1 If you a) Match the words with a picture.
The Kyiv Pechersk Lavra
St. Sophia's Cathedral
The Lviv Opera House
b) Compete the sentences. Use the words for the pictures. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
If you If you If you If you If you If you
look at look at look at look at look at look at
the the the the the the
reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse
side side side side side side
of one-hryvnia bill, you will see ... of two-hryvnia bill, you will see ... of five- hryvnia bill, you will see ... of ten-hryvnia bill, you will see ... of twenty- hryvnia bill, you will see ... of fifty- hryvnia bill, you will see ....
c) What will you see or do if you go to the places depicted on the banknotes? Example: If I go to the historic center of Kyiv I will see (enjoy) the Independence Square, the Volodymyrska Hirka, and the Golden Gates. 82 ©
2 Chubby Bunnies
a) Before you listen: Look at the rules of the game “Chubby bunny" and arrange them in
the correct order. We showed you where the game starts. □ Stuff one marshmallow into a cheek and say, “Chubby Bunnies”, n You should not spit out any marshmallows. □ Continue putting marshmallows until you absolutely can’t fit another marshmallow into your mouth. E Take a giant bag of marshmallows. □ The person who can say the words “chubby bunnies” with the mouth most crammed with marshmallows is the winner.