Cemastir Lavametalli have been projecting and producing aqueous metal degreasing machines meant for the treatment of industry parts and components for more than 35 years. Starting from 2006 Cemastir update their company philosophy and address to a technology development which aims at the satisfaction of the increasingly demanding cleaning issues; at the same time Cemastir promote an industrial and commercial growth plan that makes their brand more and more famous and appreciated on the national and international market. Moreover, thanks to the recent gaining of ownership of AMA Universal and Delfino historic brands , Cemastir have extended their range of products to metal degreasing machines based on chlorinated solvents, modified alcohol and hydrocarbons (class AIII). The company is nowadays able to put a great experience, developed in decades, at any companies disposal and a complete range of machines for surface treatments, always in the forefront and constantly keeping up the pace with the technological offers and innovations. Cemastir metal degreasing machines are used in various industrial fields, such as aerospace, automotive, electro-engineering, electronics, mechanical engineering, precision mechanics, optics, precious metals processing, heat-treatments. For the most various applications such as motors, small mechanical parts, galvanized material, aluminum containers, steel parts, tubes and connections, pistons, spheres, valves, connectors, heat exchangers, repair shops accessories, ballpoint pens, keys and padlocks, electronic cards, conditioning systems components, hydraulics components, precious metals, kitchen tools, polyurethane soles, teflon gaskets. Tel: +39 051 6256111 | Fax: +39 051 6256604 | E-mail: sales@cemastir.it | www.cemastir.it
94 Industry Europe