Perfect Sand by Stephanie Fincher In the quiet of the morning, a tucked away beach destination slowly awakens as the sun’s rays beckon vacationers to greet the new day. A well-worn man carrying a rake begins his daily routine to smooth disheveled sand from the prior day’s activity. He works carefully and methodically, removing pieces that do not “belong” there…small tree branches, pieces of dead sea grass, rocks, and broken shells. His effort makes him sweat, but he continues until the sand is just right with perfect, equidistant lines left from the rake’s sweep. The area now sits serenely undisturbed…. until it isn’t. In a matter of hours and maybe minutes, the once smooth and oddly satisfying surface will be disrupted by footprints of busy birds, eager tourists, or perhaps the later evening journey of a turtle making her way to bury delicate eggs.
its borders. Conversely, sand that is richly rustled reveals liveliness and movement….when you imagine it, you can almost hear the laughter of carefree children at play, seagulls quarreling to defend their territory, and the rhythmic melody of soothing ocean waves. Whether it be the excitement of play amidst the salty breezes or the distinctive cry of nature’s declaration, the area is alive and it is robust. In personal reflection, may we consider a delicate and sometimes obvious parallel, a question all too easy to dismiss? Who or what drives us to protect our own perfect sand to keep it free of disturbance or inconvenience? Perhaps it is a difficult family member, a neighbor with a need, or a “friend” we’d rather avoid. Could it be that we are shielding a habitual way of thinking not open for challenge, a humdrum task deferred until “sometime,” or a muchneeded conversation that sinks to the bottom of a pile of priorities?
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17, NIV Whatever the source, each footprint will be made using the perfect sand as a means to get from one place to another. And why not? The sand is purposely there to be useful and it provides safe refuge for the tiniest of God’s creatures. It is life. Perfect sand. It is pleasing and attractive…an idyllic way for our own life to look. The idea of it is calm, inviting, and easy. We envision a picturesque setting within a perceived ideal and fall into imitating the man with the rake. We smooth our sand, protect its borders, and expend great effort to keep it undisturbed and “just-so”. We want it pristine and untouched – by others, by circumstances, perhaps even by God at times. It seems tranquil and good. But while perfect sand may be pleasing for a time, its static appearance can soon become boring and dissatisfying – routinely monotonous due to no change or activity, no essence or energy. It bears no mark of the life beyond 26
All of these things can encroach on and even threaten our smooth and carefully prepared plans. Or, the plans we need to make, but do not. So how do we begin to shift our thinking and welcome those footprints onto our sands of life? Have we considered that the very things we want untouched may be the things God will use to re-energize our faith and deepen (or repair) our relationship with Him and others? Only by His Truth can we really know how to change the way we change. And we do know. Our loving Father has told us in unclouded instruction. Receiving and transferring this clarity into action is the hard part. “To obey is better than sacrifice,” says 1 Samuel 15:22. James 3:17 further teaches that “the wisdom from above [to change] is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”