Anger of Angels - 3.5

Page 121


Anger of Angels

Alternate Form (Su): Please see the Ghaele entry under “Eladrin” on page 95 of the MM. Gaze (Su): In humanoid form, Azibeel has a gaze attack that slays good creatures of 5 HD or fewer, range 60 feet (Will negates, DC 19). Even if the save succeeds, the creature is affected as though by a fear spell for 2d10 rounds. Nongood creatures, and good creatures with more than 5 HD, must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or suffer the fear effect. Light Ray (Ex): Please see the Ghaele entry under “Eladrin” on page 95 of the MM. Protective Aura (Su): Against attacks made or effects created by good creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to Armor Class and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of Azibeel. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against good effect and a lesser globe of invulnerability (caster level equals Azibeel’s Hit Dice). The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in Azibeel’s statistics. Spirit Inversion: Effects that specifically target angels do not work on Azibeel, while an effect that specifically targets demons does. Azibeel can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet if it has a language. His damage reduction/evil becomes damage reduction/good at the same value, and his natural attacks (as well as any weapons he wields) count as evil weapons for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction.

Creating Fallen Angels “Fallen angel” is an acquired template you can add to any creature with the rebellious angel template (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). It uses all of the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Special Attacks/Special Qualities: A rebellious angel retains all the special qualities of the base creature except as follows. Evil’s Reward (Ex): A fallen angel gains evil abilities equivalent to the good abilities it lost when it gained the outcast angel or rebellious angel template. For example, an angel that could use detect evil, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, and magic circle against evil as spell-like abilities gains the ability to use detect good, unholy aura, unholy blight, blasphemy, and magic circle against good as spell-like abilities. If it could cast spells from the Good domain, it gains the ability to cast spells from the Evil domain. If it had paladin levels, it gains appropriate blackguard abilities based on its paladin class level (or can convert paladin levels to blackguard levels if it has 11 or more paladin levels). This power includes converting good abilities that it could use as a neutral (nonevil) creature but not as an actual evil creature (such as the seraphim ability to summon a seraph, which is a good act because all seraphim are good, and therefore unusable by evil creatures). If no evil ability equivalent to the base creature’s good ability exists, the fallen angel does not gain anything to compensate for this lack. In most cases, though, common sense can determine an equivalent evil ability. (For example, a fallen seraph would gain the ability to summon another fallen seraph, replacing its normal ability to summon a good seraph.) This ability makes up for most of the losses

from the outcast purge and rebellious purge, but the purges should still be noted in the description of the fallen angel in order to make sure the fallen angel doesn’t use any ability it shouldn’t have. Spirit Inversion: A fallen angel is no longer considered an angel. Chaotic fallen angels are considered demons, lawful ones are considered devils, and neutral ones may choose one or the other. Effects that specifically target angels do not work on fallen angels, while an effect that specifically targets demons or devils works on fallen angels of those types. They gain the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet if it has a language (replacing the tongues ability they lost when becoming rebellious angels). If the angel had the good alignment subtype, it loses that and gains the evil alignment subtype. If the angel had damage reduction/evil, it becomes damage reduction/good at the same value, and its natural attacks (as well as any weapons it wields) count as evil weapons for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. Outcast Purge (Ex): A fallen angel has lost all its racial special attacks and special qualities that specifically dealt with evil, such as the ability to use detect evil, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, or magic circle against evil as spell-like abilities. This restriction does not affect class abilities, so spellcasters can still prepare spells with these effects, angels with paladin levels can still smite evil, and so on. The angel just loses the ability to invoke these effects automatically by nature of being an angel. It retains all other special attacks and special qualities. Rebellious Purge (Ex): Because a fallen angel’s alignment has changed from good, it loses any abilities tied to having a good alignment, such as the ability to access spells from the Good domain or any abilities based on paladin class levels. Challenge Rating: Same as the original angel’s (without the decreases for the outcast angel and/or rebellious angel templates). Alignment: Any evil Level Adjustment: As the base creature

Theriofiend Theriofiends are low demons made from the unnatural crossing of fiends and animals. Created to serve as thugs, they are plagued with a constant hunger and foul temper. Fiends create these monsters by infecting a normal animal (usually a domesticated animal) by impregnating it with an evil seed. The rapidly growing demon slowly consumes the animal’s body from within, eventually bursting out of the animal’s emaciated form. The theriofiend is a roughly humanoid creature with physical traits resembling those of its animal parent. For example, a theriofiend born of a bull would resemble a minotaur, while one born of a goat would look like a stereotypical goat-demon. Regardless of the animal parent, a theriofiend has sharp teeth, jagged claws, and an infernal glow in its eyes. Theriofiends can understand Abyssal but lack the ability to speak it.

Sample Theriofiend This minotaurlike creature is more hunched and bestial than others of its kind, and its jagged claws and the fiendish glow in its eyes hint that it is more than what it seems. This example uses a bison as the base creature.

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Articles inside


pages 127-130

Open Game License

page 126

Angel NPCs

pages 124-125


page 123


pages 121-122

Chapter Ten: CREATURES Agrippa

page 110


pages 112-116


page 111

Outcast, Rebellious, and Fallen Angel

pages 117-120


pages 102-109


pages 99-100

Spell List

page 101

Angel of Terror

page 93

Angel of Destruction

page 90

Angel of Fury

pages 91-92


pages 94-95

Chapter Nine: MAGIC Magic Items

pages 96-98

Angel of Death

pages 88-89

Dominion Feats

pages 81-87

Chapter Seven: FEATS General Feats

pages 74-80

Heaven’s Hands

page 71

Other Famous Angels

pages 65-67

Society of Godsblood

pages 72-73

Council of Wings

pages 69-70

Brotherhood of Pure Spirit

page 68

The Eight Archangels

pages 62-64

Hell’s Geography

pages 56-61


page 51

Heaven’s Geography

pages 52-55

and Theology Angels in a Modern

page 50

Becoming Angelic

page 49

Angels and Mortals

pages 45-47

Chapter Three: THE CAMPAIGN Types of Campaigns

page 39

Angelic Personalities

pages 42-44

The Role of Souls

page 48

Using This Book

page 4

Angelic Races

pages 16-38

Angel Society

pages 40-41

Angelic Characteristics

pages 13-15
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