishing stations, “which,
coating cycle to individual customer needs, by activating or deactivating
however, are only used for the undercuts and the shielded parts,
certain pre-treatment stages even during a single shift. Moreover, our
because the paint’s spread rate is high, consistent, and uniform with
technicians are always available to analyse the needs of individual parts
most geometries. Furthermore, as the guns are equipped with a Super
and decide together with the customer the best pre-treatment, coating,
Corona ring that neutralises excess free ions, overspray is avoided and
and curing recipe,” explains Francesco Bellè, technical manager at New
the orange peel effect is limited,” notes Bellè. Finally, the components
are polymerised in an oven at 180 °C for an average of 40 minutes and
The multi-stage spray pre-treatment process involves the alternative use
subjected to a coating quality control phase before being packed and
of phospho-pickling or multi-metal phosphodegreasing depending on
shipped to customers.
the materials to be treated, both performed with a degreasing additive,
“An independent test performed by the University of Trento has certified
followed by two rinses with purified water and one with osmotic water.
that our painting process achieves uniform and durable finishes that are
The final stage is no-rinse nanotechnological passivation. Afterwards,
resistant to thermal and mechanical stress, corrosion, weathering, and
the parts are dried in the oven at 150 °C for 15 minutes. This process
chemicals. In fact, our treated parts’ salt spray resistance value exceeds
© ipcm
The water treatment plant built by Avin and NoxorSokem.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
1,000 hours. Consistency of results is indeed essential to meet our customers’ demands. This is why we turned to Avin for a tracking and control system that would enable us to monitor all stages of our coating process and to Noxor for an effective water treatment process that would recover the water used in pre-treatment and recirculate it while maintaining a high-quality degree,” explains Donà.
Avin’s control system New Color wanted to track its production flow and monitor its quality. Therefore, it turned to Avin to upgrade the electronic and IT aspects of its plant, including a system that would allow controlling values such as temperature, pH in the active pre-treatment baths, water conductivity, and curing conditions for each © ipcm
coating cycle. Using the touch-screen panel, Treatment vessels and dosing pumps.
it is also possible to display a summary of the operating parameters set and their status via a user-friendly colour scheme, so that quick action can be taken in the event of an error in programme selection. “We kept the switchboard, but replaced the software package and the PLC, creating a new computer system that allows remote operation. The operator can use the PLC to select the programme to which the different processing parameters are associated, such as the type of pre-treatment process and curing temperature, identified by simple numbers. Once the starting and ending load bars have been selected, the plant performs the entire coating cycle automatically,” indicates Morgan Infanti, Avin’s General Manager. “As we have no standardised customer requirements, our coating cycle has to be adapted to individual orders. In addition, the new system allows monitoring consumption: we can check the quality of water in the pre-treatment phase, the amount of powder used and the corresponding paint tin, and the energy and water consumption of the entire
© ipcm
The reverse osmosis module.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
plant,” says Donà.
© ipcm
Eluate collected in big bags.
The water treatment process developed by NoxorSokem New Color also relied on NoxorSokem and Avin for conceiving a zero-discharge chemical-physical water treatment process that would allow water to be reused during the pre-treatment phase prior to coating. “The system includes a storage tank for rinsing water, which is continuously refreshed, and a tank for storing concentrates. Water and concentrates are dosed inside a three-vessel system equipped with sulphuric acid, coagulant, and disinfectant dosing pumps for the coagulation, flocculation, neutralisation, and sedimentation phases. Water is then filtered with quartzite (to remove any components that do not settle, such as sand) and activated carbon (to remove any organic compounds, such as COD and BOD). Finally, the resulting purified water is subjected to osmotic filtration, while a big bag collects the sludge for external disposal,” explains Fulvio Truant, technical manager at NoxorSorkem. “When New Color approached Avin for this plant, we studied together the best suited physical-chemical process through treatment tests carried out in our laboratory and subsequent analyses to determine the degree of pollutants reduction. We then collaborated with Avin for its integration with the existing pre-treatment process. Furthermore, from the start-up phase, we
take care of scheduled assistance to ensure that the plant always operates in the best conditions, providing also technical support and coaching, as well as a periodic analysis of the wastewater before and after the purification phase,” indicates Sergio Gava from NoxorSokem.
Reduced consumption and improved quality One year after these systems’ installation, New Color has dramatically decreased its resource consumption and improved the finishing quality level offered to its customers. “The two investments were made simultaneously, with a view to both improving the quality of our coating process and reducing consumption. The water treatment plant enables us to optimise production, because overnight it purifies the water that we will use for pre-treatment the next day. At the same time, it has considerably reduced our consumption rates: in the past, we had
© ipcm
to change water every two days, whereas now we have been using the same water for months, with stable conductivity values. So, the quality of our rinsing phase increased and, consequently, the improvement in the consistency and quality degree of our parts. Finally, Avin’s software is not only a great tool for increasing the production rates of our coating plant while maintaining its flexibility: is also able to analyse the quality of recirculated water and provide us with daily reports. We are fully pleased with the results of the synergy between NoxorSokem and Avin,” states Massimo De Gianni.
The touch screen for managing water treatment plant parameters. A group photo of the personnel of New Color.
© ipcm
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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NCS Colour Unveils 100 New Colours and Updates Design Tools For the first time since 2004, NCS Colour has launched 100 new Standard colours on the market, now adding up to 2050 standard colours.
or the first time since 2004, NCS Colour has launched 100 new
colours are. They are frequently used in our colour development
NCS Standard colours in the low chromatic colour area. The
projects with the decorative paint industry, kitchen brands, home
new colours aim to solve some questions including: Which white
appliance, automotive industry etc. and recurrently top the list of most
colour to choose? How to choose between different greige colours to
requested colours by the design community”, said Ingela Koski-Vähälä,
get the right shade, neither too grey nor too beige? Can the famous
Portfolio Manager, NCS Colour.
Nordic light be adapted into a design, using a specific colour hue? Low chromatic colours play a vital role in interior and exterior design,
Updated tools
product design and architecture. When looking at colour samples,
NCS Colour has also released an update to the most popular Design
it is often difficult to distinguish between one colour and another.
Tools containing colour samples of the entire NCS Standard range
However, when colour is applied, any slight differences in shade or
of 2050 colours. This includes NCS Index, NCS Atlas, NCS Block, NCS
hue can be felt and have a major impact on the final design. For this
Album, and NCS Box. Updates are made to improve the usability and
reason, NCS Colour is making the Standard colour range denser in the
sustainability of the tools.
low chromatic area of the colour space. This way, the user will have
“We take pride in constantly working to improve the Natural Colour
more options and control.
System and its physical and digital representations. Adding 100 new
Four areas of colour
Standard colours is an important milestone for us”, stated Elin Askfelt, CEO, NCS Colour.
Low chromatic colours are the most used colours in NCS system apart from truly Neutrals (N). The new colours focus on hues between Yellow
For further information:
and Red. This area of the NCS colour circle includes beige and brown (as a shade of orange) and pink (a shade of red). Also, “white” is an extremely important colour for painting. While there are countless shades of white on the market, most of them have 05 to 10 in Blackness and 00 to 02 in Chromaticness in NCS system. For this reason, NCS system adds in this space two new shades, 0601 and 1001, which correspond to the best-selling whites apart from the current NCS Standard. To better understand the new Standard colours, NCS Colour - in addition to the NCS Notation for each colour - has divided the 100 new Standard colours into four colour areas called White Delight, Nordic Midtones, Great Greys and Black Elegance.
A global community of colour professionals contributed to the development of colours The 100 new colours are the result of a joint effort between NCS Colour and a global community of colour professionals to further enhance the NCS system. A new technology has enabled NCS Colour to produce samples in entirely new shades with low chromaticity. “The low chromatic colours are a constant in our top list regarding bestselling colours. We have seen over the years how important these
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
allnex Will Turn Its Alkyd Product Line More Sustainable allnex will use mass-balanced biobased pentaerythritol in all the alkyds produced in the EMEA region. llnex, a leading supplier of resins for sustainable coatings
the Executive Vice President of the LRA business line at allnex.
solutions, has recently announced that its Liquid Resins &
The sustainability program of the company focuses also on
Additives (LRA) business line will switch to the use of partially,
environmentally-friendly solutions that can help its customers to further
mass balanced, biobased pentaerythritol in all alkyds produced in the
reduce the carbon footprint of their products. allnex is committed to
European sites.
reducing 30% in absolute CO2 emission (Scope 1 and 2) by 2030, in
The bio-content of the water borne and solvent borne RESYDROL®,
order to pave the way towards climate neutrality by 2050.
SETAL and SETAQUA alkyds will then increase by 25%, reaching
“This conscious decision to transition to a feedstock with higher bio
a total of more than 60%. The decision is part of the new
content is an important step as it should create a ripple effect with our
Environmental Sustainability Governance Program of the company.
customer’s and theirs, for new promotional ideas and opportunities for
The bio-enhanced alkyds of allnex will be offered at the same price
their now greener coatings, collectively moving our industry into a more
of the previous products and will not need reformulations, testing or
sustainable direction”, has also commented Robert Skarvan, the Global
performance compromise.
Marketing Director of allnex’s LRA.
“With this step we are making our alkyds more environmentally friendly, it is a clear example of the leading role allnex plays in making the coatings industry more sustainable”, has stated Ruben Mannien,
For further information:
We create chemistry that makes lines love curves. Coatings give a car more than just long-lasting protection. Brilliant gloss and innovative colors transform contours into dynamics and design into emotion. Lines and curves are united and edges and contours are brought to life. When color and shape come together, and paint evokes passion, it’s because at BASF, we create chemistry.
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CO-OWNERS, ARC EDM INC. Ashley and Daniel love manufacturing because job shops like theirs make a little piece of everything. “We go to IMTS so we can be rock stars for our customers. They trust we’ll have the latest EDM technology to run their parts.” Find Ashley and Daniel at IMTS 2022.
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HOW IT’S COATED Magical Exterior Colour-Change: BMW iX Flow Featuring E lnk
BRAND NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Verniciatura Arcudi Invested in the Future with a New Shot Blasting Machine and its Innovative Turbine Orientation System
Zero Rejection Target: IMR’s New Compact and Highly Flexible Plant for Premium Bumper Coating
Quick Colour Change as a Growth Strategy for a Coating Contractor
EcoDose2k for Automated Colour Matching of Bodywork Paints
Lean Manufacturing: How to Translate it from a Concept into Reality with the Right Logistics, Production, and Storage Structures
Investing in Training and Finishing Technologies with a View to Sustainability. Maxion Wheels Group’s Painting Training Course
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
Magical Exterior Colour-Change: BMW iX Flow Featuring E lnk edited by BMW Group
BMW Group launched its new E Ink colour-changing paint technology, which uses digitisation to adapt the exterior of car to different weather conditions and individual wishes.
igitisation is delivering an integrated user experience
body wrap that is tailored precisely to the contours of the all-electric
characterised by individuality and emotionalisation in the
Sports Activity Vehicle from BMW. When stimulated by electrical signals,
interior of current BMW models. The My Modes allow the driver
the electrophoretic technology brings different colour pigments to the surface, causing the body skin to take on the desired colouration.
and the driving experience they want. With the BMW iX Flow featuring E
Adrian van Hooydonk, Head of BMW Group Design: “The BMW iX Flow
lnk presented on the occasion of CES 2022, the Munich-based premium
is an advanced research and design project and a great example of the
car manufacturer offered the prospect of a future technology that uses
forward thinking that BMW is known for.”
digitisation to also adapt the exterior of a vehicle to different situations
The innovative E lnk technology opens completely new ways of
and individual wishes. The surface of the BMW iX Flow featuring E lnk
changing the vehicle’s appearance in line with the driver’s aesthetic
can vary its shade at the driver’s prompting.
preferences, the environmental conditions or even functional
Frank Weber, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG,
requirements. The technology thus offers unprecedented potential
Development: “Digital experiences won’t just be limited to displays in the
for personalisation in the area of exterior design. The BMW iX Flow
future. There will be more and more melding of the real and virtual. With
featuring E lnk demonstrates this potential to impressive effect. Against
the BMW iX Flow, we are bringing the car body to life.”
this background, the BMW Group is driving the development of the
The fluid colour changes are made possible by a specially developed
technology so that a new form of personalisation can be experienced
© Tom Kirkpatrick - BMW Group
to tailor the atmosphere in the interior entirely to their personal mood
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
both on the outside and in the inside of future production vehicles. Already today, the colour chosen for a car is an expression of the driver’s personality. The choice of exterior paints available for current BMW models covers a wide colour spectrum. In this way, the longing for a wildly expressive, extravagant, or sporty appearance on the outside can be taken into account as well as the desire for an understated, subtle or elegant appearance. New variants are added each year that reflect the characteristics of the model in question and that allow the brand to keep setting trends in the area of exterior design. New technologies will provide a whole new level of decision-making freedom in the future. “This gives the driver the freedom to express different facets of their personality or even their enjoyment of change outwardly, and to redefine this each time they sit into their car,” says Stella Clarke, Head of Project for the BMW iX Flow featuring E lnk. “Similar to fashion or
© Tom Kirkpatrick - BMW Group
the status ads on social media channels, the vehicle then becomes an expression of different moods and circumstances in daily life.”
How a variable exterior colour can increase efficiency
microcapsules, with a diameter equivalent to the thickness of a human hair. Each of these microcapsules contains negatively charged white
A variable exterior colour can also contribute to wellness in the interior
pigments and positively charged black pigments.
and to the efficiency of the vehicle. This is done by taking account of the
Depending on the chosen setting, stimulation by means of an electrical
different abilities of light and dark colours when it comes to reflecting
field causes either the white or the black pigments to collect at the
sunlight and the associated absorption of thermal energy. A white
surface of the microcapsule, giving the car body the desired shade.
surface reflects a lot more sunlight than a black one. By implication,
Achieving this effect on a vehicle body involves the application of many
heating of the vehicle and passenger compartment as a result of strong
precisely fitted ePaper segments.
sunlight and high outside temperatures can be reduced by changing
Generative design processes are implemented to ensure the segments
the exterior to a light colour.
reflect the characteristic contours of the vehicle and the resulting
In cooler weather, a dark outer skin will help the vehicle to absorb
variations in light and shadow. The generative design algorithms enable
noticeably more warmth from the sun.
the necessary formability and flexibility required to tailor the ePaper
In both cases, selective colour changes can help to cut the amount of
exactly to the design lines of the vehicle. Laser cutting technologies
cooling and heating required from the vehicle’s air conditioning. This
guarantee high precision in generating each segment.
reduces the amount of energy the vehicle electrical system needs and
After the segments are applied and the power supply for stimulating
with it also the vehicle’s fuel or electricity consumption. In an all-electric
the electrical field is connected, the entire body is warmed and sealed
car, changing the colour in line with the weather can therefore also help
to guarantee optimum and uniform colour reproduction during every
to increase the range. In the interior, the technology could, for example,
colour change.
prevent the dashboard from heating up too much. E lnk technology itself is extremely energy efficient. Unlike displays or projectors, the electrophoretic technology needs absolutely no energy to keep the chosen colour state constant. Current only flows during the short colour changing phase.
Millions of paint capsules in a custom wrap Electrophoretic colouring is based on a technology developed by E lnk that is most wellknown from the displays used in eReaders. The surface coating of the BMW iX Flow featuring E lnk contains many millions of
Scan or click the QR Code to see the effects of the BMW iX Flow featuring E lnk
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
EcoPaintJet Pro by Dürr Wins Surface Technology Award 2022 Dürr’s EcoPaintJet Pro application technology won the innovation award “DIE OBERFLÄCHE” organized by the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation.
coPaintJet Pro by Dürr, which can
sensor mounted on the robot measures the
“We at Dürr are very proud of the almost
automatically paint complex car body
deviation of the car body to be painted from
20-strong team, which has been putting
surfaces without overspray and applying
the reference pattern. The robot controller
great effort and dedication into this invention
individual design elements without the need
adjusts the painting paths in real time.
since 2008. The innovative strength of our
for masking, won the innovation award „DIE
The speed and tilt angle of the applicator are
employees is the basis for our company’s
OBERFLÄCHE“ organized by the Fraunhofer
also controlled so that the paint is always
success,” says Dr. Jochen Weyrauch, CEO of
Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and
applied evenly and there is no overspray and
Dürr AG. “The EcoPaintJet Pro reflects a key
Automation since 2012, which was presented
no need for masking. In a standard production
focus in our development work: sustainability.”
at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY trade fair.
line that paints 110,000 car bodies per year,
The EcoPaintJet Pro has already won the
EcoPaintJet Pro can also lower production
this saves more than 1.5 million square meters
German Innovation Award and was recently a
costs while improving the sustainability of
of film and 2.2 million meters of masking tape
finalist for the European Inventor Award, which
individual paint shops. An initial measurement
every year plus a lot of manual work. Another
is organized by the European Patent Office.
of the DXQ3D.onsite software detects and
advantage is that the new process requires
compensates for any inaccuracies in the
up to 30% less energy than the conventional
For further information:
conveyor system or the body shop. A second
© Dürr
© Dürr
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Nouryon
Nouryon Launched Expancel® HP92 Microspheres for the Automotive Industry The new microspheres developed by Nouryon reduce weight and withstand high pressure in underbody coatings and sealants.
ouryon has launched the Expancel®
several technical requirements in one product and
HP92 thermoplastic microspheres fillers,
we are proud to support them with a solution that
specifically developed to reduce the weight
not only improves fuel efficiency, enhances acoustics
of underbody coatings and sealants and withstand
and seals for harsh weather conditions but also
supports the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions,”
When heated, the gas encapsulated in the polymer
stated Johan Landfors, Executive Vice President and
shell of the microspheres expands, allowing the
President of Technology Solutions and Europe at
Expancel microspheres to be used as a lightweight
filler and blowing agent to make end products lighter
“When used in underbody coatings and sealants,
and obtain different surface effects. In addition to
Expancel® HP92 microspheres allow our customers
requiring less raw material and reducing weight,
in the automotive industry to use high-pressure
the new product developed by Nouryon ensures
application processes on surfaces with up to four
reduced costs and environmental impact.
times better volume recovery to its original shape
Automotive manufacturers are increasingly needing
after pressurization compared to an older grade of
lightweight materials, in order to meet the stricter
thermoplastic microsphere,” added Sylvia Winkel
emission regulations and the strong consumer
Pettersson, Vice President of Engineered Polymers
interest in fuel-efficient vehicles that do not
at Nouryon. “Our technology is aimed at combining
compromise on performance or passenger comfort.
and optimizing the pressure resistance associated
“The ability to produce lightweight solutions for
with glass microsphere grades with the light weight
our key markets presents tremendous growth
of thermoplastic microspheres fillers in one refined
opportunities for Nouryon as our customers
increasingly focus on implementing more sustainable solutions. Our customers in the transportation industry are looking for innovations that address
For further information:
The BMW Group Employs BASF Paints Certified According to The Biomass Balance Approach The BMW Group is the first carmaker to place its trust in more sustainable automotive OEM coatings certified according to BASF’s biomass balance approach.
he BMW Group has chosen to use BASF Coatings’ CathoGuard
we are increasingly relying on sustainability innovations in our supplier
800 ReSource e-coat at its plants in Leipzig, Germany, and Rosslyn,
network,” said Joachim Post, member of the Board of Management of
South Africa, and the iGloss matt ReSource clearcoat throughout
BMW AG, responsible for Purchasing and Supplier Network. “Innovative
Europe, thus investing in the use of more sustainable raw materials.
paints based on renewable raw materials are an important step in this
These products enable CO2 avoidance of around 40% per coating layer,
which will reduce the amount of CO2 emitted in the plants by more than
The development of more sustainable versions of its products, falls
15,000 metric tons by 2030. The BMW Group produces an average of
within BASF’s biomass balance approach: renewable raw materials
around 250,000 vehicles every year at its Leipzig and Rosslyn plants.
like bio-based naphtha and biomethane from organic waste are used
“As the largest provider of chemical products to the automotive industry,
as raw materials when manufacturing primary chemical products and
we are aware of our responsibility to support our customers with
are fed into the production in Verbund. The proportion of bio-based
innovative, eco-efficient solutions. The biomass balance approach allows
raw materials is then arithmetically assigned to certain sales products
us to make our coatings solutions even more sustainable while retaining
according to a certified method. This attribution model is comparable
the same quality. We are delighted that the BMW Group has chosen to
with the principle of green electricity. An independent certification
play a pioneering role in the automotive industry and that our products
confirms that BASF has replaced the quantities of fossil resources
play a key part in helping it achieve its ambitious sustainability goals,”
required for the biomass-balanced product sold with renewable raw
said Dr. Markus Kamieth, Member of the Board of Executive Directors of
BASF SE. “By reducing our use of fossil raw materials, we can conserve natural
For further information:
resources and lower CO2 emissions at the same time. To achieve this,
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
FASTRIP ISP In-line system for the chemical paint stripping of hooks and frames
ALIT Technologies Srl - San Bonifacio, Italy +39 045.245.6638 -
Fastrip ISP is a stripping machine featuring a horizontal tank above which the rail runs for the in-line handling of hooks and frames intended for electrostatic coating processes. These are immersed and flow into the stripping bath for a variable time of approximately 2 minutes. After leaving the chemical bath while still hanging onto the chain, they result perfectly clean and ready to be used in a new coating cycle. ALIT offers the complete paint stripping solution: tank and chemical paint stripping product with high performance and low environmental impact.
© ipcm
Verniciatura Arcudi Invested in the Future with a New Shot Blasting Machine and its Innovative Turbine Orientation System Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Production in the Italian automotive industry has returned to the levels of the 1960s. Finding a way out is possible through the development of innovative solutions that combine high production capacity with the excellent professional skills that have always characterised this sector. The path chosen by Verniciatura Industriale Arcudi, specialising in contract cataphoresis and powder coating services, is to diversify its production and open up to the shot blasting market with a new plant designed and installed by OMSG - Officine Meccaniche San Giorgio.
lthough the figures for the Italian automotive industry – after the health crisis and a slower adjustment than in other countries to current trends such as, for example, electric mobility, energy
transition, and the digital revolution – are not very comforting1, the
automotive components supply chain in the Italian region of Piedmont is still a benchmark for the entire country.
Verniciatura Industriale Arcudi has been coating automotive components with cataphoresis and powder processes since 1986.
Last year’s report published by the Department of Management of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)2 emphasised that “this region continues to be the focal point of Italian automotive parts and components production: in 2020, Piedmont was home to 33.5% (737 units) of the companies surveyed in the components field (2,203 units), combined with the presence of specialised suppliers and skilled professionals necessary to support the development of the mobility of the future”. Satellite activities’ skills are therefore essential to guarantee a future for the Italian automotive industry, and investments in new technologies are the tools with which the bravest companies can differentiate themselves from competitors. Verniciatura Industriale Arcudi Srl (Bruino, Turin, Italy), specialising in contract shot blasting and cataphoresis and powder coating of automotive components, is certainly among them.
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“Since our company was founded in 1981 by the Arcudi brothers, we have been experimenting with the latest technologies and pioneering solutions never before considered in our industry, such as a combined continuous-flow cataphoresis and powder coating line,” says Quality Manager Roberta Arcudi. “We have always worked with prestigious OEMs and with large orders, coating up to 1,200 car doors a day. In this period, one of the most difficult ones for our industry, we have decided to open up to a new market, that of shot blasting, by launching a project that has involved the integration of a new plant to be placed alongside the one already employed for cleaning the frames of our cataphoresis + powder coating line.”
A wise choice leading to greater flexibility In 1986, the company moved to its current location, where it installed
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one of the first cataphoresis plants. “In 2005, our old powder coating plant was integrated with a cataphoresis tank, as a part of the project we had long had in mind to build a continuous-flow line, a solution that no automotive supplier in our area had ever thought of,” confirms Arcudi. “In order to realise this, we took as a model a large, technologically advanced system that a company in Vicenza (Italy) used to paint the glass pillars of a famous car manufacturer. We even visited it in person to fully understand its technical complexity and, above all, to see if there were any critical issues in the process we had chosen to implement. The resulting line was very flexible. The possibility of choosing which treatment to apply, i.e. cataphoresis only or cataphoresis + powder, enabled us not only to reduce time and labour requirements, with the latter being the biggest cost item for us, but also to meet the needs of an increasingly demanding market, which in turn responded very positively. Finally, in 2011, the old cataphoresis line was definitively replaced with the current one.”
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From top to bottom: Parts immersion in the cataphoresis tank; The entrance to the pre-treatment tunnel; The oven curing components after cataphoresis and powder coating.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
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The powder coating booth supplied by Siver Srl (Taverne di Corciano, Perugia) and the new shot blasting plant designed and installed by OMSG.
Characteristics of the coating cycle
The search for a new shot blasting machine
The automotive components are prepared prior to the cataphoresis
The project for the new blasting machine started about a year and a
and coating phases in a spray pre-treatment tunnel performing two
half ago. “For several years now, we have been using a shot peening
degreasing stages, a rinsing stage, a tri-cationic phosphating process,
system for the frames on which the workpieces are suspended in the
and three final rinsing stages, of which the first two use recirculated
cataphoresis tank. Over time, however, some of our most important
demineralised water and the last pure demineralised water. This is
customers have begun to request the shot blasting of welded
followed by immersion cataphoresis, in which a coating layer with a
components, which was not possible with our plant, especially because
thickness of approximately 20 microns is applied. “After cataphoresis,”
of its limited size.
indicates Arcudi, “our parts undergo a cleaning, rinsing, and ultra-
“We therefore started to consider investing in a new machine, which
filtration phase. After drying for 8 minutes at 140 °C and passing
would not only meet the industry’s need for higher performance levels,
through the line’s only oven, also used for curing at 190 °C for 32
but also reduce energy consumption. We wanted a rotary table as in
minutes, they are unloaded from the one-rail conveyor, if the treatment
our old shot blasting machine because our operators were already very
process only involves cataphoresis, or sent to the coating booth, if
familiar with this technology and they were able to handle it in the best
powder application is also required. We only use polyester powders
possible way; in the not too distant future, we will consider switching to
because they guarantee a resistance and durability degree that is crucial
the rotary hook technology. For the design and installation of the shot
for us, since in most cases we do not know what the components are
blasting machine, we turned to OMSG (Villa Cortese, Milan, Italy), which
intended for.”
supported us in the creation of a larger machine than the previous one,
The powder coating booth was replaced in 2015. “We strive to
capable of treating large-sized workpieces and adjusting the power of
constantly update our coating line with the newest technologies. One
its turbines so as to avoid any surface deformation, one of the biggest
of the latest innovations was the implementation of an application unit
problems we used to encounter with the old system.”
supplied by Siver, equipped with a quick colour change system and
“We chose our shot blasting plant supplier based on a few parameters,”
consisting of 8 Wagner guns (4 per side). Another special feature of the
adds Arcudi, “The first one was machine robustness and the second
line is that the booth can be moved depending the type of task to be
one customer assistance. During the replacement phase, if we had
stopped the old plant without the new one being up and running and
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
we had not been guaranteed adequate and timely assistance, we would have risked production stoppage. We shot clean the frames and load bars we use for cataphoresis with a pretty high frequency, precisely because it is a continuous-flow line. Therefore, we could not risk having inadequate support in the most delicate phase of the plant changeover project.”
The innovative features of the shot blasting plant “The shot blasting machine installed at Arcudi,” explains OMSG sales agent Isidoro Archimede, “is a 2000 mm-diameter rotary table system
with two 7.5 kW turbines positioned on the upper wall of the machine. Over the years, OMSG has studied and perfected the positioning of blast turbines to ensure the highest concentration of abrasive on the treated surfaces and, therefore, the best machine performance. In addition, the single-disc turbine manufactured by OMSG, with direct drive, has been designed with particular attention to the geometry of © ipcm
© ipcm
The rotary table of the new shot blasting machine and the part hanging system used after shot blasting.
Uffici e produzione: Via Monte Bianco 20 - 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 - f. +39.0362.861222 -
its internal components, drawing on studies in fluid dynamics to reduce friction and improve performance. The shot used here is type S 170, a very fine, low-carbon steel product for a very low level of roughness.” “Thanks to the orientation of the turbines,” notes Arcudi, “we have increased blasting efficiency and speed and reduced cycle times by half, regardless of part size: we are now able to shot blast two frames simultaneously, instead of just one. Moreover, compared with the previous machine, turbine power has increased from 4.5 to 7.5 kW, and the larger diameter allows the chamber to be saturated with the workpieces to be treated as much as possible.” The shot blasting plant is also in line with Industry 4.0 parameters and © ipcm
it will soon be connected to the company’s management system. “The fact that it is industry 4.0-ready also facilitates shot loading,” points out Archimede. “Previously, the operator had to enter the blasting chamber to fill the tank. Now, thanks to the hopper equipped with a sensor that sends a warning if there is insufficient material, loading takes place on board the machine and shot is fed directly into the bucket elevator after passing through a cylinder sieve. The control PLC manages the set recipes and send a warning when it is necessary to intervene to carry out maintenance or replace certain parts.”
Conclusions “We want to specialise more and more in shot blasting in order to offer a differentiated service to customers who need it,” states Roberta Arcudi. “We will start gradually with the treatment of the simplest components © ipcm
and then move on to the more complex ones. In September, we will start the shot blasting, cataphoresis, and powder coating treatment of arms for a new off-road vehicle, which will first be produced in preseries and then go into mass production in 2023. These very heavy components have calamine and welding residues left by previous processing phases. Previously, this customer used to deliver parts already shot blasted by external companies for us to paint them: now, we have the possibility of offering the shot blasting service ourselves, thus also reducing any risk of deformation due to excessive handling. “Our ultimate goal is to also integrate this shot blasting plant into our in-line process. In order to do so, we will again rely on OMSG. Indeed, we are convinced that we have chosen the right partner, which will certainly support us in the best possible way, should we decide to replace the technology already in use with a new one. Despite the difficulties of this period, we are confident that we are moving in the right direction and we expect the market to react positively, as it has always done since the foundation of our company.”
© ipcm
From top to bottom: Verniciatura Arcudi uses very fine, low-carbon steel S 170 shot; The special feature of the new shot blast machine is its innovative turbine orientation system; One of the two turbines installed.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Our 70 years experience in Surface Treatment is ready for the E-Mobility market. Research, innovation, development. In 70 years, our vision towards the future has never stopped. Today, Tecnofirma provides quality to the electric market which is the most evolving technology in the automotive industry. Our impregnation, cleaning and painting plants are the result of the constant commitment to offer cutting-edge solutions and products anytime, anywhere.
TECNOFIRMA SpA - V.le Elvezia, 35 - 20900 Monza (MB) - Tel. +39 039.23601 - Fax +39 039.324283 - -
Zero Rejection Target: IMR’s New Compact and Highly Flexible Plant for Premium Bumper Coating Alessia Venturi ipcm®
IMR Industriale Sud is among the Italian leading manufacturers of automotive parts for premium OEMs. Bumpers and components for many of the dream cars produced in Italy pass through its factories in Carate Brianza and Albiate Brianza. Recently, this company has installed a second, compact and very flexible coating plant for applying special or customised colours for the Ferrari brand. Designed by Trasmetal (Milan, Italy), this guarantees very high coating quality with a zero rejection rate and a very small footprint in terms of space occupied.
he automotive industry is characterised by very high chromatic
Ferrari car: their need is to have a car that is as unique, exclusive, and
variability, as colour is a key variable in a car purchase decision,
in line with their attitude as much as possible, also in terms of colour.
not only in terms of tint, but also of effects.
Hence the need for IMR Industriale Sud, a long-standing Tier 1 supplier
Hues are especially crucial when it comes to buying cars from the
of premium and sports car brands, to install a second coating plant in
premium or sports segments. Let us think of the typical buyer of a
addition to the larger line operating in its Carate Brianza production site,
© ipcm
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
already described in this magazine in March
© ipcm
20201. “This new line, which IMR calls “special colours plant”, was created to meet the need of one of our main customers, Ferrari Auto, to produce bumpers and components with very lowvolume and very high-complexity colours, such as Rosso Corsa Metallizzato, which requires the application of a pigmented clear coat. Therefore, we use this system for productions with very low volumes and batches composed of down to one workpiece, which in no way can be processed on a traditional chain coating plant,” says Paolo Buratto, paint process engineer at IMR Industriale Sud’s site in Carate Brianza (Monza e Brianza, Italy). “In order to meet Ferrari’s requirements and increase our range of coating services for the automotive industry, at the end of 2019 we decided to build this special plant, which had
The new “special colours plant”. The compact installation developed in height, was designed and installed by Trasmetal.
to be at the same time very compact (take up little space in the factory, that is), very flexible
© ipcm
(for allowing the application of a potentially infinite number of colours without any loss of productivity), and of course capable of guaranteeing excellent finishing quality,” notes Buratto. “The goal was achieving a zero rejection rate: with batches so small that they might include a single part, producing one reject could correspond to a 100% rejection rate. In terms of quality, the most important parameter was colour matching between bumpers (together with the other styling components we coat on this system) and car bodies. We chose Trasmetal for designing this plant through a tender. Now, just over a year after the line went into production, we can say that we have achieved our goal.”
Two challenges for a miniaturised plant The most complex aspect while designing IMR’s “special colours plant” was the extreme Elisabetta Venturi, Product Industrialisation and Circular Economy in the Automotive Coating Field: A Possible Combination for IMR Industriale Sud, Thanks to an Automatic and Sustainable Paint Supply Technology, in ipcm® no. 62, Vol. 11 (March/April 2020), pp. 110-118.
The part handling is with skids, the only solution that could guarantee maximum flexibility of the operations.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© ipcm
flexibility required to work in a very small space, but on workpieces that are quite large and have to rotate in the booth to be painted on both sides. Trasmetal paid the utmost attention to any technological feature that would save space, increase operational flexibility, and guarantee high finishing quality, starting with air filtration and temperature and humidity control in the various process zones – which, considering that the total size of the plant is just over 200 m2, can be really small, almost as in a technologically perfect doll’s house. Trasmetal area manager Carlo Zucchetti explains the creation of this line as follows: “In order to meet IMR’s requirements, our design had to incorporate two aspects: great flexibility and extreme quality in terms of colour matching, given the complexity and variability of the colours to be applied. We also had a zero rejection target. The technical choices applied to the line, first and foremost part handling through skids, stemmed from this.” The plant occupies an area of about 240 m2 and it includes a workpiece loading and preparation area, The preparation zone.
a coating booth, a flash-off area, a two-stage curing oven, and a cooling area. It is developed in height, with several technical floors housing the air recirculation,
© ipcm
pressurisation, and extraction units. “Air treatment was another crucial element,” indicates Zucchetti. Extreme filtration was necessary to guarantee the required surface quality degree, but humidity and temperature also had to be perfectly controlled, because the different coating systems used call for different flash-off and curing conditions. This also explains our decision to install an oven with two chambers with different heat exchangers, different parameter settings, and different dwell times (with one slot in the first chamber and two in the second). One chamber has the ideal process conditions for curing base coats (colours), the other for pigmented clear coats. “Trasmetal also focused a lot on absolute humidity in the flash-off phase: the manufacturers of some of the coatings used by IMR specify the maximum absolute humidity parameters required during this process step, since the base coats applied by this company are all water-based. Therefore, Trasmetal’s designers made calculations on the amount of water in the air supplied The application booth with dry filters and robot.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
to the system, not just on the relative humidity in the application booth. Considering that air is recovered
from outside, such amount of water varies greatly between summer and winter, so the installed AHUs (7 in total) ensure that each zone has specific conditions as well as a different air distribution system, with technical features that are not normally implemented on conventional lines.”
Skid transport for maximum flexibility For this “special colours plant”, Trasmetal chose skid transport. Each transport unit can load one or more parts depending on the colour to be applied and the car model (this system treats the front bumpers of F8 Tributo cars, the front and rear bumpers as well as other components of Ferrari Roma cars, and the front bumpers and other components of F296 GTB cars, Ed.). The skids move forward or backward in the © ipcm
various process zones according to the programmes defined by IMR’s management system.
Application of the basecoat with pneumatic atomizer.
cataphoresis and liquid or powder spray applications
over 60 years of experience in surface finishing lines
pre-treatment | spray applications | electroplating | vertical & horizontal plants | enameling | aluminium | white goods | automotive | general industry
“This was the only parts transport option that could give
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IMR the flexibility it was looking for,” points out Zucchetti. “It enables the different coats of paint to be applied with very limited downtime and using a single booth: while one transport unit is in the oven for curing, another can enter the booth for base coat or clear coat application, with as many possible combinations as the colours that can be applied. IMR can decide how many times a skid should pass through the booth within the same cycle, how many times the applied coats should be cured, how long they should be left to cool, and how long each layer’s flashoff stage should last. Trasmetal’s goal, which I would say was achieved, was to put IMR in a position to optimise the management of customer requirements for each individual special part. With a conventional chain plant, we would have needed four booths to do so.”
Robotic application for perfect colour matching Paint application is done automatically with an articulated robot equipped with pneumatic atomisers. The mixing machine and the colour change system are external, in a The bumper rotates inside the painting booth.
dedicated paint management station. The booth performs dry operations and it is equipped with Edrizzi filters. “The use of the articulated robot is a compulsory choice if
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extreme colour matching of components with car bodies is to be guaranteed,” states Paolo Buratto. “There is no other technological option to achieve repeatability and consistency over time. This line handles mass production series that at the same time have very low volumes, as well as very limited quality tolerance limits. One year and three months after the industrialisation of the line, which originated with the technical support of Ferrari Tecnologie department, we can say that we are more than satisfied with both the results and the figures achieved, but also with the plant’s ease of cycle management. The only tricky aspect is that maintenance work is a little more complex, since the plant is developed in height; however, the space available in our factory left no other design choice to Trasmetal, which incorporated all its technologies into this truly miniaturised plant, compared with the size of the components it coats.” The quality control department.
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Quick Colour Change as a Growth Strategy for a Coating Contractor Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®
In order to expand and grow, coating contractor Sa.Ve.M. decided to broaden its target markets and treat small components for the ACE and furniture sectors, as well as bicycle frames with different geometries. In order to quickly meet all customer demands, it chose Gema’s MagicCompact EquiFlow booth and OptiSpray AP 01 pumps with Smart Inline Technology to perform colour change operations in just two minutes and improve finishing quality.
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Gema’s MagicCompact automatic booth and OC07 powder management unit.
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Bicycle handlebars moved from the overhead conveyor to the chemical pre-treatment tunnel.
ifferentiating its target markets can help a coating contractor
It therefore approached Gema Europe to cooperate on developing
to expand and grow. The key to success with this strategy is to
an ideal solution, capable of integrating with its existing coating plant.
achieve the highest quality possible for all types of products
In March 2022, Sa.Ve.M.’s premises were integrated with a Gema
handled, regardless of their shape, size, coating specifications, and
MagicCompact EquiFlow powder coating booth with Smart Inline
required finishes. This means that it is necessary to invest in flexible
Technology feed pumps and a Gema OC07 powder management unit,
technologies that can be easily adapted to the needs of different
aimed at enabling the coating contractor to improve paint penetration
customers and the characteristics of different parts without requiring
and spreading, reduce powder consumption, and above all speed up
the installation of more than one coating line.
its whole production process, with colour change operations carried
Sa.Ve.M. (Borgo San Dalmazzo, Cuneo, Italy) is a coating contractor
out in just two minutes. “The market is changing rapidly and requires
specialising in bike frames. In 2021, 1,975,000 products were sold on
very tight delivery times. Over the years, Sa.Ve.M has always invested
the Italian bicycle market, with a 5% increase over the previous year
in new technologies to expand and respond to the new demands of its
for e-bikes1. This required the industry to produce numerous types
customers. When the our colour change and production speeds started
of bicycles (racing, road, mountain bike, electric, etc.), with different
to slow down our growth, we decided to take action to further improve
shapes, sizes, and aesthetic characteristics. Having decided to expand
our offer and provide all customers with a quick and high-quality
its product range even beyond, up to including components for the
service,” states Fulvio Giordano, the CEO of Sa.Ve.M.
agricultural machinery and school furniture sectors, Sa.Ve.M. initially encountered some difficulties in optimising its production flow, as
From an exclusive contractor to a flexible business
its spray paint booth required up to two hours for the colour change
Fulvio Giordano founded Sa.Ve.M as a contract coating company in
1996, when he took over a business specialising in sandblasting and liquid painting of bicycle frames from its previous owner. The company delle_bici_in_italia_mercato_vicino_a_due_milioni_di_pezzi-345438184/
exclusively coated components for the Aurelia Dino brand (now Dino Bikes), an international manufacturer of adult and children’s bicycles.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
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Sa.Ve.M. parts at the entrance to the coating booth.
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Automatic powder coating.
This is why it had installed five manual powder coating booths, one for
Sa.Ve.M.’s growth
each frame colour in the Dino Bikes range (i.e. red, blue, white, black,
The automatic booth was mainly used to paint batches of the same
and fluorescent green).
colour. In fact, when a colour change was necessary, the machine had
However, Giordano decided to expand the firm’s production capacity
to be moved and cleaned by an operator – which could take up to
and target markets by starting to treat components of agricultural and
two hours – while the five manual booths were used for coating. “The
food machinery, fans, and school furniture for small, local craft and
amount of batches to be painted had undoubtedly increased, so much
industrial manufacturers. In order meet the different requirements of its
so that we were working on two shifts. Bicycles still accounted for most
new customers, in 2007 Sa.Ve.M installed a four-stage cleaning tunnel
of our workflow, but they were of different types. We treated frames and
(phospho-degreasing, two rinses, and final drying in an oven). Moreover,
components for men’s and women’s bicycles, children’s bicycles, racing
with the aim of appropriately handling even components that required
bicycles, mountain bikes, and electric bikes, which had to be touched
mechanical pre-treatment, in 2010 it replaced the sandblasting plant
up by hand. At the same time, some customers also supplied us with
inherited from the previous company with a semi-automatic rotary
small quantities of parts for other markets, while others only relied on
hook shot blasting system supplied by OMSG - Officine Meccaniche San
us for one month a year. Therefore, our production was (and still is) very
Giorgio S.p.A. “The addition of new machines allowed us to differentiate
varied. Yet, our colour change operation, which was crucial to quickly
our target markets. However, customer requirements continued to
meet customer demands, was difficult and time-consuming. This is why
change, and we were no longer able to meet all demands with our five
we decided to invest in a new automatic powder application booth,”
manual booths alone. Therefore, we installed an automatic movable
states Giordano.
booth with two reciprocators, equipped with three guns each,” explains Giordano. “We thus grew and became more flexible, adapting our
Gema’s supply
processes to the new parts to be coated.”
“The positive experience we were having with our automatic booth convinced us to continue investing in automation. We carried out
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
market research and asked for the opinion of many fellow coaters. We then decided to rely on Gema, after listening to numerous testimonials and acknowledging the professionalism demonstrated by their technicians in the initial phase of our collaboration. They listened to our needs, visited our plant to study its layout, and finally identified the most suitable technologies,” indicates Giordano. The solution provided by Gema was the MagicCompact EquiFlow rectangular booth, complete with a cyclone, eight OptiSpray feed pumps with Smart Inline Technology, two reciprocators, and a powder management unit for quick colour change operations. The booth’s structure, built in plastic, prevents powder from accumulating on the bottom and adhering to the walls, while its H-shaped design ensures excellent air distribution and balanced suction. The reciprocators are equipped with three nozzles per side and two hand guns at each end of the booth for pre- and post-finishing operations. The
booth is also equipped with a gantry structure housing sensors for workpiece recognition, which allows the powder coating process to be automatically managed according to the type of part to be treated. In anticipation of a possible need to further expand production, Gema’s booth can also be configured differently in terms of size, air intake volume, and number of guns and manual touch-up stations. The OptiSpray feed pumps with Smart Inline Technology, using a single-channel circuit, generate a homogeneous powder flow and guarantee improved spray pattern management. Indeed, they allow a precise quantity of powder to be dispensed, varying according to the different application needs, while maintaining a constant flow. The booth is designed for quick colour change operations and automatic cleaning of internal circuits, the float, spray pipes, and spray guns. “Bicycle frames, which account for most of our workflow as explained, usually have a similar shape and never exceed 1,200 x 600 millimetres. However, as our business’ expansion had also brought new customers, we needed to be able to adapt the flow of powder delivered to the size of smaller components with different geometries. Incidentally, the sensors placed at the entrance of the booth allow the paint to be dispensed only when the workpiece is in the exact position, thus also guaranteeing a considerable saving of paint product,” notes Giordano.
Colour change in two minutes “Thanks to the MagicCompact EquiFlow booth, Sa.Ve.M. is now able to coat parts with a conveyor speed of 3.6 metres per minute, almost twice as fast as the previous manual process, with which operators were not able to exceed 2 metres per minute. In addition, being inline and installed after the pre-treatment tunnel, Gema’s solution has enabled our whole production flow to be sped up as well. However, although the speed with which parts are pre-treated and coated has certainly increased, the most important aspect for us has been the
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Workpieces leaving the coating booth and the OptiSpray AP 01 feed pumps with Smart Inline Technology.
extreme speed of the colour change operations, which previously
and powder consumption has decreased.”
slowed down our entire workflow,” says Giordano.
“Previously, it was sometimes necessary to work on two shifts in order
In fact, the company had experienced several difficulties in optimising
to carry out all the necessary touch-up operations so that our coated
its production rhythms due to the time required for colour changes.
parts met our internal requirements in terms of product quality.
“Our customers expect maximum production speed from us. We now
With Gema’s technologies, on the other hand, although our booth is
perform four colour change operations per shift, in order to fulfil all
equipped with two manual spray guns, we have never had to carry out
orders as quickly as possible. With the previous booth, as mentioned,
any touch-up. The productivity rate attained enabled us to discontinue
we had to spend a lot of time cleaning between colour changes, which
the previous automatic booth and two of the five manual booths. We
slowed down production. On the other hand, Gema’s new booth is
kept the other three for testing and sampling, but we no longer use
self-cleaning and it allows selecting between two different cleaning
them for daily production,” indicates Giordano.
modes for the powder management unit, the tank, the pipes, the booth, and the cyclone: Fast and Quality. For example, if we have
A tailor-made solution for the needs of Sa.Ve.M.
to apply a tint that is similar to the previous one, as in the case of
“Although the quantity of batches to be treated has increased, our
changing from white to beige, the Fast automatic cleaning mode
cycle time has decreased and we now only work on one shift. Thanks
enables us to apply the new powder in just two minutes. Other times,
to our collaboration with Gema, we are now equipped with a compact
when we need to change to a very different colour, such as from red to
booth, which is installed in-line with the already existing pre-treatment
fluorescent green, we select the Quality cleaning cycle. In any case, we
tunnel and curing oven and which has allowed us to overcome the
never exceed six minutes for a quick colour change operation,” points
critical issues in our production process related to colour change. The
out Giordano.
MagicCompact EquiFlow automatic powder coating booth and Gema’s
Smart Inline Technology: higher quality and lower consumption
other technologies were the ideal solution to solve our problems. In addition to a considerable saving in powder, which was an incidental requirement, Gema’s equipment also has made it possible to improve
Although it has only been installed for four months now, Gema’s booth
our paint penetration and spreading rates, even on difficult-to-reach
has already given satisfactory results. “In addition to speed, the quality
surface areas such as the edges of complex geometries, which cause
of our finishes and the healthiness of our working environment have
the Faraday cage effect,” explains Giordano.
also increased,” notes Luigi Benvegnu, the production manager of
“Many years ago, Sa.Ve.M. was the first company in the Cuneo area
Sa.Ve.M. “Gema’s SIT technology has brought us three advantages right
to use a powder coating plant, which accelerated our production
from the outset: powder penetration and spreading have improved,
rate and enabled us to expand the range of parts we could treat and
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
thus attract new local customers. We therefore upgraded our equipment and installed new machines to meet market demands. However, colour changes continued to be a problem. That is why our collaboration with Gema has been so fruitful. The decision to rely on them has proved to be a winning one, because they listened to our requests and designed together with us the most suitable solution for our production process: a state-of-the-art dense phase system,” states Benvegnu. “In addition, their SIT technology has enabled us to improve our final quality degree and reduce the time needed for quick colour change operations. In turn, this has increased our turnover, improved the healthiness of our working environment, and decreased powder consumption. Our investment paid off handsomely and we solved all the issues we were previously encountering. In fact, we could say that Gema’s booth has actually caused us some positive problems, because our shot blasting
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machine is no longer suited to our new production rates and we will soon have to install another belt machine,” Giordano jokingly
Coated furnishing components ready to be shipped to the customer.
USAGE Cleaning Descaling Roughening Sweep-Blasting Deburring Structuring Satin finishing Smoothing
A D VA N TA G E S Lowest consumption Reduced machine wear Less dust and waste Consistent blasting result SCAN ME FOR M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N
W W W.V U L KA N - I N OX . D E
EcoDose2k for Automated Colour Matching of Bodywork Paints To achieve greater accuracy, repeatability and speed in its Milan laboratory’s colour matching activities for the refinish industry and to provide customers with high-quality coatings formulations for body parts, in line with its standards, PPG has opted for the Verind-Dürr EcoDose2k dosing and mixing technology which, thanks to specific colour change cycles, has also made it possible to optimize the environmental impact by reducing the consumption of solvents by 400kg per year.
ith the global refinish paint market expected to reach a value
In February, PPG installed an EcoDose2k device in its fully automated
of $12.29 billion by 2028 , manufacturers are investing in
colour matching laboratory in Milan (Italy). This new electronic system
cutting-edge technology to offer the industry new coatings
for dosing and mixing water-based and solvent-based paints was
that not only are of high quality and environmentally friendly, but can
supplied by Verind SpA (Rodano, Milan), a company belonging to the
also be applied to car bodies to faithfully replicate the colour and
international group Dürr AG that specialises in designing innovative
characteristics of OEM paints. One of them is PPG, American multi-
technological solutions by integrating know-how, industrial systems
national company that has been developing paints, coatings and special
engineering, equipment, and ecotechnologies specific to painting,
materials for several market segments for 140 years. In 2021 it invested
coating, and water treatment processes.
more than $463 million (around 3% of its annual net sales) in the R&D departments and with over 3,500 engineers in more than 75 countries
Expertise and automation at the service of customers
it studies solutions to optimise its products and internal processes in
PPG’s Milan colour matching laboratory for the automotive refinish
order to satisfy the needs of the customers.
industry was upgraded in 2016 with the installation of two closed-loop automatic systems supporting the faithfully reproduction process of paint formulation for any vehicle brand submitted to PPG technicians.
“Our activity requires specialised skills, previous experience, and
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The metal plates coated with PPG paints created with the automatic dosing and mixing technology from Verind-Dürr and EcoDose2k, Verind-Dürr’s automatic dosing and mixing equipment.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Verind
MOULDED PRODUCTS SILICONE and EPDM made TAPES in PET, Vinyl, PI, Creped Paper, Aluminium ...
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The offices of the colour matching laboratory for the refinish sector of PPG in Milan.
continuous training. The quality and matching degree of the formulations we produce in our lab must meet very high standards, so that our customers use them for the application on car bodies on which OEM paint is already present,” explains Rita Di Leo, Colour Application Engineering Manager at PPG Italia. This company is therefore able to apply both 1K and 2K paints in any shade, as well as transparent gloss finishes, in order to faithfully replicate their related bodywork painting processes, and therefore their results. When PPG’s colourists receive a sample containing a particular tint, they analyse it and enter the relevant data into the plant’s panel, which then doses the paint, mixes it, applies it on metal plates, and dries it according to the customer’s oven specifications. The colourists finally check the metal plates and, if the result does not
HOOKS for painting and weld STEEL and IRON made DIE-CUTS Standard and Bespoke on tape with liner KNIFE CUTTING with Silicone sheets, Rubber, Foam ... SPECIALS solutions for every masking problem
match the sample supplied, the process is repeated until an exact match is found. “Our technicians use microscopes and spectrophotometers to identify the characteristics of each colour and paint, because we have no information about the pigments used, the dosage, or the type of coating applied, as it may well have been made by other manufacturers. Strong creativity, in-depth knowledge of the PPG products to be used to recreate the formulation, and willingness to experiment are also required. In fact, an exact copy is rarely achieved after just one attempt. It usually takes three or four attempts to replicate a pastel shade, whereas for metallic effects, which are more complicated, it sometimes takes up to ten attempts before finding the matching formulation. Therefore, production rates must be high in order to deliver paints to refinishers in the shortest possible time.” This is why the laboratory collaborated with Verind to find a solution that would optimise its colour matching process while decreasing product consumption due to colour changes and improving the environmental impact of PPG’s operations.
FINISHING GROUP srl v.le A.DeGasperi, 31 - 20045 Lainate - Milano tel. +39 02 9678 0055 - fax +39 02 9678 2993 i n f o @ e u r o m a s k - s h o p . c o m
A PPG colourist analysing a sample provided by the customer.
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One of the control phases of the metal plates obtained with EcoDose2k.
EcoDose2k and the importance of monitoring the dosing and application process
of paint applied alters the results obtained on the plates. Therefore,
EcoDose2k is a flexible, modular electronic system for stoichiometric
essential in order to also keep coating quality constant and provide our
dosing and mixing of 2K/3K solvent-based, water-based, and HS
customers with the exact formulation of the samples they submit to us,”
coatings; it is also suitable for the DTM technology. The technical data
notes Di Leo.
provided by Marco Assorgia of Verind confirm that “EcoDose2k has a
constant control of process parameters and component relations is
stoichiometric catalysis ratio of 1:1 to 30:1, it can store 1,024 working
EcoDose2k and the reduction of environmental impact
recipes, and it is equipped with Direct Injection Technology (DIT) for
The modular, expandable automatic colour change system for paints
dosage capable of meeting dosing tolerances of less than 1%, with two
and catalysts, the high process reliability, stability, and repeatability over
channels (A and B, with density and temperature measurements for
time, and the absence of stress on paint products have speeded up and
each individual channel) and separate cleaning circuits. Finally, it also
optimised PPG’s operations.
provides a functional and safety interface with the Master system line
The company, which in addition to perfect colour matching also wanted
via Ethernet UDP communication protocol”.
to reduce its consumption levels, is very satisfied: “Environmental
“We provided a solution to combine an application system with an
sustainability and process optimisation through state-of-the-art
automatic dosing and mixing one featuring Coriolis technology. Installed
technology are the pillars of PPG’s philosophy. Our new equipment
on the existing coating line, this machine also allows monitoring the
has enabled us to optimise the amount of paint products and solvents
entire process,” explains Alessandro Soba, the sales manager of
we utilise and ultimately to reduce resource consumption. Verind’s
Verind. “Information on productivity and alarms related to the pot life
equipment is very easy to use and its interface displays user-friendly
of products and to any deviations from the pre-set quality standards
graphs showing the actual flow rate and partial consumption of each
are immediately available on the user interface of the industrial PLC,
programme, as well as information on the VOCs generated. We estimate
which also allows advanced management of consumption records for
that we will be able to use 400 kg less solvent per year, which is an
the application station. This makes it possible to take corrective action
excellent achievement with a view to reducing PPG’s environmental
even remotely. Finally, the software package provides a predictive
impact,” says Di Leo. “Indeed, in June we installed a second EcoDose2k
maintenance service on all components.”
device on our second, identical plant, with the aim of increasing the
“The applied films must have uniform thicknesses and present no
performance level of our entire colour matching laboratory and making
orange peel effects, because even a small variation in the amount
our technological choices greener and greener.”
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Magnify your efficiency with our automation solutions HUBO Automation S.r.l has always focused the attention to the market needs and to the technological evolution. This allowed the company to establish itself as a leader for the industrial
automation and painting. Thanks to the experience of the technical staff and to the continuous investment in new technologies, HUBO is able to satisfy dynamically the requests of a wide range of industries. HUBO core business is the painting division. The wide range of automation solutions fully meets any need of automatic painting; in addition, the combination of special systems can satisfy particular requests and can guarantee a flexible and reliable painting system from all points of view.
Lean Manufacturing: How to Translate it from a Concept into Reality with the Right Logistics, Production, and Storage Structures Mirko Migliorini FlexLogik Srl, Galliate (Novara, Italy)
aximising value by reducing waste.
possible, while eliminating any kind of waste.
and translated into what we now know as
This summarises the industrial
Waste is anything that does not add value
“lean manufacturing”. This is a mindset,
approach that Toyota developed
to the product or service in the eyes of the
a working philosophy that encompasses
in 1950 to become more competitive against
customer. This gives rise to a corporate culture
various methods that realise it, with the aim
US companies. It involved the introduction
that ensures that each individual employee
of achieving a value-added result for the
of a new production system (afterwards
sees their processes through the eyes of the
customer. It includes organisational models,
known as the “Toyota Production System”
customer, with a view to the creation of value
technologies, and technical solutions for
but also as “Toyotism”) based on a simple yet
and therefore on the prioritisation of what
improving the functioning of the company
powerful idea: do more with less. Translated
such value is for the company and what the
while reducing any waste of time, space, and
into industrial terms, this means using as
value stream is.
materials. FlexLogik understands the concept
few resources as possible, as productively as
The TPS was then studied, westernised,
of lean manufacturing in a very practical way: saving even just five minutes every time you make, move, or store something quickly translates into thousands of Euros in savings. By eliminating even half of the waste hidden in the folds of industrial production, it is possible to gain in efficiency, yield, satisfaction, market position, and company strength.
From theory to practice How can this approach be implemented? By using highly efficient, robust, logical, and flexible handling, storage, and production systems. FlexLogik’s design department ingeniously exploits space and gravity, studies and optimises routes, and simplifies procurement operations to offer solutions capable as follows: • Increasing usable space by 10 to 60%; • Increasing productivity by 15 to 100%; • Decreasing working hours by 15 to 60%; Decreasing the distance travelled by each © FlexLogik
A lean workstation (on the left) and a lean special trolley (on the right) for lean manufacturing within the FlexLogik range of products.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© FlexLogik
batch by 20 to 95%.1 Statistical data from the field before and after the implementation of FlexLogik systems.
© FlexLogik
© FlexLogik
Paint warehouse reorganisation – before and after.
The FlexLogik solutions are manufactured in Italy with
are carried out extremely efficiently and without
quality materials. They can be assembled, modified,
generating any waste, the throughput time of each
and transformed several times. Every component
product is as short as possible, with a positive effect
can be built with an Allen key and a pipe cutter. They
on the end customer’s waiting times.
are flexible, as they integrate seamlessly with existing
FlexLogik offers numerous solutions for the
structures and adapt easily to production changes.
automotive sector. Here below, we present two case
Finally, they are made from standard components.
studies with very beneficial outcomes in terms of
The FlexLogik range includes structures for three
efficiency, productivity, and waste reduction.
production macro-areas: conveyors and flat roller conveyors for manual or
Case study no. 1 - Paint warehouse reorganisation
automatic handling of components, semi-finished
Paint warehouse containing 80 automotive colours.
products, goods, and materials to achieve efficient
Drums of different sizes were placed on the floor
or on pallets. Each paint drum was placed on top of
• lean solutions for storage, including fixed and
the previous one with the same colour. Pictured is a
mobile structures for dynamic warehouses and FIFO
partial view of the condition of the premises.
• lean solutions for handling, such as gravity roller
gravity racking for light and heavy loads; • lean solutions for assembly and production, such as
Critical issues
line feeding and supply units or equipped trolleys for
Paint display was not clear, but rather difficult to
transporting all types of material.
understand, resulting in long pick up times. FIFO
Lean manufacturing in the automotive sector: where it all began The concept of lean production originated in the
(First In First Out) logic was not followed, resulting in the expiry of products. The time needed to carry out the inventory was long and with a high risk of error. Disorganisation prevailed.
automotive sector, since it originated from Toyota’s successful idea in the 1950s, and it is equally true that
After implementing a FlexLogik system
this industry is still the one that benefits the most
The paint warehouse was reinvented with the
from such approach. If the in-house manufacturing
FlexLogik system, using shelves with gently sloping
and especially assembly processes of a vehicle
roller tracks. 14 shelves with 2-storey rollers and 14
© FlexLogik
© FlexLogik
Assembly of handles – before and after.
with 3-storey rollers were built. Paint drums are now loaded on one side
respective boxes. The two parts were checked and, if they were not
and unloaded on the other. They slide on the rollers, thus facilitating
defective, they were assembled and packaged. Finally, the assembled
handling. They are sorted by colour and they are easily distinguishable
handle was placed in the container.
through their labels. Static shelves containing the paints used in lower volumes were built against the wall. The warehouse respects the FIFO
Critical issues
order, i.e. the first incoming drum is the first one to be picked up for use.
The operator lost a lot of time handling the boxes containing the parts.
After implementing a FlexLogik system
• Increase in the number of colours stocked in the same space from 80
An assembly system consisting of two modules was built.
to 150 and 85% space saved;
The first module consists of two roller tracks for the boxes with fixed
• Average inventory time reduced from 40 to 20 minutes;
and mobile handles, a track for plastic bags, and two tracks for the
• FIFO order respected with no possibility of error, thanks to the slight
return of empty boxes.
slope of the roller tracks;
The second module consists of a roller for the empty containers and an
• Order and cleanliness restored.
upper one for the assembled handles. The rollers’ gentle slope allows constant feeding.
Case study no. 2 - Assembly of handles The line operator took two boxes and an empty container from a pallet
and brought them close to their workbench. The empty container was
• Previous production: 190 handles/hour;
placed behind the operator, whereas the boxes were placed to their
• Current production: 280 handles/hour;
side. The operator took the two parts to be assembled from their
• Productivity: + 47%.
About FlexLogik “Born and raised in production, we prefer deeds to words.” This is how FlexLogik (Galliate, Novara, Italy), a company specialising in the design and supply of highly efficient and flexible lean solutions for more than ten years, presents itself. Lean and flexible itself, this company designs its products in Italy but it has five distribution centres worldwide to serve the Americas and Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Europe. Another important feature is the speed of its service: more than 1 million parts ready in stock allow a quick response to any request for efficiency and savings. Prior to purchase, FlexLogik provides customers with a detailed presentation of a tailor-made solution that can be reassembled and modified whenever needed. The project is designed free of charge and without obligation. Upon confirmation, the structures can be assembled and ready in just a few days.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Maxion Wheels
Alloy wheels manufactured by Maxion Wheels.
Investing in Training and Finishing Technologies with a View to Sustainability. Maxion Wheels Group’s Painting Training Course Luca Armellin Maxion Wheels Italia Srl , Alessandro Soba and Andrea Minelli, Consultant New Business INP & Wheels Verind S.p.A.
n industrial process can be analysed in terms of energy, efficiency, and environmental friendliness with a technological approach aimed at minimising raw material consumption while
improving overall energy balance and thus waste and costs. Wheel painting, in particular, is a surface treatment operation that demands aesthetic excellence and the high chemical/physical quality of the applied coating. It is the final stage in the production process of an alloy wheel and it impacts the environment in terms of emissions, creation of special waste, and water pollution. Moreover, it is one of the most energy-intensive stages of the overall production process. Reducing energy consumption is actually a driver of economic development: technological innovation and sustainability are two key
© Maxion Wheels
A Painting Training theoretical session in the classroom.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
elements in every development plan. With this in mind, innovative engineering choices are now being made more and more often for
highly productive and environmentally friendly coating lines, with the aim as follows: • Reducing the energy consumption of individual processes • Reducing consumption of products and raw materials used • Reducing liquid and gaseous discharges • Increasing efficiency and quality • Reducing global CO2 emissions
• Optimising the cost per unit produced • Integrating automation and digitisation • Increasing efficiency through flexibility. In an increasingly competitive context, reducing one’s environmental impact and achieving ever more energy-efficient processes are therefore the biggest challenges of our time. Combined with OEM customers’ expectations for ever higher levels of finishing quality, the advent of Industry 4.0 calls for constantly higher sophistication of production processes, with a particular focus on coating systems. This also means that process engineers are required to have everincreasing levels of expertise and the ability to master topics and technologies that span more and more differentiated fields.
Painting Training for excellence in wheel finishing Maxion Wheels, a division of IOCHPE-MAXION, is a world leader in the production of aluminium and steel wheels with production facilities worldwide. Having always firmly believed in training its technical staff, it brought together twenty of its best engineers and paint technicians from all over the world for an all-round training event at its plant in Turkey, in June. Using the different coating process phases as a common thread, from wheel inspection before loading to the final check to ensure compliance with customer requirements, thirty-five specific training sessions alternated with seven practical sessions held on the host plant’s painting systems. Over two whole weeks, speeches were given by Maxion specialists, paint and chemical suppliers, and top industry partners with whom the Group has been long collaborating. Each presentation brought up new products, solutions, developments, and technologies to give Maxion’s process engineers and technicians the opportunity to see all the latest possibilities and solutions available on the market. The event was also an excellent opportunity to focus on the pursuit of two important goals: continuous improvement of coating plants’ efficiency and reduction of waste and environmental impact, an issue on which Maxion places great emphasis.
Innovative ecotechnologies and digitalisation in the wheel finishing process VERIND, belonging to the international Dürr Group, is one of the
© Maxion Wheels
industrial partners that actively participated in Maxion’s Painting Training course. Through innovation and applied research, the Dürr Group has been developing important technologies for the automotive sector and the wheel market, which were presented and explained during the training sessions in Turkey. EcoBell electrostatic technology It allows saving paint in high-quality and high-productivity processes thanks to the electrostatic effect, which ensures high transfer efficiency values. EcoSupply P technology It allows saving paint and cleaning products in production lines where frequent colour changes are required. Unused paint in the pipes is recovered in the paint drum and reused.
© Verind
EcoPaint Jet - OFA (Overspray Free Application) technology
It allows saving paint in production lines devoted, for example, to two-tone surfaces. It eliminates overspray and the need for masking operations and it reduces process energy consumption. Digitalisation of the coating process with DXQ The goal is to apply efficiency measures at all phases of the coating process to systematically increase productivity, reduce unit costs while maintaining the highest quality, and improve sustainability. Integrating expertise in information technology and factory mechanical engineering enables to develop digital solutions for highly optimised industrial production processes. DXQ is a powerful industrial tool offering solutions for the operation, analysis, and control of modern industrial plants. It allows large volumes of data to be processed and analysed to streamline operations, thus guaranteeing optimised energy consumption, higher production rates, and smart spare parts ordering to minimise the impact of preventive maintenance. In a word, it allows operators and maintenance technicians to interact efficiently with the paint shop’s equipment.
© Verind
From top to bottom: Engineers and process technicians during a practical demonstration session. Two of the Dürr technologies demonstrated by Verind during the Painting Training course: the EcoBell atomiser and the EcoPaint Jet-OFA system.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
1972 2022
PPG Launched the World’s First Commercial Retroreflective Powder Coating PPG ENVIROCRON™ LUM enhances visibility and roadway safety in limited-light conditions.
he coating manufacturer PPG has launched PPG ENVIROCRON™
In addition, it is cost effective due to high transfer efficiency and
LUM, the first commercial patent-pending retroreflective powder
coating specifically engineered to help improve visibility at night
“Whether in on-road or off-road settings with limited light, visibility is
and during low-light conditions.
essential for safety and productivity. PPG has been at the forefront
Retroreflective items like pavement markings, road signs and safety
of retroreflective powder coating technology for several years. Our
vests are usually created using liquid paints, tapes and fabrics. The new
talented research and development team and our commitment to
product developed by PPG, however, combines the safety-enhancing
innovation made it possible to bring PPG Envirocron LUM coating to
properties of retroreflection with the benefits of a powder coating.
life and achieve a major advancement in powder technology,”
The surface of the powder embeds retroreflective glass beads that
said Paul Bradley, the technical manager of the Industrial Coatings
redirect maximum light back to the source, in order to improve how
division at PPG.
quickly and clearly an object can be spotted ahead. The retroreflective powder coating is used on the eBikes of Lyft. PPG Envirocron LUM has excellent chip and abrasion resistance and
For further information:
offers one-coat corrosion protection.
© Business Wire
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Manufacturers of all sizes are benefiting from automation. Complete your automated paint line with spray guns and mixing systems that easily integrate with robots and reciprocators. Thanks to Automation you can:
Lower operating costs by reducing material waste by up to 30 percent
Reduce labour costs while dramatically improving quality
Protect employees from dangerous conditions and repetitive tasks
W W W. G R A C O . C O M / A U T O M AT I O N
Achieve higher transfer efficiency
© Adobe Stock
Solvent Distillation Reloaded, Made in Germany Ulrich Reuther Ch.Batsch Verfahrenstechnik GmbH – Meckenheim, Germany
For years Ch.Batsch Verfahrenstechnik GmbH has been developing distillation systems for solvent recovery to enable companies to have a circular economy and thus contribute to the protection of the planet’s ecological balance.
ince the Paris Agreement on climate change, industrial
Limitations of traditional distillation procedures
manufacturers have been increasingly challenged by the need
Currently, the main constraint is a lack of reliable technology and staff
for a sustainable and circular economy. The aim is to achieve
to operate the existing solutions to meet the high standards of many
global climate neutrality by minimising harmful emissions and reducing
the consumption of natural resources. Generally speaking, the issue of
Distillation technology for on-site recycling of solvents is provided by many
sustainability has increased in importance and has now become a central
traditional manufacturers worldwide. Machines are sold to customers, but
scope of activities for manufacturing industries.
so far these services, as well as spare parts, are charged at an additional
Moving forward, it is now vital for companies in the paint, varnish and
coating industries to use organic solvents. This leads to a significant
Moreover, the design of these traditional distillation units often leads
impact on the environment. The disposal of large quantities of the
to overheating of the solvent, creating burned residues which lead to
polluted solvent also releases considerable amounts of CO2 into the
a decreased efficiency of the heating surface. This results in a lower
environment. Each year millions of tons of this hazardous waste are
performance of the entire system, thus requiring more intensive and
regular maintanance.
For every ton of solvent, up to three tons of CO2 are released during
Furthermore, the prevailing distillation systems rely on several
incineration - and this despite the fact that up to 95% of the solvent could
installations like rotating scrappers, that pose a regular need of servicing
usually be recovered and fed back into the production process.
by the manufacturer and might even lead to damages on the main
Ch.Batsch Verfahrenstechnik GmbH has been focusing for many years on
working chamber.
the research and development of distillation systems for solvent recovery in order to enable companies to have a circular economy and thus
Solvent recycling as a service
contribute to the protection of the planet’s ecological balance.
The German company Ch.Batsch Verfahrenstechnik GmbH, based in
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
North Rhine-Westphalia, offers a complete distillation system, a combined © Ch.Batsch
patented distillation unit and smart, remote-controlled software for the efficient recovery of solvents. The equipment itself is provided free of charge and customers only pay for the usage of the technology. Invoiced fees include constant remote monitoring, spare and wear parts, as well as regular maintenance services. Smart metering allows for the exact calculation of the costs incurred, which are directly related to the volume of the processed solvents. Technically state-of-the-art, the remote-controlled feature facilitates a smooth recycling process without having to deploy staff on site. The integrated software allows all of the relevant data relating to the distillation process to be transmitted and monitored in real time on a dashboard accessible via internet. Quality management is constantly maintained by an overview of the amount of distilled solvent, all of the production-related status parameters, as well as the usage of energy and achieved emission savings. As soon as any of the parameters transmitted from the distillation plant to Batsch does not correspond to the ideal setting, a message is received by Batsch. The engineers, who are constantly working on and improving the equipment, will directly receive a message and subsequently decide on how to proceed accordingly. In general, the technology and service offered by Ch. Batsch is a major
The SLD distillation system developed by Ch.Batsch Verfahrenstechnik GmbH.
Say goodbye to masking Overspray-free paint application with EcoPaintJet Revolutionary precision in automatic application brings efficiency to product customization. Dürr’s solution EcoPaintJet applies sharpedged paint lines on surfaces, pushing the limits for efficient and resource-saving coating: No overspray, no more masking of your product.
innovation in the industry. Customers are no longer required to purchase
A green innovation
a unit, thereby taking a chance at not knowing how well and how long
Regenerates often have a bad reputation for not being as good as
the machine will run. They can simply enter a flexible service contract,
the original solvent and are consequently inappropriate for everyday
which can also be limited in time. Moreover, the entire operation of the
production. However, thanks to the patented and exceptionally gentle
distillation unit is handled by Batsch itself.
recycling process, Ch.Batsch recovers a distillate of outstanding quality.
The Batsch system – SLD - is currently the only one on the international
Even in technologically demanding areas of application, such as the
market that is completely remote-controlled and offered as a service.
automotive paint shop, the quality of the distillate has been certified as
This allows it to be set up anywhere in the world, operating in remote
being excellent. The combination of offering the technology and also
mode and making sustainable production feasible for any company
taking on the responsibility for consistently delivering excellent quality
working with solvents. Due to the precise design of the evaporation
is unique. This allows customers to concentrate on their core business
section and the indirect heating, the SLD system operates with the
but still engage in recycling, thereby contributing to making production
highest possible energy efficiency.
more efficient, especially in terms of resources. The conflict between
While being highly energy efficient, the new designed distillation units still
increasing sustainable production and lack of adequate technology and
can reach a solvent recovery rate of up to 98%, experiencing no losses in
staff has therefore been solved. Many industries that faced constraints
quality of the distillate.
due to quality issues or limited resources are now invited to participate in a more sustainable and circular way of production.
About Ch.Batsch Having originated from a family business, Ch.Batsch is already in its second generation of developing and producing distillation equipment for solvent recycling. With a high level of experience and innovative spirit in engineering, the company is continuously working on further development of its units. Ch.Batsch’s innovative achievements have been awarded with the second place of the Founder Award NRW 2019 as well as nominated for the Environmental Economy Award 2020. In the production of its units, the company focuses on quality “Made in Germany”, beginning with a high level of vertical integration in its own production facilities and ending with the use of high-quality components. Having grown up in her father’s business, the inventor Christine Batsch has been familiar with industrial parts cleaning and solvent distillation since her childhood and today has over 25 years of experience in the research and development of distillation units. As a result of her international work experience in the Arabian region, where access to information and infrastructure was limited, she was motivated to develop a distillation unit that could change the world and be used everywhere. Her early contact with customers in the industry allowed her to understand the reality of the customers’ needs. So she not only knows © Ch.Batsch
what technical demands her units have to meet, but also seeks to understand the customer’s level of knowledge about the distillation process. With this approach, typical usage errors are avoided as well as unnecessary service visits to the customer. Therefore Christine Batsch developed the remote control so that the process can be steered at any time and from any place. By developing a completely new design principle, with the specific interaction of steam heating, heating surface, cooling zone, smart sensoring and control software, Christine Batsch has completely revolutionized the architecture of conventional units. Due to her special commitment to entrepreneurship and shaping the future of Europe, Christine Batsch was appointed
Christine Batsch, who grew up in her father’s business, today has over 25 years of experience in the research and development of distillation units.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Economic Senator of the European Economic Senate e.V. (EWS).
ST Powder Coatings’ Cascade of Colour at Fuorisalone Interview with Marco Zadra ST Powder Coatings SpA – Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza), Italy
In June, ST Powder Coatings participated for the first time at Fuorisalone, where it presented its new COOL POWDER series. We interviewed its owner, Marco Zadra, to find out why it chose this particular event for the launch of its new coating product.
rom 6 to 12 June, ST Powder Coatings participated for the first time in a Fuorisalone event, a group exhibition called Urban Matter(s), organised by Materially at Superstudio Più in Via
Tortona 27, Milan. Here, the specialist powder coating company launched its new COOL POWDER series1. “This is our first experience at a Fuorisalone event,” explains Marco Zadra during an interview at the opening of Urban Matter(s). “We have always participated as visitors because the fascinating fields of architecture and design have long aroused our interest. However, this has been called the edition of the rebirth, after the two years marked by the pandemic. We therefore thought this was the right opportunity, as well as the right place and time, to change our communication approach and reach our audience more directly. This exhibition offered us the opportunity to combine the new production and communication requirements that have recently arisen in our company to involve architects, designers, etc... more closely in our powder coating world to depart from the path followed up to now, aimed exclusively to sector operators, and to open up to new horizons. This is exactly the spirit in which Fuorisalone was created.”
Fuorisalone’s appeal As it was born out of the urge to communicate outside the Salone del Mobile’s exhibition schemes, it is actually unclear when Fuorisalone originated. But we know for sure where: in those abandoned industrial spaces on the outskirts of Milan that architects and designers chose in the 1980s as incubators of research, creation, and enterprise – the elements that have transformed this city into the current design capital. Initially almost unnoticed, the Fuorisalone events soon became an unmissable appointment, capable of attracting a vast number of visitors not only from all over Italy, but also, and now perhaps above all, from abroad. According to data reported by Fuorisalone.it2, no less than 800 events punctuated this latest edition of Milan Design 1 © Elena Galimberti
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
R&D laboratory’s ability to meet any requirement, including the most Week, involving 1380 designers and 1061 brands. One of them was the Urban Matter(s) exhibition curated by Materially, a services and
particular ones.”
consulting enterprise whose primary objective is the implementation
Architecture and design: continuous research
of the circular economy through materials and the growth of a culture
The architecture and design sectors are constantly looking for
of sustainability applied to all industrial activities. “This framework is
innovative solutions and for more and more original materials and
perfectly in line with ST Powder Coatings’ energy transition mission and
with the concept we wanted to represent in this exhibition with the
“This field, perhaps more than others, is characterised by continuous
launch of our new COOL POWDER series,” states Zadra.
evolution and constant search for tools to realise projects that can
A cascade of colour
surprise the public. We at ST Powder Coatings have been working for years to provide tools capable of making projects great, practically
“The main peculiarity of the COOL POWDER powder coatings,”
perfect in the eyes of observers, in terms of colour enhancement. And
adds Zadra, “is their ability to cure at a lower temperature than the
we have always done so with an extreme focus not only on sustainable
standard, starting at 140 °C. Our installation for Urban Matter(s) is
solutions, such as the new COOL POWDER series, but also on reducing
precisely intended to visually convey this change in temperatures: it
the environmental impact of our production processes. This is exactly
consists of two cascades that are more than 4 metres in height and
what we want to convey. Our participation in this Fuorisalone event is
composed of over 300 metal sheets, arranged in such a way as to
only the first step of the new communication path that our company
create a heat signature. This cascade of colours simulating the gradual
has embarked on, which we will continue to pursue in order to be
cooling of powders attracts the observers, involving them in a truly
closer to both designers choosing our tints and users applying our
immersive experience. Of course, the installation is also intended to
introduce the architects and designers visiting the exhibition to the infinite colour possibilities that our powder coatings offer and to our
© ipcm
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
Versatile PILOT GM 1030G Complements Product Family WALTHER Spritz- und Lackiersysteme GmbH completes its product family of spray and adhesive guns with a gravity-feed cup that enables high-quality coating results and efficient material consumption.
n addition to the automatic gun PILOT GA 1020/1030, the product family also includes the manual gun PILOT GM 1030P with material
© WA
The new PILOT GM 1030G with gravity-feed cup is in no way inferior to the latter and can also be used for a wide range of applications in various industrial sectors, such as processing foam in the furniture industry or in other applications in the metal and plastics industries and much more.
Flexible application possibilities For flexible processing of low to high viscosity materials with a high solids content, the GM 1030G, just like the GM 1030P, has a maximum material passage. All components in contact with the material are made of durable stainless steel. Solvent-resistant seals allow uncomplicated use of the gun with both water- and solvent-based materials. Depending on the application, a wide range of proven air cup variants, nozzle sizes and other accessory components can be used, each of which is also
compatible with the GA 1020/1030 and GM 1030P models.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The no. 1 in energy-efficient waste water treatment due to the latest evaporator technology
Proven technology for efficient results
The desired ergonomic design supports fatigue-
Just like the GM 1030P, the new gravity-feed cup
free work even over longer periods of time.
version also produces an extremely uniform spray low paint mist and saves material consumption. For
About WALTHER Spritz- und Lackiersysteme GmbH
process-reliable coating with a constant material flow
WALTHER is an international manufacturer of
rate, the GM 1030G is equipped with a fixable needle
equipment and systems for material handling and
stroke adjustment.
application. At the headquarters in Wuppertal-
Matthias Mandal, Product Manager at Walther Pilot,
Vohwinkel and the Neunkirchen-Struthütten plant,
reports: “This enables a coating efficiency of almost
around 150 employees manufacture components
90% to be achieved”.
and complete systems for liquid and highly viscous
pattern. The optimised air channel ensures a very
Durable components and easy operation
Highlights: 50% less energy consumption (compare to vacuum evaporator)
> 200 h continous operation (20% more efficient process)
max. concentration
media such as release agents, adhesives, paints
highest distillate quality
and lacquers. Through an international sales
fully automatic process
For the entire 1030 product family, great importance
network, WALTHER serves customers from various
is attached to a long service life and easy handling.
industries such as surface and joining technology,
For example, with the unique two-piece nozzle
plastics production, process and food technology
- consisting of nozzle head and nozzle nut - it is
as well as laboratory technology, pharmaceuticals
sufficient to replace only the nozzle when necessary,
and automotive. WALTHER is a member of
instead of replacing the complete nozzle as is usually
waste water
the case. Long-life needle packings and solventresistant seals contribute to lower maintenance costs
For further information:
and high availability.
Always the perfect solution for your waste water problems!
ECKART Presented the Anti-Fading EDELSTEIN Sapphire Blue The new pigment developed by ECKART keeps the highly chromatic blue shade unchanged in all viewing angles.
CKART has recently developed EDELSTEIN Sapphire Blue, its new
EDELSTEIN Sapphire Blue is suitable for several applications, such as
pigment with anti-fading technology that helps to keep the highly
coatings, printing inks and plastics. It can be processed in all systems,
chromatic blue shade unchanged in all viewing angle.
coating technologies (i.e., coil, pneumatic and electrostatic painting) and
Usually, conventional effect pigments change to pale colours as the
printing techniques, it shows no EMI shielding and provides high radar
perspective changes. Thanks to its striking dark-down flop and strong
opacity, EDELSTEIN Sapphire Blue is able to maintain its blue shade even
The shelf life of EDELSTEIN Sapphire Blue runs to ten years. For outdoor
in very flat angles.
applications, ECKART has also specifically developed EDELSTEIN CFX
The new pigment launched by ECKART is the ideal solution for dark
Sapphire Blue, that provides weather and moisture resistance and
colour shades, as it enhances the end product’s plasticity when
improved intercoat adhesion.
interacting with light and reflections. In addition, it provides major depth, high chemical resistance and noble glitter effects.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
© Adobe Stock
Energy-saving and Sustainable Curing of Powder Coatings Karl Bubenhofer AG emphasizes the importance of reducing energy consumption thanks to its low temperature powder coatings from the POLYFLEX® series.
he rise of energy costs and the increasing
ultra-low-temperature powder coatings in countless
uncertainty regarding the supply of energy
applications. The amounts of energy typically used
sources pose major challenges for the entire
for the curing process can be reduced by 5-30%
industry. Considering the environmental footprint
compared with conventional products. Fast-reacting
of the products and processes used is becoming
powder coating systems are also suitable to increase
increasingly urgent, affecting all stakeholders in supply
the production speed and, due to lower heat
chains and society as a whole. Powder coatings are
emissions into the surrounding area of the coating
chemically cured at elevated temperatures and are
line, significantly increase the workplace comfort
therefore particularly affected by this issue. Coating
around the system. Fast-reacting powder coatings
systems that make lower oven temperatures, shorter
from the POLYFLEX® series are available in a wide
curing times and, ideally, longer coating lifetimes
range of surface finishes for both interior and exterior
possible are therefore very much in tune with the
applications in non-labelled versions - all in the spirit of
times and in the spirit of a long overdue, more
a sustainable approach.
sustainable orientation of this industry. Karl Bubenhofer AG has many years of experience
For further information:
in the field of energy-saving low-temperature and
CIN Ranks 11th In The European Ranking Of Coatings Manufacturers Iberian coating manufacturer CIN was distinguished by the European Coatings Journal as the 11th largest paint manufacturer in Europe, ascending two positions.
IN placed 11th in the ranking by European Coatings Journal, which
Coatings’ Powder Business Unit surpassed 10,000 tonnes, and
assesses the 25 best-selling paint and coatings manufacturers in
Architectural Coatings’ Business Unit in Portugal achieved a recorded
Europe based on revenue, including acquisitions and mergers.
volume sales of 140 million euros.
In 2021, CIN’s revenues reached 365 million euros, allowing it to rise two
Furthermore, the results obtained in the other Business Units allowed CIN
positions in the European ranking, from 13 to 11 , reflecting a 12%
to reach a total turnover of 365 million euros, a growth of 12% compared
increase compared to 2020 results.
to 2020.
“This is an important milestone that highlights the constant investment
Currently, CIN has an installed capacity of 135 thousand tonnes,
in innovation and development and, simultaneously, the perseverance
supported by 14 warehouses and distribution centres (equivalent to 150
of rigour and quality - fundamental values for CIN”, stated João Serrenho,
thousand square meters). The production is undertaken by ten factories
Chairman of CIN.
in Portugal, Italy, Spain, France, Angola and Mozambique.
Despite the 2021 context and its influence on the shortage of raw materials, CIN achieved record results in core business areas: Industrial
© Pedro do Canto Brum
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
Faster and More Efficient Hanging with the new GNW Interlocking System Simone Rostirolla Rostirolla Srl – Morgano (Treviso), Italy
Rostirolla’s new GNW interlocking system is a simple, fast, and flexible hanging solution, ideal for loading small parts.
n a period such as the one the manufacturing industry is currently
applicable solutions. In fact, its technical department is constantly
going through, where every day companies are confronted with
searching for systems that can meet the most diverse and particular
the scarcity of raw materials and components of all kinds and
needs of users.
with the extension of delivery times even for simple but sometimes
The latest innovation patented by Rostirolla is the new GNW system,
essential products, having easy-to-use and extremely flexible tools at
designed to interlock harmonic steel hooks and/or springs to a punched
one’s disposal becomes of paramount importance. In a paint shop,
sheet metal support, on which various accessories can be combined to
the hanging of workpieces is one of the most important operations; to
form a rack for hanging workpieces before coating. GNW is an extremely
handle it at best, operators need tools such as hooks, racks, and other
flexible tool that enables end users to independently solve any hanging
accessories on a daily basis.
issues on their coating lines.
Whereas, for hooks and masking systems, coaters can usually count on suppliers with well-stocked warehouses or on averagely fast delivery
GNW bars
times, the situation is different in the case of racks, as their design,
The hook-holding bars are made of punched sheet metal with a
sampling, and production times often hardly fit the demands of a fast-
thickness of 1.5 mm, bent for higher strength. They are available in
pacing industry. Being able to manage the hanging of a new workpiece
standard widths of 600, 700, 800, and 1000 mm with a hole for hook
to be coated in the best possible way and, above all, autonomously
insertion every 20 mm.
becomes therefore essential, because it leads to greater efficiency of the entire painting cycle and, consequently, to considerable energy savings.
GNW frames The robustness of the frames is guaranteed by the material they are
Rostirolla Srl has established itself in the coating sector as a
made of, i.e. S355R steel with a diameter of Ø10 mm. Each component
manufacturer of hooks, frames, racks, masking systems, and other
is wire-welded. The frames are available in standard widths of 600, 700,
accessories since 1990. Its products are designed by its highly
800, and 1000 mm, while their height can be customised according to
specialised technical department and manufactured in its dedicated
user requirements up to 2200 mm. The standard spacing between bar
machining department, equipped with state-of-the-art and continuously
supports is 100 mm, but it can be modified upon request. Handles are
upgraded machinery. The company also offers customised and easily
generally customised according to customer requirements.
© Rostirolla
© Rostirolla
The GNW frame with cap and locked hook.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The complete frame, which customers can adapt to pieces to be coated.
Get more from water Turn key solutions for industrial wastewater treatment Design and manufacturing of plants and chemicals for industrial wastewater treatment Chemical-physical plants Sludge treatment and compactor systems © Rostirolla
The MS.0026.1 component serves both as an interlock and as a protection.
Ion exchange demineralization systems and reverse osmosis systems Oil separators Filtering systems Batch type systems
GNW hooks and springs Rostirolla manufactures hooks and springs for the GNW frames inhouse. They are made in C70 steel with a diameter of 1.5 or 2 mm. They can be easily inserted into the hanging system with a very high frequency rate of about 400-450 elements per hour, depending on their type.
Flotation units Chemicals and spare parts for water treatment Technical service, support and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants
Accessories The MS.0026.1 side interlocking component is made of rigid silicone and has two main functions: it serves both as an interlock for the bar on the frame and as a mask for the electrical contact. The MS.0026.2 silicone cap was designed to protect unused bar supports. Once inserted into the punched holes, the hooks can be protected with a special sheath from the MS.0028.4 series.
GNW system’s compatibility with P20/P25 columns The horizontal bars are compatible with the P20/P25 columns manufactured by Rostirolla for hanging small parts. The combination of the new GNW interlocking system and the P20/P25 columns further speeds up the loading of components by utilising the available space in the paintshop in the most efficient way.
Special projects The GNW horizontal bars are mass-produced by cold forging and therefore cannot be customised; however, they can be shortened manually to suit special requirements and welded onto any structure
Beware of imitations, buy the original!
according to customer needs.
What is the Added Value of a Powder Coating? Customisation, Colour and Finishing Engineering, and Small Batches Guido Pozzoli, CEO Stardust Powder Coatings L’Aquila (Italy)
n the powder coating segment, there is a big gap between what
coating market – powders have been perceived as poor finishes for
users think a powder coating is and what it actually is, especially
low-value parts. With time, this conception has been overturned thanks
when it comes to customised products in terms of colour, finish, or
to the enormous strides made in terms of technology, application, and
functionality. Such a mismatch between the real value of these products
performance through the R&D activities carried out by manufacturers.
and market perception naturally causes a problem in understanding
Powder coatings have thus conquered high-end markets such as
their costs, particularly when only small batches are required.
architecture, design, and automotive.
For years – especially at the time of their debut on the industrial
Today, they are the most luxurious, highest performing, and most
© Stardust
sustainable choice for a wide variety of
What many people are unaware of is that
technical and not immediately recognisable by
industries, which are increasingly looking for
producing customised powder coatings
everyone, i.e. the paint’s finishing effect, which
special effects in finishing.
actually requires hundreds of different raw
accounts for another 15% of the total value;
It is precisely in the search for different effects
materials, which a manufacturer must master
only insiders understand the critical issues and
that the added value of a customised powder
and always have in stock. At Stardust Powder
production differences among micro matte,
coating comes into play. However, anyone
Coatings, known for the tailor-made quality
super matte, structured, and textured finishes.
who is not familiar with powder coatings may
of its coatings and for its ability to customise
• The functional part, which is the hidden
imagine that producing them is almost as
them to the highest level, we handle over 200
element that accounts for 70% of the total
simple as mixing tempera, a favourite childhood
different types of raw materials. With such a
value; only insiders can understand it. The
game. This perception is even more widespread
large number of raw materials, the possible
data sheet of a paint product allows users to
among those who are familiar with liquid
combinations to formulate a powder coating
understand its performance characteristics,
paints and thus with the production of sample
are almost infinite. However, the true value
but only the manufacturer owns the specific
finishes through colour mixing, a process that
of a powder coating lies not so much in the
know-how behind them; one can make
is virtually no different from “mixing tempera”
raw materials used, which give it the required
hypotheses about its formula, but not
– this is why, unsurprisingly, many users think
functionality, but in the process of colour and
immediately replicate it.
that manufacturing a powder coating with a
finish design and engineering, especially when
Producing a 25-kg batch of a coating with a
customised tint is comparable to colour mixing.
dealing with customised powders and not
customised colour, a particular effect, and
mere commodities.
additional features, therefore, means keeping
Stock colours, e.g. colours from the standard
one’s production process under constant
RAL range, are designed only once to meet
control, implementing a very strict quality
the needs of as many users as possible. The
control protocol, and having the technology to
engineering work is simple, the production
do all this.
process equally so, and the required process
This is where the added value of a tailor-made
and quality controls are standardised. The
powder coating lies. At Stardust Powder
difficulty degree is lower than that normally
Coatings, we are creators, artists, designers,
required to produce customised coatings
formulators, innovators, perfectionists, and
or coatings complying with the NCS colour
producers. In few words, colour engineers.
standard, such as those that Stardust routinely develops in batches starting at 25 kg. Many end customers only realise the added value of a customised paint once they © Stardust
have witnessed its manufacturing process, from order entry and sample assessment to formulation and production. Stardust’s customers are impressed by the complexity of this process and they understand the economic values involved and the technological investments required to meet their demands. A tailor-made powder coating is composed of some substantial components with a sort of pyramid hierarchy: • The part that is most visible and understandable to everyone, i.e. colour, accounts for 15% of the total value. • The part that is also visible, but more
Guido Pozzoli, CEO of Stardust.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© Toyo Aluminium
A Vortex of Colours to Challenge the Perception of the Viewers The pigment for automotive coatings CHROMASHINE® has been used by the Japanese architecture and design studio we + in order to create special colourful reflections on the vertex-shaped aluminium art-installation “Resonance: Vortex to diversity”.
rt can be a subjective experience, with viewers understanding
The sculpture, part of the Superstudio Più exhibition, has then been
several references and meanings – that were not supposed
coated with CHROMASHINE®, a particular metallic pigment developed
by the original intentions of the artist – according to their own
by the Japanese paints and coatings manufacturer Toyo Aluminium.
personal background and feelings.
The innovative interference colour aluminium pigment used to paint
Sometimes, however, the creators of artworks want to play with the
the installation generates a mix of colours and lights that changes
perception of viewers, so they produce an installation that actively
according to the direction from which the viewers observe the
changes its shapes or colours.
sculpture, creating a new and diversified object.
It is the case of “Resonance: Vortex to diversity”, a vertex-shaped
The metallic pigment CHROMASHINE employs aluminium flakes as
aluminium art-installation that has been created by Toshiya Hayashi
base material and its surface is covered with a silica layer and plated
and Hokuto Ando, the founders of the Tokyo-based architecture and
with metal particles. The difference in optical paths between the
design studio we +, and presented on occasion of the 2022 Milan
light reflected from the plated layer and the light reflected from the
Design Week – which took place from 6th to 12th June.
aluminium flakes causes then a strong interference in the perception of colours.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The colour-changing vortex shape, a phenomenon that occurs in nature when different elements come into contact, ideally recalls the joyful encounter of different cultures, traditions and values. The mission of the Japanese studio, as a matter of fact, is to explore alternative possibilities to commercial design, in order to create strong connections between nature, society and spirituality. Toyo Aluminium uses this peculiar pigment also in coatings for the automotive industry, as a tool to provide customised car body parts with exceptional aesthetic effects: “When the car is viewed from the front, it is turquoise green. When it is viewed at an angle, the colour
changes to light blue. In addition, the design that we created for the special project in cooperation with the freelance announcer Ms. Renko Sakai includes also the CHROMASHINE® logo and a QR code that redirects to our company website on the sides and rear of the car”, has stated Kaoru Kusumoto, the president and representative director of the company.
CHROMASHINE® TGR20X applied to an automotive. When the automotive is viewed from the front, it is turquoise green. When it is viewed at an angle, the color changes to light blue.
© LeRond
LeRond’s Works of Art on Show in Places where Shapes and Colours Come to Life Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
he ipcm® editorial staff went back
It has been more than a year since
to “strengthen and maintain beauty”, as
to interview Giovanni Lamberti,
our last interview. How has your work
philosopher Tzvetan Todorov wrote in his well-
AKA LeRond, to explore how artistic
evolved during the pandemic and what do
known essay “Les Aventuriers de l’absolu”2,
perception has evolved during the pandemic
you have planned now that people have
should do so even more in times like these. In
and what the future holds in terms of working
returned to visit museums, galleries, and
fact, unlike most artists, who have represented
with materials and colours. At the end of the
art exhibitions?
the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects more
year, this multifaceted art-designer will gather
Yes, time goes by fast. I remember the
or less directly in their works, and unlike what
his works into a solo exhibition based on the
contents of our last interview1 very well. The
I did on the occasion of the 9/11 terrorist
profound and suggestive link between the
pandemic, which, by the way, is not definitively
attack, where I represented the drama of
place of birth of his chosen materials and their
over yet, has been conditioning the actions
that moment by creating and completing a
of each person and, therefore, also of us
work on that same day, I must admit that this
artists. Indeed, the latter, who have a duty
time, after an initial period of bewilderment, I
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Tzvetan Todorov, Les Aventuriers de l’absolu, Robert Laffont, 2006
continued my research – even I was surprised
church of Urago Mella, in the province of
hoc supports, will be positioned on special
by this – by keeping on increasing the level
Brescia, a location that is particularly suitable
suspended iron structures in harmony with
of “beauty” of my creations. In the last few
for displaying my works and that has been
each other. Naturally, these display solutions,
months, we have also been able to participate
used exclusively for exhibitions, events, etc.
together with the appropriate light fixtures,
in events and finally savour again the pleasure
for some time now. As this is part of the
are the result of the specific professional work
of the relationship with others, so essential for
broad panorama of events connected to the
of architect Stevan Tesic of Studio DI_aRCHON
an artist. In fact, I have already participated in
nomination of Brescia-Bergamo as Capital
ass_, which proved to be particularly useful
some collective exhibitions and experienced
of Culture 2023, I intend to repeat it, even
and high-profile.
renewed sharing with some colleagues.
partially, in other locations in 2023.
One of the upcoming events is your
The works on show will be made of wood
places of the materials constituting them
December exhibition, a prelude to a year
and iron: can you explain the choice of
emphasises once again the link between
full of projects for the cities of Brescia
these materials, which are among your
industry – in its etymological meaning, i.e.
and Bergamo, in Italy, which together will
favourite ones?
human activity aimed at the production
be Capital of Culture 2023. What will it be
I confirm that the materials used are wood
of goods – and art. Do you think this link
and iron. More specifically, I have largely opted
will continue to strengthen or it will be
As far as solo exhibitions are concerned, which
recycled wood, while iron, in the case of this
lost as new production technologies
obviously require much more commitment
event, is not. All the works presented, with
become increasingly automated and
than collective exhibitions, I am going to
the exception of the large ones (about 2 m),
hold one in December at the ancient parish
which will be placed on the ground with ad
The materials used are directly related to
Putting your works of art in the origin
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the place where they are “produced”: wood
my intention is not only to represent it, but
employed, obviously always in harmony with
was recycled from marble quarries in the
also to strengthen it and, ultimately, to testify
what is being created. They undoubtedly offer
Brescia area: it was used as a support for
respect for it and for what will be developed.
an added value that increases emotional pathos for those who see them and touch
boulders waiting to be vertically sectioned and cut in a more or less regular manner. It was
In the paint industry, we speak of
them, but also for those who create with
then reworked by me in different solutions
“emotive” finishes, i.e. coatings that
them. This brings us to a final consideration in
and shapes, including circular ones. Iron,
have not only a functional but also an
relation to the “industrialisation” of works of
on the other hand, is linked to foundries,
aesthetic value, evoking special feelings
art and of emotions in general: technology will
which are no less frequent than marble
in the observers of the painted object. In
increasingly lead us towards these forms of
quarries in the territories of the province of
the world of art and design, this aspect
generalisation, where interests of various kinds
Brescia, and it is normally cut and welded
can be said to be inherent to the creative
intersect, but what must somehow remain,
into geometric shapes. The works and their
act. What do you think about the fact
although not necessarily appearing in a blatant
structures of similar dimensions are therefore
that the emotions created by an artist
way, is the “touch” of the artist, resulting from
contextualised in marble quarries and
through shapes and colours can be
the difficult balance among technique and
foundries respectively.
execution... and imperfection.
This creates a congenital, reciprocal link:
I understand art as a means of building the
in quarries, recycled wood is “cut”, while in
world through the creation of sculptural works
foundries, iron is “produced”... How could this
that look out at us every day, reminding us
I wanna give a special thank to the foundry
link be lost? Although I think that technological
of the beauty and work of the human being
FORELLI PIETRO SRL and to the marble quarry
evolution will certainly lead to the weakening,
as a builder. It is precisely in this context
perhaps even a very significant one, of this link,
that the so-called “emotive” finishes can be
location to me.
© LeRond
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Cienpies Design&Communication
Communicating Sustainability with Green Marketing Ilaria Paolomelo eos Mktg&Communication Srl
Sustainability and the environmental impact are issues of great interest. In recent years, consumers have acquired greater awareness of environmental issues, so much so that sustainability has become a key factor in purchasing choices. Brands have also responded to this issue and use green marketing to communicate and promote their commitment to the environment. Read the article to find out what green marketing is and how to set up a successful strategy.
he negative impact that human activity has on nature and on
Most consumers are no longer indifferent towards these issues and
the environment has become a hot topic in recent years. The
have progressively changed their habits, adopting more sustainable
numerous awareness-raising campaigns on environmental issues
behaviours to protect the environment. Companies have also worked
have ensured that our concern increased. This has also led to the need
and continue to do so to minimize the environmental footprint by
to create new ways and solutions to safeguard our planet and its natural
contributing to the protection of the environment. Consequently, since
resources. Climate change, marine and atmospheric plastic pollution are
sustainability is one of the main factors that are taken into consideration
just some of the main topics that are dealt with every day worldwide.
by consumers during the purchasing process, it has become of
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
fundamental importance for companies to communicate their green
practices and raise consumer awareness on the most important
initiatives and processes.
environmental issues.
Marketing is used as a tool to communicate a company’s commitment
The term green marketing was born between the end of the 80s and the
to produce goods or services that do not have a dangerous impact
beginning of the 90s in the US even if in 1975 the American Marketing
on the environment, to promote an eco-friendly approach or to raise
Association dedicated a workshop to “Ecological Marketing” with the aim
awareness towards these issues. When marketing is used for such
of evaluating how important marketing is for the sustainability. Today,
purposes, it is called green marketing.
green marketing is a practice widely used by companies as it is in line
In this article we will deepen what green marketing is, what are the
with the trends and values of today’s society: consumers show a growing
advantages that can be obtained with green marketing and we will
concern towards some aspects and issues related to the environment
present some case studies of companies that have implemented a
and increasingly adopt a lifestyle as sustainable and ecological as
green marketing strategy with great success.
What is green marketing?
Green marketing vs greenwashing
The term green marketing, also called ecological marketing, refers to a
Becoming truly “green” requires investments, commitment,
particular marketing strategy that consists of promoting environmentally
perseverance and also the satisfaction of some parameters both
sustainable products, processes or services or goods designed with
for productive and non-productive businesses. Captivating slogans,
the aim of reducing the environmental impact. Products made with
emphasis on numbers and percentages, green-coloured graphics and
sustainable, recycled, zero-kilometre materials, or that are packaged
labels are not enough to actually be considered a green company. In this
using special packaging that do not harm the environment, are an
regard, we cannot fail to mention a rather widespread phenomenon:
example. Green marketing is also used to encourage sustainable
greenwashing. This neologism refers to a misleading marketing and
© Starbucks
An Infographic published on the Starbucks’ website to communicate how the new stores are completely sustainable.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
SOLAR CARVE TOWER communication strategy that presents as eco-sustainable activities that are not and that hides the fact that the brand has not actually adopted any concrete sustainability policy. To give an example, Shell, a British multinational operating in the oil, energy and petrochemical sectors, issued a TV commercial to present a project that consisted of extracting oil from the tar sands of Canada, arguing that this extraction process had less impact on the environment. However, it was shown that the emissions deriving from this procedure were instead ten times higher than those coming from standard extraction procedures of crude oil1. For this reason, Shell has been harshly criticized by the Advertising Standards Authority in UK and forced to withdraw its advertising campaigns as they were considered to be misleading. To avoid the greenwashing label, we need to truly commit ourselves to protecting the environment, truthfully communicating what we are doing to protect the planet and supporting our claims with evidence and numbers and not just with advertising slogans. Some aspects to take into consideration when we decide to communicate our eco-friendly approach are: • Care for the product: what we launch on the market must be made using industrial processes with low environmental impact or produced with recycled, sustainable, or even zero-kilometre materials; The right attention to packaging: choosing, for example, packaging that does not pollute or that is produced with compostable and biodegradable materials; © Focchi Spa
• Product certification: affixing a label that demonstrates that the entire process by which the product was created is environmentally sustainable.
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There are some international certification firms we can rely on to test and certify the conformity of our products. • The adoption of virtuous behaviour: we must be the first to promote a behaviour that is truly environmentally friendly, avoiding waste of paper, plastic, electricity and water. Satisfying these points requires a great commitment and an increase in production costs and consequently in the cost of the final good. However, when consumers are informed and aware of the green supply chain behind the finished product, they usually don’t mind paying a bit more for it. An effective marketing strategy supports companies in communicating and informing consumers of these practices and processes. Digital media, including social media and the corporate website, represent the main platforms through which companies
spread their messages on a large scale and testify their commitment to the environment with photos, videos and infographics.
The advantages of green marketing Setting up the right green marketing strategy can bring numerous benefits to companies. First of all, it improves the brand reputation and image since the brand will be recognized by consumers as responsible and attentive to environment protection. The new generations, especially Millennials and Gen Z, continue to demonstrate that they have the future of our planet strongly at heart and tend to prefer brands and products that align with their ethical values. A green marketing strategy allows companies to reach new audiences who pay particular attention to what they buy. Implementing a green marketing strategy also means transforming our business model, innovating the company and the products so that they can be labelled as sustainable. This is linked to the last important advantage: adopting an efficient green policy allows us to reduce the negative impact that the company has on the environment, promoting a virtuous use of our planet’s resources – which is the goal that every green marketing campaign should achieve.
Some examples of green marketing strategy Although the goal is the same, that is to make a concrete contribution to the protection of our planet, each company has its own history and can adopt a different approach to environmental sustainability. The case studies below have been specifically chosen
to highlight the differences between brands and their strategies. On the one hand, there are multinational corporations such as IKEA and Adidas which are not born as sustainable brands, but which over time have made environmental protection one of their strengths; on the other hand, there are companies such as Patagonia, which were specifically created with the mission of finding a solution to the environmental crisis by offering completely green products. Patagonia is just an example, but it is very common that companies active in the clothing sector are constantly looking for new solutions to make their products as sustainable as possible: this derives from the awareness that the clothing industry, and in in particular, the fast-fashion sector, is one of the industries with the greatest environmental impact. Without further ado, here are the case studies.
IKEA The Swedish multinational specialized in the sale of furniture tops the ranking of companies that pay great attention to sustainability.
IKEA’s green marketing initiatives started a long time ago. We will only
accessories. In 2019, IKEA gave a second life to 47 million recovered
illustrate the most significant ones and those that have had strong
products and declared its commitment to becoming a fully circular
company by 2030.
In 2014, the company launched an advertisement entitled “Forest”. The setting of the campaign is just a dark forest that gradually acquires
greater brightness thanks to LED lighting.
Adidas, the German multinational company active in the production of
The voiceover clarifies the goal of this campaign and the company’s
sportswear, is also strongly committed to protecting the environment.
commitment to the environment with the phrase: “By 2016 we will only
As early as 2000, Adidas published the first annual report on
sell energy-efficient LED bulbs. Sometimes the little things can make a
sustainable development. Since then, this report has been published
big difference”.
every year in March. Through it, the company discloses its ambitions
Then, in April 2019, IKEA globally launched a campaign entitled
on a seven-year plan.
“Climate action starts at home” with the aim of continuing to show
Some of the most important activities of the green marketing strategy
corporate commitment to safeguarding the planet while at the same
of Adidas are: the commitment to halve the water used in the
time empowering consumers and promoting eco-friendly behaviours
production of clothing, the reduction of the percentage of cotton to
to be adopted daily.
be used in the production phase and the gradual elimination of virgin
The spot obviously highlights some of the Swedish company’s products
plastic from all its products, offices and shops.
(from the set of containers for separate waste collection, to taps and
Adidas’ green marketing campaign also includes the collaboration
shower heads that reduce water consumption by up to 50%, up to low
with Parley for The Oceans, a non-profit environmental organization
energy consumption LED bulbs) that help us in our daily routine to
that aims to raise awareness and empower companies, brands,
adopt eco-friendly practices.
governments and organizations on the protection of the oceans. The
In addition to the TV commercials, IKEA has developed a web page
Parley philosophy is based on three principles “Avoid, Intercept, Re-
called “Sustainable everyday” with the goal of offering consumers ideas
design”. Hence the name of the strategy “Parley A.I.R.”. In particular,
on how to improve their environmental habits and provide updated
the term “Avoid” underlines the importance of avoiding the use of
information on what the company is doing to achieve certain goals and
plastic bags and plastic microspheres which represent one of the main
on its green initiatives.
enemies of the seas and oceans because, due to their small size, they
An example could be the furniture buy-back and resale service:
are not filtered by the purification systems of waters ending up directly
consumers can sell their IKEA furniture directly to the Swedish
in the seas, rivers and oceans. In this regard, in 2015 Adidas decided
multinational, which will reuse them to produce new furnishing
to abandon the classic plastic shopping bags and adopt paper bags
(which are widely used today) and to ban the use of any object made of 2
disposable plastic in Adidas offices, facilities and stores.
In 2019, IKEA launched a campaign entitled “Climate action starts at home”.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The advertisement launched by IKEA and entitled “Forest”.
© Adidas
© Adidas
The eco-sustainable version of the historic Adidas UltraBoost running model made entirely with plastic waste collected from the oceans and the video of the “Adidas x Parley Run for the Oceans” initiative.
Linked to the “Avoid” concept, there is the concept “Intercept”, which
refers to those practices that intercept plastic dispersed in the
Patagonia is a sportswear brand founded in California in 1973 with the
environment. In fact, to prevent plastic waste from contaminating
aim of “making the best product, not causing unnecessary damage and
the ecosystem, Adidas had the idea of using waste plastic materials
using business to inspire and implement solutions for the environmental
to make high-performance sport items and accessories of the same
crisis”. Patagonia’s strategy, called “Common Threads”, is based on five
quality as virgin plastic products. That’s not all. In 2015, Adidas and
principles (5 R) which aim to rethink consumerism and the clothing
Parley presented a high-performance shoe prototype at the United
sector, which, as mentioned above, is one of the great enemies of
Nations headquarters.
environmental sustainability. The 5 Rs of Patagonia are: reduce what you
The prototype’s upper was made from yarn and filament from recycled
buy, repair what you can, reuse what you have, recycle as much as you
marine litter and illegal deep-sea fishing nets. This model was then
can and re-imagine a sustainable world.
put on the market and achieved great success with millions of sales
Based on this strategy, the California-based company began producing
worldwide. Later, Adidas created an entire collection of performing
sports clothing and accessories using only sustainable, organically grown
products made only with waste plastic materials.
and recycled materials3.
Finally, with the term “Re-design” Adidas aims at promoting eco-
The company has also activated important environmental responsibility
innovation around materials and products and new ways of reinventing
programs that promote animal welfare and trace the production
chain of materials and products. Patagonia also adheres to the “1%
The company has studied a new business model that will make it
for the Planet” initiative; in fact, since 1985, the company donates 1%
possible to use 100% recycled polyester in every product by 2024.
of its annual sales to the protection and restoration of the natural
Another initiative that has found enormous success globally is the
environment. More than $89 million has been devoted to environmental
“Adidas x Parley Run for the Oceans” project, created to fight plastic
activist groups, both nationally and internationally, which work to make
pollution in the oceans through running and sport. Every year, for about
the difference in their local communities.
20 days and until June 8 – The World Oceans Day -, runners from all over the world can record their running sessions on the Adidas Running app
As of 2012, Patagonia was recognized as a B Corp, becoming the
and for each kilometre they run, the company collects the equivalent in
first Californian company to achieve this certification and joining the
weight of 10 plastic bottles, up to a maximum of 250,000 kg.
community of 500 companies already recognized as “sustainable” across 3
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
For greater transparency, on its website Patagonia describes each product in depth. This way, before purchasing, each user can have an overview of the materials used, the impact that the production of the item has had and the place where it was produced. To promote its brand, its green initiatives and to empower consumers, Patagonia mainly uses its digital channels, including the website and its social channels.
© Patagonia
© Patagonia
An example of a successful global campaign launched on the New York Times in 2011. Even if more than 10 years have passed, “Don’t buy this jacket” continues to be one of the most famous advertising campaigns of Patagonia.
© Patagonia
60 different industries. To be recognized as a B Corp, a company must
for the environment and the protection of our ecosystem, in which we
have an explicit social or environmental mission and be willing to accept
all live and thrive; but also for the brand, as it allows to communicate
regulations that take into account the interests of workers, community,
effectively with an audience that is increasingly attentive to issues
environment and shareholders.
related to sustainability.
To promote its brand, its green initiatives and to empower consumers,
Obviously, the conditio sine qua non of being green is the real
Patagonia mainly uses its digital channels, including the website (https://
commitment (and not just words). and its social channels. However, there have also been offline advertising campaigns. Those who choose Patagonia, as well as the many other green brands on the market, share the values, the philosophy and the lifestyle of the brand itself, identifying themselves with it and taking it upon themselves to tackle the challenge of sustainability.
Summing up Earth is our home and protecting it is our duty. In recent years, environmental protection has become one of the hot topics in public debates and (fortunately) the number of companies and consumers who choose to adopt an eco-friendly approach is constantly growing. Setting up a green marketing strategy is a valuable practice not only
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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your unique partner for the development of your company
ipcm® Academy Will Expand its Training Offer with a Module on Plastic Coating Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
lastic became a coatable material in
also and above all practical training is crucial:
practical examples, with the aim of getting the
the 1970s. With the development of
learning the basics is important, but so is
participants more involved, especially since
increasingly advanced technologies,
dealing with the problems that arise daily
the online mode seems to be more dispersive
even this niche sector of the industrial
in a company. It would also be ideal for the
than the face-to-face mode. This is why we
painting field now requires highly specialised
trainees to have time in between lessons to
are planning to organise the plastic coating
operators: this is why ipcm Academy has
better grasp what they have learned, which is
module of the autumn session not only in
decided to expand its training offer to include
even easier and especially more effective after
person – if Covid rules allow it – but also at the
a new module dedicated to plastic coating,
applying it in practice.
factory, so that the trainees can see first-hand
the object of the lesson.
presented for the first time in May by Luca Maitan, a leading expert in the sector. In this
Did you already have some teaching
interview, he explained how he decided to
What critical issues did you encounter?
organise his one-day lesson and the positive
Yes, on one occasion I had the opportunity to
The most interesting, but also complicated
but also critical aspects of such a structured
meet with university students and I periodically
aspect of the coating industry is its variety: it
training course.
organise in-house courses for both my own
is impossible to cover all applications in a few
team and for customers who decide to
examples. The heterogeneity of the sector
implement our systems.
corresponds to the heterogeneity of the
Maitan, you have been in the coating business for over forty years as the
ipcm® Academy training course’s participants.
owner of a company specialising in the
How does one prepare for a lesson to be
The difficulty of teaching trainees who come
treatment of plastics. What do you think
delivered in a single day?
from different sectors, from companies with
about training in this specific area?
I prepared a handout with numerous slides
different types of production and painting
I think that not only classroom training, but
to alternate detailed explanations with more
requirements, from different departments,
© ipcm
Luca Maitan
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
© ipcm
and from different education backgrounds (from people who went to
As a company owner, would you recommend this course to your
university and to those who have acquired experience directly in the
field) lies in making the explanations comprehensible to all. This is why
Yes, absolutely. The coating of plastics, like that of other materials such
interaction with students is so important: only through their feedback
as metal and wood, is constantly evolving and its technologies are
can one understand to what extent they are acquiring relevant skills. In
always being updated.
fact, for the next session, I will prepare a test to assess what has been
One of the ways to keep up to date is to attend well-organised training
learned at the end of the day.
courses such as those of ipcm® Academy.
The New ipcm®_Academy Course Starts Again in September in Hybrid Mode The ipcm®_Academy course aimed at training professional Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologists starts again on 22 September with a new session. A new lecture will be added to the topics already on the programme. The course will have a total duration of 100 hours, divided into twelve days, including four days of practical activities and one day dedicated to the final exam. A new lesson The main innovation for this year’s second session is the addition of a one-day lecture on coil coating, scheduled for 24 November and delivered by three new lecturers with over twenty years of experience in the field1. As well as the one dedicated to the coating of plastics, introduced at the beginning of 2022, this is an extra day outside the Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologist training course, designed to offer any interested parties the opportunity to further deepen their knowledge of surface treatments. Frequency options The course will take place both in person at the Innovhub – Oils and Fats Division premises in Milan, and online, according to the needs of each participant (with the exception of the four days when practical activities are scheduled). In addition to enrolling for the complete course, it is possible to take part in the individual training days of which the course is composed. In this case, a certificate of participation will be issued. Financing options Thanks to the collaboration with ASP Mazzini in Cinisello Balsamo, the training courses offered by ipcm®_Academy can count on various financing options: Training vouchers made available by the Lombardy Region and activated directly by companies; Training financed by the endowment system of the Lombardy Region for unemployed or redundant persons; Interprofessional funds, through company membership and participation in company and intercompany training plans. Click here to read the full programme: For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
The Synergy Between University and Industry Enables the Integration of Technology, Innovation, and Research for a Sustainable Future Consolidating the close relationship between the industry and academia helps to build the foundations for a more sustainable future: an example of this is the seminar held by Alessandro Soba from Verind Spa for the Politecnico di Milano’s teaching course in Advanced Organic Coatings.
ay 2022 saw the end of the second semester of the Master’s
of nanotechnology, have also had the opportunity to meet a few
Degree in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology at the
companies from the surface finishing industry.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy’s leading university for technical
The seminar held in English by Alessandro Soba from Verind S.p.A. (Dürr
and scientific education and one of the top fifteen universities in the QS
Group) for the Advanced Organic Coatings class was a concrete example
World University Rankings in the Engineering & Technology category .
of the interaction between students and businesses.
The students of this course, aimed at training new technicians with a
Thanks to videos showing surface coating lines for the automotive
broad spectrum of knowledge in the fields of production, processing,
and general industry sectors and presentations of specific equipment
and application of materials as well as in the more innovative field
for automatic and manual painting, several topics related to
environmentally friendly application technologies were addressed with a 1
© Verind
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
view to sustainability, efficiency, and process digitalisation.
Led by Raffaella Suriano, a lecturer at the Politecnico’s Department
of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”, the students showed great interest and asked numerous questions both during and at the end of the seminar. Some of them even stayed in the classroom beyond the scheduled time in order to learn more about the automation solutions adopted for saving paint through automatic colour change systems and electronic 2K paint dosing equipment with Coriolis mass flow meters. Such a synergy between the industrial and academic worlds
Cleaning machines with modified alcohols
was made possible thanks to the collaboration with PoliEfun, an association of Politecnico that promotes business culture in the surface treatment sector2. In fact, PoliEfun encourages the involvement of industrial players with the academic world also through in-person and online masters courses such as ISM9 (Industrial Short Master), now in its ninth edition, and TST2022, the digital conference that this year has been dealing with topics such as the circular economy and the development of sustainable bio-derived coatings, obtained by recycling industrial agricultural waste such as tomato peels. Also
Shot-peening machines
thanks to the support of PoliEfun, the School of Industrial and Information Engineering of Politecnico, and the degree course in Materials Engineering, in this academic year the Advanced Organic Coatings teaching course has been able to devote 40% of its lecture hours to laboratory teaching, in order to further strengthen the skills and technical-scientific knowledge of future engineers with practical experience and experimental tests. 2
Shot-blasting / sand-blasting machines
© Ve
Cleaning - high-pressure deburring machines
The low pressure EcoMCC3 20 colour changer designed by Verind-Dürr.
Tel. +39 02 97289696
Innovative Process for Automatic Cleaning of Centrifuged Muds UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association Milan, Italy
In the mass finishing industry, there are different innovative processes for automatic cleaning of centrifuged muds, mainly focused on specific filtering systems.
ompanies specialized in the automatic cleaning of centrifuged
Then there is the braking to slow down the basket speed step: the
muds usually use centrifugal filters automatically managed by
raising pump of the receiving tank stops, in order to allow the braking
a modern PLC combined with frequency converter, a wide set
of the basket without overloading it with liquid (without centrifugation
of sensors and an innovative device which enables simultaneously the
the water does not flow out anymore from the pick-up pipe of filtered
automatic removal of the mud accumulated in the centrifugal basket,
liquid); the frequency converter device slows down the basket rotation
on one hand and, on the other hand, a partial balance of the water lost
main motor, following a suitable deceleration ramp.
during the meantime by evaporation or dropping out with each batch of
The basket reaches gradually a © Adobe Stock
rotation of 30-40 RPM, the frequency
finished workpieces from the mass-
converter causes a dynamic that does
finishing units.
not centrifuge the liquid mass against
Thanks to sophisticated software,
the walls; the liquid descends to the
sensors, automation level and
centre of the basket where have
interactivity with each one of the
been made suitable evacuation holes.
finishing units, this advanced
In parallel, when the optimal rpm
centrifugal filter is able to offer full
has been reached, starts the high-
compliance with the Industry 4.0
pressure net water jet that, through
specs and, as an interesting option,
a special nozzle, sprinkles a basket
the WI-FI remote management from a
section suitable for the removal of the
simple tablet PC.
major volume of the mud collected
These companies summarize with
until that moment. After connecting
these machines a simple solution,
the pump to the pipe, it carries out a
based on a high-pressure pump, as
phase of powerful mud removal from
an alternative to mechanical devices
the basket walls.
with higher maintenance costs and
The basket is rotating in two
investment. The machine starts: the
directions for a complete exposure
raising pump of the receiving tank is
of the surfaces jet. At the end of the
stopped, the frequency control device
high-pressure phase, there are still
starts the main rotation motor of
some mud traces, which are suitably
the basket, the raising pump starts
rinsed through a two-times water
feeding the wastewater through the
respective inlet pipe. The wastewater
This is an example of high technology
continues being fed, filtered from
machine applied to finishing
the suspended solids through
processes made from Italian
centrifugation; the clarified water to
companies represented by UCIF,
be sent to the machines gets out in
the Italian Manufacturers Finishing
pressure from the pick-up pipe.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Discover Paint & Coatings Technology Paint & Coatings focuses on the formulation, supply, manufacture and distribution of paints, coatings, adhesives and sealants. Recognising the importance of keeping pace with developments in the creation of paints and coatings, the event promotes excellence in technological innovation, a complex and demanding process that transforms ideas into finished products.
25-26 October
2022 Milan NH Centro Congressi Milano Milanofiori, Assago, Italy
Media Partners:
Organised by:
+39 334 891 8603
BYK Gardner Seminar: The Perfect Triple
ow to ensure that colour always matches visual perception
management throughout an entire supply chain. For the first time,
using objective measuring instruments? In a recent one-day
digital standards can be exchanged between benchtop and portable
in-person seminar, BYK Gardner gave industry professionals the
instruments, without any extra profiling.
opportunity to go over the fundamentals of colour theory together with the latest innovations.
spectro2guide – Touch the colour
On Thursday, 14 July at the Hotel Parma&Congressi, Pasquale Roberti,
The ideal counterpart to color2view when a portable spectrophotometer
Sales Manager Italy at BYK Gardner Service Point Italy, discussed the
is needed. It offers the same innovative measurement methods for
following topics in front of an audience of around fifty people from
checking colour, gloss, and fluorescence characteristics and thus predict
various industrial sectors, from automotive and motor vehicles to raw
colour stability. It combines top performance with simple, user-friendly
materials and paints:
• Visual assessment of colour - Influence of lighting quality • Colour uniformity - Colour and gloss fundamentals
Seminar agenda
• Colour stability - Lightfastness prediction
• Colorimetry basics: illuminants, observers, colorimetric scales,
• Special - Reliable BLACK measurements
measurement geometry
• More specifically, Roberti presented the BYK Gardner instruments that
• Visual assessment of solid colours: the byko-spectra light booth family
form the “perfect triangle” for effective colour measurement.
• Systems of colour equations for realistic tolerances: CIELab and weighted colour systems
byko-spectra Pro – Seeing the world the right way
• Introducing spectro2guide and color2view
This is the benchmark tool for visual colour assessment. Its innovative
• Fluorescence: what is fluorescence and how its decay affects colour
combination of LED and halogen lighting guarantees a quality level never
seen before with the CIE A class, making it possible to see the world in
• Predicting fluorescence decay with s2g and c2v:
the right light.
• New fluorescence indices • Practical demonstration with smart-chart software
New color2view - The revolution in colour measurement
• Jetness: how to measure the deepest blacks
• Introducing spectro2guide Pro.
By combining several measurement methods, color2view acts as an objective eye that assesses our visual impressions as a whole. Its revolutionary technical performance ensures seamless global colour
© ipcm
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For further information:
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SIFER 2023 – Coming Back at Full Speed The 13th International Exhibition of Railway Technology will take place from 28 – 30 March 2023 at Lille Grand Palais in France.
IFER is a unique international railway meeting point in France. For
Exhibitors and partners renewing their trust
over 20 years the event has been reuniting all the stakeholders
Numerous exhibitors have renewed their attendance at this next
of the industry: rail operators, infrastructure authorities, vehicle
edition, proving the influence of SIFER in the railway market. 85
builders, suppliers, rail transport policy makers and planners.
companies are already on the participants’ list to showcase their
After two challenging years affected by the pandemic, the organisers
solutions next March, of which several of the big names of the industry,
at Mack-Brooks Exhibitions are happy to continue supporting the rail
such as ABB France, ROV Development, Rail Europe Solutions, Sirail,
sector by holding the next edition of SIFER. The event aims at reinforcing
Direct SAS or ACC M. 15% of registered exhibitors are new participants
the commitment to meet stakeholders’ expectations in terms of
that will show their products for the first time at the event.
networking, business opportunities and keeping up to date with market
All official partners of the show will also be present, including the
following: Hauts-de-France region, Unife, the European Union Agency for
New at SIFER 2023 – The Innovation Hub
Railways (ERA) and Railcoop. Throughout the 3 days of the show, visitors will be able to enjoy:
In line with the recovery plan set up by the government, aiming at
• A comprehensive programme of activities aimed at fostering
renewing and modernising the rail network, SIFER 2023 is looking at the
networking, knowledge exchange and keeping up to date with the latest
future with the creation of an Innovation Hub at the heart of the show.
This space will be dedicated to start-ups with highly innovative and
• Conferences addressing the key topics and future trends of the
creative solutions to tomorrow’s challenges.
industry such as sustainability and digitalisation
SIFER has always proved to be at the forefront of the sector tendencies
• An on-track display: sections of track laid in the exhibition hall to
and innovations. The organisers have continuously amplified the
showcase rail mounted vehicles and track-related equipment, allowing
importance given to rail infrastructure, reflecting the trends of the
visitors to experience all rail products in real life.
market. For further information:
© Mack-Brooks Exhibitions
© Mack-Brooks Exhibitions
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
Steels in Cars and Trucks 2022: Shaping the future together SCT Conference 2022 took place from June 19 to 23, 2022 in Milan.
ne of the two goals behind SCT “Bringing the automotive, supplier and steel industries together” reinforces what the modern steel industry is all about: partnerships across
value chains being made up of industry, research and development professionals. The second motto of SCT 2022 was “Future trends in steel development, processing technologies and applications”. This ability to steadily innovate one of mankind’s earliest and most inventive materials for industrial use is reflected in the increasing amount of steel being consumed throughout the world. Steel delivers ample solutions for solving such future global challenges such as electro mobility and is a forerunner in the preservation of material resources due to its excellent recycling capabilities. SCT 2022 welcomed over 400 participants, more than half will come from all over the world. This congress has always welcomed
a balanced mix of representatives from steel producers and the automotive / supplier industry. It is exactly this mix that fosters networking opportunities between steel producers, automobile manufacturers and automotive suppliers. Jérôme Favero, ArcelorMittal’s head of automotive steel solutions, kicked off the Opening Session with his keynote presentation: “Reinventing steel in a world of disruption”, followed by Michele Tedesco & Fabrizio Frascà, both Stellantis, with a presentation themed: “Steel in automotive present and future” as well as Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Brockmann, executive member of the managing board, Steel Institute VDEh, with a lecture on the “CO2 mitigation in steel production and by steel application”. The SCT 2022 platinum sponsor, ArcelorMittal, hosted an exclusive gala dinner on Tuesday, June 21 in the patio of the Chiostri di
Sant’Eustorgio. The following sponsors supported SCT 2022: ArcelorMittal, Saarstahl, DOCOL/SSAB, Georgsmarienhütte GmbH, Outokumpu, voestalpine Stahl GmbH. Numerous other companies were also present as exhibitors. For further information:
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Registration is Open for FABTECH 2022 in Atlanta FABTECH will take place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia (United States) from November 8-10.
ABTECH returns to the Georgia World Congress Center
in Atlanta, Georgia, from November 8-10 with a onestop-shop where you can meet suppliers, see the latest
technologies, learn how to increase profits, and discover tools to improve productivity while networking with industry peers. The FABTECH 2022 exhibition floor will showcase the newest innovations the finishing industry has to offer, from liquid and powder coatings to pretreatment technologies, auxiliary equipment and more. “CCAI is hosting its 13th FINISHING Pavilion at FABTECH in November,” states Anne Goyer, CCAI Executive Director. “The growth of the pavilion and conference program for those interested in finishing allows attendees to see the latest in industrial finishing technology alongside valuable educational sessions. FABTECH is the place where industrial finishers gather every fall.” FABTECH’s educational programming offers the perfect opportunity to learn more about the technologies you see on the show floor. The FINISHING Conference program features 19
sessions, comprised of nearly 40 presentations, offering a wide range of technical education–from basic to advanced–on topics for everyone involved in finishing technologies. CCAI has created a program that encompasses a variety of segments, including pretreatment, masking and racking, powder and liquid coating, troubleshooting, curing and ovens, and measurement and testing equipment to name a few. Within the 90-minute sessions, attendees will learn about advancements and new technologies that touch many aspects of the finishing industry.
About the Chemical Coaters Association International The Chemical Coaters Association International (CCAI) is a technical and professional organization that provides information and training on surface coating technologies. CCAI works to raise the standards of finishing operations through educational meetings and seminars, training manuals, educational videos, and outreach programs with schools, colleges and universities. For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© Reed Exhibitions
ALUMINIUM 2022: a Vision on the Future ALUMINIUM will take place in Düsseldorf (Germany) on September 27-29.
LUMINIUM 2022 will start in Düsseldorf on September 27. And
of the industry. In this sense, the trade fair, which is already almost
after its cancellation in 2020, it will finally be the long-awaited
fully booked, will therefore be a genuine, comprehensive showcase of
international meeting place for the aluminium industry and its
application industries. The central players of the industry will be there
The relevance of ALUMINIUM is also reflected in the partnerships
as well as the most exciting start-ups and newcomers. The trade fair will
that organizer RX has been able to establish. The most important
also score points with new special shows, cooperation with the most
associations, research institutes and analysts are on board, and they
relevant associations and industry partners, with numerous hybrid
will contribute to providing answers to the most pressing questions
elements - and with three days full of content.
affecting the aluminium industry. And they will thus help to fulfill one of
It’s been a dry spell - but it’s coming to an end. When the world’s leading
the essential requirements of the fair: to make ALUMINIUM a place for
trade fair ALUMINIUM opens its doors in Düsseldorf in September,
dialogue, information and discussion.
much more awaits the industry than the largest and long established
When can a trade fair call itself the “world’s leading trade fair”? What
information platform: visitors and exhibitors will have the opportunity,
makes it the most important meeting place for an industry? If it’s a
missed for far too long, to finally meet each other again, to deepen
matter of the pure exhibition space that represents a world market
personal contact, to make new contacts - to “feel” the others again.
within the framework of a trade fair, ALUMINIUM (September 27-29,
“Right now, it is important that we bring the aluminium industry together
2022) more than lives up to the term, because as in previous years, it
again on a large platform so that they can meet and exchange ideas,”
represents the global aluminium market within six exhibition halls at the
says a delighted Malte Seifert, the ALUMINIUM project manager. “In
Düsseldorf Exhibition Center.
addition, we can address many important issues and create visibility for
And another criterion will also be met: the most important players
the industry with policymakers so that appropriate solutions can also be
in the industry will be there to guarantee professional exchanges of
found for the challenges of tomorrow.”
the highest relevance. Among others, Norsk Hydro, HAI Hammerer,
The highly welcome return to normality, then - combined with the
AMAG, ALVANCE, Rio Tinto, Alcoa, Trimet or Assan Alüminyum have
obligation to also prove the claimed relevance. And trade fair organizer
already confirmed their participation. In addition to many other well-
RX will deliver. ALUMINIUM 2022 will represent the entire aluminium
known industry giants, numerous SMEs and start-ups will also ensure
industry in six exhibition halls. The big, well-known players will
enormous diversity.
participate as exhibitors, as will the numerous SMEs and start-ups that make an invaluable contribution to the diversity and innovativeness
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
26 TH INTERNATIONAL SHEET METAL WORKING TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION • Sheet metal, Tube, Sections • Handling • Forming • Finished products, Parts, Assemblies • Separation, Cutting • Joining, Welding • Flexible sheet metal working • Tube / Section working • Composites • Surface treatment • Tools, Dies • CAD / CAM / CIM systems / Data processing
Supplemento a IPCM n° 76 - Luglio/Agosto 2022
ICT digital on
OMSG’s rotary table shot blasting machine installed at ARCOPROFIL’s premises
rcoprofil (Schio, Vicenza, Italy), a company specialising in the
• Inverter regulating table rotation speed
production of splined shafts for the automotive and agricultural
• Special turbine feed valve with 2 pneumatic cylinders
sectors and featured in an article in the last issue of ICT Industrial
• Automatic table orientation device.
Cleaning Technologies (no. 21, April 2022, pp. 20-27), has installed a
The OMSG machine, prearranged for Industry 4.0-oriented integrations,
new shot blasting machine designed and manufactured by OMSG (Villa
mechanically cleans Arcoprofil’s parts after the two thermal processes of
Cortese, Milan, Italy) to remove any calamine and other residues after
induction hardening through quench cooling and case hardening with
case hardening and oil hardening.
oil hardening. In our previous article, the rotary table shot blasting plant installed
Below are the main features of the rotary table shot blasting plant:
by Arcoprofil was not correctly attributed to OMSG. We apologise to
• Type: RT 200 1E-11
readers and all those concerned.
• Table diameter: ø 2000 mm • 2 patented OMSG turbines of 11 kW each, with direct drive • Inverter regulating turbine speed
For further information:
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N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
EnSolv® CC-A vapour degreasing solvent for precision parts cleaning The EnSolv® CC-A methylene chloride based formulation responds to the need for high performance vapour degreasing solvents for critical cleaning in general engineering, aerospace, medical optical and electrical industries. nSolv® CC-A removes cutting oils, lubricants, lapping compounds
immediately at the ideal temperature for painting or powder coating. No
grinding pastes and water based cutting oils or fluids. This complex
time lost waiting for parts to cool which allows immediate quality control
synergistic blend utilises environmentally compliant solvents combined
testing or assembly of machined parts due to minimal dimensional
with selected surfactants to remove oils and lubricants to the highest
standards for critical cleaning applications and releases and suspends
• Cleaning cycles reduced: productivity improved with output doubled
inorganic solids and soils such as fingerprints, polishing compounds and
compared to conventional solvents.
grinding paste from finely finished and highly polished surfaces such
• Minimises flash rusting on mild steel cleaned components due to
as stainless steel and plated parts, optical lenses and components for
the advanced stabiliser/inhibitor package compared to alternative
medical appliances.
formulations. Compatible with mixed metal components. No staining of yellow metals, bronze, copper, aluminium.
Improves productivity and operating environment
• Reduced maintenance: unique additive suspends contaminants in
• Suitable for processing temperature sensitive components as well as
boiling solvent sump preventing tar formation and continuously cleans
the conventional engineering substrates: the very low surface tension
heating surfaces. Longer periods between cleanouts reduces labour costs
cleans through holes on castings and penetrates between overlapping
and solvent losses.
metal spot welds eliminating oil leaching in paint and powder coatings during oven curing. • Easy handling: cleaned components are dry and comfortable to handle
For further information:
© Envirotech
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
Excellent cleanliness, high production speed, and digital integration: Advan’s watchwords for its new dental implant cleaning process The surface decontamination of dental implants and prosthetic components is a strategic operation in the production cycle of Advan, which has recently turned into a factory 4.0 by equipping itself with the most modern technologies available on the market for the cleaning and surface treatment of its titanium plants. Thanks to its MEG machines, in particular, it has speeded up its cleaning process by reducing cycle times by a third, improved the cleanliness of components, and optimised business management by integrating cleaning control software into its MES system.
© Advan
ental implants are medical devices used to replace teeth roots, provide support for removable or fixed dentures, and help improve chewing
function and aesthetics, thus ultimately improving people’s quality of life. Implantology is a branch of dentistry characterised by very delicate titanium components that, in order to fully perform their functions, must meet strict quality criteria in terms of both process validation and of the high surface cleanliness requirements imposed on finished products. Established in 2018 from the merger of two other companies with over twenty-five years of experience in the design, manufacture, and sale of implant dentistry products, Advan Srl (Amaro, Udine, Italy) has long pursued an innovative corporate vision: placing implants at the centre of a digital flow as an essential tool made available to dentists to better meet their patients’ demands. “Conceiving and implementing easy-to-manage implant systems with high clinical performance degrees and highly predictable long-term results, including through digital adaptation of devices, is one of Advan’s main goals,” explains Danilo Annesi, the technical and R&D manager of the company. “All our employees are well aware that our products’ quality affects the quality of life of thousands of people every day. With a view to updating and improving our logistics and production processes, in 2022 we built a new factory where we relocated all our departments. In particular, since cleaning is a key production step in the field of implant dentistry, one of the focus items for the new factory project involved upgrading this process by replacing our old machines with two new systems capable of meeting our requirements of high surface cleanliness, high speed of operation, and integration into our MES system. With the collaboration of MEG Srl (San Martino di Lupari, Padua, Italy), specialising in the design and production of cleaning systems, we have equipped ourselves with the right tools to achieve these goals.”
Advan constantly reinvents implant dentistry “In our company,” says Annesi, “experience is combined with constant and meticulous attention to material developments, innovations, new production technologies, and clinical guidelines in our field together with the most current scientific contributions. We experiment with everything we A dental implant produced by Advan.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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The first dental implant machining stage, with state-of-the-art sliding-head lathes and the HFE solvent system for the preliminary cleaning phase.
The inside of the multi-function cleaning chamber.
consider valid for the continuous development of our dental implants,
The strategic nature of the cleaning phase
which include conical connection implants, zygomatic implants with
Annesi illustrates Advan’s production flow: “After receiving our required
internal connections, prosthetic components with conical connections
titanium alloy bars, we perform precision turning operations with
and couplings, and surgical and prosthetic instruments. In fact, at the
advanced CNC machine tools to produce parts with diameters ranging
beginning of the 2000s, we pioneered in Europe the use of a surface
from 2 to 6 mm and lengths from 4 to 60 mm. The cleaning, surface
treatment for implant screws that was already employed in the United
treatment, and assembly processes are carried out on the resulting
States, but still unknown overseas, called OsseoGRIP: it is a micro-
semi-finished products in a manufacturing area equipped with an ISO
sandblasting process carried out using hydroxyapatite to improve the
Class 8 controlled-contamination room, whereas decontamination and
osteoconductivity of titanium oxide. Compared with other common
packaging occur in our ISO Class 7 clean room.”
abrasive materials such as alumina or corundum, this guarantees
Surface cleaning and decontamination are the treatments in which
high implant durability even if any micro-residues remain on surfaces,
Advan has invested the most resources. “Previously, our cleaning
because of its high compatibility.”
process was completely manual and it was carried out with ultrasound
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
machines using alcohol and an oven for drying. The
© ipcm
same systems were used for both the preliminary and final cleaning phases. In addition to the need to increase productivity by speeding up our cleaning operations, we sought an automated solution to reduce the risk of part contamination due to operator handling. This is why we implemented a solvent system for the post-turning preliminary cleaning phase and an automated system for the final cleaning phase, which were integrated into our production flow in line with the Industry 4.0 parameters. Provided by MEG, these two plants have optimised our cleaning cycle and led to a 300% increase in productivity.”
The preliminary cleaning phase “One of the main causes of contamination of Advan’s products,” states MEG general manager, Alberto Gnoato, “is the presence of microburrs remaining inside their threaded holes after machining, together with neat oil traces. In particular, these residues are found on the surfaces of one of their flagship products, that is, their implants with conical connections, which consist of an external thread, the actual The drying station.
connection, and a 1.6 mm internal thread. Together with the Advan team, we therefore selected an extremely compact, yet highly
© ipcm
performing machine for HFE solvent cleaning operations. The cycle includes four stages: vapour degreasing, immersion cleaning with ultrasound, rinsing, and drying by condensation of the solvent, which is recovered and recirculated to the system thanks to a molecular sieve separator.” After this preliminary cleaning phase, the implant screws undergo precise and accurate checks with optical measuring microscopes and laser scanners for dimensional measurements. They are then subjected to rotating disc sandblasting with hydroxyapatite and passivation in citric acid in the controlled-contamination room to remove any surface residues remaining after sandblasting. After they are sent to the clean room though a pass box, the decontamination phase with cold argon plasma is performed, followed by blister The touch-screen control of the multi-tank system.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
packing and heat sealing.
The final cleaning phase
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“The second plant installed by MEG is a fully automated water and detergent system,” indicates Gnoato. “It is used for cleaning prosthetic components after dimensional inspection and it is equipped with three heated tanks with a capacity of 8 litres each: one for treatment with mains water and detergent (which is automatically dosed by a special dispenser), one for rinsing with mains water, and the third for rinsing with demineralised water in a closed loop. Drying then occurs in an integrated two-slot ventilated oven.” The average cleaning cycle time has been significantly reduced, as Annesi confirms: “We went from a cleaning and drying time of 25 minutes to one of 8 minutes. This was a fundamental achievement with a view to the goal of higher production speed we had set
The prosthetic component cleaning machine.
075/2018 BMXX18R
Structural separation of tanks is one of the main features of MEG machines. “The ultrasonic tanks in our systems,” explains Gnoato, “are not welded directly to the machine structure, but separated from it by special silent blocks that limit the vibrations of the machine body itself, thus guaranteeing longer service life and reduced noise emissions. Moreover, in this way, if the tank needs to be replaced, the intervention is quick and easy. The same applies to ultrasonic flanges, applied through counter flanges that allow for easy removal should the need arise.”
Conclusions “A further aspect that convinced us to start a partnership with MEG,” emphasises Annesi, “was the ability of its IT team to update and adapt its control software package to manage cleaning processes not only on board the machines but also through our company’s central system. Thanks to such
© ipcm
The loading/unloading station of the prosthetic component cleaning plant.
integrated management, we are currently also implementing a batch tracking system with barcodes. “The commissioning of the two cleaning plants is recent – the water and detergent system was installed in December 2021 and the solvent one in February 2022 – and there are still some aspects to be improved for optimising our programmes. However, the fact that we have reduced cycle times by a third is already proof that we chose the right technology and the right partner. We were looking for a plant solution that was not oversized for our needs and MEG’s machines proved to be perfectly adequate. Already during the tests we carried out at their laboratory in Padua, we had assessed the effectiveness of their cleaning systems, which was confirmed by the validation of the resulting new process: we went from a CFU (Colony-Forming Unit) value of 3-4 to one of 0-1. Considering that the limit allowed by specifications is 1000 CFU, we have reached
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the optimum.” The pass box for transferring cleaned components to the clean room.
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Production capacity more than doubled thanks to a new modified alcohol cleaning machine for precision parts The synergy between one of the most important turning firms in the Italian region of Marche and Cemastir, responsible for the design, manufacture, and installation of a L.UN.A. cleaning system, has led to reduced treatment times, doubled production capacity, the elimination of Saturday shifts, and a reduction in consumption thanks to total oil recovery and recirculation and limited solvent refilling needs.
hen the fourth industrial revolution (or Industry 4.0) was only in its infancy, one of the most widespread concerns in the
manufacturing sector was related to the impact “digital automation” would have on employment and on working environments. Now we know that, despite initial mistrust, the automation of technologies and their interconnection with IT devices has actually greatly improved not only production systems, but also, and perhaps above all, the quality of life of those who spend most of their time in factories. This was also confirmed by the words of Luca Bucci, the Managing Director of one of the largest turning firms in the Marche region, Bucci Srl (Corinaldo, Ancona, Italy), whom we interviewed about the recent installation of a new cleaning system 4.0 designed and built by Cemastir Srl (Zola Predosa, Bologna, Italy). In fact, he told us that this machine has completely changed life at his company, which is characterised by highly intensive production with around 26 million workpieces per year. Let us see how and why.
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Some of the parts turned and cleaned by Bucci Srl (Corinaldo, Ancona) and an overview of the production department.
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The new Cemastir L.UN.A. cleaning plant.
The gantry manipulator handles four FAMI baskets in line at a time.
Bucci Srl, always at the forefront thanks to the latest technologies
turning on bars in aluminium and its alloys, brass and its alloys,
Bucci Srl has been active in precision machining for the automotive,
mm and in quantities ranging from small to very large batches. “We
construction and agricultural machinery, hydraulics, pumps, and
carry out our work on the basis of the drawings sent in by customers
energy sectors for almost fifty years now. It currently covers an area
or, more rarely, designed by our technical department according to
stainless steel, and free-cutting steel, in diameters from Ø6 to Ø220
of 5000 m , which will soon be expanded with a new 3000 m -wide
customer specifications. In particular, our technical team specialises in
production site intended to house the warehouse and the cleaning and
the design of tools for our lathes themselves, which we manufacture in-
packaging departments.
house so that we can fully customise our machining operations.”
“This company was established by my father Luciano in 1974, in a
In fact, the only outsourced machining operations are grinding and heat
small workshop of 150 m2,” says Bucci. “In 1986, I started managing
treatment. “Cleaning is carried out at the end of machining operations
it together with my brothers: this is how F.lli Bucci was born. Our real
to remove oils and emulsions from the parts’ surfaces, before dispatch
turning point came when we began producing turned components
to companies specialising in surface treatments or, in the case of end
for the agricultural machinery sector. This gave us the opportunity to
products, directly to customers. Only a few workpieces are cleaned
establish ourselves in the industry and subsequently to expand our
again to remove any impurities when they come back after heat
client portfolio in other fields, thus continuing to grow steadily. As early
treatment; however, this is an operation that we have to carry out more
as 1992, our small business moved to a larger building of around
and more rarely, because the vacuum technology that is gradually
2500 m . After a further expansion project concluded in 2009, today
becoming more widespread for this type of treatment ensures that the
we are a well-established manufacturing company characterised by
components’ surfaces are already very clean.”
utmost care to machining processes and excellent turning quality: a Bucci-branded product is synonymous with guaranteed quality and
The type of surface contamination
durability.” Indeed, Bucci Srl has grown through its focus on state-
In the company’s machining department, certain types of plants,
of-the-art technology and continuous investment in cutting-edge
such as fixed-head CNC lathes with a bar capacity of up to 80 mm,
machinery. “In addition to our recurring purchases of new-generation
operate with emulsions, whereas sliding-head lathes up to 38 mm and
lathes, our latest major investments were aimed at integrating a
mechanical and CNC multi-spindle machines work exclusively with neat
500,000-kg vertical warehouse for bars, a pneumatic system for
oil. “The choice between neat oil and emulsion is not compulsory, but
automatically transporting swarf from the machining plants to the
certainly dictated by safety requirements. We would prefer to use neat
centrifuge, and, last but not least, a Cemastir L.UN.A. cleaning system.”
oil in all our machining operations, because it guarantees longer service life of tools and, therefore, of lathes but, as its safe use is not possible
In the heart of the factory
with all the machines and materials we handle, we assess its feasibility
With its 52 mechanical and numerical control lathes, Bucci Srl performs
on a case-by-case basis.”
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Previously, in order to remove this type of contamination from
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parts that were subsequently subjected to galvanising, Bucci Srl used a water and detergent cleaning plant, alongside another solvent machine treating end products to be sent directly to customers. “Unfortunately, we had a few reports of poor cold galvanising and coating results after our water-based cleaning phase,” explains Bucci. “The history of our company has always been characterised by optimal customer service: therefore, we immediately handled such reports as a warning signal. Since we could not carry out all cleaning operations with our solvent system alone, due to the huge volumes, we started to assess the purchase of a new machine.”
The choice of modified alcohols The cleaning system chosen by Bucci Srl and installed about two months ago belongs to Cemastir’s L.UN.A. series. “The choice
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of technology and supplier was the most difficult phase of our research,” indicates Bucci. “We had originally chosen to keep adopting the solvent technology, which worked well and gave us the required quality results. We also thought that the use of modified alcohol would pose a safety risk for our company, since it has a certain degree of flammability, albeit quite high (63 °C). However, the Cemastir team gave me a very clear presentation of the features and advantages of a modified alcohol plant, as well as the inherent safety characteristics guaranteed by the technology applied and the control systems integrated on the L.UN.A. machines.
A custom-designed system The most critical issues design-wise were related to the available space and the presence of a gantry manipulator built by a neighbouring company specifically for the cleaning area. “We
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designed this machine to perfectly fit the available space and the existing manipulator,” notes Alberto Tromponi, the managing director of Cemastir. “We conceived a belt on which four standard baskets can be placed in line. The manipulator picks up the four baskets from the pallet and arranges them on the belt for entry into the cleaning chamber. Depending on their characteristics and shape, the parts are placed in bulk or fixed mode, and it is possible to choose between a static and a tilting programme. In addition to basket handling, programming software allows adjusting the tilting speed and degree as required.”
From top to bottom: Parts waiting to enter the cleaning station; The four baskets in line were placed inside the cleaning chamber; The inside of the cleaning chamber.
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The first phase consists of spray pre-cleaning the components to remove most contaminant.
The touch screen control of the machine.
The cleaning cycle
tank from which it is easy to collect some product for the necessary
The machine is equipped with three tanks, of which two contain
analyses and which is easy to access for any refilling operations.”
modified alcohol and one additivated alcohol for passivation. “Once the workpieces have entered the cleaning chamber, the system generates
Oil recovery and swarf management
vacuum and performs a spray pre-cleaning operation,” adds Tromponi.
The plant is equipped with an automatic oil removal system. “In
“At the end of this phase, the solvent used is immediately collected and
compliance with current regulations,” notes Tromponi, “It is not possible
sent to the machine’s two distillers. Meanwhile, the system uses clean
to discharge from the distiller directly to the tank, because the oil
alcohol from the second tank to flood the chamber and carry out the
contained must first cool off. Therefore, we integrated the system with
immersion cleaning phase, especially important for parts with blind
an intermediate tank that collects the oil, cools it down, and, when it
holes and threads, which are more difficult to treat. At this stage, it is
reaches 40 °C, automatically discharges into the tank, which is equipped
possible to choose whether to activate ultrasound for greater cleaning
with a float so that, when it is full, it sends a signal on the control touch
efficiency. After discharging the alcohol used for the immersion phase,
the second distiller activates the vapour phase, followed by drying
As for swarf filtration, the machine is equipped with two column bag
through increased vacuum evaporating the solvent. If passivation is
filters with pressure switches. Once a week, when one filter is full, the
required, this is carried out prior to drying by flooding the chamber with
operator can choose to work with the other and thus replace the filter
additivated alcohol drawn from the third tank. This is then recirculated
sock. “The interchangeability of filters as well as of distillers,” concludes
to its tank to be reused, as it is not contaminated and it only gradually
Tromponi, “is essential to avoid stopping production in a company like
loses its additive percentage over time; this is why we have created a
Bucci Srl, handling very large volumes of material.”
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The two column bag filters.
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The unloaded baskets and some freshly cleaned brass workpieces.
Customer satisfaction
significantly reduced energy consumption and improved environmental
“Thanks to our new plant,” emphasises Bucci, “we have achieved the
sustainability – also thanks to the condensation system patented by
excellent quality degree we were aiming for. We have also reduced
Cemastir and recently EU certified, with which emissions are very low,
cleaning times by 40%, thanks to cycles with an average duration of
well below the limits set by current regulations.
12 minutes, resulting in a 60% increase in productivity. With such
“We chose Cemastir out of instinct: apart from their very high level
increased production capacity, we have eliminated the need to work on
of expertise and knowledge, comparable to those of other possible
Saturdays or open our factory on Sundays to load baskets and prepare
suppliers, what convinced me personally was the fact that I saw in them
the cleaning machine for start-up on Monday morning. In a word, this
the passion and drive that characterised the early years of my career
system has changed and improved our lives.
and the beginnings of my company. Now, we are happy to have trusted
Moreover, its complete programmability enables us to easily set its
them: in addition to having integrated our factory with a state-of-the-
on/off parameters and select which programme to run in each of the
art, Industry 4.0-oriented machine, we have introduced a tool that has
two phases, so that it can work completely autonomously. Together
improved not only the quality of our precision parts, but also the quality
with the possibility of obtaining a distillation residue composed of oil
of work and life for both myself and my employees.”
with negligible traces of modified alcohol (≤1%), this has resulted in
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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SCHULZ. PRESSE. TEXT., Korntal – Germany
Effective and flexible degreasing thanks to ultrasound Custom system manufacturer FK Galvanik GmbH created a fully automatic anodizing plant with a total of 47 tanks for an important electroplating service provider based in Dresden, Germany. The new large-scale electroplating plant for aircraft parts sets standards in the fields of regular anodizing, hard anodizing, chromating, and dyeing. The equipment in the degreasing and rinsing tanks, which employ a total of 54 ultrasonic systems from Weber Ultrasonics, also makes an important contribution to this. It ensures clean parts that are free of any residues, which in turn secures optimum coating results.
t was a fire breaking out at Nehlsen-BWB Flugzeug-Galvanik Dresden GmbH & Co. KG that necessitated investment in a
new anodizing plant. The company, which is part of the Swiss BWB Group, is a longstanding partner to industry and the aviation sector with numerous certifications (QSF-A/B extended workbench with additional capabilities). The quality, capacity, and process stability were therefore all subject to strict requirements, together with the size of the components to be treated in the new electroplating system. The company chose Keltern-based FK Galvanik GmbH (Germany) as its partner for planning, manufacturing, and commissioning the system. For more than 30 years, this special plant manufacturer has been specializing in customer-specific complete solutions for the electroplating sector. It also offers plant modernization, extension, and reconstruction services, as well as manufacturer-independent maintenance and spare parts provision.
Large-scale plant for parts measuring up to 5,000 x 1,800 x 800 mm A fully automatic anodizing plant was designed for NehlsenBWB Flugzeug-Galvanik Dresden GmbH & Co. KG. This plant satisfies current requirements in terms of sustainability, profitability, and occupational safety. It also means that the treatments which were previously performed in three different plants can now all be performed in a single plant. In addition to this, the new plant offers greater capacity and process flexibility, meaning that additional market segments can also be served.
© FK Galvanik GmbH
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The electroplating plant has a total of 47 tanks and is designed for parts measuring up to 5,000 x 1,800 x 800 mm (W x D x L).
To achieve this, the plant has a total of 47 tanks for parts measuring 5,000 x 1,800 x 800 mm (W x D x L). The new electroplating system was set up in the renovated hall in two rows, each measuring around 50 meters in length and 15 meters in width.
Ultrasound for clean surfaces that are ready for coating Boreholes, undercuts, and cup-shaped geometries represent a challenge when electroplating workpieces. Depending on the component and the machining performed, these can contain residues from machining media that are extremely tough to remove. When still using the old plants, this required time-consuming pre- and post-treatment, some of which had to be performed by hand. “To eliminate this additional effort, which is not possible in fully automated plants, and secure optimum quality, we equipped the degreasing tank and the two end rinsing tanks used for pretreatment with ultrasound,” explains Dr.
© FK Galvanik GmbH
The aircraft parts pass through the plant as individual parts on racks.
Thomas Kempe, CEO at FK Galvanik GmbH. The significantly improved cleaning efficiency achieved thanks to ultrasound is based on two concepts, the first of which is the physical effect of cavitation. The second involves the liquid being kept in motion as a result of the currents caused by the ultrasound, which allows the hard-to-reach areas to be thoroughly rinsed out. The plant manufacturer decided to go with ultrasonic components from Weber Ultrasonics. “When it comes to ultrasound, Weber Ultrasonics has been our partner of choice for many years. We are really happy with the overall package of consulting, technology, quality, flexibility, and service. In fact, we don’t even bother getting comparison estimates from other providers anymore,” comments the CEO, explaining the decision. A total of 54 ultrasonic systems are used, employing the latest technology at a frequency of 25 kHz.
© FK Galvanik GmbH
In the cleaning tanks and two end rinsing tanks used for pretreatment, a total of 18 ultrasonic systems ensures clean surfaces that are ideal for subsequent coating.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© FK Galvanik GmbH
© FK Galvanik GmbH
With dimensions of 1,800 x 535 x 90 mm, the transducers guarantee optimum insonification of the parts in the large tanks.
The 54 SonoPower 3S generators, each boasting a power output of 3,000 W, are housed in six control cabinets and integrated into the Siemens control system used for the plant via optional PROFINET interfaces.
Designed to deliver high process and operational reliability
output and adjusts the system settings accordingly. Together with
The degreasing tank and the two rinsing tanks are each equipped
other patented smart features, this means that the most efficient
with 18 power-matched Sonosub submersible transducers. Thanks to
power output is always applied, even in the face of changing operating
their dimensions of 1,800 x 535 x 90 mm, these guarantee optimum
conditions such as temperature fluctuations. The adjustments are
insonification of the parts in the large tanks. Since the capsules are
performed during operation, so the three-shift system at Nehlsen-BWB
produced using special laser welding technology, the transducers are
Flugzeug-Galvanik Dresden GmbH & Co. KG can continue to run without
also extremely well sealed and dimensionally accurate.
any interruptions.
Digital frequency generation and control are performed for each
The generators are equipped with an optional PROFINET interface and
transducer by a 4th generation SonoPower S3 with power output of
integrated into the Siemens control system used for the electroplating
3,000 W, which can be adjusted steplessly between 10 and 100 percent.
unit. The parts-specific cleaning programs can therefore also be
Through combined frequency and amplitude modulation, this single-
automatically selected.
frequency generator facilitates highly homogeneous sound fields and prevents so-called standing waves, which in turn improves the
Minimized energy, water, and chemical consumption
ultrasound effect.
To secure sustainable and energy-saving operation, all of the active
“Among other things, this helps us limit the ultrasonic support required
tanks are heated with district heating, while the 98 °C (208°F) sealing
during the cleaning and rinsing processes to just one or two minutes,”
tank is equipped with effective insulation and a cover to minimize heat
reports Dr. Thomas Kempe.
losses. An extractor also secures a pleasant temperature and humidity
The Sonoscan also contributes to consistent ultrasonic performance.
level in the working environment.
It determines the operating frequency automatically before ultrasonic
The cascade system used for the rinsing tanks reduces water
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
FK Galvanik GmbH
consumption. To compensate for fluid losses in the various active tanks, the water from the first rinsing tank is used. The ingredients this contains also allow the total amount of chemicals used to be reduced.
About Weber Ultrasonics AG Weber Ultrasonics AG develops, produces, and markets solutions and
For more than 30 years, the name FK Galvanik has stood for ultimate precision in the manufacture of electroplating equipment. The company’s aspiration here is always to offer maximum quality, while securing on-time delivery and fair prices. Automatic plants for surface coating are its main area of expertise. The company not only specializes
components for ultrasonic technology in industrial use. Its business area
in the manufacture of new plants here, but also modernization and
focuses on cleaning, welding, and cutting with ultrasound and includes
remodeling of non-automated plants. Its expertise stretches from
other special applications. The company is certified to DIN EN ISO 9001 and has received multiple awards for exemplary corporate governance. The family-run mediumsized company with HQ in Karlsbad, Germany, has 160 employees worldwide. Weber Ultrasonics AG owns subsidiaries in the USA and Asia as well as Weber Entec GmbH & Co. KG based in Waldbronn (Germany), which
consulting, through planning, design, and construction, all the way up to maintenance of electroplating systems. The production process and service provided are strongly customer-oriented and have a practical focus, regardless of whether working on a new FK Galvanik plant or an existing object from a different manufacturer. Around 30 highly motivated and specialized employees are on hand to meet even the most complex customer wishes.
specializes in ultrasound-based plant technology for biogas and sewage treatment plants.
© FK Galvanik GmbH
More Information
Clean Workpieces. Economical and Sustainable.
Solvent Cleaning
Aqueous Cleaning
High-pressure Waterjet Deburring
Ultrasonic Cleaning
Surface Processing & Selective Cleaning
With the 4th Generation SonoPower generators, patented smart features ensure that the most efficient power output is always applied, even in the face of changing operating conditions such as temperature fluctuations.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
An innovative multi-drum vacuum impregnation plant becomes a technological lever for business growth Cofra Snc is a company specialising in the surface treatment of castings, from vibratory finishing to cleaning, up to liquid coating. It has recently installed a new vacuum impregnation plant designed by STS srl (Ravenna) in order to offer an all-round service to its customers, operating mainly in the automotive sector, and start a long-planned development project.
icroporosity is among the most common surface defects resulting from casting, die-
casting, and sintering processes. It is caused by the shrinkage of metal as it passes from the liquid to the solid state, due to the release of previously absorbed gases. The presence of microporosity in the mechanical manufactured castings can compromise their seal, leading to the rejection of large quantities of parts. Vacuum impregnation is one of the most popular methods to solve this problem: the components are immersed in catalysed thermosetting resin to seal their pores and enable them to pass leakage tests and be suitable for eventual coating. Although little known, vacuum impregnation is actually a popular process among contractors performing surface treatments on castings. It is, in fact, one of the services often offered by metal cleaning firms in one of the areas with the highest density of foundries and metallurgical companies in Italy, that is, the Brescia area. This is also home to a company, Cofra Snc, which is experimenting with an innovative system capable of performing vacuum impregnation and cleaning with one automatic system, designed and installed by STS srl (Ravenna, Italy). This firm was founded around forty years ago, and it is now managed by Paola, Federica and Luca Cometti, with the aim of offering contract cleaning services to local manufacturers of fittings and automotive components. Then, it gradually integrated vibratory finishing and liquid painting plants into its factory and, in order to offer an even more complete service, it insourced first the assembly and then the vacuum impregnation process phases, previously entrusted to an external
© Cofra Snc
Cofra Snc specialises in cleaning, vacuum impregnation, and painting of automotive components.
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company also belonging to the Cometti family.
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The RS30-4 vacuum impregnation system from STS’ AQUASEALER® series.
The integration of the vacuum impregnation process
series, designed for vacuum impregnation operations. It is the result
“As soon as the foundries send us their castings and other mechanical
of more than twenty years’ experience gained by the company in the© ipcm
components,” explains Luca Cometti, the technical manager of Cofra,
vacuum impregnation field and by STS’ technical staff in the cleaning
“we treat them in our vibratory finishing plant to remove burrs, clean
field. Compared with the first vacuum impregnation plant installed by
them, dry them, and send them to a few metallurgical companies for
STS back in 2003, numerous technological evolutions have led to the
some machining operations such as threading. Then, we receive them
integration of an additional cleaning chamber and of some technical
back to perform vacuum impregnation and its related drying phase;
measures related to the recovery of resin and water coming out of
afterwards, we send them to our coating department, where they are
the treatment tanks and even of air, which is also recirculated into the
pre-treated in our belt phospho-degreasing and passivation system,
and finally we liquid coat, dry, assemble, and package them.” The choice to insource the vacuum impregnation process, in
The multi-drum system
particular, was motivated by Cofra’s need to supply its customers
The plant consists of four treatment stations: vacuum impregnation,
with finished products quickly and without excessive handling. STS’
cleaning, rinsing, and polymerisation. The components are placed
plant engineering solution met this requirement perfectly, thanks
inside the baskets in bulk or in a fixed-position mode, depending on
to the possibility of managing several stages in a single machine via
their characteristics and geometry. Even those whose surfaces are less
the control PLC equipped with a touch screen display. “The installed
complex and do not risk denting, however, are only allowed limited
system has been in operation since January this year,” indicates the
movement of 1 or 2 mm within the basket. The most delicate parts,
technician from STS. “It is an RS30-4 machine from STS’ AQUASEALER
on the other hand, are carefully placed and separated on several
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levels with custom-made nets, depending on their size. The multi-drum structure allows the simultaneous processing of baskets in all four stations. The plant is configured for manual loading, but it is also prearranged for the integration of an automatic handling and loading system. Already now, however, thanks to the front-loading option instead of the more common top-loading one, material handling by the operator is easier.
The first and second phases: vacuum impregnation and cleaning “Once a basket containing material is placed inside the drum,” explains the technician from STS, “the first dry vacuum phase begins. A vacuum pump extracts air until a residual pressure of less than 25 mbar is reached. Then,
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The plant consists of four treatment stations: vacuum impregnation, cleaning, rinsing, and polymerisation.
liquid resin is introduced into the drum until the components are fully immersed. Vacuum below 25 mbar is maintained for a few more minutes, in what is known as the “wet vacuum” stage. When a pressure value of 1 atm is restored in the drum, the liquid resin penetrates the material’s pores, driven by the atmospheric pressure itself. Finally, a basket rotating phase helps to remove all resin residues, which drip toward the collection tank. This ends the first stage.” The basket is then moved manually into the second chamber for the cleaning phase. “The material inside the basket is washed in the second drum with demineralised water at room temperature. In this way, liquid resin is completely removed from the parts’ surfaces, whereas it remains in the micropores due to the principle of capillarity. In other words, the resin that seals the castings’ porosity remains locked in the micropores and is not removed during cleaning. The water used, appropriately filtered by the recovery system, is separated from the resin, which is insoluble in water, so that it can be reused in the first stage of vacuum impregnation. Thanks to the filtration
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The inside of one of the plant’s four chambers.
system, it is indeed possible to recover 80% of resin and 100% of water, which are fed back into the system.”
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The third and fourth phases: rinsing and polymerisation The third step involves rinsing the components at room temperature with demineralised water and additives compatible with the resin used, in order to prevent their surfaces from oxidising. At this stage, rinsing is essential to remove any microdroplets containing water and resin stuck inside the threaded holes and grooves, which could jeopardise the success of the subsequent polymerisation. “In addition, this prevents any deposit of polymerised resin from forming at the bottom of the polymerisation chamber, which would require frequent removal with a high-pressure cleaner,” emphasises the technician from STS. Precisely the polymerisation process takes place in the fourth drum. “The basket, kept rotating at all times to promote uniformity of treatment, is immersed in hot water at 90 °C, which, by heating the parts, causes © ipcm
rapid and complete polymerisation of the resin contained in the micropores. While the hot water is collected in the storage tank, a device
The components are placed inside the baskets in bulk or in a fixed-position mode, depending on their characteristics and geometry.
insufflates air for drying, which can reach 150 °C thanks to a heater. The last stage consists of creating vacuum to remove moisture from the inside of pores, with two purposes: guaranteeing optimal paint adhesion for the parts to be coated and eliminating any risk of oxidation for the parts to be stored, thanks to the antioxidant product mixed with the hot water used.”
Fundamental time savings and additional benefits The cycle time of each phase is about 15 minutes in compliance with the standard MIL 276A, which sets out the parameters to be met for vacuum impregnation processes. “The entire vacuum impregnation and cleaning cycle, therefore, lasts about one hour,” says Cometti, “After that, the workpieces leave the plant at room temperature and they are ready for further processing or leakage tests. This is a strategic advantage for us. With other
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At Cofra, basket loading is done manually by an operator.
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© Cofra Snc
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Liquid coating of parts.
The coated components.
technologies, the waiting time before handling the parts is of 48 to 72
been very precise and reliable, an important aspect for Cofra: the STS
hours: therefore, this enables us to save two to three days.”
team advised us on the ideal solution when we had some issues with
“Another innovative element of AQUASEALER®,” notes the technician
the quality of resins and corrosion inhibitors and helped us preparing
from STS, “is its air purification system that condenses the vapours
our first offers to customers. Their assistance service really went
produced by the plant: both the air extracted from the chambers by the
beyond the mere sales and after-sales relationship. We can therefore
vacuum pumps and the vapour generated in the polymerisation tank
only be satisfied, especially since our customers are equally pleased
are sucked by a condensation filter that returns them to the treatment
with our part quality degree and delivery speed. I am sure that focusing
chambers. This eliminates the need for a chimney and creates a
precisely on quality and speed of delivery will be the right weapon to
completely closed-loop and, consequently, environmentally friendly
start the expansion of our business that we have been planning for a
long time.”
The machine’s Industry 4.0-oriented configuration is also an added advantage, as Cometti explains: “The possibility to manage orders directly from the control PLC has simplified our business. With this system, we can manage cycle times and temperatures, retrieve and record detailed data for each process step and, in the event of any problems, remotely connect with the STS technical assistance team. Indeed, their support service, both remotely and in person, has always
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Scan or click the QR code to see how this vacuum impregnation system works
Impianto di impregnazione Impregnation plant
Efficace Ecologico Economico & Sicuro Effective Ecological Economical & Safe
MAFAC – E. Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG - Alpirsbach (Germany)
High cleaning quality for upmarket special purpose machinery manufacture In order to make cleaning gunmetal parts as efficiently as possible, Eckerle Industrie GmbH in Ottersweier uses a MAFAC JAVA type spray-flooding machine. In particular the new vector kinematics method is designed to meet the high cleanliness requirements of these customers from the medical technology industry with efficiency and reliability. or over 50 years, Eckerle has been manufacturing complex
Multi-faceted requirement profile for cleaning
assembly groups and system components that are used in a variety
The new machine is now meant to combine these work steps and
of industries. For the renowned medical technology company Maquet,
make them more efficient. Before the gunmetal components reach
for example, which has been part of the Getinge Group since, the
the final cleaning stage, they pass through a multi-stage production
CNC specialist manufactures three assembly groups for the electrical
chain. They are deburred and polished after the turn-milling process.
operation of operating tables.
At the end of the process, their surfaces show machining residues
Production Manager Reiner Schäfer explains what is important for
such as cooling emulsion, polishing dust and chips that must be
these high-quality components: “Modern operating tables are high-
carefully cleaned off. It is important that all regions of the component
performance medical devices that use many sophisticated technical
are free from particles, because even the smallest contamination can
features to ensure safe and easy patient positioning. To ensure
jeopardise the assembly requirements at Getinge-Maquet and prevent
that they can be used reliably for a long time, all components must
the necessary smooth running of the engines installed in them.
meet the highest quality standards in terms of materials, technology
In view of these cleanliness requirements, the numerous boreholes
and workmanship. For our assembly group it is important that the
and undercuts in the component parts and the now very small particle
surfaces do not show any contamination from machining and leave
sizes of the contaminants pose a challenge. In addition, gunmetal
the cleaning process absolutely dry. This enables us to guarantee not
creates further requirements because it is a rather soft material and,
only corrosion-free storage and shipping, but also trouble-free further
due to its high copper content, tends to stain and develop verdigris.
processing at our customer’s site.” Up to now, the components have
For the cleaning process this means: it should be effective and at
been washed in a simple cleaning system, then dried manually, stored,
the same time very gentle and involve a drying system that releases
and cleaned and dried again shortly before shipping. “This procedure
components with stain- and moisture-free surfaces at reduced
had since become uneconomical and would not have been able to
temperatures. For this reason, the Eckerle technicians decided to
meet the increasing demands of our customers for much longer,”
use the MAFAC JAVA spray-flood machine with two-tank technology.
summarises Ferdinand Ernst, team leader at Eckerle.
In combination with the technology options of vector kinematics and
© Klaus Hohnwald/Getinge
Eckerle Industrie GmbH has been manufacturing a three-part gunmetal central body casing for the assembly of operating tables for more than 15 years. After CNC processing with subsequent deburring and polishing, the surfaces show contaminations like cooling lubricant, chips and polishing dust. Their complex geometries are an additional cleaning challenge.
The compact MAFAC JAVA with double-bath technology is equipped with the new MAFAC vector kinematics and ensures larger and more even impact on the component parts during cleaning and drying with strong turbulences.
Small batches of the components are fed into the cleaning process as sensitive components. The machine is loaded manually via a mobile transfer system.
vacuum drying, it achieves high cleanliness values on the surfaces
parts during cleaning and drying with strong turbulence. For this extra
within a short time while being gentle on the material and reliable for all
movement, the nozzle tube performs both a rotating and a rocking
component regions.
movement. The rocking movement is performed around its own axis by 35° to both sides. The basket receptacle system rotates synchronously
Vector kinematics - even more movement for better effectiveness
at an optimally adjusted speed. This results in an optimally coordinated
In particular by choosing MAFAC vector kinematics, Reiner Schäfer
and counter-rotating operation being possible. As a result, workpieces
and Ferdinand Ernst demonstrate their pioneering spirit and a far-
are impacted more evenly and hard-to-reach regions such as blind holes
sighted view in to the future. “What we are dealing with here is a further
are reached even better. Due to the higher mechanical part, vector
development of the patented process technology of counter- or co-
kinematics leads to the desired cleaning result in a shorter time. This
rotation of the spray and basket receptacle system”, explains Sascha
improved flow effect both during the cleaning and the drying phase,
Klos, sales representative at MAFAC. The new principle succeeds in
which had already made a very positive impression on them at the
achieving a greater and more uniform impact on the component
parts2clean trade fair, finally convinced the two technicians to invest in
interplay of nozzle tube and basket movement, with both synchronous
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
the new MAFAC vector kinematics: “With this method, we do not only
ion exchange units. In addition, it is permanently filtered with a resin
gain effectiveness. In future, we will also be able to respond more
cartridge in the bypass.
flexibly to changes in the range of parts or to growing cleanliness
“That such an additional component is recommendable and
requirements”, says Reiner Schäfer.
ultimately proves its worth was already apparent during the test cleanings in the MAFAC technical centre,” explains Ferdinand Ernst.
Two-stage cleaning process with bypass filtration
There it also became obvious that the cleaning agent must be
Small batches of the parts, which measure approximately 500 x 200 x
matched to the cooling lubricant so that the component parts leave
200 millimetres (l/w/h), are fed into the cleaning chamber as sensitive
the cleaning chamber without a grey haze. Therefore, the decision
components, where they undergo an approximately 11-minute
was made to use Kluthe’s mildly alkaline cleaning agent HAKAPUR 56-
treatment process with the sequence cleaning - rinsing - vacuum
170, which, in combination with the water-miscible cooling emulsion
drying. During the cleaning phase from tank one, to which 2.5 percent
of the HAKUFORM range, also from Kluthe, produces high cleanliness
of a mild cleaning medium is added, a spraying and flooding process
alternate. Flooding is carried out cyclically, i.e. two-thirds of the water from the cleaning chamber are drained and then re-flooded. This
Vacuum drying - an important final step
process is repeated several times. Parallel to this, the nozzle and
The drying phase is an important stage of the treatment to ensure
basket receptacle system carry out a counter-rotating movement,
surface quality. To make sure that the components leave the machine
using a 35° rocking movement of the basket to protect the parts. The
without residual moisture, the MAFAC JAVA is equipped with a warm
temperature of the entire wet phase is 60° C.
air impulse blowing system and a vacuum drying system. Warm air
Before the process switches to the rinsing phase, a so-called lifting
at 40 °C is first supplied to the treatment chamber via the impulse
process (blowing off of the component parts) prevents the carry-
blowing system. Based on the basket-nozzle rotation, the rotational
over of particles and media. Afterwards, the parts are rinsed with
movement and the impulse-like impact ensure an efficient heat and
demineralised water from tank two. This is particularly important
mass transfer, achieving homogeneous heat distribution. In addition,
because of the high copper content in gunmetal and the associated
the water droplets are broken up into many small units by the
risk of oxidation. This means that the conductivity in the water must
compressed air pulses. The resulting increased surface area means
remain low, which is why the rinsing bath is also equipped with a
that the water can dry faster. With the subsequent vacuum drying
rinse care module. This contains an activated carbon unit and two
process, which is particularly suitable for heat-sensitive materials
An 11-minute cleaning and drying process under the impact of high turbulence frees the component parts effectively and gently from any contamination.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
After cleaning and drying the surfaces of the component parts are free from residue and absolutely dry. The high copper content in the gunmetal could lead to oxidation if there is any residual moisture. This is meant to be avoided with additional vacuum drying.
such as gunmetal, the material to be dried is subjected to negative pressure. This leads to evaporation of the water at lower temperatures, as the boiling point of the water is reduced. Under this effect, the drying
Eckerle: expert for special purpose machinery manufacture
time is considerably reduced while the surfaces of the components
With its CNC machining division, Eckerle Industrie GmbH from
are still absolutely dry and free of residues.
Ottersweier near Rastatt offers the manufacture of individual
An important step towards the future
parts and assembly groups according to drawings. Everything
Now that the MAFAC JAVA has been in use for five months, the first
is possible, from prototypes and small series to the production
positive effects in terms of economy and cleaning quality are already
of medium-sized series. The company was founded as a crafts
becoming apparent. For Ferdinand Ernst and Reiner Schäfer this is an important aspect
enterprise in Bühl in the Baden region in 1968 and is now part
in view of the increasing cost and time pressure in the future.
of the family-run Eckerle group of companies, together with
“The demands of our customers in the medical sector but also in
Eckerle Holding and Eckerle Automotive. It was taken over by
all other sectors are very high and will increase in the future. As the parts produced are always custom-made products with high
the Prettl Group in Pfullingen at the end of 2019.
quality standards, we want to raise our standards in special purpose machinery manufacture and set them up safely for the growing demands. The acquisition of the MAFAC JAVA with the new vector kinematics was a significant step in this direction and is expected to increase our USP value in the industry and create a competitive advantage,” says Reiner Schäfer.
Purely aqueous
About MAFAC MAFAC is one of the leading manufacturers in aqueous parts cleaning. The company offers a wide range of compact series machines for a large variety of cleaning requirements tailored to customers’ requirements, for example in the automotive and aerospace industry, in machine building, metal-cutting production, hydraulic and medical engineering, and in the electrical industry. All machines are developed and produced at the Alpirsbach site in the Black Forest by currently almost 100 employees. Founded in 1968, MAFAC has been involved in industrial parts cleaning since 1974 and has focused on this field since 1990. The patented cleaning technology of counter- or co-rotating spray system and basket receptacle system sets new standards in terms of cleanliness and efficiency. The company is globally active with a network of technical agencies and its own branch in France.
Inspired by nature. Developed for industry. As family business with more than 50 years of experience, we are specialists in the field of aqueous parts cleaning. Our claim unites tradition and innovation, our machines are ecological and energy-efficient. We develop process solutions to customer specifications and serve our customers worldwide through a reliable network of sales partners. MAFAC – E. Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG · Max-Eyth-Str. 2 · 72275 Alpirsbach ·
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
SCHULZ. PRESSE. TEXT., Korntal – Germany
Analysing and optimizing cleaning processes Cleaning processes often offer considerable potential for improvement when it comes to making parts cleaning operations more reliable, economical and sustainable. The first step is to carry out a systematic process analysis that also takes a close look at upstream and downstream production steps.
Systematic process analysis - looking at the big picture
parts cleanliness is an essential quality criterion.
specifications for particulate or thin-film cleanliness are no longer met,
Ever-stricter or even modified cleanliness specifications must be
the cleaned parts arrive at the customer’s corroded, or cleaning is too
met. In addition, demands on the speed, cost-effectiveness and
slow/too cost-intensive?
sustainability of the cleaning process are constantly rising.
In the case of these and other problems, a systematic process analysis
However, how well, fast and efficiently the cleaning work is carried out
such as that carried out by the Ecoclean Academy at Ecoclean GmbH
depends not only on the equipment, the process technology and the
can pinpoint the root cause of the error.
medium used, but factors surrounding the cleaning process also have
The cleaning experts not only focus on the actual cleaning process and
an influence.
equipment, but also assess the overall manufacturing environment.
o ensure the quality of subsequent process steps, avoid rejects and guarantee the functionality of the end product, consistent
So what do you do if parts suddenly come out of the system stained, if
The smallest change to the part, part spectrum or material, type of
© Ecoclean GmbH
Key to reliable, efficient and sustainable cleaning processes are well-trained staff who understand how the cleaning system works and how, for example, bath treatment measures or regular maintenance work on the cleaning system are carried out.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
contamination, or modifications to upstream or downstream processes is enough to seriously impair cleaning results.
Stains and thin-film residues on parts According to the cleaning experts, a cleaning performance that is not or no longer sufficient is a “classic” reason for carrying out a process analysis. The first step is to identify the exact problem - are thin-film cleanliness specifications not being fulfilled or are there stains on the parts? If staining is the problem, one of the questions to be asked is whether the quantity and composition of the contaminants (processing media and other substances) have changed or whether the constituents and concentration of the cleaning medium are still appropriate. Other factors, such as rinsing water quality, bath treatment, process technology and process sequence, as well as the drying step, are also closely examined. These are further influencing variables which play a role if thin-film cleanliness results are unsatisfactory. © Ecoclean GmbH
Inability to meet particulate cleanliness requirements If the cleanliness analysis after the cleaning cycle shows that too many or too large particles are still adhering to the parts, this may also be due to the cleaning program and process sequence used. Possible
Thanks to systematic process analysis, which also includes the analysis of upstream and downstream production steps, sources of error and potential for improvement can be quickly identified.
causes include residual particles in the working chamber or on the part carriers, an unsuitable filtration system or a clogged filter. Sometimes, it is the wrong choice of cleaning containers, such as crates made of perforated galvanized sheet metal, which hinders the efficient and reliable detachment and removal of the particles. This type of crate blocks ultrasonic waves and prevents them from developing their full effect on the wash load. Likewise, the spray pressure does not reach the inside of the perforated crates. Compared to baskets made of round wire, a further problem is that the cleaning medium does not drip off these crates as effectively. This may result in the unwanted transfer of contaminants and/or cleaning chemicals. In any case, much longer and thus more energy-intensive drying processes are required. A further cause of a failed cleanliness inspection is often burrs that are still attached to the parts, which detach when the parts are handled during the residual contamination check and then show up on the particle filter. If these particles are examined under a microscope, it can be determined whether they are chips or burrs. If the latter is the case, upstream processes must be evaluated to find out where the burrs occur and how their formation can be avoided. Particulate cleanliness can also be impaired by magnetism that is “bought in” with raw materials or arises during the manufacturing process. Magnetism binds chips to the parts and hinders or prevents their removal during the cleaning process.
© Ecoclean GmbH
Regular inspection and maintenance of machine components such as filters are essential factors when it comes to meeting particulate cleanliness requirements in a consistent and economical manner.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© Ecoclean GmbH
In many cases, retrofitting/upgrading the cleaning system with process technology, for example with ultrasonics, makes it possible to consistently achieve the required results and to shorten cleaning times.
Handling parts after cleaning
on the analysis results, potential for improvement can be identified and
However, the cleaning process is not over when the parts come out
appropriate measures can be defined. These may include modernizing
of the machine with the required level of cleanliness. To prevent
the system, such as by retrofitting or upgrading ultrasonic equipment.
recontamination or corrosion, which can occur even with preserved or passivated parts, it is important to look at how parts are handled after
Qualified personnel
the cleaning step. The following questions need to be answered: Where,
It is essential that the parts cleaning staff are involved in the process
how and for how long are the parts stored? How are they transported
analysis and optimization measures. Raising staff awareness about
to the next processing step? What kind of packaging is needed for this?
cleanliness, as well as about the capabilities of the cleaning technology
In addition, high cleanliness requirements often make it necessary
and the impact of parameter settings on the cleaning result, is a
for processes such as internal transport, assembly or packaging to be
key factor. If there is a change of personnel, it is also important that
performed in a clean environment or cleanroom.
knowledge of how the cleaning system works and how, for example, bath treatment measures or regular maintenance work on the cleaning
Updating the cleaning process
system are carried out is passed on. Otherwise, problems that had
Besides cleaning problems, modified cleaning programs can be a
been eliminated in the past may occur again. Investing in the training
further reason for carrying out a process analysis. The aim is generally
and continuing education of cleaning staff is therefore a cornerstone in
to shorten process times or enhance the cleaning result. As always, the
order to achieve reliable cleanliness requirements in an economical and
analysis starts by documenting the actual state, which includes verifying
sustainable manner. The Ecoclean Academy therefore also combines
the process parameters, process sequence and process times. Based
process analyses with classic training courses.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© BvL Oberflächentechnik
For cleaning in the turntable system, car body parts up to 2,200 mm long, e.g. extruded profiles, are fixed vertically and positioned precisely on the areas to be cleaned.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Electric mobility: new challenges for cleaning Electric mobility and autonomous driving are the big trends in the automotive industry. This means that parts and components as well as manufacturing processes are changing and there will be new and different tasks for parts cleaning.
he change in mobility is not only leading to new and changed
or fuel cell, and power electronics are the three essential components
requirements in the automotive and supplier industry, but it is also
that distinguish an electric vehicle from one with an internal
having an impact on industrial parts cleaning. In addition to particulate
combustion engine. There are specific cleanliness challenges with each
contamination, filmic-chemical contaminations due to the surface
of these systems.
requirements of such downstream processes as bonding, welding and
In the case of the electric motor, for example, the first concern is the
sealing play a greater role.
technically clean production of each individual component, such as the
What’s more, greater focus is being placed on the technical cleanliness
stator, the rotor and the housing.
of production and assembly lines as well as production equipment in
Cleaning technology offers the corresponding, for the most part
order to eliminate recontamination and cross-contamination.
wet-chemical solutions for these tasks, with which even extremely demanding particulate cleanliness specifications can be met.
Cleanliness-relevant systems in the electric vehicle
However, cleanliness problems often arise during the final assembly of
An electric motor, an energy system in the form of a traction battery
stators, for example, in the form of metallic and non-metallic particles
© LPW Reinigungssysteme
Whether power electronics, battery technology or thermal management – in order to avoid recontamination and cross-contamination, a highly clean production including production equipment and environment is indispensable for many tasks.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
from pre-processes. Dry cleaning solutions are required for their
pack cover after the modules have been integrated.
removal, which can be easily integrated into the assembly line – even
The interconnection of the cells by electrically connecting the contact
retroactively if required – and enable effective, automated individual part
surfaces with the arrester, e.g. by ultrasonic bonding, is considered
cleaning in the production cycle.
to be a safety-relevant process in battery module production. Joint
One aspect that should also be taken into consideration is the
areas contaminated with particles and filmic residues can lead to
cleanliness of such production equipment as handling systems and
insufficient contacting, resulting in very high contact resistance values
grippers in order to prevent recontamination.
and overheating as a consequence. When assembling battery cells into battery packs and integrating them into the battery tray, particles with a
Clean manufacturing for energy systems
size of several hundred micrometres are considered critical.
The traction battery in the form of lithium-ion batteries is the preferred
The manufacture of fuel cells also places high cleanliness requirements
energy system in electric vehicles today, accounting for a decisive share
on processes, production equipment and the environment. Its central
of added value.
component, the bipolar plate, consists of an anode and a cathode
Cleaning steps can be integrated into the series production of the
made of thin stainless-steel sheets, among other materials. The
batteries before or after various manufacturing steps. These begin in
production steps are forming, cutting, joining and coating. Since the
the production of the electrodes with the cleaning of the substrate
starting material may be contaminated and residues from machining
before coating, continue with the cleaning of the electrode sheets
remain from the first three processes, several cleaning steps may
after separation by punching or laser cutting, and end in battery pack
also be required here. This is because particles just a few tens of
assembly with the preparation of the adhesive surfaces of the battery
micrometres thick can cause leaks.
© Ecoclean/ZF
Dry cleaning solutions, such as this compressed air cleaning, are used to remove impurities from pre-processes such as metallic and non-metallic particles during the final assembly of stators, for example.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Power electronics - a case for the clean room
parts2clean – Leading international fair for industrial parts and surface cleaning
The power electronics are located in a housing between the battery and the electric motor and are in effect the control centre of the electric vehicle. The component called inverter converts the direct current from the battery into alternating current as required by the electric motor. The electronic assemblies installed in power electronics, such as semiconductors and electromechanical components, place extremely demanding cleanliness requirements on the production and assembly environment. Due to the high voltages and currents occurring during operation and the resulting power, not only metallic particles can become a problem here, but also fibres, which become critical due to the absorption of moisture. In this case, a clean room is required for many applications. Complex thermal management is also required in electric vehicles. It is responsible for cooling the battery, motor and power electronics at different temperature levels as well as for air conditioning the interior. High cleanliness requirements must also be met when cleaning the components for this sophisticated management of the heat flows
What methods can be used to make the cleaning of different components process-safe and economical? What technologies are available for dry and partial component cleaning? How can cleaning processes be efficiently integrated into fully automated manufacturing environments? How can the cleanliness achieved be validated and documented? parts2clean offers answers to these and many other questions about industrial parts cleaning. The leading international fair for industrial parts and surface cleaning is scheduled to take place on the Stuttgart Exhibition Grounds (Germany) from October 11 to 13, 2022. The fair will provide comprehensive information on cleaning systems, processes and media, quality assurance and testing procedures, cleaning and transport containers, disposal and reprocessing of process media, handling and automation, service,
generated in the electric vehicle.
consulting, research and technical literature. The three-day technical
Cleanliness - a functionally relevant characteristic for sensory components
forum at parts2clean will also provide a great deal of cleaning knowhow.
Whether for surveillance tasks or assistance systems or autonomous driving – the demand for such high-quality optical and
For further information:
optoelectronic systems as camera-based sensors is growing. Whether these systems can function without errors under all conditions and temperatures decisively depends on the particulate and filmic cleanliness of the optics and electronic components, as well as the housing parts. In this case, particles as small as a few
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
© acp systems
micrometres and the finest filmic layers, as well as outgassing from components, can lead to the attenuation of signals and incorrect information.
More lightweight structural components for more range Range is a key criterion for electric cars, so the weight of structural components is highly relevant. On the other hand, it also requires the chassis to be highly rigid and strong. This results in the increased use of lightweight materials such as aluminium and hybrid materials. At the same time, joining technologies are also changing – there is more bonding and welding. The surfaces must be prepared for these joining processes in an optimally coordinated way. Depending on the material and joining process, this may also involve the removal of filmic contaminants that have been incorporated into the surface by machining and forming. The selection of the right cleaning process – wet chemical, possibly combined with an increase in surface roughness, or a partial treatment of the joints directly before or integrated into the joining process – has a significant influence on the quality of the joint. Electric mobility is also creating new and changed tasks for OEMs and suppliers in the field of component cleaning. To come to an optimal and economical solution, the cleaning task should not be considered in isolation, but rather looked at in the entire production chain, along with the cleanliness of the production equipment and the environment. This often requires a process-oriented rethink. Clean contact points are crucial in the electrical connection of the battery cells for high energy density and the safe functioning of the battery. CO2 snow blasting technology, which can be integrated into the bonding process, is ideal for cleaning.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
parts2clean 2022: the road to future-proof parts cleaning The 19th parts2clean will take place from 11 to 13 October 2022 at the Stuttgart Exhibition Center (Germany).
he wholescale realignment of industrial sectors, plus the need
and the remanufacturing of products, which is becoming increasingly
for resilient supply chains and increased demand for improved
important due to a shortage of raw materials and the need to conserve
sustainability are the driving forces for major changes in industrial
resources. Added to this are trends like digitization and AI, as well as
parts and surface cleaning. How
stricter regulatory requirements and climate protection objectives.
these challenges can be mastered will be the focus at parts2clean
“parts2clean addresses all these challenges,” explains Hendrik
2022 – the leading international trade fair for industrial parts and
Engelking, Global Director at Deutsche Messe. “Every segment of
surface cleaning, running from 11 to 13 October at the Stuttgart
industrial cleaning technology and all of the relevant suppliers are
Exhibition Center, Germany.
represented at this flagship fair, which offers a comprehensive
From the automotive industry and its suppliers to plant and
overview of trends, technologies, procedures and processes that no
mechanical engineering, medical and sensor technology, aerospace,
other trade fair can rival.”
energy technology and the semiconductor supply industry – new and modified products and manufacturing technologies in the
Cross-sector solutions and a wide variety of materials
field of industrial parts and surface cleaning require new, adapted
With its cross-industry offerings and broad range of materials on
solutions. This is also the case with the recycling of raw materials
display, parts2clean enables users from all sectors of manufacturing,
© Deutsche Messe
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
as well as from reconditioning and recycling, to learn about the latest
Added value: Knowledge transfer at bilingual forum
cutting-edge solutions from industrial cleaning technology and directly
The simultaneously translated (German <> English) presentations
compare the various technologies – from wet chemical processes,
by well-known speakers from science, research and industry at the
energy-efficient drying solutions, cleaning containers and workpiece
parts2clean three-day specialist forum will provide additional value for
carriers to technologies for dry cleaning such as CO2 snow blasting,
the event. “In this way, parts2clean offers national and international
plasma, laser, vibration and compressed air processes. Other areas
visitors one of the most sought-after sources of expertise and valuable
include the control, monitoring and inspection of cleaning, rinsing and
information on trends, innovations, benchmark applications and
drying processes and the degree of cleanliness achieved. Innovative
reports from the field,” says Engelking.
solutions are also being developed in the segments of cleaning
This networking hub for industry know-how – organized jointly with the
automation, including parts handling, developments for the intelligent
Fraunhofer Cleaning Business Unit and the German Industrial Parts
integration of cleaning processes into connected manufacturing
Cleaning Association (FiT) – is integrated into the flagship show, and
environments and cloud solutions. In addition, the focus will be
participation is free of charge for visitors and exhibitors. In addition,
on cleanliness-compliant manufacturing environments such as
the presentations this year will once again be streamed live on the
event website.
“parts2clean offers an ideal basis for the design of future-proof component cleaning adapted to the respective requirements,”
For further information:
comments Engelking.
© Deutsche Messe
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - N. 76
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Kevin Biller:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
The Powder Coating Research Group
Dr. Franco Busato: European environmental legislation and new technologies
Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design
Prof. Paolo Gronchi:
Dr. Fulvio Zocco:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
The smart journal for surface treatments
Environment and quality
ISSN 2280-6083
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Prof. Stefano Rossi:
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