Circum 2019 - Term 2

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stantly changing. Neverthehe average high school student today has

less, our educational sys-

the same levels of anxiety as psychiatric pa-

tems haven’t changed for

tients in the early 1950s. We are overworked, held

hundreds of years! They are

to unrealistic expectations and told we’re going to

archaic! The current system is modelled in the

fail miserably in life if we don’t achieve A-

interests and image of the Industrial Age with the

aggregates. Of course this is stressing us out. The

primary purpose to produce factory workers. This

school system incentivises insecurity and emotional

mentality of mass production and mass control still

turmoil. Our well-being is completely disregarded.

forms the foundation of schools in the 21st century.

“Here, take this material, do all your homework

Children’s lives are governed by bells, dictated by

and know everything we discussed in class off by

following instructions.

heart tomorrow. Oh, and do that same thing six

“Sit down, take out your books, turn to page 100,

more times today.”

solve problem number 1.”

“You only got home at eight after choir and athletics practice? You were up until 3 AM studying? Not

This is an example of an Industrial Age value.

my fault you procrastinate.”

You’re awarded for doing exactly what you’re told, for not questioning your superiors and for sup-

It’s honestly exhausting! We are demotivated and

pressing your own ideas and opinions. But the

despondent. On top of this, we are all seen as im-

modern world values workers who can be crea-

mature and entitled, when in reality we’re just try-

tive, who can communicate their ideas and who

ing to keep our heads above the water, and being

can collaborate with others. We never get the

diminished and treated like petulant children

chance to develop these skills during our school

certainly isn’t making it any easier.

years. We are faced with a complete lack of au-

tonomy, trapped in steel-coated boxes that inhibit We are being sent to school to prepare us for the “real world”, for the future, which is mutable; con-

our innovation and originality.

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