The Schools Theatre Festival at Monash University began in 1996 as a drama competition but over the years has evolved into a festival. It aims to provide Year 9 and 10 students with a positive experience of the performance process. There were two outstanding benefits from participating in the festival. The first was that we were able to make a piece of theatre about important issues. Our piece, ‘Self-ish or -less’, gave us an opportunity to make a performance about greed and the desire for wealth and status that have swelled to epidemic proportions in contemporary society. Good theatre often does contain a strong social message. The other benefit was for the boys developing a work from inception through to performance. They were supported by the technical elements of a professional venue and performed with energy and relish on the evening. They really enjoyed the opportunity of performing in the Alexander Theatre. Not only were they able to perform to a supportive and encouraging audience, they were also able to view the work of other schools, seeing how they had interpreted and responded to the stimulus material. Mr Bryan Smith
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Year 9 Sculpture
During the year three Year 9 Sculpture classes visited the city to develop their art appreciation whilst viewing a variety of sculptures located around the CBD of Melbourne. Students were encouraged to enhance their learning by visually analysing many sculptural pieces and, where appropriate, engage with the sculptures in a tactile and kinesthetic manner. A very enjoyable learning experience was had by all. Mr Shane Mackintosh
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