Everyday English
1 Let's talk: Times and distances
The US is huge. So a lot of people travel long distances to visit friends and family, for example, for the most important holiday in the US - Thanksgiving. a) Look at the map above. How far is it from Seattle to Miami? And from LA to NYC?
Ask your partner more questions like these about distances. b) Look at the time zones on the map.
Ask your partner about the difference in time between cities in the US. Example: If it’s 9:30 p.m. in Denver, what tim e is it in Chicago? c) Look at the map and the info in the grid.
Talk about how you can travel from Denver to other cities. Use the phrases below. ► How far is it from Denver to ... ? How long does it take by plane? What if I go by car? It's about ... miles/km. It takes ... hours. It's much longer - It takes a b o u t__
Denver to . . .
by car4
by plane4
Seattle Los Angeles Miami New York City
28:30 23:50 42:30 37:00
2:50 2:30 3:35 3:40
*in hours and minutes
d) Discuss the distances in Ukraine (by car, by bus or by train). How far is it from Kyiv to
your place? Or from Kyiv to Lviv?