Three Strands ARE YOU LISTENING? written by Cindy Southworth Always be willing to listen and slow to speak. (James 1:19) The most frequently asked question of relationship coaches is: How can we become better communicators? There are three components to communication: talking, listening, and responding. We begin by articulately expressing ourselves through talking. Then we better our listening skills, which leads to better responding skills. John Maxwell, in his book Relationships 101, says, “Treat every person as if he or she were the most important person in the 56
world.” While having coffee with a friend recently, she said, “You are SO EASY to talk to!” Perhaps it is because I have learned the art of listening. People think you care when you listen to them. Listening radiates empathy to the speaker. What are the barriers to being a good listener? Dr. Maxwell shares why people do not feel like they are being heard. The listener: · Does not place enough value on what the other person has to say. Do you ever try to talk to someone when they are