"Behind every legend stand the folks who had to do the real work. " —Ezria Birrinsdottir, squire to Mikolai Laziros Not everyone who reveres the Six from Shadow (see page 65) desires to shape her entire life around her chosen paragon. Some wish only for a slight taste of their hero's abilities, others simply recognize that no champion can stand alone. The Six from Shadow could not have defeated Tharizdun's cult without the efforts of the thousands who fell beside them. It is this philosophy that the squire of legend embraces. Whether she seeks to stand behind heroes such as the mythic exemplars, propping them up and aiding them in their quests, or simply to honor her favored paragon without following in his footsteps, she is a hero in her own right, skilled beyond her humble title.
BECOMING A SQUIRE OF LEGEND Like the mythic exemplar, the squire of legend devotes herself to a single path based on a chosen patron, but her abilities are much less rigidly defined by that path. Thus, a broader array of characters can benefit from this prestige class. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Skills: Knowledge (history) 3 ranks and any one of the following: Diplomacy 7 ranks, Intimidate 7 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 7 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks, or Move Silently 7 ranks. Special: Must be a member of the Disciples of Legend.
CLASS FEATURES Your class features vary according to your paragon, but are all oriented toward aiding and bolstering your allies. You know that when a hero falls, when a knight is unhorsed, or when a champion surrenders to despair, it is up to his squire to set him right. Thus, your allies know they can always count on you when the day is darkest. Spellcasting: At 2nd and 3rd level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a squire of legend, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known. Paragon's Path: Upon becoming a squire of legend, you must choose one of the legendary Six from Shadow after whom to model your skills and abilities. Once made, your choice cannot be changed. Save Bonus (Ex): At 1st level, you gain a +1 bonus on a saving throw determined by your paragon, as given on the following table. This bonus increases to +2 when you attain 3rd level.
Patron Dardallion Imdastri Ktolemagne Orsos Reikhardt Sunyartra
Saving Throw Reflex
Will Will Fortitude
Will Fortitude
Squire's Burden, Least (Su): You gain the first of several supernatural abilities that let you use the skills of your chosen paragon to aid others. Unless otherwise noted, each paragon's gift (least, lesser, and greater) requires a swift action to invoke, lasts for a number of rounds equal to twice your squire of legend level, is usable once per day, and has a caster level equal to three times your squire of legend level. When the description of a squire's burden ability specifies an ally, it means only an ally; you cannot use the effect on yourself unless so stated. Dardallion: You can grant yourself and one ally flanking bonuses against a foe that both of you threaten, even if you are not properly positioned to flank. The bonus persists as long as you both threaten that enemy. Imdastri: You can use sanctuary, as the spell. Ktolemagne: You can use comprehend languages, as the
spell. Orsos: You can use speak with animals, as the spell. Reikhardt: You can grant one ally within 30 feet the ability to take an immediate action of a specified type out of turn. If you invoke this ability as a swift action, the ally can take a 5-foot step. If you invoke it as a move action, she can take a move action. If you invoke it as a standard action, she can take a standard action. Sunyartra: As an immediate action, you can negate a single critical hit against one ally within 30 feet. The ally still takes normal damage from the hit. Squire's Burden, Lesser (Su): At 2nd level, you gain a new supernatural ability that you can use once per day. This ability follows all the guidelines for least squire's burden (above), unless otherwise noted. If you choose, you can forgo your daily use of this ability for an extra use of your least squire's burden. Dardallion: As an immediate action, you can grant one ally within 30 feet the opportunity to reroll a saving throw, skill check, or ability check. Imdastri: You can use shield other, as the spell. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to three times your squire I of legend level. Ktolemagne: You can use see invisibility, as the spell. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to three times your I squire of legend level. Orsos: You can use lesser restoration, as the spell. Reikhardt: You can grant an ally within 30 feet a second use I of an extraordinary or supernatural ability normally usable I only once per day. If you gain a second daily use of this ability, you cannot use it twice in one day on the same ally. Sunyartra: You can use true strike, as the spell, but only on I a single ally within 30 feet. Faithful Companion (Ex): At 3rd level, you learn to place yourself between an ally and harm. If you and an ally within I 5 feet are both subject to an area spell or effect that allows I a Reflex save for partial damage, you can grant your ally a I