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Table 3–2: Dragonhide Armor
Dragon Size Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan Colossal
Hide Diminutive Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan
—————————— Armor Type andSize —————————— Full Plate or Banded Mail Half-Plate Breastplate Fine — — Diminutive Fine — Tiny Diminutive Fine Small Tiny Diminutive Medium Small Tiny Large Medium Small Huge Large Medium
banded mail from the hide of a Colossal dragon, an armorsmith can make one suit of Huge armor (as the table indicates), two suits of Large armor, four suits of Medium armor, eight suits of Small armor, sixteen suits of Tiny armor, thirty-two suits of Diminutive armor, or sixty-four suits of Fine armor. Shield?: A “Yes” entry in this column indicates that enough hide is left over after the armorsmithing process to create one heavy or light shield or a buckler sized for a character the same size as the dragon. An armorsmith can choose to make shields instead of armor out of all or part of a dragon’s hide. Creating a tower shield uses up as much hide as a suit of hide armor. Creating two heavy shields or two light shields or two bucklers uses up as much hide as a suit of hide armor. Special Properties of Dragonhide Armor: Many characters favor dragonhide armor simply because it looks good. In combat, dragonhide armor isn’t any better than normal armor; however, the armor itself remains immune to energy damage of the same type as the breath weapon of the dragon that supplied the hide. For example, red dragon armor is impervious to fire. The character wearing the armor does not benefit from this property.
DRAGONCRAFT ITEMS Dragoncraft items are nonmagical objects made from specific parts of a true dragon’s body. Only a character with the Dragoncrafter feat (see page 105) can create dragoncraft items. They derive special powers from their origin, as well as from the skill of the person crafting them. Creating a dragoncraft item is much like creating a masterwork weapon or similar item. In addition to the item itself (which may also include a masterwork component, if it is a weapon, shield, or suit of armor), the character must “create” the dragoncraft component. A dragoncraft component has a price that varies based on the specific item (see item descriptions below). The Craft DC for creating a dragoncraft component is 25. Only after all components of a dragoncraft item are completed is the item considered finished. Since dragoncraft items aren’t magical, they don’t lose their powers in an antimagic field or similar area. For those effects that require a caster level, treat the caster level as 3rd or the lowest level possible to cast the spell in question, whichever is higher. The powers of dragoncraft items don’t stack with similar or identical effects, as noted in the
Shield? No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
specific item descriptions below. You can add magical qualities to a dragoncraft item (including enhancement bonuses for items such as weapons and armor) at the normal price, but only if you possess the Dragoncrafter feat (in addition to any other prerequisites). Several dragoncraft items are described below. The description of each item gives a dragoncraft price, dragon part, and skill, as defined here. Dragoncraft Price: This is the price of the dragoncraft component. Add the price of the item itself, as well as the price for masterwork quality (for armor, shields, and weapons), to find the item’s full price. Dragon Part: The portion of a dragon’s body required to create the dragoncraft item. The cost of this part is included in the dragoncraft price. On average, the part has a value of approximately one-third of the dragoncraft price, since it represents the raw materials needed for the item. If the character crafting the item supplies the part himself (perhaps from a dragon he has slain), reduce the dragoncraft price for this item by one-third. Skill: The Craft skill needed to create the dragoncraft component. Dragoncraft Item Descriptions Blood Elixir: A blood elixir is a concoction brewed from the concentrated blood of a true dragon. A blood elixir grants the drinker a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength (if brewed from a chromatic dragon) or Charisma (if brewed from a metallic dragon), as well as an additional effect as noted on the table below, based on the dragon’s variety. You can consume a blood elixir as a full-round action (which provokes attacks of opportunity), and its effects last for 10 minutes. These effects are extraordinary, not magical. Dragon Variety Effect Price Black darkvision 120 ft. 700 gp Blue sound imitation 1 900 gp Brass speak with animals 400 gp Bronze water breathing 1,000 gp Copper spider climb 700 gp Gold polymorph 2 1,700 gp 1,200 gp Green suggestion 2 Red dragon breath (fire) 2 1,400 gp 1,400 gp Silver cloudwalking 1 600 gp White icewalking 1 1 Functions as the dragon ability of the same name. 2 This ability is usable only once during the elixir’s duration. Its effect lasts until the end of the elixir’s duration.