Seagrass Meadows: Teacher's Guide

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Teacher ’s Guide Teacher’s

Seagrass meadows

Teacher’s guide

S e a g r a s s Seagrass m e a d o w s meadows


© 2021


Delmis del C. Alicea Segarra, EdD, Jorge I. Casillas Maldonado, MS, Ivonne Bejarano Rodríguez, PhD


Diana M. Beltrán Rodríguez, MS

Science edi ng

Yasmín Detrés Cardona, PhD, Ariel E. Lugo, PhD, Lesbia L. Montero Acevedo, BS

Edi ng

Ruperto Chaparro Serrano, MA, Delmis del C. Alicea Segarra, EdD, Cris na D. Olán Mar nez, MA


Álida Or z Sotomayor, PhD


Carmen Zayas San ago, MS

Graphic design and layout

Delmis del C. Alicea Segarra, EdD

Informa on specialist

Theme guide and graphic design for the geological eras and period stamps

Alessandra Otero Ramos, MIS


Héctor Ruiz Torres, PhD, Luis Rodríguez Matos, BS, Raúl Omar Or z Arroyo, MA, Duane J. Sanabria Ponce de León, BS, Oliver Bencosme Palmer, BA, Ruperto Chaparro Serrano, MA, Brenda Soler Figueroa, MS, Edwin Más González, MS, NRCS-USDA

Authorized photographs

Stonebird (Jonathan), Ming-I Weng, Ryan Somma, Tina Negus, Shizhao

Authorized images

US Geological Survey, Steve Lew, Alejandro149

Authorized maps

Ron Blakey

Authorized illustra ons

Ghedoghedo, Karen Carr, Dennis C. Murphy

Yerbas marinas video

Efraín Figueroa Ramírez, BS

Buceada virtual video(footage and edi ng)

Rául Omar Or z Arroyo, MAG

Plena song about seagrasses

Lyrics: David R. González Barreto, Music and voice: Leró Mar nez Roldán

Prin ng

Rául Omar Or z Arroyo, MAG and Delmis del C. Alicea Segarra, EdD

Publica on number: UPRSG-E-313

ISBN: 978-1-881719-95-3

Table of contents Introduc on ................1 Background .............................................................................................................................. .................3 Presenta on with notes to the teacher .................................................................................................31 Daily plans and ac vi es: Elementary level ...........................................................................................61 1. Seagrass or algae?, What is a seagrass? .................................................................................. 63 2. Seagrass evolu on, species and their differences ...................................................................79 3. Necessary condi ons for seagrass development Seagrass distribu on in Puerto Rico and around the world ..................................................105 4. Importance of seagrasses ................................................................................................. .....119 5. Threats and conserva on methods .......................................................................................133 6. Skills and processes, Integra ng sciences, engineering, technology and society with nature, Cross-sec onal concepts and fundamental ideas about the discipline .................................................................................................. .....151 Daily plans and ac vi es: Intermediate and Secondary level .............................................................163 1. Seagrass or algae?, What is a seagrass? ................................................................................16 5 2. Seagrass evolu on, species and their differences .................................................................185 3. Necessary condi ons for seagrass development ...................................................................211 4. Seagrass zona on Seagrass distribu on in Puerto Rico and around the world ..................................................231 5. Importance of seagrasses ................................................................................................. .....243 6. Threats and conserva on methods .......................................................................................255 7. Skills and processes, Integra ng sciences, engineering, technology and society with nature, Cross-sec onal concepts and fundamental ideas about the discipline .................................................................................................. ....281 Topic Guide: Seagrass meadows ...........................................................................................................291 Pre and post test .....299

Introduc on

As part of the Sea Grant Program of the University of Puerto Rico’s goal to promote the conserva on and sustainable use of our marine and coastal resources, we present this educa onal guide to highlight this resource’s importance and foster their preserva on for the enjoyment and benefit of future genera ons. As part of our educa onal work, Sea Grant has designed a series of Educa onal Guides for Teachers about different coastal and marine ecosystems found in Puerto Rico, all of which are highly relevant for our archipelago’s ecologic equilibrium.

Here, we present you the Seagrass Meadows guide. It includes a scien fic overview of the seagrass ecosystem, a presenta on with notes for the teacher, lesson plans, including ac vi es, laboratory projects, and a topic guide that are aligned to the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on’s standards, and a pre and post test for verifying students’ learning gains. Furthermore, the guide includes a DVD-ROM with all the documents previously men oned, with their corresponding answer keys so that the teacher can edit and adapt the resources to the class level, their students’ context, and the resources available in the classroom.

The lesson plans can be adapted to the educa onal needs in different scholas c levels, from fourth grade through high school. The lessons are clear, concise and structured. They promote ac ve learning in which the student becomes directly involved in the learning process in order to acquire hands-on knowledge of the subject. Likewise, several technological alterna ves are offered so as to mo vate student learning with the tools they enjoy using. We know this manual will be of great use to the children and youth in the Puerto Rican educa onal system, and we hope the students will learn to value this ecosystem and promote its preserva on.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide

B a c k g r o u n d Background


Seagrass meadows Seagrass meadows

What are seagrasses?

Seagrasses (marine phanerogams) are flowering and seeding fruit-bearing plants (angiosperms) which are adapted to life in salt-water or brackish water and on sandy or muddy soils rich in organic material and calcium carbonate. These grasses commonly thrive in the infra-li oral zone (Figure 1), permanently underwater, although they may also be found in the li oral zone, on soils periodically covered by water due to the changing des (Figure 1).

Mean high water mark

Mean low water mark

Seagrasses o en grow in patches on the sea floor, but they can extend to form large, dense meadows. Seagrass meadows may be composed of a single species (monospecific) or several different species (mul specific) (Figure 2.)

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide

Suprali oral Li oral Infrali oral
beachForeshoreOffshore Figure 1. Profile of a sandy beach according to dal pa erns and distribu on (high and low). The li oral zone is the coastal area subjected to the direct influence of dal ac on. Diagram taken and adapted from UNESCO. 2010. Sandwatch: adap ng to climate change and educa ng for sustainable development. Paris: UNESCO.

Seagrasses, like mangrove trees, belong to the marine angiosperm family. These plants evolved during the Cretaceous period, about 145 million years ago, from terrestrial angiosperms that adapted to life in an aqua c environment (Figure 3). Seagrasses are able to live fully submerged in seawater. Their strong root system anchors them to the substrate and helps them withstand wave and current ac on. Like land-based plants, seagrasses produce seeds and pollen. Seagrasses are monocotyledons and, although they are similar to land-based grasses, they are not related to them.

Angiosperms: Angiosperms are plants which produce flowers, seeds and fruits. Some examples include passionfruit, avocado and mangoes, among many others.

Brackish: Water featuring more dissolved salts than freshwater, but less salt that seawater.

Carbon sink: natural or ar ficial environment viewed in terms of its ability to absorb carbon dioxide.

Cretaceous: The Cretaceous is a division in the geological metable. It is the third and last period of the Mesozoic Era; it began approximately 145.5 million years ago, and ended approximately 65.5 million years ago.

Infra-li oral zone: Part of the coast which is permanently submerged.

Li oral zone: Coastal zone under the influence of the shi ing des.

Monocotyledons: Group of vascular plants (phanerogams) that produce flowers (angiosperms), in which the seed embryos present a single ini al leaf (a single cotyledon). Monocotyledons include corn, most cereals, tulips and onions, among others.

Phanerogams: Flower-producing, vascular (featuring xylem and phloem) plants.

Figure 2. Seagrass meadows. A. Monospecific seagrass meadow composed of turtle grass. B. Mul specific seagrass meadow composed of mixed turtle and manatee grass.
Phytoplankton Red algae Brown algae Green algae Terrestrial plants Mangroves Seagrass Hard substrate So substrate PrecambrianSilurianCretassic First live plantsEvolu on of terrestrial plants Evolu on of marine agiosperms Evolu onary meline 123
Figure 3. Seagrass evolu on on a geological scale. By: Peter Halasz, taken and adapted from: h p:// on_ of_seagrasses_Pengo.svg. Licencia: Crea ve Commons.

Importance of the seagrass meadows ecosystem

A seagrass meadow is a fundamentally important ecosystem, necessary for our planet’s ecological balance. It provides habitat, food and shelter for several marine species. It also serves as a carbon sink, and helps prevent coastal erosion. These and other factors that make seagrass meadows crucial to the ecosystem are explored in this sec on.

1. Interac ons with mangrove forests and coral reefs

Mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and coral reefs are all connected to one another, and they interact and stabilize the coastal environment. Seagrasses capture sediments and suspended par cles with their roots and leaves, keeping the waters clear. Water clarity is important to seagrass meadows and coral reefs, since both these ecosystems depend on photosynthesis for their survival. The oxygen produced by photosynthesis aids the aerobic decomposi on and nutrient recycling occurring in coastal zones. Moreover, seagrass meadows absorb large amounts of nutrients and func on as natural filters for chemical substances in the marine environment. This is important when maintaining the balance between corals and macro-algae inhabi ng the reefs, since an excessive amount of nutrients in the water would cause uncontrolled algal growth that would overgrow and suffocate the coral. Finally, seagrass meadows are highly produc ve systems that export nutrients and biomass to other ecosystems. For instance, some fish and crustacean species live in seagrass meadows during their juvenile life-stages, and eventually make their way to other marine ecosystems such as the coral reef.

2. Primary produc vity and biological diversity

Seagrass meadows are highly produc ve ecosystems that serve as a carbon sink by absorbing large quan es of carbon dioxide and produce oxygen through their photosynthe c processes. This ecosystem, along with tropical and temperate forests, is classified as the most produc ve in the world. The high produc vity and structural complexity of seagrass meadows increase habitat diversity and therefore marine biodiversity.

Seagrass meadows:
Teacher’s Guide

Aerobic decomposi on: The process that uses oxygen to breakdown organic material and wastes in order to recycle nutrients.

Biomass: The total organic mass from all the creatures living in a par cular place.

Carbon dioxide: This is a gas present in Earth’s atmosphere. It is created as a byproduct of living organisms’ respira on, organic material decomposi on, or the combus on of carbon-based fuels. This gas is vital for photosynthesis.

Detritus: Residue from organic material fragmenta on.

Epiphytes: This refers to any organism growing over or on top of several different surfaces (living and nonliving), using them as support but not harming them in any direct way (that is to say, they are not parasi c).

Estuarine zones: Coastal areas in which large bodies of freshwater (such as rivers) meet the sea. They receive dal change ac vity, but are protected from direct wave and wind ac on.

Euryhaline: Organisms that can tolerate a wide range of salt concentra ons. In this case, it refers to organisms that can tolerate changes in salinity within the aqua c environment in which they live.

Foraminifera: Small, unicellular organisms belonging to the protozoa family. Their bodies are protected by a delicate shell or test.

Planktonic organisms: Small, o en microscopic organisms that live floa ng in fresh or salt water (they are weak swimmers).

Sedimenta on: Process of sediment accumula on and deposi on.

Substrate: Surface on which an organism lives.

3. Shelter, nursery and food for many species

Seagrass meadows are home to many organisms such as sea stars, sea urchins and clams, which find protec on from wave and current ac on. Similarly, the meadows shelter the larval and juvenile life-stages of fishes, mollusks, lobsters, and other commercially important species. Seagrass leaf surfaces func on as substrate for several epiphy c algae, sponges and foraminifera, among others. This ecosystem is also home to many medically important species (Mar nez Daranas, 2007).

Seagrass leaves are an important food source for a great variety of marine organisms, including manatees and green sea turtles, both animals currently listed as endangered species. Furthermore, the detritus generated by plant fragmenta on is a source of food for other creatures living on the sea floor and on sandy shorelines, such as sea cucumbers, crabs and anemones. Seagrass decomposi on liberates nutrients into the water which are then reabsorbed by the seagrasses themselves as well as by certain planktonic organisms. Seabirds such as seagulls and pelicans fly over the seagrass meadows searching for food.

4. Erosion preven on

The extensive system of roots and rhizomes that anchor seagrasses in the seafloor helps prevent sea floor erosion since it increases the sedimenta on process (sediment accumula on and deposi on) and soil compac on and stabiliza on. Furthermore, seagrass leaves help protect the coasts from erosion by absorbing and dissipa ng

the energy from waves and currents. The ability of seagrasses to trap and retain sediments helps keep the water clear.

Differences between seagrasses and seaweeds

Seagrasses are o en mistaken for seaweeds. However, there are clear morphological, ecological and physiological differences between the two, some of which are detailed in the following table (Table 1).

Table 1. Differences between seagrasses and seaweeds. Taken from: Seagrass-watch. h p://


They are more complex plants with an internal vascular system (xylem and phloem) through which all the minerals and nutrients are transported to every cell in the organism.

Non-vascular organisms. Nutrients reach the organism’s cells through diffusion

Feature true roots, stems and leaves. Feature rhizoids, pedicels (thallus) and laminae (fronds). They lack true roots, stems and leaves.

Possess roots and rhizomes that allow them to anchor themselves to the substrate and absorb nutrients and minerals.

Possess rhizoids that allow them to anchor themselves to the substrate, but absorb all nutrients through all of their surface cells using diffusion.

They perform photosynthesis only through the cells in their leaves. Photosynthesis is performed in all of their cells.

Their reproduc on can be sexual (flowers fruits and seeds) or asexual (rhizomes, roots or shoots).

Their reproduc on is chiefly asexual, achieved through spores, fragmenta on or shoots, but may also reproduce sexually through gametes


ffusion: Process through which molecules flow from an area with higher concentra on to one with lower concentra on.

Gametes: Cells par cipa ng in sexual reproduc on. They only have a single copy of each chromosome (they are haploid). In many animals, we know them as ovum and sperm. When they unite, they create a cell (zygote) with two copies of each chromosome (diploid), such as humans.

Laminae: Generally fla ened structure found in algae, which resembles a plant’s leaves.

Phloem: A phanerogam’s vascular ssue, which transports sugars and nutrients in ascending and descending direc ons, from the organs that produce them to those which consume and store them.

Photosynthesis: The process that uses solar energy, water, nutrients, plant chlorophyll and carbon dioxide are used to form vegetal ssue (for instance, in the form of sugars, fats or proteins).

Rhizoid: Structure similar to a plant’s roots, used by algae to anchor themselves to the ground and stabilize themselves. Unlike true roots, rhizomes do not absorb and transport nutrients.

Rhizomes: Subterranean plant stalk that grows horizontally and from which roots and new shoots may form. Rhizomes aid a plant’s rapid spread throughout an area.

Shoots: A developing plant sprout that may include stalks and leaves.

Vascular plants: Plants presen ng a vascular system (xylem and phloem) that distributes water and nutrients throughout the plant.

Xylem: Vascular plant ssue that transports water and nutrients upward from the roots, and also provide support to the plant.

meadows: Teacher’s Guide

Simple root

Parts of a seagrass plant


Ver cal shoot

Rhizome or horizontal stem

Figure 4a. A turtle grass plant’s shoots, roots, rhizomes, and leaves.

Parts of a seaweed specimen

Laminae Rhizoid

Figure 4b. A seaweed specimen’s laminae and rhizoid.

Necessary condi ons for seagrass growth

There are several climate zones around the world, including polar, temperate and tropical zones. The polar zones are on the northernmost and southernmost parts of Earth (from the polar circles to 90º la tude in each hemisphere). There, temperatures are very cold and precipita on is scarce. These are inhospitable places. The temperate zones, on the other hand, are found between 30º and 60º la tudes in each hemisphere, and there are dis nct differences in temperature and precipita on as prescribed by the seasons throughout the year. These regions are life-sustaining. Lastly, the tropical regions are warm throughout the year, and although the zone has four seasons, precipita on pa erns set apart two dis nct seasons: winter and summer.

Most seagrasses are found in the tropical (0° to 30° N and S) and subtropical zones (found between 25° and 40° la tude in each hemisphere). However, some seagrass species live in temperate zones (Figure 5). Their distribu on is governed by a series of parameters, such as:

1. Temperature: Seagrasses primarily thrive in waters with temperatures higher than 75°F (24°C) (Figure 5). However, some species may be found in considerably colder waters (as low as 39°F; or 4°C).

2. Salinity: Most seagrasses tolerate a high range of salinity, which means they can survive in estuarine zones (areas with low salinity in which sea water mixes with fresh water) as well as in more saline environments. Among the Caribbean species, shoalgrass (Halodule wrigh i) is the most resistant to extreme saline condi ons (i.e., the most euryhaline) (Phillips and Meñez, 1988, cited by Mar nez Daranas, 2007).

3. Wave ac on: Although they feature strong structures that anchor them to the substrate, seagrasses tend to inhabit areas protected from strong surf and current condi ons: bays, lagoons and estuaries.

Polar (<4oC) Temperate (4-24oC) Tropical (>24oC) Seagrass distribu on

4. Availability of light and depth: Seagrasses use photosynthesis which requires sunlight, therefore, they live in rela vely clear, shallow waters with good sunlight availability at the bo om. Sunlight penetra on through the water column is what determines the depth to which these seagrass species can grow. Sediment and nutrient discharge from the coasts increase water turbidity and reduces light availability in these environments.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 13
S Seeagrarass ss meeaaddoowwss: T Teaaccheher’ ’ r s G Guide e 13

Puerto Rico’s seagrasses

Although seagrasses can be found in all la tudes except the polar areas, most seagrasses thrive in tropical regions. The most well-developed seagrass meadows in Puerto Rico can be found in the southwestern, southern, and eastern regions of the island, where the insular pla orm is wider and shallower than along the northern coast. These zones are also characterized by having gentler surf and current condi ons than in the northern coast (Figure 7), which aids the establishment and development of healthy seagrass meadows.

There are around 60 seagrass species around the world. In the Caribbean and Puerto Rican region, there are five commonly found species:

a. Turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum)

b. Manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme)

c. Shoal grass (Halodule wrigh i)

d. Paddle grass (Halophila decipiens)

e. Widgeon grass (Ruppia mari ma).

Note: Common names for seagrasses can vary depending on the area in which they are found. Some of the names men oned in this guide are those used in Puerto Rico, while others are a direct transla on from their Spanish names.

Generally speaking, seagrass meadows in Puerto Rico have a ver cal zona on (spa al distribu on) in which shoalgrass predominates in the shallowest area, followed by turtle grass or a mixture of both seagrasses, then by manatee grass and lastly, and less frequently, by paddle grass in the deeper waters (Figure 7). Widgeon grass, on the other hand, lives in brackish or low-salinity waters and does not necessarily share spa al distribu on with the other seagrasses.

These five seagrass species present morphological differences such as the size and shape of their leaves, their flowers and their fruits. Their tolerance of salinity and depth also vary according to the place in which they develop.

14 1
Figure 6. Puerto Rico seagrass distribu on. i i di b
Seagrass Land Con nental shelf

Shoalgrass Halodule wrigh

Turtle grass

Thalassia testudinum


Manatee grass Syringodium

Paddle grass

Halophila decipiens

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 15
Figure 7. Ver cal zona on of the four (4) seagrass species commonly found in Puerto Rico, along a depth gradient.
i Depth

Turtle grass Turtle grass (Thalassia

testudinum Thalassia testudinum)

Turtle grass is the dominant seagrass species in the Caribbean. Its common name derives from its importance as the main food source for green turtles (Chelonia mydas) as well as fish and other herbivorous organisms. Turtle grass lives in high salinity environments, usually protected from high surf condi ons. It can generally be found from the low de line to around 10 m (33 feet) in depth, but in clear waters, it may survive at depths of up to 30 m (98 feet). This species can tolerate exposure to direct sunlight during low de.

Turtle grass possesses flat, ribbon-like leaves about 0.4 to1.8 cm (0.16 to 0.71 inch) wide, and up to 30 cm (12 inches) long. The leaves have rounded ps and emerge in bunches from short stems. The flowers are large and may vary in color, from light greenish white to pale pink. They produce pods containing mul ple seeds which o en reach land. This seagrass features a strong anchoring system that includes roots and rhizomes (or horizontal stalks) that penetrate deeply into the substrate (up to 25 cm, or approx. 10 inches) (Figure 9).

Figure 8. Photograph of a turtle grass meadow. Figure 9. Details of a turtle grass specimen. You can observe the roots, rhizomes and the ver cal stalk. The highlighted square shows a close-up of the grass leaf.

Organisms that live in and feed on turtle grass

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 17

Figure 10. A. Nudibranch, or sea slug (mollusk), B. Epiphytes growing on a turtle grass leaf, C. Sea cucumber, D. Sea star, E. Sea turtles (The photograph shows a green sea turtle.), F. Turtle grass flower

Manatee grass Manatee grass

Manatee grass is another common seagrass in our region. It is found on or r sea bo oms in the oralzone.Thisgrassismoreabundantinstable

is another common seagrass in our region. It is generally found on muddy or sandy sea bo infra-li oral zone. This grass is more abundant in stable environments and does not tolerate low salinity condi ons very well. In Puerto Rico, this species tends to thrive in shallow waters, mixed with turtle grass (Figure 13B), or in monospecific meadows down to a depth of approximately 20-30 m (66-100 feet). Manatee grass is the main food source for the West Indies Manatee (Trichechus manatus), an endangered species.

Manatee grass features fine, cylindrical leaves (shaped like spaghe noodles), ranging between 0.8 and 2 mm wide and up to 50 cm (approximately 20 inches) in length. Because they have less surface area than other seagrass species, manatee grass is not good at compe ng for sunlight (necessary for photosynthesis). However, since their fine leaves generate less resistance to surf condi ons, these seagrass are able to colonize and thrive in high energy environments where other species cannot.

Manatee grass usually flowers from January through June (Den Hartog, 1970). This species is dioecious, meaning it has separate female and male plants. Pollina on occurs when the waterborne pollen reaches a female plant’s s gma

filiforme Syringodium liforme)
Figure 11. Photograph of a manatee grass meadow. Figure 12. Close-up of manatee grass. The cylindrical shape can be be er seen in the highlighted square.

Manatee grass Manatee grass

Dioecious: Adjec ve describing a plant that has dis nct male and female individual organisms.

S gma: Part of the gynoecium or pis l (female parts of the flower) that receives the pollen during pollina on.

Pollina on: Process through which pollen is transferred from one flower’s stamen (male part of a flower, which produces pollen) to the s gma (recep ve part of a flower).

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 19
Figure 13. A. The West Indies manatee (Trichechus manatus) feeds on manatee grass. B. Manatee grass interspersed with turtle grass.

Shoal grass Shoal grass (Halodule

wrigh i Halodulewrigh i)

Shoal grass is characterized by having fla ened, long and thin leaves (thinner than turtle grass), measuring between 4 and 10 cm (approx. between 1.6 to 4 inches) in length and between 2 and 5 mm (0.08 and 0.20 inches) in width. They present two or three indenta ons on the upper p of each leaf (see the inset in figure 15). The leaves are grouped in different nodules along the rhizome. Each nodule produces 2 to 5 roots that grow downwards, and a group of leaves growing upwards. The roots are not ramified. They grow on mud or sand at depths greater than 5 m (approx. 16 feet). They can be found in monospecific meadows or mixed with other grasses. (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Image of a shoalgrass meadow. Figure 15. Close-up photograph of a shoalgrass specimen. In it, you can observe the shape of the leaf and the indenta ons on the p of the leaf (see inset). Nodules: Structure separa ng rhizome segments and from which leaves and/or roots sprout. Ramified: spreading or branching

Paddle grass Paddle grass

Paddle grass is characterized by the pe olate leaves (that have a pe ole) and oval-shaped (shaped like an oar or a paddle), that have a finely serrated (toothed) border. The leaves sprout in pairs from scale-like structures found at the nodes along the rhizomes (horizontal stalks). These leaves can grow to 25 mm (0.98 inches) in length and 6 mm (0.24 inches) in width. Among the seagrasses found in Puerto Rico this is the least similar to terrestrial plants, since it doesn’t feature a sheath at the base of the leaves to protect them (unlike turtle grass, which does feature this basal sheath). This is an annual plant (it fulfills its life cycle within a year) which is generally found in deep waters, around a depth of 30 m (nearly 100 feet). Paddle grass has slender rhizomes (horizontal stems) that run along the surface on mud or sand, and features a root on each node to anchor the plant to the substrate.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide
(Halophila decipiens Halophiladecipiens)
Figure 16. Photograph of a paddle grass meadows. Figure 17. Picture of a paddle grass leaf. Annual plant: Plant that fulfills its life cycle during the course of a year. Pe ole: Peduncle or a type of stalk that joins a leaf to the stem.

Widgeon grass grass (Ruppia

mari ma Ruppiamari ma)

Widgeon grass is a species that has a wide geographic c area of f distribu on n

and it thrives in shallow coastal lagoons, estuaries and bays in tropical and subtropical regions. Although it is generally found in brackish waters or areas with low salinity, it is very tolerant of dras c changes in salinity. Some botanists don’t consider it a seagrass, but rather a freshwater plant that tolerates salt water (Den Hartog, 1970).

Widgeon grass leaves (Figure 19) are very slender (1 mm; or 0.04 inch) and grow to about 10 cm (approx. 4 inches) long. From the main stem, several branches sprout and can grow up to 0.5 m (approx. 20 inches) long. Its anchoring system consists in fine rhizomes (or horizontal stems) and roots. The flowers are very small and usually measure between 3-5 mm (0.12-0.20 inches) and grow in pairs. Pollina on can occur either above or below the water. The fruits are dark, pear-shaped, and grow in groups. This grass is a valuable food source for migratory aqua c birds which themselves aid in seed dispersion, spreading the grass across other areas. Widgeon grass can be propagated through seeds, rhizomes or plant fragments.

Anthropogenic:This refers to the effects, processes or materials that result from human ac vi es.

Hydrophilic pollina on: Pollina on that takes place in the water.

Figure 18. Photograph of a widgeon grass meadow. Photograph credit: Stonebird (Jonathan), CC By NC-SA 2.0 Figure 19. Photograph of a widgeon grass sample. Photograph credit: Ming-I Weng, h p://

Main threats to seagrasses in Puerto Rico


1. Storms and hurricanes - The surges associated with storms and hurricanes can be strong enough to tear and undercut wide areas of seagrass meadows. Furthermore, the resul ng erosion from these events can cause direct physical damage to the seagrasses or indirect damage if the water turbidity increases dras cally and reduces sunlight availability, not allowing plants to perform photosynthesis.

2. Climate change - The flooding and drought cycles associated with global climate change can cause fluctua ons in water salinity and temperature. These processes can also expose the seagrasses to the air for prolonged periods of me, causing them to dry out. Sea level rise may also affect seagrass zona on.

Anthropogenic (caused by human ac vity)

1. Eutrophica on - Fer lizers and pes cides used in certain land-based ac vi es can reach the coastal zone through rainwater runoff and erosion. The runoff from residen al, agricultural or industrial sites may contain contaminants that can threaten marine ecosystems. Excessive nutrients in the water can cause algal blooms and increased turbidity, thereby reducing the available sunlight for the organisms living on the sea bo om.

2. Increased sedimenta on - Urban development and some land-based human ac vi es can cause excessive sediment discharge onto coastal areas. As a consequence, water turbidity increases and light penetra on is reduced, reducing the photosynthe c abili es of the primary producers that inhabit the sea floor.

3. Boat traffic and inadequate anchoring - Boat engine propellers can cause serious harm to seagrass meadows when used in shallow waters, scarring and fragmen ng the meadows. Indiscriminate anchoring in seagrass meadows affects these habits directly and in a nega ve manner. Use of mooring buoys is recommended in areas with seagrass meadows (whenever available).

Primary producers: Organisms that use photosynthesis to produce their own organic material (autotrophs). Primary producers are the beginning of all food chains and webs.

Rainwater runoff: Rainwater that isn’t absorbed by the soil and which streams across the surface carrying sediment and pollutants to nearby waterways.

Seagrass meadows:
Guide 23
Anchors dropped or dragged through seagrasses tear them from the sediment leaving scars in the seagrass meadow. When boats traverse shallow areas, their propellers can fragment seagrass meadows. Walking on seagrass meadows harms them.


Aerobic decomposi on: the breakdown of organic ma er and wastes in the presence of oxygen in order to recycle nutrients.

Angiosperms: Angiosperms are plants with flowers and seeds. Some examples of these plants are passion fruits, avocados and mangoes, among many others.

Annual plant: Plant that fulfills its life cycle during the course of a year.

Anthropogenic: The term ‘anthropogenic’ refers to the effects, processes or materials that result from human ac vi es.

Biomass: Total organic material from all the organisms living in a given area.

Brackish: Water featuring more dissolved salts than freshwater, but less salt that seawater.

Carbon dioxide: A gas present in the atmosphere. It is created through living organisms’ respira on, organic material decomposi on or carbon-containing fuel combus on. This gas is fundamental for the photosynthe c process.

Carbon sink: natural or ar ficial environment viewed in terms of its ability to absorb carbon dioxide.

Cretaceous: The Cretaceous period is a division in the geological mescale. It is the third and last period of the Mesozoic Era; it began approximately 145.5 million years ago and finished approximately 65.5 million years ago.

Detritus: Residue from organic material fragmenta on.

Diffusion: Process through which molecules flow from an area with greater concentra on to an area with lower concentra on.

Dioecious: Adjec ve describing a plant that has dis nct male and female individual organisms.

Epiphytes: This refers to any organisms that grows on different surfaces (living or not), using them as a support but not causing them any direct harm (that is to say, it is not a parasite).

Estuary zones: Coastal areas in which large bodies of freshwater (such as rivers) meet the sea. They receive dal change ac vity, but are protected from direct wave and wind ac on.

Euryhaline: Organisms that can tolerate a wide range of salt concentra on. In this case, it refers to organisms that can tolerate different saline concentra ons within the aqua c environment in which they live.

Flowers with stamen: Male flowers. Flowers that have func onal stamen, capable of producing pollen but lacking an ovary, or having an infer le ovary.

Foraminifera: Small, unicellular organisms belonging to the protozoa family. Their bodies are protected by a delicate shell or test.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 25

Gametes: Cells par cipa ng in sexual reproduc on. They only have a single copy of each chromosome (they are haploid). In many animals, we know these cells as eggs and sperm. When they unite, they form an organism with two copies of each chromosome (diploid), like you and me.

Hydrophilic: In a broad sense, it refers to something with an affinity for water. In this case, it refers to a plant which is uniquely adapted to life underwater or in aqua c environments.

Hydrophilic pollina on: Pollina on that takes place in the water.

Hyper-saline: An environment with a higher salt concentra on that sea water.

Infra-li oral zone: Part of the coast which is permanently submerged.

Laminae: Generally fla ened structure found in algae, which resembles a plant’s leaves.

Li oral zone: Coastal zone under the influence of the shi ing des.

Macrophytes: Big plants (observable to the naked eye) that are adapted to very humid or aqua c environments such as lakes, ponds, reservoirs, estuaries, swamps, riverbanks, deltas or marine lagoons.

Monocotyledons: Group of vascular plants (phanerogams) that produce flowers (angiosperms), in which the seed embryos present a single ini al leaf (a single cotyledon). Monocotyledons include corn, most cereals, tulips and onions, among others.

Nodules: Structure separa ng rhizome segments and from which leaves and/or roots sprout.

Osmoregula on: Process through which organisms maintain an adequate balance between water concentra ons and the solutes dissolved in their bodies.

Pedicel: Slender structure suppor ng algae, similar to a plant stem.

Peduncle: Branch joining a leaf, flower or fruit to the plant stem.

Pe ole: Peduncle or a type of stalk on a leaf through which it joins the stem.

Phanerogams: Flower-producing, vascular (featuring xylem and phloem) plants.

Phloem: A phanerogam’s vascular ssue, which transports sugars and nutrients in ascending and descending direc ons, from the organs that produce them to those which consume and store them.

Photosynthesis: It is a process in which sunlight’s energy, water, nutrients, plant chlorophyll and carbon dioxide are used to form vegetal ssue (for instance, in the form of sugars, fats or proteins).

Planktonic organisms: Small, o en microscopic organisms that live floa ng in fresh or salt water (they are weak swimmers).

Pollina on: Process through which pollen is transferred from one flower’s stamen (male part of a flower, which produces pollen) to the s gma (recep ve part of a flower).

Primary producers: Organisms that use photosynthesis to produce their own organic material (autotrophs). Primary producers are the beginning of all food chains and webs.


PSU: Acronym standing for Prac cal Salinity Units. It subs tutes the former ppt (parts per thousand). A salinity of 35 PSU is considered a standard seawater salinity.

Rainwater runoff: Rainwater that isn’t readily absorbed by the soil and which then flows across the surface.

Ramified: spreading or branching.

Rhizoid: Structure similar to a plant’s roots, used by algae to anchor themselves to the ground and stabilize themselves. It does not absorb nutrients.

Rhizomes: Subterranean plant stalk, which grows horizontally and from which roots and new shoots may form. Rhizomes aid a plant’s rapid spread throughout an area.

Sedimenta on: Process of sediment accumula on and deposi on.

Sprout: A plant offshoot, which may include stems and leaves.

Stamen: Masculine part of the flower, which produces pollen.

S gma: Part of the gynoecium or pis l (female parts of the flower) that receives the pollen during pollina on.

Substrate: Surface on which an organism lives.

Supra-li oral zone: Part of the coast which does not flood with the des (it is above the upper limits of the high de).

Vascular plants: Plants presen ng a vascular system (xylem and phloem) with which to distribute water and nutrients throughout the plant.

Xylem: Vascular plant ssue which transports water and inorganic salts that serve as nutrients. This occurs in an ascending manner throughout the plant, providing addi onal support.

S Seeagagrarass ss meaeadodowsws: Te Teacacheher’ r s Gu Guidide e 27
Figure 20. Seagrasses and their rhizoids.


Blanchon, P., Rodríguez R. (2010). Seagrass. Retrieved August 17, 2013 through h p://www.icmyl.

Den Hartog C. (1970). The sea-grasses of the world. North-Holland Publ. Amsterdam

Fourqurean, J. W., Duarte, C.M., Kennedy, H., Marbà, N., Holmer, M., Mateo, M. A., Apostolaki, E. T., Kendrick, G. A., Krause-Jensen, D., McGlathery, K. J. & Serrano, O. (2012). Seagrass ecosystems as a globally significant carbon stock. Nature Geoscience (5), 505–509. doi:10.1038/ngeo1477.

Green E.P and Short F.t. (2003). World Atlas of Seagrasses. Prepared by the UIMEP World Conserva on Monitoring Centre. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA.

González Lagoa, J.G., González Toro, C. (2010). Encuentro con el mar. Puerto Rico: Sea Grant Program.

Mar nez Daranas, B.R. (2007). Caracterís cas y estados de la conservación de los pastos marinos del área de interés del archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey, Cuba. Thesis presented as a requirement for obtaining a PhD in Biological Sciences. Accessed through: h p:// bitstream/1834/3405/1/Mar nez-Daranas%20ThesisPhD.pdf

McKenzie, L. (2008). Seagrass Educator Handbook. Seagrass-watch. Retrieved August 17, 2013 through h p:// on/Seagrass_Educators_Handbook.pdf

McKenzie, LJ., Yoshida, RL. & Coles, RG. (2006 - 2012). Seagrass-Watch. Retrieved August 17, 2013 through h p://

Seagrass outreach partnership. (2007). Seagrass… it’s a live. Retrieved August 17, 2013 through http://

Thompson, A. (2012). What is a Carbon Sink? Retrieved July 8, 2014 through h p://www.livescience. com/32354-what-is-a-carbon-sink.html

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 29

P r e s e n t a t i o n Presentation w i t h n


o t e s t o with
to t h e t e a c h e r the teacher
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 33
Sea Grant College Program University of Puerto Rico

What are seagrasses?

•Seagrasses are higher order plants from the marine angiosperm group, which grow underwater in the littoral and sublittoral zones.

•These plants have leaves, stems, flowers, fruits and seeds.

Suggest: defining what’s meant by “higher order plants”--those that have vascular ssue (xylem and phloem) as opposed to lower order plants like algae and mosses which do not.


Zones in which seagrasses can be found

• Unlike terrestrial grasses, seagrasses live submerged in salt water or brackish water during their en re lifecycle. They grow on sandy and muddy soils in the infrali oral and li oral zone, an area exposed to dal ac on.

• In this diagram, we can observe the profile of a sandy beach, divided into three zones according to the sea level (high and low de).

1. The suprali oral zone is the part of the coast that does NOT flood with the des (it is above the high de line).

2. The li oral zone is the seashore, submerged during high de and exposed during low de.

3. The infrali oral zone is the part of the coast that is always submerged, even during low de (as it is below the li oral zone.)

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 35
Littoral Infralittoral
Meanhighwatermark Meanlowwatermark

Seagrasses are NOT algae!

Seagrass: Algae:

• They have strong roots to anchor themselves to the bottom and absorb nutrients.

• They perform photosynthesis through their leaves.

• Reproduce through flowers, fruits and seeds.

• They have rhizoids, or a holdfast, that anchors them to the substrate, but it does NOT absorb nutrients.

• All cells of the organism are capable of performing photosynthesis.

• They reproduce through spores.

Seagrasses are frequently mistaken for algae since they’re both green, photosynthesize and live under the sea.

*Note: algae are commonly referred to as seaweeds.*

However, there are several clear differences between seagrasses and seaweed, some of which are men oned below:

* Although some parts of seagrasses and algae can look similar, they are physiologically different; that is to say, they fulfill different func ons for each organism. For instance, seagrasses have roots that anchor them to the ground, but which also have a fundamental func on of absorbing and transpor ng nutrients to the plant. The algae, on the other hand, anchor themselves to the ground with a holdfast or rhizoid, which look similar to seagrass roots but which serve no func on other than a achment. All of the surface area of algae absorb nutrients through a process called diffusion (the flow of molecules through a permeable membrane without an external source of energy). Similarly, the pedicel and laminae of algae look similar to the leaves and laminae of algae, but do not have similar func ons. Furthermore, seagrasses have flowers, fruits and seeds while algae does not.

Leaves Laminae Simple root Rhizoids Vertical shoot Rhizome or horizontal stem

What are seagrass meadows?

Seagrass meadows are an ecosystem formed primarily of seagrasses distributed across wide expanses of the seafloor.

• When seagrasses cover a large expanse of the sea floor, they form what is known as a seagrass meadow.

• Seagrass meadows can be composed of one or several species of seagrass, and there is an abundant and diverse biota (variety of species) associated with these meadows.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 37

Seagrass evolution

1.The first plants on the planet were oceanic phytoplankton.

2.Then, algae and the first terrestrial plants appeared.

3.Eventually, some terrestrial angiosperms adapted to life in the sea and gave way to mangrove trees and seagrasses.

• The first plants to exist on our planet appeared during the Precambrian era (approximately 4,500 million years), in the form of marine phytoplankton.

• Phytoplankton greatly diversified during the Silurian period and, as a result, macroalgae and the first terrestrial plants developed (450 million years ago.)

• Finally, during the Cretaceous (145 million years ago), some terrestrial angiosperms adapted to life in the sea and the first mangrove trees and seagrasses developed.

• In summary: some plants, such as algae, originated in the sea, adapted and evolved to colonize land as terrestrial plants, and then further evolved and returned to the sea as marine angiosperms like seagrasses.

1 23
Phytoplankton PRECAMBRIANSILURIAN CRETACEOUS First living plants Evolution of terrestrial plants First appearance of marine angiosperms Evolutionary timeline Hard substrate Red algae Brown algae Green algae Terrestrial plants Mangroves Seagrass Soft substrate

Necessary conditions for seagrass meadows Necessary cond development

• Seagrass meadows are globally distributed. However, most develop in tropical and subtropical regions, where the waters are warmer (between 15.5 and 25 oCor 60-77oF)

• Most seagrass meadows are located between 30° N and 30° S (in the tropics), since this area features the ideal temperature condi ons for seagrass meadows development (water temperatures near 24°C or 75°F)

• Addi onal/op onal topics: Climates and Biomes. The instructor can teach students about the different climate zones on Earth. The teacher can define them and delve into the temperature, precipita on, fauna and flora in each zone, just to name a few factors that may be addressed.

• For example:

• There are several climate zones on Earth, including the polar, temperate and tropical regions. The polar zones are in the northern and southern extremes (from the ar c circle to 90° la tude on each hemisphere). There, temperatures are very cold and precipita on is scarce. They are divided into polar and mountain climates. These are difficult loca ons for life.

• The temperate zone is found between 30° and 60° la tudes in both hemispheres. This zone is further divided by seasonal temperature and precipita on pa erns into mediterranean, con nental, and oceanic climates. These regions are be er suited to life.

• The tropical zones (30° N and 30° S) are warm throughout the year and although there are four seasons, precipita on pa erns differen ate winter and summer. The zone is divided into desert, equatorial and tropical climates.

• Note: The teacher may con nue showing students the different habitats and organisms found in each zone.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 39
Polar (<4oC) Temperate (4-24oC) Tropical (>24oC) Seagrass distribution

Necessary conditions for or Necessary conditions fo seagrass meadows development

Seagrasses need clear water that allows sunlight to reach the seafloor and enable photosynthesis.

Just like any other plant, seagrasses need nutrients and minerals to thrive.

The areas that are slightly exposed to wave and surf conditions are ideal for seagrass meadows development.

• To undertake photosynthesis, seagrasses require sunlight; therefore, they thrive in rela vely clear and shallow waters where sunlight reaches the bo om. Sunlight penetra on into the water column dictates the maximum depth at which seagrasses can grow. For instance, in waters with sediment or nutrient discharge, turbidity impedes sunlight availability to the bo om. This results in a more sparse distribu on of the seagrasses than with clear waters.

• Besides sunlight, water transparency, nutrient, and mineral availability, seagrass distribu on in a given loca on is determined by environmental factors that include currents and waves. Although seagrasses have strong roots that anchor them to the bo om, seagrasses thrive in coastal areas protected from strong wave and current ac on, such as bays, lagoons and estuaries.


Seagrass meadows distribution

• Seagrasses are abundant along the south and east coasts of Puerto Rico.

• The Caribbean Sea’s currents and surf conditions are calmer than those of the Atlantic Ocean.

Seagrass Land Continental shelf

• In Puerto Rico, seagrass meadows are well developed on the south, southeast and east coasts of the island.

• This distribu on happens because in these areas, the insular pla orm is wider than in the north; that is to say, the shallow areas in the south extend further out from shore than in the north, which favors seagrass meadows growth, development and establishment. These zones are also chartacterized as having gentler currents and surf condi ons than in the north.

• Addi onal topics: Geography. Here, the instructor can show the students which areas in Puerto Rico feature the the most well-developed seagrass meadows; it must be taken into account that the green areas in the map indicate seagrass meadows presence. Also, there is an opportunity to perform an exercise with the students using geographical knowledge by naming the towns adjacent to areas where the seagrass meadows are located.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 41

in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean

Seagrass species in Puerto hb

•There are about 60 seagrass species around the world.

•Of these, five are commonly found in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. These are:

Turtle grass (Thalassiatestudinum)

Manatee grass (Syringodiumfiliforme)

Shoal grass (Halodulewrightii)

Paddle grass (Halophila decipiens)

Widgeon grass(Ruppiamaritima)

• Although seagrasses can be found at all la tudes except the polar regions, most species thrive in the tropical regions.

• At a global level, there are approximately 60 seagrass species. There are five species in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean area. Out of these five species, the most common one is turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum), followed by manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme). The less common ones include widgeon grass (Ruppia mari ma), shoalgrass (Halodule wrigh i) and paddle grass (Halophila decipiens)



These five types of seagrass are vertically distributed along the coast, from the shallowest waters (nearshore) to the deepest (farthest from shore). The following figure shows the zonation for the four most common species in Puerto Rico.

• Shoal grass is most commonly found in the shallowest areas that have freshwater influx.

• Turtle and manatee grass grow in areas a bit deeper than shoal grass.

• Paddle grass is the species that grows in the deepest part of the shore, up to depths of approx. 50 m (165 feet).

• In general, seagrass in Puerto Rico have a ver cal zona on, on a gradient from shallower to deeper. However, this zona on is not strict (it doesn’t always occur in this pa ern).

• The figure shows the typical zona on of the four most common seagrass species in Puerto Rico.

• Widgeon grass develops where there’s a confluence of freshwater with seawater.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 43
Turtle grass Thalassiatestudinum Shoal grass Halodulewrightii
Paddle grass Halophiladecipiens Manatee grass Syringodiumfiliforme

Seagrass species

• The most commonly found species of seagrasses in Puerto Rico are easily distinguished by their distinctive traits, such as:

• Size and shape of the leaves

• Whether the roots are near the surface or lie deep

• Location within their habitat

• These five seagrass species have dis nc vely shaped leaves, roots, flowers and fruits.

• Their tolerance to salinity and depth also varies according to where they grow.

• Addi onal topic: If the instructor desires, basic botany terms may be reviewed here (types of leaf, root, flower, etc.)


Turtle grass ( Tu Thalassia ass a testudinum m)

• Turtle grass is the seagrass most found in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

• This seagrass is the preferred food source for green sea turtles.

• It is generally found at a depth up to 10 m (33 feet), but in clear waters, it can grow at depths of around 30 m (98 feet).

• It has long, flat leaves.

• It has a deep root system.

• Turtle grass is a foodsource to many herbivore species such as the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), an endangered species.

• However, other smaller herbivores feed on these grasses; therefore, leaf ps are o en jagged from bite (herbivory) marks.

• Turtle grasses grow in short clusters, are flat and ribbon-like and measure between 0.4 and 1.8 cm (0.16 and 0.71 inches) in width. They can measure up to 30 cm (approx. 12 inches) long. The leaf ps are rounded.

• It produces big, pale greenish-white flowers and seed pods that frequently wash up on the beach.

• This seagrass has a horizontal rhizome that buries itself in the sediment to a depth of up to 25 cm (10 inches).

• Turtle grass can tolerate exposure to direct sunlight and air during low de.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 45

Manatee grass ( anatee grass Ma Syringodium ass m filiforme me)

• Manatee grass is the second most common seagrass found in Puerto Rico.

• This seagrass is the primary source of food for manatees.

• The leaves are long, fine and cylindrical, like spaghetti noodles.

• It can grow at depths of up to 30 m (100 feet).

• Manatee grass is an important source of food for many herbivorous species, including the An llean manatee (Trichechus manatus), an endangered species.

• This grass is frequently found in stable environments, since it does not tolerate low salinity condi ons. In Puerto Rico, it is usually found mixed with turtle grass, or in monospecific meadows.

• The leaves are fine and cylindrical, measure between 0.8 and 2 mm (0.03 and 0.08 inches) and up to 50 cm (approx. 20 inches) in length and break easily.

• Because the blades have less surface area than other seagrass species, manatee grass is not a good compe tor for sunlight (necessary for photosynthesis). This grass is a good colonizer in high energy environments since their leaves offer li le resistance to surf condi ons.


Shoal grass ( oal grass Sh Halodule ass le wrightii tii)

• Shoal grass is a colonizing seagrass that thrives in shallow soils.

• It tolerates environmental variations well.

• The leaf is slender and flat and has two or three pointy tips.

• It can be found at depths of around 5 m (16 feet), and in clear waters, it can reach depths of approximately 30 m (100 feet).

• Shoal grass is characterized by having a flat leaf that is narrower than turtle grass. This can measure between 4-10 cm (1.6-4 inches) in length and 0.2-0.5 cm (0.1-0.2 inches) in width.

• Leaves and roots arise from nodes along the rhizome. Each nodule sprouts between 2 to 5 roots growing downward and several leaves growing upwards.

• The roots are not ramified.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 47

Paddle grass ( ddlePa Halophila rass a decipiens ns)

• Paddle grass is not commonly found in Puerto Rico.

• They are small and fragile.

• Their leaves resemble little paddles or oars.

• They grow in depths around 30 m (100 feet), and in clear waters, they can grow at depths of up to 50 m (165 feet).

• Out of the seagrass species found in Puerto Rico, this is the species that least resembles terrestrial grasses, since it doesn’t have a sheath covering the base of its leaves (unlike turtle grass, for instance, which does have this sheath).

• This species is characterized by it pe olate and oval-shaped leaves, which feature a serrated border and are borne in pairs above the rhizomes (horizontal stalks) stemming from a pair of scale-like structures. These leaves can reach 2.5 cm (0.98 inches) in length and 0.6 cm (0.24 inches) in length.

• This is an annual plant (it completes its life cycle within a year) that is usually found in deeper waters (approx. 30 – 100 m depth, and in clear waters, it can grow at depths of 50 m, or 165 feet). It has slender rhizomes (horizontal stems) that run along the ground surface and features a root descending from each node.


Widgeon grass ( Wiidgeon Ruppia grass on a maritima ma)

• Widgeon grass is not very common in Puerto Rico.

• This grass lives in shallow areas and tolerates a wide range of salinity.

• The leaves are very long and fine.

• Widgeon grass is an important source of food for migratory birds.

• Widgeon grass is a species with wide geographical distribu on, and which thrives in coastal lagoons, estuaries and bays.

• Although it is usually found in brackish or low-salinity waters, it has a high tolerance for dras c changes in salinity. Several botanists do not consider widgeon grass a seagrass but rather a freshwater plant which tolerates salinity well (Den Hartog, 1970).

• Widgeon grass leaves are very fine (0.1 cm – to 1 mm) and measure approximately 10 cm (approx. 4 inches) in length.

• Several branches grow out of the grass stem, which can reach up to 0.5 m (1.6 feet) in length. Its anchoring system consists in fine rhizomes (or horizontal stems) and roots. Its flowers are very small (3-5 mm, or 0.12-0.20 inches). Its fruits are dark, pear-shaped and grow in bunches.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 49
Widgeon grass closeupphoto by: Ming-I Weng, Widgeon grass meadows photo by: Stonebird(Jonathan), CC By NC-SA 2.0

• Seagrass meadows, mangrove forests and coral reefs are interconnected, and they all depend on one another.

• Seagrass meadows, mangrove forests and coral reefs are the three main marine ecosystems in Puerto Rico. These ecosystems are interconnected, and each exerts a stabilizing effect on the environment. We will men on some examples of how these ecosystems connect with each other and depend on one another.

• The ecosystem closest to the coastline is the mangrove forest, which has the important func on of trapping and stabilizing terrestrial sediments with their roots. This reduces the chance of excess sediments deteriora ng water quality and harming the seagrass meadows and coral reefs either directly (burying them) or indirectly (increased turbidity limi ng photosynthesis).

• Seagrass meadows also trap sediments with their leaves and stabilize the seafloor with their roots. Likewise, seagrass meadows help diminish the currents’ strength since the leaves generate resistance.

• Both mangrove forests and seagrass meadows are highly-produc ve environments, that generate a lot of organic ma er. This is used by several reef-dwelling organisms that spend their juvenile life stages in these habitats before moving to the reefs.

Why are seagrass are seagrass meadows important?

• Seagrass meadows are some of the most important carbon sinks and oxygen producers on the planet.

• They obtain the energy to survive through photosynthesis, and they produce great amounts of organic matter.

• A carbon sink is a natural system that absorbs and sequesters atmospheric carbon dioxide (Thompson, 2012). Along with plants and soils, the ocean is one of the largest sinks on the planet, with seagrasses playing a vital role. Seagrass meadows are globally important since they are highly produc ve ecosystems that use large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and produce oxygen (O2) through photosynthesis.

• By consuming part of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, seagrass meadows help reduce the planet’s greenhouse effect and can therefore help reduce global warming.

• Seagrasses are primary producers, since they perform photosynthesis.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 51
Why are seagrass are seagrass meadows important?

• Seagrasses provide food for many herbivores.

• The debris left behind after seagrasses decompose is a source of food for many other organisms.

• Seagrass leaves are an important source of food for a wide variety of organisms including manatees and green sea turtles, both endangered species.

• Also, the debris generated by these plants’ decomposi on is food to many other species, such as sea cucumbers, crabs and anemones.

• Seagrass decomposi on also releases nutrients into the water which are then used (reabsorbed) by the grasses themselves and by some planktonic organisms. Some seabirds such as pelicans and swallows fly over seagrass meadows in search for food.

Why are seagrass are seagrass meadows important?
Sea cucumber Sea star Endangered!!
Endangered!! Manatee Green sea turtle • Seagrass meadows have high produc vity and are complex ecosystems, which benefit mul ple and diverse species.

Why are seagrass meadows important?

Seagrass meadowsprovidehabitatformanyotherspecies.

• Seagrass meadows are home and refuge for several organisms that use this ecosystem as protec on from strong current and surf condi ons.

• These seagrass meadows are nursery areas for fish, mollusk, lobster and other species in their larval and juvenile life stages.

• The seagrass leaves’ surfaces func ons as substrate for several epiphyte algae, sponges and foraminifera.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 53
Corals Sea star Sea urchins

Why are seagrass meadows important?

Many commercially-important species use seagrasses.

• Several commercially important species live on or visit the seagrass meadows at some point of their lives. Nurse sharks, for instance, have been recorded visi ng the shallow seagrass meadows in Guánica and forming breeding aggrega ons at certain points of the year.

Octopus Trunkfish Arrow crab Conch

• Seagrass leaves trap sediment while the roots stabilize the seafloor. This process prevents coastal erosion and keeps the waters clear.

• As previously men oned, seagrass meadows help reduce energy impacts from surf, des and currents. This allows sediment to se le and later, become trapped among the seagrass roots. Because of the lack of suspended sediment in the water, sunlight easily reaches the sea bo om, allowing photosynthesis.

• The seagrass meadows’ extensive anchoring system (roots and rhizomes) helps prevent seafloor erosion since it increases sedimenta on (sediment forma on and deposit), compac ng and stabilizing the bo om.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 55
Why are seagrass are sea meadows important?

Threats to seagrasses

• Excess coastal sediment and fertilizer discharge from irresponsible urban and agricultural development are a serious problem, since they cause:

increased water turbidity and reduced light penetration, which impedes the seagrass’ photosynthetic capabilities.

Algal blooms (a sudden rapid growth of a specific type of algae).

• Urban development and some land-based human ac vi es can cause excess sediment and nutrient runoff in coastal areas. As a result, water turbidity increases and light penetra on is reduced. This leads to a reduc on in photosynthe c ac vi es in primary producers that inhabit the marine bo om such as seagrasses.

• Fer lizers and pes cides used in some land-based ac vi es can get to coastal waters during rain events. Excess nutrients can provoke algae blooms. If the algae taking advantage of these nutrients are toxic algae, it can cause death to the many marine organisms that consume them. For instance, red des are the result of excessive prolifera on of a toxic dinoflagellate that kill any fish that consume it.

• Furthermore, rainwater runoff from residen al, agricultural or industrial ac vi es can contain contaminants that can harm marine ecosystem health.

Algal bloom Seagrasses nearly covered in sediment

Threats associated with climate change

• Hurricanes, tsunamis and storms bring in strong surf and wind conditions that can tear seagrasses from the substrate.

• Flood and drought cycles associated with climate change can cause seagrass desiccation and death by:

• excessive increases in salinity levels and water temperatures.

• exposing seagrasses to the air for prolonged periods of time.

• Storm surges associated with storms and hurricanes can be strong enough to destroy wide areas of seagrass meadows. Furthermore, the resul ng erosion can cause direct harm to seagrass meadows (by burying them, for instance), or indirect harm such as increased water turbidity.

• The floods and droughts associated with global climate change can cause fluctua ons in water temperature and salinity. Associated sea level changes can also cause seagrasses to become exposed to air for prolonged periods of me, drying them out.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 57

Threats to seagrasses, cont.

seagrasses, cont.

• Boat propellers cut and uproot seagrasses from the sea bottom, forming scars in the seagrass meadows. This commonly happens when boats are used in shallow areas.

• Boat propellers carve furrows out of seagrass meadows, fragmen ng the ecosystem. These furrows are called ‘scars’.

• It can take years for these scars to become fully covered once more.


Threats to to seagrasses, cont.

• Careless anchoring in seagrass meadows damages these habitats.

What we can do we can do to help conserve to them

Teach your friends and family what you know.

Use mooring buoys instead of anchors when these are available.

Plant fields along their natural contours, which prevents erosion.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 59
Photoprovidedby: Edwin Más NRCS-USDA

D a i l y p l a n s Daily plans a n d a c t i v i t i e s and activities E l e

m e n t a r y L e v e l Elementary Level

Time: 1 period

Teaching strategy: ECA

Phases: explora on, conceptualiza on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: Field trip (on school grounds), ques ons and answers, coopera ve work, conference, laboratory, homework

Assessment technique: Open ques ons, Venn diagram

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology, Marine sciences


• Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide

• Text: Ocean Encounter – Seagrass sec on

• Slideshow –Seagrass meadows

• Pictures or illustra ons of different types of marine algae and seagrasses

• Laboratory sheet

• Venn Diagram sheet

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Processing thinking

Level III: Strategic thinking

Unit: Marine ecosystems Seagrass or algae?

What is a seagrass?

Objec ves:

A er studying the topics Seagrass or algae? What are seagrasses?, the student will be able to:

• observe the visible physical characteris cs of different organisms. (procedural)

• classify the organisms by their visible and non-visible characteris cs. (conceptual)

• use the observed characteris cs to formulate a hypothesis regarding an organism’s iden ty. (procedural)

• compare and contrast seagrasses and terrestrial grasses in terms of their physical characteris cs. (procedural)

• dis nguish between seagrasses and marine algae. (procedural)

• determine which are the organisms under study. (procedural)

• define seagrasses and seagrass meadows. (conceptual)

• demonstrate interest in and the desire to learn about and protect seagrass ecosystems.(a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es:

A. Beginning

1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on: “Unity” – During this reflec on, it is important to highlight that organisms, in this case, seagrasses, algae and other organisms inhabi ng this ecosystem, must remain living together (united) so that the system (ecosystem, community) can thrive. If one of these elements is affected, the others will be affected as well. Therefore, we must protect and care for each of these so that ecological equilibrium can be preserved.

4. The teacher will use open ques ons to explore what students already know about herbaceous plants in general. Ques ons could include ‘What are grasses and herbaceous plants?’, ‘What are some of its characteris cs?’, ‘Where do they grow?’ etc. Then take the students out to the school grounds. The students should take a pencil and their laboratory sheet. The teacher will ask them to observe their surroundings and describe the grasses they can see in terms of their visible, physical characteris cs. The students will write down their observa ons.

Herbaceous plants or herbs - seed producing annuals, biennials, or perennials that do not develop persistent woody ssue but die down at the end of each growing season. (Merriam-Webster Online Dic onary, 2020)

B. Development

1. A er this exercise, everyone will return to the classroom and the teacher will project or place on the board the four (4) seagrasses found in Puerto Rico. The teacher will also place several pictures of algae (here, referring to marine macroalgae). The photos should be labeled with le ers so that the students can easily iden fy them.

2. Students will divide into subgroups and will be asked to carefully observe each picture and, based on the descrip ons they made, choose the pictures more similar to the grasses and herbs they observed on the school grounds. They must write the le er they selected on the same sheet they are working on, in the column labeled most similar. The pictures that feature organisms that do not show many similari es


must be placed in the column labeled least similar

3. The teacher will ask some of the students to share their choices with the class. They will explain the characteris cs they observed that led them to their conclusions. They must also explain why some of the pictures on the board were not selected. The teacher, using ques ons and answers, will help the students describe and jus fy their decision. ‘Why were these pictures not selected?’, ‘What characteris cs does the organism in the picture show?’, ‘Is it a plant or not?’ ‘How is it different from the herbs and grasses found on the school grounds?’ At this point, the teacher will ask students to dra their hypotheses regarding which organisms are similar to the grasses and herbs on school grounds, and which are different.

4. Then, the teacher will show students the Seagrass meadows presenta on and will highlight the differences between seagrasses and marine algae, emphasizing the characteris cs not usually perceived at first glance. While these characteris cs are being discussed, the students will complete the second part of the laboratory sheet; this is a table in which students will write the non-visible characteris cs of grasses on one side, and the non-visible characteris cs of marine algae on the other side. At this point, students have not yet determined whether or not the organisms are seagrasses or algae. They will complete the table using the classifica on: most similar organisms and least similar organisms.


 The teacher must thoroughly know these characteris cs in order to have an effec ve discussion. Please review the seagrass background sec on.

 Remember to show students the parts of seagrasses and marine algae when discussing their differences.

E. Closing

1. To conclude the class, ask the students to determine what the organisms under study are, based on what they learned in class. To do this, they must answer the final ques ons in the laboratory sheet. The teacher will guide them towards properly iden fying seagrasses and marine algae. Then, they must define in their own words what seagrasses, seagrass meadows, and marine algae are.

Seagrasses - Seagrasses are higher plants in the angiosperm group, which grow underwater in the sea. These plants have leaves, stems, flowers and fruits.

Seagrass meadows –Seagrass meadows are large swathes of seagrasses growing on the marine substrate. They can be comprised of a single or several species.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 65

Marine algae – Marine algae are non-vascular plants that absorb nutrients from water through diffusion across the plant surface (Seagrass-watch, 2013). They belong to the Pro sta kingdom and can be unicellular or mul cellular. They can be shaped like a sheet or a thread and have a rela vely complex inner structure. They also generally feature chlorophyll and can perform photosynthesis. (Diccionario Enciclopédico Dominicano de Medio Ambiente, 2013)

2. Clear up any remaining ques ons regarding the topic.


1. Students will be asked to fill out a Venn diagram in which they compare and contrast seagrasses and marine algae. The diagram can be made through the use of websites such as Google Suggest Venn Diagram Generator, SmartDraw (this is not a free program; although it offers a free trial), use Microso Word to draw the diagram, or the teacher can hand out copies of the Venn diagram included in this plan so the students can fill out the differences and similari es.

Note: Neither the Sea Grant Program nor the University of Puerto Rico sponsor any brand or program in par cular.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to do their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Biological sciences

Standard: Subject organiza on levels and structure

Expecta ons and indicators:

From molecules to organisms: Structures and processes

1.B.CB1.EM.2 Makes observa ons with the aim of describing the structures plants and animals need to survive and grow.

3.B.CB1.EM.1 Observes and describes pa erns in plant structures to determine how to best classify them. Deduces that plants (grasses, shrubs and trees) have a series of structures that help their classifica on.


Oceanic literacy: Essen al principles and fundamental concepts

Principle 5: “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”

c. Most of the major groups that exist on Earth are found exclusively in the ocean and the diversity of major groups of organisms is much greater in the ocean than on land.

3.B.CB1.EM.2 Iden fies plants according to their structures and the different types of stems: the herbaceous plants have not developed hardened woody structures, besides being so (grass); the woody plants have developed hardened structures (wood); the roots (fibrous, branched or primary); and the leaves (simple or compound and according to their ribs: parallelinerve, penninerve or palminerve; according to their margin: whole, wavy, serrated or lobed; and according to their stem: alternate, opposite or basal).

5.B.CB1.EM.1 Iden fies and groups plants with seeds and without seeds. Creates models that represent the differences between vascular and non-vascular seeding and non-seeding plants.

Expecta ons and indicators:

Inheritance and varia ons in characteris cs

1.B.CB3.EM.1 Makes observa ons, describes and groups plants, animals and human beings according to the characteris cs that make them similar or different.

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators:

From molecules to organisms: Structures and processes

K.B.CB1.IE.3 Dis nguishes and describes different types of habitats in which human beings live and to which they adapt.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 67
Taken from the Ocean Literacy Network

Expecta ons and indicators:

Biological evolu on: Unity and diversity

2.B.CB4.IE.1 Recognizesecosystems as places in which living and non-living elements interact. Iden fy different aqua c ecosystems (freshwater, such as rivers and creeks) and terrestrial (forests and deserts).

2.B.CB4.IE.3 Makes direct observa ons about the biodiversity in terrestrial and aqua c systems, with an emphasis on comparing ecosystem diversity.

Physical sciences

Standard: Subject organiza on levels and structure

Expecta ons and indicators:

The subject and its interac ons

K.F.CF1.EM.1 Recognizes the different types of subject according to their physical proper es and groups them according to one or more characteris cs.

1.F.CF1.EM.2 Compares, contrasts and groups the subject according to its physical proper es.

2.F.CF1.EM.2 Plans and researches in order to describe and classify different types of materials according to their observable physical proper es.

4.F.CF1.EM.1 Compares, contrasts and measures the physical proper es of the subject.

6.F.CF1.EM.1 Groups and classifies the subject according to its physical and chemical proper es.

Earth and space sciences

Standard: Subject organiza on levels and structure

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth systems

2.T.CT2.EM.1 Describes, compares and groups earth materials according to their physical proper es (natural and ar ficial materials).


Merriam-Webster Online Dic onary. (2020). Herb. Retrieved on March 27, 2020. h ps://www. onary/herb

Diccionario Enciclopédico Dominicano del Medio Ambiente. Algas marinas. Retrieved on October 7, 2012, from h p:// es/definicionVer. asp?id=615 Translated on March 27, 2020.

ASeagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 69
CSeagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 71
ESeagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 73

Name: _________________________

Teacher: _______________________

University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Sea Grant Program

Fact sheets

Laboratory #1: Seagrasses

Date: _____________________________

Grade-Group: _______________________

Instructions: Carefully observe the grasses in your schoolyard. Describe them in the space provided, considering their visible physical characteristics. To do this, only use the column labeled Schoolyard grasses. Then, carefully observe the organisms presented in the images shown in class. Each image will have a letter. Write the letter belonging to the organism similar to the grasses you saw in your schoolyard. Write the letter in the column labeled Similar organisms for each characteristic. For instance: if the plant on image A has a similar color to the ones in your schoolyard, write that letter in the space provided for the color characteristic. If it does not look similar, then place the letter in the column labeled Different organisms, as shown in the following example. Also, write the observable characteristics you can see in each one.


Visible Characteristics Schoolyard grasses Similar organisms

Different organisms

Color green A - green B - yellow, C - red

I. Plant observation and comparison chart

Visible Characteristics Schoolyard grasses

Leaf length: long or short

Leaf width:

Wide or narrow

Leaf shape: ribbon-like, feathershaped, cylindrical, oval, rounded, or like a chain made of shells


Where does it live: water or soil

Other visible physical characteristics

Similar organisms

Different organisms

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide



1. According to your observations, which kind of organisms are the most similar to the grasses in your schoolyard? Are they sea grasses or marine algae?

2. According to your observations, which kind of organisms are the least similar to the grasses in your schoolyard? Are they sea grasses or marine algae?

II. Table comparing the non-visible characteristics between the most similar and the least similar organisms. Write down all non-visible characteristics the teacher discusses in the classroom.

Non-Visible Characteristics

Organisms most similar to schoolyard grasses

Organisms least similar to schoolyard grasses

Conclusion: When finishing their observations about the visible characteristics of the organisms under study and after discussing the non-visible characteristics discussed with the teacher, identify the organisms you have observed. What organisms are most similar to the schoolyard grasses? And the ones least similar? Was your original hypothesis correct? Please explain your answer.



Venn diagram organizing the differences and similarities between seagrasses, terrestrial grasses,and marine algae


Instructions: Use the following diagram to organize the differences and similarities between seagrasses, terrestrial grassesand marine algae. If a characteristic only desc ribes one group, like algae, write it down in the part of the circle that only corre sponds to marine algae. If it is a characteristic that is shared with an other group, like seagrasses, write it down in the area that over laps both subjects. All three groups can share a characteristic. In this ca se, this characteristic can be written in the area in which al l three circles overlap.

Marine algae


Terrestrial grasses

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 77
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Sea Grant Program
________________________Date: _____________________________
_______________________Grade-Group: _______________________

Time: 1 or several class periods (the teacher will adjust according to the grade and group)

Teaching Strategy: ECA

Phases: conceptualiza on and applica on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: review, coopera ve work, discussion, conference

Assessment technique: Open ques ons, Venn diagram, Timeline, seagrass iden fica on, comic strip

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology, Geology, History


• Seagrass meadows – Teacher’s Guide

• Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM

• Presenta on – Seagrass meadows

• Paper board or brown paper

• Markers

• Transparent tape or glue

• Seagrass iden fica on sheet

• Magnifying glass to observe the iden fied seagrasses (op onal)

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level III: Strategic thinking

Level IV: Extended thinking

Unit: Marine ecosystems

Seagrass evolu on, species and their differences

Objec ves:

A er studying the topics Seagrass evolu on, species and their differences, students will be able to:

• iden fy the different adapta ons seagrasses have developed in order to survive. (conceptual)

• iden fy the four (4) most common species of seagrass in Puerto Rico (turtle grass, manatee grass, shoalgrass, and paddle grass). (procedural)

• explain the physical characteris cs of each type of grass. (conceptual)

• create a meline to explain how seagrasses have evolved during different geologic periods. (procedural)

• demonstrate a desire to learn about and protect the seagrass ecosystem. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class are included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es:

A. Beginning

1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on - Ocean: origin of life

4. The teacher will ask the students to look at the Venn diagram assigned the previous day so they can review the subject. The teacher will discuss the differences between terrestrial grasses, seagrasses and marine algae. The similari es should be highlighted, since students must carefully analyze what they studied during the previous class so they can describe these similari es.

B. Development

1. A er the discussion, the teacher will ask students to build a meline describing the evolu on of seagrasses. To do this, the group will be divided into 4 or 5 subgroups. Each group will receive a piece of paperboard or brown paper and several pictures of the organisms shown at each period (if copies cannot be made, the teacher can place the pictures on the board so students can see them and capture the details in their own drawings). Students will be asked to use their paperboard or brown paper to draw a meline with the different geologic me periods important to plant evolu on, which are:

 Precambrian Era: The beginning of this era gave rise to phytoplankton, while mul cellular algae developed near the end of the era. The Precambrian occurred between 4,500 to 500 million years ago, approximately.

 Silurian Period: Algae dominated during this period, although terrestrial plants began developing. This period occurred approximately 450 million years ago.

 Devonian Period: The first true trees with fruits (gymnosperms) appeared. This period occurred approximately 416 million years ago.

 Cretaceous Period: This period saw the rise of angiosperms (flowering plants) and, at the end, mangroves, and seagrasses. This occurred approximately 145 million years ago.

Note: These are not all the periods that occurred during Earth’s history. For this class, only the most per nent periods will be studied, as these were the me periods in which seagrasses evolved.


The instructor will issue students the following instruc ons:

• Draw a line on the paperboard or brown paper.

• Divide this line in the following geologic era and periods: Precambrian Era, Silurian Period, Devonian Period, and Cretaceous Period.

• Then, on each era or period, the students will draw or a ach the pictures of the organisms they think evolved in that me period. To do this, they must analyze the events occurring during these me periods. The teacher will project these historic events on the board.

• When finished, students will a ach their melines on the wall for their classmates to see.

Note: The historic events the teacher will project on the board and the pictures of organisms used to complete the meline can be found in the CD-ROM included with this guide.

Second op on to make the meline

Schools that have the available technology can use several accessible, free programs such as Cronos. They can also use Microso Word, an Excel template, or a PowerPoint add-in (for versions previous to 2013) that can be downloaded for free through the internet. The 2013 PowerPoint program can use a meline template that is already included in the program. Here, we provide a list of some online services that provide meline drawing services; most, for free:

h p:// – Add-in to make PowerPoint timelines.

h p:// meline_maker/

h p:// melines/

h p://www.

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://www.

h p:// meline/

h p://

h p://

h p://

Note: Neither the Sea Grant Program nor the University of Puerto Rico sponsor any brand or program in par cular.

Third op on to make the meline

If none of the previously-men oned op ons is available, the teacher can print or copy the meline included in the guide’s CD-ROM and hand it out to the students so they can complete their meline.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 81

2. A er each sub-group displays their melines for the rest of the class to observe, the teacher will discuss them with the group. They can be asked about why they drew their melines the way they did, and while they jus fy their choices, discuss and review how seagrasses evolved and how they have adapted for survival.

3. At the end of the discussion, the teacher can show the Seagrass meadows PowerPoint presenta on included in the CD-ROM. Their evolu on is presented there, and the student will be able to see which group was the closest to reality. Then, using what they have learned in class, students will be allowed to fix their meline and rearrange it into the correct order before submi ng it for their final scores.

4. A er discussing these plants’ evolu on, the teacher will use the Seagrass meadows PowerPoint presenta on to show the students the different species of seagrass found in Puerto Rico and their characteris cs. This presenta on shows pictures of five (5) seagrass species. Although there are five species found in Puerto Rico, special emphasis will be given to the four (4) most common types.

Note: The teacher must know these characteris cs fully in order to have an effec ve class discussion. Please see the seagrass background sec on.

E. Closing

1. To conclude the class, students will be provided with a sheet showing several pictures of seagrasses commonly found in Puerto Rico. They will be asked to use what they have learned to iden fy the different species according to the characteris cs of their leaves.

Note: The photographs of the seagrass species have been enlarged so that students can see the finer details of their physical characteris cs. However, it is worth men oning that seagrasses greatly differ in terms of blade length and thickness. These can be very short or long, and thick or very thin.


Main characteris cs found in seagrass leaves:

Turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum): The leaves are flat, long, and ribbon-shaped. The leaf p is rounded.

Manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme): The leaves are cylindrical, fine, and elongated, like spaghe strands.

Shoalgrass (Halodule wrigh i): The leaves are long and flat, while the ps are pointed, with two or three peaks.

Paddle grass (Halophila decipiens): The leaves are small, flat, and oval-shaped. The leaves look like small oars or paddles.

2. Clear up any remaining doubts and ques ons about the topic.


1. Students will be asked to write a comic strip summarizing what they have learned in class. To do this, they can use a website like or any other site such as:



Marvel Superhero Squad



h p://

h p:// animated comic strip

h p://

If students do not have access to a computer to make the comic strip, they can draw it.

If the strips are made digitally, they can be sent to the teacher via e-mail to be projected during the next class. The students that draw their strips should bring them in so the other students can see.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to complete their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 83

Oceanic literacy: Essen al principles and fundamental concepts

Principle 4: “The ocean made the Earth habitable.”

b. The first life is thought to have started in the ocean. The earliest evidence of life is found in the ocean.

Principle 5: “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”

d. Ocean biology provides many unique examples of life cycles, adapta ons, and important rela onships among organisms (symbiosis, predator-prey dynamics, and energy transfer) that do not occur on land.

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Biological sciences

Standard: Subject organiza on structure and levels

Expecta ons and indicators:

From molecules to organisms: structures and processes

4.B.CB1.EM.2 Men ons and debates about the func onal advantages of structural adapta ons.

Standard: Conserva on and change

4.B.CB1.CC.1 Defines, iden fies, and uses evidence to prepare arguments regarding the adap ve mechanisms plants and animals develop to survive and react to changes in their environments.

4.B.CB1.CC.2 Recognizes that an organism’s shape, structure, and vital func ons can change across all its developmental stages.

Taken from the Ocean Literacy Network

Standard: Subject organiza on structure and levels

Expecta ons and indicators:

From molecules to organisms: structures and processes

5.B.CB1.IE.2 Explains the role plants have played in evolu on.


Merriam-Webster Online Dic onary. (2020). Herb. Retrieved on March 27, 2020. h ps:// onary/herb

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 85

Earth is covered by volcanic gases with very little oxygen. The first oceans are formed. The first living organisms appear. Many mountains are formed. This era ends with much more oxygen in the atmo sphere, as well as some multicellular organisms.

Precambrian Era
. . . Today _
1. Map 550 ma. 2. Pu’u’ ’ Volcano, Image: Courtesy of the U.S Geological Survey 3. Life in the Ediacaran Sea, Photo: Ryan Somma, CC BY-SA 4. Charniodiscus arboreus from Australia, Photo: Tina Negus, CC BY-SA


Silurian Period

The first terrestrial, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems are formed. The first fishes develop. Vast coral reefs take shape. Weather similar to our current weather.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 87
AGO . . . Today _
1. Map: Ron Blakey, CC-BY-SA-3.0 2. Silurian flora, Illustration: Ghedoghedo, CC-BY-SA-3.0 3. DPA Silurian Marine Environment Detail, Illustration:© Karen Carr 4. Fishes of the Silurian, Digital Illustration: Steve Lew, CC-BY-NC-SA

This period is also known as the ‘Age of the Fishes’. There is a great variety of terrestrial invertebrates. This is the period in which life moves onto dry land. Global climate is warm and dry.


Devonian Period
. . . Devonian Today
1. Devonian flora, Illustration: Dennis C. Murphy, 2. Placoderm. Illustration by: alejandro149, CC BY NC-SA 3. Map: CC BY-NC 1.0 4. Tiktaalik, Illustration by” ©Karen Carr 5. Acanthostega, Illustration by: ©Karen Carr,

Cretaceous Period

Global warming is extreme. Almost all of Earth has tropical temperatures. The first pollinizing insects appear: bees , wasps, and beetles, among others. The dinosaurs become extinct at the end of the period.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 89
Today _
1. Map: Ron Blakey, NAU Geology, CC-BY-SA-3.0 2. Cretaceous Marine Environment, Illustration by:©Karen Carr 3. Cretaceous Flora, Illustration by: ©Karen Carr 4. Archaefructus liaoningensis, Photo by: Shizhao, CC-BY-NC-SA 5. Cretaceous Environment, Illustration by: ©Karen Carr,
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 91
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 93
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 95
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 97
Zamia (Zamia portoricencis) - endangered gymnosperm endemic to Puerto Rico Male cone Female cone

University ofPuerto Rico

MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram

Seagrasses Timeline–Seagrass evolution

Name: __________________________Date: _____________________________

Teacher: ___________________________Grade-Group:

Instructions: Write on the horizontal arrows the different geologic periods during which seagrasses evolved. Then, attachthe pictures (provided by the teacher) or draw in each of the squa res the organisms that developed during each period or era. The teacher will use the board to project the historic events happening in each period so that you can determine the correct order in which these organisms appeared.


Note: These are not the only geologic eras or periods that occurred; only the ones most relevant to sea grass evolution. PrecambrianEra



University ofPuerto Rico


Sea GrantProgram

Identifythe seagrasses

Name: ____________________________Date: _____________________________

Teacher: __________________________Grade-Group: _______________________

Seagrasses are plants which grow, flower,and live under the sea. They come in different shapes and sizes; these include leaves shaped like spaghetti strands, and long, ribbon-like leaves, just to name a few.

Can you identify the different species of seagrass?

Carefully observe the following pictures and identify the type of seagrass according to the leaves’ characteristics (written on the table). Write the code corresponding to the seagrass on the line below each image. For instance, if the species were manatee grass, write MG on the line, and so forth. Note: The teacher can show the pictures of seagrasses at a larger size so students can appreciate their features.

Seagrass species





Leaf characteristics

Turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum)

Long, flat leaves

Rounded leaf tips

Shaped like a ribbon

Manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme)

Fine, long, cylindrical leaves

Shaped like spaghetti strands

Shoalgrass (Halodule wrightii)

Flat, narrow leaves

Feature two or three points at the end of each leaf

Paddle grass (Halophila decipiens)

Flat, oval-shaped leaves

Leaves grow in pairs

Shaped like a small paddle

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 99
= _________ Species B = SpeciesC = _________ SpeciesD = _________
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 101
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 103

Unit: Marine ecosystems

Necessary condi ons for seagrass development

Seagrass distribu on in Puerto Rico and around the world

Time: 1 or more class periods (the teacher will adjust, according to the grade and group)

Teaching strategy: ECA

Phases: conceptualiza on and applica on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: review, coopera ve work, discussion, conference, homework

Assessment technique: Open ques ons, digital model (if the technology is unavailable, students can draw it or complete it manually), maps (interac ve or paper-based), comic strip, one-sentence summary.

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology, Social Studies, Geography, Art


• Seagrass meadows - Teacher’s Guide

• Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM

• Slideshow – Seagrass meadows

• Materials for building the model: if using the digital one, they will need a computer and the interac ve document; if comple ng it by hand, they will need poster boards, pa erns, transparent tape and a small cardboard box; if they will be drawing it, they’ll need coloring pencils or crayons along with white or brown paper

• Map of the rivers in Puerto Rico (if the ac vity will be digital, they will need a computer and digital maps)

• World map (if the ac vity will be digital, they will need a computer and digital maps)

Note: All digital materials are included in the CD-ROM included with this guide.

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowlege levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Processing thinking de Level III: Strategic thinking

Level IV: Extended thinking

Objec ves:

A er studying the Necessary condi ons for seagrass development and Seagrass distribu on in Puerto Rico and around the world topics, the student will be able to:

• select the elements necessary for seagrass survival. (procedural)

• explain the necessary condi ons for seagrass development. (conceptual)

• create the necessary environment for seagrass growth. (procedural)

• iden fy the places in Puerto Rico in which seagrass can thrive. (procedural)

• use the knowledge acquired to predict the places around the world in which seagrasses grow and develop. (procedural)

• appreciate and conserve the seagrass ecosystem. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class are included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es:

A. Beginning

1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on: “Nature is very consonant and conformable with herself.” - Isaac Newton

4. The teacher will ask students to find the comic strip assigned the previous day. Some of them may have sent theirs through email while others may have brought a paper copy, depending on the available resources. Using this cartoon, they will review seagrass evolu on. The teacher will select and present few of the comics sent by students via email, and will show the ones brought on paper. While presen ng the comics, the students will explain their pictures and thus demonstrate what they learned. Then, the teacher will project the animated comic strip found at the link provided to make sure that all important concepts have been discussed: h p:// source=linkshare. Another op on is for the teacher to make their own animated comic strip and presents it to the class.

B. Development

1. A er reviewing, the teacher will ask the students to build a model. They will have three op ons (selected according to available resources):


a. Digital model –Using the classroom computer, the teacher will project the digital model document. This model presents a blank environment and surroundings and select from various elements to include when construc ng models. When students open the file, they will have to carefully observe all these elements and build a model that represents the environment in which seagrass can be found. They must select and add the elements this plant needs to thrive and develop. It is worth men oning that the document includes some elements which seagrasses do not need. Students must use their own judgement to determine which criteria are needed.

Note: If you do not want to use the Word document, you can use the h p://www. website and use it to build the adequate environment for seagrass growth with the photographs provided in the CD-ROM accompanying this guide or seek out your own images.

b. 3D handcra ed model – If there is no feasible way to complete the digital model, then the class can handcra the model. Students must bring in a small cardboard box and construc on paper including colors like yellow, green, tan, brown and blue. They must also bring in transparent tape. They will make their own models, cu ng and taping the construc on paper in the shapes of the soil, the water, the sun, the nutrients, and the seagrass. They could also use other materials such as brown paper, cardboard, poster board, paints, cra ing foam, and others. Using these simple to find cra materials, they can handcra their 3D models integra ng all the factors necessary for seagrass survival.

c. Drawn model – If students cannot complete the model in any of the previously men oned ways, they can draw the model on a piece of paper using the h p:// website or the Microso Paint program. The teacher will project the document showing the elements on the board and the students will draw the seagrass environment, using the selected elements that they think are important for the healthy growth and development of seagrasses. To do this, they should have crayons or coloring pencils and white or brown cra paper.

Note: This ac vity can be done in sub-groups or individually, depending on the materials available and me allo ed. The teacher will decide.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 107

2. A er finishing their model, each sub-group or student will explain their work. At this me, the teacher will discuss these necessary condi ons for seagrass development, including the specific environment these plants need.

Necessary condi ons for seagrass growth and healthy development:

• Sunlight for photosynthesis.

• Shallow, clear water that allows sunlight to reach the plants and facilitate photosynthesis. If there is nearby water flow or sediment discharge, water turbidity can become a factor making sunlight penetra on difficult.

• They must be submerged underwater. Most seagrasses tolerate a wide range in salinity, so they can inhabit low salinity environments like wetlands and estuaries, as well as high salinity or hypersaline habitats.

• In general terms, seagrasses need water temperatures above 24 degrees C (75°F). Some species can live in temperatures between 4º and 24º degrees C (39° to 75°F).

• Seagrasses need soil so the roots can anchor to the substrate, from which they can obtain necessary nutrients.

• Seagrasses need low to moderate surf and current condi ons. They cannot grow in places with strong surf or fast currents.

Note: The teacher can ask students to iden fy which model most closely resembles the ideal environment for seagrasses. The student or sub-group with the most appropriate model can be rewarded with a s cker or any other small prize chosen by the teacher. The digital models (if available) can be printed for display along with the other models. If there is a school or class blog, the teacher may wish to take photos for an update.

3. A er studying the necessary condi ons for seagrass development, it is important that students know the loca ons around Puerto Rico that can foster seagrass growth. To do this, they can complete one of the following tasks:

a. Students will be given a map of the rivers in Puerto Rico. They will use their knowlege of the necessary condi ons for seagrass growth, and understanding that rivers carry sediment to the sea,


thereby increasing water turbidity, to determine the areas around the island best suited for seagrass growth. Students will write the names of the rivers and towns, and indicate whether or not seagrass meadows could thrive in each area.

b. If a computer is available, you can use the interac ve map found in the CD-ROM included with this guide. The map will ask the user to click on the areas in which seagrasses could be found. The student will click the square corresponding to their answer. The interac ve map will tell the student if their choice was correct or not.


• It should be pointed out that the most voluminous rivers in Puerto Rico are found to the north of the island. Therefore, that is where most sediments are discharged, which could impact the growth and development of large seagrass meadows (along with factors such as surf condi ons, current speed, water depth, and others). Each student can be asked to research two rivers (one in the north and one in the south). Then, the group will come together to complete the ac vity. The teacher assigns a different set of rivers to each student or group of students (use the map included in this guide). Furthermore, the teacher must emphasize that water turbidity is not the only factor influencing seagrass meadows development. It is meant to be used as a star ng point for the discussion.

• The use of maps as important tools for learning about our planet should be emphasized.

D. Closing

1. To conclude the class, students will be offered a world map. Students must use the knowledge acquired to indicate the places around the world in which seagrasses can grow. This me, they will write the oceans in which seagrasses grow, considering the condi ons necessary for their development. Furthermore, students will iden fy which parts of the ocean are more likely to promote seagrass growth (near or far from con nents). If computers are available, the interac ve map will allow students to click and find out if their choices were correct. If the technology is unavailable, they can perform the ac vity using the map included in this guide.

Oceans around the world in which seagrasses grow (the teacher will review the oceans with the students and then the students will use this informa on to iden fy those where can seagrasses develop):

 Atlan c Ocean

 Indian Ocean

 Pacific Ocean

Seagrasses are found near the con nents since the waters there are shallower and allow more sunlight to penetrate.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 109

2. Students will be asked to summarize, in one sentence, what they have learned in the day’s class.

3. Clear up any remaining doubts or ques ons about the topic.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to complete their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Ocean literacy: Essen al principles and fundamental concepts

Principle 1: “The Earth has one big Ocean with many features.”

g. The ocean is connected to major lakes, watersheds and waterways because all major watersheds on Earth drain to the ocean. Rivers and streams transport nutrients, salts, sediments and pollutants from watersheds to estuaries and to the ocean.

Principle 5: “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”

e. The ocean provides a vast living space with diverse and unique ecosystems from the surface through the water column and down to, and below, the seafloor. Most of the living space on Earth is in the ocean.

f. Ocean ecosystems are defined by environmental factors and the community of organisms living there. Ocean life is not evenly distributed through me or space due to differences in abio c factors such as oxygen, salinity, temperature, pH, light, nutrients, pressure, substrate and circula on. A few regions of the ocean support the most abundant life on Earth, while most of the ocean does not support much life.

Taken from the Ocean Literacy Network

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Biological sciences

Standard: Subject organiza on levels and structure

Expecta ons and indicators:

From molecules to organisms: structures and processes

K.B.CB1.IE.2 Describes pa erns about what living beings require for survival by making observa ons about the differences between plants, animals, and humans.

5.B.CB1.IE.1 Recognizes some factors affec ng plant growth, such as the absence or the presence of the sun or a light source, the absence or presence of water, available space, minerals, soil, and land types.

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators:

Ecosystems: interac ons, energy and dynamics

3.B.CB2.IE.1 Recognizes that living beings need other living beings and their environment for survival.

Expecta ons and indicators:

Gene c legacy: Legacy and trait varia ons

3.B.CB3.IE.2 Explains how the environment influences organism traits.

Expecta ons and indicators:

Biological evolu on: unity and diversity

3.B.CB4.IE.2 Builds an evidence-based argument to explain how in any given environment, some organisms thrive, others survive, and others s ll will not survive.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 111

Earth and space sciences

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators: The Earth’s place in the universe

2.T.CT1.IE.1 Recognizes that energy is necessary for certain events and processes to occur.

3.T.CT1.IE.1 Explains how the Sun provides energy for Earth’s processes.

Standard: Subject organiza on levels and structure

Expecta ons and indicators: Earth systems

4.T.CT2.EM.4 Interprets and analyzes data from maps when describing pa erns in Earth’s traits and characteris cs.


Virtualdiorama: Conditions necessary for seagrass growth and development


Instructions: Carefully observethe images around the canvas (the blank space in the middle)and build the ideal environment in which seagrasse s can grow and develop in a healthy manner. To do this, you must select the elements that, to your judgment, the plants will need in order to survive. Then, ex plain your diorama or drawing to your teacher and your classma tes.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 113
University ofPuerto Rico MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram
_________________________Date: _____________________________
_______________________Grade-Group: _______________________

University of Puerto Rico MayagüezCampus

Sea GrantProgram


Mapof the rivers inPuerto Rico -Where do seagrasses develop?

Name: _________________________Date:

Teacher: _______________________Grade-Group:

Instructions: Carefully observe the following map showing the rivers in Puerto Rico. Identify where thelargest flow rivers are located, as we ll as the lower flowing rivers. Then, based onthis information, determine which areas along the Puerto Ricocoastline foster healthy development of seagrasses. Write the name of the river, the town in which the river is located, and if seagrasses can grow there or not. When writing the names of t he rivers and towns, you can refer to the maps included here. Note: For seagrasses to develop, a combination of factors has to occu r; however, for this activity, we will only use river flow. The river’s flow determines the turbidity in the locations in which they flow into the sea. High-flow rivers in Puerto Rico

Rivers of Puerto Rico

1.______________ 2.______________ 3.______________ 4.______________ 5.______________ 6.______________ 7.______________ 8.______________ 9.______________ 10._____________
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 115 Rivers ofPuerto Rico

Puerto Ricoand its towns



Where are seagrasses located around the world?





Instructions: In the following world map, identify each of the oceans. Write the ocean names in the corresponding area. Then, observe the different empty squares on the map ( )and write a checkmark ( ) on the places in whereseagrasses can be found. To determine this, you must remember the conditions seagrasses need in order to thrive, and if these grasses grow near or far from the shore .

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 117
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Sea Grant Program
Taken from:

Time: 1 or more class periods (the teacher will adjust, according to the grade and group)

Teaching strategy: ECA

Phases: explora on, conceptualiza on and applica on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: roleplay, review, discussion, conference, homework

Assessment technique: Open ques ons, graphic organizer

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology


• Seagrass meadows - Teacher’s Guide

• Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM

• Slideshow – Seagrass meadows

• Song: I am the Seagrass (included in the CD-ROM)

• Graphic organizer sheet (if using the one provided in the CD-ROM)

• Instruc on sheet for the Go Hide! game

• Small cardboard box, construc on paper or cardstock, paper clips (if choosing the second op on for the Go Hide! game)

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Processing thinking

Level III: Strategic thinking

Level IV: Extended thinking

Unit: Marine ecosystems Importance of seagrasses

Objec ves:

A er studying the topic Importance of seagrasses, the student will be able to:

• iden fy the importance of seagrasses. (conceptual)

• analyze the importance of seagrasses to the marine environment. (procedural)

• explain this ecosystem’s importance. (conceptual)

• build a food chain to highlight the importance of seagrasses as a primary producer. (procedural)

• value the importance of this ecosystem and protect it. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class are included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es: A.


1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on: “Nature does nothing superfluous, nothing useless and knows how to extract mul ple effects from a single cause.” Copernicus

4. To start, the class will review the necessary condi ons for seagrass development, and the topic of seagrass and its importance will be introduced. To do this, the teacher will play the I am the seagrass song included in the CD-ROM accompanying this guide. The students are encouraged to dance and sing along as they hear the song. While the song plays, students should also pay a en on to the condi ons needed for seagrass growth, and the importance

of this ecosystem. When the song ends, the teacher will use open ques ons so that students can recall the necessary condi ons for seagrass development as means to review. Then, they will arrange an organigram on the board. At the center of the organigram, the teacher will write importance of seagrasses, and around it, students will write out these key aspects. They can write what they heard in the song, and any other factors they think belong. By doing this, they will explore what they know about the ecosystem’s importance. Another op on: The teacher can project on the board, the organigram included in this guide, and have the students write on the board in the spaces provided.



• At this point, only write down what students think is important. These do not have to be explained or graded as right or wrong answers; this will be done over the course of the class.

• The classroom must be organized with the chairs in a circle, with a space in the center so the ac vi es can be op mally performed.

B. Development

1. Then, the teacher will ask the students to perform the Go hide! ac vity. This is a role-playing game. The detailed instruc ons can be found in the ac vity sheet, but here is a general breakdown.

First op on:

This game will be split in two parts:

First part: Some students will act like seagrasses. Other students will role-play the fish and animals hiding among the seagrasses. One student will perform the role of the predator. Then, the ones playing seagrasses will stand near one another and move all together, swaying back and forth without moving their feet. The students playing the fish will hide behind the seagrass, and the predator will a empt to flush out and ‘catch’ the fish. Students will analyze how easy it is for the predator to catch the prey.

Second part: The second me around, the students playing seagrass will be reduced to just a few, like 4 students or so. They will be widely spaced from one another. The number of students role-playing the fish and the predator will remain the same. Now, the ac vity resumes as before, with the grasses swaying and the predator a emp ng to flush out and catch the fish. As before, the students must analyze how easy it was for the predator to catch prey.

With this exercise, the students will note that when there’s abundant seagrass, the predator has a more difficult me catching prey. This is one of the facets that make seagrasses important. It provides a safe refuge for fish, mollusk and shellfish juveniles and larvae.

Second op on:

If the first op on for the game cannot be performed due to space constraints or any other reason, here’s an alterna ve version:

• Find two (2) cardboard boxes; shoe boxes would be great.

• In the first box, add many strips of card stock or construc on paper (simula ng the seagrasses). Then, add loose paper clips, which will simulate the small fish and larvae inhabi ng the ecosystem.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 121

• In the second box, only add a few paper strips, while adding the same amount of loose paper clips.

The students will close their eyes and then a empt to pick paper clips out of the box. They should realize that it is difficult to find the paper clips in the box with a lot of paper strips, which will enable them to analyze the importance of seagrasses.

2. A er students have analyzed this par cular relevance, the teacher will project the slideshow presenta on about the seagrasses, par cularly focusing on the sec on tled Importance of seagrasses. Here, the teacher will discuss with the students these important facets, linking the topic with the previous ac vi es.

Importance of seagrasses:

 They serve as habitat, refuge, nursery and feeding grounds for many species.

 They protect species that are valuable to the fish and seafood industry, and thus provide food and economic stability for humankind.

 They prevent coastal erosion.

 This ecosystem is connected to the mangrove forests and the coral reefs. This helps stabilize the coastal environment.

 They are primary producers, perform photosynthesis and produce mass quan es of oxygen and organic ma er.

When talking about seagrasses as primary producers, it is important for the teacher to offer a brief summary of the elements comprising a food chain. Students should review concepts like producers, consumers, and decomposers. They can also recall that plants are primary producers and can obtain energy from the sun. This should only be a quick review of key subjects.

C. Closing

1. To conclude the class, the group will return to the organigram from earlier in the class and check that the important facets men oned at the beginning of class were correct. Students will also be asked to briefly explain these facets. By doing this, the class will review the subject under discussion and enforce what they learned.

2. Clear up any remaining doubts and ques ons regarding the topic.


1. Students will be asked to complete a food chain, star ng with the primary producer, in this case, seagrass. They must use the knowledge they already have about the food chain to make up the seagrass food chain. They can create a digital food chain using programs like Word, PowerPoint, or websites like or These sites allow you to make diagrams using images you provide. The CD-ROM accompanying this guide includes images that can be used. You can also use the internet to find appropriate images.


If compu p ters are not the students can use illustra ons and them to a po p ster board or a of paper. Another op on is to draw the and link them in a food

If computers are not available, the students can use illustra ons and glue them to a poster board or a piece of paper. Another op on is to draw the organisms and link them in a food chain.

If the students use any type of computer program or websites, they can send the teacher their food chains through email; then the teacher will project them for the rest of the class.

If no technology is available, the students will bring in their food chains on poster boards or construc on paper.

Note: Neither the Sea Grant Program nor the University of Puerto Rico are affiliated to the programs or brands men oned here for illustra ve purposes.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to do their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 123

Ocean literacy: Essen al Principles and Fundamental Concepts

Principle 4: “The ocean made Earth habitable.”

a. Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere originally came from the ac vi es of photosynthe c organisms in the ocean. This accumula on of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere was necessary for life to develop and be sustained on land.

Principle 5: “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”

e. The ocean provides a vast living space with diverse and unique ecosystems from the surface through the water column and down to, and below, the seafloor. Most of the living space on Earth is in the ocean.

i. Estuaries provide important and produc ve nursery areas for many marine and aqua c species.

Principle 6: “The ocean and humans are inextricably connected.”

a. The ocean affects every human life. It supplies freshwater (most rain comes from the ocean) and nearly all Earth’s oxygen. The ocean moderates the Earth’s climate, influences our weather, and affects human health.

b. The ocean provides foods, medicines, and mineral and energy resources. It supports jobs and na onal economies, serves as a highway for transporta on of goods and people, and plays a role in na onal security.

c. The ocean is a source of inspira on, recrea on, rejuvena on, and discovery. It is also an important element in the heritage of many cultures.

f. Much of the world’s popula on lives in coastal areas. Coastal regions are suscep ble to natural hazards (tsunamis, hurricanes, cyclones, sea level change, and storm surges).

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Biological sciences

Standard: Subject organiza on levels and structure

Expecta ons and indicators:

From molecules to organisms: structures and processes

K.B.CB1.IE.1 Dis nguishes between what is food what is not. Recognizes that food is the primary source of energy for living organisms. Iden fies the principal parts of a plant. Makes observa ons about the rela onships between plants, animals, and human beings.

Taken from the Ocean Literacy Network

Expecta ons and indicators:

Ecosystems: interac ons, energy and dynamics

5.B.CB2.EM.3 Develops a model to describe the subject’s movement between producers, consumers (plants and animals), decomposers and the environment; establishes the difference between them.

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators:

Ecosystems: interac ons, energy, and dynamics

2.B.CB2.IE.3 Acknowledges food chains and describes plants’ roles in them.

Se Seagagrraass ss meeaadodowsws: T Teeacachheer’ ’ r s G Guuiidde 125 25



Adapted by: Jorge I. Casillas Maldonado, Delmis del C. Alicea SegarraandLeróMartínez Roldán

Interpreted by: LeróMartínez Roldán

Translated by: Wilmarie Cruz Franceschi


Yo soy la hierba marina-I am the seagrass

Que cerca de la costa yace-Lying by the coast Poco oleaje me place-Smallwaves suit me Y un agua que sea cristalina–And so does clear water


Me vienen a visitar-I receive daily visits

Las picúas y mant arrayas–From the stingrays and barracuda

Se vienen a deleitar-They come overand delight

En mi pradera de playa-In my beach meadow

Y se asoman por mi vera-I can also count on seeing

El carrucho y la langosta-The lobster and the conch

Los recibo con cariño-I receive them both with joy

Sumergida aquí en la costa-submerged here under the sea

Soy la pradera marina-I am the seagrass meadow

El suelo a mis raíces da anclaje-I anchor my roots in the soil

Aunque con trato salvaje-Although rough treatment hurts me

La basura a mí me arruina-And garbage suffocates me

En mis hojas se aposenta-My leaves offer shelter

El erizo y el pepino-The urchin and the sea cucumber

Yuna estrella de mar vino-And a seastar dropped by Porque aquí ella se alimenta-Because it finds food here

Yo soy la hierba marina-I am the seagrass Donde hay variedad de especies-where lots of different species live Unas visibles pa’que las aprecies-Some are plain to see Y unas pocas clandestinas-While others are harder to find

Yo doy vida doy calor-I offer life, I offer warmth

Soy la pradera marina-I am the seagrass meadow

Ven trátame con amor-Come treat me with love

Yo vivo si tú me cuidas-I will survive if you take care of me

1 1226
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 127

Go Hide!

Seagrasses provide valuable habitat for many small fish and crustaceans. When seagrasses thrive, predators have a difficult time finding prey hiding in the grass. However, areas with little or no grass offer almost no hiding areas for animals.


Use a role-playing game to represent the protection afforded to fish and crustaceansby seagrasses. To do this, you will need a clock or a stopwatch.

You will need to choose the following:

10 to15 students who will represent seagrass.

3 students who will represent prey (smaller students are best for this exercise)

1student who will represent the predator (the biggest student in class would be best)

The exercise consists of a sort of modified game of ‘Tag’ in which the predator will have to trap (tag) the three preyswithin 30 seconds in two different scenarios: with abundant seagrass or little to no seagrass. Move to an open spot in the classroom or inthe school yard, if possible. Designate the area in which the activity will take place; it should not be the whole yard. Start with no ‘seagrasses’ or just a few studentsplaying the seagrass roles. Send the prey to the designated area with little or no seagrass. The predator should be looking at another direction while the students take up their places. Once everyone is in place, start the clock. Whenever the predator tags a prey, the prey must leave the game. This will go on until the clock reaches 0 or all the prey are eliminated.

During the abundant seagrass scenario, the prey and the seagrass alike will take position in the designated area. Seagrasses cannot move their feet, but they can imitate the way a seagrass stem would move in the sea: they can move their arms and bodies and sway as if the water weremoving them. The prey will move around the grass and hide. The predator CANNOT push the seagrass. Follow the same instructions as in the previous scenario.At the end of the 30 second count, or when there are no more prey, the activity ends.



After the activity, ask the students to discuss the fundamental difference between the two scenarios. In the abundant seagrass scenario, the predator should have had a tougher time tagging the prey, if any were in fact tagged. In the scenarios with little or no seagrass, it should have been much easier for the predator to tag the prey. This happens because seagrasses offer protection to organisms or hides them from predators.

Remember to emphasize organism interdependence and behavior.

Second option


Construction paper

80 paper clips

4 blindfolds

2 plastic or cardboard containers that are wider than they are deep


Cut the construction paper in long strips to represent blades of seagrass. Place all the paper strips in one of the containers. Put half the paper clips in the container with the construction paper strips. Place several of the clips on the strips and scatter the rest on the container bottom. The other half of the clips should be placed in the container without paper strips. Choose 4 students to perform this activity. Use the blindfolds to cover the four students’ eyes. Assign two students per container. Each team will have 30 seconds to find clips in their containers (students can only attempt to collect the clips; they cannot feel around on the bottom to try to find the clips but must only pick out what they grab). All the clips found by the teams will be deposited beside the box. At the end of the 30 seconds, count the clips taken from each box.


Once the activity is finished, ask them what the fundamental difference between the two containers was. Make the connection between the paper strips and seagrasses. The team with the “seagrasses” (paper strips) usually finds fewer paper clips than the team with no seagrasses. This happens because seagrasses offer protection to organisms or hides them from predators.

Remember to emphasize organism interdependence and behavior.

Activity taken and adapted from the following address:

Ac vity taken and adapted from the following address: h p:// on/

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 129


University of Puerto Rico

MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram

Grade-Group: ________________________

Seagrasses FoodChain


Teacher: _____________________________

Instructions: Carefully observe the following diagram and use what you learned in class to build a seagrass foodchain. Draw the elements of this foodchain in the boxes provided and write the name for each element in the space below.

13 132

Time: 1 period or several (the teacher will determine this according to their grade and group)

Teaching strategy: ECA

Phases: conceptualiza on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: review, discussion, conference, homework

Assessment technique: Cause and effect diagram, interac ve exercise, crossword puzzle, food chain diagram, open ques ons

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology


• Seagrass meadows - Teacher’s Guide

• CD-ROM included in the Teacher’s Guide

• Presenta on – Seagrass meadows

• Story: A Special Mission

• Cause and effect diagram sheet

• Interac ve exercise sheet (the anima on and the sheet are included in the CD-ROM)

• Crossword puzzle (interac ve in the CD-ROM as well as on paper)

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Processing thinking

Level III: Strategic thinking

Level IV: Extended thinking

Unit: Marine ecosystems

Threats and conserva on methods

Objec ves:

A er studying the Threats and conserva on methods theme, the students will be able to:

• remember the basic elements in the food chain, using as an example the seagrass’s food chain. (conceptual)

• iden fy the threats to seagrasses. (procedural)

• explain the threats to these ecosystems. (conceptual)

• analyze seagrass conserva on methods. (conceptual)

• iden fy these conserva on methods. (procedural)

• become aware of the importance of collabora ng in the conserva on, care, and protec on of the seagrass ecosystem. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class are included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es:

A. Beginning

1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on: “In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.” Robert Green Ingersoll

4. Prior to class, the teacher should select a few students’ food chains to highlight during the class. For the selected food chains, students will display and describe/explain them to their peers, either on their poster boards, or projected on the board (for those that may have been submi ed via email.) Those food chains that weren’t selected for highligh ng will be part of a classroom exhibit or photographed and posted in a class blog or website if they have one. The teacher should use this opportunity to review the elements of food chains, including trophic levels and the flow of energy between them, and other important food chain/food web concepts. Students should understand that the seagrass food chain is just one example of a food chain, and that plants are important primary producers. The teacher should use open-ended ques ons to help students reflect on and remember these concepts.

B. Development

1. The teacher will read the students the story Pepe Uca, To the Rescue!. While reading the story, students can use the masks found in the books to act out the tale. Students will be asked to pay par cular a en on to the behaviors and situa ons in the story that endanger seagrasses. Inform students that they will later be asked to iden fy and list these. During the characters’ journey, several threats to the ecosystem are highlighted. Students should pay special a en on to this since it impacts the next ac vity.

2. A er reading the story, the teacher will divide the students into sub-groups before handing them the Cause and Effect Diagram exercise sheet. If the technology is available, the students can make the diagram on the computer, using the interac ve pdf document included. In this diagram, students will write a cause for seagrasses being endangered in each bubble. Use the blue lines to write more details or to briefly explain the cause wri en in the bubble. Students can follow the example given in the diagram. The Causes can be categorized into two dis nct areas, which students must determine: natural causes, or anthropogenic (human-made) causes.


Threats to seagrasses:


• Removing or destroying seagrasses.

• Boat traffic - When traveling in shallow water at high speeds, watercra propellors can fragment or tear seagrasses from the sediment.

• Incorrect anchoring – Watercra dropping their anchor among the seagrass meadows and damage or uproot them.

• Increased sedimenta on – Some land-based ac vi es can cause sediment discharge. This increases water turbidity, reducing the amount of sunlight able to reach the seagrasses, thereby reducing photosynthesis.

• Eutrophiza on – Fer lizers and pes cides from land-based ac vi es harm seagrasses because the excess nutrients cause uncontrolled algae growth, which overgrows the seagrasses, blocking sunlight and preven ng seagrass photosynthesis.


• Storms and hurricanes – The surges caused by these weather phenomena can tear and destroy seagrasses.

• Climate change – These changes cause temperature and water salinity varia ons, adversely affec ng seagrasses.

3. A er students complete their diagrams, each sub-group will select a leader to present and explain the reasons they think these events threaten seagrasses. The teacher will then reiterate and further explain these threats, as needed.

C. Closing

1. To wrap up the class, students will complete an exercise in which they will iden fy methods to preserve and protect seagrasses. Considering the threats already studied, the students must now find alterna ve behaviors and prac ces to help protect seagrasses. To do this, the students must complete an interac ve exercise in which they observe several images on the computer and choose the ones they believe show an effec ve conserva on method. If there is no available computer, the teacher can hand out the ac vity sheet included in this guide and its accompanying CD-ROM.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 135

2. A er choosing the images, the students will explain their reasons for choosing the images they selected, referencing what they learned in class about the various threats. This will serve to reinforce what they learned in class. Then they must talk amongst themselves about how they might help to preserve this important ecosystem through their individual or collec ve ac ons.

3. Address any remaining doubts or ques ons regarding the topic.


1. Students will be asked to complete an interac ve crossword puzzle about the topic (on the computer). If computers are unavailable, paper copies of the crossword can be printed from the guide and accompanying CD-ROM.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to complete their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Oceanic Literacy: Essen al Principles and Fundamental Concepts

Principle 1: “The Earth has one big Ocean with many features.”

g. The ocean is connected to major lakes, watersheds, and waterways because all major watersheds on Earth drain to the ocean. Rivers and streams transport nutrients, salts, sediments, and pollutants from watersheds to estuaries and to the ocean.

h. Although the ocean is large, it is finite, and resources are limited.

Principle 6: “The ocean and humans are inextricably connected.”

d. Humans affect the ocean in a variety of ways. Laws, regula ons, and resource management affect what is taken out and put into the ocean. Human development and ac vity leads to pollu on (point source, nonpoint source, and noise pollu on), changes to ocean chemistry (ocean acidifica on) and physical modifica ons (changes to beaches, shores and rivers). In addi on, humans have removed most of the large vertebrates from the ocean.

f. Much of the world’s popula on lives in coastal areas. Coastal regions are suscep ble to natural hazards (tsunamis, hurricanes, cyclones, sea level change, and storm surges).

g. Everyone is responsible for caring for the ocean. The ocean sustains life on Earth and humans must live in ways that sustain the ocean. Individual and collec ve ac ons are needed to effec vely manage ocean resources for all.


Taken from the Ocean Literacy Network

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Biological sciences

Standard: Conserva on and change

Expecta ons and indicators:

Biological evolu on: unity and diversity

3.B.CB4.CC.2 Establishes an argument to solve a problem caused by environmental changes impac ng the plants and animals living in the area.

Standard: Subject structure and organiza on levels

Expecta ons and indicators:

Ecosystems: Interac ons, energy and dynamics

5.B.CB2.CC.1 Iden fies ways to promote the survival of organisms in their environment.

Earth and space sciences

Standard: Conserva on and change

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth and human ac vity

K.T.CT3.CC.1 Analyzes the ways in which humans can reduce garbage and pollu on in their environment.

1.T.CT3.CC.1 Iden fies and explains the environmental conserva on prac ces (reduce, reuse and recycle) and the effects of pollu on on different natural resources (water, land and air).

1.T.CT3.CC.2 Evaluates how human ac vity has increased environmental pollu on and develops an ac on plan geared to their community.

2.T.CT3.CC.1 Recognizes the ways in which human beings pollute their community.

2.T.CT3.CC.2 Designs plans contribu ng to conserva on in their local community, with a focus on alterna ve methods to use natural resources.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 137

Recognizes the consequences of the caused humans to both the environment and the therein.

3.T.CT3.CC.1 Recognizes the consequences of the damages caused by humans to both the environment and the organisms therein.

3.T.CT3.CC.2 Compares and contrasts the changes or damages caused to the planet by natural phenomena and human ac vi es.

3.T.CT3.CC.3 Develops a plan to reduce the effects and damages caused by humans to Earth’s systems.

3.T.CT3.CC.4 Develops a logical argument related to the natural resources and their use and conserva on.

4.T.CT3.CC.2 Designs alterna ve solu ons to human ac vity and their impacts on the environment, focusing on Puerto Rico’s ecosystem and environment.

5.T.CT3.CC.1 Obtains and analyzes informa on about the way in which communi es and individuals use scien fic ideas to protect natural resources and the environment.

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth and human ac vity

4.T.CT3.IE.4 Describes and iden fies environmental problems caused by humankind’s interac on with soil, bodies of water, and the general topography of the land (plains, mountains, mogotes, hills, valleys, canyons, ravines, basins, ridges, valleys).


Pepe Uca, To the rescue!

Spring had come and gone, and it had been a long me since Pepe Uca had returned home to La Parguera. With his usual restless nature, he roamed around the mangrove roots and remembered all the fun he had with the young trunkfish, tarpons, lobsters, conchs and grunts that lived for a brief me within the mangrove roots. These animals had spent part of their juvenile life stage in the mangrove forest and, once they grew, migrated towards the seagrass meadows looking for food and shelter. It had been a year since they had le , and Pepe asked himself: I wonder how they’re doing. Did they get used to their new home? Do they have new friends? Have they seen any amazing things? Do they remember me? While all these thoughts circled in his mind, he heard a happy but anxious voice calling him— Pepe! Pepe!— It was Lulo, shou ng from a distance. He was here for a visit, and Pepe was very happy to see him, although Lulo looked dirty, scruffy and a li le disoriented. Pepe ran towards Lulo, gave him a big hug, and told him how happy he was to see him. Lulo stumbled and nearly fell. Pepe asked Lulo what had happened to him, why was he in such shabby condi on. —I was hitching a ride on our friend Boba, and when we were nearly here, Boba hit a branch and I fell. And I’ve had to come all the way here walking, all by myself!—Lulo cried.

A er this drama c tale, Pepe calmed Lulo down and they began walking and reminiscing about their adventures crossing Puerto Rico. They laughed about their experiences and yearned for those amazing adventures they shared. Before they realized it, they were walking on a dock on the edge of Pepe’s mangrove forest and heard other voices talking and laughing. Lulo, s ll upset about his violent arrival, ran away in terror, and hid behind one of the dock pylons. Pepe walked towards him and said: — Do not worry, Lulo, these are the fishermen who use this dock to go out to sea every day to look for food for their fellow humans. When they get back, they stay for a while and clean their catch.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 141

While they hid, they overheard one of the fishermen ask the other:

— Did you hear? They are thinking of elimina ng a big part of the seagrass meadows in southeast Puerto Rico to make an ar ficial beach.

— But how? It they rip out the seagrass meadows, the fish and the animals there will not have a safe place to grow. There will not be any good fishing there, and some species could disappear. We have to stop this from happening! - replied the other fisherman.

When Pepe heard this, he started to get frightened for his friends who had played with him in the mangrove forest when they were young. They were all now living in the seagrass meadows. If this happened, his friends could lose their homes or even die.

— Oh no! That cannot be happening! - Lulo yelled.— This means we will not see our friends again. We need to warn them, so they can save themselves.—Pepe replied.

— Well, how are we supposed to do that? We cannot swim over there! It is much too far.— Lulo asked, looking worried.

Suddenly, they heard a strange noise in the water behind them, and Lulo started screaming — Mommyyyyy! What is that over there!?

— I don’t know, but we can find out. Calm - downal - ready! —Pepe said.

— NO, NO, NO, NO! We’d be er get out of here because they might want to eat us too! —Lulo yelled, nervously looking around.

“Easy, easy, easy! Peace, peace!

I will not hurt you.

In this green meadow, I have lived long.

You wish to know my name?

I will soon tell you

I am called Megalo stealthy tarpon of shallow seas, majes c fish of the seagrass.

Bluish green on top, silver on the sides

Megalo, Megalo, stealthy tarpon.”

What is up with this fish, talking so strange? — thought Lulo. Stepping back, he asked the fish: Are you sure we can trust you? You probably want to eat us.


“While I do eat crab, don’t be scared on today’s struggle we must all unite. I heard the fishermen talking about an ar ficial beach. We must be united This could be fatal to us.

We will be homeless there will be no family or joy. Protec ng our food and home should be top priority. Tell me, What should we do?

If you wish, I could take you. Sail the waters, I could help you Come with me and see your friends.”

Lulo looked at Pepe and asked him what should they do; would they trust this enormous fish who spoke in such a peculiar way? —Yes! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. We have to trust him, he’s the only one who can help us find our friends.

Pepe and Lulo climbed onto the fish. Megalo agreed to swim near the surface, so that the fiddler crabs could travel with most of their bodies out of the water. Lulo was scared, he was s ll suspicious and he was also afraid of dying out at sea. He s ll remembered his experience when Mulato rescued them. However, he tried to calm down and enjoy the trip.

Megalo began swimming slowly. It was summer me, and the waters were calm. They would have to travel to several places around Puerto Rico in order to find their friends. When they were close to the seagrass meadow, the water suddenly became agitated. There was a loud noise and Megalo had to swim almost all the way to the bo om to keep from being struck by a machine traveling at high speed. Lulo screamed: “Mommyyyyyy!!! We’ll drowned! Help us! Megalo tried to handle the situa on as best he could and managed to get back close to the surface quickly. Lulo shivered all over and Pepe tried to explain to himself what had just happened. A jet ski had drove through and torn up the seagrass below as it sped over it. Pepe saw several pieces of seagrass come lose, and the environment was being harmed. Pepe got sad and asked Megalo if this was something that occurred frequently.

“I see them all the me. You haven’t seen anything yet. The boat propellers and the heavy anchors hurt the meadows.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 143

They leave us without food.

They destroy our home.”

While they got over their fright and talked about the situa on, Lulo observed a head pop out of the water and screamed: There’s a monster over there! Swim quickly, get away from it!

— Don’t be scared, I’m not a monster. The monster already le , and it nearly killed me. Those machines, driven by people who ignore the signs and go over the speed limit, can hit and hurt us. My name’s Lola, and I came to the surface to breathe. Where are you headed?

The fiddler crabs got closer and saw a friendly-looking green turtle.

— We’re looking for our friends in the seagrass meadows, to let them know that they need to protect themselves, since humans will destroy part of the meadow to make an ar ficial beach —said Pepe

— Who are your friends? I might be able to help —asked Lola. I roam the seagrass meadows frequently, since I feed on them. I love ea ng turtle grass, in par cular.

Pepe described his friends, in case Lola might be able to help: — there is Dorothea, a mischievous grunt, a snapper named Luja, and a trunkfish affec onately known as Chelo. Lola thought she’d seen them in a seagrass meadow just off the shores of Pa llas and offered to go with them. When they got closer to the seagrass meadow, they were stunned by what they saw. Pepe and Lulo had never been to the seagrass meadows and had no idea how many species lived there. The first thing they saw was an enormous manatee calmly ea ng manatee grass. Among the grasses, they also saw sea cucumbers,

colorful sea stars, large sea urchins, pufferfish, clams, anemones, jacks and rays gliding gracefully through the water.

They were happy to just observe their surroundings, but Lulo sensed that something wasn’t right. He felt someone was looking at them. He could also hear a so sound behind them. He slowly turned his head and saw large, pointed fangs. Mommy! Mommy! Mommyyyyyy! Now we’re doomed! Nothing can save us now! —he screamed.

When he heard Lulo’s screaming, Pepe quickly turned to look and saw a barracuda stalking them. Megalo swam as fast as he could, and the barracuda lunged a er them. The crabs held on ght to Megalo, but were slipping. Lulo thought he wouldn’t be able to last long, since one of his legs hurt. Pepe tried to help him while Megalo kept up his fast pace. The barracuda was gaining on them and Megalo couldn’t keep up this speed for much longer. Then they saw a river delta up ahead. The river water mixing into the sea was murky, and Megalo thought he could lose the barracuda in there. When they got to the delta, the barracuda lost sight of them and began chasing a er other prey. Megalo slowed down and they all had a rest. They no ced that the seagrass in this murky area was in bad shape. They were sad-looking, sparse and pale, as though they might be dying. There were also very few animals. S ll, Lulo was glad to have found a place in which to hide.

As they crossed the area and the water became clearer, Lulo jumped and danced for joy, glad they had survived the ordeal. However, a group of green sea urchins spoke up: — Did you know that the murky water that saved you is destroying our home? The sediments pile up and won’t let the sun shine through, which means that the seagrass can’t produce their own food.—

Lulo was embarrassed and apologized for his celebra on, while Pepe added: —I hope humans realize this and manage their inland ac vi es be er.— Pepe also took this opportunity to ask for direc ons to the seagrass meadow near Pa llas, where his friends were.

When they got to the right place, they marveled at how healthy and wide it was. Animals began to gather, curious and wan ng to see the newly arrived visitors. Megalo no ced some friends of his and darted towards them. Caught off guard, Pepe and Lulo fell into the water. Lulo screamed again and fell to the bo om. Immediately, three big, fat fish got closer, and Pepe hugged Lulo ghtly and screamed: —AAAAAHHH!! Lulo was trembling, crying, and yelling: — Now these creatures will surely eat us!! Mommyyy!—

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 145

They closed their eyes in fear. When they opened their eyes, they saw they were again on Megalo’s back. Lulo screamed: — It’s a miracle!— One of the fish said: —What’s up with you? It’s me, Chelo, your friend from the mangrove forest.— Pepe, amazed, said: — Look how big you’ve go en! You look so different. And our others friends?—

— What, are you blind? - Chelo answered. —Hi! You didn’t recognize us! —the other fish exclaimed. A er happily gree ng each other, the crabs warned them about the destruc on the humans were planning, all in order to build an ar ficial beach. At that me, Giga, a conch who was accompanied by her young, told them:

— There are already humans trying to prevent that from happening. They do much to help us, like pu ng fish closures in place that let me grow up and have lots of young so that there will be fish in the future. There are also several governmental agencies, universi es and environmental groups that have stand up for us. I hope the rest of the humans unite and respect the closures, other environmental regula ons, and learn to respect and value our home just as it is.

Pepe and Lulo were happy because they had managed to find and spend me with their childhood friends and had warned them in me about the danger they were in. A er celebra ng their reunion, Megalo reminded the crabs that it was ge ng late. The sun was going down, and the sky was darkening. They had to return to their home. With tears of both happiness and sorrow in their eyes, they said goodbye to their friends, hoping to see them again.


University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Sea Grant Program

–Carefully listen to the Pepe Uca, To the Rescue! story and write in each bubble the reasons seagrasses are in danger. Then, in the blank spaces, write some details about each reason you wrote in the bubbles. Follow the example provided. Remember you can also write causes not mentioned in the story.

Effect: Seagrasses are in danger.

Cause and effect diagram

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 147

UniversityofPuerto Rico

MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram

Seagrasses: Conservation methods

Name: Date:

Teacher: Grade-Group:

Instructions: Carefully observe each photograph and choose all that you feel are showing a conservation method. Then, discuss your choices with the teacher and the rest of the group.

Photoprovided by Mr. Edwin Mas, NRCS-USDA. Photo provided by Mr. Edwin Más González, NRCS-USDA.

University ofPuerto Rico

MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram

Seagrasses: A delicate ecosystem

Name: Date:

Teacher: Grade-Group:

Instructions: Seagrass meadowsare fragile ecosystems. This meansthat theyare easily damaged. Humans can destroy this ecosystem in several ways. Can you find any of the ways in which people harm seagrass meadows? Carefully read each statement and fill in the crossword puzzle. Use the word bank as a reference.

Word bank

turbidity crabs


gasoline oil

scarring pollution

plastic trash


anchor metals






sea ecosystem


4. Too many _____________ can cause an algae bloom and harm seagrass meadows.

6. When people fail to use garbage cans, this can reach the ocean.

7. Boats can cause ___________ on seagrass meadowsif used irresponsibly.

8. Boats sometimes leak this substance, affecting seagrass meadows.


1. When canals are made so that boats can pass, __________ are disturbed, which can impede light from reaching the seagrass.

2. This item found on many boats can become entangles in the seagrasses and shred them or tear them form the sediment.

3. This type of facility is often built in protected areas with low surf conditions, places in which seagrass likes to grow.

5. Farmers can increase water _____________ if they’re not careful when moving soil on their farms.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 149

Skills and processes

Skills and processes Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Kindergarten 1. Formulates questions and defines problems. X 2. Plans and performs research. 3. Analyzes and interprets data. X X X 4. Makes arguments based on reliable evidence. X X X X 5. Acquires, evaluates, and communicates information. X X 6. Groups, within one class, the subject, events, processes, or phenomena (classification). X First Grade 1. Formulates questions and defines problems. X 2. Plans and performs research. 3. Analyzes and interprets data. X 4. Proposes explanations and designs solutions. X X 5. Makes arguments based on reliable evidence. X X 6. Acquires, evaluates, and communicates information. X 7. Groups, within one class, the subject, events, processes, or phenomena (classification). X Second Grade 1. Formulates questions and defines problems. 2. Develops and uses models. X X X 3. Plans and performs research. X 4. Analyzes and interprets data. X X 5. Proposes explanations and designs solutions. X X X 6. Makes arguments based on reliable evidence. X X X 7. Groups, within one class, the subject, events, processes, or phenomena (classification). X Third Grade
Formulates questions and defines problems. 2. Develops and uses models. X
Elementary level

3. Plans and performs research.

4. Analyzes and interprets data.

5. Proposes explanations and designs solutions. X X

6. Makes arguments based on reliable evidence. X X

7. Acquires, evaluates, and communicates information.

8. Groups, within one class, the subject, events, processes, or phenomena (classification).

Fourth Grade



Fifth Grade

1. Formulates questions and defines problems.

3. Plans and performs research and experiments.

4. Analyzes and interprets data.

5. Uses mathematics and computer skills.

6. Proposes explanations and designs solutions. X

7. Makes arguments based on reliable evidence. X X

8. Acquires, evaluates, and communicates information.

9. Groups, within one class, the subject, events, processes, or phenomena (classification).

Sixth Grade

1. Formulates questions and defines problems. X

2. Develops and uses models.

152 Skills and processes Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5
Formulates questions and defines problems. X
2. Develops and uses models. X
3. Plans and performs research and experiments.
4. Analyzes and interprets data.
5. Uses mathematics and computer skills. 6. Proposes explanations and designs solutions.
X 7. Makes arguments based on reliable evidence.
8. Acquires, evaluates, and communicates information.
Groups, within one class, the subject, events, processes, or phenomena (classification). X
2. Develops and uses models. X X X X X

3. Plans and performs research and experiments.

4. Analyzes and interprets data.

5. Uses mathematics and computer skills.

6. Proposes explanations and designs solutions. X

7. Makes arguments based on reliable evidence.

8. Acquires, evaluates, and communicates information.

9. Groups, within one class, the subject, events, processes, or phenomena (classification).

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 153
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5
Skills and processes

Integrating sciences, engineering, technology and society with nature

Elementary level

Integrating sciences, engineering, technology and society with nature


1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. The sciences answer questions about the world around us.

3. Sciences, engineering and technology influence humans, society and the natural world.

4. Sciences, engineering and technology are interdependent.

5. Scientific research uses various methods. X

First Grade

1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. The sciences answer questions about the world around us.

3. Scientific knowledge follows a natural and consistent order.

4. Sciences, engineering and technology influence humans, society and the natural world.

5. Sciences, engineering and technology are interdependent.

6. Scientific research uses various methods. X

Second Grade

1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. The sciences answer questions about the world around us.

3. Scientific knowledge follows a natural and consistent order.

4. Scientific models, laws, mechanisms and theories explain natural phenomena.

Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5

Integrating sciences, engineering, technology and society with nature

5. Sciences, engineering and technology influence humans, society and the natural world.

6. Sciences, engineering and technology are interdependent.

7. Scientific research uses various methods. X

Third Grade

1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. Scientific knowledge follows a natural and consistent order.

3. Sciences are an intrinsic part of human beings.

4. Sciences, engineering and technology influence humans, society and the natural world.

5. Sciences, engineering and technology are interdependent.

6. Scientific research uses various methods.

Fourth Grade

1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. The sciences answer questions about the world around us.

3. Scientific knowledge follows a natural and consistent order.

4. Scientific models, laws, mechanisms and theories explain natural phenomena.

5. Science is an intrinsic part of human beings. X

6. Sciences, engineering and technology influence humans, society and the natural world. X

7. Sciences, engineering and technology are interdependent. X

8. Scientific research uses various methods. X X

Fifth Grade

1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 155
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5

Integrating sciences, engineering, technology and society with nature

2. The sciences answer questions about the world around us.

3. Scientific knowledge follows a natural and consistent order.

4. Scientific models, laws, mechanisms and theories explain natural phenomena.

5. Science is an intrinsic part of human beings.

6. Sciences, engineering and technology influence humans, society and the natural world.

7. Sciences, engineering and technology are interdependent.

8. Scientific research uses various methods.

Sixth Grade

1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. The sciences answer questions about the world around us.

3. Scientific knowledge follows a natural and consistent order.

4. Scientific models, laws, mechanisms and theories explain natural phenomena.

5. Science is an intrinsic part of human beings.

6. Sciences, engineering and technology influence humans, society and the natural world.

7. Sciences, engineering and technology are interdependent.

8. Scientific research uses various methods. X

Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5

Cross-sectional concepts and fundamental ideas about the discipline

Promotes activities that set forth environmental preservation practices (e.g. actively participating in environmental clubs that promote recycling or tree planting, participate in keeping a garden, depositing trash in the waste bins).

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 157
Elementary level
and fundamental
the discipline Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Kindergarten 1. Patterns X X X 2. Cause and effect X X 3. Systems and system models X X X X 4. Energy and matter 5. Ethics and values in the sciences X X X X Develops consciousness about the importance of preserving the environment. X Represents respect and appreciation for nature and work in various ways. X X X Demonstrates respect for diversity (e.g. differences between plants and species; differences in human beings’ characteristics, physical limitations). X X X
Shows appreciation for living organisms. X X X X Acknowledges how important it is to care for the environment. X X X Reflects about the importance of all kinds of life form. X Promotes respect for classmates and collaborative and harmonious work. X X First Grade 1. Patterns X 2. Cause and effect X 3. Systems and system models X 4. Energy and matter 5. Structure and function X 6. Ethics and values in the sciences X X
Cross-sectional concepts
ideas about
and fundamental
about the discipline Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Shows respect and appreciation for nature and diverse life forms. X X Shows appreciation for living organisms. Acknowledges how important it is to care for the environment. X Promotes respect for classmates and collaborative and harmonious work. X X Second Grade 1. Patterns X 2. Cause and effect X X X 3. Systems and system models X X 4. Energy and matter 5. Structure and function X X 6. Stability and change X 7. Ethics and values in the sciences X X X X Promotes peaceful environments with the classmates, in school and at home. Respects and protects the environment. X Reflects about the importance of all kinds of life form. X X Respects and values living organisms’ lives. X X Shows respect and appreciation for plant and animal biodiversity. X X Shows respect and appreciation for natural resources and their conservation. X Promotes respect for classmates and collaborative and harmonious work. X X Third Grade 1. Patterns X X 2. Cause and effect X X 3. Scale, proportion and quantity X X 4. Systems and system models X X X 5. Energy and matter 6. Stability and change X 7. Ethics and values in the sciences X X X Acknowledges and respects the diverse life forms and their contributions to natural balance. X X
Cross-sectional concepts

Cross-sectional concepts and fundamental ideas about

Recognizes the need to adopt healthy lifestyles. Develops good relationships for classmates, a sense of responsibility and punctuality in the work done.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 159
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Acknowledges the consequences of human activities on the Planet. X Shows a good attitude and values collaborative work. Shows respect for biodiversity. X X Respects and protects the environment. X Reflects about the importance of all kinds of life forms. X X Promotes respect for classmates and collaborative and harmonious work. X X Values teamwork. X Fourth Grade 1. Patterns X X 2. Cause and effect X X X 3. Scale, proportion and quantity X 4. Systems and system models 5. Energy and matter 6. Structure and function X X 7. Stability and change X 8. Ethics and values in the sciences X X X Expresses their ideas about how living beings depend on the environment for survival. Recognizes and accepts individual responsibility for human activities and their impact on the environment. X Responsibly uses scientific knowledge to explain the physical world around us. X Values all life forms. X
Grade 1. Patterns X
Cause and effect X
Scale, proportion and quantity
the discipline
X Fifth
160 Cross-sectional concepts and fundamental ideas about the discipline Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 4. Systems and system models X X X X 5. Energy and matter 6. Structure and function X 7. Stability and change X 8. Ethics and values in the sciences X X Identifies the consequences of human actions on living organisms and the environment. X Develops consciousness about the importance of the adequate use of natural resources and how the inadequate uses can affect them. X Explains how human beings can adopt new practices which benefit natural resources. X Reflects about the importance of respecting all life forms. X Expresses, in verbal and written form, the need and the importance of protecting the environment. Gives their opinion about respecting all life forms. X Sixth Grade 1. Patterns 2. Cause and effect 3. Systems and system models 4. Energy and matter 5. Structure and function X 6. Stability and change 7. Ethics and values in the sciences X Acknowledges the importance and usefulness of Science in everyday matters. Acknowledges the differences between the physical and chemical properties, and recognizes their importance to life forms and the environment. X


Plan 1: structures, plants, roots, leaves, stems, growth, survival, patterns, feeding, living beings, ecosystems (aquatic, terrestrial), habitats, physical properties

Plan2: adaptation mechanisms, habitat, vascular plants, non-vascular plants, seedless plants, seed plants, evolution, living beings, plants, patterns

Plan 3: living beings, plants, patterns, habitat, solar energy, reproduction in plants, survival, environment, species, adaptation, survival, environmental changes, sun

Plan 4: living beings, animals, healthy food, plants, patterns, habitat, life cycle, ecosystems, biotic factors, abiotic factors, environment, producers, consumers, decomposers, food chain, food web, photosynthesis, herbivores, frugivores, folivores, carnivores, omnivores

Plan 5: environmental changes, ecosystems, biotic factors, abiotic factors, environment, human, waste, pollution, reduce, reuse, recycle, environmental conservation, natural resources, water, soil, air, human activities, community, deforestation, technological pollution, human impact

P l a n s a n d Plans and

a c t i v i t i e s activities

I n t e r m e d i a t e a n d

Intermediate and S e c

o n d

a r y l e v e l Secondary level

Time: 1 period

Teaching strategy: ECA

Phases: explora on, conceptualiza on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: ques ons and answers, coopera ve work, conference, homework

Assessment technique: Open ques ons, Venn diagram, comic strip

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology, Marine sciences


• Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide

• Text: Ocean Encounter – Seagrass sec on

• Slideshow –Seagrass meadows

• Pictures or illustra ons of different types of marine algae and seagrasses

• Laboratory fact sheet

• Venn Diagram sheet

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Processing thinking

Level III: Strategic thinking

Unit: Marine ecosystems Seagrass or algae? What is a seagrass?

Objec ves:

A er studying the topic, Seagrass or marine algae? What is a seagrass? the student will be able to:

• observe the visible physical characteris cs of different organisms. (procedural)

• classify the organisms by their visible and non-visible characteris cs. (conceptual)

• use the observed characteris cs to formulate a hypothesis regarding an organism’s iden ty. (procedural)

• compare and contrast seagrasses and terrestrial grasses in terms of their physical characteris cs. (procedural)

• tell the differences between seagrasses and marine algae. (procedural)

• conclude which ones are the organisms under study. (procedural)

• define seagrasses and seagrass meadows. (conceptual)

• demonstrate a desire to learn about and protect the seagrass ecosystem. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class are included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es: A. Beginning

1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on: “Unity” – This reflec on should highlight that all organisms, seagrasses, marine algae, and other living creatures within that ecosystem should remain together (united) so that the system (ecosystem, community) func ons properly. If one of these parts is affected, the others will suffer as well. Therefore, all parts must be protected so the ecological balance can be preserved.

4. To start the class, the teacher will project the following comic strip, also included in this guide’s CD-ROM:

With this strip, the teacher will introduce the topic for discussion. The teacher can ask ques ons like: What happened to Pepito? Has the same thing happened to you? What creatures have you seen at the beach? How deep or how far have you ever swum? Have you ever felt something against your feet? Describe or men on some of these things you have felt. What do you do when this happens?

5. A er talking with the students about their experiences at the beach, the teacher will turn the lights off and ask the students to become marine scien sts and virtual scuba divers. The teacher will distribute the observa on sheet to students and instruct them to carefully observe and record everything they see during their ‘SCUBA diving trip”. Then the teacher will project the virtual dive video (included on the CD-ROM) on the board or screen. Whatever students are not yet familiar with, they will learn about as the class progresses.

6. When the virtual dive is over, the teacher will ask the students to men on and describe everything they saw and noted on their worksheet during the trip. They will complete a list on the board indica ng which of those things they have seen themselves when going to the beach. They should men on seagrasses and marine algae (seaweed). Students might call everything they are not familiar with ‘seaweed’, as seagrass is o en confused with algae. The teacher will summarize everything the students have men oned and ask: You men oned seagrasses and marine algae, what is the difference between them? We will

Harold Jessurun/Pepito is published daily on Facebook.
AHHHHHHHH!! Worse...
Did you step on a sea urchin? Did you get stung by a jellyfish? Algae!

discover more about this later in the lesson. The teacher will move onto the next ac vity without explaining the differences yet.

B. Development

1. The teacher will divide the class in sub-groups and will project or put up on the board two groups of photographs, included in the CD-ROM. Group A will feature the most common seagrass species in Puerto Rico. Group B will feature marine algae. Students will be given a fact sheet so they can use their scien fic abili es to observe the photographs and write down the characteris cs they can iden fy in each picture. Then, both sets of images must be compared in terms of the visible physical similari es and differences between the species.

2. A er devo ng a few minutes to this ac vity, each group will be asked to report on their findings (a designated group leader, or a student chosen by the rest of the team will present the group’s results.) The teacher will take the opportunity to discuss the differences and similari es the students observed, while emphasizing that these species have some characteris cs that are not readily apparent. Then, the teacher will ask the students to use their observa ons to predict which organisms are seagrasses and which are marine algae.

3. The teacher will show students the Seagrass meadows presenta on and highlight the differences between seagrasses and marine algae, emphasizing the characteris cs not usually no ced at first glance. While these characteris cs are being discussed, the students will complete the second part of the laboratory sheet; this is a table in which students will write the non-visible characteris cs of grasses on one side, and the non-visible characteris cs of marine algae on the other.

Note: The teacher must thoroughly know these characteris cs in order to have an effec ve discussion. Please review the seagrass background sec on.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 167
Virtual dive video

C. Closing

1. To conclude the class, and a er viewing the presenta on, the teacher will ask the students to determine what the organisms under study are, based on what they learned in class. To do this, they must answer the final ques ons in the laboratory sheet. The teacher will guide them towards properly iden fying seagrasses and marine algae. Then, they must define in their own words what seagrasses, seagrass meadows, and marine algae are

Defini ons:

Seagrasses - Seagrasses are higher order plants in the angiosperm group, which grow underwater in the sea. These plants have leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits.

Seagrass meadows –Seagrass meadows are large swathes of seagrasses growing on the marine substrate. They can be comprised of a single or several species.

Marine algae – Marine algae are non-vascular plants that absorb nutrients from water through diffusion across the plant surface (Seagrass-watch, 2013). They belong to the Pro sta kingdom and can be unicellular or mul cellular. They can be shaped like a sheet or a thread and have a rela vely complex inner structure. They also generally feature chlorophyll and can perform photosynthesis (Diccionario Enciclopédico Dominicano de Medio Ambiente, 2013).

2. Address any remaining ques ons or confusion about this topic.


1. Students will be asked to fill out a Venn diagram in which they compare and contrast seagrasses and marine algae. The diagram can be made through the use of websites such as Google Suggest Venn Diagram Generator, SmartDraw (this is not a free program; although it offers a free trial), use Microso Word to draw the diagram, or the teacher can hand out copies of the Venn diagram included in this plan so the students can fill out the differences and similari es.

Note: Neither the Sea Grant Program nor the University of Puerto Rico sponsor any brand or program in par cular.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.


Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to complete their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Ocean literacy: Essen al Principles and Fundamental Concepts

Principle 5: “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”

c. Most of the major groups that exist on Earth are found exclusively in the ocean and the diversity of major groups of organisms is much greater in the ocean than on land.

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Biological sciences

Standard: Subject organiza on levels and structure

Expecta ons and indicators:

From molecules to organisms: Structures and processes

EI.B.CB1.EM.9 Establishes the characteris cs used to group organisms in a classifica on system.


Merriam-Webster Online Dic onary. (2020). Herb. Retrieved on March 27, 2020. h ps://www. onary/herb

Diccionario Enciclopédico Dominicano del Medio Ambiente. Algas marinas. Retrieved on October 7, 2012, from h p:// es/definicionVer. asp?id=615 Translated on March 27, 2020.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 169
Taken from Ocean Literacy Network

Did you step on a sea urchin? Did you get stung by a jelly fi sh?

is published daily on Facebook .

AHHHHHHHH!! Worse... Algae!

UniversityofPuerto Rico MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram Seagrasses VirtualDive

Name: _________________________Date: _____________________________

Teacher: _______________________Grade-Group: _______________________

Instructions: Use the space provided to write down everything you see during your virtual dive.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 171 S Seeagagrraass ss meaeaddoowsws: : T Teeaacchhe e ’ r’ r s G Guuidide e 1771 1
A 1
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 173
A 2
A 3
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 175
A 4
176 A 5

B 1

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 177
B 2

B 3

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 179

Name: _________________________

Teacher: _______________________

University of Puerto Rico

Mayagüez Campus

Sea Grant Program

Data sheets

Laboratory #1: Seagrasses

Date: _____________________________

Grade-Group: _______________________

Instructions: Carefully observe the organisms shown in the photos in Group A and Group B that the teacher showed in the classroom. Describe them in the space provided, considering their visible physical characteristics. To do this, use the columns with each group’s name. Each image will have a letter and a number. Write the photo’s number in the corresponding column and next to it, write the description as shown in the example provided.


Visible Characteristics Group A Group B Color A – 1: green B – 1: green; B - 2 - red

I. Organism observation and comparison chart

Visible characteristics Group A Group B

Leaf length: Does it have true leaves or not? If it has leaves, describe if they are long or short.

Leaf width: Wide or narrow

Leaf Shape: ribbon-like, feather-shaped, cylindrical, oval, rounded, or like a chain made of shells


Does it have roots extending into the sediment?

Yes or no

Other visible physical characteristics



1. According to your observations, which kind of organisms are in Group A? Are they seagrasses or marine algae?

2. According to your observations, which kind of organisms are in Group B? Are they seagrasses or marine algae?

II. Table comparing the non-visible characteristics between organisms in Group A and those in Group B. Write down all non-visible characteristics the teacher discusses in the classroom.


Organisms in Group A

Organisms in Group B

Conclusion: When finishing their observations about the visible characteristics of the organisms under study and after discussing the non-visible characteristics discussed with the teacher, identify the organisms you’ve observed. What are the organisms in Group A? How about the ones in Group B? Was your original hypothesis correct? Please explain your answer.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 181

University of Puerto Rico

Mayagüez Campus

Sea Grant Program


Venn diagram organizing the differences and similarities between seagrasses and marine algae

Date: _____________________________

Grade-Group: _______________________

Name: ________________________

Teacher: _______________________

Instructions: Use the following diagram to organize the differences and similarities between seagrasses and marine algae. If a characteristic only describes one group, write it down in the part of the circle that does not overlap the other. If it is a ch aracteristic that describes both groups, write it in the overlap area.


Marine Algae


Time: 1 or several class periods (the teacher will adjust according to the grade and group)

Teaching Strategy: ECA

Phases: conceptualiza on and applica on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: review, coopera ve work, discussion, conference

Assessment technique: Open ques ons, Venn diagram, Timeline, seagrass iden fica on, dichotomic (iden fica on) key

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology, Geology, History


• Seagrass meadows – Teacher’s Guide

• Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM

• Presenta on – Seagrass meadows

• Paper board or brown paper

• Markers

• Transparent tape or glue

• Seagrass iden fica on sheet

• Magnifying glass to observe the iden fied seagrasses (op onal)

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level III: Strategic thinking

Level IV: Extended thinking

Unit: Marine ecosystems

Seagrass evolu on, species and their differences

Objec ves:

A er studying the topics Seagrass evolu on, species and their differences, students will be able to:

• iden fy the different adapta ons seagrasses have developed in order to survive. (conceptual)

• iden fy the four (4) most common species of seagrass in Puerto Rico (turtle grass, manatee grass, shoal grass, and paddle grass). (procedural)

• explain the physical characteris cs of each type of grass. (conceptual)

• create a meline to explain how seagrasses have evolved during different geologic periods. (procedural)

• demonstrate a desire to learn about and protect the seagrass ecosystem. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class are included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es:

A. Beginning

1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on - Ocean: origin of life

4. The teacher will ask the students to refer to the Venn diagram assigned the previous day so they can review the subject. The teacher will discuss the differences between terrestrial grasses, seagrasses, and marine algae. The similari es should be highlighted, since students must carefully analyze what they studied during the previous class in order to describe these similari es.

B. Development

1. A er the discussion, the teacher will ask students to build a meline describing the evolu on of seagrasses. To do this, the group will be divided into 4 or 5 subgroups. Each group will receive a piece of paper board or brown paper and will be asked to use this to draw a meline with the different geologic periods important to plant evolu on, which are:

• Precambrian Era: The beginning of this era gave rise to phytoplankton, while mul cellular algae developed near the end of the era. The Precambrian occurred between 4,500 and 500 million years ago, approximately.

• Silurian Period: Algae dominated during this period, although terrestrial plants began developing. This period occurred approximately 450 million years ago.

• Devonian Period: The first true trees with fruits (gymnosperms) appeared. This period began approximately 416 million years ago.

• Cretaceous Period: This period sees the rise of angiosperms (flowering plants) and, at the end, mangroves, and seagrasses. This occurred approximately 145 million years ago.


Note: These are not all the periods that occurred during Earth’s history. For this class, only the most per nent periods will be studied, as these were the me periods in which seagrasses evolved.

The teacher will issue students the following instruc ons:

• Draw a line on the paperboard or brown paper.

• Divide this line in the following geologic era and periods: Precambrian Era, Silurian Period, Devonian Period, and Cretaceous Period.

• Then, on each era or period, the students will draw or a ach the pictures of the organisms they think evolved in that me period. To do this, they must analyze the events occurring during these me periods. The teacher will project these historic events on the board.

• When finished, students will a ach their melines on the wall for the rest of the classmates to see.

Note: The historic events the teacher will project on the board and the pictures of organisms used to complete the meline can be found in the CD-ROM included with this guide.

Second op on to make the meline

Schools that have the available technology can use several accessible, free programs such as Cronos. They can also use Microso Word, an Excel template, or a PowerPoint add-in (for versions previous to 2013) that can be downloaded for free through the internet. The 2013 PowerPoint program can use a meline template that is already included in the program. Here, we provide a list of some online services that provide meline drawing services; most, for free:

h p:// – Add-in to make PowerPoint melines.

h p:// meline_maker/

h p:// melines/

h p://www.

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://www.

h p:// meline/

h p://

h p://

h p://

Note: Neither the Sea Grant Program nor the University of Puerto Rico sponsor any brand or program in par cular.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 187

Third op on to make the meline

If none of the previously men oned op ons are available, the teacher can print or copy the meline included in the guide’s CD-ROM and hand it out to the students so they can complete their meline.

2. A er each sub-group displays their melines for the rest of the group to see, the teacher will discuss them with the class. They can be asked about why they drew their melines the way they did, and while they jus fy their choices, discuss and review how seagrasses evolved and adapted for survival.

3. At the end of the discussion, the teacher can show the Seagrass meadows PowerPoint presenta on included in the CD-ROM. Their evolu on is presented there, and the student will be able to assess the accuracy of their melines. Then, using what they have learned in class, students will be allowed to amendtheir meline and rearrange it into the correct order before submi ng it for their final scores.

4. A er discussing these plants’ evolu on, the teacher will use the Seagrass meadows PowerPoint presenta on to show the students the different species of seagrass found in Puerto Rico and their characteris cs. This presenta on shows pictures of five (5) seagrass species. Although there are five species found in Puerto Rico, special emphasis will be given to the four (4) most common types.

Note: The teacher must know these characteris cs fully in order to have an effec ve class discussion. Please see the seagrass background sec on.

E. Closing

1. To conclude the class, students will be asked to discuss ideas for preparing a dichotomous (iden fica on) key based on seagrass leaves’ physical characteris cs. Students will be instructed on how to make one of these keys, and if the teacher considers it necessary, the students can be shown the following video:

h p://

2. Students will split into subgroups once more and will discuss their ideas for preparing the dichotomous key. This will serve to reinforce what they have learned. This discussion should also elicit any ques ons or uncertainty students have, providing an opportunity for the teacher to address those at this me.

Main characteris cs of the leaves of seagrasses:

Turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum): The leaves are flat, long, and ribbon-shaped. The leaf p is rounded.

Manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme): The leaves are cylindrical, fine, and elongated, like spaghe strands.

Shoal grass (Halodule wrigh i): The leaves are long and flat, while the ps are pointed, with two or three peaks.

Paddle grass (Halophila decipiens): The leaves are small, flat, and oval-shaped. The leaves look like small oars or paddles.

Note: The teacher will not offer the above descrip ons to the students. Students must remember these characteris cs from studying them in class, and they can refer to the photographs.


1. Students will be asked to write out a complete version of the iden fica on key they prepared with their group. They can do this as a team effort, using email, Google Drive (to share documents) or possibly meet via a video chat pla orm (such as Skype, Ovoo, Zoom, etc.). If these tools are unavailable, they can instead write their final versions individually.

To complete the final document, they can use the Microso Word or PowerPoint programs, the or websites, or any other so ware they choose. Then, they can send their completed work to the teacher through email so the teacher can project the iden fica on keys for the rest of the class during the following class. If the students do not have access to technology, they can draw their iden fica on keys and bring them to the next class mee ng.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 189

Note: Neither the Sea Grant Program nor the University of Puerto Rico sponsor any brand or program in par cular.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to complete their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Oceanic literacy: Essen al principles and fundamental concepts

Principle 4: “The ocean made the Earth habitable.”

b. The first life is thought to have started in the ocean. The earliest evidence of life is found in the ocean.

Principle 5: “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”

d. Ocean biology provides many unique examples of life cycles, adapta ons, and important rela onships among organisms (symbiosis, predator-prey dynamics, and energy transfer) that do not occur on land.

Taken from Ocean Literacy Network,.


Biological sciences

Standard: Subject organiza on structure and levels

Expecta ons and indicators: From molecules to organisms: structures and processes

EI.B.CB1.EM.8 Compares the differences in structure and func on between angiosperms and gymnosperms.

EI.B.CB1.EM.9 Establishes the traits used to group organisms through a classifica on system.


Merriam-Webster Online Dic onary. (2020). Herb. Retrieved on March 27, 2020. h ps:// onary/herb

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 191

Precambrian Era

Earth is covered by volcanic gases with very little oxygen. The first oceans are formed. The first living organisms appear. Many mountains are formed. This era ends with much more oxygen in the atmo sphere, as well as some multicellular organisms.

. . . Today
1. Map 550 ma. 2. Pu’u’ ’ Volcano, Image: Courtesy of the U.S Geological Survey 3. Life in the Ediacaran Sea, Photo: Ryan Somma, CC BY-SA 4. Charniodiscus arboreus from Australia, Photo: Tina Negus, CC BY-SA


Silurian Period

The first terrestrial, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems are formed. The first fishes develop. Vast coral reefs take shape. Weather similar to our current weather.


Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 193
. . . Today _
1. Map: Ron Blakey, CC-BY-SA-3.0 2. Silurian flora, Illustration: Ghedoghedo, CC-BY-SA-3.0 3. DPA Silurian Marine Environment Detail, Illustration:© Karen Carr 4. Fishes of the Silurian, Digital Illustration: Steve Lew, CC-BY-NC-SA

Devonian Period

This period is also known as the ‘Age of the Fishes’. There is a great variety of terrestrial invertebrates. This is the period in which life moves onto dry land. Global climate is warm and dry.


. Devonian Today _
. .
1. Devonian flora, Illustration: Dennis C. Murphy, 2. Placoderm. Illustration by: alejandro149, CC BY NC-SA 3. Map: CC BY-NC 1.0 4. Tiktaalik, Illustration by” ©Karen Carr 5. Acanthostega, Illustration by: ©Karen Carr,

Cretaceous Period

Global warming is extreme. Almost all of Earth has tropical temperatures. The first pollinizing insects appear: bees , wasps, and beetles, among others. The dinosaurs become extinct at the end of the period.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 195
AGO . . .
Cretaceous Today
1. Map: Ron Blakey, NAU Geology, CC-BY-SA-3.0 2. Cretaceous Marine Environment, Illustration by:©Karen Carr 3. Cretaceous Flora, Illustration by: ©Karen Carr 4. Archaefructus liaoningensis, Photo by: Shizhao, CC-BY-NC-SA 5. Cretaceous Environment, Illustration by: ©Karen Carr,
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 197
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 199
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 201
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 203
Zamia (Zamia portoricencis) - endangered gymnosperm plant endemic to Puerto Rico. Male cone Female cone

University ofPuerto Rico

Seagrasses Timeline–Seagrass evolution

Name: __________________________Date: _____________________________

Teacher: ___________________________Grade-Group:

Instructions: Write on the horizontal arrows the different geologic periods during which seagrasses evolved. Then, attachthe pictures (provided by the teacher) or draw in each of the squa res the organisms that developed during each period or era. The teacher will use the board to project the historic events happening in each period so that you can determine the correct order in which these organisms appeared.

Note: These are not the only geologic eras or periods that occurred; only the ones most relevant to sea grass evolution. PrecambrianEra

MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram
PaleozoicEra MesozoicEra

UniversityofPuerto Rico MayagüezCampus

Sea GrantProgram

Identification Key–Seagrasses

Name: _________________________Date: _____________________________

Teacher: _______________________Grade-Group: _______________________

Instructions: After watching the video about how to make an identification key, make your own key to identifying the most common seagrasses found in Puerto Rico. To do this, use the following diagram, starting out with leaf descriptions.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 205
Does it have true leaves? Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 207
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 209

Unit: Marine ecosystems

Necessary condi ons for seagrass development

Time: 1 or several class periods (the teacher will adjust according to the grade and group)

Teaching Strategy: ECA

Phases: explora on, conceptualiza on, and applica on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: review, coopera ve work, laboratory ac vity, discussion, conference, homework

Assessment technique: Open ques ons, lab report

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology


• Seagrass meadows – Teacher’s Guide

• Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM

• Presenta on – Seagrass meadows

• Focused list

• Laboratory report sheet and data sheet

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Process thinking

Level III: Strategic thinking

Level IV: Extended thinking

Objec ves:

A er studying the Necessary condi ons for seagrass development, students will be able to:

• choose the elements seagrasses need in order to survive. (procedural)

• explain the necessary condi ons for seagrass development. (conceptual)

• inves gate the rela onship between water turbidity and seagrass growth. (procedural)

• create the necessary environment for seagrasses to grow. (procedural)

• demonstrate concern for maintaining clean waters and preserving the seagrass ecosystem. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class are included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es:

A. Beginning

1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on - “Nature is very consonant and conformable with herself.” - Isaac Newton

4. The teacher will begin class by discussing the iden fica on key assigned the previous day. The teacher will ask the students to project their key (those who made an electronic version of it) or show their work (those who made physical versions). They must explain their keys and the visible characteris cs of the seagrasses. By doing this, they will review the different seagrass species found in Puerto Rico. The teacher will take the opportunity to review the nonvisible characteris cs as well.

B. Development

1. A er the review, the teacher will explain to the students how seagrasses require certain condi ons for survival and will begin a focused list to explore what the students know about this topic. The teacher will hand out a sheet tled Condi ons necessary for seagrass development. The students must use the space provided to write down all the condi ons they think are necessary for seagrasses to grow.

2. When they finish their list, students should be given a chance to express their thoughts. The teacher should keep a master list of the student responses on the board. The list should include that, as most other plants, seagrasses need sunlight for photosynthesis. Using this as a link, the teacher will then move on to the next ac vity. This involves a laboratory ac vity highligh ng the importance of sunlight and clear waters for healthy seagrasses.

3. The teacher will divide the class into subgroups for the lab ac vity tled How does water clarity affect seagrass meadows? The teacher will hand out the instruc ons and the fact sheet so the students can begin their work. In this exercise, students will no ce how important it is to maintain clean waters in order to preserve this ecosystem. In the first part of the lab ac vity, the students will observe how a secchi disk works. Please visit the following website and project it for the students: h p://www.mainevolunteerlakemonitors. org/recer fy/disk.php. If the technology is unavailable, the teacher must explain the way the disk works. Another op on is to acquire a water quality tes ng kit or build a secchi disk in the classroom and conduct water turbidity tes ng in the classroom.


Note: A er the laboratory ac vity, the teacher can plan a fieldtrip (to take place on a different day) to a nearby beach to measure water turbidity, so the students can make their predic ons about whether or not seagrasses could grow there. Students should remember that there are other important parameters that affect development in a specific area. However, the exercise can be done focusing only on turbidity.

4. A er finishing the lab ac vity, each student or sub-group will explain their findings. At this me, the teacher should discuss the necessary condi ons for seagrass growth and development with the students.

Necessary condi ons for seagrass growth and healthy development:

• They need sunlight in order to photosynthesize.

• They should be submerged underwater. Most seagrasses tolerate a high range of water salinity. So, these plants can inhabit areas with low salinity (estuarine zones) or high salinity areas (hypersaline environments).

• Waters should be clear and shallow, allowing sunlight to reach the plants on the seafloor. If there is sediment discharge near the coast, turbidity increases, and sunlight penetra on becomes difficult.

• Generally, they need temperatures around 24 ºC (75oF). Some species can survive in temperatures between 4ºC and 24ºC (39oF – 75oF).

• Seagrasses need soil to anchor their roots into and from which to absorb nutrients.

• They need rela vely mild currents and surf condi ons. Seagrasses cannot survive in areas with strong surf or currents.

E. Closing

1. To conclude the class, the teacher will ask the students to check the focused list they made at the beginning of class and determine which student or studentes came closest to describing the ideal environment for seagrasses. This student can be rewarded with a small prize if the teacher wishes to do so. Students will also turn in their completed laboratory reports.

2. The teacher will address any remaining ques ons or doubts about the subject.


1. Students will be asked to look up informa on about the rivers in Puerto Rico, both in the northern and the southern regions. The teacher will assign each student a different river so that they can exchange informa on in the following class during the group ac vity. Each student should look up two rivers, one with a large volume of water, and a smaller, less voluminous one. Students can use the internet, encyclopedias, books, and other sources.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 213

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to complete their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Oceanic literacy: Essen al principles and fundamental concepts

Principle 5: “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”

e. The ocean provides a vast living space with diverse and unique ecosystems from the surface through the water column and down to, and below, the seafloor. Most of the living space on Earth is in the ocean.

f. Ocean ecosystems are defined by environmental factors and the community of organisms living there. Ocean life is not evenly distributed through me or space due to differences in abio c factors such as oxygen, salinity, temperature, pH, light, nutrients, pressure, substrate, and circula on. A few regions of the ocean support the most abundant life on Earth, while most of the ocean does not support much life.

Taken from Ocean Literacy Network

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Biological sciences

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators:

From molecules to organisms: structures and processes

EI.B.CB1.IE.2 Evaluates how gene c and environmental factors influence organism development. Understands how scien sts use gene c knowledge to predict progeny.


Standard: Conserva on and change

Expecta ons and indicators:

Ecosystems: Interac ons, energy, and dynamics

ES.B.CB2.CC.1 Iden fies environmental factors to argue about their nega ve and posi ve effects on popula on growth.

Standard: Subject structure and organiza on levels

Expecta ons and indicators:

Ecosystems: Interac ons, energy, and dynamics

ES.B.CB2.EM.1 Uses mathema cal or technological representa ons to support their explana ons about the factors that affect ecosystems and their load capacity at different scales.

ES.B.CB2.EM.2 Uses mathema cal representa ons to support and revise science-based explana ons about the factors affec ng ecosystem biodiversity and popula ons at different scales.

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators:

Ecosystems: Interac ons, energy, and dynamics

ES.B.CB2.IE.4 Evaluates the statements, evidence and reasoning about the complex interac ons ecosystems encompass maintain the amount and variety of organisms in a rela vely consistent manner across stable condi ons. But changes in condi ons can cause a new ecosystem.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 215

Focused list

Name: _________________________Date: _____________________________ Teacher: _______________________Grade-Group: _______________________

Instructions: Write the words or phrases related to the NECESSARY CONDITIONS FO R SEA GRASS DEVELOPMENT . Then, discuss your answers with your teacherand the other students in your class.

University ofPuerto Rico MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram
NECESSARY FACTORSFOR SEA GRASS DEVELOPMENT 1.________________________________________ 2.________________________________________ 3.________________________________________ 4.________________________________________ 5.________________________________________ 6.________________________________________ 7.________________________________________ 8.________________________________________ 9.________________________________________ 10._______________________________________

University ofPuerto Rico MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram


Laboratory data sheet: How does water clarity affect seagrass meadowsdistribution?

Name: __________________________Date: _____________________________

Teacher: _______________________Grade-Group: _______________________

Theme: Water clarity and its importance for seagrasses


Sunlight in oceans is essential for several species’ survival; for instance, seagrasses need solar energy in order to perform photosynthesis. Sunlight penetrates ocean water and while part of it is readily absorbed by organisms, some of this energy is reflected by the water and the particles suspended in the water column. The more particles suspended in the water, the less depththe sunlight’s energy can reach because of all the particles absorbing and reflecting the light. Therefore, sunlight reaches greater depthsin clear water than it does in high-turbidity water.

Water clarity is diminished by suspended particles, which can include sediments and live organisms like plankton. There are different ways to calculate a body of water’s clarity, but the simplest and most traditional method is through the use of an instrument called a SecchiDisc (Figure1).

Generally, the saltwater Secchi Disc measures between 40 to 60 cm in diameter, and the freshwater Secchi Disc measures 20 cm. These discs are divided in 4 quarters, with two white areas and two black areas. The disc is tied at the center of its face with arope calibrated in centimeters; that is to say, a rope with centimeter intervals marked along its length. The first mark is set at0 cm, where the line is secured to the disc. A weightis attached to the disc’s underside. A person submerges the Secchi disc in the water, letting out the rope until the disc is no longer visible. A note is made indicatingthe centimeters of line below the surfaceat that

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 217
Figure1. SecchiDisc
Taken from: eutrophication&hipoxia en 974@N07/4863677813/sizes /o/in/photostream/ (licencia CreativeCommons )

point. Then, the disc is raised slowly toward the surface until it is once again visible.The depth, in centimeters, are again noted.Lastly, calculate the average between these two values (the depths at which the discdisappeared, and where it came back into view) toobtain the Secchi disc depth (Sd).


First measurement(when disc disappears) = 646 cm

Second measurement(when disc reappears) = 639 cm

Average Sd = (646 cm + 639 cm)/2 = 642.5 cm; this is theSecchidisc’s depth.

To convert the Sd from centimeters to meters, do the following:

Obtained value= 642.5 cm

Conversion factor: 1 cm = 10-2 m


642.5 cm 10-2 m= 642.5 x 10-2 m = 6.425 m = 6.42 m 1 cm

Note: Scientific notation and rounding will be reviewed in this section.

When water clarityis greatly reduced in an area, the organisms living in the ocean bottom are affected because the amount of light they receive is reduced, which can limit photosynthesis and organism distribution. Seagrass meadowsare highly important ecosystems to humans, sincethey provide many products and services. Therefore, theirdegradationposes a loss not only to local ecology but also the economy.

With the Secchi disc measurements (in meters), you can calculate the maximum approximate depth at which photosynthetic organisms can live; that is to say, the depth at which enough

Taken from: http://www.seos- Commons Ta a T ken en n e ke k rom from om m fro o ro r fr f : http p tp t tt h htt ht ://w //w / w :// // :/ / w.s ww w os eosproj oj roj pro o ro pr r p ect. t. ect ct t ec c e eu/m u/m m /m / eu/ u/ eu u e dul odul l odu u d od o es/o /o s/o / es/ s/ s es e cean ean cea ce c olo o colo co o c u r/im /im m im / r/i /i r/ r ages s ges es e age ge g ag a Eut /Eut ut t /Eu u Eu /E E / oph roph h op p rop o ro r cat at t icat ica ca ic c ion ion_ i o io ecc secc sec hi h dis s is _dis di i _d d p jp .jp k.j .j k gCrea rea ea C Cre r tive e tiv iv v ti t Com C ons o mo m
Disc Light penetration in low-turbidity water Light penetration in high-turbidity water

sunlight reaches so as to permit photosynthetic processes Pf (depth to which photosynthesis can occur, or approximately 1% of lightpenetration. This is also called the euphotic zone.)Use the following mathematical formula:

Pf = Sd* 2.8

In this example, Pf = 6.42 m *2.8 = 17.98m

What this means is that, in this particular location, no photosynthetic processes can occur beyond a depth of 18 m, and therefore, no seagrasses can be found beyond that point.


Turbidity is a property expressing the degree to which the water is clear. It is measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU), Jackson Turbidity Unit (JTU) or m-1. Researcherscan calculate the maximum depth for photosynthesis(Pd)to occur if they know the turbidity quotient (k) in a location using the following formula:

Pd= ln (0.01)/k


Pd= maximum photosynthesis depth

k = turbidityquotient for a location

0.01 = the minimum percentage of solar light (1%) required for photosynthesis to occur

Before performing this laboratory activity, you can practice how to determine turbidity in a body of water. This can be done in several ways:

1.Visit the following website: Read the instructions carefully and take the measurements.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 219

2.In the classroom, you can compare two liquids of different turbidities. To do this, fill two clear containers with tap waterand add a bit of milk to one of them, making itturbid. Place the mini Secchi disc*under one of the containersand carefully observe from above. Compare your observations with the following turbidity guide:

Of the three mini discs shown here, choose the one most similar to what you observe and write the turbidity value indicated on the image (0, 40 or 100 JTU). This will be the turbidity reading for the sample. Repeat the process with the second container andcompare the two containers’ turbidity.

*Note: Remember you can obtain a Secchi disc with a water quality testing kit or you can make one yourself. You can also print and cut out the mini disc on this sheet andthe turbidity guide for practice in class.

3.Build a saltwater Secchi disc in the classroom. Visit the nearest beach in your community and use the disc to take several measurements at different points along the coast. Follow the instructions above to determine water turbidity using the Secchi disc. Write your measurements (m) in the table below:

When you finish practicing, you can complete the following laboratory on water clarity and the distribution of the seagrass meadows.

Point Secchi Depth 1 Secchi Depth 2 Average Secchi Depth 1 2 3
py O Of s sim i in t tu s se *N q qu p pr g gu

Laboratory activity: How does water turbidity affect seagrass meadow growth?

You already know about water clarity and turbidity, and how this is measured. Now you will use these concepts in a laboratory activity about turbidity and seagrass meadow growth. Follow the instructions below.

Hypothesis: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Then, compose a hypothesis using your answers as a guide.

1. Will high turbidity (or loss of water clarity) positively or negatively affect seagrass meadow growth? Explain.

2. If the water has high turbidity, can seagrasses perform photosynthesis?

Hypothesis: ______________________________________________________________________________

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 221


For this activity, you will calculate the maximum depth at which you will be able to find seagrass meadows in La Parguera, Lajas. To do this, you will use water turbidity data (turbidity quotient k measured in m-1) measured at 10 different coastal locations (all with a 20 m depth). All the data used were collected from reliable sources.

Use the data provided in the table below. The first column shows the sample points, while the second column shows the turbidity quotient at each of these points. In the third column, you must write the maximum depth (m) at which photosynthesis can occur at each sample site. To find this depth, use the previously mentioned mathematical formula:

Pd = ln (0.01) / k

Pd = 4.6052 / k

in which Pd is the maximum depth in which photosynthesis can occur, and k is the water turbidity quotient. Use the absolute (positive) value when writing your result (+).

To calculate the maximum depth, follow the steps below:

Pd = ln (0.01) / k

Pd = 4.6052 / k

Pd = 4.6052 / 0.10 m-1

Pd = 46.052 m = 46.1 m

You can also use the Excel program to calculate and graph your results on a computer. To learn how to do this, please check the instructions attached at the end of this laboratory activity.

Sample points Turbidity quotient (m-1) Maximum depth (m) for photosynthesis 1 0.10 2 0.28 3 0.30 4 0.15 5 0.20 6 0.18 7 0.24 8 0.17 9 0.14 10 0.12

Use the data you obtained to build a graph in the space provided below orbuild your graph using a spreadsheet program like Excel (see attachment). The Turbidity data belongs on the X axis, while the Maximum Depth data corresponds to the Y axis. All ten data points should be reflected on the graph. Remember to add a title, axis names, scale, and curve to your graph.

Graph interpretation: Carefully observe the graph obtained fromthe data, analyze the information,and interpret the data. Then, answer the following questions:

1.What happens to the maximum depth as water turbidity increases?

2.At how many points on the graph does enough sunlight reach the seafloor(at 20 m) to allow photosynthesis? At how many points on the graph does the bottom not receive enough light to allow photosynthesis?

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 223

3. List which sites can sustain seagrass meadows growth.

4. Suppose that water turbidity in this region is primarily related to coastal building expansion, do you believe that urban sprawl is negatively affecting seagrass growth in La Parguera? Explain your answer.

5. What is the maximum level of turbidity the seagrasses in La Parguera can tolerate in depths up to 20 m?

6. If the data gathering points were set at a depth of 10 m, how many would obtain the necessary sunlight conditions for seagrass growth?

7. If the data gathering points were set at a depth of 30 m, how many would obtain the necessary sunlight conditions for seagrass growth?


Conclusion: Write a paragraph in which you present and summarize the conclusions you reached after performing this laboratory activity. Remember to review and revise the answers you used to prepare your hypothesis at the beginning of the activity. Finally, write your recommendations for preserving this ecosystem and using it in a sustainable manner.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 225


Graphing data points in Excel

You can use software like Microsoft Excel to make your calculations and graph the results on a computer. To do this, follow the steps outlined below:

1.Write the names of the ten sampling points in the first column.

2.Write the turbidity data for each point in the second column. column.


3.In the third column, calculate the maximum depth for photosynthesis at each location by clicking the empty cell and writing:

=4.6052/(here, you will point your cursor on the cell on the left; that is to say, the cell with the turbidity value) and press Enter.Then, copy this formula to the rest of the column.

After pressing Enter, you’ll see the formula’s result.Then, select the cell with this result andpress Copy

After writing this number and pressing the first cell with the turbidity value, press Enter.

After copying the first cell, shadow the remaining cells and press Paste. You’ll see the maximum depth values. You can also ask the program to round the results to a decimal point.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 227

You can use the Excel program’s graphing to display your data following these steps:

1.Shade the columns with the Turbidity and Maximum Depth values.

2.Go to the Insert tab on the upper ribbon and hover over the area labeled Charts. Choose the Scatter graph. The graph with the dots should appear.

Shade the columns.
Scatter graph

3.Click the left mouse button on one of these dots, which will in turn select all of them.

4.Then, draw a line that unites the dots consecutively. With the right mouse button, choose the Add a trendline option and select the exponential option. A line will appear over the dots indicating the distribution trend for the gathered data. Note: Don’t forget to add the title and the axis labels.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 229

Unit: Marine ecosystems

Seagrass zona on Seagrass distribu on in Puerto Rico and around the world

Time: 1 or more class periods (the teacher will adjust, according to the grade and group)

Teaching strategy: ECA

Phases: conceptualiza on and applica on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: review, coopera ve work, discussion, conference, homework

Assessment technique: maps (interac ve or paper-based)

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology, Social Studies, Geography


• Seagrass meadows - Teacher’s Guide

• Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM

• Slideshow – Seagrass meadows

• Map of the rivers in Puerto Rico (if the ac vity will be digital, they will need a computer and digital maps)

• World map (if the ac vity will be digital, they will need a computer and digital maps)

Note: All digital materials are included in the CD-ROM included with this guide.

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Processing thinking de Level III: Strategic thinking

Objec ves:

A er studying the Seagrass zona on and Seagrass distribu on in Puerto Rico and around the world topics, the student will be able to:

• explain ver cal zona on in Puerto Rico’s seagrasses. (conceptual)

• iden fy seagrass species according to their posi on in ver cal zoning. (conceptual)

• iden fy the places in Puerto Rico in which seagrass can thrive. (procedural)

• use the knowledge acquired to predict the places around the world in which seagrasses grow and develop. (procedural)

• demonstrate apprecia on for the conserva on of the seagrass ecosystem. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class is included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es: A.


1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on: “Belief that ‘nature’ is inexhaus ble is a widely-spread mistake”. Konrad Lorenz

4. In previous classes, the students learned about seagrasses, the types of seagrasses exis ng in Puerto Rico, and the condi ons they need to grow and thrive. Now students will learn about the importance to study these grasses’ zona on and seagrass distribu on in Puerto Rico and the world. The teacher will begin by showing the following ver cal seagrass zoning image (included in the CD).

The image the teacher will show the students does not have the names of the seagrasses, since the students will be asked to carefully observe the image and a empt to iden fy the species using the knowledge gained from previous classes.

A er the students iden fy the 4 seagrass species, the teacher will tell them that seagrasses follow a ver cal zoning. The teacher should be sure to note that this distribu on is not as strictly delineated as shown the image. In reality, several of these species overlap in their zona on and are found intermixed in the same meadow or area. Generally speaking, the first one found when proceeding seaward from shore is shoal grass, found in the shallower areas. Then, one may find turtle grass and manatee grass. Although the image shows turtle grass appearing first, it o en mixes with manatee grass. Then, at deeper levels, one can find paddle grass.

Ver cal zona on of the four (4) seagrass species commonly found in Puerto Rico, along a depth gradient. Paddle grass Halophila decipiens Manatee grass Syringodium filiforme Turtle grass Thalassia testudinum Shoalgrass Halodule wrigh i

B. Development

1. A er studying the seagrasses and their ver cal zona on, students will be guided to learning about the places in Puerto Rico where seagrasses can thrive. To do this, the teacher must integrate concepts from Social Studies and Geography. The students will separate into smaller sub-groups and each group will receive a sheet with ques ons about the rivers in Puerto Rico; these ques ons will be answered as a group using the informa on assigned during the previous class. Furthermore, the groups will receive a map (included in the CD), that can be either printed and handed out, or projected, depending on the available resources. There are two op ons for comple ng this ac vity:

a. Students will be given a map of the rivers in Puerto Rico which, based on previously studied condi ons and understanding that rivers discharge water and sediment into the sea (which increases water turbidity), they can use to determine the places in Puerto Rico where seagrasses can grow abundantly. Students must write the names of the rivers and towns and indicate if seagrass meadows could thrive in the area or not.

b. If a computer is available, you can use the interac ve map found in the CD-ROM included with this guide. The map will ask the user to click on the areas in which seagrasses could be found. The student will click the square corresponding to their answer. The interac ve map will tell the student if their choice was correct or not.


 It should be pointed out that the most voluminous rivers in Puerto Rico are found to the north of the island. Therefore, that is where most sediments are discharged, which could impact the growth and development of large seagrass meadows (along with factors such as surf condi ons, current speed, water depth, and others). Each student can be asked to research two rivers (one in the north and one in the south). Then, the group will come together to complete the ac vity. The teacher should assign for each student to research a different set of rivers (use the map included in this guide). Furthermore, the teacher must emphasize that water turbidity is not the only factor influencing seagrass meadows development. It is meant to be used as a star ng point for the discussion.

 An emphasis must be made on the importance of maps as a valuable tool to help us be er know and understand our planet.

2. When the ac vity is finished, each sub-group’s leader will present their answers to the class. Time will be provided to discuss the places in Puerto Rico in which this ecosystem can be found and review the necessary condi ons for this. The teacher must emphasize that there are a variety of factors whose combined impact governs where seagrasses can grow, and the interac on of these factors determines whether or not seagrasses can exist in a par cular loca on. The teacher can also explain why the most heavy-flowing rivers are to the north, and why there are no seagrass meadows in the areas with these rivers (changes in salinity and the turbidity these rivers produce inhibit seagrass growth, to name some of these limita ons).

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 233

C. Closing

1. To conclude the class, students will be offered a world map. Students must use the knowledge acquired to indicate the places around the world in which seagrasses can grow. This me, they will write the oceans in which seagrasses grow, considering the condi ons necessary for their development. Furthermore, students will iden fy which parts of the ocean are more likely to promote seagrass growth (near of far from con nents). IIf computers are available, students can determine if their answers are correct using the interac ve map. If the technology is unavailable, they can perform the ac vity using the map included in this guide.

Oceans around the world in which seagrasses grow (the teacher will review the oceans with the students and then the students will use this informa on to iden fy those where seagrasses can grow):  Atlan c Ocean  Indian Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Seagrasses are found near the con nents since the waters there are shallower and allow more sunlight to penetrate.

2. Students will be asked to summarize, in one sentence, what they have learned in the day’s class.

3. Address any remaining ques ons about the topic.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to complete their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.


Ocean literacy: Essen al principles and fundamental concepts

Principle 1: “The Earth has one big Ocean with many features.”

g. The ocean is connected to major lakes, watersheds, and waterways because all major watersheds on Earth drain to the ocean. Rivers and streams transport nutrients, salts, sediments, and pollutants from watersheds to estuaries and to the ocean.

Principle 5: “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”

e. The ocean provides a vast living space with diverse and unique ecosystems from the surface through the water column and down to, and below, the seafloor. Most of the living space on Earth is in the ocean.

h. Tides, waves, preda on, substrate, and/or other factors cause ver cal zona on pa erns along the coast: density, pressure, and light levels cause ver cal zona on pa erns in the open ocean. Zona on pa erns influence organisms’ distribu on and diversity.

Content standards and grade expecta ons


Standard: Conserva on and change

Expecta ons and indicators:

Ecosystems: Interac ons, energy, and dynamics

ES.B.CB2.CC.1 Iden fies environmental factors to argue about the posi ve and nega ve effects they have on popula on growth.

ES.B.CB2.CC.2 Builds a model that represents and explains the sequence in the steps involved in ecologic succession in an ecosystem.

Environmental Sciences

Standard: Subject organiza on levels and structure

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth systems

ES.A.CT2.EM.4 Gathers evidence about the geological origin, loca on, and the importance of Puerto Rico’s natural resources, and compares this evidence with that related to the other major islands in the An lles.

ES.A.CT2.EM.5 Iden fies the characteris cs of a tropical region to establish a contrast with the natural environment in other world regions.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 235
Tomado del Ocean Literacy Network.

University of Puerto Rico

MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram Seagrasses

Mapof the rivers inPuerto Rico -Where do seagrasses develop?


Instructions: Carefully observe the following map showing the rivers in Puerto Rico. Identify where the rivers with the largest volume or flo ware located, as well as the lowerflowing rivers. Then, based on this information, determine which areas along the Puerto Ricocoastline foster health y development of seagrasses.

Write the name of the river, the town in which the river is loca ted, and if seagrasses can grow there or not. When writing the names of the rivers and towns, you can refer to the maps included here. Note: For seagrasses to develop, a combination of factors has to occur; however, for this activity, we will only use river flow. The river’s flow determines the turbidity in the locations in which they flow into the sea.

Rivers ofPuerto Rico

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 237
_________________________Date: _____________________________
_______________________Grade-Group: _______________________
Large volume rivers in Puerto Rico 1.______________ 2.______________ 3.______________ 4.______________ 5.______________ 6.______________ 7.______________ 8.______________ 9.______________ 10.______________

Rivers ofPuerto Rico

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 239
Puerto Ricoand its towns

University of Puerto Rico

Mayagüez Campus

Sea Grant Program


Where are seagrasses located around the world?





Instructions: In the following world map, identify each of the oceans. Write the ocean names in the corresponding area. Then, observe the different empty squares on the map ( )and write a checkmark ( ) on the places whereseagrasses can be found. To determine this, you must remember the conditions seagrasses need in order to thrive, and if these grasses grow near or far from the shore . Taken from: large_blank_world_map_with_oceans_marked_in_blue.svg

Caballito de mar residente mar residente.

Time: 1 or more class periods (the teacher will adjust, according to the grade and group)

Teaching strategy: ECA

Phases: conceptualiza on and applica on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: roleplay, review, discussion, conference, homework

Assessment technique: Open ques ons

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology


• Seagrass meadows - Teacher’s Guide

• Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM

• Slideshow – Seagrass meadows

• Song: I am the Seagrass (included in the CD-ROM)

• Instruc on sheet for the Go Hide! game

• Small cardboard box, construc on paper or cardstock, paper clips (if choosing the second op on for the Go Hide! game)

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Processing thinking de

Level III: Strategic thinking

Level IV: Extended thinking

Unit: Marine ecosystems Importance of seagrasses

Objec ves:

A er studying the topic Importance of seagrasses, the student will be able to:

• iden fy the importance of seagrasses. (conceptual)

• analyze the importance of seagrasses to the marine environment. (procedural)

• explain this ecosystem’s importance. (conceptual)

• build a food chain to highlight the importance of seagrasses as a primary producer. (procedural)

• value the importance of this ecosystem and protect it. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan.

* Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class are included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.


Ac vi es:

A. Beginning

1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on: “Nature does nothing superfluous, nothing useless and knows how to extract mul ple effects from a single cause.” Copernicus

4. Before the students get to the classroom, the teacher should arrange the chairs in an oval or oblong shape, with an empty space in the center.

5. To begin studying the importance of seagrasses, the teacher will show the students the Seagrasses video recorded by the University of Puerto Rico’s Sea Grant Program. The video can be accessed through the following link: h p:// watch?v=BtA5huSBEZo. The video is also included in the CD-ROM included with this guide.

A er watching the video, the teacher will use open ques ons to get the students to provide their thoughts on the ecosystem and its importance. The teacher may ask ques ons such as: What are the seagrass meadows’ func ons? Why is this ecosystem important? What benefits does it offer the species that live there, as well as human beings? To answer these ques ons, the students will use what they observed in the video as well as their own experience. The teacher will not evaluate or correct student contribu ons, only acknowledge them and move on to the next part of the lesson.

B. Development

1. The teacher should have selected one of the two op ons presented below for the Go hide! role-playing ac vity prior to the class period. Direct the students in how to proceed with


the chosen op on. The detailed instruc ons can be found in the ac vity sheet, but here is a general breakdown.

First op on:

This game will be split in two parts:

First part: Some students will act like seagrasses. Other students will role-play the fish and animals hiding among the seagrasses. One student will perform the role of the predator. Then, the ones playing seagrasses will stand near one another and move all together, swaying back and forth without moving their feet. The students playing the fish will hide behind the seagrass, and the predator will a empt to flush out and ‘catch’ the fish. Students will analyze how easy it is for the predator to catch the prey.

Second part: The second me around, the students playing seagrass will be reduced to just a few, like 4 students or so. They will be spaced at a distance from one another. The number of students role-playing the fish and the predator will remain the same. Now, the ac vity resumes as before, with the grasses swaying and the predator a emp ng to flush out and catch the fish. As before, the students must analyze how easy it was for the predator to catch prey.

With this exercise, the students will note that when there’s abundant seagrass, the predator has a more difficult me catching prey. This is one of the facets that make seagrasses important. It provides a safe refuge for fish, mollusk and shellfish juveniles and larvae.

Second op on:

If the first op on for the game cannot be performed due to space constraints or any other reason, here’s an alterna ve version:

• Find two (2) cardboard boxes; shoe boxes would be great.

• In the first box, add many strips of card stock or construc on paper (simula ng the seagrasses). Then, add loose paper clips, which will simulate the small fish and larvae inhabi ng the ecosystem.

• In the second box, only add a few paper strips, while adding the same amount of loose paper clips.

The students will close their eyes and then a empt to pick paper clips out of the box. They should realize that it is difficult to find the paper clips in the box with a lot of paper strips, which will enable them to analyze the importance of seagrasses.

2. A er students have analyzed this par cular relevance, the teacher will project the slideshow presenta on about the seagrasses, par cularly focusing on the sec on tled Importance of

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 245

seagrasses. Here, the teacher will discuss with the students these important facets, linking the topic with the previous ac vi es.

Importance of seagrasses:

 They serve as habitat, refuge, nursery and feeding grounds for many species.

 They protect species that are valuable to the fish and seafood industry, and thus provide food and economic stability for humankind.

 They prevent coastal erosion.

 This ecosystem is connected to the mangrove forests and the coral reefs. This helps stabilize the coastal environment.

 They are primary producers, perform photosynthesis and produce mass quan es of oxygen and organic ma er.

When talking about seagrasses as primary producers, it is important for the teacher to offer a brief summary of the elements comprising a food chain. Students should review concepts like producers, consumers, and decomposers. They can also recall that plants are primary producers and can obtain energy from the sun. This should only be a quick review of key subjects.

C. Closing

1. To conclude the class, the teacher will encourage the students to listen, sing and dance to the I am the seagrass ‘Bomba’ song. This song is included in the CD-ROM included with this guide. While the song is playing, the students should pay a en on to the necessary condi ons for seagrass growth, as well as the importance of this ecosystem.

2. When the song ends, the teacher will ask the students to iden fy the seagrass’s importance and men on the necessary condi ons for seagrass development (as a review). Then, the students will be asked to explain (in a summarized form) these concepts of importance. With this, students will review the subject studied and solidify their learning.

3. Any remaining ques ons will be addressed.


Students will have two (2) homework assignments:

1. Students will be asked to complete a food chain, star ng with the primary producer; in this case, seagrass. They must use the knowledge they already have about the food chain to make up the seagrass food chain. They can create a digital food chain using programs like Word, PowerPoint, or websites like or These sites allow you to make diagrams using images. The CD-ROM accompanying this guide includes images you may use. You can also find appropriate images on the internet.

If computers aren’t available, the students can use illustra ons and glue them to a poster board or a piece of paper. Another op on is drawing the organisms and link them in a food chain.


If the students use any type of computer program or websites, they can send the teacher their food chains through email; then the teacher will project them for the rest of the class. If no technology is available, the students will bring in their food chains on poster boards or construc on paper.

Note: Neither the Sea Grant Program nor the University of Puerto Rico are affiliated to the programs or brands men oned here for illustra ve purposes.

They must look for informa on about objects, situa ons or behaviors that threaten seagrasses, whether natural or anthropogenic (caused by humans). They must also look for informa on about the methods or alterna ves to protect and preserve these plants. The students will use this informa on to create a law during a legisla ve session. This session will be performed in the following classes.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to complete their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 247

Ocean literacy: Essen al Principles and Fundamental Concepts

Principle 4: “The ocean made Earth habitable.”

a. Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere originally came from the ac vi es of photosynthe c organisms in the ocean. This accumula on of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere was necessary for life to develop and be sustained on land

Principle 5: “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”

e. The ocean provides a vast living space with diverse and unique ecosystems from the surface through the water column and down to, and below, the seafloor. Most of the living space on Earth is in the ocean.

i. Estuaries provide important and produc ve nursery areas for many marine and aqua c species.

Principle 6: “The ocean and humans are inextricably connected.”

a. The ocean affects every human life. It supplies freshwater (most rain comes from the ocean) and nearly all Earth’s oxygen. The ocean moderates the Earth’s climate, influences our weather, and affects human health.

b. The ocean provides foods, medicines, and mineral and energy resources. It supports jobs and na onal economies, serves as a highway for transporta on of goods and people, and plays a role in na onal security.

c. The ocean is a source of inspira on, recrea on, rejuvena on, and discovery. It is also an important element in the heritage of many cultures.

f. Much of the world’s popula on lives in coastal areas. Coastal regions are suscep ble to natural hazards (tsunamis, hurricanes, cyclones, sea level change, and storm surges).

Taken from Ocean Literacy Network

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Environmental Sciences

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth Systems

ES.A.CT2.IE.11 Discusses the importance of aqua c ecosystems for water-dependent species and proposes alterna ves for their conserva on.

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth and Human Ac vity

ES.A.CT3.IE.3 Describes the value of the ecosystems and argues about the importance of their conserva on and protec on, as well as the conserva on and protec on of their organisms, including the specificity of Puerto Rico’s ecosystems and organisms.

Expecta ons and indicators:

From molecules to organisms: structures and processes

ES.A.CB1.IE.12 Analyzes the roles played and establishes connec ons between the producers, the consumers, and the decomposers in an ecosystem’s food chain and web, and explains that the food, or trophic, chain is an example of the mutual rela onship of survival between species.

ES.A.CB1.IE.13 Represents the food interdependence with diagrams that illustrate trophic chains and nets and establishes interdependent rela onships between the elements in an ecosystem, between the ecosystems themselves, and between them and the planet.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 249

Go Hide!

Seagrasses provide valuable habitat for many small fish and crustaceans. When seagrasses thrive, predators have a difficult time finding prey hiding in the grass. However, areas with little or no grass offer almost no hiding areas for animals.


Use a role-playing game to represent the protection afforded by seagrasses to fish and crustaceansby seagrasses. To do this, you will need a clock or a stopwatch.

You will need to choose the following:

10 to15 students who will represent seagrass

3 students who will represent prey (smaller students are best for this exercise)

1student who will represent the predator (the biggest student in class would be best)

The exercise consists of a sort of modified game of ‘Tag’ in which the predator will have to trap (tag) the three preyswithin 30 seconds in two different scenarios: with abundant seagrass or little to no seagrass. Move to an open spot in the classroom or inthe school yard, if possible. Designate the area in which the activity will take place; it should not be the whole yard. Start with none or sparse‘seagrasses’ (just a few studentsplaying the seagrass roles). Send the prey to the designated area with little or no seagrass. The predator should be looking in another direction while the students take up their places. Once everyone is in place, start the clock. Whenever the predator tags a prey, the prey must leave the game. This will go on until the clock reaches 0 or thereisno more prey.

During the abundant seagrass scenario, the prey and the seagrass alike will take position in the designated area. Seagrasses cannot move their feet, but they can imitate the way a seagrass stem would move in the sea: they can move their arms and bodies and sway as if the water was moving them. The prey will move around the grass and hide. The predator CANNOT push the seagrass. Follow the same instructions as in the previous scenario. At the end of the 30 second count, or when there isno more prey, the activity ends.



After the activity, ask the students to discuss the fundamental difference between the two scenarios. In the abundant seagrass scenario, the predator should have had a tougher time tagging the prey, if any were in fact tagged. In the scenario with little or no seagrass, it should have been much easier for the predator to tag the prey. This happens because seagrasses offer protection to organisms or hides them from predators.

Remember to emphasize organism interdependence and behavior.

Second option


Construction paper

80 paper clips

4 blindfolds

2 plastic or cardboard containers that are wider than they are deep


Cut the construction paper in long strips to represent blades of seagrass. Place all the paper strips in one of the containers. Put half the paper clips in the container with the construction paper strips. Place several of the clips on the strips and scatter the rest on the container bottom. The other half of the clips should be placed in the container without paper strips. Choose 4 students to perform this activity. Use the blindfolds to cover the four students’ eyes. Assign two students per container. Each team will have 30 seconds to find clips in their containers (students can only attempt to collect the clips; they cannot feel around on the bottom of the box but must only pick out what they first touch or grab onto.) All the clips found by the teams will be deposited beside the box. At the end of the 30 seconds, count the clips taken from each box.


Once the activity is finished, ask them what the fundamental difference between the two containers was. Make the connection between the paper strips and seagrasses. The team with the “seagrasses” (paper strips) usually finds fewer paper clips than the team with no seagrasses. This happens because seagrasses offer protection to organisms or hides them from predators.

Remember to emphasize organism interdependence and behavior.

Activity taken and adapted from the following address:

Ac vity taken and adapted from the following address: h p:// on/

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 251


Author: David R.

Adapted by: Jorge I. Casillas Maldonado, Delmis del C. Alicea SegarraandLeróMartínez Roldán

Interpreted by: LeróMartínez Roldán

Translated by: Wilmarie Cruz Franceschi


Yo soy la hierba marina-I am the seagrass

Que cerca de la costa yace-Lying by the coast

Poco oleaje me place-Smallwaves suit me

Y un agua que sea cristalina–And so does clear water


Me vienen a visitar-I receive daily visits

Las picúas y mant arrayas–From the stingrays and barracuda

Se vienen a deleitar-They come overand delight

En mi pradera de playa-In my beach meadow

Y se asoman por mi vera-I can also count on seeing

El carrucho y la langosta-The lobster and the conch

Los recibo con cariño-I receive them both with joy

Sumergida aquí en la costa-submerged here under the sea

Soy la pradera marina-I am the seagrass meadow

El suelo a mis raíces da anclaje-I anchor my roots in the soil

Aunque con trato salvaje-Although rough treatment hurts me

La basura a mí me arruina-And garbage suffocates me

En mis hojas se aposenta-My leaves offer shelter

El erizo y el pepino-The urchin and the sea cucumber

Yuna estrella de mar vino-And a seastar dropped by Porque aquí ella se alimenta-Because it finds food here

Yo soy la hierba marina-I am the seagrass Donde hay variedad de especies-where lots of different species live Unas visibles pa’que las aprecies-Some are plain to see Y unas pocas clandestinas-While others are harder to find

Yo doy vida doy calor-I offer life, I offer warmth

Soy la pradera marina-I am the seagrass meadow

Ven trátame con amor-Come treat me with love

Yo vivo si tú me cuidas-I will survive if you take care of me

25 252


University of Puerto Rico

MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram






Instructions: Carefully observe the following diagram and use what you learne d in class to build aseagrass foodchain. Draw the elements composing this foodchain in the boxes provided and write the name for each element in the space below.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 253

Time: 4 periods or more (the teacher will determine this according to their grade and group)

Teaching strategy: ECA

Phases: conceptualiza on and applica on

Teaching methods: Demonstra ve, exposi onal, inquisi ve, ac on or ac vity

Teaching techniques: coopera ve work, review, discussion, conference, homework

Assessment technique: Cause and effect diagram, crossword puzzle, food chain diagram, open ques ons, legal bill

Integra on with other subjects: Biology, Ecology, Social Studies


• Seagrass meadows - Teacher’s Guide

• CD-ROM included in the Teacher’s Guide

• Presenta on – Seagrass meadows

• Cause and effect diagram sheet

• Crossword puzzle (interac ve in the CD-ROM as well as in paper)

• Document showing an amendment to a legal bill

• Cons tu on of Puerto Rico

Taxonomy type: N. Webb (2005)

Depth of knowledge levels:

Level I: Memory thinking

Level II: Processing thinking de

Level III: Strategic thinking

Level IV: Extended thinking

Unit: Marine ecosystems

Threats and conserva on methods

Objec ves:

A er studying the Threats and conserva on methods theme, the students will be able to:

• remember the basic elements in the food chain, using as an example the seagrass’s food chain. (conceptual)

• researches possible factors threatening and impac ng seagrass ecosystems. (procedimental)

• analyze seagrass conserva on methods. (conceptual)

• iden fy these conserva on methods. (procedural)

• proposes effec ve and viable solu ons to conserve and protect this ecosystem. (procedural)

• jus fies the proposed alterna ves based on scien fic informa on. (procedural)

• evaluates the possible solu ons posed by their peers to verify their viability. (procedural)

• create a legal bill that promotes seagrass ecosystem conserva on and sustainable use. (procedural)

• become aware of the importance of collabora ng in the conserva on, care and protec on of the seagrass ecosystem. (a tudinal)

• share informa on with their peers. (a tudinal)

* Content standards and grade expecta ons from the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on Science Program can be found at the end of each lesson plan. * Fact sheets, assessment tools and other educa onal material to be used during each class are included at the end of each lesson plan and in the Guide’s CD.

Ac vi es:

A. Beginning

1. Gree ngs

2. Administra ve business – roll call, etc. (performed internally)

3. Reflec on: “In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.” Robert Green Ingersoll

4. Prior to class, the teacher should select a few students’ food chains to highlight during the class. For the selected food chains, students will display and describe/explain them to their peers, either on their poster boards, or projected on the board (for those that may have been submi ed via email.) Those food chains that weren’t selected for highligh ng will be part of a classroom exhibit or photographed and posted in a class blog or website, if they have one. The teacher should use this opportunity to review the elements of food chains, including trophic levels and the flow of energy between them, and other important food chain/ food web concepts. Students should understand that the seagrass food chain is just one example of a food chain, and that plants are important primary producers. The teacher should use open-ended ques ons to help students reflect on and remember these concepts.

B. Development

1. The teacher will divide the class into sub-groups to work on the topics of threats to seagrasses and conserva on methods for preserving them. Students will bring out their homework and discuss among themselves the threats they found. A er discussing these threats, they will begin searching for alterna ve ac ons or behaviors or possible solu ons to prevent these threats. However, the students should not limit their discussions to ways of protec ng seagrasses, but also discuss which of these ideas are viable and can be formalized into a legal bill.

Photo provided by Mr. Edwin Más González, NRCS-USDA.

2. A er the discussion, the teacher will hand out the Cause and Effect Diagram exercise sheet. If the technology is available, the students can make the diagram on the computer, using the interac ve pdf document included. In this diagram, students will write a cause for seagrasses being endangered in each bubble. Use the blue lines to write more details or to briefly explain the cause wri en in the bubble. On the last blue line, the students must write a possible solu on to this cause. Students can follow the example given in the diagram. The Causes can be categorized into two dis nct areas, which students must determine: natural causes, or anthropogenic (human-made) causes.

Threats to seagrasses:


 Removing or destroying seagrasses.

 Boat traffic - When traveling in shallow water at high speeds, watercra propellors can fragment or tear seagrasses from the sediment.

 Incorrect anchoring – Watercra drop their anchors among the seagrass meadows and damage or uproot them.

 Increased sedimenta on – Some landbased ac vi es can cause sediment discharge. This increases water turbidity, reducing the amount of sunlight able to reach the seagrasses, thereby reducing photosynthesis.

 Eutrophiza on – Fer lizers and pes cides from land-based ac vi es harm seagrasses because the excess nutrients cause algae to overgrow the seagrasses, blocking sunlight and preven ng seagrass photosynthesis.


 Storms and hurricanes – The surges caused by these weather phenomena can uproot and destroy seagrasses.

 Climate change – These changes cause temperature and water salinity varia ons, adversely affec ng seagrasses.

3. A er students complete their diagrams, each sub-group will select a leader to present and explain the reasons they think these events threaten seagrasses. The teacher will then reiterate and further explain these threats, as needed.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 257

C. Closing

1. To wrap up the class, the teacher will ask the students to create an animated digital announcement asking the general public to preserve seagrass meadows. The students can use any of these websites or any other site or program that allows them to make their banner:

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://

h p://www.anvso .com/flash-banner-maker.html

h p://

Some of these websites ask for users to create a free account before allowing them to make banners of any size, while others don’t ask for anything. The banner can be uploaded to the class blog, or on the class computer so it can be projected. If the technology is unavailable, the students can draw or otherwise cra their banners.

Second op on:

To conclude the class, the students will be asked to complete an interac ve crossword puzzle about the topic (on the computer). If computers are not available, print copies of the crossword puzzle can be made from the guide and the accompanying CD-ROM.


2. Then, the teacher will explain that the exercise in which they discussed viable ideas that can be adapted into law, will be used to create a legal bill for a mock legisla ve session they will conduct. The teacher will tell the students that this process will be taught over the next several classes.

3. Address any remaining ques ons about the topic.


1. Students research informa on about the ecosystem they wish to protect, the alterna ves they propose to ensure its protec on, previously established Puerto Rico laws designed to protect this or any other marine ecosystem, publicly-held town mee ngs, dra s, etc. They can use the internet and other reputable sources to do this research. To see the laws in Puerto Rico, they can visit : or h p://, to name a few websites. Always remember to properly credit and cite the sources used. The teacher should review the ethical aspects of using material created by another person or en ty, found in the Internet, in books or through any other method or source.

Note: To look for informa on about seagrass meadows, they can also visit the Marine Educa on and Informa on Resource Center. The MEIRC is located in the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Room 301 in the Physics Building.

Praxis reflec on:

The reflec on will be performed by the teacher at the end of class.

Reasonable accommoda on:

Reasonable accommoda on will be offered to all students who need it. Students with physical or cogni ve difficul es will be offered reasonable me in which to complete their tasks, tutoring during office hours and all the necessary opportuni es, according to their par cular cases.

Second period:

1. The teacher should integrate with the Social Studies class and invite that subject’s teacher to offer a brief discussion or workshop about Puerto Rico’s government, its three powers (judicial, execu ve and legisla ve branches), how the legisla ve branch works and how legisla ve sessions are carried out. To do this, you may use the Cons tu on of Puerto Rico, found in the following links and in the CD-ROM accompanying this manual:

h p:// tucion/

h p:// tucion/cons tucion2.pdf – direct link to the document

h p://

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 259

The students must be instructed on how to dra and compose a legal bill and the legally required components of such a bill: Also, they should learn the process for amending exis ng laws and present an example of this. The advisor to the Senate president of Puerto Rico has created a slideshow about this topic, which can be found here: h p:// va/Documents/Redacci%C3%B3n%20T%C3%A9cnica%20 Legisla va%20y%20Calidad%20de%20la%20Ley.pdf

This document explains all the procedure for dra ing and submi ng a legal bill. The CDROM accompanying this manual has a sample of an amendment to a legal bill.

Third period

1. During the third period, the students should bring in all the informa on they found about the seagrass ecosystem and about dra ing a legal bill. They will also be given the document containing the instruc ons for dra ing a legal bill and an example of an approved legal bill. The teacher will then give them me to work in their subgroups where they will discuss their research and produce a wri en dra of their proposed bill.

2. Each sub-group can suggest many ways to promote the ecosystem’s preserva on and sustainable use. The teacher will assist throughout the en re process, answering ques ons or clarifying informa on and offering direc on at all mes. To finish the project’s dra ing outside the classroom, the students should communicate through the use of technological tools such as email, Google Drive, Skype, Zoom, Ovoo, or other such free services.


Fourth period

1. Students will come prepared to carry out the mock legisla ve session in which their legal bill will be discussed for a vote. A student should act the role of the president, and the classroom should be arranged to simulate the session. In general terms, in a legisla ve session, a legislator or a group of legislators proposes the legal bill, while the other legislators express their approval or rejec on. They must jus fy their decision either way. In this case, to make sure all students work on the legal bill dra ing process, each sub-group will present their proposal. While a sub-group presents, the other students should be a en ve so they can jus fy their support or rejec on to the proposed project. They can also propose amendments. This process will be performed with all the sub-groups. One of the legislators (students) can propose that a single project be dra ed that incorporates all the groups’ proposals. At the end, the legisla ve session president will call for a vote on this final mo on, and the legislators (students) will vote for approval or rejec on of the legal bill with all the proposed amendments and alterna ves.

2. Students should reunite to write a single document containing what was approved in the legisla ve session and hand it to the teacher for grading.

3. The document created by the students can be collected in the library and/or in the course blog for public access.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 261

Oceanic Literacy: Essen al Principles and Fundamental Concepts

Principle 1: “The Earth has one big Ocean with many features.”

g. The ocean is connected to major lakes, watersheds, and waterways because all major watersheds on Earth drain to the ocean. Rivers and streams transport nutrients, salts, sediments, and pollutants from watersheds to estuaries and to the ocean.

h. Although the ocean is large, it is finite and resources are limited.

Principle 6: “The ocean and humans are inextricably connected.”

d. Humans affect the ocean in a variety of ways. Laws, regula ons, and resource management affect what is taken out and put into the ocean. Human development and ac vity leads to pollu on (point source, non-point source, and noise pollu on), changes to ocean chemistry (ocean acidifica on) and physical modifica ons (changes to beaches, shores, and rivers). In addi on, humans have removed most of the large vertebrates from the ocean.

f. Much of the world’s popula on lives in coastal areas. Coastal regions are suscep ble to natural hazards (tsunamis, hurricanes, cyclones, sea level change, and storm surges).

g. Everyone is responsible for caring for the ocean. The ocean sustains life on Earth and humans must live in ways that sustain the ocean. Individual and collec ve ac ons are needed to effec vely manage ocean resources for all.

Content standards and grade expecta ons

Earth and space sciences

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth and human ac vity

EI.T.CT3.IE.2 Builds an evidence-supported argument about how the increase in human popula on and the per capita consump on of natural resources impacts Earth systems.

Taken from Ocean Literacy Network

Standard: Conserva on and change

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth and human ac vity

EI.T.CT3.CC.1 Applies scien fic principles when designing a monitoring method to minimize human impact on the environment.


Standard: Conserva on and change

Expecta ons and indicators:

Ecosystems: Interac ons, energy and dynamics

ES.B.CB2.CC.4 Designs, evaluates, and refines a solu on for reducing human ac vity impacts on the environment and biodiversity.

Expecta ons and indicators:

Biological evolu on: Unity and diversity

ES.B.CB4.CC.1 Evaluates the evidence suppor ng claims that changes in environmental condi ons can result in: (1) increase in the number of individuals in a species; (2) a surge in new species; and (3) the ex nc on of other species.

ES.B.CB4.CC.3 Analyzes how humans have the responsibility of maintaining the environment in good condi on, assuring species’ survival.

Environmental Sciences

Standard: Interac ons and energy

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth systems

ES.A.CT2.IE.11 Discusses the importance of aqua c ecosystems to water-dependent species and proposes alterna ves for their conserva on.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 263

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth and human ac vity

ES.A.CT3.IE.3 Describes the ecosystem’s value and argues about the importance of its conserva on and protec on, and the conserva on and protec on of its organisms, including the specificity of the ecosystems and organisms found in Puerto Rico.

ES.A.CT3.IE.6 Evaluates documents and communica ons about laws and government projects regarding environmental conserva on.

Standard: Conserva on and change

Expecta ons and indicators:

Earth and human ac vity

ES.A.CT3.CC.2 Uses technology to illustrate the rela onships between natural resource management, human popula on sustainability and biodiversity.

ES.A.CT3.CC.4 Uses representa ons to illustrate the rela onships between Earth systems and how these rela onships are modified by human ac vity.

ES.A.CT3.CC.6 Evaluates or proposes a technological solu on that reduces human ac vity impacts on natural systems.


ES.A.CT3.CC.7 Evaluates environmental laws affec ng Puerto Rico’s geography and topography and proposes solu ons to eliminate or lessen the effects of several environmental problems in Puerto Rico.

ES.A.CT3.CC.8 Poses solu ons that consider Puerto Rico’s scien fic and economic development in rela on to the natural environment.

ES.A.CT3.CC.9 Proposes alterna ves that help preserve our ecosystems for future genera ons, making sure they include economic development and sustainability.

ES.A.CT3.CC.13 Builds a model that demonstrates how the balance in the environmental systems is affected if it is altered beyond its tolerance capacity.

Standard: Engineering design

Expecta ons and indicators:

Defines and limits engineering problems

ES.A.IT1.IT.3 Proposes effec ve ways to create awareness and promote possible solu ons to environmental problems such as air, soil, and water pollu on, waste management, species, and resource protec on, as well as sustainable development.

ES.A.IT1.IT.9 Iden fies innova ve projects that allow for sustainable development.

ES.A.IT1.IT.11 Analyzes situa ons and make individual and group decisions to environmental problems.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 265

University of Puerto Rico

–Carefully listen to the Pepe Uca, To the Rescue! story and write in each bubble the reasons seagrasses are in danger. Then, in the blank spaces, write some details about each reason you wrote in the bubbles. Follow the example provided. Remember you can also write causes not mentioned in the story.

Effect: Seagrasses are in danger.

Cause and effect diagram

Mayagüez Campus Sea Grant Program

University ofPuerto Rico


Sea GrantProgram

Seagrasses: A delicate ecosystem

Name: Date:

Teacher: Grade-Group:

Instructions: Seagrass meadowsare fragile ecosystems. This meansthat theyare easily damaged. Humans can destroy this ecosystem in several ways. Can you find any of the ways in which people harm seagrass meadows? Carefully read each statement and fill in the crossword puzzle. Use the word bank as a reference.

Word bank


















sea ecosystem


4. Too many _____________ can cause an algae bloom and harm seagrass meadows.

6. When people fail to use garbage cans, this can reach the ocean.

7. Boats can cause ___________ on seagrass meadowsif used irresponsibly.

8. Boats sometimes leak this substance, affecting seagrass meadows.


1. When canals are made so that boats can pass, __________ are disturbed, which can impede light from reaching the seagrass.

2. This item found on many boats can become entangles in the seagrasses and shred them or tear them from the sediment.

3. This type of facility is often built in protected areas with low surf conditions, places in which seagrass likes to grow.

5. Farmers can increase water _____________ if they’re not careful when moving soil on their farms.

Activity modified from Seagrass-Watch Activity Book. Junior Edition. 2008.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 267

University of Puerto Rico MayagüezCampus Sea GrantProgram


How is a legal bill drafted?

What is a legal bill?

A legal bill is a proposal to create a law or ordinance. It is prepared by the legislative branch and submitted to the executive branch for approval (RAE, 2013). A law is a statute, a stipulation or a condition set forth for a particular act (Wordreference, 2013).

How does a bill become a law?

The first step for a bill to become a law is to have a legislator present the project under their signature. The project can be authored by the legislator, or their representation can be requested. In this last instance, the document must contain the phrase “BY REQUEST”. After the bill is read for the first time in the Chamber and undergoes printing, it is sent to the corresponding commission, whodetermines whether or not it gets approved. From there, it goes to a second reading and the full Senate or House of Representatives considers whether to approve it or not.

When the Senate has approved it, the bill then goes to the House of Representatives, where the same process occurs. If the House and Senate approve the piece of legislation, it is then signed by the presidents of both bodies so it can be sent to the governor. The governor has the final say on whether a project or bill is signed into law or rejected. If it is approved, it becomes a law, and the Secretary of State divulges the law to all government agencies, the courts of law, and the general public.

The resolution must be filed within 120 days of the start of the first session or within 60 days of the start of the second session of the year.

To find more information about what a legal bill is, and how it can become a law, you can visit the following websites: and

How to draft a legal bill

Before proposing a bill, a problem or situation that needs to be addressed must first be identified. Then, a thorough investigation of that problem should be conducted. To do so, you must ask yourself the following questions: What is happening? What is causing the situation? What or who is affected by it? What is the magnitude of the damage caused? What alternatives are possible to resolve this situation?What resources are needed to solve it? Who would provide those resources? Does it involve any budget? How much would it be? What agencies, institutions or organizations would have a rolein solving the problem? What are the possible alternatives to be considered?


Within thisresearch, it is also necessary to determine whethersome previous measure has been implemented for the same purposes and if there are studies related to the issue in question, both in Puerto Rico and in other countries. In this way, it can be decided whether to draft a bill to create the law or to amend any existing law. Site-visits and community meetings where input can be gathered from residents, representatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, private institutions, user groups, and other stakeholders should be held.

After identifying the problem and conducting the corresponding research, the bill will be drafted. It should be written clearly so that there is no ambiguityor misinterpretation of the measure. Everything proposed must be feasible, realistic, legally grounded,and the resources needed to solve the problem must be available. If the situation requires immediate action, this fact should be established.

The final document must contain the following parts:

1. Heading –It must include the identification, the number corresponding to the legislative assembly in which it is approved and the session (ordinary or extraordinary) in which the measure is presented.


2. Numbering –The bill number should be consecutive and continuous.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 269

3. Bill date and authors –The name of the main author goes first, followed by the coauthors.

4. Bill title -The title should contain only one subject and briefly explain what the measure is about. If another law is being amended, the title of the original law and the articles or sections being amended should appear.


5. Explanatory memorandum -This part sets out clearly and in detail the situation for which the measure is presented, the justification and the legal grounds. It should be precise and short, but as explicit as possible. This statement is essential for the correct interpretation of the measure.

6. Decree clause - This is the formal expression of legislative enactment. If it is a bill, it is written: "Declared by the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico". If it is a Resolution, it will indicate the following: "Resolved by the Senate/House of Representatives of Puerto Rico”.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 271

7. Articulate or decree text -This is the body of the bill. In each article, the provisions of the measure are written and consecutively numbered.

8. Compliance clause –If the bill has a time frame for compliance and must report to the legislature, then it will have a clause indicating who is responsible for making that report, when it will be made and what it must contain

9. Effectivity clause -Each bill must indicate the date on which the measure will take effect.

Remember, you must draft the bill correctly. Avoid grammar, syntax and spelling mistakes. You must follow the shown examples so you can leave the appropriate spacing and use capital letters, bold, and italic fotsas needed. You must follow the format required by the legislative bodies.

If you wish to read more information about the subjects discussed and the drafting format, you can visit the following link: bv.56988011,d.eW0&cad=rja


References (Spanish sources only)

Flores-García, G. (2013, 8 17). Redacción, técnica legislativa y calidad de la ley. Consultado de la Oficina de Asesores del Presidente, Senado de Puerto Rico: islativa%20y%20Calidad%20de%20la%20Ley.pdf

Torres-Rivera, M. (2013, 11 22). Redactando un proyecto de ley. Consultado de la Oficina de Asuntos Legislativos: & m=bv.56988011,d.eW0&cad=rja

Teacher’s Guide 273

(H. B. 2983)

(No. 17)

(Approved January 8, 2004)


To establish the “Tres Palmas de Rincón Marine Reserve Act,” to designate the littoral coastline located in the Municipality of Rincón with saidname; to delimit the total area of the reserve for the conservation of its biodiversity and adequate management thereof; to direct the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources to design and to structure a management plan for the Reserve; to provide for the application of laws and regulations related to the administration and uses of this Reserve; to authorize the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources to enter into covenants for joint management with those government entities and non-profit organizations for the joint management of the reserve; on annual reports to the Legislature; to appropriate one hundred thousand (100,000) dollars for the implementation of the provisions of this Act; and for other related purposes.


The protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources is a task that progressively acquires greater importance in view of the growing pressures suffered by nature in Puerto Rico, due to unchecked development, as well as geographic, demographic, economic and social conditions. The demands of the economic power, the improvement and expansion of infrastructure, the construction of new housing, the tensions of urban planning and the need to create jobs, are some of the factors that influence the reality of Puerto Rico today.

One of the ways that the adverse effect of these pressures can be alleviated is through the establishing of natural reserves in ecologically sensitive areas, to ensure the enjoyment of such resources that present and future generations may have. The Constitutional mandate establishes in Article 6, Section 19 that “The most effective conservation of its natural resources, as well as the greatest development and use thereof for the general benefit of the community …” shall be the policy of the Commonwealth. Said constitutional mandate adjudicates to the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources the main duty of implementing the public policy related to conservation, environmentally-sustainable development and the harmonious use of natural resources.

At present, one of the places emerging as an ecologically sensitive area, that deserves this type of protection is the coastal zone of Rincón. This region, to the Northeast of Puerto Rico, has one of the most valuable coral reefs of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. It is characterized by the


extensive development of moose-horn coral (Acropora palmata). It is also a nesting area of sea turtles, such as the “Tinglar,” (Dermochelys coriacea), the Conch Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), and a place where the hump-back whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and the Wing Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) breed and feed their offspring; and also includes sandy beaches, pristine valleys and one of the best places in the world to practice surfing, where the highest and most perfect waves in the Caribbean rise and crest.

The proposed Marine Reserve shall encompass one-half nautical mile of maritime territorial water, from the interior limit of the terrestrial maritime zone to the drop of the insular platform (edge), which in the case of Rincón, said drop is relatively narrow. As a matter of fact, it is one of the Island’s narrowest platforms. Furthermore, this Reserve would enclose a contour of sixty feet in depth. On the other hand, the land of the marine reserve limit shall be the terrestrial maritime demarcation, as measured and approved by the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources.

Coral reefs are one of the oldest and most sensitive ecosystems of our planet. The reefs of “Steps” and “Tres Palmas” in Rincón, are outstanding for being two of the best developed coral reefs in the West coast of Puerto Rico. In shallow waters, the reef is dominated by the moosehorn coral (Acropora palmata). This coral has been affected in Puerto Rico and in the Caribbean by a series of factors that includes over-fishing, increase in sedimentation, hurricanes and whiteband disease (WBD) and patch necrosis among others (Bruckner, 2002). One of the most devastating factors for moose-horn coral and for many other rock corals in the Caribbean is sedimentation. In experiments performed in the Puerto Rican coral reefs by Caroline Rogers (1983), the moose-horn coral proved to be one of the least tolerant species to the presence of sediments. The existence of limited coastal development in the Tres Palmas Sector in Rincón, has undoubtedly been favorable for the settling and preservation of moose-horn coral and other species of coral in the Tres Palmas Reef. Any coastal development in the proximity of this reef would represent a grave threat to its ecological health.

A resulting aspect of over-fishing in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean that has been detrimental to moose-horn corals is the diminishing populations of spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) in the coastal sectors where this coral is located. This lobster is a natural predator of the coral-eating snail, that specializes in consuming the polyps of the moose-horn coral, which are the dead sections of corals rapidly overtaken by algae. Lobsters need to be a considerable size (adult) to be able to drill through the snail, but once they reach this critical size, they are extremely effective and have served as protectors of coral reefs throughout their existence. Therefore, we must go beyond preventing coastal development and other harmful human activities of this region and establish a marine reserve that will include a no-fishing regulation in the Tres Palmas reef.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 275

The protected natural marine areas have shown to be the most effective management tool to reverse the effects of over-fishing and the collection of species for commercial purposes, with positive short-and long-term implications for the welfare and the integrity of the reef. One of the effects common to practically all marine reserves is the great increase in numbers and consequently in the size of commercially marketable fish. The recovery of large fish in the reef, brings about a series of benefits that go beyond the protected reef. Ironically, one of the effects is that fishing increases in the reserve neighboring sectors. With the saturation of large fish and lobsters, the reef begins to export these to neighboring reefs, where they can be fished, thus benefiting fishing at the regional level. Due to the fact that the reproductive capacity the of fish (and other invertebrates) increases exponentially with their size, the increase in numbers and size of the fish in the marine reserve triggers an increase in the production of eggs and larvae for the entire region where marine currents disperse them. This guarantee’s providing new recruits for neighboring reefs, and it represents an important re-supply mechanism for populations in the short and long term.

Within human activities that are presently carried out in this area, “surfing” is a sport that does not affect the health of the reef; therefore, its practice is perfectly compatible within the context of its management as a marine reserve.

With this initiative, the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico once again reaffirms its commitment to protecting those areas of great ecological value, in order to preserve and to conserve them in their natural state, not only for the enjoyment of our generation, but for future generations as well. In this way, we are contributing to improve the quality of life, a sustainable economic development, the broadening of recreational and sports activities, and to increase tourism in the Municipality of Rincón and the rest of the Western area of the Country.


Section 1.- Title

This Act shall be known as “Tres Palmas de Rincón Marine Reserve Act.”

Section 2.- Definitions

The following phrases and terms shall have the meaning indicated below, except when another meaning arises from its text:

(a) Legislature - Means the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, whether acting jointly or separately.


(b) Secretary - Means the Secretary of the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources.

(c) Department - Means the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources.

(d) Marine Reserve - Means the total area of the Tres Palmas de Rincón Marine Reserve, as delimited and declared in this Act, which defines those areas protected from the impact of human activities, which allow the recovery of the area, the maintenance of biodiversity, the reduction of conflicts about its use by separating compatible activities and are reference areas for the study of the natural development process.

(e) Territorial waters - Means the navigable waters under the control or domain of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Section 3.- Designation of the Reserve

The Legislature of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, being aware of the constitutional mandate on the conservation of natural resources, recognized the ecological importance and sensitivity of the coastal zone of the Municipality of Rincón, therefore, it designates said area, described in Section 4 of this Act, as “The Tres Palmas de Rincón Marine Reserve,” hereinafter known as the Reserve.

Section 4.- Location and Delimitation of the Reserve Area

The Reserve declared by this Act, is located immediately to the West of the Island of Puerto Rico, from the coast of the Municipality of Rincón. It has an irregular shape, and is delimited by the following coordinates, with coordinate 1) being the closest to the South.

Latitude (North)

Longitude (West)

1) South-East

2) South-West

3) North-West

4) North-East

The “Decimal Degrees, NAD 83” coordinate system is used to measure latitudes and longitudes.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 277

- Powers and duties of the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources with regard to the Reserve

The Secretary of the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources is directed to develop, within the term of one hundred and twenty (120) days, in collaboration with those government entities and non-profit corporations, a Management Plan and compatible regulations for the administration, rehabilitation and conservation of the area described in Section 2 of this Act, pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 23 of June 20, 1972, as amended, known as the “Department of Natural Resources Organic known as the “Natural 1999, as amended, known as the “Act for the Protection, Conservation and Management of Coral Reefs in Puerto Rico;” and the “Program for the Management of the Coastal Zone of September 1978,” established by virtue of the “Federal Coastal Zone Management Act.” It is further provided that within the Management Plan for the Reserve, the Department shall establish such uses or human activities that are non-damaging and compatible with the conservation of the Marine Reserve, as well as the viability of recreational activities, such as fishing, surfing, bicycle, and pedestrian lanes along the coastline adjacent to the reserve, ecologies, villas, hotels, or ecohotels, among others, and any other project that qualifies as ecotourism.

The establishing of this marine reserve and its management plan must not interfere nor conflict with the Land Use Plans previously established, nor with the Territorial Ordinance, nor the classifications, qualifications, or zones in effect when this Act is approved, provided they do not infringe upon the integrity thereof.

Section 6.- Coordination and Joint Management Agreements

Pursuant to the provisions of Acts No. 23, of June 20, 1972, as August 4, 1988, as amended, known as the “Natural Patrimony Program Act,” the Secretary of the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources is hereby empowered to enter into management agreements with those government entities and/or “bona-fide” non-profit organizations committed to the conservation and development of the Marine Reserve, with the purpose of establishing the joint management and custody thereof.

Section 7.- Annual Reports to the Legislature

The Department of Natural and Environmental Resources shall render an Annual Report to the Legislature, whereby it shall explain its efforts in compliance of the provisions of this Act, as well as the use of the funds appropriated by this Act.


Section 8.- Legislative Appropriation

The Department of Natural and Environmental Resources is hereby authorized to use one hundred thousand (100,000) dollars, from existing funds in the Special Fund, as provided by Act amended, known as the “Natural Patrimony Program Act,” to defray the initial costs of implementing this Act.

Section 9.- Severability Clause

If any Section, clause, paragraph, or part of this Act were found unconstitutional by a court with jurisdiction, the judgment so issued shall not affect, prejudice, nor invalidate the rest of this Act. The effect of said judgment shall be limited to the Section, clause, paragraph, or part thereof that was thus declared unconstitutional.

Section 10.- Effectiveness

This Act shall take effect immediately after its approval.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 279

Intermediate level Processes and skills

Biological Sciences

1. Formulates questions and defines problems.

2. Develops and uses models.

3. Plans and carries out experiments and investigations.

4. Analyzes and interprets facts.

5. Uses mathematical and computational thinking.

6. Proposes explanations and designs solutions.

7. Presents arguments moving on from trustworthy evidence.

8. Obtains, evaluates, and communicates information.

9. Groups a subject, facts, processes, or phenomena under the same category (classification).

Earth and Space Sciences

1. Formulates questions and defines problems.

2. Develops and uses models.

3. Plans and carries out experiments and investigations.

4. Analyzes and interprets data.

5. Proposes explanations and designs solutions.

6. Exposes arguments based on reliable evidence.

7. Obtains, evaluates, and communicates information.

Processes and Skills Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6

Biological Sciences

1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. Science answers questions about the world around us.

3. Scientific knowledge follows a natural and consistent order.

4. Science is an intrinsic activity of the human being.

5. Science, engineering and technology influence human beings, society,and the natural world.

6. Science, engineering and technology are interdependent.

Earth and Space Sciences

1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. Science answers questions about the world around us.

3. Scientific knowledge follows a natural and consistent order.

4. Scientific models, laws, mechanisms, and theories explain natural phenomena.

5. Science, engineering and technology influence human beings, society,and the natural world.

6. Science, engineering and technology are interdependent.

282 Integration ofsciences, engineering, technology,and society with Integration of sciences, engineering, technology,and society with nature Plan 1Plan 2Plan 3Plan 4Plan 5Plan 6
of sciences, technology, and with nature of sciencesengineering

Transversal concepts and fundamental ideas of the discipline

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 283
Transversal concepts and fundamental ideas of the discipline Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Biological Sciences 1. Patterns X X X 2. Cause and effect X 3. Scale, ratio, and quantity 4. Systems and system models X X 5. Structure and function X 6. Ethics and values in science X X X Appreciates and shows consideration for life. Recognizes that all forms of life contribute to the balance of nature. X Values, respects and conserves groups of living organisms. X X Earth and Space Sciences 1. Patterns X 2. Cause and effect X 3. Scale, ratio, and quantity 4. Systems and system models 5. Energy and matter 6. Stability and change X 7. Ethics and values in science X Recognizes that all forms of life contribute to the balance of nature. X Values, respects, and conserves groups of living organisms. X Evaluates the importance of renewable and non-renewable natural resources for human beings. X Explains how human activity can positively or negatively affect natural resources and the quality of the environment. X


Classification system, angiosperms, gymnosperms, classification system, environmental factors, natural hazards, catastrophic events, human population, food consumption rates, natural resources, human impact, global climate change, environmental systems, system balance

Superior Level Processes and skills


1. Formulates questions and defines problems.

2. Develops and uses models. X X

3. Plans and carries out experiments and investigations.

4. Analyzes and interprets facts.

5. Uses mathematical and computational thinking.

6. Proposes explanations and designs solutions.

7. Presents arguments moving on from trustworthy evidence.

8. Obtains, evaluates, and communicates information.

9. Groups a subject, facts, processes, or phenomena under the same category (classification).

Environmental Sciences

1. Formulates questions and defines problems.

2. Develops and uses models. X X X

3. Plans and conducts experiments and research.

4. Analyze and interpret data. X X X

5. Uses mathematical and computational thinking.

6. Proposes explanations and designs solutions. X X

7. Presents arguments based on reliable evidence. X X

8. Obtains, evaluates, and communicates information. X X

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 285
Processes and skills Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6

Integration of sciences, engineering, technology, and society with nature


1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. Scientific knowledge is open to revision in light of new evidence.

3. Science answers questions about the world around us.

4. Scientific knowledge follows a natural and consistent order.

5. Scientific models, laws, mechanisms, and theories explain natural phenomena.

6. Science is an intrinsic activity of the human being.

7. Science, engineering and technology influence human beings, society, and the natural world.

8. Scientific research uses a variety of methods.

Environmental Sciences

1. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.

2. Scientific knowledge is subject to review in light of new evidence.

3. Science answers questions about the world around us.

4. Science is an intrinsic activity of the human being.

5. Models, laws, mechanisms, and scientific theories explain natural phenomena.

6. Science, engineering and technology influence human beings, society, and the natural world.

7. Science, engineering and technology are interdependent.

Integration of sciences, engineering, technology, and society with nature Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6
Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 287 S Seeaaggrraasss s meeaaddoowsws: : Te T acheher’s G Guuidide e 2887 7 Integration of sciences, engineering, technology, and society with nature Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 8. Scientific research uses a variety of methods. X X X

Transversal concepts and fundamental ideas of the discipline

Transversal concepts and fundamental ideas of the discipline Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Biology 1. Patterns X X X 2. Cause and effect X X 3. Scale, ratio, and quantity 4. Systems and system models X X 5. Energy and matter 6. Structure and function 7. Stability and change X X 8. Ethics and values in science X Participates in discussion groups on controversial topics, of a scientific nature, assuming positions and justifying his argument. X Discusses with arguments that validate the ethical and moral implications that scientific and technological advances have on society. X Respects and values the life of the human being and of every living organism. X Environmental Sciences 1. Patterns X 2. Systems and system models X X 3. Energy and matter 4. Structure and function X 5. Stability and change X X X 6. Ethics and values in science X X X Shows appreciation and respect for biodiversity as a manifestation of life. X X X
how human intervention influences the extinction of species. X


Ecosystems, interdependent factors, populations, communities, population growth, ecological succession, ecosystem interactions, sustainability, biodiversity, conservation and protection, adaptation, extinction, erosion, sedimentation, coral reefs, climate change, environmental pollution, environmental laws, solid waste, deforestation, food chain, trophic levels, interdependence, sustainable development

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 289 Transversal concepts and fundamental ideas of the discipline Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Explains how humans pollute the soil, air, and water, and proposes alternatives to minimize it. X Assesses the effects humans may have on communities, and the Earth's ability to sustain populations. X Reads, understands, analyzes, and evaluates scientific literature to determine the validity and reliability of the information source. X Demonstrates creativity and collaborates in group work by responsibly selecting alternatives that promote solutions to environmental situations in the community. X Evaluates the importance of renewable and non-renewable natural resources for human beings. X Explains how human activity can positively or negatively affect natural resources and environmental quality. X Analyzes how the misuse of technology may create problems and harm living beings and the environment. X Recognizes and values the importance and need for environmental struggles in Puerto Rico. X

T o p i c g u i d e Topic guide

Theme Guide: Seagrasses

I. Definition: As their name suggests, seagrasses are plants that live in the sea. They belong to a group of aquatic plants with vascular roots (Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology). Seagrasses are very valuable to the marine ecosystem since they filter nutrients and sediments, control erosion, and provide food and shelter for marine organisms.

Underwater zones covered by these plants are known as seagrass meadows (The Cabo Rojo Salt Flats Interpretive Center). Usually, seagrass meadows in the Caribbean region include the following types of seagrasses: turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum), manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme), shoal grass (Halodule wrightii), paddle grass (Halophila decipiens) and widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima).

II. Common names: seagrass, hierbas marinas, pastos marinos

III. Classification and scientific names for several species


Turtle grass hierba de tortuga

Manatee grass hierba de manatí Syringodium filiforme

Shoal grass hierba de bajo o de banco Halodule wrightii

Paddle grass hierba paleta de remo Halophila decipiens

Widgeon grass hierba de zanja Ruppia marítima

Najadales Cymodoceaceae

Najadales Cymodoceaceae

Najadales Hydrocharitaceae

Najadales Ruppiaceae

Note: Click on this link to receive more information about seagrass species and ecosystems:

IV. Keywords for online searches


Marine grasses

Seagrass beds

Seagrass properties

Differences between seagrass and seaweed

Seagrass meadows

Seagrasses in coral reef

Thalassia beds


Syringodium filiforme

Caribbean reef plants

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 293
testudinum Najadales Hydrocharitaceae

V. Information available through the Sea Grant Program’s Resource Center

García Ríos, C.I. (1990). Las Praderas de Thalassia de Puerto Rico (book). University of Puerto Rico’s Sea Grant Program’s Resource Center Collection. # QK495.H86 G38 1990

Littler, D.S. (2000). Caribbean Reef Plants (book). University of Puerto Rico’s Sea Grant Program’s Resource Center Collection. # QK572.2.A1 L58 2000

Littler, D.S., Littler, M. M., Bucher, K. E. & Norris, J.N. (1989). Marine plants of the Caribbean: A field guide from Florida to Brazil. University of Puerto Rico’s Sea Grant Program’s Resource Center Collection. QK572.2.A1M37 1989a

Parker, S. (1989). Plants of the Sea Seashore (book). University of Puerto Rico’s Sea Grant Program’s Resource Center Collection. # QH95.7.P37 1989

*Note: For more information about these and other resources, please visit our online catalogue at:

VI. Online resources

A. Free online databases

Algae Database-

o This database features a collection of seagrass samples.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute-

Sea Grass Watch-

Marine Species Identification Portal-

Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)-

NOAA Photo Library-

Ocean Facts:

Ocean Data Viewer-

World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)-

B. General information



National Marine SanctuariesNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO), México

the terms. aderasPastos.html

WHAT IS A SEAGRASS? Seagrass Watch




Florida Department of Environmental Protection

NOAA ass/ nts.html

Smithsonian Marine Station Fort Pierce, Florida, USA m

General information in Spanish.

Definition and plant parts identification.

Photographs and illustrations showing the types of seagrasses mentioned in Section III in this theme guide.

Briefly mentions the seagrasses’ importance for the ecosystem.

Contains information about this ecosystem’s value, its management, and the threats it encounters. Visit the Closer examination tab to see the differences between sea weeds and seagrasses.



Information available through Google Books



Information available through Google Books

Cambridge University Press C&printsec=frontcover&dq=sea+grass&hl=es&sa= X&ei=34gKUbKZHYeW8gS_1IEw&ved=0CDAQ6AE wAA - v=onepage&q=sea grass&f=false

Taxonomic information about seagrasses. The anatomical elements of these plants are also available here.

Ana G. Mendez University /p_perspectivas_7_2020_92-106.pdf

First approach of a seagrass monitoring in the southern coast of the island.

Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning

C. Hierbas marinas por el mundo C&pg=PA180&dq=sea+grass&hl=es&sa=X&ei=34g KUbKZHYeW8gS_1IEw&ved=0CFwQ6AewCQ#v=on epage&q=sea%20grass&f=false


SEAGRASS WATCH MAGAZINE Seagrass Watch Program, Australia

SEAGRASSES Ocean Health Index

SeagrassNet /components/seagrass

Information about seagrass structure, classification, and anatomy. Shows illustrations for the plant’s parts.


Free periodical publication showcasing the topics and themes related to seagrass ecosystems.

Presents seagrass plant components and other curious facts, from a global perspective.


Founded by: Dr. Fred Short

- Internet Archive


PDF book



PDF book


- UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Center rldatlasofseag03gree/worldatlasofseag03gr ee.pdf

World Conservation Monitoring Center

UNEP-WCMC & Internet Archive stributi01spal/globaldistributi01spal.pdf

UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Center

D. Seagrasses in the Caribbean



PDF document

Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) -praderas-de-yerbas-marinas-en-lareserva-natural-arrecifes-de-la-cordillerafajardo/

This section hosts facts regarding seagrass monitoring in different global regions, countries, and other similar parameters.

Go to the section titled Global Overview: THE DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SEAGRASSES and subsequent chapters; they detail the types of seagrasses from regions of the Pacific, North Atlantic, Mediterranean, Caribbean, and other oceans, and seas.

Study about worldwide seagrass distribution. Includes regional maps and facts.

World map showing seagrass distribution along the continents.


Features a description of Eastern Puerto Rico’s flora and fauna.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 295 TITLE PUBLISHER URL GENERAL


E. Threats


Current Threats to Coastal Seagrass Ecosystems

F. Related topics

- Internet Archive

- UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Center ms/worldatlasofseag03gree/worldatl asofseag03gree.pdf

See chapter 23: Seagrasses of the Caribbean.

University of Miami urrent-threats-to-coastal-seagrassecosystems/

Threats and conservation projects about the ecosystem.

ALGAS Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO), México es/gfamilia/plantas/algas/algas

SEAGRASS VERSUS SEAWEED Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation asses/information/seagrass-vs-seaweed/


G. Online videos and interactive resources



Part I duration: 19:42 min.

Part II duration: 18:57 min.



Duration: 20:34 min.



Duration: 16:00 min.

Puerto Rico Coastal Zone Management Program, Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER)

Puerto Rico Coastal Zone Management Program, Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER)

National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST)

H. Educational activities


Part I:

Part II:

General information about algae.

General information about the differences between these two organisms.

General information about seagrass and sea weeds. Includes and informative section detailing the uses for algae.

Part I: Shows the interrelation between land and marine ecosystems.

Part II: Offers information about Puerto Rico’s coastal vegetation.

El documental explica las características y particularidades de los llanos costeros, bahías, arrecifes de coral, praderas, manglares, lagunas, estuarios, humedales, playas y dunas de Puerto Rico. ZTsWSk

Highlights the importance of seagrasses. /education/Seagrass_Educators_Handbook. pdf

Seagrass-related activities models. PUBLISHER URL GENERAL DESCRIPTION


Author: Mark Fonseca fgcu%3A26361


Explains the how and why of seagrass planting.


University of Puerto Rico Sea Grant Program

Shows a practical project for making paper using marine vegetation.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 297 TITLE PUBLISHER URL GENERAL

P r e a n d p o s t Pre and post t e s t test

University of Puerto Rico

Mayagüez Campus

Sea Grant Program

Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________________

Teacher: ______________________________ Grade-Group: ______________________

Test: “Seagrass meadows”

I. Multiple choice. Carefully read each question and choose the best answer. Circle the corresponding letter and write it in the space provided. (8 points, 1 pt. each)

_______1. Plants that live submerged in the sea and feature leaves, stems, flowers, and fruit.

a. marine algae

b. sea grasses

c. mangroves

d. corals

_______2. Which of the following photos show a sample of turtle grass?

_______3. Which of the following activities poses a threat to the seagrass meadows ecosystem?

a. Educating the public about this system’s importance.

b. Using contour farming to avoid erosion.

c. Excessively discharging sediments.

d. Use anchoring buoys.

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 301
a b c d

_______4. The first plants on the planet were:

a. marine algae

b. phytoplankton

c. seagrasses

d. mangroves

_______5. Two of the necessary conditions a seagrass needs to grow and develop are:

a. warm water and low turbidity

b. temperate climate and very deep waters

c. solar light and high surf

d. cold temperature and low salinity

_______6. A similarity between marine algae and seagrass is that both:

a. have roots.

b. have laminae.

c. perform photosynthesis.

d. have flowers.

_______7. Non-vascular plants that absorb nutrients from the water through diffusion.

a. marine algae

b. seagrasses

c. mangroves

d. corals

_______8. Which of the following statements represents an important facet of seagrasses?

a. Provide food and shelter to many organisms.

b. Allow water temperatures to remain warm.

c. Produce a lot of turbidity in the water.

d. Provoke excessive marine algae proliferation.


II. Questions.

Carefully read each question and answer it in the spaces provided. (20 points)

1. Closely observe the photos presented below and write if it is a seagrass or a marine algae in the spaces beneath each photo. Then, write the names of the labeled parts in the spaces with the corresponding letters. Each part is labeled with a different letter. (8 pts., 1 pt. each)

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 303
___________________ __________________ A. ___________________ A. ___________________ B. ___________________ B. ___________________ C. D. A B C D A B

2.The following image shows the order in which the different types of seagrasses (generally) grow, on a gradient from deeper to shallower. In the drawing, write the common name for each seagrass type according to its zonation. (4 pts.)

3.Determine which of the following characteristics correspond to seagrasses, marine algae, or both. (6 pts.)

a.Produces flowers and fruits_________________________

b.Do not have roots _________________________

c.Live submerged underwater_________________________

d.Perform photosynthesis _________________________

e.Can usually be found inshallow waters_________________________

f.Act as sediment stabilizers _________________________

a. _____________ b. ______________ c. ______________ d. ______________
De p th

4. In the following map of the Puerto Rico archipelago, indicate where seagrasses can be found. (2 pts.)

Seagrass meadows: Teacher’s Guide 305

ISBN 9781881719953


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