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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection



CÔNG VĂN 5512 (2 CỘT) NĂM HỌC 20222023 (TUẦN 19-34)




Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb Mobi/Zalo 0905779594
Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group
TRƯỜNG: TỔ: ........ Họ vàtêngiáoviên: …………….. CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc KẾ HOẠCH GIÁO DỤC CỦA GIÁO VIÊN MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 _ Global success HỌC KỲ 1- NĂM HỌC 2022 - 2023 18 tuần x 3 tiết = 54 tiết I. Kế hoạch dạy học 1. Phân phối chương trình STT Bàihọc Số tiết Thời điểm Thiếtbị dạyhọc Địa điểmdạyhọc 1 INTRODUCTION –TiengAnh7(Globalsuccess) 1 Tuần 1 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 2 Unit1.Hobbies – Gettingstarted 7 2 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 3 Unit1.Hobbies – Acloserlook1 3 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 4 Unit1.Hobbies – Acloserlook2 4 Tuần 2 Cassette,CDs, Phòng học 7;P.Máy 5 Unit1.Hobbies – Communication 5 6 Unit1.Hobbies –Skills1 6 7 Unit1.Hobbies –Skills2 7 Tuần 3 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 8 Unit1.Hobbies –Lookingback+Project 8 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 9 Unit2.Healthyliving –Gettingstarted 7 9 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 10 Unit2.Healthyliving –Acloserlook1 10 Tuần 4 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 11 Unit2.Healthyliving –Acloserlook2 11 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 12 Unit2.Healthyliving –Communication 12 13 Unit2.Healthyliving –Skills1 13 Tuần 5 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học7;P.Máy 14 Unit2.Healthyliving –Skills2 14
15 Unit2.Healthyliving –Lookingback+Project 15 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 16 Unit3: CommunityService –Gettingstarted 7 16 Tuần 6 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 17 Unit3:CommunityService –Acloserlook1 17 18 Unit3: CommunityService –Acloserlook2 18 19 Unit3: CommunityService –Communication 19 Tuần 7 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 20 Unit3: CommunityService –Skills1 20 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 21 Unit3: CommunityService –Skills2 21 22 Unit3: CommunityService –Lookingback+Project 22 Tuần 8 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 23 Review 1 (1) 23 24 Review 1 (2) 24 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 25 Revision on The Mid-term Test 25 Tuần 9 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 26 The Mid-term 45-minute Test 26 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 27 Unit4.MusicandArts –Gettingstarted 7 27 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 28 Unit4.MusicandArts –Acloserlook1 28 Tuần 10 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 29 Unit4.MusicandArts –Acloserlook2 29 30 Unit4.MusicandArts –Communication 30 31 Unit4.MusicandArts –Skills1 31 Tuần 11 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học7;P.Máy 32 The Mid-term 45-minute Test correction 32 33 Unit4.MusicandArts –Skills2 33 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 34 Unit4.MusicandArts –Lookingback+Project 34 Tuần 12 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 35 Unit5.Foodanddrink–Gettingstarted 7 35 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 36 Unit5.Foodanddrink–Acloserlook1 36 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 37 Unit5.Foodanddrink–Acloserlook2 37 Tuần 13 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 38 Unit5.Foodanddrink – Communication 38 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 39 Unit5.Foodanddrink–Skills1 39 40 Unit5.Foodanddrink–Skills2 40 Tuần 14 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy
41 Unit5.Foodanddrink –Lookingback+Project 41 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 42 Unit6.Avisittoaschool –Gettingstarted 7 42 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 43 Unit6.Avisittoaschool –Acloserlook1 43 Tuần 15 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 44 Unit6.Avisittoaschool –Acloserlook2 44 45 Unit6.Avisittoaschool –Communication 45 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 46 Unit6.Avisittoaschool –Skills1 46 Tuần 16 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 47 Unit6.Avisittoaschool –Skills2 47 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 48 Unit6.Avisittoaschool –Lookingback+Project 48 49 Review2(1) 49 Tuần 17 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 50 Revision 50 51 The First end - term Test 51 52 Review2(2) 52 Tuần 18 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 53 Revision 53 54 Thefirstend-termTestCorrection 54 HoànThànhchươngtrìnhHọckìI II. Nhiệm vụ khác (nếu có): (Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi; Tổ chức hoạt động giáo dục...) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
HỌC KÌ 2 17 tuần x 3 tiết = 51 tiết STT Bàihọc Số tiết Thời điểm Thiếtbị dạyhọc Địa điểmdạyhọc 1 Unit7.Traffic –Gettingstarted 7 55 Tuần 19 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 2 Unit7.Traffic –Acloserlook1 56 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 3 Unit7.Traffic –Acloserlook2 57 4 Unit7.Traffic –Communication 58 Tuần 20 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 5 Unit7.Traffic –Skills1 59 6 Unit7.Traffic –Skills2 60 7 Unit7.Traffic –LookingbackandProject 61 Tuần 21 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 8 Unit8.Films –Gettingstarted 7 62 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 9 Unit8.Films –Acloserlook1 63 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 10 Unit8.Films –Acloserlook2 64 Tuần 22 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 11 Unit8.Films –Communication 65 12 Unit8.Films –Skills1 66 13 Unit8.Films –Skills2 67 Tuần 23 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 14 Unit8.Films –LookingbackandProject 68 15 Unit9.Festivalsaroundtheworld –Gettingstarted 7 69 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 16 Unit9.Festivalsaroundtheworld –Acloserlook1 70 Tuần 24 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 17 Unit9.Festivalsaroundtheworld –Acloserlook2 71 18 Unit9.Festivalsaroundtheworld –Communication 72 19 Unit9.Festivalsaroundtheworld –Skills1 73 Tuần 25 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 20 Unit9.Festivalsaroundtheworld –Skills2 74 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 21 U.9.Festivalsaroundtheworld –LB and Project 75
22 Review 3 (P1) 76 Tuần 26 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 23 Review 3 (P2) 77 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 24 The Mid-term 45-minute Test 78 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 25 Unit10.Energysources –Gettingstarted 7 79 Tuần 27 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 26 Unit10.Energysources –Acloserlook1 80 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 27 Unit10.Energysources –Acloserlook2 81 28 Unit10.Energysources –Communication 82 Tuần 28 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 29 Unit10.Energysources –Skills1 83 30 The Mid-term 45-minute Test Correction 84 31 Unit10.Energysources –Skills2 85 Tuần 29 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 32 Unit10.Energysources -Lookingback... 86 33 Unit11.Travellinginthefuture –Gettingstarted 7 87 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 34 Unit11.Travellinginthefuture –Acloserlook1 88 Tuần 30 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 35 Unit11.Travellinginthefuture –Acloserlook2 89 36 Unit11.Travellinginthefuture –Communication 90 37 Unit11.Travellinginthefuture –Skills1 91 Tuần 31 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 38 Unit11.Travellinginthefuture –Skills2 92 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 39 Unit11.Travellinginthefuture –LB andProject 93 40 Unit 12. English Speaking Countries –Gettingstarted 7 94 Tuần 32 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 41 Unit 12. English Speaking Countries –Acloserlook1 95 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 42 Unit 12. English Speaking Countries –Acloserlook2 96 43 Unit 12. English Speaking Countries –Communication 97 Tuần 33 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 44 Unit 12. English Speaking Countries –Skills1 98 45 Unit 12. English Speaking Countries –Skills2 99 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 46 Unit 12. English Speaking Countries –LBandProject 100 Tuần 34 Phòng học 7;P.Máy 47 Revision 101
48 The second end-term Test 102 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm 49 Review 4 (P1) 103 Tuần 35 Cassette,CDs,S.mềm Phòng học 7;P.Máy 50 Review 4 (P2) 104 51 The second end-term Test Correction 105 HoànThànhchươngtrìnhHọckìII II. Nhiệm vụ khác (nếu có): (Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi; Tổ chức hoạt động giáo dục...) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TỔ TRƯỞNG (Ký và ghi rõ họ tên) . . ngày …. tháng 8 năm 2022 GIÁO VIÊN ==========================================

Date of planning :…………..

Date of teaching:





I. OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge:

-An overview about the topic “English-speaking countries”

-Lexical items related to people and places in English-speaking countries

-To introduce topic of the lesson “English-speaking countries ”.To practice listening and reading.

+Vocabulary: Use words related to people and places in English-speaking countries;

* New words: island (n), sunset (n), landscape (n), penguin (n)......

+ Grammar:-Ask questions with the correct rising and falling intonation;

-Use articles correctly;

2. Competence: Students will be able topractice listening and reading the conversation between Phong and Mark about Phong's holiday in Australia.

-Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.

-Be cooperativeand supportive in pair work and teamwork.

-Actively join in class activities.

3. Qualities:

-Raise students’ awareness of the need to learn English.

-Develop self-study skills.

-Ss havethe good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and working.


-Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....

-Students : Text books, studying equipment….

-Computer connected to the Internet.



Notes: In each activity, each step will berepresented as following:

* Deliver the task.* Implement the task.* Discuss.* Give comments or feedback.



Aims: To warm up the class before the lesson;

-To lead into the new unit

*Content: Tohave somewarm-up activities to createa friendly and relaxed atmosphereto inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson.

* Outcome: Introducingthemselves to make more new friends.

*Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…



+ Greeting


-Organise a short vocabulary game to revise the

+ Greeting + BRAIN STORMING -T_Ss


words Ss learnt in Unit 11. For example, T can show pictures of different future meansof transportandSs name the means and say all the words, phrases, and sentences they remember related to them. For example, T shows the picture of a bamboo-copter and Ss respond with: a bamboo-copter, no traffic jam, I use it to go to school, It carries one person, I just wear it and fly, etc.

+ Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do the tasks.

Flags matching

* Teacher divides the class into 2 big groups and asks them to match the flag illustrations with names of the countries.

-Students work in groups to discuss and do the matching.

-Teacher allows students to share their answers before discussing as a class and encourages them to pronounce the names of the countries correctly.

-Teacher asks students to explain their choice, checks the answers as a class, gives feedback then introducesthe similarity of these countries ‡ “English-speaking countries”.

-Lead to the new unit.

-Write the unit title English-speaking countries on the board.

Brainstorm the topic by asking some questions like: Can you name some English-speaking countries? Why do they have the name 'Englishspeaking countries'?

-Ask Ss to open their bookand introduce what they are going to study….

-Open theirbook and write .


Aims:To set the context for the introductory conversation; To introduce the topic of the unit

*Content: Learn some new words . Read the conversation and find out new words.

* Outcome: Knowingmore new words. Understanding the conversation; topic of the lesson, grammar points…

*Organisation : Teacher’s instructions..

Teacher’sStudent’s activities

1. Listen and read.

*Teach vocabulary:

+ Teacher usesdifferent techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia, translation.)


1. Listen and read.



-Listen carefully to the context

The USA Canada The UK New Zealand Australia

+ Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:

-providing the pictures

* Vocabulary

1. island (n) Hòn đảo

-eliciting the definition of the words + Teacher do the “Rub out and remember” checking technique.

-Have Ss look at the conversation and the picture and answer some questions, e.g. Who are these boys? What are they talking about? What do you think they will mention in their conversation? Encourage Ss to answer, but do not confirm whether their answers are right or wrong.

-Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and read along. Then invite some pairs of Ss to read the conversation aloud.

-Refer to the questions previously asked. -Confirm the correct answers: They are Phong and Mark. They are talking about Phong's holiday in Australia. They mention Phong's use of English in real life, his travels, and Australia's people and landscapes .

-Go around to check their pronunciation, sentences stress and intonation, if necessary.

2. sunset (n) Hoàng hôn

3. landscape (n)Phong cảnh

4. penguin (n) Chim cánh cụt

3. PRACTICE ( 15’)


Aim: To help Ss get the main idea of the conversation

*Content: Listen and read the conversation.Answer the question.

* Outcome: Know more new words. Understanding more content of the conversation; topic of the lesson, Vocab, grammar points…

*Organisation : Teacher’s instructions.…..

Teacher’sStudent’s activities Content

2. What are Phong and Mark talking about?

-Ask Ss to answer the question without reading the conversation again.

-Ask Ss to explain their choice.

-Confirm the correct answer. Explain if necessary.

2. What are Phong and Mark talking about?


-Work independently.

-Give the answers

* Key: A ACTIVITY 3:

-Check their answers and explain, if necessary


Aim: To draw Ss' attention to the key information of the text and see how much theycan remember about the text.

-Listen carefully and read aloud.

*Content: Understanding more the conversation; Tick ( ✓) the information.

* Outcome: SSunderstand more about topic of the lessons.

*Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Read again and tick (✓) the information you can find in the conversation.

-Have Ss work individually or in pairs.

-Ask Ss to read the sentences and encourage them to do the task without referring to the text.

-Call on some Ss to give the answers. Ask them where they find the information.

-Check the answers as a class.

3. Read again and tick (✓) the information you can find in the conversation.

-T_ Ss

-Listen to the instructions clearly

- Ss to work independently

-Copy them


1. In Australia, Phong used English in real life.

2. Australia isbeautiful.

3. Australians love outdoor activities


Aim: To help Ss understand the meanings of the words / phrases in the box.

*Content: Complete the sentences.

* Outcome: Ss know how to use the words. Complete the sentences correctly.

*Organisation : Teacher’s instructions….

4. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.

- Ask Ss to read the words and phrase in the box and work on their meanings. These words have appeared somewhere in the previous units (except the word Australians).

-Ask Ss to do the task. They can work independently or in pairs. Allow Ss to refer to the conversation if needed.

-Check the answers as a class.


4. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.

-T_ Ss.

Key :

1.landscape 2. penguin watching

3. island 4. sunset

5. Australians


Aim: To introduce the names of five English-speaking countries and their capital cities through a game.

*Content: Doing games. Do the matching

* Outcome: Ss know the capitals with countries.

*Organisation : Teacher’s instructions

Teacher’sStudent’s activities Content


5. GAME. What’s its capital city? Work in groups. Match the countries with their capitals. The first group to find all the correct

5. GAME. What’s its capital city? Work in groups. Match the countries with their capitals. The first group to find all the

answers wins.

-Write the countries and the capital cities on the board (like in the book).

correct answers wins.

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully then do the tasks

-Allow Ss 1 -2 minutes to discuss it in their groups and do the task. Ask them to write their answers on a piece of paper.

-Ask all the groups to show their answers at the same time. The one with the most correct answers wins.

-Say the names of the countries, then the capitals aloud and askSs to repeat. Make sure they pronounce the names correctly.

-If time allows, ask Ss to close the books. Show the flags in turn. Ask Ss to name the country and its capital.

* Key:

1. Washington D.C.

2. Ottawa

3. London

4. Canberra

5. Wellington

-Write Australia on the board. Ask Ss to say aloud any words or phrases they remember from the conversation about this country.

-Write English-speaking countries on the board. Ask Ss to name the countries.

-If there is an overhead projector in the classroom, show the conversation and highlight the key words related to the topic.


-Read again the conversation.

-Do more exercises in workbook.

-If there is a projector in the classroom, show the conversation, highlight the key words related to the topic.



Date of planning :…………..

Date of teaching:



Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things :

1. Knowledge:

-Use words related to people and places in the English-speaking countries.

-Ask questions with the correct rising and falling intonation.

+Vocabulary: Use words related to people and places in English-speaking countries;

* New words: native (adj), amazing (adj), unique (adj), local (adj) , ancient (adj)

+ Grammar:

-Use articles correctly;

2. Competence: Students will be able tolearn some new vocabulary.

-Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.

-Be cooperativeand supportive in pair work and teamwork.

-Actively join in class activities.

3. Qualities:

-Raise students’ awareness of the need to learn English.

-Develop self-study skills.

-Ss havethe good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and working.


-Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....

-Students : Text books, studying equipment….

-Computer connected to the Internet.



Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:

* Deliver the task.* Implement the task.* Discuss.* Give comments or feedback.

1. WARM UP & INTRODUCTION (5’) Vocabulary

Aims:-To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;

-To lead into the new lesson.

* Content: Toplay games orhave somewarm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to thesubject and new lesson.

* Outcome: Having a chance to speak English.

* Organisation

Teacher’s & Student’s activities

+ Greeting

+ Homework checking:

+ Greeting



+ Homework checking:

* Teacher divides the class into groups of four and asks them to share their homework.

-T_ Ss -Workin pairs

-Students work in groups to:

-discuss and share names of Englishspeaking countries.

-list all the names of English-speaking countries in a piece of paper.

-Teacher asks the groups to swap their pieces of paper and do cross checking. The group with themost correct names of English-speaking countries will be the winner.

-Teacher confirms the answers and give compliments to the winner.

-Teacher (T)asks Ss some questions about them and class.

-Students (Ss) listen and learn how to doand do the tasks.

-Open their book and write .



Aim: To introduce some key words (nouns) related to people and places through pictures.

* Content: Write the words or phrases under the correct pictures

* Outcome: Ss know how to use more some new words. Write the wrodscorrectly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Write the words or phrases under the correct pictures.

*) Pre-teach vocabulary:

-Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)

+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by:

- providing explanations of the words;

- showing picture illustrating the word.

+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary

-Repeat in chorus and individually

+ Check vocabulary.

** Ask Ss to read the words and phrases in the box and look at the pictures.

-Allow Ss 3 -4 minutes to do the matching. Since some words {tattoo and

1. Write the words or phrases under the correct pictures.

-T_ Ss

+ Students(Ss)listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.

* Vocabulary:

1. native (adj) Bản ngữ, nguyên quán

2. amazing (adj)Tuyệt vời

3. unique (adj) Độc nhất

4. local (adj) Thuộc vềđịa phương

5. ancient (adj) Cổ, xưa *


. kangaroo
. island country
. tattoo
. Scottish kilt
. castle
. coastline
Key: 1

Scottish kilt) may cause difficulty for Ss,T may help by asking Ss to match the words and phrases they know first (e.g. island country, castle, kangaroo, coastline).

-Clarify the meanings of the two remaining words by giving examples relating to the pictures. For example: He is wearing a kilt, and He has a tattoo on his arm. In this way Ss can complete the task.

-Check the answers as a class.

-Have Ss read the words and phrases aloud. Correct their pronunciation if needed.



Aim: To introduce some key words (adjectives) to describe people and places in context.

* Content: Complete the sentences.

* Outcome: Ss can knowhow to use more adjectives to describe people and places in context.

* Organisation : Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

2. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. native amazing unique local ancient

-Ask Ss to read the words in the box first. Explain their meanings if needed. For example, native: something is native to a place = a place is the home of something; amazing = wonderful, beautiful; unique = rare, not many; local = belonging to a place; ancient = very, very old. Then ask for Vietnamese equivalents if needed.

-Allow Ss 5 minutes to do the task individually or in pairs.

-Alternatively, change the orderof the first two steps.

-Call on some Ss for their answers.

-T may ask Ss to explain how they chose a certain word / phrase for each sentence.

-Check Ss' answers as a class.


2. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. native amazing unique local ancient

-T_Ss ; Pair work

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and learn how to do.

-Give the answer.

* Key:

1. amazing 2. ancient

3. unique 4. local 5. native


Aim: To introduce some more nouns and phrases through explanations.

* Content: Discuss and write the wordsnext to its explanation .

* Outcome: Ss can write the words next to its explanation correctly.

* Organisation :

3. Work in pairs. Discuss and write the word or phrase in the box next to its explanation

Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the words and phrase first and see if they know any of them (e.g. boat ride and capital). Ss may have difficulty withsymbol and tower. T may help by showing them a picture of a tower and give them a symbol of their area. For example, Trang Tien Bridge in Hue, Trang An in Ninh Binh ... Allow Ss 4 -5 minutes to discuss and complete the task. Check the answers as a class.

-Check their answers. T explains if necessary.

3. Work in pairs. Discuss and write the word or phrase in the box next to its explanation

-Listen to the teacher ‘s instruction carefully.

-Ss to work inpairs.

* Key:

1. tower 2. symbol

3. capital 4. boat ride

II. PRONUNCIATION: (10’) Rising and falling intonation forquestions


Aim: To help Ss recognise and practise the rising and falling intonation with questions.

* Content: Listen and repeat the word . Pay attention tothe intonation of the questions.

* Outcome: Ss can learnhow to recognise the intonation of the questions.

* Organisation :

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

4. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the intonation of the following questions.


We use rising intonation for yes / no questions.

We use falling intonation for whquestions

-Write two short questions on the board: a yes / no question and a wh-question. Have some Ss say aloud the questions first, then ask other Ss to pay attention to the intonation at the end of the questions. Correct them if needed.

4. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the intonation of the following questions.

-Listen carefully

-Listen and repeat

* Audio script-Track 83:

-Can you speak English?

-Is Australia an island?

-Will you visit Washington next year?

-What is the capital of Scotland?

-How big is Canada?


-Ask Ss to look at the questions with the rising and falling already marked. Play the recording for Ss to listen once, then listen and repeat as a class, in groups, and finally as individuals. Play the recording as many times as necessary.

-Elicit the pattern from Ss: use rising intonation for yes / no questions and falling intonation for wh-questions

-Call on some Ss to say the words in front of the class. Correct their pronunciation if necessary


Aim: To provide Ss with more practice in the intonations of questions. sentences.

* Content: Circle the correct intonation. Listen and repeat.

* Outcome: Ss will be able to circle the correct intonation correctly.

* Organisation :

5. Circle the correct intonation. Then listen and repeat. Have Ss circle the correct intonation individually, based on what they have learnt in 4.

Play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat each question and check their answers. Correct them if needed. Call on some Ss to read the questions aloud.

-Check their pronunciation, if necessary.

5. Circle the correct intonation. Then listen and repeat.

-T_ Ss

-S do the tasks

* Key + Audio script -Track 84:

1.Where is Canada?

2.Could you show me Singapore on this map ?

3.How many states are there in the USA ?

4. Is English an official language in Malaysia ?

5. Do you know much about New Zealand ?


-Ask Ss to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.

-Have Ss look at the objectives written on the board at the beginning of the lesson and tick the objectives they can do.


-Remember somenew words.

-Do more exercises in workbook.


-Prepare new lesson. A CLOSER LOOK_2



-People and places in English-speaking countries


-Pronunciation Rising and falling intonation for questions


-Articles: a, an, the


-Reading about New Zealand

-Talking about Scotland

-Listening to a guide about a tour of a city

-Writing a diary entry about a tour of a city

Everyday English

-Expressing amazement.


Date of planning :…………..

Date of teaching: WEEK:


Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2

I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things :

1. Knowledge:

-Understand the use of use articles

-Practice using articles correctly

+Vocabulary : Use words related to people and places in English-speaking countries;

+ Grammar: Articles: use ‘the’with superlative; with the names of some places; If one of the words in the place name is common noun (island, bridge, river, tower....)

-Use articles (a, an, the ) correctly;

2. Competence: Students will be able tolearn some new vocabulary.

-Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.

-Be cooperativeand supportive in pair work and teamwork.

-Actively join in class activities.

3. Qualities:

-Raise students’ awareness of the need to learn English.

-Develop self-study skills.

-Ss havethe good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and working.


-Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....

-Students : Text books, studying equipment….

-Computer connected to the Internet.



Notes: In each activity, each step will berepresented as following:

* Deliver the task.* Implement the task.* Discuss.* Give comments or feedback.



-To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;

-To lead into the new lesson.

* Content: Play gamesor have somewarm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Outcome: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..

* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


Content +
+ Chatting / Picture describing + Greeting + Chatting / Picture describing -T_Ss

* T may introduce some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new class…

-Studentsplay games

-Workin groups

-T encourages Ss to talk in English as much as possible

+ Write the unit title on the board and ask Ss guest what they are going to learn this unit …

-Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….

-Open their notebooks and write the titles of the lesson

2. PRESENTATION/ NEW LESSON (12’) ACTIVITY 1: Grammar Remember!


- Ss have already learnt some basic use of articles in Unit 11, Grade 6. T may revise by writing up this sequence of sentences on the board and elicit the others by asking questions with Where (e.g. Where's the page?).

-There's a word on a page.

-The page is in a book.

-The book is on a table.

- There's a cat in a tree.

-There's a bee on a flower.

-There's a fish in a pond.

Aim: To provide Ss with more advanced practice in article

* Content: Complete the sentences with a, an, the

* Outcome: Ss can learn how to use the article : a, an, the correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Complete the sentences with a / an or the.

-Ask Ss to do the exercise individually. They can then exchange answers with a classmate.

-Call on some Ss to answer and to explain their choice.Confirm the correct answers as a class.

-Before moving to the next tasks, ask Ss to read the Remember! box introducing three other usages of article.

1. Complete the sentences with a / an or the.

-T_ Ss

+ Students(Ss)listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.


1. the 2. an 3. a 4. a 5. the


3. PRACTICE (18’)

Aim: To help Sspractice the uses of the as presented in the remember box.

* Content: Complete the sentences using a, an, the

* Outcome: Ss can complete the sentences using a, an, the correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

2. Put in the where necessary.

-Have Ss do this exercise individually or in pairs.

-Ask them to read the sentences with attention to the noun / noun phrase and decide if each needs the.

-Check the answers as a class. Carefully explain each answer. Ss will have difficulty remembering which proper names go with the and which don't.Tell them not to worry.They will remember through more practice.

2. Put in the where necessary. brackets.

-T_ Ss

-Listen carefully and learn how to do.

- Ss work individually first.


1. The -x 2.x-the 3. the-the

4.the 5. the-the

Answer key:

1. The –x 2. x –the

3. the –the 4. the (SGV sai key)

5. the –the


Aim: To teach Ss the use of articles with nationalities.

* Content: Do the filling

* Outcome: Ss can put a, an, the in the blanks correctly.

* Organisation :

3. Put in a / an or the.

-Allow Ss to work individually or in pairs.

-Allow Ss some time to read the table first, then do the exercise.

-Ask Ss to do the exercise.

-Call on 2 -3 Ss to read aloud the words. Confirm the correct answers. A/ofe:The English, the Japanese, the French, but Australians, Canadians, Russians.

-T and other Ss comment.


Aim: To give Ss further practice in articles.

* Content: Complete the sentences with a, an, the

3. Put in a / an or the.

-Sswork individually.

-Ss listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and do the tasks.

* Key:

1. a 2. an 3. an 4. the 5. a

* Outcome: Ss can learn how to use “ a, an, the” correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

4. Complete the sentences with a / an, or the.

-Have Ss do this exercise individually.

-Ask Ss to exchange their answers with a partner and discuss if they do not agree on any answers.

-Call on some Ss to read out their answers.

4. Complete the sentences with a / an, or the.

-T_ Ss


-Do the tasks and share the answers

-Confirm the correct answers.

-Explain if needed.

* Key:

1. an 2. The 3. the4.the

If there is time, have some Ss write the answers on the board. T and other Ss comment.

5. an 6. the Answer key: (SGV sai key)

1. an 2. The 3. the

4. the 5. an 6. The



Aim: To provide Ss with more advanced practice in article

* Content: Tick the underlined articles are correct.

* Outcome: Ss can do exercises correctly.

* Organisation :

5. Tick ( ✓) if the underlined articles are correct. If they aren’t, write the correct ones in the space provided.

-Have Ss work individually or in pairs. Ask them to discuss and determine if each underlined article is correct. If not, ask them to correct it.

-Call on some Ss for their answers.

-Check the answers as a class.

5. Tick ( ✓) if the underlined articles are correct. If they aren’t, writethe correct ones in the space provided.

-T_ Ss

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully do the tasks that follow.

* Key:

1. ✓ 2. the 3. an 4.✓ 5. ✓ Answer key: ????

4. Are ancient castles anattraction of Scotland?

5. Where can you see ared telephone box?


-Summarise the main points of the lesson.


-Remember the useof article “the”

-Do more exercises in workbook.

-Prepare new lesson: COMMUNICATION. =======================



-People and places in English-speaking countries


-Pronunciation Rising and falling intonation for questions


-Articles: a, an, the


-Reading about New Zealand

-Talking about Scotland

-Listening to a guide about a tour of a city

-Writing a diary entry about a tour of a city

Everyday English

-Expressing amazement.


Date of planning :…………..

Date of teaching: WEEK:



I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things :

1. Knowledge:

-Express amazement

-Know interesting facts about English-speaking countries

+Vocabulary: Use words related to the topic “English-speaking countries”.

+ Grammar: Use articles correctly;

+ Structures to express amazement: 2 ways to express amazement:

=> Wow ... I didn’t know that!

=> Amazing!

2. Competence: Students will be able tolearn some new vocabulary.

-Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.

-Be cooperativeand supportive in pair work and teamwork.

-Actively join in class activities.

3. Qualities:

-Raise students’ awareness of the need to learn English.

-Develop self-study skills.

-Ss havethe good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and working.


-Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....

-Students : Text books, studying equipment….

-Computer connected to the Internet.



Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:

* Deliver the task.* Implement the task.* Discuss.* Give comments or feedback.

Everyday English


Expressing amazement

* Content: Play gamesor have somewarm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Outcome: Having a chance to speak English and focus onthe topic of the lesson.

* Organisation: Follow teacher’s instructions.

Teacher’s& Student’s activities

+ Greeting + Chatting

* T may introduce some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new class…

+ Greeting + Chatting

-T_ Ss



-Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.

-T encourages Ss to talk in English as much as possible

+ Lead to the new lesson.

+ Ask Ss guest what they are going to learn this unit …

-Ask Ss to open their book to page 6 and introduce what they are going to study….

-Open their book and write .


Aim: To introduce to Ss two ways to express amazement and to provide them some practice.

* Content: To introduce two ways to express amazement.

* Outcome: Ss learn how to express two ways to express amazementcorrectly.

*Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities

1. Listen and read the conversations, paying attention to the highlighted parts.

-Play the recording for Ss to listenand read the conversations. Ask Ss to pay attention to the highlighted parts.

-Elicit the expressions of amazement.

-Have Ss practise the conversations in pairs.

-Highlight the expressions of amazement:

-To express amazement, you can use: Wow... I didn't know that!


2. Work in pairs. Make similar dialogues with the following situations, using expressions of amazement.

-Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogues with the situations provided, using expressions of amazement.

-Comment ontheir performance.


1. Listen and read the conversation. Pay attention to the highlighted questions

-T_ Ss + Students(Ss)listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.

* Audio script -Track 85:

Mark: Scottish men wear kilts, short skirts, at their traditional festivals.

Lan: Wow... I didn't know that!

Lan: In 2019, Walt Disney World in California attracted nearly 21 million visitors.

Tom: Amazing!

2. Work in pairs. Make similar dialogues with the following situations, using expressions of amazement.

3. PRACTICE (18’)

ACTIVITY 3: Interesting facts about English-speaking countries

Aim: To help Ss learn some facts about English-speakingcountries through a quiz.

*Content: Discuss and write the name of the country next to the fact

* Outcome: Ss can write the name of the country next to the fact correctly


*Organisation : Teacher’sStudent’s activities


3. Work in groups. Discuss and write the name of the country next to the fact.

3. Work in groups.Discuss and write the name of the country next to the fact.

Have Ss work in groups to read the facts, discuss and do the matching. This is learning with fun, so don't pressure Ss.

Confirm the correct answers as a class.

-Work in pairs to do this activity

-Listen carefullyand learn how to do.

-Do the tasks.

* Key:

1. Australia 2. The USA

3. Canada 4. The UK

5. New Zealand


Aim: To provide Ss with more facts about English-speaking countries and encourage interaction through responding.

* Content: Read some facts then roleplay .....

* Outcome: Ss can read some facts then role play.... .

*Organisation :

4. Work in pairs. Read some facts about English-speaking countries and tick ( ✓) the column true for you. Then role play by one person saying one statement aloud and the other responding to it.

-Ask Ss to read the instructions, then the example to know what they have to do.

-Let Ss read the facts and tick the column true for them. Then ask them to work in pairs and take turns with one saying a fact aloud and the other responding with his / her answer.

-Call on 2 -3 pairs to role-play in front of the class.

-Confirm the correct answers.

4. Work in pairs. Read some facts about English-speaking countries and tick ( ✓ ) the column true for you. Then role play by one person saying one statement aloud and the other responding to it.

-T_ Ss

-Listen to the instructions clearly

* Example:

A: New York is the biggest city but not the capital of the USA.

B: I know this.

A: The state of Alaska in the USA has over 2,600 islands.

B: This is new to me.



Aim: To encourage Ss to share what they know about English-speaking countries with the class.

* Content: Share some interesting facts Ss know about English -speaking countries

* Outcome: Ss can talk about some interesting facts Ss knowabout English -speaking countries

*Organisation :

5. Work in groups. Share with your group some interesting facts you know about Englishspeaking countries. The group takes notes and presents their findings to the class.

-Ask Ss to work in groups. Allow them time to think about a fact they know and how to say it.

-Have Ss share the facts in the group. The group leader takes notes of the facts. Some Ss may repeat

5. Work in groups. Share with your group some interesting facts you know about English-speaking countries. The group takes notes and presents their findings to the class.

-T_ Ss


-Listen to the instructions clearly

facts which have previously appeared in the unit. This is also a revision activity.

-Call on some groups to share the facts with the class

5. WRAP-UP & HOME WORK ( 2’)

* Have Ss say what they have learnt in the lesson.


-Do more exercises in workbook.

-Prepare new lesson : lesson 5 : SKILLS_1



Date of planning :…………..

Date of teaching: ………..…



Lesson 5: SKILLS_1/ Reading and Speaking

I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things :

1. Knowledge:

-Develop reading skill for specific information about New Zealand

-Develop speaking skill: talk about Scotland

+Vocabulary: Use words related to the topic “English-speaking countries”.

* New words: shining (adj), historic (adj), rich (adj)...

+ Grammar: Use articles correctly;

-To express amazement:

2. Competence: Students will be able tolearn some new vocabulary.

-Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.

-Be cooperativeand supportive in pair work and teamwork.

-Actively join in class activities.

3. Qualities:

-Raise students’ awareness of the need to learn English.

-Develop self-study skills.

-Ss havethe good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and working.


-Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....

-Students : Text books, studying equipment….

-Computer connected to the Internet.



Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:

* Deliver the task.* Implement the task.* Discuss.* Give comments or feedback.


( Pre –reading )


-To create an activeatmosphere in the class before the lesson;

-To lead into the new unit.

* Content: Review the previous lesson or have somewarm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Outcome: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..

* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities


+ Game: Guessing: What country is it? + Greeting + Game: + T_ Ss

+ Greeting

* Teacher asks students to watch a video about the introduction of a country and ask them to guess the name of the country.

-Students watch the video and raise hands to answer the question.

-Teacher and students discuss the answers.

-Teacher confirms the answers and gives feedback.

+ Video link:

-Have Ss open their books to page 130 (SKILLS 1).

-Quickly write them on the board.


- Open the book and write the tittle of the lesson.



Aim: To lead in the text about New Zealand.

* Content: Discuss and choosethe correct answer A, B, C

* Outcome: Ss can choosethe correct answer A, B, Ccorrectly.

* Organisation :

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Work in pairs. Discuss and choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

*) Pre-teach vocabulary:

-Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)

+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary by: providing explanations of the words; showing picture illustrating the word.

+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary

-Repeat in chorus and individually

+ Check vocabulary

-Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss and answer the questions.

-Ask some pairs to share their answers. Don't confirm the answers. Leave them till the end of the reading.

1. Work in pairs. Discuss and choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

-T_ Ss

+ Students(Ss)listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.


1. shining (adj)lấp lánh, tỏa sáng

2. historic (adj)có tính chất lịch sử, nổi

tiếng trong lịch sử

3. rich (adj) có nhiều

* Key: 1. A 2.B

3. While-reading (18’) ACTIVITY 2 :

Aim: To help Ss develop their reading skill of guessing the meaning of a word by using its context.

* Content: Read the passage and do the matching.

* Outcome: Ss can read the passage and do the matching correctly.


* Organisation : Teacher’s & Student’s activities


2. Read the passage and match the words in bold from the passage (1-4) with their meanings (a-d).

2. Read the passage and match the words in bold from the passage (1-4) with their meanings (a-d).

-Have Ss read the text in detail, paying attention to the words in bold. Ask them to read the sentences where the words appear, and before and after it. Ss should be able to deal with rich, ancient, and historic, and thus they can have the answer to shining.

-Call on some Ss to share their answers.

-Check the answers as a class.


-T_ Ss

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and learn how to do.

* Key:

1. c 2.d3. a 4. b

Aim: To help Ss develop their reading skill for specific information (scanning).

* Content: Read the passage again and choose the correct answer A, B or C.

* Outcome: Ss read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B or C correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Read the passage again and choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

-Ask Ss to do the task individually: read each question, locate where it appears in the text, read that part carefully and circle the correct answer.

-Have Ss exchange answers in pairs.

-Call on some Ss to share their answers.

-Ask them to show where they find the answers

-Check the answers as a class

3. Read the passage again and choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

-T_ Ss

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and follow them.

* Key: 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5.C


ACTIVITY 4: (Follow up activity) Speaking

Aim: To give Ss an opportunity to express their own feelings about what they personally like about New Zealand.

* Content: Work in pairs . Note things they like about New Zealand.

* Outcome: Ss cannote things they like about New Zealand .

* Organisation: Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Work in pairs. Note two things you like about New Zealand. Share it with your partner.

-Allow Ss to work individually, referring (if necessary) to the text and list the two things they like most about New Zealand.

-Ask Ss to share their ideas with their partners, remind them that they can use the suggested opening provided.

-Listen and pass positive comments.

-T and other Ss listen and comment

4. Work in pairs. Note two things you like about New Zealand. Share it with your partner.

-T_ Ss

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and follow them.

-Work individually.

* You can start with:


There are two things I like about New Zealand. They are ...


Aim: To provide an opportunity for Ss to practise introducing a country.

* Content: Further practice.Prepare a short introduction of Scotland and present it to the class

* Outcome: Sswill be able toprepare a short introduction of Scotland and present it to the class

* Organisation: .....

5. Work in groups. Prepare a short introduction of Scotland and present it to the class.

-Ask Ss to read the facts about Scotland first.

-Ask Ss to work in groups. Explain that the introduction consists of four parts (as shown in the box). Explain that they can refer to the reading to see how the ideas are used.

-Let them discuss, then form complete sentences from the information given.

-Go around and listen. Give help if needed.

-Call on some groups to share their answers with the class.

-Comment on Ss' performance.

5. Work in groups. Prepare a short introduction of Scotland and present it to the class. T_ Ss

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and follow them.

-Workin groups


-Have Ss summarise what they have learnt with the two skills * HOME WORK.

-Practice telling about your future houses.

-Do more exercises in workbook.

-Prepare new lesson. Skills 2.



Date of planning :…………..

Date of teaching: ………..…



Lesson 6 : SKILLS 2/ Listening and Writing

I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things :

1. Knowledge:

-listen for specific information about a tour of a city;

-write a diary entry about a tour of a city.

+Vocabulary: Use words related to the topic “English-speaking countries”.

* New words: shining (adj), historic (adj), rich (adj)...

+ Grammar: Use articles correctly;

-To express amazement:

2. Competence: Students will be able tolearn some new vocabulary.

-Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.

-Be cooperativeand supportive in pair work and teamwork.

-Actively join in class activities.

3. Qualities:

-Raise students’ awareness of the need to learn English.

-Develop self-study skills.

-Ss havethe good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and working.


-Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....

-Students : Text books, studying equipment….

-Computer connected to the Internet.



Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:

* Deliver the task.

* Implement the task.

* Discuss.

* Give comments or feedback.



To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;

To lead into the new lesson.

* Content: Having somewarm-up activities to createa friendly and relaxed atmosphereto inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson .

* Outcome: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the new lesson.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions….


Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

+ Greeting + Greeting

+ Guessing game: What city is it?

* Teacher divides the class into 2 teams. Each team will guess the the name of the city based on pictures given gradually by the teacher.

-T_ Ss; S_S

+ Guessing game: What city is it?

-Students play the guessing game.

-The team with correct answer will be the winner.

-Teacher introduces the topic of the listening task: A tour around London.

+ Lead to the unit 12: Lesson : SKILLS_2

-Ask Ss to open their book to page 131 and introduce what they are going to study….

-Students(Ss)listen and do as teacher’s instructions.

-Open their book and write the tittle of the lesson .


ACTIVITY 1: Pre-listening/ A tour around London

Aim: To prepare Ss for the listening by introducing two key phrases visually.

* Content: Group work . Do the matching

* Outcome: Ss can do the matching correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…. Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

1. Work in groups. Match the phrases to the pictures.

*) Pre-teach vocabulary:

-Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)if have

-Have Ss work in groups. Ask them to read the phrases and match them to the pictures.

-Check the answers as a class

-T comments on their answers


1. Work in groups. Match the phrases to the pictures.

-T_ Ss

* Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and do the tasks.

* Key:

1. Changing of the Guard

2. Buckingham Palace

3. While-listening/ (10’-12’)

Aim: to help Ss develop their skills of listening for specific information, in this case: times

* Content: Listen and do the filling.

* Outcome: Ss can listen and do the filling correctly.


* Organisation : Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

2. A tour guide is talking about the schedule for a day trip in London. Listen and fill in the times.

2. A tour guide is talking about the schedule for a day trip in London. Listen and fill in the times.

-Help Ss revise the use of time in the listening and note taking skills by saying 3 -4 different times for Ss to write down.

-Have Ss read the questions quickly. This helps Ss get some ideas of what they are going to listen to as well as determine the information they need for answering the questions.

-Play the recording twice for Ss to do 2.

-Have Ss exchange answers in pairs. Invite some pairs to read their answers and confirm the correct ones.

-Play the recording again if needed, stopping at the place where each answer appears.

-Check the answers as a class and correct mistakes where necessary.


-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and learn how to do it.


1. 11:30 a.m. 2. 1p.m.

3.3:15 p.m. 4.5 p.m.

Aim: To help Ss further develop their listening skill for specific information.

* Content: Listen and complete the sentences.

* Outcome: Ss can listen and complete the sentences correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

3. Listen again and complete each sentence with ONE word.

Have Ss read the questions and determine what information they need for answering the questions. Remind them that the questions ask for one-word answers.

Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and complete the sentences.

Have Ss exchange answers in pairs. Invite some pairs to say their answers and confirm the correct ones.

Play the recording again if needed, stopping at each place where the answers appear.

*Post-listening: Retelling

-Teacher invites some students to retell it briefly if possibleusing T/F sentences.

-Teacher confirms the correct answers

-Call on some Ss to talk freely.

-Correct pronunciations, grammar, vocab, intonation.

3. Listen again and complete each sentence with ONE word.

-Listen carefully to the instructions

-T_ Ss

* Ss learn how to do the tasks

* Key:

1. Queen 2. garden 3. Clock 4. photos 5. attractions


* Audio script -Tracks 86 + 87: Welcome to our one-day tour of London. At 9:30 a.m., we'll go to Buckingham Palace. The Queen and her family live there. You can see the Queen's beautiful garden, and her collection of artworks. Remember to watch the Changing of the Guard at 11:30 a.m. We will then visit Big Ben. It is the Clock Tower on the River Thames. It is one of the most

-Lead to the writing part. famous symbols of the United Kingdom. Lunch is at 1 p.m. You can then go around and take photos. We will return for a boat ride at 3:15 p.m. on the River Thames. You will see historic attractions along the river. We will return to our hotel at 5 p.m.

ACTIVITY 4: Writing

Aim: To help Ss summarise the content of the listening in notes.

* Content: Do the filling.

* Outcome: Ss can do the filling with information about London tourcorrectly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Work in pairs. Fill in the table with information about the London tour.

-Ask Ss to work in pairs. Let them read the table and decide what information they need to complete the table.

-Explain that all the question frames in 2 and 3 can help them complete the table. Have them make up information for the blanks they cannot fill in. This may requireT's guidance

Suggested answers:

4. Work in pairs. Fill in the table with information about the London tour.

-T_ Ss

- Ss work individually.

-Ss answer.



Aim: To teach Ss how to write a diary entry about a tour they have taken.

* Content: Write a diary entry of about 70 words bout the tour .

* Outcome: Ss can write a diary entry of about 70 words bout the tour .

* Organisation :

5. Imagine that you took the tour of London. Write a diary entry of about 70 words about your tour, based on the table in 4 or use your imagination.

Explain to Ss what a diary entry is: It is a description of what you do during a tour and how you feel aboutit.

5. Imagine that you took the tour of London. Write a diary entry of about 70 words about your tour, based on the table in 4 or use your imagination.

-T_ Ss


-Ss work individually.


Tell Ss that they can refer to the table in 4 for information. They can write about everything or just choose the activities they like most. Allow Ss 6 -7 minutes to write the entry. Go round and offer help if needed. Call on some Ss to read aloud their entries. Pass comments as a class.

* Post writing :

* Teacher asks Ss to share their writing with their partners. Then, call on some Ss to show their writing in front of the class.

-Students listen to each other’s work.

-Students then give comments to each other.

-Teacher then gives feedback as a class discussion.

-Teacher checks ideas, grammar, vocabulary and gives comments.

* Suggested answer:

The tour of London began at 9:30 a.m. First, we went to Buckingham Palace. We visited the Queen's garden and saw her collection of artworks. At 11:30 a.m, we watched the Changing of the Guard. We then went to Big Ben. We took a lot of photos there. At 3:15 p.m., we took a boat ride on the River Thames. We saw many historic attractions along the river. I enjoyed the tour very much.


-Ask Ss to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.

-Have Ss look at the objectives written on the board at the beginning of the lesson and tick the objectives they can do.


+ Write a paragraph

-Do more exercises in workbook.

-Prepare for the next lesson: Lesson 7: LOOKING BACK & PROJECT



Date of planning :…………..

Date of teaching: ………..…




I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things :

1. Knowledge:

-Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 12

-Apply what they have learnt (vocabulary and grammar) into practice through a project

+Vocabulary: Use words related to people and places in English-speaking countries;

+ Grammar: Use articles correctly;

2. Competence:

-Develop communication skills and creativity.

-Develop presentation skill.

-Develop critical thinking skill.

-Be cooperativeand supportive in pair work and teamwork.

-Actively join in class activities.

3. Qualities:

-Raise students’ awareness of the need to learn English.

-Develop self-study skills.

-Be more creative when doing the project


-Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....

-Students : Text books, studying equipment….

-Computer connected to the Internet.



Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:

* Deliver the task.

* Implement the task.

* Discuss.

* Give comments or feedback.



- This is the review and drill section of the unit. Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit pages. Instead they can use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the questions.

-That will help you and your Ss see how far they have progressed, and which areas need further practice.

-Encourage Ss to review and drill section of the unit 8.

* Content: Play gamesor have somewarm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.


* Outcome: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..

* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content + Greeting + Asking questions

How many English-speaking countries are there? What are they?

* Teacher lets students watch a video and ask them the questions:

How many English-speaking countries are there in the video?

What are they?

*Students watch the video, note down the names and the number of English-speaking countries.

-Teacher and students discuss the answers.

-Teacher confirms the answers as a class.

+ Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….

+ Greeting + Asking questions

-Ss listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully.

-Ss do the tasks

* Answer key:

1. There are 6 English-speaking countries in the video.

2. They are:

The Philippines


Republic of Ireland



The UK


Aim: To help Ss revise the vocabulary (nouns showing things and places) they have learnt in the unit.

* Content: Do the filling . Write the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.

* Outcome: Ss can complete the sentencescorrectly.

* Organisation :

1. Look at the pictures and write the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.

-Ask Ss to work individually or in pairs. Have Ss read the sentences and see if they can find the equivalent words illustrated by the pictures.

-Allow Ss to exchange their answers.

-Then check as a class

1. Look at the pictures and write the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.

-T_ Ss

-Do the tasks

-Give the answers


1. island 2. castle 3. boat ride

4. tattoos 5. coastline ACTIVITY 2:

Aim : To help Ss revise more key vocabulary they have learnt in the unit

* Content: Complete the sentences by choosing the best answer.

* Outcome: Ss can complete the sentences correctly.

* Organisation :

2. Choose the best answer A, B, or C to complete each sentence. Have Ss do this task individually, then compare their answers with their partners. Call on some Ss for their answers. Confirm the correct ones. Explain if needed.

-T and other Ss listen and comment.

2. Choose the best answer A, B, or C to complete each sentence.

-T_ Ss

-Do the tasks

-Give the answers



1. A 2.B 3. B 4. C 5. A


Aim: To help Ss revise the use of articles.

* Content: Complete the sentences

* Outcome: Ss can complete the sentences correctly.

* Organisation :

3. Complete the sentences with a / an or the.

-Have Ss do the exercise individually. Allow them to exchange their answers with a partner.

-Call on some Ss for their answers. Confirm the correct answers. Explain if needed

3. Complete the sentences with a /an or the.

-T_ Ss

-Do the tasks

-Give the answers


1. the -the 2. A-a 3. the-the

4. a-the 5. An-an


Aim: To help Ss recognise mistakes in the use of the articles and correct them.

* Content: Correcting mistakes

* Outcome: Ss can underline and correct the article mistakes in the sentences below.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

4. Underline and correct the article mistakes in the sentencesbelow.

-Have Ss do this exercise individually or in pairs.

-Ask Ss to read each sentence carefully and discuss to find out which article is incorrect, then correct it.

-Call on some Ss for their answers. -Check as a class. Explain if needed.

4. Underline and correct the article mistakes in the sentences below.

- T_ Ss

+ Students(Ss)listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.

* Key:

1. Ottawa is a capital of Canada. => the

2. He's the Englishman. He lives in Oxford. => an

3. When people travel, they use an map to find their way round. => a

4. Can you see a Big Ben from where you are standing? => the

5. Canadians love ice hockey, the winter sport. => a




To guide Ss how to find information for a poster introducing a place in an English-speaking country.

* This activity helps students improve their ability to work independently and in a team. It extends their imagination in a field related to the unit topic......


* Content: Discuss and choose a place in an English-speaking country; Find information; design a poster to present it; vote for the most appealing poster.

* Outcome: Ss can choose a place in an English-speaking country; Find information; design a

poster to present it......

* Organisation :

Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content

Aim: To guide Ss how to find information for a poster introducing a place in an English-speaking country.

Ask Ss to work in groups to:

+ discuss and pick one place they find interesting or a place that they want to know more about.

+ search for information, focusing on the suggested ideas and discuss how to present it on the poster.

+ design the poster and share it with the class. If time is limited, T can assign the project in earlier lessons such as in GETTING STARTED. Make sure you guide them carefully and check their progress after each lesson. In the last lesson (LOOKING BACK), ask Ss to present their poster.

* If there is not enough time,T may ask Ss to do the project as homework and check it during the next lesson.

-Teacher gives feedback.

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully.

-T_ Ss

** Ss should prepare the project as assign groups in the previous lessons beforehand.

-Do the tasks . Prepare the at home beforehand.

-Students do the project in groups.

-Students vote for the best poster.

* Ss should finish the project in class, assign groups in the previous lessons.


-Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment table. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice


-Do more exercises in workbook.

-Prepare for the next lesson: REVIEW 4



Date of planning:…………..

Period .....: REVIEW4(UNIT 10-11-12)

Date of teaching: ………..…


Lesson 1: LANGUAGE / PronunciationVocabulary-Grammar

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this review, Ss will have revised the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 10, 11, 12

-Ask Ss what they have learnt in terms of language and skills.

-Summarise their answers in notes and write them in a top corner of the board. Briefly revise some important / difficult points before starting with the review.

1. Knowledge: -Ss will have revised the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Unit 10, 11, 12.

-Review pronunciation, vocabulary and the grammar points they have learnt in Unit 10, 11, 12.

- Revise the words related toTypes of energy sources ; Future means of transport ; People and places in English-speaking countries

-Pronounce the sounds; Stress in three-syllable words; Sentence stress ; Pronunciation Rising and falling intonation for questions

-Revise Present continuous ;Future simple: Will / Possessive pronouns ;Articles: a, an, the

-Revise how to ask for explanations; makepredictions; Expressamazement.

a) Vocabulary: Revise the words relatedto types of energy sources ; Future means of transport ; People and places in English-speaking countries

b) Grammar: Revise Present continuous ;Future simple: Will / Possessive pronouns ; Articles: a, an, the

c) Writing :Writing a paragraph about how to save energy at home ; Writing a paragraph about the advantages of a future means of transport; Writing a diary entry about a tour of a city.

2. Competence: Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.

-Develop communication skills and creativity.

-Be cooperativeand supportive in pair work and teamwork.

-Actively join in class activities

3. Qualities :

-Have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pair work, cooperative learning.

-Develop self-study skills.


-Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....

-Students : Text books, studying equipment….

-Computer connected to the Internet.



Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:

* Deliver the task.

* Implement the task.

* Discuss.


* Give comments or feedback.


Aim: Introduction

-By the end of this review, students will have revised the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 10, 11, 12.

-Ss revise what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills.

-Summarise their answers in notes and write them in a top corner of the board. Briefly revise some important / difficult ones before starting the review.

*Content: Having somewarm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Outcome: Havinga chance to speak English.

*Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…...

Teacher’s& Student’sactivities Content

+ Greeting

+ Revision on the old lessons


* Teacher divides class into 3 big groups to draw a mindmap related to the knowledge they have learnt in Unit 10, 11, 12.

-Ss do the task in group.

-Teacher calls on some students to present their answer based on the mindmap.

-Other Ss comment and teacher confirms.

-Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….

+ Greeting + Revision on the old lessons

Mindmap + T_Ss

-Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.

-Open their book and write .


A. LANGUAGE: Pronunciation


Aim: To help Ss review the stress in two-and three-syllable words.

* Content: Mark the stressed syllables.

* Outcome: Ss can mark the stressed syllables correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…..

Teacher’s& Student’s activities Content

1. Mark (') the stressed syllables in the underlined words. Then listen, check and repeat.

Write some two-and three-syllable words on the board. Ask Ss to read the words aloud. Remind Ss of the rules.

Ask Ss to read the underlined words in the sentences and mark the stressed syllables. Play the recording for Ss to listen and check their answers.

1. Mark (') the stressed syllables in the underlined words. Then listen, check and repeat.

-T_ Ss

+ Students(Ss)listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to dothe tasks.

-Answer the teacher’s questions

*Key + Audio script - Track 88:


1. 'Driverless trains will be 'popular.

Check Ss' answers as a class. Play the recording again for Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and then individually.

2. Niagara Falls is Canada's most famous 'natural attraction

3. We can save 'energy by re'cycling.

4. All plants and 'animals need 'energy.

5. He's reading Guidance for Visitors to Scotland.

ACTIVITY 2: Vocabulary

Aim: To help Ss recognise the words through their definitions.

* Content: Write the words next to their definitions.

* Outcome: Ss can write the words next to their definitionscorrectly.

* Organisation :

2. Write the words in the box next to their definitions.

-Have Ss do this exercise individually. Ask Ss to read the words in the box first and see if they remember their meanings.

-Ask Ss to read the definitions and do the matching.

-Have Ss highlight the key words to help them with the matching. Confirm the correct answers.


2. Write the words in the box next to their definitions.

-Ss work individually.

-Do the tasks

* Key:

1. source 2. bamboo-copter 3. symbol

4.coal 5.attraction

Aim: To help Ss revise some key adjectives from Units 10-12 and use them in context.

* Content: Complete the sentences. Do the filling.

* Outcome: Ss will be able to complete the sentencescorrectly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s& Student’s activities Content

3. Complete the sentences with the words below.

Have Ss do this exercise individually or in pairs. Ask Ss to read the adjectives in the box and make sure they remember their meanings. Ask Ss to read each sentence and decide what adjective can fit in.

Highlight the key words in each sentence to help Ss do the task.

Confirm the correct answers.

-Check the answers as a class.

ACTIVITY 4 : Grammar

3. Complete the sentences with the words below.

-T_ Ss

-Listen to the instructions clearly

* Key:

1. public 2. natural 3. national

4. renewable 5. native 6. electrical

Aim: To help Ss revise the use of the present continuous and the future simple.

* Content: Review the grammar points. Use the correct form of verbs to complete the sentences.


* Outcome: Revision. Ss can use the correct form of verbs to complete the sentences.

* Organisation :

Teacher’s& Student’s activities Content

4. Use the correct tense and form of each verb in brackets to complete the sentence. Ask Ss to read the sentences first and underline thesignals to help them decide if the verbs are used in the present continuous or future simple. Ask Ss to do the task individually. Note to Ss to use the correct forms of the verbs as well. Check as a class. Explain if necessary. T may then call on some Ss to read aloud the correct sentences.

4. Use the correct tense and form of each verb in brackets to complete the sentence.

- T_ Ss

-Listen to the instructions clearly

* Key:

1. is doing2. will visit3. is building

4. will use 5. will have



Aim: To help Ss identify the wrong use of the articles and correct them.

* Content: Find and correctmistakes. Write the correct one.

* Outcome: Ss can find and correctmistakes, then write the correct one.

* Organisation : Teacher’s& Student’s activities Content

5. Find and cross (––) ONE incorrect article in each sentence and write the correct one .

-Ask Ss to read the sentences first and underline all the articles in each sentence.

-Look at each article and the word it goes with and decide if it is used correctly.

-Check as a class. Explain if necessary.

-T may then call on some Ss to read aloud the correct sentences.

5. Find and cross (––) ONE incorrect article in each sentence and write the correct one.

-T_ Ss

-Listen to the instructions clearly

* Key:


-Summarise the main points.

-Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recall the important grammar points.

+ Words / phrases . Vocabulary; The grammar points.


-Read again the conversation

-Do more exercises in workbook.

-Make more sentences using adverbs of frequency.




Date of planning :…………..

Period .....: REVIEW 4 (UNIT 10 -11 -12 )

Date of teaching: ………..…


Lesson 2 : SKILLS / reading-SpeakingListening -Writing

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this review, Ss will have revised the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 10, 11, 12

-Ask Ss what they have learnt in terms of language and skills.

-Summarise their answers in notes and write them in a top corner of the board. Briefly revise some important / difficult points before starting with the review.

1. Knowledge: -Ss will have revised the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Unit 10, 11, 12.

-Review pronunciation, vocabulary and the grammar points they have learnt in Unit 10, 11, 12.

- Revise the words related toTypes of energy sources ; Future means of transport ; People and places in English-speaking countries

-Pronounce the sounds; Stress in three-syllable words; Sentence stress ; Pronunciation Rising and falling intonation for questions

-Revise Present continuous ;Future simple: Will / Possessive pronouns ;Articles: a, an, the

-Revise how to ask for explanations; makepredictions; Expressamazement.

a) Vocabulary: Revise the words relatedto types of energy sources ; Future means of transport ; People and places in English-speaking countries

b) Grammar: Revise Present continuous ;Future simple: Will / Possessive pronouns ; Articles: a, an, the

c) Writing :Writing a paragraph about how to save energy at home ; Writing a paragraph about the advantages of a future means of transport; Writing a diary entry about a tour of a city.

2. Competence: Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.

-Develop communication skills and creativity.

-Be cooperativeand supportive in pair work and teamwork.

-Actively join in class activities

3. Qualities :

-Have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pair work, cooperative learning.

-Develop self-study skills.


-Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....

-Students : Text books, studying equipment….

-Computer connected to the Internet.



Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:

* Deliver the task.

* Implement the task.


* Discuss.

* Give comments or feedback.


Aims: Introduction

-By the end of this review, students will have revised the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 7–9.

-Ss revisewhat they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills. Summarise their answers and add some more information if necessary.

*Content: Having somewarm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Outcome: Havinga chance to speak English.

*Organisation : Teacher’s instructions….

Teacher’s& Student’sactivities Content

+ Greeting

+ Chatting: ALASKA

* Teacher writes on the board “Alaska” and asks Ss some questions to leadinto the passage they are going to read.

-Ss do the task individually.

-Teacher calls on some Ss to answer the questions.

-Teacher can or can’t confirm.

-Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….

+ Greeting

+ Chatting: ALASKA

-Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.

-Open their book and write .


ACTIVITY 1 : Reading

Aim: To develop Ss' knowledge of the vocabulary.

* Content: Practise reading. Find a word and a phrase, write them under correct picture.

* Outcome: Sscan find a word and a phrase, write them under correct picture.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…...

Teacher’s& Student’s activities Content

1. a Read the passage. Find a word and a phrase from the passage and write them under their correct pictures.

-Ask Ss to look at the pictures first, then read quickly through the passage and find the word / phrase for each picture.

-Check the answers as a class.

b. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to complete each sentence.

+ To help Ss practise reading for specific information through multiple choice questions .

1. a Read the passage. Find a word and a phrase from the passage and write them under their correct pictures.

-T_ Ss

+ Students(Ss)listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.

* Key: 1. float plane 2. dogsled

b. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to complete each sentence.


Key: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A

-T_ Ss

-Ask Ss to read the text fully to have a general idea of what is mentioned in the text.

-Ask Ss to read the questions and choose the correct answers.

-Check the answers as a class. Ask Ss where they find each answer. Explain if needed.

ACTIVITY 2: Speaking

Aim: To help Ss revise and talk about energy-saving activities.

* Content: Read and discuss about energy-saving activities.

* Outcome: Ss can read and discuss about energy-saving activities.

* Organisation : Teacher’s&

Student’s activities Content

2. Work in groups. Read the list of activities and discuss which ones are energy-saving and which ones are not. Explain your answer.

-Ask Ss to work in groups.

-Ask Ss to read each sentence and decide if it saves energy. Discuss why it does or it does not.

-Ask Ss to take notes of their answers.

-Call on some groups to report their answers to the class. Each group may answer just one question to allow time for more groups.

-Listen and comment, especially on the explanation.

If time allows, call on 1 -2 groups to present the answers to all three questions.

-The focus is on how a student explains his / her answer.

-Check and confirm the correct answers .

2. Work in groups. Read the list of activities and discuss which ones are energy-saving and which ones are not. Explain your answer. -T_ Ss

-Listen to the instructions clearly

Suggested answers:

-Energy-saving: 1,3,4,5

-Not energy-saving: 2 and 6

ACTIVITY 3: Listening

Aim: To help Ss practise listening for specific information.

* Content: Listen and complete the sentences with ONE word.

* Outcome: Ss listen and can completethe sentences with ONE word correctly.

* Organisation :

Teacher’s& Student’s activities Content

3. Listen and complete each sentence with ONE word.

-Have Ss read the questions first to get an overall idea of what they are going to listen to and to decide on the needed information to fill in the blanks.

3. Listen and complete each sentence with ONE word.

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully.

-T_ Ss


-Give the answers * Key: 1.

lanes 4. traffic

-Play the recording twice and allow Ss some time afterwards to complete their answers. -Check the answers as a class. Play the recording again and stop after the answer to each question if needed.

* Audio script -Track 89: Next month, we will hold a meeting to introduce our new product, the flying bike. Most of our customers will be school children and their parents. Here are some of the questions they may ask you.

There are special lanes for bicycles on land, how about in the air? If you don't have lanes for them, the bicycles will crash into each other. Are there any air traffic laws? If there are, are they similar to those on land? How will the children learn them?

How can a flying bike find a place to land by itself? Will children have an electronic map? What will happen if the map does not work? Can you add any more questions?

ACTIVITY 4 : Writing

Aim: To help Ss practise writing a paragraph describing a future means of transport.

* Content: Write a paragraph about the future means of transport.

* Outcome: Ss can write a paragraph about the future means of transport.

* Organisation :

Teacher’s& Student’s activities Content

4. Choose one of the future means of transport below. Write a paragraph of about 70 words about it.

Ask Ss to decide what means of transport they choose for their writing.

Ask Ss to read the suggested information they can include in their description. Allow Ss 6 -8 minutes to write their paragraphs. Call on some Ss to read their descriptions. Give comments.

* Writing : You can mention:

–its name –its speed (fast / slow)

–its use of energy (little / much / none)

–the number of people it can carry –its safety (safe / dangerous

4. Choose one of the future means of transport below. Write a paragraph of about 70 words about it.

-Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully.

-Give the answers

Suggested answer:


The bamboo-copter will be a popular means of transport in the future. It's not very fast, so it's safe to ride. It's cheap, and it doesn't use much energy. Most people can afford it. It's also convenient because you can go anywhere: in a busy city, to the sea, or to the mountains. The copter is small and can carry only one person, so it doesn't take up much space. I love it.

-T_ Ss


* Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.

-Summarise the main points.

-Ask Ss what they have learnt so far. Have them recallthe important elements: * HOME WORK

-Finish the writing. Copy into the notebooks.

-Do more exercises in workbook.Prepare for the test .



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