Language 1
the present perfect
► We use the present perfect for actions which happened at an unstated time in the past, or to express actions which have finished so recently that there is evidence in the present, or to talk about experiences. ... some of you have already b een ___ Our ... club hasn't started yet. You can also use 'ever'for questions: ... have you ever visited ... ? -» G6
School yearbooks A student at PVHS is telling you about school yearbooks on the Internet: Hi, I'm Ellroy from Paradise Valley High ...
1. u .
“I’m sure some of you have already been to the US. But have you ever visited a high school here? Well, if not, you probably haven’t heard about yearbooks. A yearbook has lots of photos of important people and events which have happened during the year: who got a prize, who dated who at the homecoming dance, etc. It’s a lot of work! But luckily, our English teacher has promised to help us this year. The best thing to do: Look at a yearbook! But our Grade Yearbook Club hasn’t started yet. Next week is our first meeting - so I haven’t got any material to show you. But have a look at these pages from last year’s yearbook.”
1 Let's talk: About yearbooks a) Read the description above. What is a yearbook? Explain it to your partner. b) Look at the text again and make sentences about yearbooks.
promised to help us this year, Some of you started yet. has You probably hasn’t already been to the US. + They tell you about events which + have you ever visited a high school here? But luckily our English teacher heard about yearbooks, haven’t The 9th Grade Yearbook Club happened during the year. ^ c ) Has your class ever made a yearbook? If you want to, look on pages... for ideas. 2
Plans for a yearbook
What have the students already done? What haven't they done yet? Example: 1. Tammy and Dave have already plan n ed .... 2. But Brad hasn’t ... yet. Tammy and Dave: plan yearbook ✓ • collect jokes X • make a list of teachers ✓ • Brad: write about homecoming X • interview students ✓ • take photos of cheerleaders X