Are you digitalising yourself out of a job? Qafila co-founder Atif Rafiq on the trends shaping the shipping and logistics industry Even with light usage of a couple of
companies have turned to technology as
hours-a-day, Intel has found that
a competitive differentiator and as a way
connected vehicles generate 4TB of
to exceed challenging service level goals.
data each, every day! This quickly
Whether in the form of connectivity,
becomes a huge amount of data –
predictive analytics, faster processing
powering to zettabyte levels for OEMs
speeds or smarter hardware and
manufacturing millions of cars per year.
equipment, virtually every link in the
But collecting and storing this
supply chain can digitally connect to the
data simply adds cost unless it is
other links at each point in the process.
integrated, analysed and monetised.
Logistics organisations are realising
The opportunity is enormous. My
with increasing urgency that they can’t
basic arithmetic suggests monetising
afford to slow down for the delays
that data at a value of 1 cent for each
created by siloed systems and teams.
TB of vehicle data collected from
There are several major technologies
10 million cars produced annually
currently making an impact on
and on the road for 5 years could
the ability of logistics providers to
deliver $7.3 billion annually. The
achieve better business outcomes
trick is realising that value and using
across the entire supply chain.
it to stay relevant and profitable in today’s market. How digitisation
Internet of Things (IoT)
is transforming global logistics
Internet of Things (IoT) is the ability
The digital revolution has brought
for devices or objects to share data
change to industries of all kinds, and
and connect to the internet. Anything
global logistics is no exception. With
from automobiles to refrigerators
increased expectations from consumers
can be manufactured to have built-
for faster, more efficient management
in connectivity and the ability to
and transport of goods, logistics
communicate with other devices