HAPPY HORMON By Sally Bolton
Menopause Health and Fitness Coach
s the summer months are upon us and spirits are lifted, let’s talk about happy hormones. The mere name of happy hormones makes me smile and feel good! Otherwise known as brain hormones on account that, unlike sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, they are produced by the brain and the nervous system. They have a positive impact on your mood and emotions. They are slightly different to hormones, officially they are 6
known as neurotransmitters. These chemical messengers work more locally and happen quickly and have a short-lived action. Together they are your foundation of health and if they become out of balance your wellbeing will inevitably suffer. Suboptimal neurotransmitter levels are mainly down to lifestyle factors such as exercise, food choices, sleep and high stress, including stressful relationships. This is kind of good news as it means we have more control over them.
When women reach menopause, the symptoms are commonly attributed to your sex hormones, but it is important to note that certain neurotransmitters can also often be out of range. So let‘s take a look at some of the more well known happy hormones.
SEROTONIN “The Helper”
is a natural mood stabilizer and is integral to your overall sense of well-being. Approximately 90% is produced in the gut, so if your gut health isn’t in check it is likely to affect its production.