30 sep. - 03 oct. Monterrey, 2020 30 sep. - 03 oct. Monterrey, 2020
Núcleos de fondo con carreras extendidas en aguas ultra profundas La perforación de pozos petroleros ubicados en aguas profundas mexicanas representa una oportunidad importante para explotar nuevos yacimientos que incrementen la producción nacional. Sin embargo, para su desarrollo eficiente resulta vital contar con información certera que sustente los futuros programas operativos. Por / By : Iván Luna, María Martínez, Chris Dixon y James Hogan
urante la perforación de un pozo en la región norte del Golfo de México, la necesidad de información llevó a los ingenieros a realizar un plan de toma de núcleos de fondo para llevar a cabo la caracterización geológica, calibración de registros y determinar propiedades del reservorio que, de otra forma, no podrían obtenerse. El objetivo del programa incluyó la toma de un total de 100 metros de muestra, distribuidos en dos paquetes de arena de baja compresibilidad, pertenecientes al Eoceno. El equipo de trabajo determinó las características de ambos objetivos durante la perforación previa de dos pozos en el campo. Esto representó un reto importante para la ejecución de la aplicación. El programa propuesto contempló el uso
Bottom cores with extended runs in ultra-deep water The drilling of oil wells in Mexican deep waters represents a vital opportunity to exploit new reservoirs to increase national production. However, it is crucial for their efficient development to have accurate information to support future operating programs.
uring the drilling of a well in the Gulf of Mexico’s northern region, the need for information led engineers to develop a downhole plan to carry out geological characterization, log calibration, and determine reservoir properties that could not otherwise be obtained. The program objective
included collecting 100 meters of a sample, distributed in two sand packages of low compressibility, belonging to the Eocene. The team determined the characteristics of both targets during the previous drilling of two wells in the field. The above represented a significant challenge for the execution of the application. The suggested program contemplated high torque tools that would provide a sample of 5 ¼”, a crown with low invasion, and background mechanical control characteristics. Anti-jamming technology helped complement the sampling system to reduce the operational impact of unplanned travel—the configuration allowed for an increase in tool length of up to 36 meters per run. As a result, 104 meters of the sample were recovered in three runs, with 100% efficiency. The performance covered the project’s requirements satisfactorily and avoided a costly contingency plan that would increase the data collection value. The core program designed for the well successfully established a new deepwater record. It applied a 36-meter barrel configuration instead of the conventional 18-meter assembly. The above resulted in an estimated direct savings of 4.5 days of drilling equipment, considering only travel operations.