team of 25 engineers. Time saving through timber construction with binderholz crosslaminated timber BBS can be very substantial for the construction of large-volume buildings. The high degree of prefabrication shortens construction times considerably. Load-bearing wall elements just have to be shifted and connected to one another. Drying times for brickwork or floor pavement are dispensed with. Owing to their comparatively low weight, these prefabricated timber elements can be dimensioned
on a very large scale. Since installations are laid in the hollow space between the plaster board system and the timber element, there is no need for subsequent chiselling and plastering.
Complex roof structure Bilderholz Bausysteme designs and manufactures cross laminated timber BBS panels for public & municipal buildings, commercial buildings, multi-storey housing projects, family homes and special projects.
The awe-inspiring Centre Pompidou Metz is a branch of Pompidou arts centre of Paris, and features exhibitions from the large collection of the French National Museum of Modern Art, the largest European collection of 20th and 21st century arts. Since its inauguration in 2010, the museum has become one of the most visited cultural venues in France outside Paris. The building is remarkable for its timber roof structure, constructed by Holzbau Amann and manufactured by Binderholz Bausysteme. The roof structure, one of the largest and