INFOTEHNOLOOGILISED ABIVAHENDID DEMENTSUSEGA INIMESE TOETAMISEKS KODUS Information Technology Aids to Support a Person with Dementia at Home Maria Raba, Merle Varik Abstract As the number of people with dementia increases, the burden on the health care system may increase significantly in future. Consequently, it is important that people with dementia stay at home for as long as possible. The use of information technology aiding devices helps a person with dementia in daily activities, monitors well-being, supports communication and reduces the burden on caregivers. The aim of the thesis was to describe various information technology aiding devices that support a person with dementia living at home. The thesis is a theoretical review, which is based on scientific literature. A total of 34 literature sources were used published in 2010-2020. The results of the thesis revealed that information technology aiding devices in support of people with dementia, are aimed at ensuring safety, supporting memory and stimulating the senses, facilitating communication and supporting everyday activities. Information technology aiding devices that support everyday activities, are aimed at improving dressing and using medicines independently. The aim of different apps is to maintain the cognitive ability as much as possible. Information technology aiding devices can improve communication between people with dementia and informal carers, while reducing social exclusion. Human safety can be ensured by positioning systems and various sensors and alarms. The uptake of information technology aiding devices is low, which may be related to low awareness, accessibility, technological errors and ethical aspects. 84