Innovative Process for Automatic Cleaning of Centrifuged Muds UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association Milan, Italy
In the mass finishing industry, there are different innovative processes for automatic cleaning of centrifuged muds, mainly focused on specific filtering systems.
ompanies specialized in the automatic cleaning of centrifuged
Then there is the braking to slow down the basket speed step: the
muds usually use centrifugal filters automatically managed by
raising pump of the receiving tank stops, in order to allow the braking
a modern PLC combined with frequency converter, a wide set
of the basket without overloading it with liquid (without centrifugation
of sensors and an innovative device which enables simultaneously the
the water does not flow out anymore from the pick-up pipe of filtered
automatic removal of the mud accumulated in the centrifugal basket,
liquid); the frequency converter device slows down the basket rotation
on one hand and, on the other hand, a partial balance of the water lost
main motor, following a suitable deceleration ramp.
during the meantime by evaporation or dropping out with each batch of
The basket reaches gradually a © Adobe Stock
rotation of 30-40 RPM, the frequency
finished workpieces from the mass-
converter causes a dynamic that does
finishing units.
not centrifuge the liquid mass against
Thanks to sophisticated software,
the walls; the liquid descends to the
sensors, automation level and
centre of the basket where have
interactivity with each one of the
been made suitable evacuation holes.
finishing units, this advanced
In parallel, when the optimal rpm
centrifugal filter is able to offer full
has been reached, starts the high-
compliance with the Industry 4.0
pressure net water jet that, through
specs and, as an interesting option,
a special nozzle, sprinkles a basket
the WI-FI remote management from a
section suitable for the removal of the
simple tablet PC.
major volume of the mud collected
These companies summarize with
until that moment. After connecting
these machines a simple solution,
the pump to the pipe, it carries out a
based on a high-pressure pump, as
phase of powerful mud removal from
an alternative to mechanical devices
the basket walls.
with higher maintenance costs and
The basket is rotating in two
investment. The machine starts: the
directions for a complete exposure
raising pump of the receiving tank is
of the surfaces jet. At the end of the
stopped, the frequency control device
high-pressure phase, there are still
starts the main rotation motor of
some mud traces, which are suitably
the basket, the raising pump starts
rinsed through a two-times water
feeding the wastewater through the
respective inlet pipe. The wastewater
This is an example of high technology
continues being fed, filtered from
machine applied to finishing
the suspended solids through
processes made from Italian
centrifugation; the clarified water to
companies represented by UCIF,
be sent to the machines gets out in
the Italian Manufacturers Finishing
pressure from the pick-up pipe.
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine