NCS Colour Unveils 100 New Colours and Updates Design Tools For the first time since 2004, NCS Colour has launched 100 new Standard colours on the market, now adding up to 2050 standard colours.
or the first time since 2004, NCS Colour has launched 100 new
colours are. They are frequently used in our colour development
NCS Standard colours in the low chromatic colour area. The
projects with the decorative paint industry, kitchen brands, home
new colours aim to solve some questions including: Which white
appliance, automotive industry etc. and recurrently top the list of most
colour to choose? How to choose between different greige colours to
requested colours by the design community”, said Ingela Koski-Vähälä,
get the right shade, neither too grey nor too beige? Can the famous
Portfolio Manager, NCS Colour.
Nordic light be adapted into a design, using a specific colour hue? Low chromatic colours play a vital role in interior and exterior design,
Updated tools
product design and architecture. When looking at colour samples,
NCS Colour has also released an update to the most popular Design
it is often difficult to distinguish between one colour and another.
Tools containing colour samples of the entire NCS Standard range
However, when colour is applied, any slight differences in shade or
of 2050 colours. This includes NCS Index, NCS Atlas, NCS Block, NCS
hue can be felt and have a major impact on the final design. For this
Album, and NCS Box. Updates are made to improve the usability and
reason, NCS Colour is making the Standard colour range denser in the
sustainability of the tools.
low chromatic area of the colour space. This way, the user will have
“We take pride in constantly working to improve the Natural Colour
more options and control.
System and its physical and digital representations. Adding 100 new
Four areas of colour
Standard colours is an important milestone for us”, stated Elin Askfelt, CEO, NCS Colour.
Low chromatic colours are the most used colours in NCS system apart from truly Neutrals (N). The new colours focus on hues between Yellow
For further information:
and Red. This area of the NCS colour circle includes beige and brown (as a shade of orange) and pink (a shade of red). Also, “white” is an extremely important colour for painting. While there are countless shades of white on the market, most of them have 05 to 10 in Blackness and 00 to 02 in Chromaticness in NCS system. For this reason, NCS system adds in this space two new shades, 0601 and 1001, which correspond to the best-selling whites apart from the current NCS Standard. To better understand the new Standard colours, NCS Colour - in addition to the NCS Notation for each colour - has divided the 100 new Standard colours into four colour areas called White Delight, Nordic Midtones, Great Greys and Black Elegance.
A global community of colour professionals contributed to the development of colours The 100 new colours are the result of a joint effort between NCS Colour and a global community of colour professionals to further enhance the NCS system. A new technology has enabled NCS Colour to produce samples in entirely new shades with low chromaticity. “The low chromatic colours are a constant in our top list regarding bestselling colours. We have seen over the years how important these
N. 76 - JULY/AUGUST 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine