All about fashion for business women Supply, and author Angela Allen Johnson. Plus, we have some great lifestyle and business articles to empower you. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Greetings, Welcome to our Women of Faith issue. I’m very proud of this issue because we had to create everything inhouse, but by the grace of God, everything went smoothly. It was truly a test of faith, but we pushed through despite the unexpected events and hiccups. Now to be clear, this was not the biggest test of faith I’ve had, but after the brutal winter that we experienced as a business, my threshold was already low. However, I am pleased with how things turned out. I hope you find this issue to be as packed with gems as we think it is. We had beautiful conversations about faith with Dr. Nikki Zeigler and Cora Jakes. We featured other go-getters you should know, like Tami Curry of I’Mat Dream Brand, Nicole Mays-Jackson of 1 Care Premier Services and 1 Care Premier Medical