Chapter Nine
Magic Angels have long been described as wearing strange armor, bearing great weapons, and performing miraculous feats of divine power. Just as with mortals, some items and spells used by angels are common and others are rare or unique. This section covers some of the more common magic items and spells used by the forces of Heaven, as well as a few things found in the hands of their ancient adversaries, the fiends. n a campaign where angels are prevalent, these items and spells are just as common as others of the same cost and power level. PC angels should be aware of them and have an idea of how they work. Any spells listed here that angels could cast are considered to be on the spell lists of angel PCs without requiring any sort of research. Mortal PCs can learn these spells or use these items, though some of the more conservative residents of Heaven prefer to not let these tools of good fall into mortal hands, where they could be abused or turned to a more nefarious purpose.
Magic Items These magic items are made and used by the hosts of Heaven and Hell and their allies. In angelic, mentor, and adversaries campaigns, they are as common as those in the DMG. In standard campaigns, they are more rare.
Magic Armor Property Multiform: This armor property was designed for creatures who can shift between very different shapes, such as aranea, kalkydrim, lycanthropes, and angels with vessels. When the creature wearing the armor changes shape, the armor automatically adapts to the new shape of the creature, allowing it the full protection of the armor in its new form. For example, an aranea wearing armor with this property in humanoid form that changed to its spider form would remain fully armored in spider form. The wearer also has the option to have the armor keep its current form and simply fall off when the transformation takes place (such as when a werewolf doesn’t want to attract attention running around as an armored wolf). An angel with a vessel can have the armor fall off; adapt to the new body when inhabiting the vessel, new vessel, or her true form; or vanish into magical potential along with her previous body. Faint transmutation; Caster Level 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, alternate form/polymorph/wild shape/similar ability; Price +8,000 gp
Specific Magic Armor Noriel’s Armor: The angel Noriel (“fire of god,” angel of the gates of the east wind) has a body made of gilded brass lit with orange light. On rare occasions, he has taken pieces of his brass body and forged them into armor for other angels. These have become known as Noriel’s armor, though he does not wear it himself. Equivalent to a +1 breastplate, the armor is as strong as steel (not brass), grants fire resistance 5, and allows the wearer to emit a fiery bolt per day equivalent to that from a scorching ray spell. Firing a fiery bolt is a standard action. Faint abjuration; Caster Level 5th, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, scorching ray, endure elements; Price 9,850 gp; Cost 5,100 gp + 380 XP
Specific Magic Weapons Flaming Sword: When angels or works of religious literature refer to a flaming sword, they mean a +1 flaming longsword. Though individual weapons may have different powers, this sword is the typical (default) weapon carried by the forces of Heaven. Typically flaming swords are decorated with a holy symbol or words meaning “fire” in Celestial. Moderate evocation; Caster Level 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, flame blade/flame strike/fireball; Price 2,315 gp; Cost 1,315 gp + 80 XP Holy Sword: When angels or works of religious literature refer to a holy sword, they usually mean a +1 holy longsword. Though individual weapons can have different powers, this sword is the typical (default) weapon carried by the officers of Heaven. Holy swords are typically decorated with a holy symbol or a deity’s name written in Celestial. Moderate evocation [good]; Caster Level 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy smite, creator must be good; Price 8,315 gp; Cost 4,315 gp + 320 XP