ipcm® Academy Will Expand its Training Offer with a Module on Plastic Coating Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
lastic became a coatable material in
also and above all practical training is crucial:
practical examples, with the aim of getting the
the 1970s. With the development of
learning the basics is important, but so is
participants more involved, especially since
increasingly advanced technologies,
dealing with the problems that arise daily
the online mode seems to be more dispersive
even this niche sector of the industrial
in a company. It would also be ideal for the
than the face-to-face mode. This is why we
painting field now requires highly specialised
trainees to have time in between lessons to
are planning to organise the plastic coating
operators: this is why ipcm Academy has
better grasp what they have learned, which is
module of the autumn session not only in
decided to expand its training offer to include
even easier and especially more effective after
person – if Covid rules allow it – but also at the
a new module dedicated to plastic coating,
applying it in practice.
factory, so that the trainees can see first-hand
the object of the lesson.
presented for the first time in May by Luca Maitan, a leading expert in the sector. In this
Did you already have some teaching
interview, he explained how he decided to
What critical issues did you encounter?
organise his one-day lesson and the positive
Yes, on one occasion I had the opportunity to
The most interesting, but also complicated
but also critical aspects of such a structured
meet with university students and I periodically
aspect of the coating industry is its variety: it
training course.
organise in-house courses for both my own
is impossible to cover all applications in a few
team and for customers who decide to
examples. The heterogeneity of the sector
implement our systems.
corresponds to the heterogeneity of the
Maitan, you have been in the coating business for over forty years as the
ipcm® Academy training course’s participants.
owner of a company specialising in the
How does one prepare for a lesson to be
The difficulty of teaching trainees who come
treatment of plastics. What do you think
delivered in a single day?
from different sectors, from companies with
about training in this specific area?
I prepared a handout with numerous slides
different types of production and painting
I think that not only classroom training, but
to alternate detailed explanations with more
requirements, from different departments,
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Luca Maitan
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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