Arcana Unearthed - Diamond Throne - 3.5e

Page 62

Chapter Two: Prestige Classes

within 10 feet of the somnamancer and obeys her verbal commands for 1 round per somnamancer class level. Summoning a dream hunter is a full-round action. This ability physically moves the dream hunter from its actual location, and if it dies after the summoning, it is really dead. Otherwise, this ability works just like most other conjuration spells. At 8th level, the somnamancer can summon 1d4 + 3 dream hunters in this way. Sense Dreamer (Su): Even if the 5th-level or higher somnamancer has no special knowledge or connection to a sleeping creature, she can sense it within 50 feet at will, discerning the creature’s exact location as a standard action. Steal Dreams (Su): After a 6th-level or higher somnamancer uses her dream spy ability on a subject, she can learn one fact about that subject: name, fondest wish, true love, greatest fear, location of the key to his locked vault, and so on. The information learned must come in the form of an answer no longer than one word per somnamancer level. She can even try to learn the subject’s truename, but in that case the subject gets a Will saving throw (DC 10 + somnamancer’s class level + her Charisma bonus) to resist; on a successful save, the subject awakens immediately and knows what she tried to do. (The DM may rule that the subject holds other secrets as important to him as a truename, which also would warrant a saving throw.) Attempting to steal dreams takes one minute. A somnamancer can attempt it only once on a given subject in a 24hour period. Divinatory Dream (Su): The 7th-level and higher somnamancer can learn the answer to a single yes or no question asked in a dream, while she sleeps. The answer comes from the collective dream memory, not dissimilar to the akashic memory. That means if the question regards a subject no creature knows or has ever known anything about, the somnamancer gets no answer. Otherwise, the answer is always correct. The somnamancer can use this ability only once in a given 48-hour period. Mass Induce Sleep (Sp): At 8th level and beyond, the character can make up to one creature per somnamancer class level within 50 feet go to sleep (Will save, DC 10 + somnamancer’s class levels + her Charisma bonus). Otherwise treat this as the induce sleep ability. The somnamancer can perform this action a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus; those with no bonus can use this ability once per week. Dream Travel (Sp): Once per day, a 9th-level and higher somnamancer can dream about being in a new location and then wake up in that location. This ability works just like the teleport spell with DC 0 for the check required to travel successfully. The somnamancer can transport only herself and 100 lbs. worth of gear—no other creatures. Dream Master (Su): At 10th level, a somnamancer gains some truly amazing powers. The range for her sense dreamer

ability becomes 250 feet. She gains the ability to use her dream spy, control dream, and steal dreams powers on anyone she finds via her dream tracking power. She can use dream travel to teleport to anyone she finds via her dream tracking power.

Prestige Classes From Other Sources While this chapter offers a number of prestige classes unique to the Diamond Throne setting, many other products on the market also present prestige classes, some of which would be worthy additions to this setting. Here are a few examples of classes from books you might already own, with details explaining how to alter them to make them fit the rules.

The DMG Many classes from Chapter Two: Characters of the DMG are appropriate for the Diamond Throne setting, but others are not. For example, the blackguard is too similar to a champion of darkness.

Arcane Archer This class is favored by both quickling and loresong faen, but usually for different reasons (quicklings love ranged attacks, loresongs love magic). Alterations: Change the racial requirement to “faen” rather than elf or half-elf.

Assassin Assassins exist everywhere, waiting in the dark corners to ply their bloody trade. Under the rule of the Diamond Throne, professional assassins are illegal and arrested if caught. Elsewhere, such as in Fallanor and the Free Cities of the South, this is not true, and licensed assassins are in fact legal. Mojh often become assassins. Alterations: Drop the alignment requirement and change the required ranks of Move Silently to Sneak and Hide to Craft (poison). Spells per day changes to simple spell slots, with double that number of spells readied.

Dwarven Defender Obviously, there are no dwarves in the Diamond Throne setting. However, the concept of someone devoted to defending a location is very appropriate to giants. Alterations: Drop the alignment requirement. Change the racial requirement to “giant” rather than dwarf, and the feat requirements to: Dodge, Sturdy and Iron Flesh. Change the class name to “giant defender.”

Loremaster Although the akashic fills some of the loremaster’s role, loremasters in the Diamond Throne setting focus specifically on


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Articles inside

Open Game License

pages 95-98

Xaaer (Death Ooze

pages 91-92

Shadow Troll

page 89


page 90


pages 83-85


page 86


page 82


pages 87-88

Dream Hunter

page 81

Dark Warden

pages 79-80


pages 76-77


page 78

Single-Use Items

pages 67-68

Chapter Four: CREATURES Alabast

page 75

Chapter Three: MAGIC ITEMS Magic Items From the DMG

page 64


pages 59-61

Prestige Classes From Other Sources

pages 62-63

Rune Lord

pages 57-58

Ollamh Lorekeeper

pages 55-56

Mage Priest

pages 53-54

Adventure Ideas

pages 44-45

Crystal Warrior

pages 47-48

Beast Reaver

page 46

The Mysteries

page 43


pages 49-51

Giant Paragon

page 52

The Threats

pages 41-42

The Cosmology

page 40

The Gods andReligions

pages 13-14

The Geography

pages 21-27

The History

pages 15-20

The People

pages 7-12

The Kingdoms

pages 28-38

The Organizations

page 39

The World

page 6
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