foe or another. In most cases, as a follower of Hextor, the ordained champion stands in opposition to the PCs, but in some instances (particularly when the ordained champion is not evil), cooperation to obtain a shared goal is certainly possible. EL 14: Salan Roka is one of Hextor's greatest non-evil champions. As a professional soldier, he gathers strength from the militant discipline that Hextor provides, rather than from conquest and destruction of the weak. Still, as a Hextorworshiper and mercenary, he is likely to be encountered either on the field of battle or in the depths of a magic-filled ruin, likely as a rival of the PCs rather than an ally. SALAN ROKA Male human cleric 9/ordained champion 5 LN Medium humanoid Init +3; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4 Languages Common
CR 14
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (-1 Dex, +10 armor, +1 deflection) hp 80 (14 HD) Fort+12, Ref+4, Will+15 Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) in full plate, base speed 30 ft. Melee +1 frost heavy flail +17/+12/+7 (1d10+7/17-20 plus ld6 cold) Base Atk +11; Crp +15 Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack; smite 1/day (+4 attack, +9 damage), smite (+1 attack, +14 damage) Special Actions channel spell, divine bulwark, fist of the gods, holy warrior, modified spontaneous casting, rapid sponta neous casting, rebuke undead 8/day (+3, 2d6+15, 14th) Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 12th): 6th—harm (+15 melee touch, DC 20), heal, War domain spell (CL14th) 5th—bleed* (DC 19), righteous might, spell resistance, War domain spell (CL14th) 4th—confound* (DC 18), death ward, neutralize poison, War domain spell (CL 14th) 3rd—cure serious wounds, dispel magic, prayer, searing light (+10 ranged touch), stone shape, War domain spell (CL14th) 2nd—body ward*, death knell (DC 16), resist energy, silence, spiritual weapon, War domain spell (CL 14th) 1st—bane (DC 15), bless, command (DC 15), cure light wounds, divine favor, shield of faith, War domain spell (CL 14th) 0—detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, resistance, virtue Deity: Hextor. Domains: Destruction, Law, War. Due to her Spontaneous Domains feat (page 62), Roka need not choose domain spells ahead of time. Abilities Str 18, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 12 SQ divine bulwark, continued advancement, modified sponta neous casting, rapid spontaneous casting Feats Cleave, Combat Casting, Diehard 6 , Extra Turning, Improved Initiative, Improved Critical (heavy flail), Martial Weapon Proficiency (heavy flail) 6 , Power Attack, Spontaneous Domains--, Weapon Focus (heavy flail) 6 Skills Concentration +18 (+22 casting defensively), Knowl edge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen +4, Spot +4, Spellcraft +13 Possessions combat gear plus +2 full plate, +7 frost heavy flail, belt of giant's strength +4, cloak of resistance +7, ring of protection +7, boots of speed, holy symbol, 35 gp
Channel Spell (Sp) As a move action, Roka can channel any spell he can cast into his melee weapon. The channeled spell affects the next target he successfully attacks with that weapon (saving throws and spell resistance still apply). Divine Bulwark (Sp) As a swift action, Roka can lose a pre pared spell to gain damage reduction with a value equal to 1 + spell level, overcome by chaotic-aligned weapons, for 5 rounds. Fist of the Gods (Sp) As a swift action, Roka can lose a pre pared spell to gain a bonus on melee damage rolls equal to the level of the spell for 5 rounds. Holy Warrior (Sp) As a swift action, Roka can spend a daily use of rebuke undead to substitute Wisdom for Strength for the purpose of attack rolls and damage rolls for 5 rounds. Modified Spontaneous Casting Roka spontaneously casts spells from the War domain, rather than cure or inflict spells as normal for clerics. Rapid Spontaneous Casting Spontaneously casting any spell from the War domain requires 1 swift action if its normal casting time is no more than 1 standard action, or a standard action if its normal casting time is 1 full-round action. A spontaneous spell that Roka modifies with a metamagic feat requires only its normal casting time rather than the extra time such a spell normally requires. Smite (Su) As a swift action, Roka can spend a daily use of rebuke undead to turn his next melee attack into a smite attack.
"if knowledge is power, omniscience is omnipotence. When we und stand the nature of the world, we become its masters. " —Pallavarta Santalieri, Master of the Unturned Page The Paragnostic apostles are the most devoted of the Para gnostic Assembly (see page 72)—the most erudite of a sect dedicated, mind and soul, to the acquisition of knowledge These eminent scholars use the secrets they've learned to augment their spells, and to shape the world around them it ways that other casters cannot. Knowledge is indeed power and the Paragnostic apostle understands that power better than most.
BECOMING A PARAGNOSTIC APOSTLE Wizards, clerics, and archivists are best suited to this prestige class because of their skills and spellcasting progressions However, bards, druids, sorcerers, favored soulsCD, and warlocks CAr sometimes follow this path as well. A high Intelligence score is essential because of the Knowledge skills required. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, Knowledge (any other) 5 ranks. Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd-level spells or use spell-like abilities of equivalent level. Special: Must be a member of the Paragnostic Assembly,
CLASS FEATURES You have mastered the art of modifying your magic based oil what you know. With the proper application of your Knowledge edge skills, you can raise the potency of your spellcasting. !