A Warrior for God’s Truth and Justice IT’S TIME TO STAND IN THE GAP written by Sandy Yozipovic With all the distractions in the world today it’s easy to begin to wonder how things could possibly get any worse. Most of us go about our day working, doing chores, running errands, and checking things off our to-do list. Some of you may even be trying your hand at home schooling, depending on your unique circumstances during this global pandemic. I learned a long time ago that as far as life goes, “It’s never as good as it seems and it’s never as bad as it seems.” We can get so caught up in the worldviews and distractions that we may not realize there are so many others who have it far worse than any of us could even imagine. Ten years ago, I was invited to participate in a conference call with some of my closest friends in business and in ministry. Together, we came up with the idea to “combine” all our giving to help others who were hurting and in need. Out of that one call, the Women World Changers Ministry was birthed - a movement that states that together we can help make a difference and impact the world, one life at a time. As we embarked on this project, we were blindsided with the “shock and awe” of reality as we discovered how much of a stronghold Satan has on our youth in this country and in this world. We studied how he was working to dismantle the family unit with divorce and infiltrate our churches and our youth via television, movies, the internet, and social media. Even more shocking was learning the CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE...