S k ills in action
StandUP stands up for kids! Will you Choose any statement from these texts start a discussion. Follow the ground rules for discussion. A typical volunteer in Ukraine is a teenage girl, with a secondary school diploma and a better-than-average financial status. She wants to help others and make this society a better place. Some 20 percent o f her fellow volunteers want to spend even more time volunteering than they already do. In contrast, a typical volunteer in Western Europe is a married woman over 30 with children. Volunteering abroad is also a good way to find a job and gain practical experience. Another difference with the West is even more striking: The practice is neither popular in Ukraine nor firmly encouraged by government. Nonetheless, there are organizations in Ukraine that specialize in volunteer activities to various degrees. Three include: United Nations Volunteers, Dobra Volta and 1 Altematyva V.
Dobra Volia and Altematyva V are scout clubs similar to American scouting organizations. UN Volunteers has served as a coordinator and catalyst for other organizations, whereas in many other nations, government or civil society organizations take on these roles.
Volunteering is encouraged on the state level in the USA, but has no widespread following or support in Ukraine. There are some 500 volunteers that work for the Kyiv Volunteer School in Kyiv, most of them aged 14-18 years old. They help children with disabilities, orphans and HIV positive people.
A student, Anna Yanyf, who enrolled in International Volunteer Day celebrations wrote: "Sometimes you need to change something in your life: the passive contemplation in front of your computer for the real world, put theoretical knowledge into practice, take action, and make a child smile. There is a lot to do for this country. I would like to help, meet new people, share ideas and do something useful."
D ear Friends and Supporters, Have you ever thought about volunteering your time to a local charity or community organization? There are many different reasons for you to start volunteering: • to help others • to learn about an activity or organization that interests you • to beat boredom (if you find yourself sitting around the house feeling totally bored, volunteering in an activity you epjoy can be a great way to change things) • to overcome a loss you have experienced (one of the best ways to help yourself in a time of loss is to help others) • to gain perspective on life (there is no better way to understand your blessings than to help people in need)
One volunteer started the environmental project. It encourages people to use ecologically friendly bags instead of plastic ones when going to a supermarket. “It’s very hard to love this country and the people who live in it who throw garbage on the streets. We need to start changes with ourselves."
Kids in Ukraine need volunteers’ help. You can volunteer at orphanages to teach English, lead children in songs, music, dance, sports, and other activities, teach cooking or handcrafts, act as mentor, and generally just spend time talking and sharing...