Putni časopis Croatia ljeto 2023 / Inflight magazine Croatia summer 2023

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Ljeto _ Summer 2023 Inflight magazine

Fly to Zonar Zagreb

A bustling meeting point for urban travelers, daring nonconformists in quest of comfort, whether they are visiting or call this place home. Zonar Zagreb is a hotel in Croatia's capital that is tailored to the global people. An urban relaxing zone with accommodations that have a panoramic view of the city. A popular spot for take-out cuisine from the Official Salmon Deli along with juicy city stories from the Skin2Skin bar. There's also a rooftop pool bar that's hard to miss. Zonar Zagreb is both worldly and urban, as it is located in a neighbourhood that has always cherished urban flair and creativity. Not necessarily in that order.

hello@maistra.hr maistra.com maistra_city_vibes Maistra City Vibes

Poštovani putnici!

Pred nama je ljeto, godišnje doba u kojem se obično putuje češće nego inače. Uistinu me veseli što mnogi od vas upravo Hrvatsku biraju kao idealno mjesto za odmor, opuštanje i promjenu uobičajenog ritma života. Hvala vam što ste za let prema svojem ljetnom odredištu odabrali upravo naš zrakoplov. Dobro nam došli!

Našu ljetnu mrežu letova još smo više prilagodili vašim potrebama. Uveli smo nove sezonske linije koje će vam olakšati dolazak do jadranskih odredišta. Među njima ističem linije koje povezuju Dubrovnik s Pragom, Split sa Skopljem i Oslom te Bol na otoku Braču s Münchenom. Osobito me raduje što smo obnovili i redovite međunarodne letove između Zagreba i Mostara, a o tom lijepom gradu možete čitati i na stranicama našeg časopisa. Vjerujem da će vas zanimati i drugi sadržaji koje smo za vas priredili. Primjerice, odmah na početku, intervju s proslavljenim izbornikom hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije Zlatkom Dalićem kojega su, zajedno s našim nogometnim reprezentativcima, u ovoj iznimno uspješnoj sezoni mnogo puta naši zrakoplovi doveli do njihovih odredišta. Od turističkih tema ovaj put posebno izdvajam cjelinu posvećenu zdravstvenom turizmu, koji zauzima sve važnije mjesto među razlozima putovanja u neko odredište. Kad je riječ o kontinentalnom turizmu, pozivam vas na ugodnu šetnju našom najsjevernijom županijom, zelenim Međimurjem, a također i u Turopolje, na jedinstveni festival hrvatskih mitskih bića i narodnih priča Perunfest u Donjoj Lomnici blizu zagrebačke zračne luke. A za one koji su, pak, skloniji adrenalinskom turizmu dočarali smo doživljaj putovanja kajakom između prelijepih hrvatskih otoka

Raba i Cresa.

Dragi putnici, nadam se da će vam ljeto donijeti mnoge lijepe trenutke te da ćete uživati u odabranom odredištu, ugodnom ugođaju i dobrom društvu.

Unaprijed se radujem svim našim zajedničkim letovima i još jednom zahvaljujem što letite s nama.

Dear passengers!

Summer’s arrived, the season in which people travel more often than usual. I’m truly happy that many of you have chosen Croatia as the perfect place for your holiday and a break from your daily routine. Thank you for choosing to fly to your summer destination with our company. Welcome to our flight!

We have adapted our summer network of flights to meet your needs as much as possible. Specifically, we have introduced new seasonal routes that will make it easier for you to reach your destination on the Adriatic. I’d like to draw your attention to our routes that connect Dubrovnik with Prague, Split with Skopje and Oslo, and the town of Bol on the Island of Brač with Munich. I am particularly pleased that we’ve reintroduced scheduled international flights between Zagreb and Mostar, a beautiful town which you can read about in our magazine. I believe that the rest of the content we’ve prepared will be of interest to you as well. To start off with, we’re bringing an interview with the famed head coach of the Croatian National Football Team, Zlatko Dalić, whom we have flown, together with our national football team, to their destinations many times during this extremely successful football season. As far as topics related to tourism are concerned, I’d like to draw your attention to an entire section dedicated to health tourism, which has become one of the main reasons for travel. As for continental tourism, I’m inviting you to take a pleasant walk through Croatia’s northernmost county, our green Međimurje. Do stop by Turopolje as well, and go to Perunfest, a one-of-a-kind festival held in the village of Donja Lomnica near Zagreb Airport which celebrates Croatia’s mythical creatures and folk tales. Those more interested in going on an adventure can read about the experience of sea kayaking from Rab to Cres, two of Croatia’s beautiful islands. Dear passengers, I hope that many beautiful moments are in store for you this summer, and that you’ll enjoy your chosen destination, a pleasant atmosphere, and good company.

I look forward to all our flights together. Thank you, once again, for flying with us.

Š. Lugarov



Dvije medalje s dva posljednja svjetska nogometna prvenstva fenomenalan su uspjeh hrvatskog izbornika Zlatka Dalića, koji je već sad postao legenda.



Two successive FIFA World Cup medals are a phenomenal success achieved by Croatia’s head coach and sporting legend, Zlatko Dalić.


Kontinentalna Hrvatska


Međimurci su usvojili principe modernog turizma, a nisu iznevjerili tradicijske vrijednosti ni preopteretili okoliš iznimne bioraznolikosti.

Continental Croatia


Međimurje has adopted the principles of modern tourism without betraying its traditions or overloading its exceptionally biodiverse environment.

Ljeto _ Summer 2023


Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa.

Uredništvo ne odgovara za sadržaj oglasa, promotivnih i plaćenih PR tekstova.

The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press. The editorial board cannot be liable for the content of advertisments, promotional texts, and paid PR texts.


Zdravstveni turizam


Zdravstveni turizam važan je dio ukupne turističke ponude, a u Hrvatskoj ima dugu tradiciju te uvelike pridonosi razvoju cjelogodišnjeg turizma.

Health tourism


Health tourism is important for Croatia’s overall tourism product, has a long tradition, and greatly contributes to the development of year-round tourism.


Pustolovni turizam


Mnogo je načina za istraživanje ljepota Jadrana. Sjednite u morski kajak i otkrijte nepoznate strane naših otoka i njihove usamljene uvale.

Adventure tourism


There are different ways to explore the Adriatic. Hop in a kayak to discover the hidden gems of Croatia’s islands and their secluded coves.

D. Perčić

Narodna mitologija


Nevjerojatni Perunfest u Donjoj Lomnici udaljen je tek tri i pol kilometra od zagrebačke sletne piste.

Folk and pagan tales


The amazing Perunfest happens to be held as little as three and a half kilometres away from Zagreb’s airstrip in the village of Donja Lomnica.




A’MARIE vrlo vješto jednostavne modele čini ženstvenima i lako nosivima, a savršeni su spoj ravnoteže stila i održivosti.



Striking a perfect balance between style and sustainability, A’MARIE has been skilfully making simple designs feminine and easy to wear.


Croatia Airlines

Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka

Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia +385-1-616-00-66 pr@croatiaairlines.hr www.croatiaairlines.com

Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO

Jasmin Bajić

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief

Ksenija Ælof

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants

Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak


Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg





Zadivljujuća obala, šest različitih ekosustava, kulturni doživljaji, raznolika gastronomija, gostoljubivi domaćini. Sve vas to čeka u Brazilu.



A stunning coastline, six different biomes, many cultural experiences, diverse gastronomy, and hospitable people − you’ll find all this in Brazil.


Naše odredište


Obilazak čarobnoga Mostara čini se poput putovanja kroz vrijeme, u prošlost. No ne samo Mostar nego i njegova okolica mami na prelijepe doživljaje.

Our destination


Touring magical Mostar is like time travel, an experience of stepping back in time. Great experiences can be had not only in Mostar, but its surroundings too.

Miranda Herceg

Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director

Slaven Žabo


Nevena Erak Camaj

Prijevod na engleski/ English translation

Ana Janković


Croatia Airlines

Gabrijela Lochert +385-1-616-00-17 advertising@croatiaarlines.hr


Croatia Airlines



AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb


AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb

ISSN 1330-6278

S. Vild S. Pjanić Z.Wolff_Unsplash
refined culinary tradition

Uživajte u vinima Nerica Enjoy Nerica wines

Nova, moderna kušaonica obiteljske vinarije Nerica u mjestu Čara na otoku Korčuli mjesto je koje svakako vrijedi posjetiti, kako zbog nezaboravnog pogleda tako i zbog zaista izvrsnih vina koja vinski znalci ubrajaju u najbolje što Hrvatska može ponuditi. Specijalnost Nerica vina su iz sorte pošip.

Ova vrhunska vina potražite i u vinotekama Vivat fina vina i online.

The new and modern tasting room of the family-owned Nerica Winery in the village of Čara on the Island of Korčula is well worth a visit thanks to both the spectacular vistas you’ll be afforded from there, and their truly fabulous wines, which wine connoisseurs consider to be amongst the very best that Croatia has to offer. Nerica Winery specialises in the production of wine from the Pošip variety of grape.

These superb wines are also available at the Vivat Fina Vina stores and online.



Priča je ovo o sjećanjima, uspomenama koje nosimo otisnute u obliku našeg otoka ili grada. Priča o ljubavi prema otocima i onim nezaboravnim trenucima koje smo ondje proživjeli, priča o suvenirima koje nosimo, u kojima uživamo i koji su nam u srcu.

This is a story of memories, memories we carry imprinted in the shape of an island or city. A story about our love of islands and those unforgettable moments we had on them, a story of the souvenirs which we wear, which we cherish, and which are in our hearts.

Fb_Islands&Co., Instagram_@islandsandco www.islandsandco.com

Zlatni licitar Golden Licitar Heart

Zlatni licitar predstavlja jedinstven spoj tradicije, simbola ljubavi i suvremenosti, pretočen u iznimno nosiv i efektan nakit s porukom. Kolekciju možete pronaći u zlatarni Lapidarium u centru Zagreba te svim boljim suvenirnicama.

Uniquely blending tradition, the symbol of love, and modernity, the Golden Licitar Heart is wearable and effective jewellery with a message. The collection is available at the Lapidarium jewellery store in Zagreb’s city centre, and other high-end souvenir shops.



LYKKE mirisni medaljoni / scented lockets

Mirisni medaljon Royal Charm simbol je svjetlosti, a nadahnut je raskošnom tradicijom i bogatom poviješću grada Dubrovnika. Medaljon predstavlja tradicionalnu dubrovačku rozetu, prozor u obliku djeteline s četiri lista. Ovaj mirisni medaljon spoj je tradicije i modernog dizajna te se može personalizirati notama omiljenog parfema i s graviranom posvetom. Dostupan je u Lykke Gift Shopu (Zagreb).

Inspired by Dubrovnik’s rich history and lavish tradition, the scented Royal Charm locket is a symbol of light, whose motif depicts a traditional Dubrovnik rosette − a window in the shape of a four-leaf clover, also known as the rose flower. Blending tradition and modern design, this scented locket can be personalised with the notes of your favourite perfume, and engraved. It is available at the Lykke gift shop in Zagreb.



Izbornik hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije Zlatko Dalić već je sada legenda. Postigao je više nego što je itko, pa i on sam, mogao i sanjati. Dvije medalje s dva posljednja svjetska prvenstva u nogometu fenomenalan su uspjeh, a za to je Zlatko Dalić zaslužan ne samo kao vrhunski nogometni stručnjak nego i kao čovjek.

The head coach of the Croatian National Football Team is a sporting legend. He has achieved more than anyone, himself included, could have ever dreamed of. Two successive FIFA World Cup medals are a phenomenal success. The man and top football expert behind this success is none other than − Zlatko Dalić.





Svelikim osjećajem ponosa i sreće naša kompanija imala je zadovoljstvo hrvatske nogometne reprezentativce, naše Vatrene, s medaljama osvojenima na svjetskome nogometnom prvenstvu u Rusiji 2018. te lani u Katru pobjednički dovesti doma. Pa ako je itko pomislio da je srebro osvojeno u Rusiji bila slučajnost pomiješana s pomalo sportske sreće, poslije bronce u Katru više nitko ne može sumnjati u to da izbornik Zlatko Dalić predvodi ekipu koja pripada svjetskoj nogometnoj eliti i pritom točno zna što radi. U trenutku dok vodimo ovaj razgovor pred nogometašima je još jedan izazov, natjecanje u Ligi nacija na kojem su preostale još samo četiri ekipe, a među njima i hrvatska. S nestrpljenjem čekamo rasplet među najboljima u lipnju, ali već i sada možemo konstatirati, što god se dogodilo, riječ je o još jednom uspjehu naše reprezentacije i njihova izbornika.

 Vjerojatno su vas mnogi do sada pitali u čemu je tajna uspjeha, a često smo od vas čuli riječi poniznost, skromnost, upornost, odgovornost, spremnost na odricanje, uvažavanje protivnika i naravno ustrajan i predan rad. No postižete još nešto što ne uspijeva baš svim izbornicima, ma koliko bili vrsni i stručni u svojem poslu, a to je neka neobjašnjiva pozitivna kemija koja se stvori među igračima na tako velikim natjecanjima.

I ne samo među njima. Zapravo, u cijeloj Hrvatskoj. Kako to postižete?

− Naveli ste i sami neke vrijednosti koje se kao izbornik trudim promicati unutar ekipe i smatram da ako ja pokazujem poštovanje prema igračima, prema svojim suradnicima, našim navijačima, protivnicima i općenito prema ovom časnom poslu, da igrači to uvažavaju i slijede. Mislim da su temelji tog kulta reprezentacije postavljeni još devedesetih pod vodstvom mojeg mentora, pokojnog Ćire Blaževića, i da su kroz godine svi izbornici i igrači održavali taj pristup kako je hrvatska reprezentacija nešto posebno i da smo svi dužni predstavljati svoju domovinu na najbolji mogući način. Naravno da zasluge za kvalitetnu atmosferu imaju i sami igrači, posebno oni stariji na čelu s kapetanom Lukom Modrićem, koji vode primjerom i pokazuju mladima što znači igrati za Hrvatsku. Kada jedan Modrić sa 37 godina s toliko žara dolazi na okupljanje, s toliko energije pristupa treningu i s toliko ponosa svaki put odijeva hrvatski dres, onda to moraju pratiti i ovi mlađi. Naravno, u Rusiji i Katru toj odličnoj atmosferi svakako su pridonosili dobri rezultati te je svaki novi uspjeh osnaživao cijelu ekipu. Priznajem da me ispunjava nevjerojatnim ponosom što sam kao izbornik pridonio tim uspjesima, ali prije svega jednoj atmosferi zajedništva unutar ekipe, a onda i među narodom jer sma-

Stožer hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije za vrijeme intoniranja hrvatske himne prije početka utakmice

The staff of the Croatian National Football Team during the playing of the Croatian national anthem before the start of a match

tram da je to zajedništvo naša najveća pobjeda.

 Jeste li ikad na početku trenerske, pa i igračke karijere mogli sanjati o tome da ćete jednog dana voditi najbolje hrvatske nogometaše prema vrhu? Jeste li već u mladosti postavljali sebi visoke sportske ciljeve?

− Više sam puta otvoreno rekao da, čak i kada sam dolazio na mjesto izbornika, nisam mogao sanjati sve ovo što smo ostvarili u proteklih pet i pol godina. Već mi je i činjenica da sam izjednačio Ćirin rekord sa 72 utakmice na čelu reprezentacije nevjerojatna, a to da smo osvojili dvije medalje na svjetskim prvenstvima i igrali u finalu u Rusiji − to se zaista nisam ni usudio sanjati jer je to jednostavno nezamislivo, nevjerojatno i čudesno. I mislim da ćemo tek s vremenom postati svjesni što je to Hrvatska ostvarila proteklih godina. To ne znači da nisam bio ambiciozan − vjerovao sam u sebe i svoje znanje. U sportu ne možete uspjeti ako nemate snažnu vjeru u sebe i ako si ne postavite ciljeve visoko.


 Zanimljivo je da je vaš put prema klupi hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije išao preko Azije... Može li se reći da se upravo tamo stabilizirala vaša karijera uspješnog trenera? Također, zacijelo nije bila laka ni odluka da započnete novi život u tom za nas relativno nepoznatom svijetu. Kako ste se na to odlučili?

− Istina, nije to bila laka odluka jer ovdje mi je bila obitelj, supruga i dva mlada sina, ali imao sam njihovu podršku i vjerovao sam da kao trener mogu biti uspješan. Pristupio sam tim poslovima onako kako sam odgojen − ponizno, s vjerom u sebe, velikom voljom za rad i s poštovanjem prema svakom poslu, igraču, predsjedniku kluba ili navijaču. Iako su život i rad na Bliskom istoku drugačiji, moram priznati da je meni taj dio svijeta ostao u vrlo ugodnom sjećanju jer sam osjetio da mi se poštovanje koje sam ja dao njima na isti način vratilo meni. Danas ondje imam puno dragih prijatelja te se osjećam dobrodošlim i cijenjenim u Saudijskoj Arabiji i Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima gdje sam radio.

 Je li za vas odluka da preuzmete hrvatsku reprezentaciju samo nekoliko mjeseci prije svjetskog prvenstva u Rusiji bila teška ili laka? Što je taj preokret i povratak u Hrvatsku za vas značio?

Izbornik Zlatko Dalić, kapetan hrvatske reprezentacije Luka Modrić i veznjak Mateo Kovačić slave pobjedu

Head coach Zlatko Dalić, captain of the Croatian National Football Team Luka Modrić, and midfielder Mateo Kovačić celebrating Croatia’s victory

− Trenutak je bio težak, a bio sam svjestan i svih rizika i pritiska koje mi je to nosilo − u jednoj utakmici mogao sam postati tragičar i krivac za cijelu naciju.

No odluka je zapravo bila laka jer je voditi reprezentaciju svoje države najveća čast koju bilo koji trener može dobiti. Vjerovao sam da mogu uspjeti, vjerovao sam da imamo odličnu ekipu i da se možemo izvući iz teške situacije. Bilo je teško u Kijevu, ali kada smo uspjeli dobiti tu utakmicu, reprezentacija je prodisala i mogli smo s jednom novom energijom krenuti prema svjetskom prvenstvu u Rusiji.

 Koliko vam je vaše igračko iskustvo pomoglo u trenerskoj karijeri? Što biste izdvojili kao prioritete koje tražite od igrača?

− Sigurno da mi je igračko iskustvo postavilo temelje onoga što radim kao trener, a pritom sam imao sreću učiti od velikih trenera poput Ćire. No kada sam preuzeo reprezentaciju, bio sam svjestan da nemam iskustvo s reprezentacijom i zato mi je bilo važno okružiti se s ljudima koji su imali to iskustvo. Uvijek ističem da mi je podrška, znanje i iskustvo mojih najbližih suradnika − Olića, Ladića, Mrmića, kojima su se kasnije priključili i Ćorluka, Mandžukić i Pletikosa, od ključne važnosti. Od igrača prije svega tražim da budu u službi ekipe, da na svakoj utakmici, svakom treningu i svakom sastanku budu sto posto unutra, neovisno o tome jesu li prvi ili 23. igrač. Svi možemo pogriješiti, krivo dodati loptu ili skriviti jedanaesterac, ali najvažnije je da je svima uspjeh momčadi iznad statusa pojedinca.

 S dugogodišnjim kapetanom naše reprezentacije Lukom Modrićem, koji je još uvijek u sjajnoj igračkoj formi, ali je također već danas legenda hrvatskog nogometa, imate nedvojbeno sjajan odnos. Koliko je taj odnos između prvoga među igračima i izbornika važan za atmosferu u reprezentaciji i motivaciju ostalih igrača? Što je najvažnije?

− Pravi je blagoslov voditi kao izbornik Luku Modrića, i kao nogometaša i kao kapetana. O Luki nogometašu ne trebamo puno govoriti: osvojio je Zlatnu loptu usred ere Messija i Ronalda, osvojio je pet Liga prvaka i uopće nema dvojbe da je jedan od najboljih veznih igrača u povijesti. On je dirigent, mozak ekipe, igrač koji sve vidi i zna, i koji je kao takav idealna produljena ruka izbornika na terenu. Kao kapetan, on je ona najbolja vrsta

Ispunjava me nevjerojatnim ponosom što sam kao izbornik pridonio uspjesima, ali prije svega atmosferi zajedništva unutar ekipe, a onda i među narodom jer smatram da je to zajedništvo naša najveća pobjeda.

I take immense pride in the fact that, as head coach, I’ve contributed to the team’s successes, as well as to the creation of the feeling of unity not only in the team, but also in the nation as a whole, because I consider this feeling of unity to be our greatest victory.

lidera jer vodi primjerom. Luka ne mora puno govoriti jer svatko vidi koliko trenira, koliko ozbiljno pristupa analizi, koliko se žrtvuje na svakoj utakmici, a kad govori, onda svi to slušaju jer znaju kakva je nogometna veličina. Od prvoga dana imamo jedan otvoren, iskren i pošten odnos s puno poštovanja, u kojem obojica imamo isti zajednički cilj − ostvariti što bolje rezultate s reprezentacijom.

 Često ističete podršku obitelji u ključnim trenucima. Koje biste trenutke označili kao prijelomne u svojoj karijeri i kako se vaša obitelj nosila s njima?

− Mislim da je podrška obitelji ključ svakog uspjeha. Teško je ako ste sami i ako se nemate na koga osloniti u teškim trenucima. Koliko god smo uspjeha imali u ovih pet i pol godina, bilo je i puno teških trenutaka jer nije lako biti hrvatski izbornik u zemlji s još četiri milijuna izbornika. Obitelj je tu ključ, mjesto gdje pronalazim svoj mir i snagu jer znam da su oni uz mene i kada osvajamo srebro, ali i kada gubimo 6:0 od Španjolske. Bilo je više prijelomnih trenutaka, ali sigurno mi nije bilo lako otići iz Hrvatske u Saudijsku Arabiju te mi je tada podrška obitelji bila iznimno značajna.


Mnogi se čude kako je jednoj tako maloj naciji i zemlji s manje od 4 milijuna stanovnika uspjelo dosegnuti nogometni vrh. U čemu vidite najveću snagu hrvatske reprezentacije?

− Najveća snaga svake ekipe jest njezina kvaliteta − bez kvalitete ne možete igrati finale svjetskog prvenstva kakvu god atmosferu, taktiku, sreću ili podršku navijača imali. Hrvatska godinama proizvodi kvalitetne igrače koji igraju u velikim europskim klubovima, a to je odraz jednog neobjašnjivog talenta koji Hrvati imaju za sport, kao i kvalitetnog rada trenera te jednog borbenog duha koji kao narod imamo. No kvalitetu imaju i druge reprezentacije. Ono po čemu se Hrvatska izdvaja jest taj kult reprezentacije, zajedništvo koje je kod nas posebno izraženo, zasigurno donekle i iz povijesnih razloga jer smo ne tako davno u krvi izborili samostalnost, što je dalo posebnu obvezu svakomu tko u bilo čemu predstavlja Hrvatsku da to čini na jedan poseban, predan i strastven način.

Many have wondered how such a small nation and a country with a population of less than 4 million has managed to reach the very top of football. What is, in your opinion, the greatest strength of the Croatian National Football Team?

− The greatest strength of every team is its quality. You cannot play in the world cup final without quality, and no atmosphere, tactics, luck or fan support can help you in that regard. For years, Croatia has been producing quality players who play in big European football clubs, which is a reflection of the inexplicable talent that Croats have for sports, of the quality of Croatia’s coaches, and of a fighting spirit that we have as a nation. But other national football teams are also quality football teams. What makes Croatia stand out is this cult-like idea we’ve created around the national football team, a feeling of unity which is particularly pronounced amongst Croats. This spirit may have its origins in history because we won our independence not so long ago in a bloody war, which obliges us all who represent Croatia to do so in a special, dedicated, and passionate way.

 Od kojih ste nogometnih stručnjaka najviše naučili, možete li istaknute neke?

− Od svakoga se može nešto naučiti, a nisam nikad skrivao da je Ćiro Blažević moj nogometni učitelj. Zato mi je teško palo kada nas je ove godine napustio jer je uistinu bio posebna osoba, koja se nekad činila većom od života pa je i taj odlazak bio šok, koliko god nas je on sve pripremao na to. Naravno, imam jedan sasvim drugačiji stil od njega, ali naučio sam koliko je važno imati dobru atmosferu u ekipi i koliko je važna komunikacija, kako unutar svlačionice tako i prema medijima i javnosti.

 Varaždin ste odabrali kao svoj grad, grad u kojemu je dom. Kako biste opisali svoj život u Varaždinu u trenucima predaha, dok život teče mirnije? Postajete li tad samo jedna od običnih varaždinskih obitelji ili za vas zapravo nikad nema predaha?

− Vjerujte mi, najviše bih volio da smo samo jedna od običnih varaždinskih obitelji. Možda ljudi to teško mogu zamisliti

jer me uvijek vide u medijima, ali ja najviše volim svoj mir, tišinu, provesti vrijeme sam, s obitelji ili najbližim prijateljima na nekom mjestu udaljenom od reflektora, medija i šušura. Naravno, pozicija hrvatskog izbornika znači da se ne možete uvijek izolirati. Prihvaćam to kao dio posla i ne bježim od toga da je nekad vrijeme za intervjue, nekad za fotografiranje, nekad za potpisivanje dresa ili lopte. Drago mi je što ljudima reprezentacija toliko znači i cijenim privilegiju biti izbornik Hrvatske. Varaždin doživljavam kao svoj grad, tu sam okončao igračku karijeru, započeo trenersku i sa suprugom osnovao obitelj.  Preuzeli ste hrvatsku reprezentaciju prije šest godina. Što vam je u tom razdoblju ostalo u lijepom sjećanju, što je bilo teško, koji su vam se trenuci posebno urezali u pamćenje?

− Nevjerojatno da je u ovih pet godina bilo toliko trenutaka za pamćenje, ali na ovo pitanje bih mogao odgovoriti knjigom, a ne jednim odlomkom. Sigurno su pobjede protiv Argentine, Engleske ili Brazila bile posebne; svi oni jedanesterci

na svjetskim prvenstvima; finale protiv Francuske, dodjela tih srebrnih medalja po onom pljusku u Moskvi, pa kasnije sreća zbog osvajanja bronce u Kataru, sve je to nezaboravno. Da ne govorim o dočecima u Zagrebu 2018. i 2022., a i u mojim gradovima, Livnu i Varaždinu. Puno je tu još manjih utakmica koje su bile iznimno važne i stresne te nam svima donijele veliku sreću, poput Rusije u Splitu. Bilo je i tih težih trenutaka − za mene je to posebno cijeli EURO 2020., koji je odigran u tim groznim i nenogometnim pandemijskim okolnostima te je od početka nekako krenuo u negativnom tonu te se do kraja turnira nismo uspjeli okrenuti u pozitivu, iako smo i tamo na kraju ostvarili korektan rezultat plasmanom u drugi krug.

 Poslije osvojenih titula na svjetskim prvenstvima, odmah poslije slijetanja u Zagrebu, pripremljen je našim reprezentativcima veličanstven doček, ali slavilo se već i u našem zrakoplovu. Kako biste opisali atmosferu na tim našim letovima, jeste li se već kad ste ušli u zrakoplov Croatia Airlinesa osjećali pomalo kod kuće?

− Gdje god da gostujemo, čim vidimo naš zrakoplov, hrvatske kvadratiće na repu aviona, pa naše kapetane i kabinsko osoblje, odmah se osjećamo kao da smo doma. I znamo da ćemo uskoro zaista i biti ponovno u svojoj domovini. Imamo tu sreću da nas prate odlični rezultati pa mi je zaista prva asocijacija na Croatia Airlines uvijek neko slavlje, dobro raspoloženje i pobjede. Vjerujem da će tako biti i u budućnosti!

Bursting with pride and filled with joy, our company had the pleasure to bring home the Croatian National Football Team, affectionately known as Vatreni or the Fiery Squad, and the two successive medals they won at two FIFA World Cups, one in Russia in 2018, and one in Qatar last year. Those who thought that the silver they won in Russia was a chance event sprinkled with a bit of sporting luck can, after their bronze in Qatar, no longer question whether the team that head coach Zlatko Dalić leads belongs to the world’s football elite or not, and whether he knows what he’s doing. While we’re conducting this interview, Croatia’s footballers are facing a challenge − competing at the UEFA Nations League, where only four teams remain, one of which is Croatia. The outcome is to be


Gdje god da gostujemo, čim vidimo naš zrakoplov, hrvatske kvadratiće na repu aviona, pa naše kapetane i kabinsko osoblje, odmah se osjećamo kao da smo doma.

Wherever we travel to, as soon as we see Croatia Airlines’ aircraft, the Croatian checkerboard squares on the tail of the aircraft, our captains and cabin crew, we instantly feel at home.

decided in June, and we await it eagerly. However, regardless of what happens, we can already ascertain that it will go down in history as yet another success of the Croatian National Football Team and their head coach, Zlatko Dalić.

 Many have asked you what the secret of your success is. In your response, you often refer to humility, modesty, persistence, responsibility, the willingness to make sacrifices, having respect for the opponents, and, of course, hard and dedicated work. Yet, you’re also successful in something else, something that not all coaches are successful in, no matter how excellent and skilled they are in what they do. There’s this inexplicable chemistry and positive energy between the players at big competitions. In fact, not just between the players, but the whole of Croatia. How do you make that happen?

− You’ve listed a set of values in your question that I try to promote as the head coach within the team itself. I also believe that, if I show respect for the players, for my colleagues, for our fans, for our opponents, and for this honourable job in general, the players will follow suit and pay back in kind. I think that the foundations for this national football team cult were laid in the 1990s under the leadership of my mentor, the late Ćiro Blažević. I also think that all the coaches and players have ever since then insisted on the idea and belief that the Croatian National Football Team is special, and that representing our homeland as best as possible is our duty. Of course, the players themselves,

especially the older ones led by captain Luka Modrić, who lead by example and show the younger generations what it means to play for Croatia, are also to be credited with the quality of the atmosphere. When 37-yearold Modrić arrives at our training sessions bursting with so much energy and enthusiasm, and when he wears Croatia’s jersey with so much pride every time, then the younger players must follow suit. Naturally enough, good results did contribute to the great atmosphere in both Russia and Qatar, and each new success made the entire team stronger. I must admit that I take immense pride in the fact that, as head coach, I’ve contributed to these successes, as well as to the creation of the feeling of unity not only in the team, but also in the nation as a whole, because I consider this feeling of unity to be our greatest victory.

 At the beginning of your sporting career, did you ever dream of leading the best Croatian footballers to the very top one day? Were the sports goals you set for yourself ambitious when you were starting out?

− I have openly said more than once that, when I was invited to coach the national football team, I couldn’t have dreamed of achieving what we achieved in the past five and a half years. I find it incredible that I’ve equalled Ćiro’s record of 72 matches at the helm of the national football team. I did not dare to dream of winning two FIFA World Cup medals, of playing in the final in Russia.

That was just unimaginable, incredible, a miracle. I also think that only with time will we become aware of what Croatian football has achieved in recent years. This does not mean that I lacked ambition. I had faith in me, my knowledge and skills. You cannot succeed in sports if you don’t believe in yourself, and if the goals you set for yourself aren’t ambitious.

 It’s interesting that the path that led you to become the head coach of the Croatian National Football Team went through the Middle East. Would you say that it was there that you honed your skills as a coach? Starting a new life in what is a relatively unfamiliar world to Croatians can’t have been an easy decision. How did you make the decision to move to the Middle East?

− It wasn’t an easy decision to make because my family, my wife and two young sons, were here in Croatia. But I had their support, and I believed that I could be a good coach. The way I approached the job of head coach was the way I was brought up, and that means with humility, I had faith in me, I was willing to work hard, and I had respect for the job, every player, club president, and fan. Although living and working in

Izlazak hrvatskih reprezentativaca iz našeg zrakoplova kojim su doletjeli u Zagreb poslije osvajanja brončane medalje na svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu u Katru The Croatian National Football Team exiting Croatia Airlines’ aircraft that flew them back to Zagreb after winning the bronze medal at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar

Š. Lugarov
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the Middle East is different, I must admit that the memories I have of that part of the world are precious because I felt that I was treated with the same respect I showed them. I have many dear friends in that corner of the world, and I feel welcomed and appreciated in both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates where I had worked.

 Was the decision to take the helm at the Croatian National Football Team only a few months before the start of the FIFA World Cup in Russia difficult or easy to make? What did that change and your return to Croatia mean to you?

− That was a difficult moment. I was aware of all the risks and pressure I would come under. After as little as one match, my coaching could have been labelled a tragedy, and the entire nation could have found me guilty of wrongdoing. Ultimately, though, the decision was actually easy to make because being at the helm of your country’s national team is the highest honour any coach can be bestowed. I believed I could be successful, I believed that we had a great team, and that we could find a way out of difficult situations. The match in Kiev was difficult, but when we succeeded in winning that game, the team could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and we could start moving towards the World Cup in Russia energised.

 Did your experience as a football player help you in your coaching career, and in what ways? Which qualities must players have in your opinion?

− My experience in playing football most certainly provided the foundations for what I do as a coach. At the same time, I was fortunate enough to learn from great coaches like Ćiro. However, when I took over the national football team, I was aware of the fact that I had no experience whatsoever with the team, so it was important for me to surround myself with people who had that experience. I always point out that the support, knowledge, and experience of my closest associates, namely, Olić, Ladić, Mrmić, who were later joined by Ćorluka, Mandžukić, and Pletikosa, are of the utmost importance to me. I need the players to be at the service of the team, I need them to give a hundred percent in every match, every training session, and every meeting, regardless of whether they’re in the starting line-up or reserve players. We can all make mistakes, pass the ball wrongly, or break a rule and be penalised. What’s crucial is that everyone acts in a way that says that the team’s success is more important than the status of any of the individual players.

 You have an undeniably great relationship with the long-time captain of Croatia’s National Football Team, Luka Modrić, who’s already a footballing legend, and still in great shape. How important is the relationship between the first among equals and the coach for the atmosphere amongst the national team and the other players’ motivation? What makes for a good atmosphere and what helps motivate the team?

− Coaching and leading footballer and captain Luka Modrić is a true blessing. Not much needs to be said about Luka the footballer. He won the Ballon d’Or award in the era of Messi and Ronaldo, he won five UEFA Champions Leagues, and he’s unquestionably one of the best midfielders in the history of football. He’s the conductor, the brain of the team, a player who sees and knows everything, which is what makes him ideal for being my right-hand man on the field. As captain, he’s the best kind of leader because he leads by example. Luka doesn’t have to talk much because everyone sees how much he trains, how seriously he takes match analyses, how much he sacrifices himself in every game, and when he does speak, everyone listens because they know what a giant of football he is. The relationship we’ve had since day one has been open, honest, fair, and respectful, and we share a common goal, which is to achieve the best possible results with the national football team.

 You often emphasise your family’s support at crucial moments. What moments would you single out as turning points in your career, and how did your family deal with them?

− I think that having your family’s support is crucial to anyone’s success. Things are difficult when you’re alone and have no one to rely on in difficult times. Regardless of the many successes we’ve achieved in these five and a half years, there were many

Izbornik Zlatko Dalić s Jasminom Bajićem, predsjednikom Uprave Croatia Airlinesa

Head coach Zlatko Dalić and Jasmin Bajić, President and CEO of Croatia Airlines

Š. Lugarov

Pametni uređaji za pametniji ispis

player, where I started my coaching career, and where my wife and I started a family.

You started coaching the Croatian National Football Team six years ago. What moments do you remember fondly? What moments were difficult? What moments are etched in your memory?

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− There have been so many memorable moments in these six years; it’s rather amazing to think about. In all honesty, to answer your question I could write a book because a single paragraph answer isn’t enough. Our victories against Argentina, England or Brazil were certainly very special moments. All those penalty shootouts at FIFA World Cups, playing in the final against France, the awards ceremony in Moscow while it was pouring with rain, and later the feeling of joy once we won the bronze in Qatar are all unforgettable. I need hardly remind you of the reception we received in 2018 and 2022 in not just Zagreb, but also in Livno, my hometown, and Varaždin. There are many other matches that were only seemingly less important, when, in fact, they were just as important and as stressful as any, and brought us great joy, such as the match against Russia in Split. There were some difficult moments as well. The UEFA EURO 2020 was particularly difficult for me because the whole tournament was played under terrible, anti-football pandemic circumstances. From the very beginning of the championship, the atmosphere was rather bad and we were unable to change it despite the fact that we managed to make it to the knockout stage, which was a good

After you won the silver and bronze medals at the UEFA World Cups, the Croatian National Football Team were given a magnificent welcome immediately after landing in Zagreb. You had a victory celebration in mid-air as well. How would you describe the atmosphere on those flights? When you boarded Croatia Airlines’ aircraft, did you feel at home?

− Wherever we travel to, as soon as we see Croatia Airlines’ aircraft, the Croatian checkerboard squares on the tail of the aircraft, our captains and cabin crew, we instantly feel at home. And we know that soon we’ll really be back in our homeland. We’re fortunate enough to be achieving excellent results, so I always associate Croatia Airlines with celebrations, good vibes, and victories. The future I look forward to looks

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No Noise, No Roads, No Cars –Just You, the Sea and the Stars

Their beauty leaves you breathless, but in order to reach them you must leave your automobile miles away – on the mainland. These are islands where cars have always been ‘persona non grata’.


This island of seafarers and sailors defended itself from automobiles by means of a decree issued by all of its inhabitants. Although a ferry sails to the island every day, even if a truck unloads from it, it cannot leave the ferry port premises. Residents of Silba went so far as to even reduce bicycle traffic. Definitely the most popular attraction on the island is the Toreta – a tower with an external spiral staircase. According to legend, Captain Petar Marinić erected it in the 19th century in memory of his dearly missed love.

Unije, Vele and Male Srakane

This little paradise is set in the shadow of the five times larger island of Lošinj. There are no cars on Unije, so the main mode of transportation on the island are wheelbarrows. The northern side of the island is of special ecological importance because it lies on the path of migratory birds. The western and southwestern parts of the island also hold their speciality, and those are olive groves. Although small, Unije takes pride in as much as four native varieties of olives.

Unije’s “next-door neighbours” are the islands of Vele and Male Srakane, where there is no traffic, but that is why there are many healthy bees that attract biologists from around the world.

Kornati national park and the island of Žut

The only thing that “rules” on the Kornati Islands and their mysterious labyrinth of islands, islets, reefs, and passages between them, are boats and yachts of all purpose and size. Since ancient times, their owners would get to them by means of their small versatile fishing boats. The Kornati golden rule is that every bay that has a house has a restaurant too, therefore Kornati are a paradise for gastro hedonists.


If you do not have a safe shelter in Zadar or Lošinj for your four-wheeled friend, you can bring it with you to Olib, but here your motorised adventure comes to an end and a new one begins.

The island’s main mode of transportation are golf carts imported by American returnees. On the island’s eastern side lies the Slatinica Bay, a favourite port for many sailors and much-loved beach of the islanders and their guests. The crystal-clear sea that even after several hundred metres is still up to your ankles, and the sandy bottom, is the perfect combination for all-day enjoyment.


Zlarin is widely known for its corals, which comes as no surprise because the business of harvesting and processing coral has been present on the island as far back as the 15th

century. Despite the fact that there are about ten kilometres of road and landscaped routes on the island, cars are forbidden, and permission for noise is only given to tractors transporting goods brought over by boat. If you want to visit the local museum to see the coral exhibition, you will have to walk or hitch a ride with someone in an electric golf cart. Be sure to take a look at Leroj – the public clock tower located in the town.


This island is the first towards Šibenik and the coast, hence the name Prvić (First). It is also called Faust Island named after Faust Vrančić, a renowned scientist and inventor from the XVII century who spent his childhood in Luka, and is also buried there.

There are two settlements on Prvić – Luka (or Prvić Luka) and Šepurine. These two lovely villages are located a kilometre apart from each other, which is a short enough distance that none of the inhabitants ever imagine going by car.


Susak is specific in many ways, but it is most definitely known as an island abounding in shallow sandy inlets. A slightly less wellknown feature is its national costume. This island and its mere 100 inhabitants has the shortest national costume in Europe, and the only one that does not cover the knees. During the day, small tractors with trailers “operate” on the island, whose noise can only be heard when boats unload their cargo.

1 Kornati, Andrija Carli 2 Zlarin 3 Olib, Braslav Karlić 4 Susak, Vladimir Franolić / TZ Kvarner 5 Srakane, Sergio Gobbo
6 Prvić

Bez buke, bez ceste, bez automobila… Samo ti, more i zvijezde

Njihova ljepota ostavlja bez daha, a kako biste došli do njih, svoj automobil morate ostaviti miljama daleko – na kopnu. Ovo su otoci gdje su automobili oduvijek bili „persona non grata”.


Ovaj otok pomoraca i mornara od automobila se obranio dekretom koji su donijeli svi mještani. Iako na otok svakodnevno pristaje trajekt, iz njega se može iskrcati i kamion, ali dalje od trajektnog pristaništa ne smije. Stanovnici Silbe otišli su toliko daleko da su čak reducirali i vožnju biciklima. Svakako najspominjanija znamenitost otoka je Toreta – toranj s vanjskim spiralnim stubištem. Prema predaji, u 19. stoljeću podignuo ga je kapetan Petar Marinić kao uspomenu na neprežaljenu ljubav.

Unije, Vele i Male Srakane

Ovaj mali raj smjestio se u sjeni pet puta većeg Lošinja. Na Unijama nema automobila, a glavno prijevozno sredstvo na otoku su tačke. Sjeverni dio otoka od posebne je ekološke važnosti jer se nalazi na putu ptica selica. Zapadni i jugozapadni dio otoka također kriju svoje posebnosti – maslinike. Iako malene, Unije se mogu pohvaliti s čak četiri autohtone vrste maslina.„Vrata do” Unija otočići su Vele i Male Srakane, na kojima nema prometa, ali zato ima puno zdravih pčela koje privlače biologe iz cijelog svijeta.

Nacionalni park Kornati i otok Žut

Na Kornatima, tom zagonetnom labirintu otoka, otočića, hridi i prolaza među njima, vladaju isključivo barke i plovila svih veličina i namjena. Još od davnine, vlasnici su do njih dolazili svojim višenamjenskim „teretnim” barkama –gajetama.Na Kornatima vrijedi zlatno pravilo – gdje je u uvali kuća, tu je i restoran, stoga su Kornati raj za gastro hedoniste.


Ako u Zadru ili na Lošinju nemate sigurno skrovište za svoga limenog ljubimca, njime možete doći na Olib, no tu avantura automobilom dolazi kraju i započinju neke nove. Glavno prometalo na otoku golfersko je vozilo koje su „uvezli” povratnici iz Amerike.Na istočnom dijelu otoka nalazi se uvala Slatinica, omiljeno sidrište mnogobrojnih nautičara te omiljeno kupalište otočana i njihovih gostiju. Kristalno čisto more, koje vam je i nakon nekoliko stotina metara i dalje do gležnja, te pješčano dno savršena su kombinacija za cjelodnevno uživanje.


Zlarin je nadaleko poznat po koraljima, što nimalo ne čudi jer je djelatnost obrade i lova na njih na otoku prisutna još od 15. stoljeća. Unatoč

tomu što na otoku postoji desetak kilometara ceste i uređenih puteva, promet je automobilima zabranjen, a dozvolu za buku imaju samo traktori za prijevoz robe dovezene brodom. Ako želite u mjesnome muzeju pogledati izložbu koralja, morat ćete ići pješice ili „ustopati” nekoga s električnim golferskim vozilom. Svakako bacite pogled na Leroj – toranj s javnim satom – koji se nalazi unutar mjesta.


Ovaj je otok prvi do Šibenika i obale, pa se zato zove Prvić. Nazivaju ga i Faustovim otokom po Faustu Vrančiću, znamenitom znanstveniku i izumitelju iz 17. stoljeća koji je u Luci proveo djetinjstvo, a ondje je i pokopan.

Na Prviću se nalaze dva naselja – Luka ili Prvić Luka i Šepurine. Ova dva vrlo lijepa mjestašca udaljena su kilometar, što je dovoljno mala udaljenost da nikome od stanovnika ne padne na pamet ideja o vožnji automobilom.


Susak je specifičan po mnogočemu, no svakako ga svi znaju kao otok prepun plitkih pješčanih uvala. Manje poznata zanimljivost njihova je narodna nošnja. Ovaj otok sa samo stotinjak stanovnika ima najkraću narodnu nošnju u Europi i jedinu koja ne prekriva koljena. Tijekom dana na otoku „operiraju” mali traktori s prikolicama, čija se buka može čuti samo onda kad se iz broda istovaruje teret.

6 5 3 4
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Panorama vidikovca Mađerkin breg A view of the lookout tower on Mađerka Hill

Međimurci predvode u razvoju održivog turizma. Usvojili su principe modernog turizma, a nisu iznevjerili svoje tradicijske vrijednosti ni preopteretili okoliš iznimne bioraznolikosti. Kad obiđete Međimurje, shvatite da se ondje ništa ne radi slučajno. Turistička je priča osmišljena u detalje.

The region of Međimurje and its people are leaders in the development of sustainable tourism. They’ve adopted the principles of modern tourism without betraying their traditional values or overloading their environment of exceptional biodiversity. When you’re in Međimurje, you realise that nothing is done by accident there. Quite the contrary, their story of tourism has been planned carefully and in detail.

UNESCO-ov rezervat biosfere Mura − Drava − Dunav

UNESCO’s Mura-Drava-Danube Transboundary Biosphere Reserve


Međimurje je zelena kolijevka hrvatskog turizma. Prve asocijacije na Međimurje jesu zeleno, uređeno, aktivno i bogato tradicijom. Baš je sve na svojem mjestu, a opet uzbuđujuće raznoliko. Priroda je Međimurcima dala sjajan krajolik, a oni su ga mudro iskoristili i po cijeloj regiji uredili kulturne atrakcije pod kišobranom Eko muzeja Međimurje sa 15 izvornih baštinskih lokaliteta. Ne znate li odakle krenuti, dobro je otići u Centar za posjetitelje Eko muzeja u Čakovcu te pogledati multimedijalni postav koji na interaktivan i zabavan način predstavlja lokalitete međimurske kulturne, gastronomske i turističke baštine. S biodinamičkom poljoprivredom upoznat će vas u Centru dr. Rudolfa Steinera u Donjem Kraljevcu. Na starom drvenom mlinu na rijeci Muri u Žabniku, kroz 3D mlinarove oči, možete doživjeti svakodnevnicu posljednjeg murskog mlinara Franca Žalara. Možete se i okušati u zlatarenju, odnosno traženju zlata na obalama Drave. Osobno je carica Marija Terezija potpisala dokument kojim se tragačima za zlatom odobrava korištenje ovog dijela obale. Dravsko i mursko zlato smatraju se najčišćim prirodnim zlatom

na svijetu. Svatko je dobrodošao okušati se u zlatarenju, a vidovski zlatari će ga poučiti.

Zbog tih je i sličnih autentičnih sadržaja Međimurje specifično. Primjerice, ovdje možete pronaći željezničarsku zbirki Štrekari, posvećenu pružnim radnicima, još uvijek otvorenu kovačnicu ili bivši ugljenokop kao muzej, kao i prvo naftno polje na svijetu, starije i od onog u američkoj Pennsylvaniji. Obitelji Šardi iz Selnice svoju je strast prema starim automobilima pretočila u Muzej oldtimera s najvećom zbirkom oldtimera u Hrvatskoj. U nedalekoj Štrigovi nalazi se impresivna crkva svetog Jeronima, koji je prema povijesnim zapisima rođen upravo u tom mjestu. Kad obiđete Međimurje, shvatite da se ondje ništa ne radi slučajno. Turistička je priča osmišljena u detalje, a sve su karike u lancu međusobno povezane. Poljoprivrednici uzgajaju domaću hranu, vinari proizvode vrhunska vina, a sve se to objedinjuje u restoranima s raznolikom i specifičnom lokalnom gastronomijom. Restorani Mala hiža u Mačkovcu s Michelinovom preporukom i kurija Terbotz u Železnoj gori samo su neki od vrhunskih restorana koje Međimurje nudi. U njima

Mlin na Muri u Žabniku A watermill on the Mura River in Žabnik Tekst fotografije / Text and photos _ Turistička zajednica Međimurske županije / Međimurje County Tourist Board

treba svakako kušati pretepenu juhu, meso ‘z tiblice, gusku s heljdinom kašom, a za desert neizbježnu međimursku gibanicu ili sladoled od buče.

Jedna od najznačajnijih turističkih točki Međimurja svakako su i Terme Sveti Martin. Ovaj resort svoju ponudu gradi na termalnoj vodi iznimne kvalitete, no on je i inovativni začetnik healthnessa − kombinacije wellnessa, aktivnog odmora i preventivnih neinvanzivnih medicinskih tretmana, te vital gourmeta − zdrave prehrane odličnog okusa i bogate antioksidansima.

I ljubitelji biciklizma u Međimurju će doći na svoje. Mreža Cyclist Welcome ima više od 700 kilometara biciklističkih staza i više od 50 smještajnih i ugostiteljskih objekata s posebnom ponudom za tzv. cikloturiste. Uz dvadesetak tematskih bi-

ciklističkih staza tu su i paneuropske rute: Iron Courtain Trail (EV 13) te Amazon of Europe bike trail, biciklističke staze koja uz rijeke Muru i Dravu povezuje čak pet zemalja regije. Jedna od nezaobilaznih turističkih atrakcija jest vidikovac Mađerkin breg u štrigovskom kraju, s čarobnim pogledom na međimursku vinsku cestu. Vidikovac je na 341 metru nadmorske visine, a s njega se za vedra vremena vide Slovenija, Mađarska, Austrija, a domaćini tvrde i Slovačka. Kad dođu na Mađerkin breg, turisti su uvijek opijeni ljepotom pitoresknog krajolika koji nazivaju hrvatskom Toskanom.

Sve međimurske turističke atrakcije međusobno povezuje hop on − hop off autobus, što znači da vam automobil, kad ga jednom parkirate, do odlaska više neće trebati. Osim što povezuje sve

30 CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2023 01 Biciklistička mreža Cyclist Welcome The Cyclist Welcome network of cycle routes 02 Panorama Muzeja nematerijalne baštine Riznica Međimurja A view of the Treasury of Međimurje Museum of Intangible Heritage 01

lokalitete Eko muzeja, postaje su mu i mnogobrojne vinske kleti, kao i poznati restorani. Spomenimo i atraktivnu međimursku vinsku cestu, na kojoj se na samo desetak kvadratnih kilometara uzgaja preko 20 vinskih sorti i koja je u 2022. godini, s osvojenih 25 Decanterovih medalja u odnosu na broj hektara pod vinogradima, najnagrađivanija vinska cesta na svijetu. Zato je Festival vina Urbanovo, koji se svake godine održava sredinom svibnja, obvezan u rasporedu ljubitelja finih vina, a osobito onih koji vole pušipel, autentično vino ove vinske regije. Međimurje je najmanja, ali i najnagrađivanija turistička regija kontinentalne Hrvatske. Zbroje li se na kraju svi međimurski aduti, jasno je zašto se Međimurje može pohvaliti svim turističkim nagradama spomenutim na početku ove priče, ali i zašto je ugledni Financial Times u ožujku 2022. na svečanosti u Cannesu Međimurje proglasio europskom regijom budućnosti. 

Međimurje is the cradle of Croatia’s green tourism. When you think of Međimurje, the first things that spring to mind are green, well-ordered,

active, and rich in tradition. Everything is in its place, yet excitingly diverse. The people of Međimurje had been gifted a magnificent landscape by nature, and they’ve used it wisely. More specifically, they’ve networked 15 cultural attractions or heritage sites scattered throughout the region under the umbrella of the Međimurje Ecomuseum. If you don’t know where to start, pop by the museum’s Visitor Centre in Čakovec first, and check out its interactive and entertaining multimedia presentation of Međimurje’s heritage sites of cultural and culinary significance for visitors. For instance, you’ll be introduced to biodynamic agriculture at the Rudolf Steiner Centre in the village of Donji Kraljevec. In the old wooden mill on the Mura River in Žabnik, you’ll experience, with the help of 3D technology, what everyday life was like for Franc Žalar, the last of Mura’s millers. You can also try your hand at prospecting or panning for gold on the banks of the Drava River. Maria Theresa of Austria signed a document permitting the use of parts of the riverbank for the purpose of gold panning. Gold from the Drava and Mura rivers is considered the purest natural gold in the world, and all are welcome to try

Sve međimurske atrakcije međusobno povezuje mreža od čak 700 km biciklističkih staza uređenih kroz jedinstven krajolik Europske Amazone, a hop on − hop off busom možete u samo jednom danu obići najzanimljivije turističke lokalitete.

To experience all of Međimurje’s attractions, there’s a 700-kilometre long cycle network at your disposal interconnecting the stunning riverine landscapes of what has become known as the Amazon of Europe. Alternatively, use the hop on-hop off bus service to see the region’s most interesting sights in just a day.


their hand at prospecting for it. The goldsmiths of the village of Donji Vidovec will be happy to show you how.

It is these and similar experiences and heritage sites that make the region of Međimurje so distinct. What’s more, here you’ll also find the Štrekari historical collection dedicated to railway workers, a traditional blacksmith’s workshop that still works, a former coal mine turned into a museum,

and the world’s first oil field which is older than the one in the state of Pennsylvania in the US. The Šardi family from the village of Selnica turned their passion for old cars into the Oldtimer Museum that boasts the biggest collection of vintage and classic cars in Croatia. The nearby village of Štrigova is towered over by the impressive Church of St. Jerome, who, according to historical records, was born there.

01 Vinski podrum Štampar u Svetom Urbanu

The Štampar wine cellar in the village of Sveti Urban

02 Međimurska gibanica

A slice of a puff pastry cake called međimurska gibanica

03 Centar za posjetitelje

Med dvemi vodami u Križovcu

The Med Dvemi Vodami Visitor Centre in Križovec

01 03 02

Na međimurskoj vinskoj ceste očekuje vas dvadesetak vinarija okrunjenih Decanterima za vrhunsku kvalitetu lokalnih vina, odlični restorani, jedinstveni vidikovac s pogledom na čak četiri države i prvi healthness termalni resort u Europi.

Međimurje’s wine road boasts twenty or so wineries whose fabulous wines are crowned with Decanter World Wine Awards, excellent restaurants, a unique lookout tower offering views that stretch to as many as four countries, and the first healthness thermal health and wellness resort in Europe.

When you’re in Međimurje, you realise that nothing is done by accident there. Quite the contrary, the region’s story of tourism has been planned carefully and in detail, with all the links in the chain working together brilliantly. The foods are home-grown by Međimurje’s farmers, the region’s top-quality wines are produced by local winemakers, and the two are then paired in Međimurje’s restaurants that serve different local dishes and culinary treats. The Michelin-recommended restaurants Mala Hiža in the village of Mačkovec, and Terbotz in the manor house of the same name in the village of Železna Gora are two of the top restaurants worth singling out. Be sure to try their traditional cream soup called pretepena juha (typically made with high-quality cured pork products, chopped sausages, eggs, flour, stock, chopped gourd, sour cream, onions, garlic, and spices), the finest cuts of pork cured in a traditional wooden firkin called tiblica (meso ‘z tiblice) or roast goose with buckwheat porridge. For dessert, have a slice of a puff pastry cake layered with nuts, cottage cheese, poppy seeds, and apples called međimurska gibanica or a scoop or two of pumpkin ice cream. The Sveti Martin Thermal Bath Spa is one of Međimurje’s top tourist attractions. Con-

structed on thermal hot springs of exceptional quality, this health and wellness resort is built around the innovative idea of healthness that integrates the benefits provided by wellness and active rest programmes, and preventive non-invasive medical treatments, and the idea of vital gourmet, healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants and taste delicious.

If you love cycling, you’ll surely come into your own in Međimurje. The region’s Cyclist Welcome network boasts more than 700 kilometres of bike paths, and more than 50 accommodation and hospitality establishments that have special offers for cycling holidaymakers. Besides boasting twenty theme bike trails, the Cyclist Welcome network is also part of two pan-European cycling routes. Namely, the Iron Curtain Trail, also known as EuroVelo 13 (EV 13), and the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail that interconnects as many as five countries in the region along the Mura and Drava rivers. The lookout tower on Mađerka Hill in the vicinity of the village of Štrigova overlooking Međimurje’s stunning wine road is another must-see attraction. At 341 metres above sea level, the lookout point offers views that stretch, on a clear day, all the way to Slove-


Kad čujete riječ Hrvatska, prva asocijacija sigurno vam je Jadransko more. No Hrvatska osim mora ima prava skrivena turistička blaga, i to u kontinentalnom dijelu. Jeste li bili u Međimurju? Jeste li znali da je Međimurje 2022. godine proglašeno najuspješnijom održivom turističkom destinacijom Hrvatske? Jedina je to europska regija s čak tri nagrade European Destination of Excellence (EDEN): 2007. godine za održivi turizam u ruralnom području, 2016. godine za turizam i lokalnu gastronomiju, a 2019. godine za wellness i zdravstveni turizam.

Prosječan rast turističkih dolazaka u posljednjih desetak godina iznosi 11 posto, no Međimurci su jako pažljivi u održavanju turističkog rasta i načinu promicanja svoje regije. Usvojili su izazove modernog turizma, a da nisu iznevjerili tradiciju i preopteretili okoliš. Zato je Međimurje početkom 2023. godine dobilo status ekskluzivne destinacije, prve u Hrvatskoj i četvrte u svijetu s globalnim certifikatom za održivi turizam

− Green Destinations. Čak 23 posto Međimurja dio je UNESCO-ova rezervata biosfere Mura−Drava−Dunav, koji se ponosi iznimnom bioraznolikošću.

The first thing that you most probably associate Croatia with is the Adriatic Sea. But besides the coast, Croatia boasts a number of real hidden gems on its mainland, too. If you’ve never been to Međimurje, you may want to know that, in 2022, Međimurje was declared the most successful sustainable travel destination in Croatia. It’s also the only region in Europe with as many as three European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) awards. More specifically, in 2007 it received the Sustainable Tourism in Rural Areas Award, in 2016 the Tourism and Local Gastronomy Award, and in 2019 the Wellness and Health Tourism Award.

In the last ten years, tourist arrivals have been growing, on average, by 11 percent. However, the people of Međimurje are very mindful of the way in which they go about maintaining the growth of their tourism industry, and of the way in which they promote their region. They’ve risen to the challenges of modern tourism without betraying their traditions, and without overloading their environment. This explains why, at the beginning of 2023, the region of Međimurje was awarded the exclusive and prestigious Green Destinations Award for sustainable destination management, the first in Croatia, and the fourth in the world. Also, let’s not forget that as much as 23 percent of Međimurje is part of UNESCO’s Mura-Drava-Danube Transboundary Biosphere Reserve, which prides itself on exceptional biodiversity.

nia, Hungary, and Austria. In fact, the locals claim that you can see as far as Slovakia. Intoxicated by the beauty of the picturesque landscape surrounding Mađerka Hill, you’ll understand why Međimurje is often referred to as Croatia’s Tuscany.

A hop on-hop off or HOHO bus service interconnects all of Međimurje’s tourist attractions. This means that, once you park your car, you won’t need it during your entire stay. The HOHO bus service stops at all the heritage sites of the Međimurje Ecomuseum, including a number of wine cellars, and famous restaurants. Be sure to check out Međimurje’s spectacular wine road. With over 20 grape varieties grown across an area of as little as ten square kilometres, it is the most densely awarded wine road in the world given that, in 2022, its vineyards won as many as 25 Decanter World Wine Awards. This is why the Urbanovo Wine Festival, which takes place in mid-May every year, should find its way to the itinerary of fine wine hedonists, particularly those fond of Pušipel , wine made from a white grape variety of the same name native to Međimurje. Međimurje is the smallest yet most awarded tourist region of continental Croatia. When all of Međimurje’s trump cards are put together, it becomes clear not only why the region of Međimurje boasts all the tourism awards it does, but also why the world-famous Financial Times awarded Međimurje the European Region of the Future award in March 2022 at a ceremony in Cannes, France.

The Sveti Martin Thermal Bath Spa 02 Restoran Mala hiža Mala Hiža Restaurant
01 02
Grupa veslača na početku puta kod Raba
A group of kayakers at the start of an expedition near the Island of Rab



i njihove usamljene uvale…

Although the Adriatic Sea is best known for its beautiful beaches, lounging on them, and its crystal clear waters, there are also adventures to be had there. Why don’t you hop in a kayak to explore the hidden gems of Croatia’s islands and their secluded coves...

01 Jedna od brojnih uvala na višednevnom putovanju One of the many coves explored on a multi-day expedition 02 Kajakom se lako upravlja i siguran je Kayaks are safe and easy to manoeuvre Iako je Jadransko more najpoznatije po lješkarenju na predivnim plažama i brčkanju u kristalno čistome moru, Jadran također pruža i avanturu. Sjednite u morski kajak i otkrijte nepoznate strane naših otoka

Mnogo je načina za istraživanje ljepota Jadrana. Većina turista, međutim, ograničena je na organizirane izlete u najpoznatije i najposjećenije lokacije čije su staze debelo utabane, no često biseri ostaju neotkriveni. Razlog tomu jest što su nedostupni za sve osim za one sa svojim plovilima. Jedrenje je dobar način da se u osami istraže ta često nedirnuta mjesta, no postoji još jedan način, a to je − morski kajak. Morski kajak tek je nedavna pridošlica na Jadranu po kojem odavno elegantno plove jedrilice, jure windsurferi i ostali zaljubljenici u sportove na vodi. Morskim kajakom kreće se u intimno istraživanje uvalica teško dostupnih s kopna, ali i pećina, klifova. Istinski je užitak izaći s kajaka na odmor i istraživanje na inače nedostupnu obalu. Rab, Dugi otok, Kornati samo su dio ogromnih mogućnosti, a iskusni svjetski kajakaši govore da je ovo jedno od najljepših iskustava na Mediteranu. Sezona morskog kajaka u Hrvatskoj počinje u travnju, a završava u jesen i praktički produljuje turističku sezonu. Dok većina agencija iznajmljuje kajake ili pruža jednodnevne ture, iz Raba se kreće u prave ekspedicije koje traju i do 16 dana. Jedna od tih tura jest veslanje od Raba do Cresa.

Desetak kajakaša u svojim žutim elegantnim čamcima lagano grabi veslima, klizeći morem uz krševitu obalu Raba, iznad koje se nadvila gusta šuma hrasta crnike. Neumorna simfonija cikada odjekuje i s udaljenosti od stotinjak metara,

dok pluća puni opojni miris eteričnog mediteranskog bilja. Svako malo nailazi se na duboku uvalu s malim plažama od velikog bijelog šljunka s pokojim kupačem.

Grupa konačno zamače u prostrane uvale Lopara, jednu od mnogih na sjevernoj šaci Raba. Meki pijesak i plitka voda te predivno okruženje pješčenjačkih stijena, halofitnih biljaka, livada i šumaraka privukli su mnoge unatoč nedostatku ikakve turističke infrastrukture. Upravo to traže kajakaši − čisto more i očuvanu prirodu, da jedu na plaži, da spavaju na otvorenome… Na Loparu ostavljamo samo stope. Bez korištenja ulja, benzina i ostalih kemikalija, morski kajak okolišu je zasigurno najpogodniji od svih prometala na moru.

Sljedeći dan veslači grabe prema Svetom Grguru. Malo je poznato da je ovaj velik i krševit otoku bio zatvor, baš kao i mnogo poznatiji susjedni Goli otok. Bunkeri zamaskirani u stijene na obali svakih su nekoliko stotina metara podsjetnik na paranoične socijalističke dane. Sada ovdje u uvali umjesto zatvora stoji restoran za turiste koji dolaze brodovima. Još je suroviji i zastrašujući Prvić. Morski kajakaši bez riječi prolaze uz njegove visoke, škrte padine zapljuskivane valovima, koji bacaju na oštre stijene koje je more milenijima nagrizalo. Nijedno drugo plovilo ne bi moglo prići tako blizu a sigurno. Povremeno se otvara pokoja mala oaza, uvalica s plažicom od grubog šljunka. Bez znaka civilizacije, a usred

01 02

A leg of the route along the wooded coastline of the Island of Krk

The Island of Plavnik

A tiny beach along the rugged coastline of the Island of Cres

01 Pošumljena obala Krka dio je puta 02 Otok Plavnik 03 Mala plaža uz krševitu obalu otoka Cresa
01 02

turističke sezone, to je prednost kajaka! Stranci se odmah bacaju u prozirnu modrinu, koristeći svaki tren da uživaju u toplom i čistom moru. Grupa nastavlja kroz otvoreno more prema otoku Krku, zatim od Stare Baške do grada Krka. To je već blaži, šumovitiji krajolik, poznatiji mnogim turistima. Šljunčana plaža Oprna jedan je od bisera Krka, a obala potom vodi uz nudistički kamp Konobe te Punat, poznato turističko mjesto u dubokoj uvali s velikom marinom. Pored gradića jest i otočić Košljun, poznat po franjevačkom samostanu u kojem su redovnici stoljećima skupljali i sačuvali mnoge vrijedne predmete. Konačno dolazi grad Krk; već se izdaleka vide pozamašne zidine Frankopanskog kaštela. Dok vodiči obnavljaju namirnice, gosti imaju priliku obići stari grad i njegove uske, žive uličice.

Nakon više dana puta, veslači već opaljenih lica i od soli skorenih majica stižu uz visoke litice Plavnika, povećeg otoka između Krka i Cresa. Gotovo okomita, ali razlomljena stijena završava čuperkom šume. Prvo su preletjeli golubi pa uz kričanje vjetruše i sivi sokolovi, a

zatim su se pojavili i bjeloglavi supovi. U nedostupnim liticama našli su ovi veliki strvinari savršeno mjesto za gniježđenje. Raj je to za prirodoslovce jer Plavnik je s Cresom dio areala ovih rijetkih ptica, ugroženih nedostatkom prirodne hrane te trovanjem. Veslači se nakon promatranja ptica odmaraju u uvalici s vezom za manje brodice. Sam Plavnik danas je nenastanjen, iako nekoliko starijih, danas vikend kuća svjedoči o prošlom životu u osami.

Veslajući prema Cresu, morskim kajacima pridružuje se nekoliko dupina koji svako malo izlaze na površinu i elegantno presijecaju vodu svojim leđnim perajama. Ove su vode dom značajnoj populaciji ovih dražesnih morskih sisavaca, a nema bližeg dodira s njima nego na morskom kajaku. Cres dočekuje veslače još višim liticama. Svako malo pojavljuje se uvalica s prirodnom plažom od predivno glatkog šljunka. Izolirane su uglavnom od ostatka otoka strmim, pošumljenim padinama ili siparima te se do njih može doći samo morskim putem. To je izvrsna prilika za osvježenje u žarkom ljetnom danu.

Zvijezde treptaju dok u ugodnoj večernjoj svježini veslači uživaju u restoranu malo iznad mjesta Belog, zadnje postaje morske avanture. To popodne pristali su u kamp na plaži i sada su na oproštajnoj večeri. Ekspedicija je gotova, vodiči će već sutra na drugu turu da Australci, Amerikanci i ostali svjetski putnici upoznaju ljepote Jadrana i Hrvatske. 

There are many different ways to explore the charms of the Adriatic. Most tourists, however, are limited to escorted or group tours that take them to see the most famous and most visited sights along well-trodden paths, which is how they rarely get to see the gems that are hidden. The reason for this is that these are often accessible only by boat. Sailing is a brilliant way to explore these often secluded, pristine spots. But, there is another way as well. And it is − by sea kayak. Sea kayaking is something of a novelty on the Adriatic, where sailboating, windsurfing, and other water sports enthusiasts have been sailing elegantly for a long time. By sea kayak, you’ll embark on a private exploration of coves, caves, and cliffs which are difficult

01 Otočić Košljun kod Punta The islet of Košljun facing the village of Punat 02 Obala Krka kod Baške The coastline of the Island of Krk near the village of Baška
02 03
03 Povijesna jezgra grada Krka The Old Town of Krk

to access on foot. It is a real pleasure to get out of a kayak and explore the otherwise inaccessible coast. The Island of Rab, Dugi Otok or the Long Island, and the Kornati Archipelago are only some of the islands you can explore in Croatia. Experienced world kayakers agree that this is indeed one of the most beautiful experiences you can have on the Mediterranean. The sea kayaking

season in Croatia starts in April and ends in autumn, which practically extends the tourist season. While most agencies rent kayaks or offer one-day kayaking tours, from Rab you can go on real expeditions that last up to 16 days. One such tour is kayaking from the Island of Rab to the Island of Cres. Paddling slowly, about a dozen kayakers are gliding in their elegant yellow kayaks across

01 Veslanje uz Goli otok Paddling along the Bare Island

02 Mirna plaža i uvala otoka

Sv. Grgur

A secluded beach and cove on the Island of Saint Gregory

03 Podno litica Plavnika

The cliffs of the Island of Plavnik

01 02

Morski kajak nastao je od kratkog sportskog kajaka koji pak vuče porijeklo od indijanskih laganih plovila prekrivenih kožom. Za razliku od kajaka na divljim vodama, morski je kajak žrtvovao pokretljivost za brzinu, pravocrtno kretanje, prostor za teret i komfor dugotrajne vožnje. On je stoga savršen za dugotrajne ekspedicije koje već stotinjak godina pustolovi pokreću preko svjetskih mora i oceana. Na tisuće ljudi danas rekreacijski obilazi neka od najljepših obala na svijetu, u turama od nekoliko sati do nekoliko tjedana. U svijetu su poznate destinacije Škotska, Aljaska, Kanada, a Hrvatska postaje sve traženije odredište.

The sea kayak comes from the short sports kayak, whose origin is traced to Native American light vessels covered with stitched animal skins. The design of sea kayaks sacrificed the mobility of white-water kayaks for speed, linear motion, cargo capacity, and long-haul comfort. This is why sea kayaks are perfect for long-distance expeditions that adventurers have gone on across the world’s seas and oceans for about a hundred years. Today, thousands of people kayak recreationally along some of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. Such tours can last a few hours or several weeks. Scotland, Alaska, and Canada are some of the world’s best known kayaking destinations, with Croatia's popularity increasing enormously in recent years.

the sea along the rugged coastline of the Island of Rab, above which a dense holm oak forest towers. There’s a steadfast, spirited symphony played by cicadas filling the kayakers' ears and echoing over distances of as much as a hundred metres, while their lungs are being filled by the intoxicating fragrance of medicinal Mediterranean herbs. Every now and then, the paddlers come across a deep cove with a small beach covered in large white pebbles and a bather or two enjoying themselves.

The kayakers finally arrive at the spacious coves of Lopar, one of the many on the north of Rab. Its soft sand, shallow waters, beautiful environment of sandstone rocks, halophyte plants, meadows, and forest have attracted many holidaymakers despite the fact that it lacks tourist infrastructure. This is exactly what kayakers are looking for − crystal clear waters and pristine nature, the chance to eat and sleep outdoors... Only footprints are left in Lopar. The sea kayak uses no oil, petrol or any other chemical, which makes it the most environmentally friendly surface vessel.

The following day, the kayakers paddle towards the Island of Saint Gregory (Sv. Grgur). It is a little-known fact that this big and rugged island was once a prison like the neighbouring and much more famous Bare Island (Goli Otok) used to be. Bunkers are camouflaged amidst its rocks and spread across the coastline at every few hundred metres − a reminder of the paranoia of the bygone era of Socialism. Instead of a prison, there’s a restaurant here now. It caters to all those who arrive by boat. The Island of Prvić is even more rugged and more terrifying. The sea kayakers pass, in silence, along its high, bare slopes which have been washed and eroded by the waves crashing against them

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for millennia. No other vessel could come that close to these rocks, and stay out of harm’s way. Every now and then, they come across a tiny oasis − a cove and a shingle beach. No sign of civilisation whatsoever although it’s the peak of the holiday season − what a massive advantage for kayakers. Making sure they use every second to enjoy the warm and clear sea, our foreign guests instantly plunge in. The group then paddles across the open sea heading for the Island of Krk; first the village of Stara Baška, and then the town of Krk. The landscape here

is gentler and wooded; the kind that many holidaymakers are already familiar with. The Oprna pebble beach is one of the island’s many gems. The next stop is the Konobe Naturist Campsite and the village of Punat, a famous tourist spot in a deep bay with a large marina. There’s an islet in the middle of the bay facing the village. It’s called Košljun, and is home to a Franciscan monastery where friars have been collecting and preserving many valuable artefacts for centuries. And then, at long last, there comes the town of Krk. They’ll be able to spot it from afar

thanks to the imposing walls of the Frankopan Castle. While the guides are replenishing supplies, the paddlers have time to tour the Old Town of Krk and its narrow, lively streets and alleys.

After several days of kayaking, the paddlers − their faces already tanned, and their T-shirts crusted with salt − arrive at the high cliffs of Plavnik, a big island sandwiched between the islands of Krk and Cres. It’s a nearly vertical, fractured mass of rock that ends with a patch of forest. First, pigeons fly over. Then kestrels and peregrine falcons appear, shrieking, before the magnificent Eurasian griffon vulture emerges. These massive vultures have found a perfect place for nesting on these inaccessible cliffs. This is a paradise for naturalists given that the islands of Plavnik and Cres are an important habitat for these rare birds, species which are endangered because of a lack of natural food sources and poisoning. It’s time to take a break after enjoying the sight of these birds, so the kayakers moor to smaller boats in a tiny cove. Plavnik is today an uninhabited island although there are a few old houses on it. Today used as holiday homes, they’re a testimony to what living life in seclusion looked like.

On their way to the Island of Cres, the kayakers are joined by a few dolphins. They first swim close to the surface before their dorsal fins start cutting through the water elegantly. These waters are home to a large population

01 Bjeloglavi sup leti nad grupom veslača A Eurasian griffon vulture flying over a group of kayakers 02 Zalazeće sunce obasjava otok Prvić The Island of Prvić bathed in the light of the setting sun
01 02
03 Dupin se voli pridružiti plovilima
Dolphins like to join kayakers

Rab, Dugi otok, Kornati samo su dio ogromnih mogućnosti, a iskusni svjetski kajakaši govore da je ovo jedno od najljepših iskustava na Mediteranu.

NIN has been a European destination of excellence since 2010 and The most romantic destination in Europe since 2015.

The Island of Rab, Dugi Otok or the Long Island, and the Kornati Archipelago are only some of the islands you can explore in Croatia. Experienced world kayakers agree that this is indeed one of the most beautiful experiences you can have on the Mediterranean.

Festival of

Magic that occurs and disappears 22nd August 2023.

of these adorable marine mammals. The closest contact anyone will have with them is while sea kayaking. The Island of Cres welcomes the kayakers with its even higher cliffs. Every now and then, a cove with a wild beach covered in wonderfully smooth pebbles appears. Such coves are largely completely isolated from the rest of the island by steep, wooded slopes or loose scree, and can only be reached by sea. What a spot to go for a swim on a scorching hot day!

In the evening, with the stars twinkling in the sky, the kayakers are enjoying a nice meal in a restaurant above the village of Beli, the last stop on this sea adventure. That afternoon they set up camp on the beach and are now having a farewell dinner party. The expedition is over. The next tour starts the next day, taking Australians, Americans, and other travellers from around the world to explore the charms and hidden gems of the Adriatic Sea and Croatia. 

We invite you to download the QR code and check out the new tourist brochure or research the information on the website www.nin.hr

Sand Marin Stulić

1244 otoka spremljena u boci

1244 Islands stored in a bottle

Marcel Proust je dobro znao da je jedan jedini okus dovoljan za čitav život uspomena. Sjećanje potaknuto okusom (ili mirisom) danas je znanstveno dokazana činjenica: jedan jedini gutljaj odvrtjet će dane i sate koje smo proveli na nekom mjestu, u nekom društvu, uz smijeh, uz druženje, uz radost života. Najbolji chefovi svijeta dobro znaju kakva se moć krije u okusu − posvećeni su upravo potrazi za sastojkom koji će izazvati emociju. Pokrenuti nešto. Inspirirati.

S tom smo idejom stvorili premium craft gin 1244 Islands. Broj označava broj otoka, otočića, stijeni i hridi hrvatskog arhipelaga. 1244 je više od broja: on označava našu želju da se u ovom ginu osjeti i ljepota i divljina hrvatske obale i njenih otoka. Jednostavnije rečeno, htjeli smo stvoriti piće koje će nas vraćati na hrvatske obale čim ga pomirišemo. I okusimo.

Tako je nastao gin 1244 Islands: iz želje da se u jednom piću spoje bogata baština i najbolje od prirodnih sastojaka kojima hrvatska obala obiluje. Većina je tih sastojaka birana i brana ručno pa se tako gin 1244 Islands diči ružmarinom i limunom s otoka Visa, lavandom s otoka Hvara, listovima maslina s otoka Brača, narančama iz delte Neretve, borovicama s Malog Lošinja. Tu su i drugi sastojci koji se rjeđe nalaze u destilatima, ali su našli svoje mjesto u 1244 Islands ginu: smilje s otoka Paga, anđelika s otoka Visa i diljem svijeta poznata sol s Pelješca.

Rezultat? Umjetničko djelo koje slavi Hrvatsku u čaši. I svi se sastojci savršeno povezuju i nadopunjavaju, za što je odgovoran majstor destiler Lavoslav Lutilsky iza kojeg su godine i godine iskustva upravo u stvaranju likera i destilata koji stvaraju i bude uspomene. Pridružite nam se u pustolovini ovoga ljeta i otisnite se s nama na putovanje hrvatskim otocima i otočićima, sačuvanima u boci. 

Marcel Proust knew well that one single taste is enough for a lifetime of memories. That memories can be triggered by taste (or smell) is today a scientifically proven fact. One sip alone will take you back to the days and hours you spent in a certain place, in someone’s company, laughing and enjoying life.

The best chefs in the world know very well what power taste has − they’re dedicated to finding ingredients that evoke specific emotions. Set something in motion. Inspire.

1244 označava broj hrvatskih otoka, otočića, stijena i hridi 1244 refers to the actual number of Croatia’s islands, islets, rocks, and cliffs
Gin 1244 Islands, umjetničko djelo koje slavi Hrvatsku u čaši 1244 Islands Gin, a work of art that celebrates Croatia in a glass 01 02

01 U ginu 1244 Islands osjeća se ljepota i divljina hrvatske obale i otoka

1244 Islands Gin contains the beauty and wilderness of Croatia’s coastline and islands

02-03 Sastojci su gina ružmarin, limun i anđelika s Visa, lavanda s Hvara, listovi maslina s Brača, naranča iz delte Neretve, borovice s Malog Lošinja, smilje s Paga i sol s Pelješca

1244 Islands Gin’s ingredients are rosemary, lemon, and angelica from Vis, lavender from Hvar, olive leaves from Brač, oranges from the delta of the Neretva River, juniper berries from Mali Lošinj, immortelle from Pag, and salt from Pelješac

It was with this idea in mind that we created our premium craft 1244 Islands Gin. The number 1244 is the actual number of islands, islets, rocks and cliffs that comprise Croatia’s archipelago. Yet, 1244 is more than just a number. It expresses our desire to have our gin contain both the beauty and wilderness of Croatia’s coastline and islands. Simply put, we wanted to create a drink that would take you back to Croatia’s shores as soon as you smelled it. And tasted it. This is how 1244 Islands Gin was born − out of the desire to bring together in one drink Croatia’s rich heritage and the best of nature’s ingredients that Croatia’s shores abound with. Most of the ingredients are carefully selected and hand-picked, which is why 1244 Islands Gin boasts rosemary and lemon from the Island of Vis, lavender from the Island of Hvar, olive leaves from the Island of Brač, oranges from the delta of the Neretva River, and juniper berries from Mali Lošinj. Our 1244 Islands Gin also boasts ingredients that are not as frequently used in distillates, ingredients such as immortelle from the Island of Pag, angelica from the Island of Vis, and the world-famous salt from Pelješac Peninsula.

The result? A work of art that celebrates Croatia in a glass. All the ingredients blend in with one another perfectly and complement each other brilliantly thanks to master distiller Lavoslav Lutilsky, who’s got years and years of experience precisely in crafting and designing liqueurs and distillates that create and evoke memories.

Join us in this summer’s adventure and set off on a journey with us to Croatia’s islands and islets stored in a bottle. 

01 02 03
/ Photos _ AV


Pogled na grad Zadar i obližnje otoke

The view of Zadar and nearby islands

Uživajte u svjetski poznatom paškom siru Enjoy the world famous Pag cheese

A. Gospić Svjetionik Veli rat na Dugom otoku The Veli rat lighthouse on the island of Dugi otok

Recite DA Zadarskoj županiji Say YES to the Zadar Region

Ako za svoj zasluženi odmor odaberete Zadarsku županiju, izabrali ste pravo mjesto! Tu ćete sigurno obnoviti svoju energiju, iscijeliti dušu i tijelo te pročistiti um! Uživajte u zdravoj i, posjetite neki od predivnih, mirnih i čarobnih otoka ili budite aktivni u netaknutoj i zadivljujućoj prirodi zadarske regije!

If you choose the Zadar region for your well-deserved vacation, you have chosen the right place! You will surely renew your energy, heal your body and soul, and purify your mind! Enjoy healthy and delicious local food and intoxicating wine, visit one of the beautiful, peaceful and magical islands or be active in the pristine and stunning nature of the Zadar region!

Recite DA hrani i piću

Mediteranska prehrana nezaobilazna je osnova i ovdašnje kuhinje. Riba, školjke i drugi plodovi mora, preliveni maslinovim uljem, u najribarskijoj regiji Dalmacije obavezan su dio jelovnika. Paški, svjetski nagrađivani sir nude svi restorani, a na otoku Pagu možete posjetiti i sirane. Uz sir odlično idu neka od opojnih vina, koja se tu uzgajaju više od 3000 godina. Pravi sladokusci moraju probati peku - klasičnu hobotnicu ili teletinu s krumpirom i povrćem, a paška janjetina je i pod pekom već nadaleko poznata.

Recite DA otocima

Čudesni svijet zadarskih otoka područje je neotkrivenih ljepota, bistrog mora i nedirnute prirode. Stotinu otoka, otočića i hridi, koji se pružaju u četiri niza paralelno s obalom, najrazličitijih oblika i veličina, nastanjeni ili pusti, turistički razvijeni ili neotkriveni. Ovo je područje idealno za sve vrste aktivnosti na moru i pod morem, bilo da ih otkrivate trajektom ili jedrilicom. Unutrašnjost otoka može se najbolje upoznati šetnjama pješačkim i biciklističkim stazama; a plavetne uvale, otočiće ili čak skrivene špilje otkrijte u vožnji kajakom ili SUP-om.

Recite DA aktivnostima

Bez obzira na to vozite li se biciklom na dva kotača, planinarite, splavarite niz brzake rijeke, penjete se po stijeni ili testirate ravnotežu na vodi - regija ima nešto za vas.

Brojne biciklističke rute ovdje nude uzbuđenje i prvorazrednu ugodnu rekreaciju. Na usluzi su vam biciklističke karte, aplikacija i niz certificiranih servisa, rentova, agencija i smještaja za ljubitelje bicikliranja.

Za ljubitelje pješačenja i planinarenja također pregršt staza! Lungo mare šetnice u primorskim mjestašcima idealne su za završetak dana. Za one ambicioznije najpoznatija planinarska destinacija na ovom području zasigurno je Nacionalni park Paklenica, a nudi ponešto za svakoga - od laganih do zahtjevnih staza.

Ili istražite spektakularni kanjon i vodopade rijeka Zrmanje i Krupe, i to kanuom ili raftom!

Say YES to Activities

Whether you’re bicycling, hiking, rafting down river rapids, rock climbing or testing your balance on the water, the region has something for you.

Numerous cycling routes offer recreation and firstclass excitement. There are cycling maps, an app with off-line guidance, certified services, rentals, agencies, and bike friendly accommodation at your service.

Say YES to Food and Wine

The Mediterranean diet is the indispensable basis of the local cuisine. Fish, shellfish and other seafood, covered with olive oil, are a must-try in the region famous for its world-class fishermen. One of Croatia’s best delicaciesPag’s world-award-winning cheese is offered by all restaurants. Pair it with wonderful wines which have been cultivated here for more than 3000 years. Real gourmands must try „peka“ dish - classic octopus or veal with potatoes and vegetables, or famous Pag’s lamb.

Say YES to the Islands

The wonderful Zadar archipelago is an area of undiscovered beauty, clear sea and untouched nature. This area is ideal for all kinds of activities at or under the sea, wether you come by ferry or a saining boat. The interior of the island can be best explored by hiking and biking trails, as well as blue bays, islets or even hidden caves on a SUP or kayak.

For those loving walking and hiking, there are also a handful of trails! Lungo mare promenades in coastal towns are ideal for a sunset stroll. For the more ambitious, the most famous hiking destination in this area is certainly the Paklenica National Park which offers something for everyone - from easy to demanding hiking trails. Or explore the spectacular canyon and waterfalls of the Zrmanja and Krupa rivers by canoe or raft!

A. Gospić Opustite se u prirodi Relax in the nature


Iovog će ljeta po jedanaesti put Bol na Braču postati središnje mjesto okupljanja muralista, grafitera, hip-hop (trap) glazbenika i brojnih mladih željnih druženja i dobrog provoda u jednom od najljepših mjesta na Jadranu. Riječ je o festivalu Graffiti na gradele, koji je prošlo ljeto obilježio 10 godina rada, a koji glasi za najveće i najpoznatije događanje takvog tipa u Hrvatskoj i susjedstvu. U Bol od 26. do 30. srpnja stižu najaktivniji i najpoznatiji domaći i strani muralisti i grafiti umjetnici, a bolske ljetne večeri užarit će vodeća imena domaće trap scene − Vojko V, Hiljson Mandela, 30 Zona, Bore Balboa i mnogi drugi bendovi i DJ-i.

Festivalski program podijeljen je u dva dijela − dnevni i večernji, a lokacije odr-

žavanja festivala smještene su oko bivšeg hotelskog kompleksa Bijela kuća te u 585 Club. Dnevni program bit će rezerviran za brojne radionice i edukacije za sve uzraste, zabavne i rekreativne aktivnosti, oslikavanje murala i grafita te jednostavno uživanje na prekrasnoj festivalskoj plaži uz glazbu, dobro društvo i hladna pića. Glavni dio večernjeg programa održat će se 28. i 29. srpnja, kada će kroz dvije večeri više od 10 trap izvođača izaći pred publiku i zabavljati ih do sitnih sati, a riječ je o zaista vodećim imenima toga žanra u Hrvatskoj i susjednim zemljama.

Specifičnim i drugačijim programom, ali i jedinstvenom lokacijom na jadranskom otoku, Graffiti na gradele i Bol na Braču prometnuli se u jednu od zanimljivijih i popularnijih festivalskih destinacija.

01 Apstraktni mural, umjetnik Casino An abstract mural by artist Casino

02 Umjetnica Tea Jurišić u pauzi oslikavanja murala

Artist Tea Jurišić during a break from painting a mural

01 02
PIŠE/BY __ Marko Boko FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS __ Marko Lopac

Riječ je o zanimljivom spoju ulične i suvremene umjetnosti, modernih zvukova i tradicionalnog turističkog okružja, koji posjetiteljima i gostima nudi drugačiju vrstu programa, koju čak i ne očekuju u turističkom mjestu poput Bola. Graffiti na gradele ove se godine održava i u znaku obilježavanja sto godina turizma u Bolu. Simbol Jadrana i hrvatskog tu rizma Bol na Braču tako od početka ove godine raznim aktivacijama, događanjima i manifestacijama obilježava ovu važnu obljetnicu za hrvatski turizam. Graffiti na gradele, koji već jedanaestu godinu za redom na otok dovodi razne umjetnike i posjetitelje, definitivno je jedan od kota čića u cjelokupnoj priči bračkog turizma, čime se organizatori izrazito ponose, a ovu priliku koriste i da vas sve pozovu u mjesto s najlipšom plažom na svitu.

The town of Bol on the Island of Brač will, for the eleventh time, become the hub of mural art, graffiti art, and hip-hop and trap music, a place that draws in many young people eager to have fun in one of the most beautiful places on the Adriatic this summer.

The Graffiti On The Grill festival, which last year celebrated its 10th anniversary, is considered the biggest and most famous event of its kind in Croatia and the region. From 26th to 30th July, the town of Bol will be hosting the most active and famous local and foreign muralists and graffiti artists, while the evenings will be set on fire by the biggest names of the local trap music scene, including Vojko V, Hiljson Mandela, 30Zona, Bore Balboa, and many other bands and DJs.

The festival’s programme is divided into two parts, a daytime and an evening part, and will take place in the former White House (Bijela Kuća) hotel complex, and the 585 Club. During the day, you’ll be able to attend many workshops and educational programmes intended for all ages, get involved in fun and recreational activities, paint murals and graffiti, or simply enjoy the stunning festival beach while dancing to good music, and enjoying good company and cold drinks.

The festival will reach its climax on 28th and 29th July, when a line-up of more than 10 trap music performers and some of the biggest names of the trap music scene in Croatia and the region will be entertaining the audience into the wee hours.

56 CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2023 kvarner region tourist board 51410 opatija, nikole tesle 2, t +385 (0)51 272 988, e kvarner@kvarner.hr “kvarner info - adriatic gate”, t +385 (0)51 623 333, 628 888, e info@kvarner.hr www.kvarner.hr
© S. Tariba

Have a wonderful stay in the Kvarner Region

Diversity is beautiful

© F. Heuer © P. Lupić © A. Pavela © L. Bašić © F. Heuer © P. Lupić © A. Pavela © F. Heuer © F. Heuer © M. Eršte © M. Eršte

Mediteranski joie de vivre u Opatiji

Mediterranean Joie de Vivre in Opatija

Maštate li o nezaboravnom odmoru u mediteranskoj oazi koja vam je nadohvat ruke? U Opatiji i na Liburnijskoj rivijeri možete ispuniti svoj san i uživati u neponovljivom duhu Mediterana! Ova šarmantna rivijera dugačka 15 kilometara smještena je u Kvarnerskom zaljevu na sjeveru Hrvatske te je popularna destinacija za najljepše trenutke odmora i zabave.

Ako svaki dragocjeni trenutak odmora želite ispuniti nezaboravnim doživljajima, zaputite se u jedan od omiljenih hotela na Liburnijskoj rivijeri. Liburnia Hotels & Villas nude neponovljivo iskustvo u svojim hotelima, vilama, apartmanima i kampu, koji su smješteni na idealnoj lokaciji, okruženi morem s jedne strane i bogatom vegetacijom obližnje planine Učke s druge strane. Odaberite odmor po svojoj mjeri − upijajte zrake sunca na plaži, opustite se u wellnessu, uživajte u gastro delicijama,

stvorite nezaboravne obiteljske uspomene ili aktivno istražite ljepote destinacije. U Opatiji vas očekuje posebna atmosfera koja je neodoljivi spoj povijesnih i modernih vizura. Posebnim šarmom odišu povijesni hoteli smješteni u samom centru Opatije. Među tim čuvarima izvornog duha Liburnijske rivijere ističe se secesijska ljepota Hotela Palace Bellevue, impozantna arhitektura Heritage Hotela Imperial te neoklasicistička romantika Hotela Kvarner, ujedno i najstarijeg hotela na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Doživite bezvremensku ljepotu povijesnih hotela uz posebnu ponudu Opatija Heritage Experience te uživajte u jutarnjem ritualu Isadora Duncan, čajanci u Café Imperial i koktel brunchu u Café Strauss.

U Hotelu Ambasador iskusite odmor s pet zvjezdica uz bogate wellness i gastro sadržaje. Uživajte u unutarnjem i vanjskom bazenu, velikom wellness centru koji se proteže na 1300 m2 i fine-dining restoranu Cubo. Otkrijte posebnu ponudu Opatija Delights, koja omogućuje opuštanje u Hotelu Ambasador uz kušanje lokalnih delikatesa te upoznavanje Opatije i njezine okolice. Iskusite mediteranski joie de vivre i doživite najljepše trenutke na čarobnoj Liburnijskoj rivijeri! Isplanirajte svoj odmor iz snova već danas. Više o ponudama saznajte na www. liburnia.hr ili pozivom rezervacijskom centru Liburnia Hotels & Villas na telefonski broj +385 51 710 444.

Are you dreaming of an unforgettable holiday in a Mediterranean oasis that is at your fingertips? Make your dreams come true in Opatija and on the Liburnia Riviera and enjoy the area’s unique Mediterranean flair! Located along the coast of Kvarner Bay in the northern Adriatic, this enchanting 15-kilometre-long riviera is a popular destination for a relaxing and fun-filled stay. If you want your visit to be full of precious moments and unforgettable experiences, choose from some of the most popular hotels on the Liburnia Riviera. Liburnia Hotels & Villas offer a great holiday experience in their hotels, villas, apartments and campsite, all in that ideal location between the sea and the lush vegetation of nearby Mount Učka. Choose the holiday that suits you best − soak up the sun on the beach, relax in the wellness centre, savour culinary delights, create unforgettable family memories, or actively explore the destination.

Liburnia Hotels & Villas

Opatija will welcome you with its special atmosphere, combining tradition with modernity in an irresistible way. The historic hotels in the centre of the town exude the special charm of the Liburnia Riviera. Particularly impressive are the secession-style decor of Hotel Palace Bellevue, the magnificent architecture of Heritage Hotel Imperial, and the neoclassical romanticism of Hotel Kvarner, the oldest hotel on the eastern Adriatic coast. Experience the timeless beauty of historic hotels with our Opatija Heritage Experience special offer and enjoy the Isadora Duncan morning ritual, teatime at Café Imperial, and cocktail brunch at Café Strauss.

Iskoristite promo kod CROATIAAIR10 i rezervirajte paket Opatija Heritage

Experience u Hotelu Palace Bellevue 4*,

Heritage Hotelu Imperial 4* i Hotelu Kvarner 4* te paket Opatija Delights u Hotelu Ambasador 5* uz 10 %popusta* za boravke u periodu 01.07. − 23.12.2023.*

Use promo code CROATIAAIR10 and book the package Opatija Heritage

Experience in Hotel Palace Bellevue 4*,

Heritage Hotel Imperial 4*, and Hotel Kvarner 4* and the package Opatija Delights in Hotel Ambasador 5* with a 10% discount for the stays in the period 1 July − 23 December 2023.*

* Sukladno raspoloživosti. Popust nije moguće primijeniti na već snižene cijene.

Subject to availability. The discount cannot be redeemed against purchases of packages and deals that are already discounted.

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Dalmatinska kuhinja dio je mediteranske prehrane, koja slovi za jednu od najzdravijih i najukusnijih na svijetu. Glavno su obilježje lokalne, sezonske i svježe namirnice pripremljene na jednostavan način te obogaćene samoniklim začinskim biljem. S obzirom na bogatu povijest i kulturu, gastronomsko nasljeđe ovoga kraja priča priče o minulim vremenima i velikim narodima koji su ovdje ostavili svoj trag − od Osmanskog Carstva, Austro-Ugarske pa sve do Venecije i Francuske.

Artičoke, blitva, biži, bosiljak, bob, brudet, buzara, fažol, filana paprika, inćuni, janjetina, jastog, kadulja, kamenice, kapula, kupus, lešada, lignje, majčina dušica, masline, morski plodovi, pašticada, peka, pršut, riba na gradele, ružmarin, sir, soparnik, srdele, tikvice i tuna samo su neki od nezaboravnih okusa koji se ljeti nalaze na dalmatinskim stolovima, a mnogi bi se složili da su maslinovo ulje i dobra šalša od lokalnih rajčica početak i kraj svega jer su temelj nebrojeno mnogo recepata.

Dalmatinski vinari zadnjih su nekoliko desetljeća postali prave zvijezde regionalne gastronomske scene jer od mnoštva lokalnih sorti grožđa rade vina svjetski priznate kvalitete, a maslinova ulja iz ove regije slove za neka od najcjenjenijih na svijetu.

Stories, Croatian Unique Hotels nude autentičnu lokalnu priču kroz jedinstveno gourmet iskustvo. Adriana Hvar Spa Hotel, Heritage Hotel Bastion, briig boutique hotel, Martinis Marchi Heritage Hotel i Vestibul Palace dalmatinski su članovi


ove renomirane kolekcije te svaki na svoj način goste upoznaju s bogatom gastronomskom baštinom Dalmacije. Svi zajedno pletu mrežu prepunu nezaboravnih mirisa, boja, okusa i tekstura Dalmacije. www.storiescroatia.com

Dalmatian cuisine is a Mediterranean diet, which is reputed to be one of the healthiest and tastiest in the world. Local, seasonal, and fresh foods prepared in a simple way and seasoned with wild herbs are its distinctive feature. Given its rich history and culture, Dalmatia’s culinary heritage tells many stories of the past and of the great peoples that left their mark here, including the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Republic of Venice, and the French Empire.

Artichokes, Swiss chard, peas, basil, broad beans, fish stew called brudet , seafood alla buzara , beans, mince-stuffed peppers, anchovies, lamb, lobster, sage, oysters, onion, cabbage, a boiled fish or meat dish called lešada , squid, thyme, olives, seafood, a braised beef dish called pašticada , meat or fish roasted under the bell called peka , prosciutto, grilled fish, rosemary, cheese, Swiss chard filled savoury pie called soparnik , sardines, zucchini, and tuna are just some of the unforgettable flavours that you’ll find served in summer in Dalmatia. What’s more, many would claim that olive oil and a good šalša sauce made from local tomatoes are the alpha and omega of all cooking given that the two form the very basis of countless recipes.

Dalmatia’s winemakers have in recent decades become real stars of the region’s food and dining scene, given that they make wines of world-renowned quality from the many local varieties of grape, while the region’s olive oils rank as some of the best in the world.

Stories, Croatian Unique Hotels create authentic local stories through exceptional gourmet experiences. Adriana Hvar Spa Hotel, Bastion Heritage Hotel, Briig Boutique Hotel, Martinis Marchi Heritage Hotel, and Vestibul Palace Hotel are the Dalmatian members of this renowned collection of hotels, each of which introduces its guests to Dalmatia’s rich culinary heritage in its very own and unique way. Together, they weave a web of the unforgettable smells, colours, tastes, and textures of Dalmatia. www.storiescroatia.com

01 Restoran Martinis Marchi, Maslinica, otok Šolta Martinis Marchi Restaurant, Maslinica, Island of Šolta
02 Restoran Val Marina, Hvar, otok Hvar Val Marina Restaurant, Hvar, Island of Hvar

Neizostavni dio splitskog đira

A must-stop spot in Split


Kombinirajući lokalne i tradicionalne recepte s modernim tehnikama pripreme namirnica, restoran Median u briig boutique hotelu u Splitu idealno je mjesto za gurmane koji su ujedno i ljubitelji dizajna. Biraju samo najsvježije sezonske sastojke kako bi svaki zalogaj bio prava rapsodija okusa, a svaki dolazak nezaboravan doživljaj za sva osjetila.

Prostrana terasa hotela briig, koji se nalazi iznad kultne plaže Bačvice, neizostavan je dio splitskog đira i omiljeno mjesto lokalnih šmekera, koji ovamo dolaze zbog bogate ponude signature koktela, ukusne kave i kolača te jedinstvene atmosfere i dobre glazbe.



By preparing local and traditional dishes using modern cooking methods and techniques, briig boutique hotel’s Median Restaurant in Split is a perfect place for hedonists and design lovers alike. They select only the freshest seasonal ingredients to make sure that each bite is a real rhapsody of flavours, and that each visit is an unforgettable experience for all your senses.

Overlooking Split’s iconic Bačvice beach, the spacious terrace of briig boutique hotel is a must-stop spot during your tour of Split, and a place popular with local aficionados, who frequent it because of its rich selection of signature cocktails, delicious coffee and cakes, brilliant atmosphere, and good music.

01 Crna pasta s grdobinom i vongolama Squid ink pasta with monkfish and clams
02 01
02 Restoran Median, briig butique hotel, Split Median Restaurant, briig boutique hotel, Split

UNESCO nematerijalna kulturna baština

UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

ADRIANA SPA HOTEL, RESTORAN VAL MARINA, HVAR Mediteranska prehrana otoka Hvara nalazi se na UNESCO-ovu popisu nematerijalne kulturne baštine. Smješten na hvarskoj gradskoj šetnici, restoran Val Marina nudi umijeće prave mediteranske gastronomije. Najukusnije kulinarske delicije san su svakog gurmana koji cijeni umjetnost slow fooda


The Mediterranean diet served on the Island of Hvar is on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Located on Hvar’s town promenade, the Val Marina Restaurant serves authentic Mediterranean foods and dishes. Each and every hedonist who appreciates the art of slow food dreams of tasting the most delicious culinary delicacies.

01 Buzara od morskih plodova Seafood alla buzara
01 02
02 Restoran Val Marina, Adriana Hvar Spa Hotel, Hvar, otok Hvar Val Marina Restaurant, Adriana Hvar Spa Hotel, Hvar, Island of Hvar

Izgubljeni recepti Zadra

Zadar’s lost recipes


Vizija restorana Kaštel počiva na namirnicama i proizvodima koji pričaju priču o kulturi te tradiciji grada Zadra i njegove okolice. Bilo da je riječ o domaćem siru, maslinovom ulju ili vinu, cilj je uvijek savršeni balans jednostavnosti i svježine popraćen jedinstvenim, nezaboravnim kulinarskim iskustvom.

Konstantna težnja za savršenim spojem hrane i vina, oživljavanje izgubljenih recepata Zadra na moderan i atraktivan način, kuhinja koja je inspirirana strašću za jedinstvenim aromama koje su nekad bile sastavni dio dalmatinske obiteljske kulture − to je ono što čini Kaštel restoranom s jedinstvenim kulinarskim identitetom.


The vision of Kaštel Restaurant rests on ingredients and products that tell the story of the culture and tradition of the city of Zadar and its surroundings. Whether it is homemade cheese, olive oil or wine, achieving a perfect balance between simplicity and freshness accompanied by a unique, unforgettable culinary experience is their goal.

Continually striving to pair food and wine as perfectly as possible, bringing back to life Zadar’s lost recipes in a modern and attractive way, cuisine inspired by their passion for unique flavours that were once an integral part of Dalmatian family culture − this is what makes Kaštel a restaurant whose culinary identity is unique.

01 Tartar od tune Tuna tartare
01 02
02 Restoran Kaštel, Heritage Hotel Bastion, Zadar Kaštel Restaurant, Bastion Heritage Hotel, Zadar

Čar dalmatinske kuhinje

The charms of Dalmatian cuisine

01 Teleći file s kremastim celerom i muškatnim oraščićem u umaku od pečenja Veal fillet on a bed of creamed celery, nutmeg, and gravy

02 Restoran Magnus, Vestibul Palace Hotel, Split Magnus Restaurant, Vestibul Palace Hotel, Split


Smješten unutar palače iz 3. stoljeća, restoran Magnus nudi proizvode lokalnih OPG-a poput voća i povrća iz Kaštela, sireva iz Dugopolja, svježu ribu sa splitske peškarije, mesne proizvode iz Dalmatinske zagore te visokokvalitetno vino renomiranih hrvatskih vinarija.

Kako bi svojim gostima otkrili sve čari dalmatinske kuhinje, u Vestibulu nude mogućnost zajedničkog odlaska u nabavku hrane na obližnju tržnicu i peškariju te pripremu jela s kuharom. Za one koji žele jedinstveni gastronomski doživljaj u srcu Splita, večera poslužena na Vestibulu − simbolu Dioklecijanove palače zasigurno je nezaboravno iskustvo.



Located inside a palace dating from the 3rd century, the Magnus Restaurant offers products from local family farms, such as fruits and vegetables from Kaštela, cheeses from Dugopolje, fresh fish from Split’s fish market, meat products from the countryside of Dalmatia’s Zagora, and high-quality wine from renowned Croatian wineries. To be able to discover all the charms of Dalmatian cuisine, Vestibul Palace Hotel gives their guests the opportunity to accompany their chef to the nearby farmers’ and fish market, and then to the kitchen while he’s preparing their meal. Dinner served at Vestibul, a symbol of Diocletian’s Palace in the very heart of Split, will surely be a truly unique and unforgettable gastronomic experience.

01 02

Jednostavnost savršene dalmatinske kuhinje

The simplicity of perfect Dalmatian cuisine


Ulaskom u restoran Martinis Marchi započinje osjetilno putovanje na kojem se strast za visokokvalitetnim lokalnim proizvodima i kuhinjom susreće s besprijekornom uslugom u cijelom objektu, stvarajući tako trenutke potpunog uživanja. Svježe ulovljena riba, maslinovo ulje, vino i domaći otočki med omiljeni su sastojci za pripremu vrhunskih, jedinstvenih, izdašnih jela u ovom restoranu nadahnutom Mediteranom.


As soon as you enter Martinis Marchi Restaurant, your sensory journey begins. Accompanied by impeccable service, their passion for high-quality local products and cuisine creates amazing moments of absolute culinary pleasure.

Fresh fish, olive oil, wine, and honey harvested on the island are the chef’s favourite ingredients with which unique, mouth-watering, hearty dishes are prepared in this restaurant inspired by the Mediterranean.

02 01
01 Brunch u restoranu Martinis Marchi Brunch at the Martinis Marchi Restaurant 02 Martinis Marchi Heritage Hotel, Maslinica, otok Šolta Martinis Marchi Heritage Hotel, Maslinica, Island of Šolta


latnosti kao i privatni sektor. Zdravstveni turizam kompleksno je područje jer je puno više od same zdravstvene usluge. Ovaj oblik turizma sastoji se od nekoliko segmenata: lječilišnog, termalnog, wellness i medicinskog turizma. Za razvoj ove vrste turizma važni su prirodni činitelji, ali i društveni. Osnovni oblici prirodnih oblika liječenja jesu klimatoterapija, talasoterapija i balneoterapija.

Briga ljudi za vlastito zdravlje danas je veća nego ikada. Zdravstveni turizam definira se kao pružanje zdravstvenih usluga dijagnostičkih i terapijskih postupaka, zdravstvene njege te postupka medicinske rehabilitacije, uz mogućnost korištenja prirodnih ljekovitih činitelja te uz pružanje ugostiteljskih usluga ili usluga u turizmu. Zdravstveni je turizam interdisciplinarno područje, a trendovi produljenja životnog vijeka i orijentacija prema zdravom životu pridonose potencijalu rasta ovoga područja, koje može u budućnosti postati jedan od glavnih motiva putovanja. Zdravstvene usluge u sklopu turizma pružaju zdravstvene ustanove, trgovačka društva za obavljanje zdravstvene dje-

Iako zdravstveni turizam zvuči marketinški i tržišno, zdravstvo je uvijek bilo socijalna kategorija i nikada ne smije biti u potpunosti prepušteno tržištu jer je riječ o društvenoj i civilizacijskoj tekovini. Medicinski je turizam poseban uži segment zdravstveno-turističke ponude koji je orijentiran na pružanje specijalističkih medicinskih usluga i zahvata (usluge dentalne medicine, estetske medicine, oftalmologije, ortopedije, onkologije, neurokirurgije i dr.). U oblikovanju i u promidžbi zdravstvenog turizma važno je podjednako uključiti preventivne i kurativne programe. Medicina danas dobiva novo značenje u životima zdravih ljudi. Ekonomska održivost u zdravstvenom turizmu mora biti kompatibilna s ekološkim i sociokulturnim načelima održivosti. U prošlosti su ljudi radi zdravstvenih usluga putovali iz manje razvijenih zemalja u razvijenije, a sada je to zbog manjih troškova obrnuto. Turizam je u svim svojim oblicima više ili manje uvijek obavljao neki oblik zdravstvene funkcije. U Hrvatskoj je duga tradicija zdravstvenog turizma i seže još u antičko doba. Stoga je Hrvatska prepoznala potencijal koji razvoj zdravstvenog turizma ima te je on danas jedan od strateških razvojnih ciljeva i u sferi zdravstva i u sferi turizma.

Taj oblik turizma danas je trend u cijelom svijetu. U odnosu na druge zemlje Hrvatska ima značajne komparativne prednosti: povoljnu klimu i pogodan zemljopisni položaj, prirodne ljepote, prepoznatljivost i konkurentnost. Svemu tome pridonosi i nedavni ulazak Hrvatske u eurozonu i schengenski prostor.

Iako su mnoge toplice u Hrvatskoj postojale još u antici, većinom su obnovljene tijekom 19. stoljeća i otada se koriste u zdravstvene i lječilišne svrhe, tako da je zdravstveni turizam, uz vjerski i hodočasnički turizam, prvi oblik turizma u tadašnjoj Hrvatskoj. Naša prva turistička mjesta na moru (Opatija, Lovran, Crikvenica, Hvar, Lošinj i dr.) i ona na

U Hrvatskoj
turizma Croatia’s
of health
01 Crikvenička rivijera Crikvenica
PIŠE/BY akademik / academician Zvonko Kusić
je duga
long tradition

kopnu (Varaždinske Toplice, Krapinske Toplice, Lipik, Daruvar) bila su ponajprije odredišta zdravstvenog turizma. Stručno pružanje zdravstvenih usluga u renomiranim institucijama danas je u Hrvatskoj na najvišoj međunarodnoj razini. Hrvatska je također visoko sigurna zemlja. Veliku ulogu ima bogatstvo prirodnih ljekovitih činitelja, što je veliki nacionalni kapital i stoga je nužna njihova stalna djelotvorna zaštita.

Zdravstveni turizam smatra se proizvodom visoke dodane vrijednosti koji pruža mogućnost razvoja cjelogodišnjeg turizma, s naglaskom na održivost. Za njegov razvoj važna su ulaganja ponajprije iz fondova EU-a. Za razvoj ovog oblika turizma potrebna je posebna suradnja Ministarstva turizma i sporta i Ministarstva zdravstva, kao i drugih ministarstava, lokalne i regionalne samouprave, sustava turističkih zajednica, pružatelja usluga, kao i šire društvene zajednice. U Hrvatskoj su sada stvoreni zakonski i podzakonski preduvjeti za pružanje zdravstvenih usluga u zdravstvenom turizmu. Također je važno poticati hrvatsku dijasporu na poslovni interes u okviru zdravstvenog turizma. U nastojanjima da se komercijaliziraju slobodni kapaciteti javnog zdravstvenog sustava bitna je zaštita javnog interesa građana Hrvatske i njihova prava na cjelovitu zdravstvenu zaštitu kao javnog dobra. U posljednje vrijeme aktualni su post-covid programi namijenjeni onima koji su preboljeli koronavirus. Posebno su važni preventivni programi očuvanja zdravlja. Zdravstveni turizam može se kombinirati s mediteranskom prehranom koja se nalazi na UNESCO-ovoj listi nematerijalne kulturne baštine, a dokazan je njezin preventivni učinak na pojavu različitih bolesti.

Uzimajući u obzir sve predispozicije, Hrvatska zaslužuje afirmirati se i pozicionirati kao autentična, prvorazredna, atraktivna turistička destinacija zdravstveno-rekreativnog tipa, odnosno kao destinacija zdravlja. 

People care about their health today more than ever. Health tourism is defined as the provision of diagnostic and therapeutic services, healthcare and rehabilitation medicine services, in which the use of natural healing resources, and the provision of hospitality and tourism services are optional and an added value.

Health tourism is an interdisciplinary field of activity. Trends in the field of human longevity and our orientation towards a healthy life contribute to the growth potential of health tourism, which may become one of the main reasons for travel in the future. The health services that health tourism offers are provided by both public and private health institutions. Health tourism is a complex type of tourism because it encompasses much more than a set of health services. This form of tourism consists of several segments: spa, thermal, wellness, and medical tourism. For the development of this type of tourism, both natural and social factors are important. The basic forms of natural therapy are climatotherapy, thalassotherapy, and balneotherapy.

Although health tourism sounds as if it’s marketing- and market-driven, healthcare has always been a social category, and must never be completely left to the market because it’s a societal and civilisational legacy. Medical tourism is a special, narrower segment of health tourism which is orientated towards the provision of specialist medical services and procedures (the services of dentistry, aesthetic medicine, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, oncology, neurosurgery, etc.). In designing and promoting health tourism, a balance between preventive and curative programmes is important. Medicine today has taken on a new meaning in the lives of healthy people. The economic sustainability of health tourism must be compatible with the environmental and sociocultural principles of sustainability.

In the past, when people travelled for health services it was from less developed countries to more developed ones, while today it’s the other way around thanks to the cost of health services.

Tourism in all its forms has more or less always performed some form of health function. Croatia has a long tradition of health tourism dating back to ancient times. In other words, Croatia has recognised the potential of health tourism and its development, and today health tourism is one of the strategic development goals in the spheres of both healthcare and tourism. This form of tourism has today become a trend all over the world. Compared to other countries, Croatia has significant comparative advantages: a favourable climate, a convenient geographical position, natural beauty, a recognisable identity, and competitiveness. Croatia’s recent entry into

the Eurozone and the Schengen Area also contribute to all of this.

Although Croatia has boasted many thermal spas and public baths since antiquity, most were renovated during the 19th century. They have been used for health and healing purposes since then, which makes health tourism, besides religious and pilgrimage tourism, the first form of tourism in Croatia at that time. Croatia’s first seaside resorts (Opatija, Lovran, Crikvenica, Hvar, Lošinj, etc.) and mainland resorts (Varaždinske Toplice, Krapinske Toplice, Lipik, Daruvar) were first and foremost health tourism des tinations. The provision of health services in renowned institutions is today in Croatia at the highest international level. Croatia is also a very safe country. A wealth of natural healing resources is Croatia’s great national capital, which is why such resources require our effective protection at all times.

Health tourism is considered a product of high added value which facilitates the development of year-round tourism with an emphasis on sustainability. EU-funded investments are important for its devel opment. The development of this form of tourism requires special collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the Ministry of Health, other relevant minis tries, local and regional governments, tourist boards, service providers, and the wider community. Croatia has introduced both primary and secondary legislation necessary for the provision of health services in health tourism. It is also important to encourage the Croatian diaspora to show business interest in health tourism. In efforts to com mercialise the free capacities of Croatia’s public healthcare system, it is important to protect the interest of the public and the right of Croatian citizens to the provision of comprehensive healthcare as a public good. Post-Covid-19 programmes intended for those who have recovered from the coronavirus disease have been generating a lot of interest lately. Preventive healthcare programmes are particularly important. Health tourism can be enriched with the Mediterranean diet, which is on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and whose preventive effect on the onset of different diseases has been well documented. Croatia has what it takes to assert and position itself as an authentic, first-class, attractive health and recreational tourism destination, that is, as a health destination.

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Zdravstveni turizam je prioritet

Health tourism a priority

PIŠE/BY Nikolina Brnjac, ministrica turizma i sporta / minister of tourism and sports

Zdravstveni turizam jedan je od najbrže rastućih oblika turizma u svijetu i jedan od vodećih motiva turističkih putovanja. Uz kvalitetno i educirano medicinsko osoblje, hrvatska ponuda zdravstvenog turizma temelji se na vrhunskoj kakvoći zraka i vode, bogatim termalnim izvorima i ljekovitom blatu i drugim resursima, čiji su potencijal prepoznali još stari Rimljani. Hrvatska je već prepoznata kao zemlja kvalitetnog zdravstvenog turizma, no dodatnim razvojem i ulaganjima želimo našim gostima ponuditi još više.

Vlada Republike Hrvatske prepoznala je zdravstveni turizam kao okosnicu razvoja cjelogodišnjeg i regionalno uravnoteženog turizma, koji je jedan od osnovnih strateških ciljeva na putu prema održivosti. Kako bismo uistinu iskoristili sve

potencijale koje Hrvatska ima, za razvoj održivog turizma osigurali smo financijska sredstva u vrijednosti od čak 1,3 milijarde eura.

Kroz Strategiju razvoja održivog turizma do 2030. godine te Nacionalni plan razvoja održivog turizma, razvoj zdravstvenog turizma definiran je kao prioritet koji planiramo ostvariti kroz termalne rivijere u kontinentalnom dijelu Hrvatske, klimatsko-zračne terme i talasoterapiju na obali. Vjerujemo da će uz raznovrsnu i kvalitetnu ponudu iz područja zdravstvenog, lječilišnog i wellness turizma strani i domaći turisti moći istinski uživati u svim bogatstvima koje im Hrvatska nudi tijekom cijele godine.

Health tourism is one of the fastest growing forms of tourism in the world, and one of the main reasons for travel. Besides high-quality, educated medical staff, Croatia’s health tourism product is based on top-quality air and water, rich thermal springs and healing mud, and other resources, whose potential was recognised as early as Ancient Rome. Croatia is already recognised as a country of quality health tourism, but with further development and investments we want to offer our guests even more.

The Government of the Republic of Croatia recognised health tourism as the backbone

of the development of year-round and regionally balanced tourism, which is one of the main strategic goals on our way to sustainability. To truly take advantage of all the potential that Croatia has, we have secured financial resources worth as much as 1.3 billion euros for the development of sustainable tourism.

The Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy Until 2030, and the National Sustainable Tourism Development Plan of the Republic of Croatia define the development of health tourism as a priority which we plan to achieve through the development of thermal resorts in the continental part of Croatia, climatic spas, and thalassotherapy on the coast. We believe that, thanks to our diverse and high-quality offer in the field of health, spa and wellness tourism, foreign and domestic tourists will be able to truly enjoy all the riches that Croatia has to offer them throughout the entire year.

Zdravstveni turizam

važan za razvoj cjelogodišnjeg turizma

Health tourism essential for development of year-round tourism

Hrvatska uživa status kvalitetne, raznovrsne i održive turističke destinacije što je, između ostalog, rezultat bogate resursne osnove koja našu zemlju svrstava u sam vrh turističkih destinacija Mediterana. U tom kontekstu do posebnog izražaja dolazi zdravstveni turizam kao jedan od potencijalno najjačih hrvatskih turističkih proizvoda, koji u našoj zemlji ima dugu povijest i tradiciju.

U Hrvatskoj turističkoj zajednici ovaj turistički proizvod prepoznajemo i kao jedan od najvažnijih elemenata u uspješnom produljenju turističke sezone, odnosno

Nikolina Brnjac

razvoju cjelogodišnjeg turizma. Hrvatske destinacije koje su otišle najdalje u razvoju zdravstvenog turizma nisu samo one na obali nego i one u unutrašnjosti naše zemlje pa ovaj proizvod možemo sagledavati i kao jedan od glavnih pokretača turističkog razvoja hrvatskih kontinentalnih regija.

Kao zemlja i destinacija imamo sve komparativne prednosti za daljnji razvoj zdravstvenog turizma − dobru reputaciju zdravstvenih usluga, kvalificirano osoblje, prirodne ljepote te povoljnu klimu i dugu tradiciju u turizmu. Vizija i ciljevi daljnjeg razvoja zdravstvenog turizma integrirani su i u Strategiju razvoja održivog turizma do 2030. godine, kao i u novi Strateški marketinški i operativni plan hrvatskog turizma, a tu su i brojne zakonske izmjene i dopune koje potiču daljnje investicije i ulaganja u razvoj zdravstvenog turizma u Hrvatskoj. 

Croatia enjoys the status of a high-quality, diversified, and sustainable tourist destination, thanks to, amongst other things, rich resources that rank Croatia as one of the best tourist destinations in the Mediterra-

nean. In this regard, health tourism stands out as one of Croatia’s potentially strongest tourism products, which has a long history and tradition in our country.

The Croatian National Tourist Board recognises this tourism product as one of the key elements that facilitates the successful extension of the tourist season or the development of year-round tourism. Croatian destinations that have gone the farthest in the development of health tourism are not only those on the coast, but also those on Croatia’s mainland. In other words, this tourism product can be viewed as one of the main drivers of the development of tourism in Croatia’s continental regions. As a country and a destination, Croatia has all the comparative advantages that facilitate the further development of health tourism − reputable health services, qualified staff, natural beauty, a favourable climate, and a long tradition of tourism. The vision and goals of the further development of health tourism are integrated into the Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy

Until 2030, as well as into the new Strategic Marketing and Operational Plan for Croatian Tourism. There are also the numerous legal

amendments that encourage further investments in the development of health tourism in Croatia. 


Naručivanje zdravstvene usluge u vodećim privatnim ustanovama u svega nekoliko koraka − ZagrebMed.com

Booking medical services in leading private healthcare institutions in just a few steps − ZagrebMed.com

387 5702 www.zagrebmed.com

osmislili smo platformu ZagrebMed. Pacijenti kroz ZagrebMed u svega nekoliko klikova odabiru željenu zdravstvenu uslugu, ali i sve dodatne usluge kao što je organizacija putovanja, smještaja i transfera. Naša je uloga za pacijente kreirati 100% personalizirane ponude i to bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova − navodi Ivan Rendulić, začetnik inicijative ZagrebMed, te dodaje: Misija ZagrebMeda jest omogućiti pacijentima uvid u ponude zdravstvenih usluga te im ugovoriti odgovarajuće liječenje u najkraćem roku. Po odabiru medicinske ustanove i dogovora liječenja organiziramo i putovanje i boravak pacijenta u Zagrebu.

ZagrebMed interaktivna je digitalna platforma koja omogućuje pacijentima korištenje medicinske usluge na jednostavan i siguran način. Platforma ZagrebMed objedinjuje ponudu ključnih klinika, poliklinika i specijalnih bolnica koje posluju na području Zagreba, a namijenjena je pacijentima iz Hrvatske, regije i svijeta.

Jedinstven projekt najboljeg suvremenog digitalnog rješenja kakve koriste najrazvijenije zemlje svijeta podržala je Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba. Time je prema svijetu iz Zagreba pokrenuta ponuda zdravstvenog turizma koja će Zagreb pozicionirati kao centar medicinske izvrsnosti. Korisnicima platforme na raspolaganju je više od 200 zdravstvenih usluga u 10 renomiranih zdravstvenih ustanova.

Ključan partner projekta jest Croatia Airlines, nacionalni zračni prijevoznik, koji će pacijentima koji se odluče za dolazak na liječenje u Zagreb te rezerviraju medicinsku uslugu putem platforme ZagrebMed omogućiti posebne pogodnosti na letovima.

Sve ostale potrebe pacijenta kao što su transferi, smještaj i izleti organizirat će Obzor putovanja, jedan od partnera projekta. − Platforma ZagrebMed omogućuje jednostavno i sigurno naručivanje zdravstvenih usluga u renomiranim privatnim ustanova u Zagrebu kroz automatizirani digitalni proces. Putovanje radi zdravlja stresan je proces za pacijente, bilo iz Hrvatske ili inozemstva, a kako bismo taj proces pojednostavili,

Istražite mogućnosti platforme ZagrebMed registracijom na www.zagrebmed.hr i ostvarite posebnu pogodnost za sve putnike Croatia Airlinesa − cjelokupne pakete s medicinskom uslugom, povoljnijom avio kartom i smještajem u Zagrebu. 

ZagrebMed is an interactive digital platform which helps patients to use medical and healthcare services in Zagreb in a simple and safe way.

The ZagrebMed platform brings together the medical services of key clinics and hospitals operating in the Zagreb area, and can be used

II. Vrandučka ulica 4, Zagreb hospitality@zagrebmed.com +385 99 Zagreb

by patients coming from any part of Croatia, the region, and the world.

This unique project, which has been supported by the Zagreb Tourist Board as well, utilises modern digital solutions used by the most developed countries in the world. By presenting Zagreb’s health tourism to the world, ZagrebMed is looking to position Zagreb as a healthcare centre of excellence. Over 200 healthcare services in 10 renowned healthcare institutions are available to users of the platform.

Croatia Airlines, Croatia’s flag carrier, is a key project partner. More specifically, Croatia Airlines’ passengers who travel to Zagreb for medical and healthcare purposes, and who book a medical service on the ZagrebMed platform will be offered special benefits. All other patient needs, such as transfer, accommodation, and excursion arrangements, will be taken care of by Obzor Holidays, another key project partner.

− The ZagrebMed platform helps you book healthcare services in renowned private healthcare institutions in Zagreb in a simple and safe way by using an automated digital platform. Travelling for medical purposes is often a stressful process for patients regardless of whether they’re travelling from within Croatia or coming from abroad, which is why the ZagrebMed platform is so helpful. To simplify this process, ZagrebMed helps patients select not only their desired health service in just a few clicks, but also any additional service they might need, such as travel, accommodation, and transfer arrangements. Creating 100% personalised offers for patients without any additional cost is what we do − says Ivan Rendulić, the founder of the ZagrebMed platform, adding that the mission of ZagrebMed is to provide patients with an insight into the healthcare services on offer, and to arrange the treatment that patients need as soon as possible. Once the medical institution has been selected and treatment arranged, ZagrebMed takes care of patient travel and accommodation arrangements in Zagreb as well. To explore the options that the ZagrebMed platform offers to Croatia Airlines’ passengers, register for free on www.zagrebmed.com and choose one of the medical packages, including treatment, discounted airfare and accommodation in Zagreb.

Poliklinika Analiza Lab

Analiza Lab Polyclinic

Poliklinika Analiza Lab osigurava sve krvne i laboratorijske pretrage na jednome mjestu, bez naručivanja, gužvi i čekanja, s nalazima dostavljenim isti dan putem e-maila.

Osigurali smo i popuste za umirovljenike od 10% te trajne popuste kroz karticu vjernosti MojLab, a vaši mališani dobivaju diplomu za hrabrost.

U sklopu poliklinike djeluje i ordinacija medicine rada , čija je zadaća smanjenje opasnosti i štetnosti na radu, pregledi za vozače, lovce i radna mjesta.

Analiza Lab usko surađuje sa Sesvete Medic Centrom gdje se mogu obaviti UZV, operacije i konzervativno liječenje štitnjače koje obavlja dr. Tomislav Novosel. 

Analiza Lab Polyclinic offers all blood and laboratory tests in one place. No appointment needs to be made, there’re no crowds and no waiting, and your results are emailed to you on the same day. We’re offering a 10% discount to pensioners, have a permanent discount plan for all MojLab loyalty card holders, and issue certificates of bravery to children.

Occupational medicine services are also offered at an office that operates within the polyclinic, including the reduction of potential hazards in the workplace, the provision of medical examinations required for driver’s and hunting licences, and pre-employment and employment medical check-ups.

Analiza Lab closely collaborates with the Sesvete Medic Centre and Tomislav Novosel, MD, thyroid surgeon, where you can do

ultrasound diagnostic, hormone treatment and undergo thyroid surgery.

Kašinska 27d, Sesvete, Zagreb info@poliklinika-analizalab.hr

+385 1 2045 515


Poliklinika Bagatin Bagatin Clinic

Ul. Grada Vukovara 269a/10, Zagreb Frana Folnegovića 1c/1, 10000 Zagreb Kranjčevićeva

+38 1 4610 225 www.poliklinikabagatin.hr

Spakirali ste kofere, dobro raspoloženje i označili što sve trebate posjetiti na svojem odmoru? Na listu svakako dodajte i Polikliniku Bagatin − omiljenu destinaciju za ljepotu. Renomirana poliklinika smještena u Zagrebu i Splitu jedna je od vodećih u regiji u području estetske kirurgije, dermatologije i stomatologije, a u više od 25 godina rada može se pohvaliti s više od 60.000 zadovoljnih pacijenata, među kojima su i brojne hrvatske zvijezde. Tim vrhunskih stručnjaka predvode dr. Tomica Bagatin i dr. Dinko Bagatin − braća i popularni hrvatski kirurzi koji će isplanirati vaš individualan put do željenog izgleda. Osvježite i revitalizirajte svoju kožu uz provjerene metode pomlađivanja i vratite se s godišnjeg odmora s najljepšim osmijehom i predivnim uspomenama. P.S. Nemojte zaboraviti koristiti kremu za sunčanje, poručuju dermatolozi Poliklinike Bagatin! 

You’ve packed your bags, you’re in a good mood, and you’ve created your travel itinerary. Be sure to add Bagatin Clinic to it − a popular beauty destination. With offices in Zagreb and Split, the renowned clinic is one of the leaders

45/1, 21000 Split info@bagatin.hr

in the region in aesthetic plastic surgery, dermatology, and dentistry. The clinic takes great pride in having treated more than 60,000 satisfied patients, including many Croatian stars, during the course of 25 years. The clinic’s team of top experts is led by Tomica Bagatin, MD, and Dinko Bagatin, MD − brothers and popular Croatian surgeons who’ll help you plan an individualised path to your desired look. Refresh and revitalise your skin using proven rejuvenation treatments, and return home from your holiday with the most beautiful smile and wonderful memories. PS Don’t forget to use sunscreen, Bagatin Clinic’s dermatologists advise. 

Poliklinika Holistera

Polyclinic Holistera

Poliklinika Holistera u tri se godine postojanja sa 1600 klijenata nametnula kao regionalni centar intergrativne medicine. Malo gdje i u Europi na jednome mjestu možete dobiti zaokruženi program integrativnih metoda liječenja. Naši su klijenti oboljeli uglavnom od malignih i kroničnih bolesti, ali dolaze i zdravi, u cilju unapređenja zdravlja. Usluge nudimo kroz onkoprograme koji uključuju hipertermiju, terapiju ozonom i terapiju visokim dozama C vitamina. Odnedavno je kod nas moguća primjena imunoterapije karcinoma dendritičnim vakcinama. Imamo antistresne, detoksikacijske

i anti-age programe. Barokomora, moćna metoda za revitalizaciju organizma, poboljšanje kondicije i brži oporavak od ozljeda i napora, dio je naše ponude. Akupunktura, biorezonanca, moderni tretmani protiv bolova vode se pod nadzorom anesteziologa. Veliku pažnju posvećujemo edukaciji u obliku radionica na temu prevladavanja stresa. Psihoterapijsko savjetovanje kao neizostavni dio integrativnog pristupa budi veliki interes naših klijenata. Rezervirajte termin! 

In its three years of existence, Polyclinic Holistera has established itself as a regional centre of integrative medicine that looks after 1,600 clients. Only few places in Europe offer a comprehensive programme of integrative therapy methods in one place. Our clients are mostly patients diagnosed with malignant and chronic diseases, although some are clients in good health who come to us wanting to improve their health. Our services include oncology patient programmes, such as hyperthermia treatments, ozone therapy, and high dose vitamin C therapy. Dendritic cell vaccines have recently also become available as a form of cancer immunotherapy. We also offer anti-stress, detoxification, and anti-aging programmes, and hyperbaric chamber therapy, a powerful method of revitalising the body, of improving fitness, and of promoting faster recovery from injuries and exertion. Acupuncture, bioresonance, and modern pain relief therapy are conducted under the supervision of an anaesthesiologist. We’re dedicated to learning all there is to learn about managing and reducing stress.

Specijalna bolnica Sv. Katarina

St. Catherine Specialty Hospital

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an indispensable part of our integrative approach, which has been generating much interest with our clients. Be sure to book an appointment! 

Specijalna bolnica Sv. Katarina europski je centar izvrsnosti koji na jednom mjestu paci jentima osigurava najsuvremeniji dijagnostič ki, terapeutski i rehabilitacijski pristup. Bolnica je nositelj najznačajnije svjetske akreditacije u području zdravstva, Gold Seal of Approval®, koju izdaje vodeća svjetska akreditacijska institucija u zdravstvu, Joint Commission International (JCI), čime je postala prva hrvatska zdravstvena institucija za koju je JCI utvrdio da radi sukladno najboljim svjetskim zdravstvenim standardima. Sv. Katarina službena je bolnica hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije i Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbora, u kojoj se liječe vodeći svjetski sportaši. Bolnica je nastavna baza nekoliko medicinskih fakulteta, partner je institucija University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, izraelske biotehnološke korporacije Bonus BioGroup, njemačke bolnice Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, a u suradnji s Mayo Clinic i International Society for Applied Biological Sciences organizira svjetski prepoznatljive znanstvene događaje iz područja personalizirane medicine, u čijem radu sudjeluju dobitnici Nobelove nagrade. 

St. Catherine Specialty Hospital is a European centre of excellence that provides patients with a cutting-edge approach to diagnostics, therapy, and rehabilitation in one place. The

Branimirova 71E, Zagreb info@svkatarina.hr + 385 1 2867 400 www.svkatarina.hr Hermana Bužana 6, Zagreb info@poliklinikaholistera.hr
+385 97 7097 475 www.poliklinikaholistera.hr

hospital holds the Gold Seal of Approval®, a prestigious international accreditation in the field of healthcare issued by the world’s leading accreditation institution in healthcare, the Joint Commission International (JCI). This makes St. Catherine Specialty Hospital the first Croatian healthcare institution accredited by the JCI, which attests to the fact that the hospital meets the highest healthcare standards in the world. As the official hospital of the Croatian National Football Team and the Croatian Olympic Committee, St. Catherine Specialty Hospital is where the world’s leading athletes are treated. The hospital is a teaching base of several medical schools, and a partner institution of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the Israeli Bonus BioGroup biotechnology company, and Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin in Germany. In collaboration with the Mayo Clinic and the International Society for Applied Biological Sciences, the hospital organises world-renowned science events in the field of personalised medicine, in whose work Nobel Prize winners are involved.

Poliklinika Medikol

Medikol Polyclinic

stručne naobrazbe naših zdravstvenih djelatnika čini Polikliniku Medikol zdravstvenom ustanovom koja je prepoznata u široj zajednici po kvaliteti i sveobuhvatnoj zdravstvenoj skrbi pacijenata. Tomu u prilog svjedoči podatak da je u 2022. kroz Polikliniku Medikol prošlo 101.357 pacijenata, odnosno da je obavljeno 346.629 medicinskih postupaka.

− Pravovremenost je iznimno važna kako u dijagnostici tako i u daljnjoj terapiji pacijenata, stoga je naša misija, poštujući europske standarde struke, omogućiti što dostupniju i kvalitetniju zdravstvenu uslugu bez čekanja - kaže Ivanka Trstenjak-Rajković, dr. med. spec., ravnateljica Poliklinike Medikol. 

Medikol Polyclinic is one of the leading private healthcare institutions in Croatia. Founded almost 30 years ago, Medikol Polyclinic first opened in Čakovec, now has branch offices in 5 cities (Zagreb, Rijeka, Osijek, Čakovec, Split) and is present at eight locations. We have developed and now provide 16 different medical activities, although diagnostic procedures remain our core business.

Thanks to our highly trained health professionals, Medikol Polyclinic is recognised by the wider community as a healthcare institution that offers quality and comprehensive healthcare services to its patients. This is evidenced by the fact that, in 2022 alone, 101,357 patients passed through Medikol Polyclinic, and that 346,629 medical procedures were performed.

− Timeliness is extremely important both in diagnostics and in the further treatment of patients. Our mission, while adhering to the European standards of the profession, is to make high-quality healthcare services as accessible as possible without waiting lists − says Headmistress Ivanka Trstenjak-Rajković, MD. 

europskih centara za liječenje karcinoma. U liječenju karcinoma koristi se stereotaksijska radiokirurgija gdje se visokim dozama fotonskog zračenja tumor uništava submilimetarskom preciznošću, bez rezova i krvi te uz minimalne posljedice po okolno zdravo tkivo. Također koriste i hibridnu kirurgiju kao kombinaciju klasične kirurgije i radiokirurgije.

Specijalna bolnica ima najsuvremenije dijagnostičke uređaje potpomognute umjetnom inteligencijom, a pored toga koristi i dva linearna akceleratora najnovije generacije − Varian Edge i CyberKnife S7, koji omogućuju liječenje raznih oblika karcinoma. Liječnici Radiochirurgije Zagreb najviše su ponosni na rezultate liječenja lokalno uznapredovalog inoperabilnog karcinoma gušterače, za koji trenutno imaju najbolje svjetske rezultate u smislu preživljavanja pacijenata.

Special Hospital Radiochirurgia Zagreb is today a leading cancer treatment centre in the region and Europe. Tumours are treated with stereotactic radiosurgery, in which high doses of photon radiation are used to destroy tumours with submillimetre precision, without incisions or blood, and with minimal impact on the surrounding healthy tissue. Similarly, Special Hospital Radiochirurgia Zagreb also does hybrid surgery, which is a combination of classical surgery and radiosurgery. Special Hospital Radiochirurgia Zagreb has at its disposal state-of-the-art tumour diagnostic and treatment equipment that uses artificial intelligence. In addition, the hospital also boasts two linear accelerators of the latest generation − specifically, Varian Edge, and


+385 1 400 8050

Voćarska 106, Zagreb info@medikol.hr + 385 72 12 12 12 www.medikol.hr

Poliklinika Medikol među vodećima je privatnim zdravstvenim ustanovama u Hrvatskoj.

Osnovana prije gotovo 30 godina, Poliklinika Medikol je od prve lokacije u Čakovcu danas zastupljena u pet gradova − Zagrebu, Splitu, Rijeci, Osijeku i Čakovcu, i to na osam lokacija.

Razvili smo 16 različitih zdravstvenih djelatnosti, ali dijagnostičke pretrage i dalje su naša temeljna djelatnost. Visoki stupanj

Specijalna bolnica

Radiochirurgia Zagreb

Special Hospital

Radiochirurgia Zagreb

Specijalna bolnica Radiochirurgia Zagreb danas je jedan od vodećih regionalnih i


dr. Franje Tuđmana 4, Sveta Nedelja info@radiochirurgia.hr

CyberKnife S7 − which help the treatment of different types of tumour. The doctors at Radiochirurgia Zagreb are most proud of their treatment results of locally advanced inoperable pancreatic cancer − their treatment has given the best results in the world in terms of patient survival rate.

Poliklinika Rident

Rident Polyclinic

Poliklinika Rident regionalni je lider dentalnog turizma, a pružanje vrhunske, interdisciplinarne dentalne usluge utkano je u 20 godina tradicije.

Prepoznatljivosti Ridenta pridonijeli su mnogobrojni, pretežito talijanski pacijenti, priznanje IMTJ za najbolju međunarodnu dentalnu polikliniku 2017. te priznanja EMT za najorganiziraniju dentalnu polikliniku za grupe pacijenata 2021. i 2022. godine. Kontinuirana edukacija djelatnika kao imperativ rasta, implementacija novih tehnologija te sustav upravljanja kvalitetom po ISO normi 9001:2015 recept su za uspjeh koji je prepoznala i Adria Dental Grupa, čija je Rident članica od lipnja 2022. godine. Interdisciplinarni tim Rident grupe broji 200 zaposlenika: doktora dentalne medicine, specijalista, dentalnih asistenata i tehničara. Uz 38 ordinacija u poliklinikama u Rijeci i Poreču Rident je danas najveća dentalna poliklinika u regiji.

Rident Polyclinic is a regional leader in dental tourism with 20 years of experience in the provision of top-quality, interdisciplinary dental services.Thanks to our many, predominantly Italian patients, Rident Polyclinic was recognised by the International Medical Travel Journal as the best international dental polyclinic in 2017, and by the European Medical Tourism conference as the most well organised dental polyclinic for groups of patients in 2021 and 2022. Continuing employee education as an imperative for growth, the implementation of new technologies, and a quality management system based on the ISO 9001:2015 standard are a recipe for success, which has also been recognised by the Adria Dental Group, which Rident Polyclinic joined in June 2022. Rident Polyclinic’s interdisciplinary team counts 200 employees: dentists, specialists, dental assistants, and technicians. With 38 dental offices in Rijeka and Poreč, Rident is today the biggest dental polyclinic in the region.

Poliklinika Rotim

Equipped with state-of-the-art medical diagnostic and treatment technology, Rotim Polyclinic is a diagnostic and rehabilitation centre, where patients are given a diagnosis, and where specific therapy and rehabilitation options are explored and recommended − in one visit, in one place. Our services are provided by top specialists in our neurosurgery, orthopaedics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurology, radiology, anaesthesiology, and aesthetic medicine clinics. Similarly, there’s no waiting list for our magnetic resonance examinations, which gives excellent results thanks to the help of artificial intelligence. Rotim Polyclinic employs only top-class, world-renowned doctors, and dedicated medical professionals under the leadership of Prof. Krešimir Rotim, PhD, MD, a neurosurgery specialist, and Cecilija Rotim, PhD, CEO of Rotim Polyclinic.

Rotim Polyclinic Specijalna

Poliklinika Rotim kao dijagnostički i rehabilitacijski centar opremljena je najmodernijim uređajima i tehnologijom za dijagnostiku i liječenje te time osigurava svojim pacijentima da jednim posjetom, na jednoj adresi, dobiju dijagnozu i preporuku za konkretno liječenje te mogućnost rehabilitacije. Pacijenti mogu koristiti usluge vrhunskih stručnjaka u ambulantama neurokirurgije, ortopedije, fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije, neurologije, radiologije, anesteziologije i estetske medicine. Također, pacijenti mogu bez čekanja obaviti pregled magnetskom rezonancijom, koja daje vrhunske rezultate zahvaljujući korištenju umjetne inteligencije.

51 648

Poliklinika Rotim okuplja isključivo vrhunske, svjetski poznate liječnike te predano medicinsko osoblje pod vodstvom prof. dr. sc. Krešimira Rotima, dr. med., spec. neurokirurgije, te dr. sc. Cecilije Rotim, ravnateljice poliklinike. 

Klinika Svjetlost pokretač je oftalmološkog napretka. Zahvaljujući laserskom skidanju dioptrije i operacijama mrene progledalo je više od 200.000 očiju. U Svjetlosti u Zagrebu, Splitu, Sarajevu i Budvi za cjelokupnu oftalmološku uslugu brige o zdravlju vaših očiju na raspolaganju stoji 80 iskusnih oftalmologa. Svakom pacijentu i problemu

Franje Čandeka 39, Rijeka info@rident.hr +385
900 www.rident.hr Miramarska cesta 24, Zagreb info@rotim.hr +385 91 6164 270 www.rotim.hr
za oftamologiju
Svjetlost Eye Clinic Svjetlost


U šest godina djelovanja, Radiochirurgia Zagreb izrasla je iz poliklinike u specijalnu bolnicu i jedan od vodećih regionalnih i europskih centara za liječenje karcinoma.

Naš stručni tim za liječenje karcinoma koristi nekoliko metoda od kojih je jedna stereotaksijska radiokirurgija. Ova metoda predstavlja značajan pomak u liječenju karcinoma, a njezina posebnost je u tome što se liječenje obavlja visokoenergetskim zrakama i omogućuje da se doze zračenja submilimetarskom preciznošću isporučuju izravno u tumor, bez korištenja klasične kirurške opreme, bez rezova i bez krvi, uz minimalan utjecaj tretmana na okolno zdravo tkivo i organe. Također, najčešće nema potrebe da ostajete u bolnici jer nakon tretmana odmah možete ići kući.

Za radiokirurgiju smo opremljeni linearnim akceleratorima Varian Edge i CyberKnife S7, linearnim akceleratorom koji omogućuje liječenje karcinoma uz pomoć umjetne inteligencije. Ponajviše se koristi za primarne tumore i metastaze u glavi, toraksu i abdomenu, a za čije se liječenje upravo CyberKnife S7 trenutno smatra vrhuncem svjetske tehnologije. U ovom smo trenutku jedna od deset ustanova u Europi koja u liječenju svakodnevno koristi oba najsuvremenija radiokirurška sustava.

Osim ovih uređaja, na raspolaganju imamo vrhunski opremljenu onkološko-kiruršku dvoranu uz pomoć koje smo prvi u ovom dijelu Europe u praksu uveli suvremenu adaptivno-hibridnu kirurgiju koja kombinira klasičnu kirurgiju s radiokirurgijom te nam omogućuje postizanje optimalnih rezultata liječenja.

Uz sve navedeno, naši pacijenti mogu na najmodernijim CT i MR uređajima napraviti probir tj. screening pregled koji može otkriti karcinom prije pojave samih simptoma.

Hrvatska je u samom vrhu europskih država po broju preminulih od karcinoma, a pravovremeno otkrivanje ključno je za uspješno liječenje ove opake bolesti.

Pozivamo vas da se za svoje zdravlje pobrinete već danas.

CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2023 81 +385 01 400 8050 / info@radiochirurgia.hr / www.radiochirurgiazagreb.com

pristupa se individualno, a o stručnosti i znanju najviše govore preporuke više od 600.000 pacijenata. Zvjezdani status Klinike Svjetlost prepoznale su mnoge hollywoodske zvijezde poput

Tima Rotha, Esaija Moralesa, Franca Nera, Armanda Assantea, premium intraokularnih leća opet imaju odličan vid na svim udaljenostima. Specijalna bolnica za oftalmologiju Svjetlost edukacijski je i referentni centar najpoznatijih svjetskih farmaceutskih kompanija kao što je Johnson & Johnson te Schwind Eye Tech Solutions, s kojima rade na razvoju najnovijih tehnologija i uređaja za lasersko

Eye Clinic Svjetlost is a world-wide recognized market leader in Eye doctors from Svjetlost have performed over 200 000 surgeries, restoring sight and quality of life.

Eye Clinics Svjetlost in Zagreb, Split, Sarajevo and Budva provide comprehensive eye care with over 80 eye doctors. Each patient and their issues are addressed on an individual level, as a testament of their expertise over 600 000 patients have undergone

Hollywood movie stars, such as Tim Roth, Esai Morales, Franco Nero, and Armand Assante, have recognized the stardom status of Svjetlost Eye Clinic − after they’ve had cataract surgery and premium intraocular lenses implanted, their sight has been fully restored, and they can now see clearly at any distance. Svjetlost is an education and reference center of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, such as Johnson & Johnson, and SCHWIND Eye-Tech-Solutions, with whom they work on the development of the latest, state-of-the-art technologies and equipment for laser and cataract surgery. 


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A'MARIE već godinama vrlo vješto jednostavne modele čini ženstvenima i lako nosivima, čineći svaki komad savršenom ravnotežom stila i održivosti.

A'MARIE odjeća satkana je od snova.

For years, A’MARIE has been skilfully making simple designs feminine and easy to wear, making sure that each piece achieves a perfect balance between style and sustainability. A’MARIE garments are woven from dreams.

meki japanski organski pamuk koji je u najboljem svjetlu predstavio A’ DENIM kolekciju. Za kolekciju kupaćih kostima, u potpunosti proizvedenu od recikliranog materijala, tu je ECONYL®, koji prati i činjenica da je proizveden na zero waste način, u suradnji s lokalnim poduzećem koje koristi visokokvalitetne boje, uz minimalnu potrošnju vode i struje i tinte. Koriste se, naravno, i teksture materijala poput organskog pamuka te materijala od recikliranih vlakana.

Svaka A'MARIE kolekcija izrađena je lokalno, u Zagrebu, i u bližoj okolici, a svaki je model pakiran u biorazgradive vrećice za višenamjensku uporabu. Poseban je fokus i na organskom i opuštenom osjećaju koju svaka kolekcija pruža, kao i na dodavanju zanatskog dodira u svaki komad odjeće koji izađe iz A'MARIE radionice. Upravo zato svaki komad odjeće i nakita priča svoju priču.


sezonskih kolekcija, preko A' DENIMA pa sve do ljetne kolekcije kupaćih kostima − kaže modna dizajnerica Anamarija Brkić. Nadahnuta današnjim užurbanim životom, objedinjuje materijale koji donose udobnost, prilagodljiv dizajn te boje koje su capsule, ali i statement dijelovi svakog ormara. No to je samo dio zbog kojeg ćete A'MARIE obožavati, ali i moći u potpunosti prilagoditi svojem stilu. Svaka se kolekcija zauzima za bezvremenski pristup dizajnu, osiguravajući da svaki komad ostane nosiv i u godinama koje dolaze. Svaka kolekcija s preciznošću i posebnošću uvodi nas iz dana u noć, iz sezone u sezonu, a opet većina je nosiva i kroz cijelu godinu. A'MARIE kolekcije dostupne su na A'MARIE stranici i u A'MARIE dućanu u Gundulićevoj 19, u Zagrebu. 

Kolekcije A'MARIE kreirane su tako da ženama istovremeno pruže osjećaj samopouzdanja i opuštenosti, ali i svestranosti jer su nosive kroz cijeli dan, svaki dan, na mnogo načina te kroz mnoge sezone. Kao predvodnik održive mode u Hrvatskoj, koji izbor materijala prilagođava najnovijim tehnologijama te podiže svijest o ekološkoj održivosti, A'MARIE ostaje vjeran visokokvalitetnim, samoodrživim tkaninama poput MicroModala, materijalu koji se dobiva iz stabla bukve. Tu je zatim divan,

− Zadovoljna sam što sam sa svakom našom kolekcijom uspjela stvoriti odjeću za svaku ženu koja plovi kroz dan, a kojoj je prije svega bitna udobnost, ali i stil. Ideja svake kolekcije, pa tako i one kupaćih kostima, jest da je ona nosiva od jutra do večeri, naravno uz dodatke kupaćim kostimima. I uvijek stvaram odjeću koja ostaje zauvijek. Stvaranje takvih polivalentnih odjevnih predmeta u kojima je žena zadovoljna stvar je održivosti koja se provlači svakom našom kolekcijom, ali i cijelim brendom A’MARIE. U to vjerujemo i tako radimo za svaku kolekciju − od našeg BASICa,

A’MARIE collections are created to give women not just a feeling of confidence and relaxedness, but also versatility because A’MARIE pieces can be worn all day, every day, in many different ways, and throughout many seasons. As a leader in sustainable fashion in Croatia that makes sure that only the latest technologies are used in the production of the textiles and fabrics that the brand chooses to work with, and that raises awareness about environmental sustainability, A’MARIE has remained loyal to high-quality, sustainable fabrics, such as MicroModal, a fabric made from the pulp of beech trees. Then there’s the wonderful, soft Japanese organic cot-

PIŠE/BY __ Zelda Vrdoljak FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS __ Senja Vild Bijela bluza Ema, crne hlače Tulip, bijele naušnice Posy White Ema blouse, black Tulip pants, white Posy earrings Tamnozelena svilena haljina Muse, naušnice Pink Bloom Deep green Muse satin dress, Pink Bloom earrings

Kolekcije A'MARIE nosive su kroz cijeli dan, svaki dan, na mnogo načina te kroz mnoge sezone.

A’MARIE pieces can be worn all day, every day, in many different ways, and throughout many seasons.

ton, which puts the spotlight on the brand’s A’DENIM collection as perfectly as possible. A’MARIE’s swimwear collection is made from ECONYL® Regenerated Nylon in whose production the principles of the zero waste philosophy are used in collaboration with local companies using high-quality dyes, and consuming as little water, electricity, and dye as possible.

Each A’MARIE collection is produced in Zagreb or its surroundings, and each garment is packaged in biodegradable multi-purpose bags. Each collection focuses on creating an organic and relaxed feeling, and on adding an artisanal touch to every piece of clothing that comes out of A’MARIE’s studio. This is precisely why each piece of clothing and jewellery tells its very own story.

− I’m happy that, with each of my collections, I’ve managed to create clothes for all women to be able to sail through the day, for all women who value and appreciate comfort and style above all else. The idea behind every collection, including the swimwear collection, is that it can be worn throughout the entire day, with swimwear needing a few accessories, of course. I always create pieces that are timeless. The

Bijela bluza Esti Macrame, crne hlače Ninja White Esti Macrame blouse, black Ninja pants
Pelerina Ruwa, denim traperice Blair, naušnice Pink Bloom Ruwa pelerine, Blair denim jeans, Pink Bloom earrings
Bež haljina Manja Beige Manja dress

A’MARIE is a leader in sustainable fashion in Croatia that makes sure that only the latest technologies are used in the production of the textiles and fabrics that the brand chooses to work with, and that raises awareness about environmental sustainability.

creation of such versatile garments in which women feel good is a matter of sustainability which is woven into not only each of my collections, but also the A’MARIE brand as a whole. We believe in this, and this is how we design each of our collections, including our BASIC, seasonal, A’DENIM, swimwear or any other collection − says fashion designer Anamarija Brkić.

Inspired by today's busy lifestyle, all of A’MARIE’s pieces are statement pieces made of comfortable fabrics in different colours whose design is versatile, which helps women build a capsule wardrobe. But this is only a part of the story that will make you adore A’MARIE. Each collection takes a timeless approach to design, ensuring that you can wear each piece for years to come. Each collection takes you from day to night, from season to season with precision and uniqueness, and most pieces can be worn throughout the entire year.

A’MARIE collections are available online on A’MARIE’s website, and in the A’MARIE store at no. 19 Ivan Gundulić Street in Zagreb. 

A'MARIE je predvodnik održive mode u Hrvatskoj, koji izbor materijala prilagođava najnovijim tehnologijama te podiže svijest o ekološkoj održivosti.
Crna jakna Gya, crne hlače Tulip Black Gya jacket, black Tulip pants
A’MARIE store Gundulićeva ulica 19 10 000 Zagreb www.amarie-fashion.com



Slijećete li u Međunarodnu zračnu luku Zagreb 9. ili 10. rujna, sletite ravno na krošnju drva svijeta i niz njegovo deblo uronite u svijet zaboravljenih priča i narodnih bajki. Perunfest, festival zaboravljenih priča i narodnih predaja u Donjoj Lomnici, udaljen je tek tri i pol kilometra od ruba zagrebačke sletne piste.

If you happen to land at Zagreb

International Airport on 9th or 10th September, be sure to land directly on top of the Tree of Life, and then climb down its trunk and into the world of forgotten stories, and folk and pagan tales. Perunfest, a festival of forgotten stories and folk tales, is held in the village of Donja Lomnica, which happens to be as little as three and a half kilometres away from the edge of Zagreb’s airstrip.


Turopolje je kulturno-povijesna

mikroregija koja se od južnoga prigradskog područja Zagreba, u kojemu se nalazi i Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb, duž gornjeg toka rijeke Odre, između Save i Vukomeričkih gorica pruža prema Sisku. Ravno je, prekriveno oranicama, dubravama i gustim hrastovim šumama, a jedna od najupečatljivijih njegovih osobitosti jest tradicionalna drvena arhitektura. Prvi osjećaj svakog putnika koji sleti na pistu najveće hrvatske zračne luke djelić sekunde prije nego li ga obuzme onaj razdragani ushit, evo nas, stigli smo, zapravo je dodir Turopolja s podvozjem zrakoplova. Pa zašto onda ne biste bolje upoznali drevnu mitologiju ovoga kraja?

U drevnih naroda štovanje prirode razvilo se prije vjerovanja u božanstva. Kult drveća, primjerice, posljedica je vjerovanja da su ljudi postali od drveta, da po svojoj smrti nastavljaju živjeti u njima ili pak da u njima prebivaju neka viša bića. Kod starih je Slavena tako osobito upečatljivo bilo štovanje hrasta, najsvetijeg od svih stabala, kao os svijeta s korijenjem uronjenim duboko u podzemlje, do duša predaka. Pod njegovim krošnjama u davna vremena obavljali su se razni obredi, vijećalo se na plemenskim sijelima, prinosile su se žrtve, ložila se vječna vatra, živjelo se, veselilo i umiralo. I grane su mu bile svete pa se hrastovo lišće prinosilo bolesnicima kako bi prije ozdravili. Na najvišoj grani sjedio je gromovnik Perun, mitski stvoritelj bakrene brade i vladar svijeta živih, kojemu je drvo hrast bilo i posvećeno. S vrha krošnje stabla života, izniknulog na planinskom vrhuncu, poput Sunca, Perun je promatrao čitav svijet. No nije bio sam jer sveti je hrast udomljavao i dobar dio staroslavenskog panteona. Velesa, boga vode i podzemnog svijeta među svojim korijenjem, božicu Mokoš, gazdaricu

01 Šećući zelenim perivojem oko Kurije ModićBedeković, u prolazu se može razgovarati s Perunom, Velesom, božicom Mokoš, Svarogom, Tintilinima, Mogutima

In the park of the Modić-Bedeković Manor House, you can chat to Perun, Veles, goddess Mokosh, Swarog, Tintilins, and Moguts in passing

02 Na brojnim kreativnim radionicama djeca mogu naučiti kako primjerice izraditi zmajevu sluz, vunene vile, nacrtati zamišljena bića ili ih modelirati u glini i plastelinu

At different creative workshops, children can learn how to, for example, make dragon slime or wool fairies, draw imaginary creatures or model them in clay or play dough

Perunova doma, Perunovu djecu, mladog Jurja i lijepu Maru s obje strane debla, Mogute, smrtnike-čuvare koji štite hrastove gajeve i krajeve oko hrastovih šuma.

I danas u Hrvatskoj postoje krajevi gdje mještani vjeruju da se hrastovo stablo ne smije posjeći, a o vjerovanju u Mogute može se čuti upravo u Turopolju.

Takva je bila mitska slika svijeta starih Slavena, u čijoj kozmologiji velikim dijelom počivaju i korijeni bogate hrvatske folklorne tradicije. A takav je i vizualni identitet Perunfesta, festivala zaboravljenih priča i narodnih predaja koji će se i ovoga rujna, pod umjetničkim čarobnim štapićem njegova autora Zdenka Bašića

i kreativnog tima te u organizaciji Muzeja Turopolja, već šesti put zaredom održati u Donjoj Lomnici kraj Velike Gorice. Mogutska šuma, Perunov tron, Velesov lug, coprničko selo, vilinska šuma, Mokošin trg nisu samo drevni toponimi nego i nazivi punktova različitih događanja raštrkanih po sjenovitome, zelenom perivoju atraktivnog povijesnog zdanja Kurije Modić-Bedeković, gdje se ovaj festival održava. Na prošlogodišnjem Perunfestu posjetitelji, posebno oni najmlađi, mogli su tako u dva festivalska dana sudjelovati na raznim kreativnim radionicama te naučiti kako, primjerice, izraditi zmajevu sluz, vunene vile, nacrtati


zamišljena bića ili ih modelirati u glini i plastelinu, igrati zaboravljene dječje igre, heklati rukama, isprobati metloboj ili se u Školi letenja prepustiti zračnim akrobacijama. Mogli su i razgledati prikaze jurjevskih običaja Turopolja, izložbu Strašila svojih školskih vršnjaka ili pak završiti skuhani u vještičjem loncu, taman onoliko koliko je potrebno za jedan selfie. Imali su i priliku okušati se u gađanju lukom i strijelom, vrtjeti se u košarama na drvenom vrtuljku,

01 Na Perunfestu mogu se igrati i zaboravljene dječje igre At Perunfest, children can play games of old that may have been forgotten

03 Izložba lutaka autora Zdenka

Bašića i Staše Šahman Nevidinčeki, uklopljena unutar stalnog postava

Kurije Modić-Bedeković

The Nevidinčeki exhibition of dolls by Zdenko Bašić and Staša Šahman was incorporated into the permanent exhibition on display at the ModićBedeković Manor House

03 Bajkoviti ambijent Kurije ModićBedeković i tradicionalna turopoljska drvena arhitektura dodatni su razlozi zbog čega posjetiti Donju Lomnicu

The fairy-tale look of the ModićBedeković Manor House and Turopolje’s traditional wooden architecture are all the more reason to visit the village of Donja Lomnica

slušati razne priče iz davnina ili čak ispripovijedati svoje i u prolazu razgovarati sa svim tim Perunima, Velesima, Mokošima, Svarozima, Tintilinima i Mogutima. Cosplay nadahnuće ipak je privilegija odraslih, posebno kada u tome sudjeluju vrhunski hrvatski kostimografi i scenografi poput Staše Šahman, Tajane Štasni i Ivane Bilić. Uz sva ta događanja na velikoj pozornici u parku pratio se i bogat glazbeni program. Zatvaranje festivala ujedno je i njegov vrhunac, praćeno već tradicionalnom procesijom, paljenjem slamnate skulpture Peruna uz vatreni šou na štulama.

Izazov je pričati priču o događaju koji je već sam po sebi more priča. Zaštitni znak Perunfesta svakako je originalnost kao i običaj da svako njegovo izdanje bude posvećeno predstavljanju nekoga drugog bića skrivenog u narodnim pričama. Prošle godine bili su to Nevidinčići, mala, nevidljiva stvorenja o kojima su naši stari pripovijedali generacijama čak i prije dolaska Slavena. Posebno dojmljivo priču o njima predstavili su Zdenko Bašić i Staša Šahman izložbom lutaka Nevidinčeki, uklopljenu unutar stalnog postava Kurije Modić-Bedeković. A tko će biti ovogodišnji Nevidinček vidjet ćemo 9. i 10. rujna ponovo u Donjoj Lomnici. U staroslavenskom obrednom kalendaru ljetu pripada ključno mjesto. Tada su dani najdulji, dozrijevaju plodovi, žanje se žito, općenito se slavi radost, krepost i snaga života. Ovaj turopoljski događaj na spektakularan način obilježuje njegov kraj. Donja Lomnica udaljena je tek tri i pol kilometra od ruba zagrebačke sletne piste. Usput vam je, vidimo se! 

Turopolje is a cultural and historical microregion that stretches from Zagreb’s southern suburbs, which is where Zagreb International Airport is located, then along the upper course of the Odra River, between the Sava River and the Vukomeričke Gorice low mountain range, to the town of Sisak. It is flat, covered with arable fields, bosks, and dense oak forests. One of its most striking features is its traditional wooden architecture. So when you land at Croatia’s largest airport, a mere fraction of a second before that familiar feeling of exhilaration floods over you, just when you think to yourself here we are, we’ve arrived, know that the soil that the aircraft touched upon landing is that of Turopolje. So why not get to know the folk and pagan tales of this region better?

01 02 03

Ancient people worshiped nature before they started worshiping deities. The cult of trees, for instance, emerged as the result of the belief that people come from trees, that after their death they continue to live in them, or that some higher beings reside in them. Worship of the oak tree, the most sacred of all trees, was deeply ingrained in the ancient Slavic people, who believed that the oak tree was the axis of the world whose roots reached the underground where the souls of their ancestors dwelled. In ancient times, under the canopy of oak trees different rituals were performed, tribal council meetings were held, sacrifices were offered, and eternal flames were lit. Under the canopy of oak trees was where people lived, rejoiced, and died. Oak tree branches were believed to be sacred, too. Believing that sacred oak leaves would aid the recovery of the sick, oak leaves were offered to them. At the top of the Tree of Life, there dwelled thunderer Perun, the highest of all gods and creator with a copper beard, and the ruler of the world of the living, to whom the oak tree was dedicated. From the top of the Tree of Life, which sprouted on a mountaintop, Perun watched over the whole world like the Sun does. But he wasn’t alone, because the sacred oak tree housed a good portion of the Old Slavic pantheon, including Veles, the god of earth, waters, and the underworld that dwelled in the roots of the sacred oak tree; the goddess Mokosh, who

symbolises Mother Nature and fertility, and who was in charge of the House of Perun; two of Perun’s children, namely, his young son Yarilo on one side of the trunk of the sacred oak tree and his beautiful daughter Mara on the other; and Moguts, mortals who are believed to be the protectors of oak groves and the areas surrounding oak forests. Belief in the sacredness of the oak tree, which deters people from ever cutting it, has survived and continues to the present day in some parts of Croatia. If you’d like to find out more about the Moguts, then head to Turopolje, a region where they’re still revered.

This is how the ancient Slavs saw and represented the world in their myths, in whose cosmology the roots of Croatia’s many folk traditions rest. The visual identity of Perunfest, a festival of forgotten stories and folk tales that will be held this September for the sixth time in a row in the village of Donja Lomnica near the town of Velika Gorica, aligns with this ancient Slavic representation of the world. Organised by the Museum of Turopolje, and artistically run by the festival’s author Zdenko Bašić and his team, Perunfest will introduce you to the Forest of Moguts, Perun’s Throne, Veles’s Grove, the Sorceresses’ Village, the Forest of Fairies, and Mokosh’s Square. These are not just ancient names of geographical localities, but also the names of locations where different festival events will be held scattered around the gardens and park shaded by trees of the charming historic building of the Modić-Bedeković Manor House. At last year’s Perunfest, visitors in general and the youngest in particular could take part in different creative workshops during the

01 Kako izgledaju Nevidinčeki, mala, nevidljiva stvorenja koja žive u pričama naših starih, izložbom lutaka prikazali su njezini autori Zdenko Bašić i Staša Šahman Zdenko Bašić and Staša Šahman’s exhibition of dolls shows what Nevidinčeki − small, invisible creatures that continue to live in the stories of our elders − look like

02 Izložba lutaka Nevidinčeki skladno se uklopila unutar stalnog postava Kurije Modić-Bedeković

The Nevidinčeki exhibition of dolls fits in perfectly with the permanent exhibition on display at the ModićBedeković Manor House

03 Zatvaranje festivala popraćeno je tradicionalnom noćnom procesijom i paljenjem slamnate skulpture Peruna

The closing of the festival is accompanied by a traditional night procession and the burning of a straw effigy of Perun

01 02 03

two days of the festival, and learn how to, for instance, make dragon slime and wool fairies, draw imaginary creatures or model them in clay or play dough, play children’s games of old that may have been forgotten, crochet, and try their hand at Quidditch or aerial acrobatics at the School of Flying. They could also find out more about Turopolje’s folk and pagan traditions surrounding the Feast Day of St. George, visit the Scarecrow Exhibition, or end up being brewed in a witch’s cauldron... for the purposes of taking a selfie, of course. Visitors also had the opportunity to try their hand at archery, spin in baskets on a wooden

merry-go-round, hear different stories and folk tales of old or tell their own and chat to Perun, Veles, Mokosh, Swarog, Tintilins, and Moguts in passing. Cosplay inspiration is a privilege that adults can enjoy, particularly when top Croatian costume and set designers, such as Staša Šahman, Tajana Štasni, and Ivana Bilić, partake in it. Perunfest also features a rich music programme that accompanies the main events of the festival. The music performances are held on the big stage in the park of the Modić-Bedeković Manor House. The closing of the festival is its highlight, and includes a procession, the burning of a straw effigy of

Perun, and a fire show with stilt walkers. Telling a story about an event which is itself a sea of stories is challenging. The fact that each of the festival’s editions is dedicated to the presentation of one specific creature or deity appearing in Croatian folk tales is what makes Perunfest so original. For instance, last year’s edition was dedicated to nevidinčići, small, invisible creatures that our elders had told stories about for generations even before the arrival of the Slavs. The Nevidinčeki exhibition of dolls by Zdenko Bašić and Staša Šahman, which was incorporated into the permanent exhibition on display at the Modić-Bedeković Manor House, tells the story of these creatures particularly impressively. To find out which creature or deity this year’s edition of Perunfest is dedicated to, head to the village of Donja Lomnica on 9th and 10th September. In the Old Slavic calendar of pagan rituals and practices, summers were believed to be special. It is in summer that the days are the longest, that fruits ripen, that grains are harvested, and that the joy, virtuousness, and force of life are celebrated. Turopolje’s Perunfest marks the end of summer in a spectacular fashion. The village of Donja Lomnica is as little as three and a half kilometres away from the edge of Zagreb’s airstrip. It’s within easy reach, so see you there! 

Kostimografkinja i scenografkinja Staša Šahman / Costume and set designer Staša Šahman



Treće nedjelje u srpnju počinje Najveći sajam zabave na Rajni (Größte Kirmes am Rhein), fenomenalna devetodnevna proslava sv. Apolinarija, sveca zaštitnika Düsseldorfa, kojega je sam sv. Petar postavio za prvog biskupa Ravenne. Oko 1300. godine grad Düsseldorf dokopao se relikvije sveca mučenika, koja se čuva u crkvi sv. Lamberta. Vidjet ćete orkestre limene glazbe kako koračaju gradom, konje i kočije, natjecanje u gađanju pokretne mete koje datira iz 1435. godine i fenomenalan vatromet sa Starim gradom Düsseldorfom u pozadini, koji se diči stotinama barova i pivnica.


Starting on the 3rd Sunday of July, Größte Kirmes am Rhein or The Biggest Funfair on the Rhine is an amazing 9-day celebration of St. Apollinaris, the patron saint of Düsseldorf, who was made the 1st bishop of Ravenna by St. Peter himself. In around 1300, Düsseldorf got hold of a relic of the saint, which is kept in the Church of St. Lambertus. You’ll see marching bands, horses and carriages, a target shooting competition dating from 1435, and a spectacular fireworks display against the backdrop of Düsseldorf’s Old Town boasting hundreds of bars and pubs.

Düsseldorf i Split povezani su letovima Croatia Airlinesa četvrtkom i subotom.

Croatia Airlines operates flights between Düsseldorf and Split on Thursdays, and Saturdays.

croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com


Ljeti u Pragu radite ono što rade Pražani − iznajmite pedaline na Vltavi. Pedaliranje vikendom zgodan je odabir aktivnosti za promjenu okruženja. Po povratku na kopno, zašto ne biste prošetali, kupili sladoled ili pivo i ostatak dana proveli ljenčareći i promatrajući ljude uz Náplavku, široku pješačku zonu koja se proteže uz obalu Vltave i na kojoj se svake subote ujutro (od 8 do 14 sati) održava tržnica na otvorenome, kao i brojna događanja ne samo vikendom nego i tijekom tjedna − i danju i noću. Koncerti, projekcije, tržnice, festivali... na Náplavki ćete ih naći sve!


When in Prague in summer, do as the locals do − rent pedal boats on the Vltava. Pedalling the weekend away is quite neat as you’re in a very different setting. Once you’re back on land, why not go for a stroll, get an ice cream or a beer, and laze the day away while people-watching along Náplavka, a wide pedestrian area running along the riverbank that boasts an open-air market every Saturday morning (8am to 2pm), and countless events during the weekend and throughout the week, too − both day and night. Concerts, screenings, markets, festivals… Náplavka has got it all!

Croatia Airlines operates flights between Split and Prague on Mondays, and Saturdays, and between Dubrovnik and Prague on Thursdays. croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com

N. Peyrol / Unsplash N. Julien / Unsplash Split i Prag povezani su letovima Croatia Airlinesa ponedjeljkom i subotom, a Dubrovnik i Prag letovima četvrtkom.

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Živopisan buvljak Les Puces du Canal duž kanala Jonage u Villeurbanneu na ulazu u Lyon prava je institucija tzv. vintage i rabljene robe. Na 600 štandova naći ćete sve od dizajna, nakita i gramofonskih ploča preko antikviteta, vintage robe i odjeće, dekoracija za dom i predmeta od recikliranih materijala do umjetnina. Svratite pritom u lokalnu pivovaru, prezalogajite u jednom od 7 restorana u sklopu buvljaka i posjetite jedno od događanja u bilo koje doba godine. Druželjubivi Les Puces du Canal okuplja trgovce, obrtnike, restauratore, dizajnere i umjetnike i pravi je raj za lovce na povoljne cijene!


The bustling Les Puces du Canal or the Canal Flea Market along the Jonage Canal in Villeurbanne at the gates of Lyon is a proper vintage goods institution. With 600 stalls offering design, jewellery, vinyl, antiques, vintage, fashion, decorations, upcycling, and art, it’s a second-hand celebration. Stop by the local brewery, grab a bite at one of the 7 restaurants on site, and check out different events all year long. Bringing together merchants, craftsmen, restorers, designers, and artists, Les Puces du Canal is an ode to conviviality, and a real paradise for bargain hunters.


Nakon fantastičnog noćnog provoda u gradu koji nikad ne spava, dan provedite u jednom od ljupkih parkova Bukurešta. Jedan od zelenih dragulja Bukurešta u kojem mnogi mještani provode ljetna nedjeljna popodneva jest park Hera˘stra˘u (187 hektara) te istoimeno jezero. Omiljena aktivnost lokalaca u golemom parku Cis,migiu uređenom u engleskom stilu s fontanama i spomenicima jest vožnja čamcima na velikom jezeru. Želite li pak uživati u pogledu na rijeku Dâmbovit,u, uputite se u moderniji park Izvor ispred kolosalne Palače parlamenta, atrakcije Bukurešta koju ionako valja posjetiti.


After a fabulous night out in the city that never sleeps, why not spend the day in one of Bucharest’s lovely parks? One of the green jewels in the crown of Bucharest is Hera˘stra˘u Park and its 187 hectares surrounding Hera˘stra˘u Lake, which is where many locals spend their summer Sunday afternoons. Cis , migiu Park, a vast English-style garden with fountains and monuments, also boasts a popular boating lake. To enjoy stunning vistas of the Dâmbovit,a River, head to the more modern Izvor Park facing Bucharest’s must-see attraction − the immense Parliament Palace.


N. D. Hoang Nhu / Unsplash A. Bocek / Unsplash Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa povezuju Bukurešt sa Splitom srijedom i petkom. Airlines operates flights between Bucharest and Split on Wednesday, and Fridays. croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa povezuju Lyon sa Splitom srijedom i subotom. Airlines operates flights between Lyon and Split on Wednesday, and Saturdays. croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com
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Uživajte u ljetu na sjeveru

Enjoy summer in the north

Djurgården ili Kraljevski park divljači, otok u središtu Stockholma Djurgården or the Royal Game Park, an island in central Stockholm

Kako tama zime nestaje, tako je u Stockholmu sve više sunca. Dani su najdulji ljeti, a sredinom lipnja na raspolaganju vam je više od 18 sati dnevnog svjetla za uživanciju. Uživat ćete na suncu u brojnim zelenim parkovima, rivama i otvorenim prostorima Stockholma na iznenađujućih 25°C ili više. Plivat ćete, voziti bicikl i razgledavati grad do mile volje, iako bi ispijanje kave u jednom od fantastičnih stockholmskih uličnih barova ili onih uz obalu i vrtnih terasa kafića koji rade samo ljeti mogao biti vaš izbor broj jedan, pogotovo ako kulturu ispijanja kave shvaćate jednako ozbiljno kao i Šveđani.

Krenimo od Gamla Stana, najstarije četvrti Stockholma, iz koje je grad i izniknuo davne 1252. godine. Najturističkija je to četvrt i može se doimati prenapučenom, no nipošto je ne biste smjeli zaobići − uske i slikovite popločane ulice namijenjene isključivo pješacima, zadivljujuća arhitektura i bezbrojne trgovine čine Gamla Stan idealnim mjestom za laganu šetnju i kupnju suvenira.

O povijesti kuća, crkava i trgova Gamla Stana iz 17. i 18. stoljeća saznat ćete tijekom vođenog turističkog obilaska uličica i skrivenih kutaka ove povijesne četvrti.

Smjena kraljevske garde u Stockholmskoj palači u četvrti Gamla Stan dio je bezvremenosti švedske monarhije. Ritual je to velike pompe koji potječe iz 16. stoljeća i koji započinje povorkom pješadije ili konjice. Ruta do palače mijenja se ovisno o godišnjem dobu, a tijekom ljetnih mjeseci ceremoniju prati orkestar limene glazbe.

Sjajan način obilaska Stockholma ljeti jest biciklom. Grad obiluje biciklističkim stazama, kao i brojnim mjestima za iznajmljivanje bicikala. Zašto ne biste krenuli na laganu vožnju biciklom od centra Stockholma do prekrasnog šumovitog Djurgårdena?

Otok je to koji često nazivaju plućima Stockholma, ali i mjesto koje obiluje kulturom i kulturnim znamenitostima. Mnogo je biciklističkih staza na Djurgårdenu, što će vam olakšati istraži-

J. Wikstrom/ mediabank.visitstockholm.com

01 Östermalms Saluhall jedna je od najpoznatijih tržnica Stockholma otvorena 1888. godine

Opened in 1888, the Östermalms Saluhall is one of Stockholm’s most famous food markets

02 Stortorget, najstariji trg u Stockholmu Stortorget, Stockholm’s oldest square

03 Interijer jedne od stockholmskih tržnica

The interior of one of Stockholm’s food markets

vanje njegovih brojnih muzeja. Jedan je Nordijski muzej, najveći muzej kulturne povijesti Švedske, u kojemu je izloženo više od milijun i pol izložaka, a drugi je slavni Muzej Vasa, jedan od najposjećenijih muzeja Skandinavije u kojemu je izložen jedinstveni i izvrsno očuvani ratni brod Vasa iz 1628. Vrijedi posjetiti i Skansen, najstariji muzej na otvorenome na svijetu i zoološki vrt, koji prikazuje svakodnevni život svakog kutka Švedske prije industrijske revolucije. Preferirate li grupni obilazak, pridružite se trosatnoj biciklističkoj turi tijekom koje ćete proći kraj Skansena i nekih od najljepših drvenih zdanja Djurgårdena. Druga opcija je šetnja do palače Rosendal u središtu Djurgårdena. Predlažemo vođeni obilazak palače, inače izvrsnog primjera švedskog imperijalnog stila u arhitekturi, ili laganu šetnju prekrasnim susjednim vrtovima. Odlučite li provesti cijeli dan na otoku, na Djurgårdenu ne manjka ugostiteljskih lokala u kojima ćete uživati u šalici kave ili slasnom zalogaju.

Nastavimo li istraživati Stockholm po istom, kraljevskom ključu, palača Drottningholm nezaobilazno je mjesto. Do palače ćete doći jednosatnom brodskom vožnjom iz Stockholma uz prelijepe pejzaže slikovitog jezera Mälaren. Izgrađena po uzoru na Versailles, palača Drottningholm dom je švedske kraljevske obitelji i povijesni spomenik pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. Osim raskoši svečanih prostorija i kićenog dekora same palače, svakako istražite i zapanjujuću ljepotu njezinih uređenih vrtova.

Što kažete na ljetni piknik? Želite li se opskrbiti vrhunskim poslasticama za piknik uputite se na tržnicu Östermalms Saluhall staru 130 godina. Tržnica Hötorgshallen nudi raznovrsnije i cjenovno pristupačnije opcije, a tražite li kvalitetne švedske specijalitete, tržnica Söderhallarna pravo je mjesto za vas. Nakon što ste pribavili sve što vam treba, u pikniku uživajte ondje gdje i lokalci − u parku. Humlegården sjajan je izbor parka za piknik u centru grada.

Što god odlučili raditi u glavnom gradu Švedske, doživjet ćete i dašak švedske kulture i način života stanovnika Stockholma, makar u njemu proveli svega nekoliko dana. 

Once the darkness of winter dissipates, Stockholm is quite literally set aglow. Days are at their longest in summertime, with more than 18 hours of daylight to enjoy every single

01 02 03
mediabank.visitstockholm.com A. Hugosson / mediabank.visitstockholm.com
S. Eliasson / mediabank.visitstockholm.com

najstarijoj četvrti Stockholma

Järntorget or the Iron Square, a small square in Gamla Stan, Stockholm’s oldest neighbourhood

02 Povijesna četvrt Bellmansgatan

The historic neighbourhood of Bellmansgatan

03 Pogled na Gradsku vijećnicu Stockholma

A view of Stockholm’s City Hall

04 Fåfängan, slikoviti vidikovac s restoranom i kafićem, s kojeg se pruža spektakularan pogled na grad

Fåfängan, a scenic lookout point featuring a restaurant and cafe, from which spectacular vistas of Stockholm are offered

day during mid-June. You’ll be basking in the sun in Stockholm’s many green parks, waterfronts and outdoor spaces at a surprising 25°C or higher. You can swim, cycle, and sightsee to your heart’s content, although lounging at one of Stockholm’s fantastic pavement or waterfront bars and summer-only garden cafes might be your no. one choice, particularly if you take your coffee as seriously as the Swedes do.

Let’s start from Stockholm’s oldest neighbourhood, Gamla Stan, where the city was founded back in 1252. It is touristy and can feel crowded, but ultimately not to be missed − its picturesque pedestrianised streets and narrow cobbled alleyways, stunning architecture and countless shops make Gamla Stan the prime place to have a leisurely stroll and do all your souvenir shopping. To find out more about the history of the neighbourhood’s 17th- and 18th- century houses, churches, and squares, a guided walking tour of its backstreets and hidden corners is well worth taking.

To catch a glimpse of the timelessness of Sweden’s monarchy, be sure to check out the Changing of the Royal Guards at Stockholm Palace in Gamla Stan. Dating from the 16th century, the Changing of

the Royal Guards is a ritual of great pomp and circumstance which begins with a parade on foot or horseback. The route to the palace differs from season to season, and during the summer months the ceremony is accompanied by a marching band. A great way to get around Stockholm in summer is by bike. The city abounds in bike lanes, plus there are plenty of rental outlets, and a public cycle scheme. Why not take an easy flat cycle ride from Stockholm’s city centre to the beautiful wooded island of Djurgården. Often referred to as the lungs of Stockholm, Djurgården is the place to go if you’re into culture. Bike paths run around the island, so you can easily explore its many museums. One is the Nordic Museum, Sweden’s largest museum of cultural history and home to over one and a half million exhibits, and the other is the famous Vasa Museum, one of Scandinavia’s most visited museums and home to the glorious, one-of-a-kind and well-preserved Vasa warship from 1628. Also worth checking out is Skansen, the world’s oldest open-air museum and zoo, showcasing what life was like in all the different parts of Sweden before the Industrial Revolution. If you’d rather not go it alone, join a three-hour bike tour that’ll take you right past Skansen and some of Djurgården’s prettiest wooden buildings. Alternatively, take a stroll to Rosendal Palace, an exquisite example of the Swedish Empire style in architecture, in the centre of Djurgården for a guided tour of the castle or take a leisurely walk through the beautiful gardens next door. Should you end up spending an entire day on the island, there are many spots to enjoy a cup of coffee or a bite to eat.

01 Mali Järntorget ili Željezni trg u Gamla Stanu,
01 02 04 03
mediabank.visitstockholm.com E. G. Svensson / mediabank.visitstockholm.com J. Wikstrom / mediabank.visitstockholm.com mediabank.visitstockholm.com

A subway station in Stockholm

In the same, royal vein, why don’t you also drop by Drottningholm Palace, to which you can take a scenic hour-long boat trip from Stockholm along Lake Mälaren. Modelled on the Versailles, Drottningholm Palace is home to the Swedish royal family, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. After you’ve absorbed the splendour of the palace’s formal rooms and ornate decor, be sure to explore its stunning landscaped gardens. How about a summer picnic? For a fabulous high-end gourmet choice of picnic, head for the 130-year-old Östermalms Saluhall food market. The Hötorgshallen market offers more variety and affordable options, and if you’re looking for good quality Swedish specialities, Söderhallarna is the place to go. Once you’ve bought your picnic, have it like a local − in a park. Humlegården Park is a brilliant central choice.

Whatever you choose to do in Stockholm, you’ll surely get a taste of Swedish culture, and live like a local, even if only for a few days.

Croatia Airlines operates flights between Stockholm and Split on Fridays, and Sundays.

croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com

Stanica podzemne željeznice u Stockholmu mediabank.visitstockholm.com Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa povezuju Stockholm sa Splitom petkom i nedjeljom.


Od sjevera prema jugu

From north to south

01 Planina Šećerna glava, Rio de Janiero Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio de Janeiro
01 02
02 Most Octávio Frias de Oliveira poznat kao Ponte Estaiada, São Paulo Octávio Frias de Oliveira Bridge, also known as Ponte Estaiada, São Paulo

Jeste li spremni za nezaboravno putovanje?

Are you ready for an unforgettable journey?

Brazil je zemlja kontinentalnih razmjera s gotovo 8000 kilometara zadivljujuće obale, šest različitih ekosustava, raznolikom gastronomijom, kulturnim različitostima i gostoljubivim ljudima. Pozivamo vas da krenete na putovanje kroz neka nevjerojatna odredišta u pet brazilskih regija.


Amazonska prašuma u Brazilu najveća je tropska prašuma na svijetu, pokriva područje od približno 5,5 milijuna četvornih kilometara. Ova je šuma dom jedinstvenim divljim životinjama, krajolicima koji oduzimaju dah i fascinantnim autohtonim kulturama.

Belém i Manaus odlična su odredišta za posjetitelje koji žele doživjeti bogatu kulturnu i prirodnu baštinu amazonske regije. Belém, poznat kao ulaz u amazonsku prašumu, nudi spoj povijesti, tradicije i prirode uz bogatu kulturnu baštinu i paletu kulinarskih delicija. Nešto dalje, u središtu amazonske prašume nalazi se Manaus, živahan grad s jedinstvenom kulturom koja kombinira autohtone, europske i afričke utjecaje. Grad je bogat zanimljivim muzejima, kazalištima i kulturnim sadržajima koji ističu bogatu povijest ove regije.


Na sjeveroistoku Brazila dani su dugi s puno sunca i mora.

Zadivljujući arhipelag Fernando de Noronha, udaljen 354 kilometra od obale, dio je UNESCO-ove svjetske baštine poznato po svojim netaknutim plažama, kristalno čistim morem i divljim životinjama poput dupina, morskih kornjača i šarenih ribljih vrsta. Tamo možete posjetiti Baía do Sancho, najbolju plažu na svijetu prema ljestvici Tripadvisora za ovu godinu.

Još jedna nezaobilazna destinacija u ovoj regiji jest Nacionalni park Lençóis Maranhenses. Zaštićeno područje parka obuhvaća 70 km obale, a u unutrašnjosti valovite pješčane dine.

Za sve ljubitelje povijesti i kulture nezaobilazna je destinacija Salvador Bahia, koja vrvi bogatom afro-brazilskom baštinom i zadivljujućom kolonijalnom arhitekturom.

01 Zgrada nacionalnog kongresa u Brasíliji, koju je dizajnirao


02 Palača Itamaraty, sjedište Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Brazila, koju je dizajnirao

Oscar Niemeyer Itamaraty Palace, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, designed by Oscar Niemeyer

Osim lijepih krajolika, Salvador i njegove šarene ulice, živahna glazbena scena i ukusna kuhinja nude zaista nezaboravno iskustvo.


Putovanje ovom regijom započinjemo u glavnom gradu Brazila, Brasíliji, remek-djelu modernističke arhitekture i urbanizma, koji su dizajnirali veliki brazilski arhitekti

Oscar Niemeyer i Lúcio Costa. Jedinstven dizajn, koji obilježuju oštre linije i odvažni oblici, svrstao je Brasíliju na UNESCO-ov popis svjetske baštine.

Dragulj prirode u ovoj regiji jest Pantanal, golemo močvarno područje koje je bogato divljim životinjama i biljnim vrstama. Preporučujemo smještaj na jednoj od lokalnih farmi budući da su mnoge od njih sjajno prilagođene turistima.


Rio de Janeiro, poznat i kao cidade maravilhosa ili čudesan grad, jedno je od najpoznatijih brazilskih odredišta. Dok istražujete svjetski poznate plaže Copacabanu i Ipanemu, Krista Otkupitelja i brdo

Šećerna glava, neke od najprepoznatljivijih simbola Brazila diljem svijeta, nemojte propustiti Botanički vrt. Osnovan 1808. za vrijeme kolonijalnog Brazila, ovaj ekološki dragulj nalazi se u samome srcu grada. São Paulo najveći je grad u Brazilu i užurbana metropola koja nikad ne spava. Šetnja Avenijom Paulista nezaobilazna je aktivnost, kao i posjet kultnom Muzeju moderne umjetnosti (MASP). Četvrti Liberdade, Bixiga i Vila Madalena nude nebrojene mogućnosti za one željne bogatog noćnog života.

U državi Minas Gerais posjetitelji mogu istražiti povijesne gradove Ouro Preto, Diamantina i Congonhas, osnovane u vrijeme zlatne groznice u Brazilu u 18. stoljeću. Krasi ih dobro očuvana kolonijalna barokna arhitektura 18. stoljeća, a lokalna kuhinja jedinstvena je i vrlo cijenjena u Brazilu.


Za kraj posjetite nezaobilazne čarobne slapove Iguaçu u državi Paraná, jedno od sedam svjetskih čuda prirode s oko 275 slapova. Zaista je spektakularan prizor!

Niemeyer National Congress Palace in Brasília, designed by Oscar Niemeyer
02 01 TEKST/TEXT_EMBRATUR i/and Veleposlanstvo Brazila u Zagrebu/Embassy of Brazil in Zagreb FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS_ Turistička zajednica Brazila/ Brazilian Tourist Board (EMBRATUR)

Preporučamo i posjet državi Rio Grande do Sul, poznatoj po vinogradarstvu i specifičnoj kulturi gaucha, načinu života u ravnicama koje karakteriziraju jahanje, uzgoj stoke, tradicionalna glazba, ispijanje čaja yerba mate i vrhunska govedina s roštilja. 

Brazil is a country of continental proportions. It has more than 8,000 kilometers of stunning coastline, six different biomes, diverse gastronomy, different cultures in each region and welcoming people. We invite you to embark on a journey through some incredible destinations in the five regions of the country.


The Amazon Rainforest in Brazil is the world’s largest tropical rainforest, covering an area of approximately 5.5 million square kilometers. This forest is home to unique wildlife, breathtaking landscapes and fascinating indigenous cultures.

01 Rijeka Amazona The Amazon river 02 Pripadnik autohtonog naroda Amazone Member of an indigenous tribe in the Amazon 03 Slapovi Iguaçu, Nacionalni park Iguaçu Iguaçu Falls, Iguaçu National Park
03 04 02 01
04 Pješčane dine, Nacionalni park Lençóis Maranhenses Sand dunes, Lençóis Maranhenses National Park

Belém and Manaus are great destinations for visitors who want to experience the rich cultural and natural heritage of the Amazon region. Belém, known as the gateway to the Amazon Rainforest, offers a blend of history, tradition, and nature, with its rich cultural heritage and delicious cuisine. Meanwhile, Manaus is a vibrant city with a unique culture that combines indigenous, European, and African influences, and is home to museums, theaters, and other cultural institutions that highlight the region’s rich history and traditions.


In the Northeast of Brazil the days are long with plenty of sunshine and warm waters. A stunning archipelago located some 354 kilometers off the coast, Fernando de Noronha, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters and unique wildlife, such as dolphins, sea turtles, and colorful fish. There you can visit Baía do Sancho, the world’s best beach according to a 2023 ranking from Tripadvisor. Another must-see destination in this region is Lençóis Maranhenses National Park. Protected area of the park includes 70 km of coastline and an interior composed of rolling sand dunes.

For history buffs and culture lovers, Salvador Bahia is a must-visit destination that offers a glimpse into Afro-Brazilian heritage and stunning colonial architecture. The city is not just a feast for the eyes, its colorful streets, lively music scene and delicious cuisine make for an unforgettable experience.


In the heart of the country is the Central-West region. The journey begins in the capital Brasília, a masterpiece of modernist architecture and urban planning, designed by the great Brazilian architects Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer. Its unique design, characterized by sweeping curves and bold shapes, has made it a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Among this region’s natural wonders is the Brazilian Pantanal, a vast wetland area that teems with wildlife and flora species One of the best ways to enjoy the Pantanal is staying in a farm, as many of them offer a great structure to welcome tourists.


Rio de Janeiro, also known as the “cidade maravilhosa” or marvelous city, is one of

the most iconic destinations in Brazil. While exploring the world-famous beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, the iconic Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf Mountain, some of Brazil’s most recognizable symbols around the globe, make sure not to miss the Botanical Garden. Founded in 1808 during colonial Brazil, this ecological gem is located in the heart of Rio. São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and is a bustling metropolis that never sleeps. Taking a stroll down Avenida Paulista is a must-do activity, as well as visiting the iconic Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (MASP). For those looking for a lively nightlife, the neighborhoods of Liberdade, Bixiga and Vila Madalena offer countless options. In the state of Minas Gerais, visitors can explore the historic towns of Ouro Preto, Diamantina and Congonhas, founded during the 18th-century gold rush in Brazil. These towns offer the opportunity to see well-preserved colonial Baroque architecture from the 18th century as well as the local cuisine that is unique and highly appreciated in Brazil.


Last but not least, the famous Iguaçu Falls in Paraná are one of the seven natural wonders of the world, with around 275 waterfalls. It is a truly spectacular sight to behold! In the south, we recommend a visit to the state of Rio Grande do Sul, known as the largest wine-producing region and for its distinct gaucho culture, which is a way of life on the plains characterized by horsemanship, livestock farming, traditional guitar music, the consumption of yerba mate, and beef barbecues. 

Jericoacoara, Ceará


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Grad iz bajke

Obilazak Mostara, toga čarobnoga grada u Bosni i Hercegovini, čini se poput putovanja kroz vrijeme, u prošlost. Prva pomisao koja zacijelo mnogim posjetiteljima Mostara proleti kroz glavu jest pa je li ovdje vrijeme stalo? Ali nije.

Touring Mostar, that magical town in Bosnia and Herzegovina, promises to be most similar to a time travel experience, an experience of stepping back in time. The first thought that probably crosses the mind of many visitors to Mostar is has time stopped here? No, it has not.

Zahvaljujući blijedosivom vapnencu od kojeg su izgrađene sve zgrade i ceste u starome Mostaru, grad izgleda kao da je istrgnut sa stranica neke ilustrirane knjige s bajkama. Najvjerojatnije nazvan po nekadašnjim mostarima koji su čuvali njegov najljepši most, Mostar je najpoznatiji po Starome mostu. Pa zašto ne bismo upravo odatle krenuli u obilazak grada? Kako bi premostili povijesno središte Mostara prepolovljeno rijekom Neretvom, Osmanlije su u 16. stoljeću izgradile Stari most, danas dio svjetske baštine pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. Vrhunski je to primjer islamske arhitekture na Balkanu koji krasi šiljasti luk visok 24 metra, s kojeg se krajem srpnja svake godine organizira natjecanje u skokovima, čija tradicija seže do daleke 1664. godine. Povijesno središte Mostara širi se u oba smjera od mosta. Krenete li u smjeru istoka, doći ćete do najstarijeg dijela grada − stare čaršije odnosno Kujundžiluka. Sagrađen sredinom 16. stoljeća za vrijeme osmanske vladavine, Kujundžiluk je bio čaršija ili tržnica u kojoj su djelovale isključivo kujundžije ili zlatari. Otuda Kujundžiluku ime. Kujundžijski ili zlatarski zanat u to je vrijeme u Sarajevu cvjetao, tako da je do druge polovice 18. stoljeća zlatarski esnaf odnosno ceh brojao više od 200 majstora zanatlija, trgovaca i šegrta, među kojima je bilo i urara, kovača koji su se bavili pozlaćivanjem predmeta od bakra i kovača noževa koji su se specijalizirali za izradu srebrnih drški za noževe. Neobičnim popločanim ulicama Kujundžiluka, koji pomalo podsjeća na Veliki Bazar u Istambulu, nižu se tradicionalne kamene i otomanske kuće, zanatske radnje, aščinice i restorani koji već stoljećima održavaju tradiciju i običaje bazara na životu. Kujundžiluk je

A fairy-tale town

Stari most u Mostaru preko rijeke Neretve, dio UNESCO-ove svjetske baštine, kad je izgrađen 1566., bio je najšira lučna konstrukcija na svijetu

The Old Bridge in Mostar over the Neretva River is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which, when it was built in 1566, was the widest human-made arch in the world

također savršeno mjesto za kupnju suvenira, posebno ako ste u potrazi za nečim ručno i zanatski izrađenim te originalnim.

Ako želite nenametljivu poveznicu sa suvremenim načinom života, predlažemo da je pronađete u nezaobilaznom ispijanju kave. Tradicionalna bosanska kahva oduvijek se pripremala u bakrenoj džezvi, u kojoj se najprije pržilo zrno, a potom se to zrno zakuhavalo. Pije se crna i polako te se ne zaslađuje šećerom, nego rahat lokumom s dodacima poput oraha ili ružine vodice. Ta kultura ispijanja kahve zadržala se do danas.

Duboko prožet poviješću, Mostar ponosno nosi svoju ostavštinu, umjetnost, kulturu, arhitekturu, tradiciju i način života. Za ljubitelje umjetnosti nezaobilazna je mostarska adresa galerija

The Hub of Fine Arts. Riječ je stalnom postavu više od 100 slika i skulptura renomiranih umjetnika iz 19. i 20. stoljeća. A ako se želite malo udaljiti od gradskih ulica, predlažemo da svakako posjetite vidikovac Fortica, s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na taj grad hipnotizirajućeg šarma i ljepote.

Da ipak više niste u nekom davnom stoljeću, možete se podsjetiti adrenalinskim užitkom na popularnom ziplineu , okrepu

mana5280 /

01 Kafići i restorani s desne strane Neretve, u koje se dolazi iz Tabhane, nekadašnje radionice za štavljenje kože

Cafes and restaurants on Neretva’s right riverbank accessed from Tabhana, formerly a hide tanning workshop

02 Koski Mehmed-pašina džamija sagrađena 1617. jedina je mostarska džamija u kojoj je sačuvana prvobitna boja i dekoracija zidova

Built in 1617, Koski Mehmed Pasha’s Mosque is the only mosque in Mostar whose murals and wall paint have been preserved in their original form

Ne samo Mostar nego i njegova okolica mami na prelijepe doživljaje. Nemojte propustiti vodopad Kravicu na rječici Trebižat, vrelo Bune i tekiju Blagaj, srednjovjekovni grad Počitelj, nekropolu stećaka Radimlja, Daorson koji mnogi nazivaju hercegovačkim Stonehengeom, grad Stolac i stari grad Vidošku, etno selo Herceg, hodočasničko mjesto Međugorje... Želite li malo predahnuti od obilaska znamenitosti, posjetite vinograde Emporia, vinske podrume Andrija u Paoči, vinariju Domanica u Čapljini...

Great experiences can be had not only in Mostar, but also in its surroundings. Be sure to visit, for example, the Kravica Waterfall on the Trebižat River, the source of the Buna River and the kasaba or village-town of Blagaj, the medieval town of Počitelj, the Radimlja Necropolis and its stećak tombstones, Daorson which is often referred to as Herzegovina’s Stonehenge, the Town of Stolac, the Old Town of Vidoška, the Herceg Ethno Village, and the Shrine of Our Lady of Međugorje. To take a break from sightseeing, there’re the Emporia Vineyards, the Andrija Wine Cellars in the village of Paoča, and the Domanica Winery in the town of Čapljina.

možete potražiti u Restoranu i vinariji Romanca, a udoban smještaj turistima u Mostaru ponudit će Hotel Mepas. I upravo u toj vrevi turista koji neumorno tumaraju mostarskim ulicama jasno ćete osjetiti sadašnji trenutak. Vrijeme u Mostaru ipak nije stalo. 

With all of Mostar’s buildings and roads made of pale grey limestone, the town looks like it was plucked from the pages of an illustrated fairy-tale book.

Most probably named after mostari or the guards of old of its most beautiful bridge, Mostar is indeed most famous for its Stari Most or Old Bridge. So why not start your tour of Mostar from there. Built in the 16th century by the Ottomans to bridge Mostar’s historic centre halved by the Neretva River, Stari Most is an exemplary piece of Islamic architecture on the Balkans and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. What makes it iconic is its pointed arch and 24-meter drop into the river, from which a diving contest is organised at the end of July each year, a tradition that dates back to 1664.

Mostar’s historic centre sprawls out in either direction from the bridge. If you head east, you’ll get to the oldest part of Mostar − the old bazaar called Kujundžiluk. Built in the mid-16th century during the Ottoman rule, it was intended to be a marketplace reserved exclusively for kujundžije or goldsmiths, hence its name. The goldsmith trade was flourishing in Sarajevo at that time, so much so that by the second half of the 18th century, the goldsmiths’ guild gathered more than 200 master artisans, merchants, and apprentices, including clockmakers, metalsmiths who gilded copper items, and knifesmiths who specialised in making silver knife handles. Reminiscent of the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, Kujundžiluk is lined with traditional stone and Ottoman houses along a quaint cobblestone street, and craft stores, inns, and restaurants that have kept the bazaar’s traditions alive for centuries. This is also the perfect place to do your souvenir shopping, particularly if you’re looking for something artisanal, handmade, and original.

There is a connection with modern life in Mostar, and it’s an inconspicuous one − you’ll find it in the art of Bosnian coffee. Traditional

Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa lete iz Zagreba u Mostar nedjeljom, srijedom i četvrtkom, a iz Mostara u Zagreb ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom.

Croatia Airlines flies from Zagreb to Mostar on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and from Mostar to Zagreb on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com

01 02
Đ. Pandurević / Unsplash M. Matić / Unsplash

Bosnian coffee has always been prepared in a copper dzhezva coffee pot, in which the beans are first roasted and then brought to boil. It is had black, is sipped, and is not sweetened with sugar, but with rahat lokum, more commonly known as Turkish delight, flavoured with, for instance, walnuts or rose water. The art and culture of Bosnian coffee has persisted to this day, which means that you too can enjoy it.

Deeply steeped in history, Mostar takes great pride in its Ottoman legacy, architecture, traditions and way of life. The Hub of Fine Arts in Mostar is a must-see art gallery for art lovers showcasing more than 100 paintings and sculptures by renowned 19th and 20th century artists. If, on the other hand, you’re looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the town, be sure to check out the Fortica Skywalk, a new glass floor walkway offering spectacular vistas of mesmerising Mostar.

To remind yourself that you haven’t actually travelled back in time, hop on Mostar’s adrenaline pumping zip line, look for refreshment at the Romanca Restaurant and Winery, and find comfortable accommodation at Mepas Hotel. To get grounded in the present moment, you have the bustle of tourists tirelessly roaming the streets of Mostar to thank. Because time in Mostar has not stood still after all. 

Sa Starog mosta se krajem srpnja svake godine organizira natjecanje u skokovima u vodu, čija tradicija seže do daleke 1664. godine From the Old Bridge a diving contest is organised at the end of July each year, a tradition that dates back to 1664 D.
powered by
Beau / Unsplash



Hrvatska je već poznata kao jedna od najpoželjnijih destinacija za vrhunska judo događanja! Najprestižnije judo natjecanje vraća se u Zagreb. Točno godinu prije Olimpijskih igara u Parizu 2024. godine IJF World Judo Tour nastavlja se upravo u Hrvatskoj! Zagreb će i ove godine, od 18. do 20. kolovoza, u zagrebačkoj Areni, na IJF Grand Prixu, ugostiti više od 600 vrhunskih judašica i judaša sa šest kontinenata i iz više od 75 država, a među njima i dvostruku svjetsku prvakinju Barbaru Matić. TV slika iz Zagreba prenosit će se u 190 zemalja svijeta, dok svi oni koji ne mogu biti u Areni Zagreb mogu uživo pratiti prijenos na drugom programu Hrvatske radiotelevizije tijekom sva tri dana natjecanja. Zagreb i Hrvatska jedno su od najdražih mjesta za natjecanja za brojne svjetske prvake i olimpijske pobjednike, kao što su Francuz Teddy Riner, Japanka Abe

Uta, Gruzijac Lasha Shavdatuashvili, Belgijac Matthias Casse, Britanka Chelsie Giles, ali i naravno za našu viceprvakinju svijeta iz 2021. godine Laru Cvjetko.

Više na judo.hr


Nakon što smo do sada uspješno organizirali IJF Grand Prix, Svjetsko juniorsko prvenstvo, europska prvenstva u uzrastu kadeta, juniora, U23 i veterana, došlo je napokon vrijeme da stavimo kvačicu i na Svjetsko prvenstvo u uzrastu kadeta i kadetkinja. U savršenom planu za kraj kolovoza, odmah nakon IJF Grand Prixa, Zagreb će od 23. − 27. kolovoza 2023. godine ugostiti najbolje judaše i judašice do 18 godina iz cijelog svijeta.


The most prestigious judo competition returns to Zagreb! Exactly one year ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the IJF World Judo Tour is arriving in Croatia. Between 18th and 20th August at the IJF Grand Prix held in the Zagreb Arena, Zagreb will be hosting more than 600 top judokas from six continents and more than 75 countries, including two-time World Champion, Barbara Matić. Croatia is already known for being one of the most popular destinations for world-class judo events. The three days of the competition will be broadcast live from Zagreb and shown in 190 countries around the world, including the Croatian Radio Television Channel Two (HRT 2) for all those who can’t make it to the Zagreb Arena to watch the competition live. Zagreb and Croatia are a popular competition destination for many world champions and Olympic medallists, including Teddy Riner from France, Abe Uta from Japan, Lasha Shavdatuashvili from Georgia, Matthias Casse from Belgium, Chelsie Giles from the UK, and Croatia’s very own Lara Cvjetko, the 2021 world runner-up. For more information, visit judo.hr


After successfully organising the IJF Grand Prix, the World Judo Juniors Championship, the European Judo Championship for cadets, juniors, U23, and veterans, the time has finally come to tick the box of the World Judo Cadets Championship as well. Right after the IJF Grand Prix, Zagreb will also be hosting the best judokas under the age of 18 from around the world between 23rd and 27th August. What a perfect way to close the season!

01 Barbara Matić & Lara Cvjetko, finale svjetskog prvenstva u Taškentu, Uzbekistan, 2022. Barbara Matić & Lara Cvjetko at the world championship final in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2022
01 02
02 Barbara Matić, polufinale svjetskog prvenstva u Dohi, Katar, 2023. Barbara Matić at the world championship semi-final in Doha, Qatar, 2023
Zagreb C. Ferreira G. Juan
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15. − 24. 6.

Ovaj festival afirmirao se kao jedno od najpopularnijih kulturnih događanja na Jadranu. Fokus natjecateljskih programa festivala jesu filmovi mediteranskih zemalja, a kroz popratne programe publika ima priliku upoznati i kinematografije drugih europskih i svjetskih regija.


Thanks to the festival’s competition programme focusing on films from the countries of the Mediterranean, and the accompanying programme on films produced in other regions of Europe and the world, the Split Mediterranean Film Festival has established itself as one of the most popular cultural events on the Adriatic.




2. 6. − 2. 9.

Ljetna pozornica u Opatiji jedna je od najatraktivnijih na Mediteranu, a na njoj će se i ovoga ljeta održati mnoga vrhunska glazbena događanja. Najromantičnija ljetna večer u Opatiji zasigurno će biti 6. srpnja, kada na pozornicu stiže Michael Bolton. Ljetna pozornica ugostit će 15. srpnja i Noru Jones, a ususret Danu Grada Opatije pripremljeno je najveće ljetno događanje, nastup međunarodne zvijezde Anastacie 24. srpnja.


One of the most beautiful open-air theatres in the Mediterranean, Opatija’s Open-Air Theatre, is hosting many fabulous concerts this summer. The most romantic evening in Opatija promises to be 6th July, when Michael Bolton arrives on stage. 15th July is reserved for Norah Jones, and the date of 24th July is set for the performance of international star Anastacia, the biggest event this summer in celebration of the Day of the City of Opatija. www.festivalopatija.hr

Arhiva Ljetne pozornice / Open Air Theatre archives FMFS

taraca tvrđave revelin revelin fort terrace


Premijera Premiere

Dubrovačke ljetne igre i Zagrebačko

kazalište mladih

Dubrovnik Summer Festival

and Zagreb Youth Theatre

Grzegorz Jarzyna redatelj Director

prema motivima „Na tri kralja ili kako hoćete”

Williama Shakespearea / after William

Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, or What You Will

Subtitled in English

tvrđava lovrjenac lovrjenac fort

02 –03 /08


Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Split

Croatian National Theatre of Split

Leo Mujić koreograf i redatelj

Choreographer & Director

taraca tvrđave revelin revelin fort terrace



Valentin Egel dirigent Conductor

Josipa Bilić sopran soprano

A. Dvořák, W. A. Mozart, I. Violić

ispred katedrale in front of cathedral


Simfonijski orkestar Hrvatske

radiotelevizije Croatian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra

Zbor Hrvatske radiotelevizije

Croatian Radio and Television Choir

Tomislav Fačini dirigent Conductor

Darija Auguštan sopran soprano

Franko Klisović kontratenor countertenor

Roko Radovan tenor

Leon Košavić bariton baritone

O. Respighi, L. Bernstein, G. Puccini, G. Verdi, P. Mascagni, A. Borodin, I. Kuljerić

ispred katedrale in front of cathedral

Ulaznice / Tickets Online www.dubrovnik-festival.hr www.ulaznice.hr

Blagajne / Box offices

Festivalska palača / Festival Palace

Od Sigurate 1, Old City

T: +385 (0)20 326 123 sales@dubrovnik-festival.hr

Na lokacijama, 2 sata prije početka izvedbe At the venue, 2 hours prior to the performance

Član Europske udruge festivala od 1956. Member of the European Festivals Association since 1956

For more
please visit:
Više na /
15/07 MARIZA fado


7. 7. − 9. 7.

Ovaj festival kreće u novu glazbenu i turističku pustolovinu koja započinje u Splitu, a nakon Brača i Hvara završava na viškoj tvrđavi Fortica. Posjetitelje koji stižu iz više od 140 zemalja svijeta očekuju brojna osvježenja, preko 250 izvođača te glazbena i destinacijska pustolovina iz snova.


This year’s music and destination adventure of Ultra Europe

Music Festival starts in Split, makes stops on the islands of Brač and Hvar, and ends at Fort George or Fortica on the Island of Vis. Arriving from more than 140 countries, festivalgoers can expect a fabulous line-up of over 250 performers, and a music and destination adventure beyond their wildest dreams.



24. 6. − 8. 7.

Ovaj dječji festival održava se 63. put i zaštitni je znak grada Šibenika. Za vrijeme festivala ožive trgovi i ulice, a gradom zavlada smijeh djece iz različitih krajeva svijeta. MDF potiče mnoge ideje u raznim oblicima umjetnosti dječjeg stvaralaštva poput dramskog, lutkarskog, glazbeno-scenskog, filmskog, literarnog i likovnog.


A symbol of Šibenik, the 63rd edition of the International Children’s Festival promises to make the streets and squares of Šibenik come alive. With the city taken over by the laughter of children from all around the world, the festival promotes the expression of children’s creative ideas in various art forms, such as drama, puppetry, music, film, literature, and the visual arts.


J. Duval



6. − 9. 7.

U dvorcu Veliki Tabor i ovog se ljeta održava ovaj vodeći festival kratkometražnog filma u Hrvatskoj i regiji. Festival u svoja tri kina promovira autore i pomaže im da postanu dio programa drugih festivala. Uz kvalitetan natjecateljski i popratni filmski program, ovaj festival nudi i bogati glazbeni program, izložbe, predavanja, promocije knjiga te organizira kamp i gastronomsku ponudu. Filmski program sastoji se od dva natjecateljska programa − domaće i međunarodne konkurencije, a zastupljeni su filmovi svih žanrova.


This summer, Veliki Tabor (Great Camp in translation) Castle is again hosting the Tabor Film Festival, a leading short film festival in Croatia and the region. Screening films at three cinema locations, the festival has been promoting and helping authors to enter and become part of the programme of other festivals. Besides a quality competition and accompanying film programme, the festival is also featuring a rich music programme, exhibitions, lectures,



10. 7. − 25. 8.

Zasnovane na bogatoj i živoj baštini grada Dubrovnika, Igre

74. godinu postaju središtem kulturnih događanja. Dubrovačke ljetne igre i ove će godine okupiti ponajbolje dramske, glazbene, baletne, folklorne, likovne i filmske umjetnike iz cijelog svijeta.


Growing out of Dubrovnik’s rich and lively heritage, the festival has been transforming Dubrovnik into a cultural mecca year after year. The 74th edition of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival will again be featuring the best drama, music, ballet, folklore, visual and film artists from around the world.


and book promotions. Camping accommodation is also available, as well as food and beverage stalls set up. Films of all genres are screened, and the film programme consists of two competitions − the national and international competition.


M. Marjanović Arhiva DLJI / Dubrovnik Summer Festival archives



18. 8. − 27. 8.

Za Varaždin se može reći da tijekom ovoga festivala pulsira kreativnim ritmom svijeta, a grad postaje prijestolnicom glazbe i uličnog teatra. U 25 godina na ovom festivalu dobrih emocija nastupilo je više od 15.000 izvođača iz cijeloga svijeta, a posjetilo ga je više od 2 milijuna posjetitelja.


During Špancirfest, Varaždin can be said to pulsate with the creative rhythm of the world, while the town itself transforms into a performance art and music mecca. In the 25 years since it was first held, this good vibes festival has attracted more than 15,000 performers from all around the world, and more than 2 million visitors.


BARAKA is a family-owned boutique winery located in the heart of Dalmatia on the Srima peninsula near Šibenik and Vodice. We are completely focused on making terroir-driven fine wines and providing great tasting experiences for our friends and guests.

Small-batch winemaking and a hands-on approach, with a constant focus on raising quality, are words we would use to describe ourselves. We invite you to join us on our journey and explore our wines directly at the source or in renowned restaurants along the Adriatic Coast.

S. Sović
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From the heart of Dalmatia great wines are made…


Nekoliko dobrih razloga zašto posjetiti Šibenik

Several good reasons why you should visit Šibenik

Kada bi more, tvrđave i ulice mogli govoriti, oni bi nam zasigurno ispričali najljepše priče o najstarijem gradu na jadranskoj obali koji su osnovali Hrvati. Šibenik je grad festivala, zabave, sporta, marende, baštine pod zaštitom UNESCO-a…

If Šibenik’s coastline, fortresses, and streets could talk, they would tell you some of the most beautiful stories about the oldest town on the Adriatic coast founded by Croats. Šibenik is a town of festivals, entertainment, sports, the famous Dalmatian brunch called marenda, and world heritage sites protected by UNESCO.

Njegove su srednjovjekovne uličice kao galerija na otvorenome, a tvrđave koje budno paze na svakodnevni život stanovnika podsjetnik na neka stara, ali uzbudljiva vremena. Šibenik je jedan od najljepših jadranskih gradova, posljednjih se godina mnogo ulaže u obnovu njegovih povijesnih atrakcija, kao i u turističku ponudu pa je sve češći izbor gostiju koji stižu u Hrvatsku. Od lokaliteta pod zaštitom UNESCO-a i kamenih uličica, atraktivne ponude aktivnog odmora pa sve do bogate festivalske tradicije i događanja koja su postala jedna od najiščekivanijih u godini, dolaskom toplijih dana izlet u Šibenik zvuči kao odlična ideja! Iako je popis razloga zbog kojih trebate otputovati u Šibenik dugačak, izdvojili smo one najvažnije.

UNESCO i Šibenik u ljubavnoj priči Šibenik je jedan od rijetkih gradova na svijetu koji ima čak dva spomenika upisana na UNESCO-ov popis zaštićene kulturne

Stara gradska jezgra s tvrđavom sv. Mihovila Šibenik’s Old Town featuring St. Michael’s Fortress
TEKST/TEXT _ TZ grada Šibenika/Šibenik Tourist Board
A. Grubelić, TZ grada Šibenika/Šibenik Tourist Board


St. Michael’s Fortress, the most beautiful summer stage on the Adriatic

baštine. Razgledavanje kulturnih i povijesnih znamenitosti u ovom gradu budi posebne emocije među posjetiteljima, a čim se približite zavodljivoj obali i ugledate impresivnu staru gradsku jezgru, zaboravit ćete na sve predrasude o tome da su povijesti i kultura dosadni! Posjetite tvrđavu svetog Nikole i katedralu svetog Jakova, dvije atrakcije koje mame uzdahe.

Katedrala svetog Jakova jedan je od najljepših sakralnih objekata u Europi, datira iz 15. i 16. stoljeća i jedina je katedrala iz tog doba koja je u cijelosti sagrađena od kamena. Danas je prepoznatljiva zbog neobičnih skulptura, ljudskih glava koje su uklesane na vanjskim zidovima i pročeljima. Iako nije poznato koga predstavljaju, vjeruje se da je Juraj Dalmatinac portretirao ljude iz različitih slojeva društva u vremenu kad je boravio u Šibeniku.

Ova prekrasna građevina poslužila je i kao kulisa za snimanje planetarno popularne poznate serije Igre prijestolja pa će se svi ljubitelji adaptacije književnog serijala Pjesma leda i vatre zasigurno prisjetiti čuvene glumačke postave koja je osvojila TV ekrane. Druga UNESCO-ova ljepotica, tvrđava svetog Nikole, fascinantno je zdanje zbog kojeg Šibenik nikada nije napadnut s mora. Poseban je doživljaj ovu autentičnu građevinu posjetiti organiziranim izletima i turističkim brodovima, a svojom fascinantnom poviješću, nadahnjujućom arhitekturom i zanimljivom pričom odvest će vas daleko u povijest, u doba kad su Osmanlije osvajale dalmatinsko zaleđe i opasno prijetile obalnim gradićima. Na putu do nje uživajte u opuštajućoj vožnji s prekrasnim pogledima na kanal sv. Ante.

Šetnja kroz povijest: crkve, palače, samostani, muzeji i galerije zovu na istraživanje

Smješten na strmim padinama, okružen tvrđavama i prepun uskih popločenih uličica i trgova s kamenim prolazima, Šibe-

nik je jedan od najbolje očuvanih srednjovjekovnih gradova na Jadranu. Šetnja kroz njegove ulice šetnja je kroz povijest, gdje svaki kamen priča svoju priču. Unutar stare gradske jezgre pronaći ćete čak 24 crkve, 17 palača, 6 samostana, muzeje, galerije i portale u kojima se kriju mnoga neočekivana iznenađenja. Udahnite duboko u zelenim gradskim oazama, upijte ljepotu središnjega gradskog trga s Gradskom vijećnicom i Kneževom palačom, popijte kavicu u najljepšem dalmatinskom ambijentu. Šetnju nastavite do trga s četiri bunara koji su ukrašeni grbovima Šibenika i Venecije, posjetite crkvu i samostan sv. Luce, u čijem se dvorištu nalazi kameni zdenac koji je služio za opskrbu vodom. Nad gradom bdije i utvrda sv. Mihovila, najstarija od četiri šibenske gradske tvrđave, s koje pucaju nevjerojatni pogledi na kanal sv. Ante, a mjesto je održavanja brojnih događaja poput koncerata, mjuzikala, kazališnih predstava te filmskih projekcija. Preporučujemo posjet Muzeju grada Šibenika, Interpretacijskom centru Civitas Sacra i samostanu svetog Frane.

02 Tvrđava svetog Nikole, jedinstveni spomenik svjetske graditeljske baštine pod zaštitom UNESCO-a od 2017. godine Saint Nicholas’s Fortress, a one-of-a-kind architectural monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2017 Tvrđava sv. Mihovila, najljepša ljetna pozornica Jadrana
01 02 03
01 Krovovi stare gradske jezgre s najljepšom kupolom, onom katedrale sv. Jakova The rooftops of Šibenik’s Old Town featuring the most beautiful dome, that of the Cathedral of St. James S. Surać, Tvrđava kulture Šibenik/Šibenik Fortress of Culture I. Pervan, TZ grada Šibenika/Šibenik Tourist Board

Bogatstvo šibenske kužine

Ako je vjerovati onoj staroj uzrečici da gastronomija nije samo vještina, nego i prava umjetnost − onda su Šibenčani majstori u pripremanju hrane. Od Michelinovih nagrađivanih restorana, autentičnih dalmatinskih konoba pa sve do modernih, mediteranskih lokala kojima je teško odoljeti − cijelo šibensko područje ima nevjerojatno bogatu i raznoliku kuhinju koja može zadovoljiti gurmane svih ukusa.

Osim u kuhinji trude se Šibenčani prezentirati svoju baštinu i kroz različite turističke ture od kojih je jedna od najpopularnijih Priče iz šibenske kužine. Članovi udruge turističkih vodiča Mihovil osmislili su i provode već nekoliko godina ovu zanimljivu

i fascinantnu priču o mediteranskoj prehrani koja je upisana na UNESCO-ovu listu svjetske nematerijalne baštine, zlatnom dobu Krešimirova grada i proizvodnji soli zbog koje je sagrađena katedrala svetog Jakova. Kroz turu se obilaze zanimljive i važne lokacije po starom gradu koje su usko vezane uz šibensku gastro baštinu, a neke su od njih prva dalmatinska slastičarna Steve Mandića i tadašnje kultno okupljalište neženja − Kavana Medulić, koja se i danas nalazi na istome mjestu, pa sve do Masne ulice i nekadašnje tržnice gdje su lokalci trgovali mesom i žitom. Nakon nadahnjujuće ture predlažemo da isprobate lokalne specijalitete u restoranima i konobama koje obilježuje obilje sočnih plodova mora, svježa riba i tradicionalno pripremljene mesne delicije. Sredinom lipnja svake godine, u Šibeniku se održava manifestacije Pidoča & Debit se vole koja slavi i promiče poznatu šibensku pidoču (dagnju) i autohtonu sortu bijelog vina debit, koji čine savršeni gastronomski par. Vidimo se u Šibeniku! 

Šibenik’s medieval streets are like open-air galleries, and its fortresses that keep a watchful eye on the daily life of its residents a reminder of bygone yet exciting times. Šibenik is one of the most beautiful cities on the Adriatic. In recent years, a lot has been invested not only in restoring its historical sites and attractions, but also in expanding what the town has to offer to its guests, which is why Šibenik has become an increasingly popular choice with visitors arriving in Croatia. World heritage sites protected by UNESCO, cobbled streets and alleys, amazing sports and activity holiday options, countless festivals and events including some of the most eagerly awaited ones of the year − with the arrival of warm summer days, a trip to Šibenik sounds like a fabulous idea! The list of reasons why you should visit Šibenik is long indeed, which is why we’re bringing you some of the most gripping ones.

02 Brudet s palentom, tradicionalno dalmatinsko jelo Fish stew with polenta, a traditional Dalmatian dish 03 Priprema pidoča na lati, manifestacija Pidoča&Debit se vole Cooking mussels on an open-fire tray, Pidoča & Debit In Love festival
02 01 03
01 Autohtoni šibenski debit, manifestacija Pidoča&Debit se vole Debit, a white wine native to Šibenik, Pidoča & Debit In Love festival M. D. Pečanić, TZ Šibensko-kninske županije/Šibenik-Knin County Tourist Board V. Baranović, Hrvatska turistička zajednica/Croatian National Tourist Board V. Baranović, Hrvatska turistička zajednica/ Croatian National Tourist Board
CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2023 135 www.dalmatiasibenik.hr so unique, so beautiful. 2 UNESCO sites | 2 National Parks | 11 Medieval Fortifications 230 Cultural Monuments | 300 Islands | 600 Archeological sites Autor: Ivo Pervan Autor: Ivo Pervan Autor: Ivo Pervan Autor: Ivo Biočina Autor: Aleksandar Gospić Autor: Goran Santar

UNESCO’s love affair with Šibenik Šibenik is one of few cities in the world that boasts as many as two sites on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites. Seeing the cultural and historical sights of Šibenik arouses powerful emotions. As soon as you get close to its seductive coastline, and as soon as Šibenik’s impressive Old Town comes into view, you’ll instantly understand why history and culture are anything but boring. Be sure to visit two of Šibenik’s truly breath-taking attractions − Saint Nicholas’s Fortress, and the Cathedral of St. James.

The Cathedral of St. James is one of the most beautiful religious buildings and places of worship in Europe. Dating from the 15th and 16th centuries, it is the only cathedral from that period which was built entirely of stone. It is perhaps most famous for its unusual life-sized heads sculpted on its exterior walls. Although it is unknown who these represent, it is believed that they are portrayals of actual people from different social strata as seen by sculptor and architect Juraj Dalmatinac, also known as Giorgio da Sebenico, who sculpted them during his stay in Šibenik. This beautiful building served as a backdrop for the filming of the globally popular Game of Thrones series, which will surely be fascinating to all fans of the screen adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire series of epic fantasy novels.

Šibenik’s other UNESCO-protected attraction is Saint Nicholas’s Fortress. It’s a fascinating edifice thanks to which Šibenik has never been attacked from the sea. To experience this stunning structure as best as possible, take an escorted or boat tour. The fortress’s fascinating history, inspiring architecture, and interesting story will take you back to a time when the Ottomans conquered a number of Dalmatia’s hinterland towns, dangerously closing in on Croatia’s seaside towns. On your way there, you’ll be offered spectacular views of Saint Anthony’s Channel.

A walk through history: churches, palaces, monasteries, museums, and galleries inviting you to explore them

Situated on steep slopes, surrounded by fortresses, and packed with narrow cobbled streets, squares and stone passages, Šibenik is one of the best-preserved medieval towns on the Adriatic. To walk through its streets is to walk through history, where each and every piece of cobblestone tells its own story.


Šibenik’s Old Town
TESTAMENT WINERY Stražnice 2, Jadrtovac, 22000 Šibenik www.testament-winery.com juraj@testament-winery.com tasting@testament-winery.com +385 99 5475 005
Pogled na staru gradsku jezgru s tvrđavama Barone i sv. Mihovil A view of Šibenik’s Old Town featuring the Barone Fortress and St. Michael’s Fortress Decoded Records, TZ grada Šibenika/Šibenik Tourist Board

is home to as many as 24 churches, 17 palaces, 6 monasteries, museums, galleries, and portals, where you’ll find many hidden gems and surprises.


For a breath of fresh air check out the town’s green oases, take in the beauty of the town’s main square, which is where the Town Hall and the Duke’s Palace are, and enjoy a cup of coffee surrounded by the most beautiful Dalmatian townscape. Be sure to check out the Four Wells’ Square ornamented with the coat of arms of both the Town of Šibenik and the Republic of Venice, and the Church and Monastery of St. Lucia, whose yard is home to an old stone water well. Overlooking the town, and affording spectacular vistas of Saint Anthony’s Channel, St. Michael’s Fortress is the oldest of the four fortresses of Šibenik, and a venue where countless concerts, musicals, theatre performances, and film screenings are held. Be sure to also check out the Šibenik City Museum, the Civitas Sacra Interpretation Centre of the Cathedral of St. James, and the Church and Monastery of St. Francis.

The richness of Šibenik’s cuisine

If cooking is not just a set of skills but an art form, then the people of Šibenik are masters at preparing food. You’ll be hard pressed to choose between a Michelin star restaurant, a traditional Dalmatian tavern and a modern Mediterranean restaurant given that they all serve an amazing and rich variety of foods, and cater for all tastes. The people of Šibenik have been doing their best to present their

Restoran Pjat na šibenskoj rivi jedinstvena je gastronomska oaza s najljepšim pogledom na more. Jedan je od tri najbolja restorana po izboru gostiju, a za pripremu svih jela koriste se samo svježe namirnice lokalnih proizvođača. Okusite tradiciju u svakom zalogaju s pjata i uživajte u čarima Šibenika.

The Pjat Restaurant, located on the Šibenik waterfront with a beautiful sea view, is a unique oasis of gastronomy. It is one of the three best restaurants, chosen by guests. Dishes are prepared with local food and served with high-quality wines. Get a taste of tradition in every single bite and enjoy the charm of Šibenik.

Tel.: +385 (0)98 335 070, Trg Pavla Šubića 6, Šibenik

heritage through the offer of different escorted or group tours. One of the most popular is the Stories From Šibenik’s Kitchen. Members of the Mihovil Tour Guide Association have designed and have been organising for several years fascinating tours that tell the story of the Mediterranean diet, which is recognised by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, the story about the golden age of the Town of King Krešimir, which is how Croatians often refer to Šibenik, and the story about the production of salt that resulted in the construction of the Cathedral of St. James. During the tour, you’ll be taken to interesting and important spots in the Old Town that are closely related to Šibenik’s culinary heritage, including the first-ever Dalmatian patisserie to have been opened in Šibenik by Stevo Mandić, Medulić Cafe and Restaurant, an iconic place where the bachelors of yesteryear used to hang out and which hasn’t moved ever since it was established, and Masna Ulica, which translates as Greasy Street, and Šibenik's former marketplace where the locals traded meat and grain. After this inspiring tour, be sure to try some of the local specialities served in Šibenik’s restaurants and taverns, whose menus are replete with juicy seafood, fresh fish, and traditional meat dishes. In mid-June every year, Šibenik hosts the Pidoča & Debit In Love festival to celebrate and promote the perfect pairing of pidoča , which is what mussels are called in local dialect, with Debit, which is a white wine grape variety native to Dalmatia. See you in Šibenik! 


Dobrodošli na Ljeto u Zagrebu

Welcome to Summer in Zagreb

UZagrebu ljeti nikad nije dosadno, a njegova je kulturna scena mozaik doživljaja za goste svih afiniteta i za sve generacije. Potvrđuje to i direktorica Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba Martina Bienenfeld, koja upućuje pozivnicu i dobrodošlicu svim posjetiteljima: Zahvaljujući urbanom naslijeđu, kulturno-povijesnim cjelinama, kulturnim institucijama i događanjima, ali i javnim površinama koje se koriste u svrhu predstavljanja umjetničkih i urbanih projekata, Zagreb je iz perspektive turizma destinacija suvremenog umjetničkog stvaralaštva i destinacija za promociju urbane kulture. S veseljem pozivam sve da ga posjete jer Zagreb ljeti intenzivno živi na otvorenome,


pun je raznih događanja i, po mnogima, najljepši upravo u mjesecima koji nam dolaze. Ljeto u Zagrebu doista je posebno doba godine, stoga − dobrodošli!

Vrhunska glazba u središtu grada Kad se približi kraj lipnja, da i ne pogledate na kalendar, znali biste − ljeto je započelo! Za Zagrepčane i njihove goste taj suptilni znak promjene godišnjeg doba

poseban je open air festival klasične glazbe Zagreb Classic, koji organizira Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba. Na romantičnome Trgu kralja Tomislava na travnjaku uz fontanu i cvjetne lijehe Zagrepčani i njihovi gosti u samome središtu grada uživaju u prekrasnim koncertima ozbiljne glazbe koje za njih izvode poznati hrvatski i inozemni solisti i orkestri. Doista, poseban ugođaj! Već tradicionalno, i to čak 57 godina, u centru Zagreba u drugoj se polovici srpnja održava petodnevna Međunarodna smotra folklora, koja na gradske ulice vraća narodne pjesme, plesove i običaje, ove godine uz gostovanje čak devet europskih folklornih skupina, zatim skupina iz Gruzije, Senegala, Irana i Indije te više od 30 domaćih skupina.

S. Kaštelan, TZGZ / ZTB
Manifestacija Dvorišta/The Courtyards The Courtyards/Dvorišta event
Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba/Zagreb Tourist Board

Predodređeno za romantiku

Neizostavni dio zagrebačke atmosfere prostor je Gornjega grada. Romantičan tijekom svih godišnjih doba, ljeti će svakoj priredbi i svakom susretu dati i još nešto više…

Manifestacija Dvorišta/The Courtyards

događaj je koji se svake godine očekuje s osobitim nestrpljenjem. Za posjetitelje se u srpnju otvaraju vrata pojedinih, inače javnosti nedostupnih, a time i nevidljivih gornjogradskih dvorišta. Događaj je to koji od 2014. godine ima posebno mjesto u srcima Zagrepčana i turista, što su potvrdile i dvije nagrade za najkreativniji i najinovativniji projekt u turizmu.

Posjetiteljima će dvostruko zanimljiv biti obilazak jedinstvenoga Muzeja prekinutih veza. Uz svevremenske životne priče, ljubitelji dobre glazbe jednom će tjedno uživati u također vječnoj glazbi Jazza u muzeju.

A mi idemo dalje…

Caffe de Matoš, nazvan po pjesniku Antunu Gustavu Matošu, Trgu Mažuranića u Donjem gradu daje novi ljetni sadržaj. Pregled kroz ljetna događanja u Zagrebu vodi nas do park-jezera Bundek na kojem se u prirodnom okruženju održavaju festivali Pop Up Summer Garden te Baš naš. Na obali rijeke Save, kraj Hendrixova mosta, cijeloga ljeta traje Green River Fest. Grad se tim ljetnim festivalom, i više nego inače, vraća na obale svoje rijeke i životu u skladu s prirodom.

Bogata rock scena

Zagrebačka rock i klupska scena intenzivno živi pa mnogi glazbenici u itinerarima svojih turneja planiraju i ovaj grad. Tako će se i u ljetnim mjesecima održati brojni koncerti. Spomenimo tako da će na zagrebačkoj open air pozornici Šalata koncerte održati poznati bendovi kao što su The Cult, Foals, Amon Amarth i drugi… Kultni Depeche Mode održat će koncert u dvorani Arena. U Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslav Lisinski koncert će održati Suzanne Vega, a u klupskom prostoru Tvornice kulture Stereo MC's.

Svoju trajnu opredijeljenost za suvremene ritmove Zagreb dokazuje i LMF festivalom elektronske glazbe čiji poklonici iz cijelog svijeta tim povodom u lipnju dolaze na zagrebački Jarun.

Ne, nije to isti grad

U ljetnoj šetnji Zagrebom iznenadit će vas zanimljive prostorne instalacije koje grad koji poznajete čini drugačijim i, svakako, bogatijim. Projekt OKOLO // around na jedinstven način spaja uličnu umjetnost s domaćom i međunarodnom kreativnom scenom. Kreativnošću i umijećem umjetnika do tada nevidljive zagrebačke ulice, dvorišta i parkovi mijenjaju izgled te postaju galerija na otvorenome.

Za savršeno ispunjen dan

I dok je većina ljetnih događanja rezervirana za večernje sate, mnogo je drugih sadržaja kojima ćete kreirati savršene zagrebačke dane ispunjene inspirativnim susretima te, zahvaljujući bogatoj gastronomskoj ponudi, i odličnim okusima. Predlažemo obilazak muzeja i galerija od kojih je većina u pješačkoj gradskoj zoni. U njima ćete saznati mnogo o zagrebačkoj povijesti, kulturi, načinu života i umjetnosti, ali i vidjeti vrijedne izloške koji su doprinos svjetskoj civilizaciji.

Iz popisa izložbi izdvajamo u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti veliku retrospektivu Works of Heart (1970−2023) umjetnice i aktivistice Sanje Iveković, s posebno izdvojenim arhivskim segmentom Meeting Points: Documents in the Making, 1968−1982. koja će biti otvorena do studenog. Izložba jedne od u svijetu najistaknutijih hrvatskih umjetnica u Zagreb je stigla nakon uspjeha postignutog u Beču.

U prostoru te kulturne institucije održava se multimedijsko Ljeto u Muzeju

01 Panoramski pogled s Gornjeg grada A panoramic view of Zagreb from the Upper Town
01 02
02 Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Croatian National Theatre J. Duval, TZGZ / ZTB J. Duval, TZGZ / ZTB

suvremene umjetnosti, gdje se priređuju koncerti, izložbe, kazališne predstave, performansi i filmske projekcije.

U Domu Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika, u Galeriji Bačva, do 27. kolovoza traje izložba Dance De Lux umjetnika Olafa Nicolaija i Mariane Pende. Oni izlažu zajedničku site-specific instalaciju. Dvoje je umjetnika za ovaj rad inspirirala dubrovačka plaža Danče, koja je uspjela sačuvati svoj izvorni prostor. Recimo i to da se Dom HDLU-a nalazi u Meštrovićevom paviljonu, zdanju koje posjetitelji obilaze zbog brojnih izložaba, ali i zbog njegove umjetničke vrijednosti. Više informacija možete pronaći na www.infozagreb.hr 

You’ll never be bored in Zagreb in the summer. Zagreb’s cultural scene is a mosaic of experiences that cater to all guests, all tastes and preferences, and all generations. Extending an invitation to all visitors and welcoming them, the CEO of the Zagreb Tourist Board, Martina Bienenfeld, confirms this:

− Thanks to its urban heritage, its cultural and historical complexes, cultural institutions and events, and public spaces used for artistic and urban projects, Zagreb is, from the perspective of tourism, a destination for contemporary artistic creativity, and a destination for the promotion of urban culture. I’m extending an invitation to all to visit us, because in the summer Zagreb moves to its streets and squares, and lives outdoors.

It’s packed with events, and is, according to many, the most beautiful in the coming months. Summer in Zagreb is a truly special time of the year, so − welcome!

Fabulous music played in the city centre

As June draws to a close, even if you don’t check on the calendar, you would know that summer has arrived. For the people of Zagreb and their guests, this subtle sign of the change of seasons coincides with Zagreb Classic, a special open-air classical music festival, organised by the

01 Crkva sv. Marka Saint Mark’s Church

02 Open air festival klasične glazbe Zagreb Classic Zagreb Classic, an open-air classical music festival

Zagreb Tourist Board. In the city centre, on the romantic King Tomislav Square, on the lawn beside the park’s fountain and flower beds, the people of Zagreb and their guests enjoy wonderful concerts of classical music performed for them by famous Croatian and foreign soloists and orchestras. What an event!

Zagreb’s city centre has been hosting, for 57 years, the International Folklore Festival. Traditionally held in the second half of July, it presents, during the course of five days, folk songs, dances, and customs. This year’s

01 02
S. Carek, TZGZ / ZTB J. Duval, TZGZ / ZTB
CITY STAY ZAGREB online booking www.obzorputovanja.hr Bike and coffee tour Bike and coffee tour Bike and coffee tour Medieval night tour Medieval night tour Medieval night tour Blue Zagreb tour Blue Zagreb tour Blue Zagreb tour Spend a unique day in Zagreb with your friendly guide Enjoy specialty coffee in a healthy way Secrets of Zagreb unveiled in a unique night tour Obzor Holidays Ltd. | Nikole Tesle 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | incoming@obzorholidays.com

edition is showcasing as many as nine folklore dance groups from Europe, as well as from Georgia, Senegal, Iran, and India, and more than 30 groups from Croatia.

Destined for romance

To experience Zagreb’s summer atmosphere fully, its Upper Town must find its way to your itinerary. Although it’s romantic in all the seasons, in the summer it is truly special... Dvorišta/The Courtyards is one of the most eagerly awaited events of the year. In July, a number of private courtyards in Zagreb’s Upper Town, normally inaccessible to the general public, open their doors and portals. This event has had a special place in the hearts of Zagreb’s residents and their guests since 2014, as confirmed by two awards it received for most creative and innovative project in the tourism and travel industry. Visitors will find Zagreb’s one-of-a-kind Museum of Broken Relationships doubly interesting. Besides timeless life stories, lovers of good music will have the opportunity to also enjoy timeless Jazz At The Museum once a week.

Named after poet Antun Gustav Matoš, Caffe de Matoš is a new summer hotspot on Antun, Ivan and Vladimir Mažuranić Square in Zagreb’s Lower Town.

Let’s now head south and across the Sava River to Bundek Park where The Pop Up Summer Garden and the Baš Naš festival are being held.

In the immediate vicinity of Hendrix’s Bridge, the banks of the Sava River will be hosting the Green River Fest.

Thanks to this summer festival, Zagreb’s residents have re-discovered Sava’s riverbanks and living life in harmony with nature.

An awesome rock music scene

Zagreb’s got a lively rock music and club scene, so many musicians have Zagreb on their tour calendars. In other words, Zagreb will be hosting a number of concerts in the summer months. More specifically, famous music bands, such as The Cult, Foals, Amon Amarth, and others will be holding concerts on Zagreb’s Šalata open-air stage. Similarly, the iconic Depeche Mode is holding a concert in Zagreb’s Arena, Suzanne Vega at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, and Stereo MC’s at the Culture Factory (Tvornica Kulture).

Zagreb has been eternally devoted to contemporary sounds. Held in June at Zagreb’s Jarun Lake, the Let the Music be Free (LMF)

electronic music festival has been drawing electronic music fans and devotees from all over the world.

No, it’s not the same city

When you go for a summer stroll in Zagreb, you may be surprised by interesting spatial installations that make the city you’re already familiar with different and richer. The OKOLO // around project combines street art with the local and international creative scene in a unique way. Thanks to artistic creativity and skill, Zagreb’s previously invisible streets, courtyards, and parks are transformed into open-air galleries.

A perfectly fulfilling day

While most summer events take place in the evening, there are many that will make for a perfectly fulfilling day in Zagreb packed with inspiring encounters and, thanks to Zagreb’s fabulous offer of foods and drinks, brilliant flavours.

Be sure to tour Zagreb’s museums and galleries, most of which are in the pedestrian zone of the city. In them, you will not only learn a lot about Zagreb’s history, culture, lifestyle, and art, but will also see valuable exhibits that are a great contribution to world civilisation.

From the many exhibitions held in Zagreb, one is worth singling out. Following the success it achieved in Vienna, the Works of Heart (1970-2023) retrospective of one of Croatia’s most prominent and world-famous artists and activists, Sanja Iveković,

The ambiance of Zagreb’s Upper Town

has finally arrived in Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art. The exhibition features a specially selected archival section called Meeting Points: Documents in the Making, 1968-1982, and closes in November.

Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art is also hosting the Summer at the Museum of Contemporary Art, a multimedia event during which concerts, exhibitions, theatre plays, performances, and film screenings are held.

The Bačva Gallery of the Home of Croatian Fine Artists is hosting a collaborative site-specific installation called Dance De Lux. It’s an exhibition by artists Olaf Nicolai and Mariana Pende that closes on 27th August. The two artists draw inspiration for this work from Dubrovnik’s Danče beach, which managed to preserve its original space.

It’s worth pointing out that the Home of Croatian Fine Artists is housed in the Meštrović Pavilion, an edifice visited by many because numerous exhibitions are mounted in it, and because of its intrinsic aesthetic value. For more information, visit www.infozagreb.hr 

Gornjogradska atmosfera J. Duval, TZGZ / ZTB

Did you know that Zagreb has...

A Grounded Solar System

In the early 1970s, Croatian sculptor Ivan Kožarić created his Grounded Sun and the artist Davor Preis decided to create the installation Nine Views, which consisted of setting up bright metal spheres of various sizes and shapes to symbolize the planets of the Solar System. Each of the nine spheres is created on the same scale as Kožarić’s Sun and their position, i.e. distance is also the same as in space.

Grič mysterious tunnel

The historical tunnel is located in the very center of the city and was built during World War II as a shelter for citizens of Zagreb during air strikes. Numerous legends were associated with the Tunnel throughout history and literature. Today, it serves as a stage for events including exhibitions, concerts, plays and other cultural events.

Popov toranj (Priest’s Tower) / Zagreb Observatory

The old Upper Town fortress was built in the middle of the 13th century and you can almost “reach for the stars” from the Priest’s Tower. There is a dome at the top, which has been the home of the Zagreb Observatory for more than a hundred years.

The oldest pharmacy

The Upper Town pharmacy “K crnom orlu,” located on Kamenita Street, is the oldest known pharmacy in Zagreb. Its tradition dates back to 1355 and today this is a pharmacy with a tradition of selling its own products.

In addition, there is something that tickles the fancy of everyone who is familiar with the history of this pharmacy: Nicolo Alighieri, a pharmacist and the great-grandson of the renowned author Dante Alighieri, is frequently mentioned as one of the employees of this distinguished pharmacy.

Part of the Berlin Wall

Parts of the Berlin Wall can be found in various cities throughout the world, including in front of the German Embassy in Zagreb. The wall is 3.2 x 1.2 meters in size and weighs more than 2.5 tons and was donated to Zagreb by German entrepreneur Axel Brauer.

Medieval Medvedgrad fortress

The fortress was built in the 13th century, serving as a defensive structure that protected the city from invasions and attacks. Today the fortress houses the

contemporary Medvedgrad Visitor Center and welcomes its visitors with three multimedia permanent museum exhibitions. The fortress offers a breathtaking view of the city and the concerts at Medvedgrad enrich the summer cultural offer of the city.

A masterpiece of modern architecture

The French Pavilion, a protected cultural asset, is located in the Student Center of the University of Zagreb, Savska 25. It was built in 1937 as the exhibition pavilion of the French Republic as part of what was then called the Zagreb Assembly. Due to its beauty and uniqueness, the Pavilion itself is an “independent exhibition facility,” but also a place for various events such as exhibitions, shows, concerts, etc.

Fisherman’s cottage

Fisherman’s cottage or Birch cottage was built between 1853 and 1862 on the east coast of the Fourth Lake in Maksimir Park. The cottage is a small semi-open pavilion shaped in Gothic style with a high roof made of wood shingles. Its distinctive feature are the black and white patterns of birch bark. This unique pavilion is the perfect blend of the harmony of nature and architecture.

The French Pavilion
Grounded Sun
Fisherman’s cottage Grič Tunnel
Medvedgrad fortress
144 CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2023 HeadOnEast Croatia Tko visoko leti u Osijek sleti. FACEB OO K INSTA GR AM WE BS ITE @visitslavoniabaranja @visit.slavonija.baranja visitslavoniabaranja.com He who flies high, lands in Osijek.


Discover Osijek and experience the benefits of continental summer break

Na idealnoj udaljenosti od prenapučenih sezonskih destinacija, biser hrvatskog istoka − Osijek doziva vas iz srca prostrane Slavonije. Oni koji su već nabasali na njegov nenametljivi šarm, upoznali opušteni mentalitet lokalaca i kušali nezaboravnu enogastronomsku ponudu znaju da je riječ o gradu koji ne možete posjetiti samo jednom. No može li slavonska metropola ispuniti i naše ljetne potrebe, kada nam je na umu samo osvježenje i bijeg od asfalta? Odgovor je − može, i to na jedinstven način. Ljetni provod u Osijeku ideja je vrijedna razmatranja svakog putnika željnog toplih ljetnih noći u društvu gostoljubivih domaćina, jedinstvenih manifestacija, urbane atmosfere ili pak opuštanja na rijeci, tik do netaknute prirode. Pronalazite li se u ovim aktivnostima, saznajte što vas sve čeka u najzelenijem gradu Hrvatske!

Koliko često imate priliku vidjeti najbolje sportaše svijeta koji s lakoćom izvode vratolomije na BMX biciklima, rolama ili skejtovima? Ljeto u Osijeku započinje vrhunskim sportskim manifestacijama poput Pannonian Challengea, koji već desetljećima okuplja ljubitelje ekstremnog sporta u Osijeku, a prethodi mu svjetsko natjecanje u gimnastici, DOBRO World Cup, na kojem vrhunski gimnastičari ostavljaju posjetitelje bez daha. Ljubitelje

ugodnih večeri provedenih uz zvuke glazbe ili najbolje dramske izvedbe regije oduševit će činjenica da se u Osijeku odvija besplatna kulturna manifestacija koja traje čak dva mjeseca. Osječko ljeto kulture vrhunski je događaj grada čiji se program žarko iščekuje i pomno bira tijekom čitave godine, a u srpnju i kolovozu ispuni gradske prostore zvucima užitka u svih sedam umjetnosti. Za veseliju dozu zabave tu su Osječke ljetne noći, koje se održavaju posljednjeg vikenda u lipnju, srpnju i kolovozu, a koje ožive ulice, trgove i Promenadu središta grada atraktivnim sadržajem i gastro ponudom za sve uzraste, što ih čini i savršenom manifestacijom za cijelu obitelj. Za idealan ljetni vikend u Osijeku ne zaboravite spakirati kupaći kostim i zaputiti se prema omiljenoj plaži i bazenskom kompleksu u gradu − Kopakabani. Kultna Kopika, kako je zovu lokalci, ljeti je nezaobilazna destinacija za one željne vruće atmosfere, rekreacije, sunčanja, osvježenja na terasama kafića ili, primjerice, plivanja u olimpijskom bazenu. Dok ste na lijevoj obali rijeke i s ležaljke na plaži promatrate ikoničnu vizuru grada (Pješački most, konkatedralu sv. Petra i Pavla i Hotel Osijek), dobro je znati da kraćom biciklističkom vožnjom ili ugodnom šetnjom možete stići do površinom najvećeg zoološkog vrta u Hrvatskoj. Tamo će vas dočekati crveni ris, afrički lav, alpake, krokodili, žirafe i drugi stanovnici životinjskog carstva, a na desnu obalu rijeke, gdje se smjestio grad, vratiti se možete i besplatnom eko-skelom (osječki: kompom). Krećući se gradom, primijetit ćete da njime kraljuju biciklisti i šetači. Doista, Osijek je idealan za duge i nesmetane vožnje na dva kotača, a njegovi brojni i očaravajući parkovi te prekrasna riječna šetnica Promenada utkani su u identitet svakog lokalca.

Tu su i klasični aduti grada poput stare barokne jezgre Tvrđe, najljepše ulice u gradu − Europske avenije, poznate po secesijskom nizu, ili pak impozantne neogotičke konkatedrale sv. Petra i Pavla, a ne treba zaboraviti ni vrhunska vina Osječko-baranjske županije i prepoznatljivu gastronomiju grada, koja je spoj kultura i civilizacija koje su se miješale i izmjenjivale na ovom području. Kušajte perkelt, fiš-paprikaš, jela od crne svinje i uživajte u vrhunskoj kapljici graševine ili crnog radlera u jednom od osječkih restorana kako biste upotpunili osječko iskustvo. 

Otkrijte Osijek i doživite blagodati ljeta na kontinentu
M. Đurkić Horizont Solutions

02 Šarmantni secesijski Sakuntalin park u središtu grada

The charming art nouveau Shakuntala park in the city centre

03 Ikonični pogled s lijeve obale rijeke Drave

Away from the overcrowded seasonal destinations, the pearl of Croatian East, Osijek, is calling on you from the heart of Slavonia. Those who have experienced its unassuming charms, the relaxed mentality of the locals, and tasted the unforgettable cuisine, already know that this is a city that you cannot visit just once. But can this Slavonian metropolis fulfil our summer wants and needs when we can only think about cooling off and escaping the hot asphalt? The answer is yes, in its own way. A summer in Osijek is an idea worthy of consideration if you’re a traveller who enjoys warm summer nights in the company of hospitable hosts, unique events, and an urban atmosphere, or if You like to relax along the river, next to untouched nature. If this sounds appealing, find out what awaits You in the greenest city in Croatia!

How often do You have an opportunity to see the world’s top athletes perform stunts on BMX bikes, rollerblades, or skates? Summer in Osijek begins with top sports events such as the Pannonian Challenge, which has been gathering fans of extreme sports in Osijek for decades and is preceded by the world gymnastics competition DOBRO World Cup, where top gymnasts leave visitors breathless. Lovers of pleasant evenings spent listening to live music or watching the best dramatic performances of the region will be delighted that there is a free cultural event in the city which lasts two months. Osijek’s Summer of Culture is the city’s top event, whose program is ardently awaited and carefully selected throughout the year. In July and August, it fills the city’s spaces with the sounds of enjoyment in all seven arts. For a more cheerful dose of fun, visit the Osijek Summer Nights which are held on the last weekend in June, July, and August, and which fill the streets, squares, and promenade of the city centre with attractive content and a gastronomic offer for all ages. Perfect for the whole family!

For an ideal summer weekend in Osijek, don’t forget to pack a swimsuit and visit the beloved beach and pool complex Copacabana, locally known as Kopika. This iconic place is a must-see if you enjoy the hot atmosphere, recreation, sunbathing, refreshments on the café terraces, or, for example, swimming in the Olympic pool. While you are on the left bank of the river, watching the iconic view of the city (the Pedestrian Bridge, the co-cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, and the Hotel Osijek) from a deckchair on the beach, it is good to know that you’re just a short walk or bike ride away from the largest ZOO in Croatia. There you will be greeted by a red lynx, an African lion, alpacas, crocodiles, giraffes, and other inhabitants of the animal kingdom. You can return to the right bank of the river, where the city is located, by free eco-scaffold. Moving around, you’ll notice that the city is dominated by cyclists and walkers. Indeed, Osijek is ideal for long and smooth rides on two wheels, and its numerous and enchanting parks and the beautiful river promenade are an important part of every local’s identity. Don’t miss out on the classic assets of the city, such as the old baroque Citadel, the most beautiful street in the city, European Avenue, known for its Art Nouveau house sequence, or the imposing neo-Gothic co-cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. One shouldn’t forget about the excellent wines of the Osijek-Baranya County and the distinctive food in the city, which is a combination of cultures and civilizations that have mixed and exchanged in this area. Try the perkelt (fish stew), fish-paprikash, and black pig dishes, and enjoy a top-quality drop of graševina (white wine) or black radler in one of Osijek’s restaurants to complete the Osijek experience. 

01 Pannonian Challenge festival
02 03
Iconic view from the left bank side of river Drava
TZgrada Osijeka/Osijek Tourist Board M. Đurkić Horizont Solutions M. Đurkić Horizont Solutions

Hrvatska zahvaljujući svojem specifičnom položaju obuhvaća djelić čak triju velikih kulturno-zemljopisnih cjelina Europe. I dok svi znaju za njezinu prekrasnu mediteransku obalu, na sjeveroistoku Hrvatske dočekat će vas Slavonija i Baranja. Najveća regija Hrvatske ujedno je i njezina najveća tajna, kako je to prije koju godinu primijetio njemački list Münchner Merkur

Kolijevka dobrog ukusa

Na tom popisu eno-gastronomsko bogatstvo svakako je last but not least. Zapravo je čari Slavonije i Baranje možda najbolje predstaviti kroz priču o osunčanim vinogorjima i raskošnoj trpezi. Prekaljeni putnici i oni koji će to tek postati ostaju u čudu nad zapanjujućim činjenicama: ovdje su, primjerice, smješteni neki od najstarijih vinskih podruma u Europi. Jedan od njih nalazi se u srcu Baranje, u mjestu Kneževi Vinogradi, podno vinorodnih padina 243 metra visokog uzvišenja koje Baranjci nazivaju Planinom. Sagrađen prije više od petsto godina, suvremenik je europske renesanse, velikih geografskih, ali i kulinarskih otkrića.

Jedno takvo zbilo se upravo u Slavoniji i Baranji. Naime, tijekom prodora Osmanskog Carstva u 16. stoljeću snage su udružile europska, američka i orijentalna kuhinja. U sklopu ove kreativne suradnje meso crne slavonske svinje i indijanski začini (posredstvom Turaka pristigli s Istoka) iznjedrili su kulen ili kulin - najpoznatiji suhomesnati proizvod i gastronomski simbol Slavonije i Baranje. Danas zaštićen kao nacionalno kulturno dobro i namirnica zaštićenog zemljopisnog porijekla Europske unije,

Hedonizam je na istoku

Hedonism awaits in the east

kulen ima sve predispozicije da postane međunarodno poznata opća gastro-imenica. No horizont slavonsko-baranjskog stola kudikamo je širi od delicije koja ga simbolizira. Nizu mesnih i ribljih specijaliteta, praćenih slasticama što su ih prije dvjesto i više godina u Panoniju donijele njemačke doseljenice, kao da nema kraja. Ovom nedogledu parirati može samo pogled s najistočnije točke Osječko-baranjske županije - riječnog poluotoka kraj Erduta, uzdignutog nad moćnim Dunavom i nepreglednim prostranstvom susjedne Vojvodine. Ako vam došapnemo da je ovo mjesto ujedno i dom najvećeg vinograda u Hrvatskoj, jedne od najvećih vinskih bačava na svijetu i prekrasnog vinarskog kompleksa, četiri i pol sata vožnje od ljubljanskog Prešerenovog trga vjerojatno neće djelovati kao prevelika prepreka.

Najbolje od slow turizma

Uostalom, u Slavoniji i Baranji vrijeme je relativna kategorija. Davno je neki slavonski veseljak, dočekujući zoru uz nezaobilazne tambure i čokanjčić rakije, izjavio da je život prekratak da bi se žurilo. Naravno, ovo geslo ne znači da su Slavonija i Baranja mjesto beskonačne razonode (ipak je riječ o regijama čija plodna polja hrane Hrvatsku). Ono naprosto simbolizira filozofiju u kojoj trenutak i ljudi koji ga čine nisu tek kap u prolaznosti života, nego jedinstveno iskustvo kojem se valja posvetiti svim osjetilima. U današnje vrijeme, ova naraštajima njegovana vrijednost pretapa se u temeljnu odliku turističke ponude Slavonije i Baranje - beskrajnu i nehinjenu gostoljubivost te posvećenost gostu. Naposljetku, magiju gostoljubivosti osjetit ćete čak i dok sami, okruženi tišinom, hodate ili brodite mitskim Kopačkim ritom, najstarijim hrvatskim parkom prirode i jednom od posljednjih netaknutih močvara u Europi. Ovdje, u vodenom zagrljaju Dunava i Drave, gdje svaki posjet Slavoniji i Baranji počinje ili završava, zatvara se i krug hedonizma sa značenjem.

I neponovljivog iskustva putovanja kakvo može pružiti samo najveća hrvatska tajna 

Thanks to its specific geographic position, Croatia encompasses a fraction of three large cultural and geographical European regions. While everyone knows about its beautiful Mediterranean coastline, Slavonia and Baranja will welcome you to the northeast of the country. Croatia’s largest region is also its biggest secret, as the German newspaper Münchner Merkur noticed a few years ago.

The cradle of good taste

On that list, the eno-gastronomic wealth of Slavonia and Baranja is certainly a last-but-not-least feature. In fact, region’s charms are per-

Šetnica bijelog lopoča, Park prirode Kopački rit White Water Lily Boardwalk, Kopački Rit Nature Park H. Jurić

haps best presented through the story of sun-kissed vineyards and sumptuous dining. Seasoned travelers and those about to become them remain in amazement at the startling facts: for example, here you’ll find some of the oldest wine cellars in Europe. One of them is located in the heart of Baranja, in the village of Kneževi Vinogradi, at the foot of the 243 meters high wine-growing slopes, which locals of Baranja call the Mountain. Built more than five hundred years ago, it is a contemporary of the European Renaissance, as well as great geographical and culinary discoveries.

One such discovery took place in Slavonia and Baranja. Along with the spread of the Ottoman rule in the 16th century, European, American, and Oriental cuisine joined forces. As part of this creative cooperation, combining the black Slavonian hog meat and Indian spices (which the Ottomans brought from the East) resulted in kulen or kulin the most famous cured meat product and gastronomic symbol of Slavonia and Baranja. Protected as a national cultural heritage and a product of protected geographical indication of the European Union, nowadays kulen is on its best way to become an internationally renowned gastronomic term.

The horizon of the Slavonian-Baranja table goes far beyond the delicacy symbolizing it. The sequence of meat and fish specialties, followed by sweets brought to Pannonia by German immigrants two hundred years ago, is seemingly neverending. Only the view from the easternmost point of Osijek-Baranja County ‒ the river peninsula near Erdut, elevated above the mighty Danube and the vastness of the neighboring Vojvodina ‒ can rival this unprecedented extravaganza. If we whisper to you that this place is also the home of the largest vineyard in Croatia, one of the largest wine barrels in the world, and a beautiful wine complex, a four-and-a-half-hour drive from Ljubljana’s Prešeren Square will probably not present too much of an obstacle.

The best slow tourism can offer

After all, time is a relative category in Slavonia and Baranja. A long time ago, one Slavonian merryman, welcoming the dawn with inevitable tamburica and a bit of rakija brandy, said that life was too short to hurry. Of course, this motto does not mean that Slavonia and Baranja are places of endless pastimes (after all, the fields of this region feed Croatia). It simply symbolizes a philosophy in which the moment and the people who make it up are not just a drop in the transience of life but a unique experience to which all senses should be devoted. Nowadays, this cherished value transformed into a fundamental feature of the Slavonia and Baranja tourist offer ‒ endless and unhindered hospitality and dedication to the guests.

You can feel this magic of hospitality even while alone, surrounded by silence, walking, or sailing the mythical Kopački rit, the oldest Croatian nature park and one of the last untouched wetlands in Europe. Here, in the watery embrace of the Danube and the Drava rivers, every visit to Slavonia and Baranja begins or ends. And the circle of meaningful hedonism and unrepeatable experience of a journey that only Croatia’s greatest secret can provide, closes.

 01 02 03 04
01 Gatori, tradicionalni vinski podrumi Baranje Baranja’s traditional wine cellars called gatori 02 Rezanje kulena, najpoznatijeg suhomesnatog proizvoda Slicing kulen salami, Baranja’s most famous cured meat product 03 Vinska cesta Belje Belje wine road 04 Rakija i baranjska narodna nošnja Fruit brandy called rakija and Baranja’s traditional folk costume N. Milić M. Romulić i/and D. Stojčić N. Milić M. Romulić i/and
D. Stojčić

To je Hrvatska

Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2021. godine, 3,888.529 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno.

Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije.

This is Croatia

The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2021 census, Croatia’s population was 3,888,529. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited.

The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin.

The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013.

Nacionalni parkovi

Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,

treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova.

National parks

Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe.

Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno­povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko­sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku.

Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine.

A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is cha-

racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era.

Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik.

The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage.

Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju

Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit­odrediπte na Sredozemlju.

Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata.

Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success

Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and inter national experts in tourism.

Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its


national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland.

Novac i naËin plaÊanja

Od 1. siječnja 2023. novčana jedinica

Republike Hrvatske jest euro. Mogu ­

će je plaćanje gotovinom i kreditnim karticama, a novac se može podizati na bankomatima.

Currency and payment methods

The currency of the Republic of Croatia is the euro (as of 1st January 2023). Payments can be made in cash and by credit c ard. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.



Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa

Croatia Airlines destinations

stalna / regular

sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads

toll station tunnel, bridge

other main roads

national parks

nature parks

international border crossing petrol stations (0-24)


ferry routes

UNESCO World Heritage

croatiaairlines.com Hello Europe! Experience the most amazing European destinations and book your flight.

Letite Croatia Airlinesom ovoga ljeta!

Tijekom ove ljetne sezone širimo mrežu naših odredišta i povezujemo Hrvatsku sa 24 međunarodna odredišta, odnosno 25 europskih zračnih luka, a naši će zrakoplovi pritom letjeti na 47 međunarodnih linija. Ukupno je planirano više od 17.000 letova, a u ponudi će biti više od 1,820.000 sjedala.

U redovitom međunarodnom prometu planirano je izravno povezivanje Zagreba te drugih hrvatskih gradova preko Zagreba sa 15 europskih odredišta. Split izravno povezujemo sa 20 europskih odredišta, odnosno 21 zračnom lukom, a iz Dubrovnika su planirani izravni međunarodni letovi u sedam europskih metropola. Naše su nove linije u ljetnom redu letenja: Dubrovnik − Prag (do 12. listopada, četvrtkom)

Split − Skoplje (do 9. listopada, nedjeljom)

Split − Oslo (do 15. listopada, nedjeljom)

Bol − München (do prve polovice listopada, subotom)

Fly Croatia Airlines this summer!

For this year’s summer season, we’ve expanded our network of destinations, and are connecting Croatia with 24 international destinations (i.e., 25 European airports) by operating flights on 47 international routes. More specifically, Croatia Airlines is planning to operate more than 17,000 flights, and to offer more than 1,820,000 seats.

From Zagreb and other cities in Croatia via Zagreb scheduled international flights

are available to 15 European destinations, from Split to 20 European destinations or 21 airports, and from Dubrovnik to seven European destinations.

Our new routes in the summer flight timetable are:

Dubrovnik − Prague (until 12th October, on Thursdays)

Split − Skopje (until 9th October, on Sundays)

Split − Oslo (until 15th October, on Sundays)

Bol − Munich (until the first half of October, on Saturdays)

srijedom u 11:25, a četvrtkom i nedjeljom na raspolaganju su vam večernji letovi s polijetanjem iz Zagreba u 23 sata. Povratne zrakoplovne karte za letove na liniji Mostar − Zagreb dostupne su po promotivnoj cijeni već od 119 eura. Mostar je 24. europsko odredište u koje će zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa izravno letjeti tijekom ovogodišnje sezone u redovitom putničkom prometu.

We’ve reintroduced flights on the Mostar-Zagreb route

We’ve reintroduced scheduled international flights on the Mostar-Zagreb route on 3rd May this year. More specifically, from Mostar to Zagreb Croatia Airlines will be flying on Mondays and Fridays at 6:00 a.m., and on Wednesdays at 1:05 p.m. Flights from Zagreb to Mostar will be operated on Wednesdays at 11:25 a.m., and on Thursdays and Sundays at 11 p.m.

Return air tickets on this route are offered at promotional prices starting from 119 euros.

Mostar is European destination no. 24 to which Croatia Airlines will be operating direct scheduled international flights during this year’s summer season.

Ponovno letimo na liniji

Mostar − Zagreb

Redoviti međunarodni letovi Mostar − Zagreb ponovno su uvedeni 3. svibnja ove godine. Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa polijeću iz Mostara u Zagreb ponedjeljkom i petkom u 6 sati, a srijedom u 13:05.

Iz Zagreba u Mostar možete poletjeti

Kupnja na letu

Kako bismo obogatili postojeću uslugu uzrakoplovu, na određenim letovima nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje proizvoda iz ponude našeg partnera, tvrtke Uje. Proizvode koje vam nudimo u katalogu možete unaprijed naručiti preko e-maila info@uje.hr u kojem trebate napisati svoje podatke i željeni proizvod bit će vam dostavljen na navedeni let.

Inflight shopping

To expand our existing inflight services, on some flights you can now purchase products from the product assortment of our partner, the Uje company.

You can pre-order the products on offer in our inflight catalogue by sending an email to info@uje.hr. All you have to do is provide your flight information, and the product you wish to buy will be delivered to you on the flight you’ve specified.

K. Mudri A. Sharov_Unsplash
croatiaairlines.com Hello summer! Fly to Croatia's magnificent cities of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Pula, Split and Zadar. Check our summer timetable and book your flight!

LET 3 na našem letu

Na našem letu iz Frankfurta u Zagreb, 14. svibnja, bilo nam je posebno zadovoljstvo ugostiti našu legendarnu grupu Let 3, koja nas je uspješno predstavila na Eurosongu u Liverpoolu. Na tom uistinu jedinstvenom letu pustili smo njihovu pjesmu Mama ŠČ kojom su predstavljali Hrvatsku i razveselili naše putnike. A prije nastupa na Eurosongu s našim kolegama iz Tehnike snimili smo prigodni spot kako bismo pružili podršku ovom originalnom riječkom bendu na društvenim mrežama koji su prenijeli i mnogi mediji.

Let 3 on our flight

On 14th May, we had the great pleasure to host on our flight from Frankfurt to Zagreb our legendary rock band Let 3, who were highly successful in representing Croatia at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool. On that truly unique flight, we played their song called Mama ŠČ with which they represented Croatia, which was greeted with great cheer from our passengers.

On the eve of Let 3’s performance at the Eurovision Song Contest, our colleagues from the Technical Department recorded a special video clip in support of our ingenious rock band from Rijeka. The video clip was posted on social media sites and platforms, which was then shared by many other media outlets.

K. Mudri K. Mudri K. Mudri K. Mudri

uzbudljivim. Iako se primorska i otočna kuhinja temelje na jednakim ili sličnim namirnicama, uglavnom ribi (posebice plavoj) i plodovima mora (gastro ikona je kvarnerski škamp), janjetini i proizvodima od ovčjeg mlijeka, mediteranskom bilju, povrću i voću, maslinovom ulju i vinu, svaki kraj njeguje svoje specifičnosti, kojima posvećuju gastro manifestacije tijekom cijele godine. Počevši od šumskih šparoga po obroncima Učke, lovranskih trešanja u proljeće i maruna na jesen, grobničkog sira i palente kumpirice, a dalje po otocima do mlade creske janjetine i sira, krčkog pršuta i domaćih šurlica, rapske torte, štoklja (sušene hobotnice), nara ili pak lošinjskih agruma i aromatičnog bilja. Istovremeno goranska kuhinja obiluje rustikalnim jelima od divljači, s gljivama, mliječnim proizvodima, slatkovodnom ribom, kontinentalnim povrćem, šumskim bobičastim voćem, medom (čuveni medun) i žesticama. Međutim, navedene različitosti pripadaju jednoj zajedničkoj − mediteranskoj prehrani, koja je ujedno i stil života, a preporučuje se za dugoročno zdravlje i vitalnost, stoga je uvrštena na UNESCO-ovu reprezentativnu listu svjetske nematerijalne kulturne baštine.

Why is gastronomy so important to Kvarner’s hosts and guests?

The abundance of its seas, the scarcity of its karst landscape, and the wilderness of

Š. Lugarov

Djelić kvarnerskih okusa možete osjetiti i u našim zrakoplovima. Od 1. kolovoza pa do kraja studenog u poslovnom razredu nudimo veliki snack box − namaz od tune, krekere sa začinski biljem, zelene i crne masline bez koštice, muštaćone i smokvenjak, a mali snack box sadrži namaz od tune, krekere sa začinskim biljem te smokvenjak. Putnici ekonomskog razreda mogu prikratiti vrijeme putovanja grickajući krekere sa začinskim biljem Kvarnera.

You can savour some of the flavours of Kvarner in our aircraft as well. In the period between 1st August and the end of November, in our business class we’ll be serving a large snack box containing tuna spread, herb crackers, pitted green and black olives, traditional flourless biscuits native to the Island of Rab starring chocolate, almonds, ground cinnamon and cloves, and olive oil called muštaćoni, and smokvenjak or traditional fig cake starring only figs and grape spirit or rakia often referred to as the ancient energy bar; and a small snack box containing tuna spread, herb crackers, and smokvenjak. Economy class passengers will get to snack on crackers flavoured with aromatic herbs from the region of Kvarner.

its mountainous regions are nature’s blessings and the very foundations of Kvarner’s cuisine, which has been developed for hundreds of years as part of universal culture. Thanks to its brilliant geostrategic position, many wanted to have control over this region of fascinating history, which is reflected in its eclectic cuisine of today. Kvarner’s cuisine and culinary traditions reflect all the peculiarities of the region located at the crossroads to different cultures and civilisations, where the strongest influence was had by the Italian, Austrian, and Hungarian cuisines, and the everyday peasant foods prepared by Kvarner’s fishermen and poor. In Kvarner, the Mediterranean climate meets the continental pre-Alpine climate, which contributes the most to food diversity, and divides the region’s culinary traditions into traditions typical of its coastline, of its mountains, and of its islands, each of which features a number of micro culinary regions that reflect ancestral wisdom and the creativity of today’s chefs, which makes the culinary experience of Kvarner exciting. Although the culinary traditions and customs typical of Kvarner’s coastline and islands are based on the same or similar foods − mainly fish (particularly blue) and seafood (the gastro icon of the region is Kvarner’s shrimp), lamb and sheep’s

milk dairy products, Mediterranean herbs, vegetables and fruits, olive oil, and wine − each micro region cherishes its specificities, to which different food and gourmet festivals are dedicated throughout the year. These include wild asparagus foraged on the slopes of the Učka Mountain Range, Lovran’s cherries in the spring and chestnuts in the autumn, Grobnik’s cheese, and potato polenta called palenta kumpirica , spring lamb and cheese from the Island of Cres, prosciutto and the homemade šurlice type of pasta from the Island of Krk, the traditional almond, lemon and orange zest, and Maraschino liqueur cake from the Island of Rab called rapska torta , dried octopus called štokalj , and pomegranate, citrus fruits, and aromatic herbs from the Island of Lošinj. At the same time, Kvarner’s cuisine abounds in rustic game dishes, mushrooms, dairy products, freshwater fish, continental vegetables, forest fruits, honey (the most famous of which is the honeydew honey called medun ), and spirits. However, the different traditions and ingredients listed here have one thing in common. They’re all part of the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle, which is recommended for good health and vitality, which is why it is included on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. 



Poletite iz Zračne luke Split na turističke doživljaje

Fly from Split Airport to your holidaying experience

Nakon jako dobre predsezone i ukupnog rasta prometa putnika od 30 % u prvih pet mjeseci u odnosu na jednako razdoblje prošle godine pred nama je najintenzivniji i najizazovniji dio ljetne sezone koju turistička industrija spremno dočekuje. Obilje turističkih atrakcija na srednjodalmatinskom području dobre su pretpostavke za stvaranje jedinstvenog turističkog doživljaja.

Ove ljetne sezone 52 zračna prijevoznika lete prema Zračnoj luci

Split iz ukupno 89 odredišta i postupno povećavaju broj linija i operacija kako se približavamo vrhuncu sezone. Ovdje valja istaknuti nacionalnog prijevoznika Croatia Airlines, koji je najznačajniji poslovni partner Zračne luke Split jer nudi najširu mrežu izravnih linija

Arhiva Zračne luke Split / Split Airport archives

i najveći broj letova tijekom sezone, a što je posebno važno, osigurava povezanost sa svijetom tijekom cijele godine. Prošlogodišnja mreža sa 18 izravnih linija iz Splita prema europskim odredištima ove sezone dodatno je povećana linijama za Oslo i Skoplje, što značajno pridonosi daljnjem razvoju zračnog prometa i turizma u regiji. 

Following a very good pre-season and an overall increase in passenger traffic of 30%

in the first five months compared to the same period of last year, what lies ahead of us is the most intense and challenging part of the summer season, which the tourism industry is ready to meet head-on. An abundance of tourist attractions in the region of central Dalmatia is a great precondition for creating unique holidaying experiences. This summer season, 52 airlines are flying to Split Airport from a total of 89 destinations, and gradually increasing the number of routes and flights as we’re approaching the peak of the season. Croatia’s flag carrier, Croatia

Airlines, is worth singling out here given that it is Split Airport’s key business partner because it offers the widest network and the largest number of flights during the season. More importantly, Croatia Airlines provides air connectivity with the world throughout the entire year. Last year’s network of flights operated by Croatia Airlines from Split Airport which comprised 18 European destinations has been expanded this season, and now includes flights to Oslo and Skopje. This contributes significantly to the further development of air traffic and tourism in the region. 




- 0,66 EUR = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih

0,66 EUR potrošenih preko ove kartice, 1 nagradna milja

-2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike

- 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana

-Putno osiguranje

- Milje ne zastarijevaju

-Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje

u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela

Diners Club Croatia Airlines

kreditna kartica

- 0,66 EUR = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih

0,66 EUR potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja.

-Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu.

-2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.

VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica

Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 2 EUR uHrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošen 1 EUR u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.

Više informacija možete pronaći na: www.milesandmore.com

Croatia Airlines card

- 0,66 EUR = 1 award mile − for every 0,66 EUR spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

-2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users

-Travel insurance

-Miles do not expire

-Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card

- 0,66 EUR = 1 award mile − for every 0,66 EUR spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

-Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad

-2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account

VISA Croatia Airlines credit card

Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 2 EUR spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 1 EUR spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.

Please find detailed info at: www.milesandmore.com

bilježi se


jedna članarina

Skupljajte nagradne milje uz pametniji način plaćanja.

- Milje skupljate na isti Miles & More račun uz neograničenu valjanost*

- Milje skupljaju osnovni dodatni i poslovni korisnici

- Skupljene milje možete udružiti s drugim korisnicima Miles & More nagradnog programa

- Mogućnost korištenja usluga Airport Lounge salona**

- Aktivirajte usluge ASIST+ za pomoć na cesti i u kući

CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2023 167 * U skladu s Pravilima nagradnog programa za korisnike Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines kartice. ** U skladu s Posebnim uvjetima korištenja Airport Loungea za korisnike Diners Club kartica. erstecardclub.hr Info telefon: 01 4929 555
Odaberite paket kartica
Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines, sudjelujte u nagradnom programu Miles & More i uživajte u brojnim pametnim pogodnostima.
Zatražite paket kartica Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines 100% digitalno na diners.hr. kartice,



Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm)

Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu:

- 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm

- putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe

- bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave


The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following:

- 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in);

- each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food;

- disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.


U zrakoplov se smiju unositi:

- tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta

- tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre

- tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi.


The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:

- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination;

- liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre);

- liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.

30 cm 40 cm 10 cm 20 cm 55 cm 40 cm 20 cm 20 cm 100ml 100ml
Carry-on baggage Please place this bag under the seat in front of you. Not for exit rows. SPREMNI ZA LET? READY TO FLY?


Mobilna aplikacija

Preuzmite našu mobilnu

aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga...

Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku.

Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more...

Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.


AMSTERDAM (AMS) Schiphol Amsterdam Airport terminal 1

ATHENS (ATH) Athens International Airport main terminal

BRUSSELS (BRU) Brussels Airport Zaventem terminal A


Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport terminal 2D

COPENHAGEN (CPH) Copenhagen Airport terminal 2

DUBLIN(DUB ) Dublin Airport terminal 1

DUSSELDORF (DUS) Düsseldorf Airport terminal B


Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport terminal 1

FRANKFURT (FRA) Frankfurt Airport terminal 1

LONDON GATWICK (LGW) Gatwick Airport terminal S

LONDON HEATHROW (LHR) Heathrow Airport terminal 2


Lyon Saint-Exupery Inter national Airport terminal 1

MUNICH (MUC) Munich Airport terminal 2

SARAJEVO (SJJ) Sarajevo International Airport terminal B

SKOPJE (SKP) Skopje Alexander the Great Airport main terminal

BERLIN (BER) Berlin Brandenburg Airport terminal 1

VIENNA (VIE) Vienna Airport terminal 3

ZURICH (ZRH) Zurich Airport terminal 1

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information

plesoprijevoz@plesoprijevoz.hr www.plesoprijevoz.hr


Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb

daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport:

Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb)

from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main

5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00
Departures daily
bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00
ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094
Bus Station, Držićeva
Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals Š. Lugarov
za lakši način putovanja!
Mobile app for an easier way to travel!
CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2023 171 Gate to Istria #Pula is a thrill … Ližnjan, Valtursko polje 210 p.p. 89, HR-52000 Pula T +385 52 530 100 E uprava@airport-pula.hr W www.airport-pula.hr From Pula with love

Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.

Specifikacije / Specifications

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet

Airbus A319-100 35,8 / 117 33,84 / 111 64.000 / 75.500 11.900 / 39.000 122,40 / 1318 834 (450 KTS) motori / engines x 2 CFM 56 5 Dash8 - Q400 28,42 / 93,24 32,83 / 107,71 29.257 7620 / 25.000 63,08 / 679 667 (360 KTS) motori / engines x 2 PW 150A 6 Airbus A320-200 35,8 / 117 37,6 / 123 77.000 11.900 / 39.000 122,40 / 1318 834 (450 KTS) motori / engines x 2 CFM 56 2 Broj sjedala / Number of seats 144/150 76 174 Airbus A320-200 Airbus A319-100 Dash8
- Q400

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Direkcija / Head office

Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66

Fax (+385-1) 6160 153

E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses

President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr

Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr




Kontakt centar / Contact Center

072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia

Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555

pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00

sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr

Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept.

Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52

http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim

Miles & More kontakt centar /

Miles & More Service Team

072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia

Informacije o prijevozu robe /

Cargo information office

Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd

Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 info@obzorputovnja.hr

Travel centri u zračnim lukama

Travel centar Dubrovnik

Zračna luka Dubrovnik

20 213 Čilipi

Tel. (+385-20) 773 332 airport.ticketingoffice@airport-dubrovnik.hr

Travel centar Osijek

Zračna luka Osijek

Vukovarska 67, 31207 Klisa

Tel. (+385-31) 284 611 agencija@osijek-airport.hr

Travel centar Pula

Zračna luka Pula

Valtursko polje 210, Ližnjan

Tel. (+ 385-52) 550 927 travel.centar@airport-pula.hr

Poslovnice / Town and airport offices

Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/

Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012

Brussels Belgium

Tribes Brussels Central Station

Koloniënstraat, 56 1000 Brussel - België

Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr


Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt

Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr


71 000 Sarajevo

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr

SlovaËka / Slovakia

CK Blue Sky Travel

Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava

Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr


1000 Skopje

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr

Španjolska / Spain

Global Representacion Turistica / GRT

Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona


21 000 Split

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr

Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr

Bliski istok / Middle East

Izrael / Israel

Biaf Aviation Services Ltd


23 000 Zadar

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr

1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802

Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 yael@croatiaairlines.co.il

Indija / India


10 000 Zagreb

Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17

Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr

Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport

Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581

Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930

STIC Travel Group

2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III

Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi

Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com

Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ


Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich

Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr

Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents

Europa / Europe

»eπka / the Czech Republic

CK Blue Sky Travel

Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr

GrËka / Greece

Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations

2, Marathonomachon str

16452 Argyroupoli − Greece

Tel. + 30 210 371 6381

Fax + 0030 210 324 9152 www.intermodalair.gr


APG Portugal

Rua Tojalinho da Areica, nr. 15 Bolembre

2705-553 São João das Lampas Portugal

Tel. +351 211 930 226 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com


Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr


PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ

Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz

Air System Inc.

Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F

3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan

Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp

Koreja / Korea

Bohram 1901-1, 19F Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 Toegye-ro Jung-gu, Seoul

South Korea (04535) croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr

Tajvan / Taiwan

Pacific Express Company Limited

8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw

Kina / China

Pacific Aviation Marketing



Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye

BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00 parto@croatiaairlines.hr


Global Russia Marketing//GRM

Bolshaya Sadovaya str. 10, office 20 (V), 2-nd entrance, 123001 Moscow, Russia

Tel.: +7 (495) 727-05-66 ou.mow@grm-russia.com


51 000 Rijeka

JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr

Konnogvardeysky blvd, 19, office 47, 190098 St.-Petersburg, Russia

Tel.: +7 (921) 905-88-73 ou.led@grm-russia.com

12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai

Tel. +862164400032


Hong Kong

Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd.

Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong.

Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk


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Articles inside

Skupljajte nagradne milje uz pametniji način plaćanja.

pages 169-170


pages 162-165, 167-169

Hedonizam je na istoku

pages 150-161


pages 147-150


pages 140-146


pages 139-140


pages 134-138


page 133


pages 124-132


pages 120-123


pages 113-116


pages 108-112

LETI S PALMOM Ne ostaj doma

pages 105-107


page 104


pages 96-103


pages 88-95


pages 83-87

Naručivanje zdravstvene usluge u vodećim privatnim ustanovama u svega nekoliko koraka − ZagrebMed.com

pages 76-82

važan za razvoj cjelogodišnjeg turizma

pages 74-75


pages 71-74

Jednostavnost savršene dalmatinske kuhinje The simplicity of perfect Dalmatian cuisine

pages 68-70

Čar dalmatinske kuhinje The charms of Dalmatian cuisine

page 67

Izgubljeni recepti Zadra

page 66

UNESCO nematerijalna kulturna baština

page 65

Neizostavni dio splitskog đira A must-stop spot in Split

page 64


pages 62-63

Diversity is beautiful

pages 59-61


pages 55-58

Recite DA Zadarskoj županiji Say YES to the Zadar Region

pages 53-54


pages 28-52

Bez buke, bez ceste, bez automobila… Samo ti, more i zvijezde

page 27

No Noise, No Roads, No Cars –Just You, the Sea and the Stars

page 26

Pametni uređaji za pametniji ispis

page 24


pages 15-23
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