Unit 1 It's my life U n i v e r s i t y of Pennsylvania L a w School 3 4 4 3 S a n so m Stree t T a n e n b a u m Hall
L IF E is FU LL o f U PS and D O W N S Th e T rick is E N JO Y the U PS, and h ave the CO U R A G E . durin g the D O W N S.
• Most autobiographies, regardless of their length and target audience, will contain basic facts like the time and places in which the person lived. • There is a difference between a biography and autobiography. A biography is the story of a person's life in the words of another person, while an autobiography or personal biography is the story of a person's life in his/her own words. • According to The Telegraph, the best selling biographies of all time include "Lives of the Twelve Caesars" by Suetonius, who served as a private secretary to all the Caesars,- "The Life of Samuel Johnson" by James Boswell, which provides insight into an entire era
and "The Life of Charlotte Bronte" by Elizabeth Gaskell, which offers an inside look at the great author's life. • Everyone wants your bio to be shorter. The shorter your bio, the more people will read it. No one is impressed by a long series of unimpressive things. If you have a great one sentence bio, people will be curious enough to find out more. • You need to put the important facts first. The fancy term for this is the inverted pyramid. It comes from the assumption that with each word in your bio fewer and fewer people will keep reading. It's a great assumption because it's true.