Skincare & beauty during
Sharing effective remedies for compromised, menopausal skin…
By Pauline Hill I was floored by my skin changes
When Pauline reached perimenopause her skin became ‘hormonally mad’ in a debilitating and irreversible way. In our new, regular, feature she shares products and solutions which have helped her manage her compromised skin…
In all honesty, I was completely unprepared for the extent of change that my skin went through as I hit perimenopause. Overnight, it became very sensitive and very dry. It rebelled against everything I used - skincare, makeup, fragrance. All the go-to brands I loved were no longer tolerated. I was red and weepy-eyed and prickly skinned. Nothing I tried seemed to help.
Skin changes during peri/menopause
The most common cause is the reduction in the levels of the female sex hormone, oestrogen. Oestrogen is required for the skin’s natural hydration mechanisms, as it helps the skin produce ceramides, natural hyaluronic acid and sebum. Oestrogen also stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is an abundant protein in the human body and plays a major role in the plumpness of our skin.
However, falling oestrogen levels are not the only culprit
In the big scheme of things, intolerance to all things skincare/makeup/beauty might not seem a big deal. But, in reality, as a woman going through menopause it was a huge assault on my work confidence, femininity and social confidence.
The stress hormone, Cortisol, can have a major impact on the health and appearance of our skin during peri/menopause, too.
As a result, I’ve spent 10+ years researching solutions that might prove effective for my troublesome skin.
Sadly, it is not unusual for women to experience symptoms of insomnia and/or increased anxiety during this period of their lives – which can lead to the body producing excessive amounts of Cortisol. Since cortisol is an inflammatory hormone, it can also cause a wide range of skin concerns. Double whammy!
I don’t have a medical or science background. Nor am I commercially linked to any product or company that I write about.
Skin changes are very common during perimenopause/ menopause. These can present in many forms – dryness, sensitivity, allergies, acne, dullness, and increased bruising – to name just a few.
I’m simply a postmenopausal woman who has found answers along the way