Everyday English
y 4 Theater superstitions Theater goers are superstitious, because of things that can (and do) go wrong in a performance. Here are some superstitions and their explanations. Listen and discuss.
1. It is bad luck to wear the color blue onstage, unless it was matched with something silver. In the early days of theater costuming, it was extremely difficult to make blue dye, and thus expensive to purchase. 2. Peacock feathers should never be brought on stage, either as a costume element, prop or part of a set as chaos will ensue. There are many stories of sets collapsing, curtains catching alight and other disastrous events during performances with peacock feathers. 3. It is bad luck to have mirrors on stage. The myth is that many believe that mirrors are a reflection of the soul and breaking one can mean seven years of bad luck. 4. To wish someone ‘Good luck’ before a show is bad luck. Generally, the expression “Break a Leg” replaces the phrase “Good luck”. The story is that if the audience demands numerable curtain calls and the actors are moving on and off stage via the wings they may ‘break the legs’, ‘legs’ being a common name for side curtains. “3
5 Are you superstitious?
Listen to the text about more theater superstitions and fill in the table.
Blue color
Bad luck
6 Some common superstitions
How common are these superstitions for your community?
If a friend gives you a knife, you should give him /her a coin. If a black cat crosses your path, you will have bad luck. If you spill salt you must throw some over your left shoulder. If you have an itchy ear, someone is talking about you. 7 What do you think?
What is the difference between superstition and science? Discuss the following statements in groups. Use the discussion phrases to express your opinion.
These are some common superstitions. Many superstitions originated during a time when there were no scientific explanations for events that happened. People used to believe in witches, magic, dragons, and fairies. There are still people who continue to believe in superstitions and live their lives according to these beliefs. 8 For your folder
Write the ‘theater’ words in your notebook. Search the Internet for more superstitions. Present your stories in class.