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Corrugated Cardboard Manufacturer Mikes has a new Cutting Machine 6 Company Mikes, s. r. o., the manufacturer of corrugated cardboard products, has been operating in Ostrava Svinov since 1993. Jiří Richtr went to see their new VISIONCUT 1.6 PR automatic cutting machine, supplied by company BOBST. Karel Kejda, the managing director and at the same time 100% owner of the company, was his guide. Your Company will improve rapidly with the new Rapida 10 Rapida 76 printing machine from company Koenig & Bauer represents extensive automation for reduction of set-up times, variety of applications and refi nements, measuring and control technology and other digital services. Cardbox Packaging has a lot to offer in Terms of Sustainability as well 12 Company Cardbox Packaging entered their three packaging in the international competition ‘Packaging of the Year’. They won with one of them so they can enter the worldwide competition Worldstar as well. We decided to bring readers closer to company Cardbox Packaging and their products. Is it worth Automating? 14 Nowadays, investment in sensible robotization of industrial plants is an economically advantageous solution that can pay off even for smaller companies. Golpretech Czech Republic expands their Product Portfolio with Machines from their own Production 16 Company Golpretech Czech Republic, located in Brno, will celebrate 5 years on the Czech and European markets this year. They decided to expand their premises with the large production hall and further new machines for this anniversary. Meech International announces the Launch of the CyClean-R Systemt 17 The extension of the very popular CyClean contactless range from company Meech, the CyClean-R System, has advanced airflow dynamics that allows lines in the manufacturing industry thoroughly clean belts running under low tensile force. Production of Products from Paper, Cardboard and Corrugated Cardboard in small Series 18 Ing. Anton Puškár, technical director of company M&P, explains the advantages of the digital method of paper packaging production and printing. Company M&P has all the necessary technology to meet the most of its customers’ needs available. KURZ – Again one Step ahead in cold Stamping for Sheet-fed Offset Printing 22 Why are commercial printed matter, magazines, and wet-gluing labels for sheet-fed offset printing mostly fi nished with cold stamping? The answer is simple: cold stamping excels in high gloss, fast processing and the best price / performance ratio. Business Insurance: you shall want a variable Product and an experienced Insurance Company 24 Anyone who has ever tried to do business will confi rm that this is often nothing for weak characters. There are many traps, risks and complications waiting for entrepreneurs, whereas there is no universal recipe for success. However, number of problems can be reliably prevented with the suitably chosen insurance which adapts exactly to the needs of the entrepreneur.


PAC K AG I N G 5 / 2 0 2 0

BIB – progressive Packaging with ingenious Closing 26 The Bag in Box Packaging, originally developed by NASA, was not widely used in space at the end, however, for packing of wine, musts or industrial liquids, especially in case of larger volumes, it is one of the best packaging in terms of hygiene and safety. Aseptic Filling of Drinks for Health 28 Drinks with the minimum of preservatives and sugar are the trend of this time. What are the latest innovations in this area? Digital Laser Cutting is conquering the Market 30 Fresh seminar from company THIMM Pack´n´display. The laser cut of cardboard can do real wonders, as the participants of the online seminar organized by the company THIMM Pack´n´display from Všetaty could make sure. Jiří Richtr watched everything online as well. Cardboard Packaging and “wau” Ideas 32 Packaging made of smooth and corrugated cardboards is one of the most used packaging ever. Its good workability which results in a wide range of possibilities of realization of interesting construction and graphic design ideas is the benefit of cardboard packaging as well. Scodix – Novelties for Packaging and Printed Matter Finishing 34 Equipment from the Israeli company Scodix makes it possible to replace several classic fi nishing machines at once and gradually begins to penetrate even into printing companies. At the end of September, the company introduced completely new product portfolio, including a novelty for the B1 format. Reliable flexible Packaging – Paper Bags 36 Paper bags are traditional but at the same time also very modern and sophisticated, mostly nonreturnable transport packaging, which is used primarily for packing of bulk materials. Flying through the World of Plastic Caps 38 Caps belong to auxiliary packaging means and a lot of packaging would not be able to fulfi l even its primary function properly without effective caps. Sometimes, current technologies know how to use closures for marketing as well. Optimization of IBC Logistics through Digitization 40 IBCs (Intermediate Bulk Containers) made of plastic or metal are used worldwide for the transport of dangerous goods but also in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. It is estimated that 43 million plastic IBCs and three million steel IBCs are in circulation just in the EU. Pricing in Pre-press Preparation 42 In the pre-press industry, the price is closely monitored, very often variable according to what the competition is coming up with. Th is article loosely follows up the article from Jiří Richter and Ing. Antonín Svoboda “Do we know how much our Print costs are?”. ENGEL Live E-xperience: welcome to the virtual World 46 The regular press conference which always took place before the FAKUMA trade fair changed its face this year. The Austrian company ENGEL did not want to wait with presentation of their novelties until the next year, so it organized a meeting in a virtual space. Th ree Factors to guarantee good Partnership 48 Quality, competence and trust: these factors form the basis and the guarantee of the good

partnership – in business and in family as well. Companies HARTING and KUKA are the examples for others. Meeting of Top Government, Science and Industry Leaders 50 The National Centre of Industry 4.0 enabled the negotiation of three key segments for the increase of the competitiveness of the Czech industry. On 9th September, the National Industrial Summit 2020 was held in Prague in the historic premises of the Bethlehem Chapel under strict hygienic conditions. BrauBeviale 52 Fair BrauBeviale 2020 will be held exclusively in the digital form. Potential for the better Recycling 54 Manufacturers of materials and companies in the chemical industry are working intensively on various projects and initiatives to create such materials which will enable creation of the closed circle of production, consumption and recycling of plastics. Digital technologies have great potential for increasing of the recycling rate of plastic packaging. Environmental Initiative Zá set itself the Goal to start area Recycling in the Czech Republic 55 Press conferences via video stream in which company Mattoni presented the first backup can for its product - lemon flavoured Mattoni mineral water. The taste of the mineral water does not change at all in the new packaging. The deposit will be 3 CZK. Packaging Suppliers can cope with Change with open Mind and Willingness to experiment 56 Packaging is one of the most effective ways of communication with customers. Not only does it say something about the content, but it also increasingly speaks for itself and for the impact on the environment. How the Pandemic changed Employee Preferences 58 Company ManpowerGroup published the results of the survey “New Future of Work: What Employees Want”. To what Extent can Compensation for Accidents within the Frame of Safety at Work be enforced while working at Home-Office? 60 For example, if I burn myself with a hot tea at home, which could happen to me at work either. Does the employee or the employer have any obligations in this matter? Jiří Kuryviál specialist in occupational health and safety in company SSI Group – answers the questions. The Airport is being built from corrugated Cardboard 64 The 14th year of the national competition Constructions from Corrugated Cardboard 2020 started. The theme of the competition intended for secondary construction schools is “Airport Terminal (of the Future)”. The invitation was accepted by 18 secondary construction schools from all over the Czech Republic. The authors of the best models will share prizes in the height of 40.000 CZK. Supply Chain CHEP, PENNY and Unilever proved their Resilience for the new Normal Period 65 At congress EASTLOG 2020, these three companies presented the case study illustrating how pallet pooling contributes to environmental protection and makes the relationship between producer and chain more effective.

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Articles inside


pages 66-68

Řešením je paletový pooling

page 65

zná své vítěze Staví se letiště z vlnité lepenky

page 64

rence zaměstnanců Bezpečnost na home offi ce

pages 60-61

Speciální ročník BrauBeviale

pages 52-53

První zálohovaná plechovka v Česku

pages 55-57

Soutěž Model Young Package

pages 62-63

2020 bude výhradně on-line

page 54

Setkání vrcholných představitelů vlády, vědy a průmyslu

pages 50-51

prostřednictvím digitalizace. Drážďanská společnost Packwise jako průkopník. Tři faktory pro záruku dobrého

pages 48-49

pojišťovnu Cenotvorba v předtiskové

pages 42-45

uzávěrů ENGEL Live e-xperience: vítejte ve virtuálním světě

pages 46-47

ní obalů a tiskovin Optimalizace logistiky IBC

pages 40-41

pro zdraví

pages 32-37

ofsetový tisk Digitální laserový výsek dobývá

pages 30-31

ly – papírové pytle Letem světem plastových

pages 38-39

Podnikatelské pojištění: chtějte

pages 24-27

ním uzavíráním Aseptické plnění nápojů

pages 28-29

Kartonážka Mikes s novým výse

pages 6-9

telnosti co nabídnout

pages 14-16

pásem Výroba obalů z papíru, kartonu

pages 18-23

kem od BOBSTU S novou Rapidou si rapidně

pages 10-11

vlastní výroby Pracujte s důkladně čistým

page 17

polepšíte Cardbox Packaging má i v udrži

pages 12-13
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