SOTSIAALMEEDIA KASUTAMISHARJUMUSTE MÕJU TUDENGITE VAIMSELE TERVISELE The Effect of Social Media Usage Habits on the Mental Health of Students Inga Ploomipuu, Hendrik Nõmmeots Abstract Students’ use of social media and its effect on mental health is a widely studied topic, but there is a lack of scientific research on the topic in Estonia. In this particular thesis scientific papers found in databases (EBSCOhost) and on the internet (Qwant, Google, Google Scholar search engines) were compared and analysed to describe how students are consuming social media services and how these services may affect their mental well-being. It was found that social media usage can be purposeful and useful, but it can also be dangerous in many cases. Previous mental issues favour problematic use and compulsory and dependent use of social media can create mental health problems or make them worse. It is difficult to describe how social media will affect people in the long run for the lack of long-term experience and insufficient data. Since social media is becoming more and more widespread, there are recommendations on how students can become more aware of the impact of social media for example: self-education about cyber-hygiene, a planned schedule and purposeful use of social media and a mindful approach such as questioning their own motives for using social media. In conclusion: The habit of using social media intensively and even addictively is very common. The students who are struggling with mental health, are more likely to use social media and vice versa – unhealthy usage of social media leads to mental health problems. Keywords: social media, mental health, students 70