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Alfredo Meneghetti Neto
Alfredo Meneghetti Neto (65), Professor of Economy, teaches undergraduate course in public economy since 1988, and public finance in a distance education course which he is also the coordinator, since 2001. He holds a Ph.D. from University Catholic Pontificy-PUCRS (2003). Meneghetti also works as economist in Foudation of Economics and Statistics- FEE, since 1978. His fields of interest include Public and Personal Finance, Economics of Taxation. Professor Meneghetti' research interests focus also on business related with government, mainly the problems of economic crisis, since September 2008. He and his wife have one son. See more on LATTES................................ http://lattes.cnpq.br/7165069455720135 my studies are also in: https://sites.google.com/site/spublico/estudos2