Everyday English
HOW I SEE MYSELF]: Read the following sentences. If you think a sentence describes you, give yourself one point for the colour o f that sentence. If there are two colours, give yourself a point for each. The colour for
which you have m ost points at the end o f the questionnaire is the one that suits you best (although other colours may also be important). Find out what this means by reading your colour profile below.
1 .1enjoy painting and drawing. 2 . 1am quick at learning how to use new technical equipment 3. One of my favourite subjects is Chemistry. • 4 .1enjoy watching TV commercials. • 5 .1like helping people. 6 .1am interested in why firms lose money or make money. • 7 .1write my own computer programmes. 8 .1am good at making my own decisions, but I am also a reliable team member. • • 9 .1enjoy making my bedroom look nice. 10.1am interested in nature. 11.1am good with numbers. • 12. Writing stories or plays is fun. 13.1sometimes raise money for charities. • 14.1love cooking and thinking of my own recipes.
15.1would like to make things that I can sell. • 16.1compare prices when I go shopping. • 17.1know how much I can earn on money in the bank. • 18.1enjoy performing on stage. 19.1like hanging out with friends. 20. It would be fun to make a machine that uses wind power. 21.1try to be tactful. 22.1have an idea for a great new invention. • 23.1like making guests feel welcome. 24. Music helps me to express my feelings. 25.1enjoy examining things to find out how they work. 26.1am (would like to be) in a dance group. • 27.1always try to win competitions or races. • 28.1am interested in the design and construction of buildings.
Green: You are good with people and would enjoy a job in a field like health, social work, education or management, e.g. a nurse, a teacher, a personnel manager. If you prefer animals, you could be a vet or work in a zoo.
Blue: A job where you are involved in science or technology and where you can use your practical skills would suit you, e.g. a research scientist, an engineer.
Yellow: As a creative person, you would be suited to a job in design or in some form of art or entertainment, e.g. an architect, a cartoon artist, a musician.
Red: The business world is full of different opportunities for ambitious, competitive people like you. You could become a banker or a lawyer, or you could even found your own company if you haven't already done it!
1 Talk about the questionnaire a) Do the questionnaire. Do you agree
with what it says about you? Say why or why not
b) Think of more jobs and more sentences
for each colour.