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and the construction of bridges and schools), promotion of sports and cultural activities in municipal festivals and the development of reforestation and environmental education programs, emphasizing the use of energy in a responsible manner (Utility Company, 2018). In relation to lobbying activities, Utility Company has raised petitions in conjunction with industry associations to avoid the impact of regulation over the industry (Utility Company, 2016b). On the other hand, Company has decided to form alliances with the local government to launch a program to promote the use of electrical cars. Furthermore, Company structured a partnership with a car-sharing company, to set an electric-car rental offer on an hourly or daily basis. Reputation management was assumed through socialization campaigns intended not only to present the company as environmentally and socially focused, but also for the management of relations with stakeholders to position the company before the community. Utility Company has also developed workshops to support the environmental programs of educational institutions and has trained ecological groups and social actors on the management of solid waste and the handling of agrochemicals (Utility Company, 2018). Table 17. ESA - Utility Company observed environmental practices * Environmental management plans to satisfy the requirements of environmental licensing * Application for mandatory permits * Substitution of restricted materials * Participation in social initiatives required by law * Pollution control for the control of air emissions and the disposal of hazardous materials. * Adoption of industry standards (e.g. UN Global Compact, GRI Guidelines and ISO 14001) * Participation in voluntary programs * Implementation of practices to achieve efficiency in resource management through housekeeping and preventive maintenance * Engagement in lobbying activities * Forming of alliances with governmental organizations and private companies to foster electric mobility * Support for educational programs related to environmental and energy matters. * Support for employee participation in voluntary programs related to social activities. * Support for social entrepreneurship such as fish farming, agricultural and livestock projects in the surrounding communities of the facilities of the company.