620_17668_DraconomiconA.qxd 9/9/03 1:36 PM Page 161
Spiked felldrake
SAMPLE GHOSTLY DRAGON This example uses an adult green dragon as the base dragon.
Spiked Felldrakes as Special Mounts At the DM’s option, a paladin of 11th level or higher can call a spiked felldrake as her special mount. For the purposes of the mount’s bonus Hit Dice, natural armor, Strength adjustment, Intelligence score, and special powers, treat the paladin as if she were six levels lower than actual.
GHOSTLY DRAGON A ghost template is found in the Monster Manual. The ghostly dragon template presented here provides an alternative method of creating ghostly dragons to have them retain more of their innate draconic power and deadliness. Ghostly dragons are most often created when a powerful dragon is slain and its hoard looted. In such a case, the ghostly dragon can only be laid to rest by returning its lost treasure (or the equivalent value) to the creature’s lair. (You can estimate the ghostly dragon’s hoard by using the average treasure value for an encounter with the dragon, were it still alive.) Should this occur, the ghostly dragon settles upon the new hoard and disappears into nothingness, taking the hoard with it to the afterlife.
Combat A spiked felldrake can stand up to terrible punishment while dealing out plenty of its own with swordlike claws. The spikes on its tail are not just for show—it can project them in a hail of deadly fire at approaching enemies. With its scent and vision abilities, a spiked felldrake can root out even hidden enemies reliably.
Of the many kinds of felldrakes, few are as powerful as the spiked felldrake. Its size and strength place it in the front line of important battles, and some mighty knights or paladins employ the spiked felldrake as a steed. Felldrakes speak Draconic and Sylvan.
Ghostly Adult Green Dragon Huge Undead (Incorporeal) Hit Dice: 20d12+40 (170 hp) Initiative: +4 Speed: Fly 150 ft. (perfect) Armor Class: 13 (–2 size, +5 deflection), touch 13, flatfooted 13; or 27 (–2 size, +19 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 27 Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+36 Attack: Incorporeal touch +20 melee (1d4 corruption plus 1d4 Str plus 1d4 Con plus energy drain); or bite +26 melee (2d8+8) Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +20 melee (1d4 corruption plus 1d4 Str plus 1d4 Con plus energy drain); or bite +26 melee (2d8+8) and 2 claws +21 melee (2d6+4) and 2 wings +21 melee (1d8+4) and tail slap +21 melee (2d6+12) Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Breath weapon, energy drain, frightful presence, manifestation, snatch, spellcasting, spell-like abilities, withering Special Qualities: Blindsense 60 ft., damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 120 ft., immunity to acid, magic sleep effects, and paralysis, keen senses, low-light vision, rejuvenation, spell resistance 21, turn resistance +4, undead traits Saves: Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +15 Abilities: Str 27, Dex 10, Con —, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 20 Skills: Bluff +22, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +15, Hide +8, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (arcana) +18, Knowledge (nature) +18, Listen +31, Move Silently +20, Search +31, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +25, Spot +31, Swim +16 Feats: Clinging Breath, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Snatch, Wingover Environment: Temperate forests Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 14 Treasure: None Alignment: Lawful evil Advancement: 21–22 HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: — This ghostly green dragon still haunts its dark underground or forest lair, longing for the return of the hoard it guarded in life. Tormented by its inability to seek out additional treasure, it waits . . . and plots. Combat Should intruders enter its lair, the ghostly green dragon learns as much as it can about them before commencing