Opposed Alignments (Yours/ Target's) Chaotic/ lawful
Minor Effect -1 on saving throws
Evil/ good
-1 to Armor Class
Good/ evil Lawful/ chaotic
Model-ate Effect Confusion, as the spell
Crushing despair, as the spell -1 on attack Exhausted, rolls as ray of exhaustion -1 on damage Slow, rolls as the spell
Confusion, as the spell
Chaotic good/ — lawful evil
Exhausted, as ray of exhaustion Crushing despair, as the spell Slow, as the spell
Chaotic evil/ lawful good
Lawful evil/ chaotic good
Lawful good/ chaotic evil
Major Effect Baleful polymorph, as the spell Weakened, as symbol of weakness Blinded, as power word blind Flesh to stone, as the spell Weakened, as symbol of weakness Baleful polymorph, as the spell Flesh to stone, as the spell Blinded, as power word blind
point of damage per caster level (maximum 15) and has no secondary effect. If the target's alignment has one aspect opposed to yours (such as law/chaos), but not both, the spell deals ld4 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d4), and the subject suffers a minor secondary effect (see the table above). If the target's alignment is diametrically opposed to yours (such as lawful good/chaotic evil), the spell deals ld6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6), and the subject suffers a moderate secondary effect (see the table below). If you cast this spell on the same target in 2 consecutive rounds, any secondary effect the spell has increases by one "step" in severity. That is, if the spell caused a minor effect
on the first casting, it now causes a moderate effect, and if it caused a moderate effect, it now causes a major effect. Minor and moderate effects end in 1 round per caster level, but major effects are permanent until dispelled. In all cases, the subject is entitled to a Fortitude save for half damage, and then a Will save to negate the secondary effect, if any. The target is entitled to this Will save even if the spell duplicated by the secondary effect normally does not permit one.
WOODEN BLIGHT Transmutation Level: Druid 6 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. /level) Target: One living creature Duration: 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: Yes The spirit of the trees manifests within your foe, slowing and transforming its body. You transform the subject's body into wood from the inside out. Each round, the subject must make a new saving throw or take ld4 points of Dexterity damage. Success halves the Dexterity damage from that round and ends the spell. A subject whose Dexterity is reduced to 0 or lower by this spell transforms, along with its gear, into a mindless, inert, wooden statue. A creature in this state is not actually dead, but it does not register as alive either when viewed with spells such as deathwatch. If the target already has Dexterity damage or a penalty to Dexterity, wooden blight is even more debilitating. Each round in which the subject takes Dexterity damage from this spell, its base movement rate is reduced by 5 feet for every point of Dexterity damage it takes (minimum speed 5 feet). Creatures of the plant type are immune to this spell. Material Component: A sliver of wood from a living tree.