Selah Yearbook 1978-79

Page 56

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The Personal Touch The Personal Touch The Opening Student Life Organizations Sports Academics People Institute Seminary Closing Index 8 40 72 112 126 198 224 246 250
Personal Touch The Personal Touch The Personal Touch The Personal Touch


Baptist College
Lynchburg, Virginia 2450 2
e 6 Selah 1979
• VT -•j V \iIjr m v *•* 2/Opening

iberty Baptist College — a group of people all seeking to better themselves in their own individual ways; striving for a spiritual closeness to God through Bible study, prayer, worship, and service; endeavoring to broaden their knowledge of the world around them by the serious study of various academic subjects;

. ..
'Liberty Baptist College — a group of people .. .'
. .. 'Enjoying Leisure Time In Their Own Unique Ways . . .' 0 4/Opening

njoying leisure time in their own unique ways; letting go of the tensions and worries for a few moments of fun; experiencing new things to do; learning the value of relaxation and laughter; building lasting friendships and often permanent commitments; finding fulfillment through doing;


ursuing meaningful relationships with those around them; getting involved in an assortment of worthwhile activities; trying to help themselves through helping others these are the people who live and learn at LBC. These arc the people who arc LBC.

'Pursuing Meaningful Relationships With Those Around Them .. .'


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Student Life/8
Hi • • Student Life/9
10/Student LifeDating
Beth Shumaker and Darrell Orman enjoy each other's company at the Senior Banquet held at the Sheraton Hesitant to get back to the books, Elaine McDonald and Joe Baraty prolong their evening out Highlighting their evening isthe time Bonnie Lamberth and Mark Kendall share in Bible study

n Ideal Date? It would begin with that special someone whose friendship with the Lord is intimate and meaningful, not with the person who feels itnecessary to spiritualize everything One needs to feel free to be himself, whatever that may involve; whether that be in dialogue, in actions, or even in silence

The conversation needs to be constructive and beneficial, such that flows with ideas and creativity without needing to be pushed along.

During the time that a couple is together it'sgreat to do something different from routine There needs tobeatimeof relaxation from the hustle and bustle of classes ...atime ofreminiscing forgotten ideas and memories that somehow got blocked out by the books ... a time to share heartaches andjoysaround a campfire atime tolaugh and torunandto fall down while chasing afrisbee atime to concentrate and marvel while listening to a violin soloist a time to enjoy sharing arelationship with aspecial friend, whatever the activities might be Most of all itshould be a time to learn from another how to exemplify Christ more effectively in one's daily life.

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Student Life Dating/11
Jane Stowell and Mike Carper share fun and smiles at the popular Gramp's and Granny's Helping Keith Littlepage to celebrate his birthday are Wanda Bacon and Chris Leonard who watch as Keith blows out the candle on his birthday sundae


the new
Jane Baughan
herself for 50's Day. Mr.
a light
the Pageant 12/Student Life-Pageant
Morrison is presented with
envelope containing
name of
Miss Liberty
and Mrs. Renas perform
musical number during

I I tall started on Monday with "Reverse Courtesy ||=l= Day" That meant that everything guys normally ~ ~'' did for girls (or should have done), the girlsdid for the guys The girls didn't seem to mind opening doors orcarryingbookstoomuch;but it surewas hard toletguys on busesfirst, especially if thatmeant thepolitegirls might not get on atall

"Clash Day" was the day when those who could never figureout what went withwhat could relaxand feelright at home. Everything was seen from a Saddle Oxford and a TennisShoe toguyswithseven tiesofassorted colors,none of which even remotely matched.

Of course thefansof Happy Days would have no trouble recognizing "50'sDay" forwhat it was- atimeofgood oldfashioned fun

The highlight of Spirit Week and Homecoming was the Miss Liberty Pageant Karen Morrison, Miss USA-1974, co-hosted the pageant with our Student Body President, DanielHenderson From 24 contestants, fivefinalists were chosen Jane and Kim Renas brought the special music Just before the winner was announced, Mary Lowry sang "We have this Moment" Then withadrum roll in thebackground and the excitment building, the announcement was made: Runners-up were Angie Elwell and Becky Taylor; and Miss Liberty of 1978 was Faith Donley of Mycrstown, Pennsylvania

Contestants for Miss Liberty 1978

Student Life- Pageant/13
Miss Liberty 1978: Faith Donley

The Homecoming Court: (top to bottom) Fresh.-Lisa Eldon and Colleen Buckley;Sophs.Judy Trenary and Ruth Spahr; Jrs.-SallySistrunkand Georgina Holliday; Srs.-Becky Taylor and Angie Elwell;Miss Liberty, Faith Donley


he Homecoming game hadto be the highlightofthe football season Nationally-ranked Ferrum College had defeated LBC for four consecutive years Butdo youthinkthat would putouttheFlames? Of course not! LBC came back with an overwhelming victory of42 - 28!

Karen Morrison presentsthe game ball to the officialas Captain Dave Anderson looks on Kim Raynor dives within inches of the Liberty goalline On theverynextplaytheofficial signalsa touchdown astheFlames score The PAT isgood!
14/Student Life-Homecoming
Steve Patterson scampers for another LBC touchdown
Student Llle-Harmieomlng/15
16/Student Life-Sitting Around

itting around and sharing with others isa great way to learn what others are like. The friendly and loving atmosphere of LBC drew the student body closertogether And where did LBC students "sit around?" In Dorm 14 couples met to study together or play games while Dorm 13 offered ping pong and pool tables

Downtown Lynchburg housed anothervital partofLBC — the Hotel. Relaxing in the James River Room ranged from watching TV to a rowdy game of ping-pong. Back at the mountain in the shade of the tent,friends gathered on the future sight of the Library or sat around on construction pipes

Tired from being on her feet all day, Dawna Blank Construction pipespresent apleasant place for Tom sits down to rest on a nearby table Turley to rest his feet as he reads his mail Sarrah Powell enjoys the company of her stuffed bear as she completes her math homework
Student Life Sitting Around/17

ii^p—ii he stage isset; the band plays; zzi= thestarsmake theirway tothe I1 'i stage; the photographers and reporters converge; and the crowd isin instant frenzy For a few split seconds, every individual in the audience senses all of the excitement one might feel while attending a political convention, a parade, and a television special — all in one

Air-time was a simulated talk show featuring fictitious personalities from all walks of life,backed up with multimedia First semester Dean Dobson starred as a candidate for president of Liberty Baptist College, promising to throw away the rule book if elected. Second semester saw Tom Snodgrass (Mr Lamar Keener) and Barbara WaWa (Debbie Seneff)cohost a talk show with Mr Phil Pantana as an Italian gourmet cook, Dean Dobson as Big Chief Scaredy Pants from "The Big Apple," and Dr. Ed Hindson as President of the United States.

Air-time was created in the spring of 1978 as a tool in the campaign to elect Daniel Henderson and Rick Scharmann to office Now ithas become a tradition for the start of each semester. "Ladies and gentlemen .. . SGA proudly presents — AIRTIME!!!!!"

as a

18/Student Life -Air-time
Acting Secret Service agent, Angie Elwell laughs with reporters following Air-time

LUS (Powerful Living through Unified Students) was a studentoriented inspirational service initiated by the Student Government Association Theconcept ofPLUS was based upon the premise that the most effective change must come from "within" the student body.

The purpose ofPLUS was tobring spiritual revival toLBCby allowing students tohear their peers tell of their love anddevotion for Christ by means of testimony, song, andthe sharingof

various talents This also allowed a greater number ofstudents to become actively involved by using their Godgiven abilities inministering tothe needs of others PLUS emphasized such topics as prayer, daily devotions, and a simulated Communist takeover of America

PLUS added up tobe a great spiritual catalyst for the student body, enriching the lives ofthose whoattended as well asthose who participated

Dean Dobson plays Chief Scaredy Pants while Mr Phil Pantanais the ItalianChef PLUS meeting simulates Communist takeover
tflVEKA'Ml *T ASSOCIATION orn«i ^ r^V^v' Dr Hindson poses for presidential portraits
i i
i i m i A 1 / 20/Student Life -ArtistSeries
Hale and Wilder, with accompanist, fine performance complete a

ihe more formal concerts this year were grouped into an Artist Series. These performances featured internationally renowned professional singers. Although non-students had to purchase tickets, these concerts were well attended by many people from around the Lynchburg area.

Robert Hale and Dean Wilder opened the series in November. Hale, a Metropolitan Opera star,and Wilder, Director of Vocal Studies at William Jewel College,brought a delightful evening of classical music, humor, and sacred selections

The highlight of the year, and certainly of the series,came in January as the internationally famous Vienna Choir Boys performed It was one of the most outstanding fine arts performances that Lynchburg had seen in years.Over a thousand tickets were sold to residents of Lynchburg alone. The concert provided a tremendous outreach for the college and itspublic relations The audience listened intently as the boys performed classical,folk,and religious music along with a mini-operetta entitled Tales from the Vienna Woods.

Student Life Artist Series/21
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or the second year at LBC, sacred concerts were organized in a special series to provide inspiration and Christian entertainment for the students.

Each of these five concerts brought an informal evening of relaxation and fun as professional recording artists performed.

The first of the series began in September with "Eternity," a 17member vocal and instrumental ensemble from Hollywood, Florida They brought the house down with their medley on the Second Coming

"Renaissance," a trio from Taylor, Michigan, was the second concert. Everyone enjoyed the brother,sister, and cousin, especially as they did a guitar-picking number entitled "Stand By Me."

February brought "His Ambassadors" back to LBC for the second time Students enjoyed hearing the 13-member vocal and instrumental group from New Jersey perform once again

Kay Dekalb, formerly Miss Alabama Teenager,came in March forthefourth concert in the series She had spent two years with Opryland USA and also had traveled with Anita Bryant A capable comedienne, Kay impersonated Alfalfa of Little Rascals. Itwas humorous yet inspiring as she sang "God Talks to Boys While They're Fishing."

The last of the concerts was performed in April as Bruce Heffner, a soloist and trumpeter, came to LBC. He hasbeen known asone oftheforemost gospel trumpeters and has traveled throughout the country performing

Students appreciated this year's series, because itoften provided a delightful weekend night with good Christian fellowship.

the POUflU hnuie

t has been said that a week of classes islike aclothesline, and the chapel servicesarelike thepolessupporting both ends andthe center Strength is drawn from these services just asDr Guillermin said, "Chapel isthepowerhouse ofthe school."

Ifone walked into chapel servicehe would feel the unity of the student body as they joined in music andworship

The students were often privilegedto hear outstanding musicians and speakers, many being from their ownfacultyand student body

During the course ofthe year students attended chapel in three different locations While the gymwasstill under construction, they met in a massive crusade tent on the school grounds

Second semester, while final touches were being made onthe gym, students were "chauffeured" tothe TRBC auditorium ontheir favorite green buses

By March the gymwas completedand chapel moved back tothe mountain to itspermanent location

Although each chapel service was of special interest for the students,a few stand out most vividly Merrill Womach gave histestimony andsang; Tom Maharis communicated hisvibrant love for Jesus and hisvision toreach NewYork City; Moody Adams warned the studentsof witchcraft, referring tohisown experiences; the LBC Singers encouraged many before exam time with their humorous skits andinspiring songs; Don Norman sang andtold ofexperiences that have strengthened hislife;andthe preacher boys, in the sermon contest, challenged the students from the Word of God These areafewamong many inspirational servicesthataided in thedailylivesofthe students Indeed Dr Guillermin was correct when hesaid, "Chapel isthe powerhouse oftheschool."

24/Student Life -Chapel
The massive crusade tent,viewed fromthe outside,overflows with students
Student Life Chapel/25

jl-flnHi ' ei S n i3e''s cou 'd almost be IsHE-l heard ringing asthecouples " " walked through the pinesto enter the magical world ofan "Old Fashioned Christmas." It was like Dorothy inthe Wizard Of Oz, stepping from her routine world into the colorful, enchanted land of Oz. The moment that allhadanxiously awaited hadfinally arrived: the Christmas Banquet

The evening was filled with wonder, and after a fine dinner, "Moore and Moore" presented an enjoyable program ofmusic,followed by the powerful speaker, Charles "Tremendous" Jones. Truly itwasa night to remember, just like an oldfashioned Christmas.

Then winter wasover, andspring had arrived atlast.Romance filled the air asstudents prepared themselves for "Springtime In Italy." One student even began preparing for the Spring Banquet six months in advance John Olsen, a licensed pilot ofsingle-engined aircraft, decided that he andhis date, Jan Rowe, would fly toRoanoke for the banquet John andJanalso flew Carey Soud with Debbie Nelsonand Tim Heider with Mary Lynne Chubb to the Roanoke Airport Once there, they rented aCougar XR7 and traveled in style tothe Civic Center wherethe banquet wasbeing held.

At the banquet, the three couples, along with many others, enjoyed a delectable dinner ofsteakand

spaghetti. Following the buffet, the internationally known Palermo Brothers brought an evening ofentertainment, climaxed by an account of their visit toCommunist Poland.

For John andthe others with him, returning toLynchburg meant atrip back tothe Roanoke Airport and a pleasant plane ride home. It was like returning from a springtime spentin Italy

Don Mumiord and Donna Emery look at a program before the banquet begins Daniel Henderson introduces Mr Jones as the special speaker at the ChristmasBanquet
26/Student Life -Banquets
Louie Palermo serenades Eric Winkler and Linda Sutyak at the Spring Banquet

Students make their way through the meal line,helping themselves to delicious steak at the Spring Banquet

Mr. Pantana tells Dr. Hindson the story of Christmas in Italy.

Merv and Betty Moore sing a duet of praise and set the mood for the Christmas banquet.

Student Life Banqu«t»/27

=J radition and innovation mingled on the playbill of campus productions performed by the Drama Department this year. A type of play new to LBC, as well as an annual produced play, was the output of the Department's efforts

The student body was united in their enthusiasm over the fallproduction of As You LikeIt, LBC's first attempt at Shakespeare Although the Fine Arts Building was stilluncompleted, the cast was persistent intheir efforts,and played allthree nights to a packed house in the cafeteria.

Mrs Helen R Lloyd, adrama professorat LBC, wrote and directed Calvary, the annual Passion Play Male Drama StudentoftheYear, David Zick, portrayed Jesus for the fourth consecutive year One week after the campus performance, the large cast,the crew, and the sets traveled to Raleigh, North Carolina, where they presented thedrama in alocal church on Eastermorning

There was a special quality which set these two campus plays apart from the other plays put out under the Drama Department: Campus plays gave students who weren't normally involved with the Department opportunities to become involved in drama Many Home Economics students,for example, helped in the area of costume construction, while the Wrestling team made a large contribution to the Calvary cast New friendships were begun and a close unity was achieved from the cross section of the student body that participated

Scowling with hatred, Pharisees Tommy Wray and Mike Salsbury look on as Christ teaches
28/Student Life -Plays
Flipping through the air, Orlando (Dennis Chapmon) suffers a momentary defeat in his match with Charles (David Rowe)
Jesus (David Zick) explains God's will to His A Roman sentinel (David Rowe) stands guard mother (Gina Barrett)
Students O f Th e Mont h September November January March Patti Lituski Vicki Ross Mike Batt Earl Stevens Terry Hendricks Robert Theresa Rhoton Lesa Sumner Hammon d October December February April Dawn a Blank Shawn Evans John Wakefield Tim McCrory Dennis Lugar Bob Hippey Stephanie Teel Donna Simmons Female Student O f Th e Year Sally Sistrunk Resident Assistant
First:Harold Vaughan Second: Jeff Gillette Third: Mark Totten Who's Wh o In American Colleges Gary Aldridge, David Anderson, Cathy Babrick, James Bates, Delores Bishop, Sandra Burry, Sandra Butler, David Creath, Diane Crider, Trena Criss, Angela Elwell, Martin Frisk, Jeffrey Gillette, Deborah Grubbs, Marty Herron Jr., Carol Holliday, Victoria Jackson, Bruce Knight, Patti Lay, Claudia McCrory, Wendy McCutchen, Darrell Oman, Dennis Price, Mark Roberts, Janet Rowe, Deborah Seneff, Michael Slagle, Rebecca Taylor, Murnice Venable, Terry Wallace, Johnny Wilson, David Zick > iffl
Student Of The Year Daniel Henderson SG
Student Life Awardi/31
Sermon Contest Winners
A President


All the world's astage, And allthemen andwomen merely players

William Shakespeare

eniors atLiberty Baptist College set the stage asthey lined up for their final production They were ending their last scene ofcollege life and were beginning a newact asthey entered various fields ofwork Thestudent parking loton Liberty Mountain wasthesetting,andcertainly the graduates werethe main characters

In spite ofthe brief showers,the mood was set asthe EnPsalms sang severalselections. Five students from the three schools gave their testimonies,followed by the commencement address,delivered by Charles Hughes.

Dr Falwell introduces the special guests to the crowd of over 4000 who attended the exercises The EnPsalms provide special music with their rendition of "Psalm 8."
32/Student Life -Graduation
Beth Shumaker receives her diploma from Chancellor Falwell LBC graduate, Evangelist Charles Hughes brings the Commencement Address A joyful graduate isembraced by her happy parents
Student Life Graduation/33
Marty Herron before stepping out into the world, stops a moment to reflect on his years at LBC

tnmtain Top Experience

34/Student Life -Mountain Top E:

ms the fire burns brightly, cheerfully, and warmly, so burn the memories of our experiences at Liberty Mountain Looking back we can remember

. . . the Christmas bonfire at which students gathered to join the Concert Choir in singing carols and to hear a devotional by Dr Guillermin

. . . amusing and sometimes lengthy encounters as students stopped by the guard shack checking in and out of campus

. . . the basketball game where our number one fan of the Flames,Dr. Falwell,engaged in an arm wrestling match with Dr. Wemp, our spiritual cheerleader.

. . . campus lights shining brightly, reminding us that our "city set on a hillcannot be hid."

and then there was

Student Life Mountain Top Experience/35

Th e Blackout Experience cont.

7j| wo ofthe"brighter"and memorable events at LBC this year were the surprise power failures on the mountain Screams were heard throughout the B and C buildings as groping students made their way out of the classrooms Classes were cancelled for the afternoon and students formed endless lines to find they were treated to a "candlelight dinner" featuring SAGA hotdogs Many students followed their regular routine of checking their mailbox after lunch and were enlightened to the fact they could work their combination by the Braille method The excitement mounted as the day grew into evening and students realized they would have a cold night in their rooms To avoid the cold, quite a few students headed for the Hotel and many stayed with friends off campus for the night Dean Dobson and Dean Wood were stationed in Dorm 14 to write permission for fleeing students and also to ration out blankets loaned by the Disaster Center Students were delighted to find there had been an extension on lights-out for that night, so they took advantage of the darkness to study, play pranks, and tell spooky stories Shadows lined the walls of the game room as the more professional pool players shot by flashlight Yes, it was a memorable occasion, and students will long be asked, "Where were you when the lights went out?"

IStud.-nt Life Blackout/37
38/Student Life - Mountain Top Experience

Mountain Top Experience cont.

ontinuing tolook back we remember . . .

. the Friday and Saturday nights spent in the rec room, playing pool because we didn't have dates

. .. time spent in the cafeteria wishing we were at home eating Mom's cooking

. . . relaxing on the bank watching the Flames rack up a 16-1-1 record at home on our new baseballfield

precious moments.

Mountain Top Experience Student Life/39
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Psalm 81:1

he ministry of music has always been a vital source of inspiration to the student body of LBC It spreads its warm glow over everyone it reaches The motivating spirit of music is an essential ministry whether it be on a football field or in a church service Just listen


hat's this? Has something else new been added? This year not only brought new uniforms for the band, but a Flag Corps and Rifle Squad as well.

Cathy Babrick, Captain of the "Band Front," envisioned and originated the Drill Teams for thefirst time this year. Having seven years experience from high school and college,Cathy, under the advisory of Mrs. Joan Flewell,directed the team in making their own uniforms and worked with the band in developing the team's routines

Patience and hard work were the keys to their obvious success The team not only had to practice regularly with the marching band, but also every evening on their own Cathy said the practice times,getting things togetherwiththeband, were"intense."

The Drill Teams marched with the Band at allthe home football games and in the parades

"Sing aloud unto God our strength:make a joyfulnoise unto the God ofJacob."
The instruments are a dead give away that these are no ordinary spectators as Nancy Meckstroth and Kent Rockwell of the Pep Band generate excitement at an LBC Basketball game
42/Organizations - Drill Team


"Impressive . . . Exciting . . . Something tobe proud of ... A great testimony insound and appearance. "

LBC Students

hese adjectives were only touches of the student body reactions to this year's marching band Mr Ray Locy, director, stated in regard to the band, "This band has been by far the best in the history of the school."

The unique feature was the new uniforms In the midst of flashing red, white, and blue,the music and the marching brought excitation and pageantry to halftime.

Itwas evident that the band worked hard They practiced about nine hours a week and the morning before each game One band member described the practice," tedious and nerve racking There was much hard work, and ittook devotion; yet the rewards were great."

The band performed at six home games and the Pulaski and Lynchburg parades They also had a great experience playing at the Anti-ERA rallyin Richmond

The Marching Band also goesincognito as the Concert Band and Pep Band As the Concert Band, they performed Christmas and Spring concerts for the student body The Pep Band played at the basketball games, Pep Rallies,and PLUS Meetings

Cathy Babrick, organizer of the Band Front, leads the Flag Corps and the Rifle Squad in formation
.. . .,, x
David Sawtelle, alto saxaphonist, prepares to march onto thefield athalftime. Aiming for strict military style formation, Faith Welling, Mary Hardison, and Lucretia Lewis oftheRifle Squad execute their maneuvers In full array, the 1978-79 LBC Marching Band Flag Corps, and Rifle Squad at Homecoming Band director, Ray Locy, and Drum Major, Terry Hendricks, pause for the picture prior to marching on field for the Half Time performance
Organizations •Band/43
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Mr Ki m Renas , Director, primes the Concert Choir for perfection through their daily rehersal
44/Organizations -Concert Choir
Th e Concer t Choir , through their diligent practice, become adept in their performance of the Oratorio, "Elijah"
Organizations Concert Choir/45


"It is STUDENT, in that itinvolves LBC students;itis MISSIONARY, inthatitengulfstheworldinits probe;itis INTERN, inthatitis onlythefirststepinplanting people around theworldforthe restoftheirlives;itis TRAINING, inthatyoung people arelearning fortherestoftheirlives;itis EVANGELISM, inthatitfulfills theGreat Commission."

SMITE Director, DalePeterson

i MITE has proved once more that itisimpossible tohold them down. With the present growth up tofour singing teams, a Children's Ministry,anda Student Foreign Exposure Program, there isnothing but prosperityfor thisorganization.

SMITE's goal isto"sow the eternal seed," using the fundamental local church asthe base andoperating ground both outside andinside the U.S. SMITE'S emphasis isevangelism through music, preaching and Biblearid Iract distribution in foreign cultures Thousands ofBibles have reached hands that have never touchedthe Word ofGodbefore

The greatest work SMITE accOmplishes isin the individual student Through "action experience" each student isguided todetermine where God would usehimOrher in the most effective way AsDale Peterson stafed, "to every instance,theyare missionaries while they arestudents at LBC*'%hey ate literally going into pireach:the gospel. Stillthey areLBC students,who must maintain a high academic standardas

well asraise their ownsupport. Almost every night ofthe week, SMITE studentsareat practice, teammeetings, language study,oron weekend trips. This year has been an activeone for allthe teams. TheAsian Team, under the direction ofPaul Carey, spent the school year travelingto churches within the borders of the U.S TheSMITE ministry within the U.S istothe local church, where Christians are awakened tothe world's needs andinformed ofthe "fields white unto harvest." This summer the Asian Team traveled throughoutthe East,spending oneweek in Korea, a week in Japan andthree weeksin the Philippine Islands

Under the direction ofDave Stanford, The Latin Team spenttwo and onehalf weeks in SanJose, Costa Rica There the students worked with six different missionaries,singing in schools,town squares,civicauditoriums,aswell aschurches. The team also hadthe opportunity to appear on national television inCosta Rica Evangelism andBibledistribution,the keys tothe campaign, resultedin 100 peoplecomingtoknow Christ aspersonal Savior Duringthe summer the team ministeredin Panama, Venezuela,the Caribbean, and the Dominican Republic

The European Team, underthe direction ofGil Vining,also enjoyed an active year England wasthe focal point of their campaign. The team ministered in schools,town squares, hospitals,convalescent homes, and churches They were blessed with 200 wontoChrist Thegreatest achievement was the revived spirits

ajL -

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in the churches During the summi months the team visited Italy and Greece

The Internationals were a group of veteran SMITE members underthe direction ofDoug Achilles.The team traveled mainly with Roscoe Brewer, and, like the other teams, they ministered tochurches within the U.S. on weekends Close to 100churches received the Internationals thisyear The highpoint oftheiractivity occured during the Christmas break, when they hadthe opportunity to be part ofa 30-day effort tohelp 120,000 refugees awaiting relocation in Thailand Thestudents prepared a Christmas meal for 27,000 people, gave out 40,000 toys tochildren, and 10,000 blankets tothe adults. Bibles,gospel tracts,andgospel music were also presented in their native language Thenext phase was to place the team on the Mercy Ship, TheBamboo Cross, in the South China Sea Thestudents worked to get the ship ready andthen launched outon itsmaiden voyage They distributed food, fuel,medicine, supplies,andBibles tothe refugees in the sea.Roscoe Brewer observed, "This was the firsttime we have ever been involved with theseed planting as opposed tothe harvesting."

This summer theInternationals were involved with the refugees again, relocating them toBoliva. They were also involved inaiding the distri- ' bution ofthousands ofBibles in the politically turbulent country ofRhodesia,which isbeing quickly overtaken by the communists.

Bringing the message to ears that have never heard, Ed Nicholson shares theGospel while in Mexico
46/Organizations -Smite

Ron Warren (fourth row)J R Wilson,Amy Payne. Ed Lytle.Pam Irvin. Steve Hooge.Howard Ericson

Keeping a diligent vigil, Claudia McCrory, on the bow of the The Bamboo Cross, watches for boats of escaping refugees inthe South China Sea

Bringing comfort to the body and soul as well as the spirit, Debbie Saunders, Ed Lytle, Claudia McCrory, and Carolyn Wemp give out Christmas blankets to refugees inThailand

THE INTERNATIONALS: (front row) Don Blatherwick Debbie Saunders, Debbie Howell, Gladys 'Gigi' Generette Bob Lugar (second row) Don Benson, Cheryl Perryman, Yvonne Peterson Mark Home (Team Leader) (third row) Doug Achilles (Team Director), Eric Harley, Claudia McCrory, David Zick, Jim Garrett, Hope McLamb Jim Stewart Jackie Hammersley Julie Smith, Joy Barnes.
Organizations Smite/47
THE LATIN TEAM: (front row) Dave Stanford (Team Director). Donna Smith Anita DeVilbiss Ted Chaplik (second row) Mike Hall,PriscillaColeman, Jana Brewer Vickie Mulkey Beth Mellema, Cheryl Moore, Ed Hoag land, (third row) Mike Burchette, Len Chayka (Team Leader), Jeff Sapp, Randy DeVaul


. Falwell and Roscoe Brewer > wanted a missions emphasis brought toevery student

They felt that itwould be good for every student,regardless of his orhermajor, tovisitaneffective mission. Because most students never have thec experience missions and donot haveatrue concept ofmissionaries, the Student Foreign Exposure Program was created Dave Pantana, director of the program, explained that the purpose was "to broaden their view and thinking concerning Christianity, to teach them tobecome world Christians." Theprogram strives to answer the question: "could Iserve God in a country other thanthe United States?" Once a student experiences another culture, feels the opposition to the Gospel, and observes a successful missionary endeavor, hemayuse his talents in serving abroad. Notmany people realize that many skills are needed on the: mission field This exposure gives students a chance realistically to assess their abilities in termsof the world's needs. '••;-


Over 200 students were involved this year in the countries ofMexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica,Haiti, the Dominican Republic,andEl Salvador InMaythe students traveled to Northwest Canada, where they participated in Garlan Cofield's work.InMarch agroup ofLBC faculty went to Haiti

Although the trips were not primarily evangelistic,the students were involved with Bible andtract distribution InGuatemala over 5000 Gospel tracts andover 100 Gospelsof John were distributed. Students also witnessed opposition tothe Gospelin Mexico, where 5000 Gospelsof John were confiscated. In Guatemala students were able toview witchcraft services held in a cave Lives can truly bechanged as a result ofthiskind ofexposure. Mr. Pantana recalled one girlwho had surrendered togoback to Haiti to work among children; another couple has also applied toStrategic Baptist Missions and plans togo out ascross-cultural evangelists

J ...
, A' *~.
48/Organizations -Smite
Julie Smith makes friends with a senior citizeninaconvalescent home in England

presence as well as teaching, Kathy Odendhal radiates the love of Christ through a smile while in Mexico

Maria Wilson hands out copies of God's Word in the Mexican language; thousands of copies of the Bible were distributed this year by SMITE team members
Organizations Smite/49
THE EUROPEAN TEAM: (front row) Dianne Sheetz,Ruth Newton, Lori Barclay (second row) Tommy DeVilbiss, Debbie Curwin, Leonard Bradford, (third row) Gil Vining (Team Director), Dale Brown, Kathy OdenhaJ, Joe Hagley, Dwane Sherrick, Kim Kunkle, Vicki Clemons, Maria Wilson, Eric Sims, Mike Carper (fourth row) Keven Stevens,Terri Wallace (Team Leader), Chris Sanders


hile serving asan active SMITE team member, Jan Euliss conceived the idea of a SMITE Children's Ministry

This year her concept was put into effect TheChildren's Ministrywas basically the same asSMITE's, only itwas limited tochildren This; ministry played a completely distinct role in the missions training at LBC

The Children's Ministry hada mission tothe local churches in the U.S. andtothe children ofthe world.For example, here at Thomas'JRpad' Baptist Church children asyoung as two years old were taught the needsof missions in the world Throughthe use of puppets,multi-media,and flannelgraphs these aims were achieved The

team also instructed adults in child evangelism

This year the team went to England with the Europen Team. There they held child evangelistic meetings. They visited public schools,presented their program, andinvited the childrento the 'Holiday Bible School' Jan Euliss explained that England was"ripe unto harvest asfar aschildren are concerned At the first meeting there were only 12children,but by theend of the week theattendance wasover 100. During this time 49 children were saved." Inaddition toanothertwo weeks spent inEngland this summer, the team worked with the primary day camp on Treasure Island

Jana Brewer mingles with Costa Rican children after a neighborhood concert. A joyful Costa Rican lady embraces Donna Smith after a SMITE concert.
50/Organizations -Smite

he futureforSMITE means continued growth Dale Peterson has a vision ofsix professional orientationteams."The SMITE philosophy now," Mr. Peterson stated, "is to incorporate people with various usable talents sothat many more studentsmay get involved."

SMITE Director, Dale Peterson, along with the European Team, endures the icy English wind to bring the message of God's love to people in a town square concert Jan Euliss, Director of SMITE Children's Ministry, brings the missionary message to the younger set in Mexico THE SMITE CHILDREN'S MINISTRY: (front on floor) Carla Long Jan Euliss (Director) Phil Greer (standing) Faith Donley Patty Balliet, Jane Stowell Raymond Cauffman, Verle Binkley
Organizations Smii 51
THE ASIAN TEAM: (front row) Paul Carey (Director), Tom Shepard Tom Turley (Team Leader) (second row) Vicky Bradley Joni Dekker Judy Bailey Terri Clouston Debbie Carney Kim Davidson, Mark Silvers Dave Kersey (third row) Paul Halsey Donnie Hargett Millie Ibrado, Bruce Nelson



he EnPsalms, an unusual and active ministry ofLBC, has had another year of action and growth along with prosperous results "The objective of the EnPsalms," said Mr Randlett, "is to produce trained musicians who can minister,not perform." Itis generally anunknown fact that the EnPsalms carried a total ministry to a different church every weekend.The team wold go inandassume responsibility for a church for the whole weekend and throughtheuseofmusic, preaching,multi-media,muppets, and workshops,the team would transmit the Gospel.Time andtime again, the church's people would beleftwith revived spirits.Teaching discipleship to the people ofthe church was the key. TheEnPsalms believed that the longer they were with the church, the more opportunitytheyhad toinfluence and lead the people. A typical weekend would consist ofa Saturday afternoon concert in a mall,a rally at the church that night,leading the church's Sunday School service with muppets and music,andthe church service with music andpreaching Sunday afternoons the team held workshops for allagegroups Sunday evening the

team performed the Greater isHe musical program.

One notable experience wasin a high school assembly inDetroit The school wassobaditwas nicknamed "the snake pit."Theteam was informed that they probably wouldn't be able tofinish their performance because when the students didn't enjoy a program they would bedisruptive oreven riot

However, besides receiving a standing ovation atthe endofthe program, they hadan excellent turn-out for the rally held thatnight

Each ofthe team members sought to bea testimony among the student body aswell asamong the people to whom they ministered. While maintaining high academic standards, the team hadtobe away on weekends and attend daily practice As Mr Randlett stated, "The group should be able tohold up both ends." Many times the team traveledall weekend, came inMonday morning and were expected tobein classes.

The work wasdemanding, yet the rewards were great With the promise of spiritual growth andmaturityin their ownChristian lives,theEnPsalms were able totake what they learned in school,andput itinto effect in an exciting,active,andrewarding ministry.

EnPsalms:(frontrow)Gary Babcock,Russel Taylor,Tom Rosevear,Mary Frye,Mike Apperson, Danny Scruggs, Joy Lever, Ed Norman, (back row) Karline Quattlebaum, Thane Kendall, Suzanne Amon, David Thomas, Sandy Block, Yulinda Ausbrooks, Glenda Rosevear, Art Scott,Terri Campbell,Samantha Snyder,PaulParris
minister, not ministers who trytousemusic."
52/Organizations -EnPsalms

Always in the background, Tom Rosevear, sound engineer, mixes during a concert in a small local church

Thane Kendall and Suzanne Amon sing during a concert Director David Randlett affectionately known as "Boss" by the EnPsalms, begins practice by handing out new material
Organizations EnPsalms/53
Unloading equipment. Ed Norman and Russel Taylor show the rarely seen part of a traveling group's work


"The Youth Aflame Outreach members exemplifyChristinboth theirappearance andattitudes. Theirpersonaltestimoniesand concertsare touchinghundredsof liveshere today.Watchingtheir performance today,Iwasproud to be aChristian andproud tosee what Youth Aflame wasdoingintheworld around me."

Re'Generation staffmember, Less Speakman

yg^ major change occured in the Youth Aflame organization

1 this year: the Youth Aflame Singersand theLBC Chorale merged inlate December toform Youth Aflame Outreach Combined, they have done away with their individual group personalities and formed oneteam, seventy strong, with capability ofdividing orsubdividing into many versatile groups Also included inYouth Aflame Outreach isthe seventeen member band, "Sound Edition", (directed byfaculty member Dave Ehrman) anda professionally trained student production crew All together, their performance

isimpeccable and their ministryis far reaching

'O's emphasis ison youthand al istoreach the world of ion young people for Jesus

To do this,they employed a _ called, "Operation Saturation."

Nashville, Tennessee, was the target for saturation oneweek.One Tuesday night, seventy LBC students and Youth Aflame staff members boarded buses andprepared for the all-night drive toNashville After arriving atLighthouse Baptist Church, pastored by Liberty Baptist Seminary graduate AlHinson, Youth Aflame Outreach filled the next five days with twenty-three concerts among which were six public high school concerts, a concert atthe Tennessee State Prison,anda concert for the local youth correctional center Besides these,the team also sang twoconcerts in Nashville's largest mall,ministered in seven concerts atthe Lighthouse Baptist Church, andperformed at a Youth Celebration rally.

54/Organizations -Y.A Outreach
Y.A OUTREACH SINGERS: (front row) Melanie Wright, Dan Hodges, Susan Jobe, Daryl Flake, Becky Leatherwood (second row) Keith Littlepage, Nicki Nichols, John Freel, Pam Eaton, Ken Davis, Debbie Ott, Sarge Offenbacker (third row) Randy Smith, Anita Lewis, Mark Roberts, Kendra Cook, Mark Giles, Colleen Cundall, Dave Booker, (fourth row) Linda Reese, Becky Taylor, Natashia Coley, Susie Smith, Cindy Dalton, Brad Grubb (fifth row) Steve Terrell, Terry Hendricks Barry Eaton, Bill Hutchinson,James Stevens

irrsar ^

At a Saturday rally the YA Outreach Singers and Sound Edition present theGospel through song and tesimony With the New York City skyline as a backdrop, John Hosier witnesses to a fellow passenger on the Long Island Ferry The YAO Singers minister to people of allages
Organizations Y A Outreach/55
The YAO Singers draw eager-tolisten crowds in a shopping mall rally in Nashville

SOUND EDITION: (front row) Beth Prescott, Dan Hodges, Judy Trenary (second row)Susan Strain, Laura McMonagle, Patsy Walker, Laurie Timm, Dave Sawtelle, Dan Ward, Dave Ehrman (Director), Garnett Hall, Ty Taylor, Buzz Offenbacker, Dave Hendricks, Paul Waltz,Sarge Offenbacker

Using staging along with their music,the YAO Singers captivate a high school assembly audience
56/Organizations - Y.A Outreach
Festival Singers take a lunch break from work on "Victory House."


od has blessed Youth Aflame Outreach — there were over fifty-five salvation decisions during theNashville trip alone. Inaddition toreaching young people for Christ, Youth Aflame Outreach has also helped to establish and encourage individual churches. Pastor Al Hinson remarked, "This weekend with Youth Aflame has been ourfirst large stepof evangelistic faith asa young church We want toreach ourcommunity, and this week has awakened and excited ourpeople because we have seen what canbedone."

YAO isa valuable arm of LBC's action-oriented curriculum. Through involvement inoneofthe YA O teams or the Youth Aflame sponsored Festival Singers, LBC students were able to participate inan active andexciting ministry toyoung people underthe direction ofThomas Road Baptist Church Youth Department In the past year,YA O teams have presented the gospel inKorea,Australia, Hong Kong, Canada, Taiwan,Japan, Israel,andthroughout theUnited States. They're outtoreachthe world for Jesus Christ

Gordon Luff YAO Director, gets in on the work as he helps Susie Pence put down shingles
Organizations Y A Outreach/57
Mark Lawrensen of the YAO Singers takes a short break while working on "Victory House" in New Jersey


"The LBCSingers isthe only team in school that takes a year off from school tominister nation-wide,presenting the gospel ofJesus Christas well asrepresenting LBC This fact makes the LBCSingers our school's number oneP.R. group."

Director Randy Rebold

=^' lazing through the fortyeight continental United States andHawaii in approximately forty weeks, the LBC Singers held a total of over 300 concerts this year. Underthe supervision ofteam leader Ross Turner andhis wife Kathy, the Singers hit the road after a four week training camp andperformed in local churches, high school assemblies, civic clubs,shopping malls,prisons, and community -wide rallies

Presenting a ninety-minute concert ata different location each night involved thirty-two ofthe weeks they traveled. Theother weeks were utilized with week-long revivals

oriented crusades -a concept attempted this year for the firsttime, according toDirector Randy Rebold. Rebold wasenthusiastic about the new practice, stating that itbrought "phenomenal results- many people were saved, andothers had their hearts stirred andchallenged to revival." Weekdays during the rally weeks were spent holding children's clubs, teen rap sessions,andadult family seminars, while nights were takerr up with concerts followed bya short challange.

Dave Holdren, aswell asDr Ed Hindson, helped during the crusades in the area offamily lifeseminars. Also involved with the team was Mr. Al Seyler, who, accompanied byhis Wife Ardie, drove the Singer's bus.

Lynchburg-based Rebold,who travels part-time with the group, stated, "Icount ita personal privilege to beable to work with the team, and IgiveGod thegloryforalltheblessings

He has given toliterally thousandsof people asa result ofthis ministry."

LBC SINGERS: (front row) Ralph Hagner, Jeff Hartman, Mick Vigneulle,Chip Petite,Jeff Mason, RickVigneulle, Ross Turner, Brad Fraley (back row) Lynn Chason, Johnette Moody, Susie Clark, Lori Van Hook, Debbie Harvey, Kathy Turner,Amy Hall
58/Organizations -LBC
Home for a weekend, the LBC Singers perform for the Jolly Sixties of TRBC
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Director Randy Rebold gives last minute instructions to singer Rick Vigneulle Team leader Ross Turner and wife Kathy vocalize with the team During a light segment of their concert, members of the team become "The LBC Marching Band."
Organizations -LBC Singcrs/59
Taking advantage of a brief moment to relax, Ralph Hagner shares a story with Lynn Chason

s LBC grew, it's height and breadth were visible to all. Being built on the "Firm Foundation", it's "structures" devoted blocks of time and energy which builtup and ministered to LBC and the world

SGA: Remodeling, Reformation . Revolution!


"SGA isa go-between. It'sa tool which binds together the administration and the students."

Amassive explosion occurred at LBC this year!Without the use of real dynamite,the Student Government Association went off like fireworks in a multitude of areas

"I definitely feel like the reputation of SGA has changed this year," said 1978-1979SGA President, DanielHenderson.

The sparks of this explosion began to be seen in the summer, when Henderson started work on an SGA constitution Itwas later approved by the administration and students and became LBC's firstSGA Constitution

"This year was distinctly defined for SGA," Henderson re-emphasized He citedsuchexamplesasoverturnsinthe basicorganizationand thedelegationof responsibilitiestocommitteesandother groups.

SGA was now divided into three parts. One part,the Executive Committee, was composed of the student body officers.The StudentSenate consisted of allthe class officers and was chaired by SGA Vice President Rick Scharmann, The finalthird was the StudentActivitiesCouncil, which contained elected representatives from each class.The House ofDelegates wasalsoformed asanauxiliarygovernmental enterprise of SGA.

Three main goals were listed which brought about the revolution The first was involvement- attempting to involve more students in SGA than ever be-

fore.This year,there were over 150 students directly involved "We're trying to make everybody a somebody," said Vice President Scharmann. He gave examples of the headway made towards grasping thisgoal,such as the student body meetings which displayed new studenttalent.

Stimulating leadership by givingstudents added opportunities to lead was thesecond goal. An SGA-spurred move towards this was the launching of the House ofDelegates.

The final goal,a very important one according to Henderson, was to promote unity "We can never reach the world without it,"he stressed Aiming in thisdirection,the SGA members began plans for an intra-campus radio station.

Aside from these goals, Henderson spoke of a vital aspect in which SGA became more involved this year: the sphere of student life. "SGA is a ministryofcreatinganatmosphereconducive to spiritual growth and victory," heexplained. "We wanttogetstudents on fire for the Lord!" They attempted to do thisthrough PLUS (Powerful Living Through Unified Students) This was a series of student-run meetings with a spiritualemphasis

"What we've started has to be continued," Henderson concluded,explaining,"It hinges on the right people -people who have the heartbeat."

Orgamzations-SGA /hi
Flanked by photographers and bodyguards, "President" Ed Hindson appears on "Airtime"




Vice President Roger Mackey and Dr Guillermin display a video tape recorder, one of Dr Guillermin's Christmas presents from the student body The other gift was an engraved gold pocket watch President Gary Aldridge kicks off the House of Delegates-sponsored Christmas Bonfire
62/Organizations-House Of Delegates
Tim Moeckel drives the golf cart out of the gymnasium after it'schapel-time presentation

THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES: (front row) Kevin Stephens, Dan Brown, Chuck Jones, Dan Hodges Tom Turlcy, Carole Smith, (second row) Debra Slagle,John Schlesinger, Dave Booker, Jean Winch Gina Barrett, Mark Roberts, Gary Aldridge(President), (third row) Tim Barnes, Cindy Dalton, Bob Kelly, Leslie Kendali, Shery! Kyper, Judy Trenary, Suzanne Elliott, Mark Home, Mark Hardy, Dennis Lugar (fourth row) Robin Ford, Jackie Olson, Carole Crowder, Matt Royer, Jerry Butcher, (fifth row) Jerry Kamphuis, Elaine Fisher, Jeff Wolff, Terry Wallace, Vernon Drumheller, Cathy Babrick, Melanie Alfrey, Pam Lucas, Karen Bryant, Steve Bowie, Eddie Clark, (last row) Glen Draeger, Dennis Chapmon, Brian Macon, Richard DeWitt, Carol Bigger, Ed Vickers

"The House of Delegates is taking many individual,independent organizations and making them one."

-President Gary Aldridge

prouting out of SGA, a new organization appeared on campus this year called the House of Delegates. Two representatives from every recognized organization at LBC peopled this group, which was the brainchild of SGA President Daniel Henderson.It's main thrust,according to House of Delegates President Gary Aldridge, was "promoting the fact that although we're allfrom different groups and organizations,we attend the same school and can help fulfillit'sneeds."

To promote the first portion ofthis goal, the House began with itselfby promoting cooperation and understand-

ing among it'sown members At the bi-montly meetings, representatives took turns explaining the essence of their own group's ministries, sharing their concepts,blessings,and prayer requests One of the most important and unifying facets of these gatherings, according to one House member, was when the Representatives paired off and prayed with those of differentorganizations at the end of each meeting.

Along with the regular assemblies, the House promoted unity within itselfby a devotional prayer breakfast,afellowship luncheon held at Gramp's and Granny's, a Joint Session Dinner with the other branches of SGA, and a surprise end-of-the-year pizza party at Sal's.

Aldridge claimed,however,that the ultimate key to achieving unity within the student body came from "everyone's personal commitment to that goal." Therefore,the House encouraged students to join together in the attempt to carry out the second segment of the House's goal:thefulfillment of the school's needs They did this primarily by the House of Delegates drives In these, the House challenged students tocontribute to a "Penny Push",held in order to purchase a Christmas present of Dr Guillermin,as well as a "Dollar Drive", which enabled the House to buy a golf cart that made intra-campus mobility easier for handicapped students

Organizations House of Delvgates/63



"The purpose ofthis Christian drama group istocommunicate theGospel message inorder towinmen toChrist and tostrengthen the believer."

Ever hear of evangelism through drama? Have youheard asermon preached by a group of people instead ofby oneperson?"

These were thethought provoking questionsthat Dr. Mark B. Lloyd, manager of THE KING'S PLAYERS, posed while explaining theessenceof thisChristian drama group. Inorderto grasp thehearts oftheir audiences for Christ, THE KING'S PLAYERS at tempted an unusual approach:presenting theGospel message toboth ears and eyes They found thisaudio-visual approach remarkably effective Doublingin size and dividingintotwo outreach teams, THE KING'S PLAYERS were ambassadors for Christ in churches and schools throughoutthe year,aswell asministers attheir home base, LBC.

The "A" team, directed by Mrs Helen R Lloyd, traveled during weekends, Thanksgivingbreak, and thesummer of 1979 The summer tour was an eleven week journey inwhich theteam traversedtheUnitedStatesfrom eastto west and back Ministering oncampus, the group presented "Which Way"in thefall.

Traveling on weekends andduring Spring Break, the"B" team was directedby David Allison. Thisgroupalso presented a play for thestudent body entitled "Once To Die",which they performed inthespring semester

Everywhere THE KING'S PLAYERS ministered, people were surprised and then enthusiastic when theysaw that evangelism could be done through drama, and that a sermon could be preached by a group ofpeople instead of by oneperson.As Dr. Falwellsaid, after receiving many lettersfrom pastors pleased with this group's ministry, "I used tothink that drama couldn'tbe used - but THE KING'S PLAYERS have changed my mind."


Carl Black (Larry Bovard) holds Debby Sheldon (Sandy Skinner) hostage in "Once To Die". Worn outby hard work andthestrenuous paceof traveling, Mike Salsbury grabs a brief nap after setting up fora service
Dr Mark B Lloyd, Manager
. . .
64/Organizations- The KingsPlayers



Mrs Bessemer (Lauri Morrell) views Hattie's (Debi Fentress) enthusiasm with exasperation in "Which Way" Complaining of lack fresh air, hypochondriac Mrs Wormslee (Robyn Buchanan) receives help from Miss Jones (Anita Wooten) "B" GROUP: (front) Judy Bucher, JewelVessell (second row) Natalie Farnsler, Sandy Skinner, Jane Jones,(third row) Cathy Baier,Melody Fero, Barbara Suess Ronni Ball Russ DeFranza (back) Aubry Wooten, Bruce Traeger, Noel DePalma, Larry Bovard, Dean Schreiber
OrganizationsThe Kings Players/65
"A" GROUP: (front) Mike Salsbury, Robyn Buchanan Mike Bassie Gina Barrett, John Garner,(second row)Susan Lawman, JulieTrautloff Connie Dowel!, Danelis Spaulding (back) Bruce Ewing, Dennis Chapmon, James Garner, Tommy Wray, Mark Fuss

n^mKORE }

Leadership, a quality emphasizedatLBC,isdemonstrated daily by the R.A.'s and Supervisors on campus. Working astwodistinct facets of a chain ofdiscipleship,these persons worked tohold the student body together both spiritually andsocially

An important segment ofa student's experience while atLBC consistedof dorm life This situation put the R.A.'s (ResidentAssistants)inakey positionof leadership This year the additionof over950 freshmen made theR.A.'sjob much more involved, demanding, and responsible than before Many of the R.A.'s responsibilities included upholdingtherulesand regulations, usingtheir leadership qualities topromote good study habits in the dorm, andbeing available atalltimes asa spiritual counselor andfriend tothe students in their dorm JayStone, RA from Dorm 2 on the mountain, described his job this way, "The RA isa studentof


students; he attempts toserve the students in his dorm asChrist served his disciples Theideal RA isonewho is able tobea Christ-like example, not onlytothestudentsofhisdorm,butto allhispeers."Thisyear, because ofthe great influx ofstudents,the Dorm Prayer Leadersbecame an extensionof the R.A.'s TheR.A.'s in each dorm were able,through working directly withtheDorm Prayer Leaders, tomaintain close contact with allthe students in the dorm

The Supervisors served asanextensionoftheDean'sofficeand weredirect disciplers tothe R.A.'s As RoyDail, the Mountain Supervisor stated,"My job istohelp the R.A.'s do their job."

A new experiencethisyearwas dorm lifeonthe mountain; there were many new situationstowork around andchallenges toovercome. Nevertheless, through the experience gained this year, the R.A.'s andSupervisors were able tobe allthe more effective.

MOUNTAIN R.A.'S: (front row)Sally Sistrunk,Cindy Steffen,Donna Fleming,Becky Correll,Conte Shinkle (second row) Vicki Jackson, Georgina Holliday, Honor Taylor, Cheri Kershberger,Jane Sims,Diane Crider,Malinda Splawn,Karen Bryant, Delores Bishop, (third row) Darrell Orman, Marty Herron (fourth row) Bob Eagy, Dennis Boyd, Rick Flowers, Dennis Slabach,John Olson,Dave McLaury, Ricky Johnson,Doug Olson,Jay Stone,Bruce Knight,Marty Frisk,Barb Stroupe
HOTEL SUPERVISORS: Mr Rod Earls and Miss Eleanor Henderson
66/Organizations-R.A.'s And Supervisors
Marty Herron, Mountain RA, studies the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul


J ^ long with themany estabJf ^ lished organizationson ^^^^ campus, there were several special interest clubs where students hadtheopportunity to get involved Through these clubs students were able toexpress theirinterests, hobbies, andserve God ina greater way.

The Business Association wasdesigned toprepare students togo out into theprofessional field as Spiritfilled Christians Theclub,underthe advisoryofDr Wellman,maintainedan executive board similar toa board of directors ina corporation Through monthly meetings andfrequent outside speakers the members gained training and practice inthebusiness world

The LBC Men ofArmour, led by Dave Anderson, wascomprised of members oftheLBC Flames Football Team This unique group ofstudents ministered during theoff seasonto churches, public high schools, prisons, and retreats Through theuseof music, comedy, andskits,theLBC Men of Armour maintained a highly success-

ful ministry with over 125people coming toknow Christ as Savior

For the more physically-minded a Karate Club wasorganized thisyear by Seth Afari Meeting three nightsa week, Seth worked on developingthe students' physical condition aswellas technique in selfdefense.

The Missions Club continued this year ledby Roscoe Brewer. Meeting thefirst Fridayofeach month,the club served asa fellowship for all missionsorientedstudentsatLBC Thisyearthe club featured several guest speakers which includedFrancisGrimm,fromthe war-torncountryofRhodesia, Dr. C. T. Abraham, missionary toIndia,andEd Gomes (LBC graduate), missionaryto Black America Theclub also sharedin the activities ofthe SMITE teams The key tothe club wasfellowshipand prayer for missions intheworld today

The Fishers of Men, a neworganization on campus, wasorganized this past September by student,BobHippy. Working with theSoul Winning Dept.ofTRBC,Bob and therest of the members sawtheneed toreachthe

residentsofLynchburgforJesusChrist. Using a method ofoneon one or "street" evangelism, the students would go tothe downtown, shopping malls,detention homes, and hospitals. The guys would go outFriday nights and the women, ledby Debbie Slagle, would go outSaturday afternoons. The club has seen over 100people accept Christ asSavior inthepast yearand has developed an active follow-up ministry.

Anothernew cluborganizedthis past year wasthe International Students Club. Under the advisory ofDr. Lee Bruckner andworking with the International Ministries Christian Service, the club served asan aidtothe International students informing relationships with each other and inworking out each oftheir problems and needs while studying here intheUnited States InApril theclub hada picnic with their sponsor families Dr Bruckner said itwasthe club's objectiveto "create a welcoming atmosphere to all International students coming toLBC."

HOTEL R.A.'S: (front row) Theresa Rhoton, Collette Hamer, Cloa MOUNTAIN SUPERVISORS: Miss Krista Padgett, Miss Jean Med- Shamblin, Sharon Toy (second row) Dave Creath, Steve Herbster, ley,Mr Dane Emerick, Mr. Roy Dail. Malcom Myers,Joe Axtell,David Watts.
: s 7 xxx x.:-": =' 7_ xxx • • x xX X ..;; •.-:•.-•; -77 X =..'. : •„ '.: xx xxx "7:7: x : x i',x- '•.. " 7r.y:77 : xx xxxx'xx ..xx-,. '.... -• x' • • ! y •._ xx the physical sense, what islearned through the classroom and thetextbook Inlike manner, Chris7. : x: Xxx; xx ledge and their devotion to God The field of application is through God's tool, thelocal church At Thomas Road Baptist Church, LBC students,through their Christian Service,get theirbattlefield experience
Pam Humble, working with the TRBC Deaf Ministry, leads children in hymn singing using sign language
as an
68/Organizations-Christian Service
extension of the dorm
Bev Ford, Dorm Prayer Leader, supervises her group in their regular devotions


Dan Cubino helps several members of "THE HEARD " off the bus after they returned from an overnighter This LBC student gives some "TLC" to one of the 200 babies in the TRBC Nursery
Organizations Chnui.m S.rvice/69
Coy Barnes, working with the Children's Ministry, helps two boys finish their Sunday School project

Selah Gets Personal!

"The Yearbook isa 'Remembrance Book' Without it, so much can be forgotten With it,memories can be triggered. The Yearbook isabridgetothe past."

Editor-in-Chief Tony Mitchell

V toP'

^k Reflect.

^ ^ Consider

When combined, these expressions become themeaning of "SELAH", a Hebrew word used when the Psalmist desired his readers to pause and contemplate what he was trying to communicate This, according to Editor-in-Chief Tony Mitchell,was what the SELAH staff desired their readers to do:to pause in the present,reflect upon the past, and consider what has transpired

A three year veteran of the staff, Mitchell outlined a new philosophy which directed the book's production this year "We wanted to make the book more personal,distinct,and contemporary," he said

"Pumping in more candid photographs, using direct quotes,and zooming in on specific individuals were the methods used to accomplish thefirst part of that," said Mitchell. Elaborating on the objective of making the book more defined, he explained, "We

wanted to have a distinct personality, such as isfound in magazines." He noted the different characteristics which give each periodical it'sspecial style,and pointed out that the staff's efforts to follow this lead came in the form of incorporating unique graphic designs into certain sections.

To make the book more contemporary, they attempted to "talk about the events of now." Written portions of the book subsequently became more detailed "We wanted copy which would speak specifically about the eventsofthis particularyear- not copy thatreadslike every otheryear'scoverage," said Mitchell

Aside from the new philosophy, there were other factors which made the 1978 - 1979 SELAH staffunique There was a large influx of new staff members,and on thewhole, thisyear's group was more experienced than previous staffs.A new advisor was welcomed to the team -Lamar Keener, Director of Student Activities,had his firsttasteofyearbook production. "I've found thatthereis alot more toputting a yearbook together than most people know about," he said at year's end. "Now Ican really appreciate theefforts of a good staff."

While participating in Mass Mania, Editor Tony Mitchell reaches for balloons rather than deadlines
Organizations Editor John Schlesinger concentrates on SMITE copy

A frazzled Gina Barrett bites her lip in concentration as she

SELAH STAFF: (front)Tim McCrory, Organizations Editor John Schlesinger, Underclassman Editor Melody Wanderaas, Student Life Editor Faith Welling, (second row) Russell Martin, Gina Barrett, Kim Curry, Pam Milner, Photography Editor Mike Waters, (third row) Chuck Boscaljon,

Brenda Flocco, Senior's Editor Pam Flowers, Kathy Frey, Karen Dixon Lauri Rice (back) Jim Snyder, Greg Palen, Academic Editor Sharon Mantzey, Sports Editor Kerry Nonnemocher, Jon Cooper, Editor-in-Chief Tony Mitchell, Advisor Lamar Keener

schedules group shots Advisor Lamar Keener receives feedback from staff members
Organizations S«lah/7 I
Leslie Kendall listens with amusement as Student Life Editor Faith Welling asks a question to the Advisor
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Wrestlers Pin Down Third Consecutive Championship


he LBC Wrestling team repeated asthe National Christian College Athletic Association Champions for thethird year in a row LBC dominated thefinalsasseven wrestlers qualified andthree became champions

Rob Hetrick took first place for the Flames at 126lbs.A remarkable performance by Jesse Castro at 142 lbs. brought himhis third consecutive national title.Dave Brown wasthe champion at 190 lbs

Second-place finishers were Wayne Brooks, 150lbs.; Mark Brooks,158 lbs.;Bill Fox, 167lbs.; andRick Adams, 177 lbs InthirdfortheFlames were PatSole, 118lbs.,andJimMatney, 134lbs Rueben Escobedo placed fourth atHeavyweight.

Hetrick, Castro, and Brown all received All-American awards, and Wayne Brooks wasdeclared All-American At-Large for placing in theNationals four consecutive years.

The victory wasdecisive.The team scored 94 points inthe competition, more than they've ever scored ina national event, and25 points ahead of second place Messiah College.

National Champion Rob Hetrick builds up "riding time" on hisopponent, Chris Spanding of Grand Rapids Bible, in the semi-finals Hetrick went ontothe finals when hewon the match 6-2. Dave Brown, only beaten twice in 25 matches, controls Mike Houck from Maranatha in the finals Brown defeated Houck in overtime 4-0 to become National Champion In thesemi-final match, team co-captain Jesse Castro shows the ability that won him three national championships as he comes close to a pinagainst Scott Howland ofGrand Rapids Bible Castro won match by a superior decision 16-2 He waslater named team MVPas he won a team high of 25 matches on the season

Track Captures First Championship

Hin 1977 they took fourth; in 1978 itwasthird; butin 1979 the Liberty Baptist College track team decided toforget the sequence andwent ahead and captured the National Christian College Athletic Association Track meet inCedarville, Ohio They scored 121 points, 34 over second place TheKing's College

Jack Matthes, named NCCAA Coach of the Year, speaking ofthe National meet, expressed amazement at winning due topre-lim andsemi-final lossesby key members However, duringthe finals,itall came together Coach Matthes said, "The Lord gave us the meet, we sawno way ofwinning ourselves Itjust opened up beforeour eyes. Itwas...unbelievable!"

After itwasover LBC had6 first place All-Americans: Glen Dreagerin the 100and200meter dashes, Jon Sprano inthe javelin, Bill Gillespie in the shot-put, andthe400meter relay team ofDave Pigg, Davy Claxton, Randy Long, andGlen Dreager

Others who placed were BobDeal, second inthe javelin; Doug Stephens, second inthehigh-jump; Dave Pigg, second inboth the high andintermediate hurdles;Marty Frisk, secondin the 800meter; Bill Gillespie, third in thediscus; Mike Philips, thirdin the 400 meter; Bob Kelly, third inthe Steeplechase; Dave Pigg, William Blackford, Mike Philips, and Marty Frisk, thirdin the 1600 meter relay; Bob Bracken, fourth inthe 1500 meter; Dave Chase, fifth intheshot-put; andJonSprano, sixth inthetriple-jump.

Following through on his throw, Jon watches the javelin sail through the enough for him to become the National pion Later Sprano also placed in the jump Sprano air far Chamtriple- Breaking the tape slightly ahead of his opponents Glen Dreager wins the National Championship in the 200 meter dash Earlier he had won the championship in the 100 meter dash The 400 meter relay team displays the awards they won with their National Championship The runners, Dave Pigg, Doug Claxton, Randy Long and Glen Dreager, also set a school record in the race
Sports-National Champs.-'7.S
Bill Gillespie delivers on the shotput with a record breaking performance His throw of 48'10W" broke the old national record by 4 inches Gillespie also took third in the discus throw

Making Believers Out Of Everybody

he Flames football season opened intheFall of'78with

|u= = J arealchange ofpace forthe 87-man squad With cheering fans and teary-eyed girlfriends waving goodbye, the team took offfrom Lynchburg Airport in high style aboard a chartered flight to Dayton, Ohio LBC was in the big time playing nationally-ranked University of Dayton.

Although playing against an increasingly tough schedule with a relatively young team (only 4 seniors), the team gained momentum as the season progressed losing only twice in their last seven outings with excellent showings against perennial powers

With his blockers clearing the way, Timmy Saunders does some fancy stepping to gain valuable yards for the Flames

With third down and inches,the Flames "Jericho" defense charges in to force a punt on fourth down

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Named Churchman's All American Small College Coach of the Year, Head Coach Tom Dowling smiles in satisfaction over his team's victory

The team got off on a winning foot slipping by a determined Bowie State defense 14-13. Charged up with this first victory,the players undertook a huge assignment in tackling GardnerWebb who had dealt LBC several strong setbacks in the past few years Surprised by the Flames enthusiasm and strong will,the Bulldogs found that they just couldn't get a jump on the Flames and finally settled for a 20-20 tie

Two games later,Roanoke's Victory Stadium provided the setting as the Flames were avenged of last year's defeat by Bridgewater This time the Eagles found the Flames too hot to handleastheywere burned 21-13 The nextweek it was two inarow for LBC as the offense exploded for 5 touchdowns enroute to a 34-28 victory over St Paul's

Then the Flames faced another formidable foe in Lenoir-Rhyne. Everyone knew they were tough They had earned ita year earlier in North Carolina as the Flames were soundly defeated 53-0 This time,however, nobody mentioned the word "lose" as the determined foot-

Catching his breath after some hard headknocking, Steve Jones takes a break from the action
,,» V.. ,., <ftJ(
The crowd erupts again as scored against Ferrum College another TD is
Sports Football/77

ball team took the field People that had wondered ifLiberty's football program was really getting stronger were giveneye-witnessfacts asthey watched the Flames knock heads with a strong adversary When time ran out on the clock, theFlameshad notwon, butthe pointspread was not53 asbefore, just a mere 12 pointsdifference, 28-16.The Flames were making believers out of everybody.

But the season stillhad one more game — Ferrum College Here was a team that had successfully handled LBC for four straight years, shutting them out in their last encounter. Then again,they were a consistent nationally-ranked team going into this game withatremendous record. Butfor LBC itwas Homecoming, and a recordbreaking crowd had filled the stadium hungry foraseason-ending victoryover the Panthers The team's momentum had been increasing allseason with experience rating a strong influence on the players The team had gained respect with the fans and excitment filled the air.Itwas like electricity. Someone wasoverheard saying, "Ifyou'd strikea match, this place would explode!"

And explode itdid! With the huge crowd in a frenzied uproar the Flames wasted no time in getting on the scoreboard. Time and timeagainthe officials pointed theirhandstotheskyasaseason high of 6 touchdowns were scored. The Flames had finally defeated Ferrum with a convincing 42-28 score.

There were reasonsforthemuch improved 1978 football team There was a strong team effort — dedication in practiceand determination onthefield But there were also some definite stand-outs on the team. Churchman's Ail-American recognized Rupert Wright, offensive guard, the first LBC player in history to named to thefirst team Other stand-outs were Greg Mosely,BestOffensiveBack; Rod Gladfelter,Best Defensive Back; Ed Landis, Best Defensive Lineman; Steve Kearns, BestReceiver; and Dave Anderson won the Coca-Cola Golden Helmet Award

But what isa team without coaches? These men provide the leadership and discipline and training necessary for winning Then there isone man who holds the highest position of responsibility — the Head Coach Churchman's All-American awarded LBC's Head Coach Tom Dowling as Small CollegeCoach ofthe Year for his "progress in building a strong football power at Liberty." He and the team made believers out of everybody.

Making BelieversOut Of Everybody cont.
Waiting his turn to get back in the game, of- Randy Peoples watches as the second fensive lineman Reggie Williams takes a re- team defensive unit holds the lead freshing drink from the cooler.

David Moore and David Aycock burst through the hoop with a mass of players behind them

Quarterback Steve Patterson calls the signals from the two-yard line as the Flames get ready for another touchdown

LBC FOOTBALL TEAM: (front row) Alvin Irving David Keith, Mike Landes, Lee Donell Pervis Thomas, Chuck Benedick, Steve Jones, Kim Raynor, Chris Patterson, Johnny Sheppard, Vernon Williams, Randy Peoples, Rick Linaburg, Ted Shannon, Mickey Stockwell, Paul Jones, Mark Neenan, Jeff Wolff, Lamont Ward, Donnie Revel!, (second row) Robert Guetterman, Rod Dalton, Glenn Inverso, Mark Phillips, Rod Gladfelter, John Sanders, Rusty Radcliff, Steve Patterson, David Moore, Joseph Mendes, David Anderson, Roy Marshall Roger Mackey, Marty Martin, Richard Osborne, David Bradley, Roy Jones, Reggie Williams, Steve Reynolds, Scott Umberger, David Brown, (third row) Donald Garrison Davis McDonald, Mike Wade, Billy Morris, Earston Hewitt, David Aycock William Williams, Ed Landis, Steve Kearns, Doug Frankum, Rick Crider, Hugh Hess, William Gillespie, Jerome Ebhard, David Glaze, Bradley Clark, David Hertzler, Joel Chastain, David Chase, Lee Wix, Tim Thomas, Fred Rose, (back row) Barry Jude, Greg Mosley, David Fisher Rick Lane, Curtis Carlson, Chris Johnston, Jim Billups, Dale Clark, James Glass, Jeffrey Wilson, Jimmy Rowe, Danny Carlock, Hank Willis, Jeff Reeves, Timmy Saunders, Rick Pilcher, Jerry Grundy, Tim Keasler, Kerrick Chappie, Rupert Wright, Randall Owens, Ron Blackmon, Bruce Stewart, Victor King

LBC 0 16 16 14 20 7 21 34 16 42 Univ of Dayton MarsHill Catawba College Bowie State Gardner-Webb Hampden-Sydney Bridgewater St.Paul's Lenoir-Rhyne Ferrum College Opponent 35 29 52 13 20 18 13 28 28 28
ifcA*- ^ « .»• »\i\ - Y'f*-Sports Football/79

ikemany oftheathleticteams at LBC this year,soccer also claimed their most successful season intheir short history offour years Coach Ed Dobson's experience at thehelm began toreally pay big dividends ashe,along with assistant coach Ray Locy, ledtheteam toa record of 10-4-1.

The 22-man squad, made up of many new players,jumped off toanexplosive beginning with seven straight victories before dropping a hardfought contest toinspired intra-state rival Eastern Mennonite Thewinning streak washighlighted by capturing

the first place trophy attheannual King College Tournament

According toCoach Dobson, two of the toughest wins ofthe season were over Warren Wilson, whom they slipped by 1-0,andSt Mary's, whom they held off 2-1.

The three seniors on the squad each received a special award for theirskill and effort. Jim Bateswas awarded Most Valuable Offensive Player,while the Most Valuable Defensive Player award went toPhil Kull Chuck Wemp, was named soccer's Most Valuable Player

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Through the eye of hisformat camera, Photographer Bob DeVaul finds Raymond Dieudonne letting soccer go tohis head After intercepting a pass, Randy Zook takes off on a breakaway forthe Flames
During Chapel, Coach Dobson and Phil Kuhl present Dr Guillermin with the first place trophy from the King Invitational Tournament

Rod Delmonico, goalie, makes a diving save of a shot on thegoal

LBC Soccer Team: (front row) Ron Vining, Daryl Edwards, Randy Zook, Danny DeVilbiss Raymond Dieudonne Joseph Baraty, Steve Dunn, Jay Ross, {second row) Phil Kuht, John McCann, Steve Suders, Greg Bowman John Moore, Rick Posey, Chuck Wemp, Peter Sprano Robert Hammond Coach Ed Dobson (back row) Coach Ray Locy, Luther Barnhart, Jim Bates Daniel Conway, Doug Barclay, Jimmy Glass, Sam Ackah, Rod Delmonico, Charles Boscaljon, Scolt Bonheim Alan Barclay, Jon Sprano

LBC 3 3 6 I 8 i i 3 1 1 2 3 1 0 1 3 '1 0 2 Winthrop College King College Virginia Weslyan Longwood Univ. of Richmond West Virginia Tech King College Eastern Mennonite St Mary's College Washington Bible Warren Wilson Furman University Roanoke College Radford College Baptist Bible(PA) (NCCAA Districts) Opponent 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 4 1 \ 1 0 1 3 3 3

The Reversal Of Fortunes

t's exciting to beat a team this year that beat us last year by a score of 15-50," confided Jake Matthes,coach of the Cross Country team This excitment stemmed from the reversal of fortunes thatgavethe 1978 CrossCountry team a dualmeet record of9-3, ascompared to an 8-11 season the year before Speaking of the team members Coach Matthes said, "There was much improvement over last year,with times going down as a whole Also, we had real depth, with eleven good runners and noi a single poor one."

Another exciting reversal took place at the NAIA District 19 meet Going into the meet Coach Matthes said that their goal was "just to get out of the cellar." Imagine the surprise to all,including the Flames,when they came in second beating the third place team by 39 points and losing to the firstplace team by only 4 points!

Placing in that meet were Marty Frisk,second; Bob Holter,fifth;Mike Phillips,seventh; Bob Bracken,tenth; and Tim Black,eighteenth.

Coach Matthes holds the plaque that the Cross Country Team earned by placing second in the NAIA District 19 meet
¥ V • Everyone is off at the beginning of the meet with Washington and Lee which the Flames won 21-38 Bob
approach the four mile mark of the five mile race Mike Phillips stretches after a run as part of his cool down Sports Cross Country/83
Bob Holter

Th e Reversal Of Fortunes

The next post-season meet was the NCCAA District IIwhich theFlames won handedly, placing five inthe top ten. Marty Frisk wasfirst;BobKelly, third; Bob Holier,sixth;MikePhillips, eighth; andGreg Smith,ninth

The last andbestreversaltook place at the NCCAA National meet which involved 19 schools and96runners From the ninth place gained lastyear, the Flames this year jumped sixplaces and grabbed third place Marty Frisk, honored with All-American status, placed 8th; BobKelly was 16th;Steve Buie was22nd; Mike Manna was 30th; and Mike Phillips was33rd, allplacing in the topthird ofthefinishers

Newest Addition To Women's Sports

nother addition tothe growing listofwomen's sports at LBC was the introduction of the Women's Cross Country team, coached by Jake Matthes Coach Matthes speaking about Cross Country for women ingeneral said that "the popularity ofwomen's cross country isslowly growing atLBC and nationwide." Of the team inspecifiche said, "There were a lotoffirstyear runners wholearned that they could rungood distancesofupto10-15miles a workout. One runner,Cindy Steffen, even rana marathon between seasons."

There were onlytwoofficial meets of which the Lady Flames won one The main meet for them wasthe NCCAA DistrictII where they placedanamazing second. Those who placed were Amy McClary, third;Trina Criss, fifth; Cindy Steffen,sixth;Elaine Fisher, ninth;andDebbie Richie, twelfth

cont. LBC 16 19 25 15 37 25 17 15 21 29 17 30 2nd 1st 3rd Radford Virginia Weslyan Bridgewater Hampden-Sydney Eastern Mennonite Roanoke Radford Emory & Henry Washington & Lee Virginia MilitaryInst Christopher Newport Roanoke NAIA District 19 NCCAA District II NCCAA Nationals Opponent 42 . 44 36 50 18 32 43 50 38 26 46 25
' 1
MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY: (front row) Mike Phillips,Robert Kelly, Mike Manna, Robert Holter {back row) Greg Smith, Tim Black,Steve Buie,Charlie Bramlet,Marty Frisk
84/Sports-Women's Cross Country
WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY: (front row) Amy McClary, Elaine Fisher, (second row) Cindy Steffen, Trena Cr Richey >iss (back row) Debbie

While Julie Smiley looks on, Beth Glass sets up Kathy Harper for the slam against Randolph Macon

Serving Up TheirBestSeason

ump! Slam! Spike! Serve!Set! Could itbe a fight scene from Batman and Robin, or maybe names ot a new TV game show? What it means isall part of an exciting sport at LBC. That sport isWomen's Volleyball. With a record of 15 wins and 6 losses, the Women's Volleyball team served up itsbest season ever. The "Lady Flames" played an outstanding game against Virginia Intermont. They came from a score of 6-14 to win the game and the match Another highlight was a split match with Radford College Itwas the Flames first time ever to beat them

But along with the enthusiasm that winning brings,the volleyball team suffered some disappointments Even though they outplayed Emory and Henry, near

Wendy Murphree positions herself to set up Julie Smiley for a spike at the net
sporK Vollcyb
After being set up by Beth Glass, Marcia Mathis slams a point over three Randolph Macon girls

Serving Up Their Best Season cont.

the close of their season, the girls were still defeated Also, the team captain, Dawna Blank, suffered a knee injury halfway through the season This kept her from participatingin therestofthegames "I really missed playing inthe games,but the Lord really blessed us a lot",recalls Dawna "We are looking forward to a greater season next year."

Under the leadership and spirit of Beth Glass, the team pulled together Beth, who plays hitter and setter, really thrives on volleyball "The game isso exciting tome.Ijustloveit! When everyone works together, itcomes out great!"

Bill Vassiliou, from Australia, wasthe technical coach for the team this year

When asked the secret formula forsuccess, Bill confided, "The girls are smart and tough, and they love the game Also, we're playing a new offense which lets us attack the net more That alone gave us many points this year."

Sandy Hefley reaches high to return the ball to the opponents While Sandy Hefley prepares for the bump, Kathy Harper, Mary May, and Teresa Bradley attempt to block the ball

WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL TEAM: (front row) Teresa Bradley, Joni Merrill, Mary May, Tammy Wells, (second row) Wendy Murphree Julie Smiley, Beth Glass, Marcia Mathis, Diane Super, (back row) Manager Kimbra Ferguson, Coach Bill Vassiliou, Dawna Blank, Kathy Harper, Patty Mathis, Sandy Hefley, Jayne Mottershead, Head Coach Brenda Bonheim

Julie Smiley lets Bridgewater as Beth her up 1 LBC | 15, 15 15, 15 | 15, 15 15, 15 a roaring slam go against Glass looks on after setting RMWC Bluefield Ferrum Roanoke 3 Emory and Henry Tournament 12, 2 7, 10 15, 15 15, 4, 8, 15, 7 15, 15 \ 5' 8 1 13' U 16, 14, 15 15, 15, 15 15, 15 15, 16 15, 15 10, 15, 10 1 15, 16 15, 13, 15 j 15, 15, 15 15, 15 Emory and Henry Concord Bluefield Longwood 13, 15, Radford E Mennonite Radford Hollins Hampton Institute Mary Mount Va Intermont Roanoke Emory and Henry Hollins RMWC Bluefield Bridgewater VAIAW Division IIITournament Third Place Opponent 0, 8 5, 0 10, 8 7, 10 15, 15 15, 15 5, 8 15, 12, 15 5, 6 15, 15 15, 15 14, 16, 9 11, 9, 10 1, 6 7, 14 12, 12 15, 6, 15 9, 14 6, 15, 10 13, 3, 2 13, 2
Sports Volleyball/87
LBC 98 72 60 89 84 93 65 115 68 91 80 66 65 91 84 107 ' 64 106 94 84 85 90 80 107 2 68 85 83 81 78 88 Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Presbyterian College Allentown College York College St Paul's College Marian College Taylor University Ohio Northern Bowie State College Bluefield State Radford College Lander College Presbyterian College Wingate College Valley Forge Lancaster Bible Mary Washington Bowie State Longwood College Concord College Bluefield College Bluefield State St Paul's College Bluefield College (Forfeit) Radford College Guilford College Gallaudet College Mary Washington Longwood College Eastern Mennonite (NCCAA Districts) Opponent 106 94 74 75 74 110 64 86 116 1 92 103 88 85 92 80 76 53 80 80 72 96 82 j 91 122 0 67 94 62 56 81 89
LBC BASKETBALL TEAM: (front row) Asst Manager John Field, Mike Hollis,Greg Branch, Karl Hess, Head Manager John Jarnagin (second row) Head Coach Dale Gibson, Roger Webb, Mark Swift, Mickey Baker, Maxie Wilkerson, Leonard Alston, (back row) Brian Macon, Mike Batt, Don Moats, John Litman, Ed Vickers, Craig Sanders
88/Sports-Men's Basketball
Norm Maurer skies to block a shot against Bluefield

mor two years the Flames basketball team had been in a rebuilding process putting together the elements that would bring LBC a winning ballclub The newswriters were saying a third year would be necessary before a winning tradition could be established They saidtheFlames would be doingwell to win nine games But a determined team with a new coach wasn't listening. Midway through the season they reeled off a six game win streak (4 of them in just 6 days) to give them 10 wins, and it was only January 16.

The turnaround actually happened early in the season when the team travelled to Indiana for the 13th annual Taylor University Tournament Taylor had dominated the tourney with nine championships, and the Flames were considered the underdogs by a long shot Upsetting Marian College in the opening round by 1 point,the Flames gained the opportunity to play top-seeded Taylor With Taylor favored by 22 points,the Flames, as Coach Dale Gibson putit, ".. puttogetherthebestpureoffensive team execution of the year." Shooting a sizzling67 % from thefloorthey connected for a season high of 115 points crushing Taylor by 29 pointstowinthe tournament trophy. A total of 7 season highs were achieved in that game.

New Year's week took the team to another tournament, this time in South Carolina, where several NAIA powerhouses had met for the New Year's Classic Again distinct underdogs,the Flames battled strong Presbyterian College to a tie at the end of regulation time (Presbyterian had defeated LBC by 14 points earlier in the season.) Although Liberty came up short by 4 points in overtime, they had made a definite impression that LBC was to be respected. One night later they proved their strength again by defeating Wingate College 8480

The real fireworks of the season happened on LBC's home court (Jefferson Forest H.S.) on February 6 against Radford College Radford was boasting a 19 game winning streak and claims of being the best small college team in the state Even LBC had been avictim of their assaults when they lost an earlier game to them by 22 points

However, this time things were different The standswere jammed withscreaming fans demanding an upset The players were inspired and determined Excitement was at itspeak The game progressed "nip and tuck" with Radford never able to build any kind of advantage. As the seconds ticked away the tension mounted, yettheFlames never allowed thepressure to shake them.

Brian Macon goes high fora tap-in
Sports Men's Baskelball/89

Not To Be Taken Lightly cont.

Then late in the second half Radford finally reached an 8 point lead,largest of the game. Stillthe players didn't quit, and here Coach Gibson stated, "The sixth man took over." He was referring to the crowd that had literally exploded into a frenzy Radford went into a freeze to hold off the Flames,but the uproar of the crowd broke their concentration They couldn't hang onto the ball From there to the end of the game, LBC shot 12 times hitting 9 baskets. Vickers hit 5 in a row at one stretch as Liberty steadily cut away at the lead. Radford was rattled;few shots were falling;their streak was seriously threatened by a little Baptist school in Lynchburg.

With less than 90 seconds left,Liberty finally pulled even at 67 points.Victory was within reach, and the fans could taste it On their feet they cried with hoarse voicesforthedefensetogettheball back. They did By now a person couldn't see straightforthedin Withlessthanaminute on the clock they desperately needed points Freshman Maxie Wilkerson took a pass from Karl Hess getting fouled in the process stopping the clock at 30 seconds The crowd screamed, then quieted to an almost deathly stillness as Wilkerson went to the line.The attempt was good, and the stands literally shook with the explosion of triumphant screams as the Flames took the lead for the first time in the game.

Now a super-inspired defense took charge The fans,with one eye on the clock and one eye on the court, pleaded for the team to hold the lead A shot went up for Radford Hearts almost stopped as itlooked good, but coming itseemed from nowhere was Ed Vickers He charged with a heroic leap and slammed the ball out of bounds The fans revived instantly with a deafening roar 8 seconds showed on the clock

Again the defense was in command as the inbounds play for Radford was forced deep towards mid-court The lastditch shot fellshort of the mark as the clock ran out Liberty Baptist had upset Radford,snapping the state's longest winning streak Pandemonium broke loose everywhere as delirious fans rushed onto the court in celebration of the come-frombehind victory.

90/Sports-Men's Basketball

6'8" Craig Sanders shoots a base-line jump hook againstValley Forge LBC won the game 107-76 with 31 points being their largest winning margin of the season

The Flames made their mark thisseason. The coaches and players had proved their abilities.The LBC basketball team was not to be taken lightly

Displaying the form that gave him a 27 point average on the season, Karl Hess lays one up against Bluefield Hess had nine 30 po-nt games and a season high of 43 points against Valley Forge

Sports Men's Basketball/91

Mark Brooks breaks hold and stands up for an escape at the Nationals Brooks led all wrestlers with 15 pins on the season

The Wrestling team has a new hobby — collecting National Championship banners Smiling proudly are all the guys who made it happen at the Nationals with their third and latest banner

During a match at the Nationals, team cocaptain Wayne Brooks goes for the standing roll to gain five points Brooks was the only senior on the team

Student trainer Bohby Fowler tapes Rueben Escobedo's elbows in preparation of an upcoming Heavyweight match

Division I Schools Fall Prey T o Wrestlers

ed by the dynamic spiritual leadership of Coach Bob Bonheim the Flames Matmen capped a very successful season with an upset win over Virginia Tech. That meet put the National Champions final record at 12-1 in dual meets for the season Coach Bonheim credited the victory to two breaks "We won by forfeit at 126 lbs.,and then Tech's coach misjudged our heavyweight by sending their Number 2 man against Rueben Escobedo." Escobedo's pin won the match, the first team win ever against VPI

In the thirteen dual meets, LBC

competed against nine DivisonI schools, losing only to Southern Conference power, Appalachian State, who went on to take second intheir conference. LBC defeated allfour of the "Big Five" Universities in Virginia that they wrestled against.

Coach Bonheim stated that VPI and VMI were the toughest matches with James Madison and George Mason "...somewhat easierthan expected." He concluded, "When you consider that only four lettermen returned from last year's championship squad, we've had a surprisingly successful season."

Spnns Wrestllng/93
In fullcontrol of the situation Jim Matney throws his opponent for a takedown in a meet against North Carolina A & T LBC 45 37 26 5 23 49 44 33 35 28 49 34 24 1st 2nd 6th 1st 1st 1st Opponent Barber Scotia Campbell College American Univ Appalachian St. Univ. Virginia MilitaryInst Elon College N Carolina A & T Univ of Richmond George Mason Univ James Madison Univ Washington and Lee Univ Va Commonwealth Univ Virginia Tech NC A & T Tournament Wash. & Lee Tournament Monarch Tournament LBC Tournament NCCAA Regionals NCCAA Nationals 6 15 18 34 21 3 6 12 11 10 0 14 20 94/Sports-Wrestling
LBC WRESTLING TEAM: (frontrow) Tom Tinman,Tom Paull, Jim Matney, Jesse Castro, Pat Sole, (second row) Aaron Thomas, Rick Pilcher, Rick Adams, Dave Damron, Tom Timmons, Dave Brown, Perry Niklow, Asst Coach Dana Sorenson (back row)Asst Coach Gary Avila,Rueben Escobedo, BillFox,Steve Wray, Mark Brooks, Rob Hetrick,Wayne Brooks,Head Coach Bob Bonheim

Liberty Hosts First Tourney

LifY- ual meets weren't the only Ej|J; events in which the wrestlers participated Much of the season consisted of tournaments involving many schools

Besides winning the Eastern Regionals and National NCCAA tournaments for the third consecutive year, LBC won theNorth CarolinaA & T tourney for the second year in a row The wrestlers placed second out of seven teams in the Washington and Lee Tournament and sixth of nineteen teams in the Civitan-Monarch Tournament

Also, LBC hosted the first Liberty Baptist College Tournament inJanuary Of thesix teamsthat participated, again LBC won the first place award

With the success the wrestlers have had, they have established themselves as a perennial power among allstate collegeand universities and allChristian schools in the nation.

Head Coach Bob Bonheim congratulates Freshman Dave Brown shortly after he captured the National title at 190 lbs Brown is a hometown wrestler from Amherst, Virginia

Bill Fox sets up for a hip throw against the opponent in an attempt at gain control for the takedown

Pat Sole attempts to wrestle opponent back onto the mat for a pin Sole, with 24 wins, was second on the team in total wins

Sports Wrestling/95

They Rose To Task

he watchword for the Lady Flames Basketball team had to be determination Early in theseason theLady Flames were hit with the loss ofkey players At firstmorale waslow, but throughthe determined leadership ofHead Coach Linda Farver andthe determination of the team itself,they rebounded with high spirits that wouldn't allow them to quit.Even opposing teams commented tothem,"You gals nevergaveup never gave usanyslack." As Coach Farver said,they "rose to task."

Center Sharon Snodgrass controls the jump-ball against Virginia Commonwealth
** ZZ r C J 96/Sports-Women's Basketball
Guard Brenda Melton starts an offensive pattern with a pass to Lil Cooper Forward Trena Criss and guard Beth Canedy work the ball back and forth in an effort to bring the defensive guards out of position
Guard Julie Smiley starts an offensive movement downcourt after recieving the ball from Lil Cooper Coach Farver analyzes the action in the game as VCU sets up offense
Sports Women's Basketball/97
Beth Canedy plays an aggressive man-to-man defense against a Virginia Commonwealth guard

1 hey Rose To Task cont.

The new shift in personnel had its positiveeffectsintheform ofindividual stand-outs who "blossomed" because of the added responsibility placed on them Such wasthecase ofCarla Weaver andSharon Snodgrass, both freshmen. Carla came on strong with seven rebounds, eight points, and three assists a game. Sharon led in rebounding with nine a game and had a thirteen point average Leadership for the team came from itsthree seniors,Jayne Mottershead, Trena Criss, and Brenda Melton Thehighlightof theseasoncame when theLady Flames played cross-town rival,RandolphMacon Women's College and defeated them 76-74, avenging last year's loss At the endofthe season they all had one thing inmind asthey expectantly said, "We're looking forward tonext year!"

work the ball
Forward Trena Criss attempts to against VCU's man-to-man defense
• T«Mi..T ww»M«. :
Ramona Coggins takes an outside jump-shot against Randolph-Macon
98/Sports-Women's Basketball
Forward Trena Criss goes infora lay-up against a Randolph-Macon defender.

WOMEN'S BASKETBALL: {front row) Trena Criss, Lil Cooper, Vicki McCombs, Carla Weaver, (second row) Linda Skinner, Brenda Melton, Beth Canedy, Pam Harris, Julie Smiley, Ramona Coggins (back row) Coach Linda Farver, Helen Gomes, Cathy Sanders, Sharon Snodgrass,Jayne Mottershead

Center Sharon Snodgrass uses her soft touch on a lay-up against RMWC. LBC 36 83 54 58 48 51 2 47 33 44 35 49 89 79 77 55 61 58 53 56 42 76 57 55 Covenant College Tennessee Temple Randolph-Macon Virginia Commonwealth Bridgewater College Eastern Mennonite Christopher Newport (Forfeit) Frostburg State Mount Vernon Bluefield College Longwood College William & Mary Hollins College Bluefield College Roanoke College Ferrum College Averett College Emory & Henry Clinch Valley James Madison JV Virginia State Randolph-Macon North Carolina Wesl George Mason Univ Opponent 68 38 55 78 62 79 0 64 49 42 80 77 56 77 87 56 65 68 71 82 106 72 74 86 ^fyzffWtw
SportsWomen's Basketball/99

Impressive Was The Word

mpressive wasthe word for many ofthestatisticsthat the Liberty Baptist College Baseball team boasted ofthis season At one time the Flames were 21-4, with winning streaks ofseven andeight games, andwere 6-1 against Division I schools. They defeated allbut one oi the teams they played against fromthe state ofVirginia Butmost impressive was winning the first sixteen games on their newbaseball field Added to this was thefactthatofthetotal28players, 19 were freshmen. To Coach Al Worthington andAssistant Coaches Curt Christians andBill Brown oneof the big factors ingetting the team together was the pre-season trip to Florida, which notonly gave the team a tan, but gave the coaches a chance to see whocould fillthe positions best, much before regular season While inFlorida the Flames were able to play nationally-ranked Southern Illinoisalso


Viewed from behind the catcher's mask is pitcher Marc Leatherwood As the opposing team takes pre-game warm-ups at bat,the Flames' bench watches
On a cool afternoon Coach Al Worthington views the playing field before gametime
* M iit^^^^mmmi 1 m - x. *i---* f-""'*' ' H K 2i*"X • .idgffj^f* "• i x^m\\\\\\\\\\\WBmmB^^ - <*»
Shortstop Brian Metzger makes the play to first as Sid Bream gets the put-out on a Univ of Mass player
* • •
With two outs Richard DeWitt takes a grounder Third baseman Jim Yard makes a tagon a U-Mass and fires itto first for the third out player
- 'M5£ ,M\m trm > • Sports Baseball/101
Ronnie McGuire lays a perfect bunt down the third base line for a hit against U-Mass


Was The Word cont.

The team ended with an excellent 22-11-1 season record, highlighted by two victories over state power Virginia Tech anda victory over James Madison After these wins many acclaimed the Flames Baseball team as"the best in the state."

Individual standouts this season were many Forbatters,SidBream ledwith a .443 average,followed by Richard DeWitt with .361,and Dean Powell with .341.Theteam average was .295 for theseason Of the pitchers Dave Harris wasoutstanding with a 7-0 win/loss record, followed byLee Guetterman with5-2, and Frank Brown who hada 4-1 record

Of thefans who watched theFlames play Coach Worthington said "We appreciated them andtheir enthusiasm This helped ourplayers towin!"

Sid Bream isthe center ofattention as he bats againstU-Mass
LBC 6 7 16 9 8 5 9 8 6 5 11 3 3 19 14 5 14 6 7 9 8 11 2 5 8 4 5 5 4 5 7 5 1 9 Kutztown State High Point College Lock Haven State Wilkes College Wilkes College Univ of Mass Univ of Mass Howard Univ Howard Univ Virginia Tech Ferrum College Ferrum College Wash, and Lee Univ ShippensburgSt. Shippensburg St Ferrum College Ferrum College Hampden-Sydney College Tenn Temple College Tenn Temple College Virginia Tech Hampden-Sydney College High Point College AtlanticChristian James Madison Univ Univ of N Carolina E Carolina Univ E Carolina Univ Howard Univ Howard Univ George Mason Univ George Mason Univ James Madison Univ Va MilitaryInst Opponent 9 2 i 8 1 3 3 3 5 5 12 4 5 2 0 8 6 1 4 7 1 7 7 7 7 4 7 10 10 6 5 5 ; 8 9 11 0 102/Sports-Baseball
Showinggood form, Frank Brown pitches for LBC

LBC BASEBALL TEAM: (front row) Asst Coach Curt Christians, Marc Leatherwood, Frank Brown, Matt Royer, Ronnie McGuire, John Jarnagin, Doug Smith, (second row) Dean Powell, Tom DeWitt, Steve Younts, Don Brake, Rob Strasser, Paul Taggart, Asst Coach Bill Brown, Head Coach Al Worthington (third row) Tom Sweat, Lee Guetterman, Kirby Clark, Jim Yard, Sid Bream, Doug Williams, Chris Miller, David Harris, Trainer Bobby Fowler (fourth row) Manager Cliff Reynolds, Peter Guy, Barry Clarkson, Bruce Secrest, Richard DeWitt, Ken Pantano, Jim Mullins, Dike Shellman, Brian Metzger

xxXW<-. O'* * ps" r V ^ V ^-ec Guetterman shows a good eye in taking a * -^*i low pitch near the strike zone
Sports Baseball/103

O n The Right Track

St was ayearofvastimprovement for the1979 Liberty Baptist College Track team. In only itsthird year,theFlames went 9-1 in dualmeetsascompared toa 4-5 season in1978. And for the first time theTrack team was abletoholda home meet using E.C Glass High School's track asthe location

Coached by Jake Matthes,along with the assistance ofLCA Head FootballCoach Harry Betts, theFlames broke 22 records,testimony to the progressive quality achieved this year over the firsttwoseasons.As practice progressed Coach Matthes said, "It was exciting towatch a bunch of men molding together asa team, tosee the finished product." Thefinished product was a good onewith only oneloss in dual meets during the regular season, a first place in theNCCAA District II meet, andfinally,theultimate — The NCCAA National Track Championship!

Doug Stephens approaches throw in good form for the Marty Frisk places second in the 800 meter at the NCCAA National Meet
Cindy Steffen, Elaine Fisher, and Sandra LeClair begin the mile run in competition against Eastern Mennonite

MEN'S TRACK TEAM: (front row) Rod Dalton, Mike Manna, Robert Holter, Robert Kelly, David Pigg Marty Frisk, (second row) Jim Martin Robert Bracken, Greg Smith, Mike Phillips, Bill Blackford, Randy Long, Robert Deal, (back row) Coach Jake Matthes manager Steve Buie, Curt Grenier, Greg Turner, Tim Black Odrey Rasmussen Glen Draeger Greg Bowman Doug Stephens, David Scarborough Coach Harry Betts

In Liberty's first home track meet at E.C Class
places first inthe 880
does a record-breaking 100 meter dash to capture first place by a hair 1 LBC i 86 100 :* 86 i ii6 ij 98 56 91 77 i 99 1 115 Washington & Lee Roanoke College Ferrum College Averett College Eastern Mennonite Bridgewater Gallaudet College Ferrum College Roanoke College Newport News Opponent 61 35 58 19 47 89 52 68 30 26
Mike Phillips
Running against Eastern Mennonite Kim Brownfield

any people were not aware that there was also a Women's Track team along with the Men's team. Doubling in size, the team showed vast improvement over last year when the program was begun by-you guessed itJack Matthes. Because theteam was still in its embryonic stage,themain emphasis was placed on the NCCAA District II meet held at Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania, on April 21. (There isno National Meet forWomen's Track.) Here the team was able to place second with some outstanding efforts by Kim Brownfield, who was voted the Most Valuable Runner during the meet with wins in the 100 and200 meter dashes,asecond inthe long-jump,a third inthehigh jump, anda fourth inthe400 meter relay team along with Julia Smiley, Karen Herr, and Beth Hoffsmith

Others who placed were Karen Herr, second in the high-jump; Elaine Fisher, second inthe1500 and3000 meter;Julie Smiley, Sandra LaClair, Cindy Steffen, and Elaine Fisher, second in the 1600 meter relay;Karen Herr,third in the longjump; Julia Smiley,third inthe 400meter; Sandra LeClair, third inthe 1500meter; Cindy Steffen, third in the 3000 meter; Beth Hoffsmith, fourth inthe400 meter; and JuliaSmiley, fourthinthe 1500meter.

Track com.
On The Right
Distance runners Elaine Fisher, Sandra LeClair, and Cindy Steffen keep pace with each otherin the mile run against Eastern Mennonite Running anchor on the 1600 meter relay team, Marty Frisk, guts itout for a third place finish in the NCCAA National Meet,
*-', >
Trenda Dalton hurls the shot-put in the meet against EMC


AWOMEN'S TRACK TEAM: (front row) Elaine Fisher, Kim Brownfield, Sandra LeClair (second row) Gloria Moulder, Pearl Jackson Karen Herr, Beth Hoffsmith (back row) Head Coach Jake Matthes, Coach Harry Belts

Jake Matthes, Head Coach of the Men's and Women's track teams, goes over some of the times that were run at the EMC meet
* d
Taking flight in the last step of the triplejump, Jon Sprano is able to place sixth at the NCCAA National Meet
Sports Track/107

A n Up-And-Coming Sport

nother up-and-coming sport at LBC wasthat of Women's Softball Under theleadership of Duke Barnes,with GilbertCostilla as assistant coach,this second year team made their mark inthestateof Virginia With a schedule that included a third oftheir games against Division I competition, theyoungteam defeated allbuttwooftheir opponents at least once The only non-Division I school invited toa tournament atUVA,the Lady Flames defeated Virginia Tech and splittwogames with host team UVA

With thestrong performance of .500 hitters Wendy Murphree and Carla Weaver, theteam placed third in thestate tournament Murphree and Weaver were also the pitchers, withMurphree winning5gamesandthe team's MVP award.

Coach Barnes gives last minute instructionsto the team before they take thefield againstRandolphMacon

The Lady Flames pick up a run as Kay Courson takes advantage of a wild pitch by George Mason's pitcher

»**•- Most Valuable Player Wendy Murphree connects for a single against Ferrum
Safe at first Kim Pickard helps the Flames to a 5-3 win over Ferrum inthestatetournament

Outfielder-turned-catcher, Mary May warms up before the game

Beating the throw to the plate, Phyllis Bryant puts another tally on the scoreboard

- .Ti£x > : % i* o <» " - " n R A 'i V W i t^x» • /j» r
LBC 2 18 16 10 12 1 22 7 3 2 8 2 3 5 3 5 5 2 Ferrum College Randolph-Macon Eastern Mennonite George Mason Univ Eastern Mennonite Virginia Tech Averett College Randolph-Macon Univ of Virginia James Madison Univ Virginia Tech Univ of Virginia Averett College Ferrum College Eastern Mennonite Averett College Ferrum College Eastern Mennonite Opponent 16 6 24 14 10 6 5 0 l ! 3 4 3 4 9 13 2 3 14 Darla SportsSoftball/109
WOMEN'S SOFTBALL TEAM: (front row) Kathy Coles Sue Davis,Laurie Sloan, Kay Courson, Sherry Hill Pam Harris,(second row)Coach Gil Costilla,Patty Stripe,Debbie Norris,Sue Simpson, PhyllisBryant, Judy Nyberg Tammy Wells,Coach Duke Barnes (back row) Wendy Murphree Mary May, Carla Weaver, Denise Hayden Linda Beardsley, Penny Wilt,Sandy Hefley, Kim Pickard, Val Pratt Patty Mathis

The New Look

here was little question about the fact that the 78-79 cheerleading squad was probably the best squad ever at LBC Led by Sponsor Mrs Debbie Benoit and Captain Pam Lucas, the cheerleaders inspired the football crowds to really get behind the team vocally A special talent of the girls was gymnastics as they performed a variety of flips and stunts. They also sponsored two pep rallies for the football team

Then as basketball season opened seven guys joined their efforts with the cheerleaders These yell leaders were a vitalforce in assisting the cheerleaders at the games During timeouts and halftimes the fans were delighted with the unique and difficult stunts and formations performed by the combined squad

Sponsor Mrs Benoit commented on the addition of the male yell leaders "Now that the guys work with thegirls, we have noticed the respect for us by other schools has improved tremendously They consider our cheering squad on par with the quality of major colleges."

The combined squad entertains the crowd during a timeout with a stunt The yell leaders from left to right are: Dave Duke, Marc Leatherwood, Jeff Wolff, Roger Mackey, Chuck Bowers, and Noel DePalma
________[_» • me * . i W r> A \ J .St h^m^i 110/Sports-Cheerleading
Carrie Bowron demonstrates a cheer in support of the Flames "Jericho"defense Sandy Linaburg uses the pom-poms as the cheerleaders accompany the band in a special pep number The yell leaders set for the formation of a pyramid with thecheerleaders CHEERLEADERS: (front row)Carole Crowder, Pam Lucas, (back row) Carrie Bowron. Terry Johnson, Kim Brownfield, Sandy Linaburg.
Kim Brownfield exuberantly leads the crowd ina touchdown cheer
HANDY ROLL BT A V •S c ** x- V " d. *; ,X dpB*^" S.<" X .v<^ ^ ^ *<*• ' * C° •vJA ^<Jc V- \ »*X«v^ ^i ^>x' <k q %* ^ rv H > • Xi 4 7-e<tf r«£ VJS3 '-<& > > ^4 ^o X DEMICS
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Dr. Falwell converses with Israeli Prime Minister Begin concerning Middle East policy Guillermin prepares to lead in prayer at the beginning of the televised special from the new gym Accompanied by Israeli officials Dr Guillermin tours a military base in the Gaza Strip
Dr. Falwell and Coach Worthington share a laugh after Coach Worthington recounts an amusing story from his "pro" days, while watching the Flames win another one at home

Their Influence Is Felt Near An d Far 'HJH,

r Jerry Falwell and Dr A Pierre Guillermin,Chancellor and President of Liberty Baptist College and Schools respectively, have been tremendous leaders of this great organization Their daily schedules are jammed with a variety of appointments, meetings, speaking engagements, planning sessions, interviews and problem-solving While most college leaders can spend their time in the usual administration of an academic institution,these two gentlemen face the not-so-usual challenges of a college growing at an extreme rate This brings on the added responsibilities of making monumentous decisions concerning finances,construction, faculty/staff recruitment and facilities Although there may be a few more gray hairs,they have not wavered intheir strong, consistent spiritual guidance.


Along with their domestic responsibilities Dr. Falwell and Dr. Guillermin have both been involved on the foreign scene — meeting and working with political and educational leaders of the Middle East

Dr Falwell met with Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin in November as a followup of a Mid-East tour taken earlier in the year with several other religious leaders This time the discussion centered around the Biblical perspective of the Middle East Mr Begin had invited Dr Falwell to brief him on Biblical prophecy

In January, President Guillermin was among ten American educators and businessmen who participated in the FirstShiloah Center for Middle Eastern and African Affairs hosted by the Israeli government and the University of Tel Aviv

During the seven day study mission, the group visited several towns and villages on the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the cities of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem and Hebron

The purpose of the mission was to expose the participants to every issue and problem involved in the Middle East conflict Dr Guillermin commented, "The western world has a lack of perspective as to the cause of the Middle East crisis We are often unaware of the undercurrents that decide the configuration of future history." He added, "Learning about the Middle East situation made each participant more aware of the problems and gave them an eagerness to reach a solution that would end needless bloodshed."

Dr Guillermin pauses momentarily with Eli Rehkess moments before Mr Rehkess speaks to the student body concerning the Israeli and Egyptian peace treaty
r<wi31a isl iwzmmuii ium^fz IBTB rvices
sistant Dean of
Ruth Chamberlin
S3* flk I Sm» r / ^PWWSm^^mK Search For Permanent Hom e :ompletion Of Fine Arts Building
have the opportunity to hear the music faculty in recital during the Spring semester
Hall Social Science
Dr Olga Kronrheyer Communications Irene Larson Communications
'J LTJ K l l»JI M » N J I • L*f»2» > I U J llfl L^f111 Increases By 100 % Academics/121
m \iL& i 122/Acadennc*
Academic Horizons Broadened B y 'nternati-—' ^ u W am m W m I *
m\^^^*mm\ \ •*,*'*» *SllP lx" Academics/123
Albert Snyder Acting Chairman, Maurice Stone ..lairmari, Continuing E Glenn:Sumrall , Sci & Math,Bio Coord David Towles Communications
Dr Eleanor Treece Natural Science & Math
LIU W^ff"*7 IX I _ 1± xist* K\M9Ulim\jlUii\*IU*?m wiu\tm •lllita rai»TSH Personal

Checking in evotions


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Tuesday 1\ owcvn ••. x.r PMRM SIM rWtwil VMI (NavviLeadvn Mfy V?P m ItmWut* Wn.«»F»'ll.iw»til|^7 <ipm ,(T+io^^xJ *G»t..«>..©OA «|M T^V^00^' Wednesi OAW' I cay.H ie 8 SenateMtg 1130am SeniorsFinalExams PrayerLeadersMtg 6-7pm InstituteWivesFellowship7-9pm irnlorGrades Due 15 FsnalExams A/euO Test****^-0' ^Vltff-k -///s *&ofo^u - /J'.oo 1 6 FinalExams * ?.e.LBC WARNING FORM ' ShfYrl DATE OV3
j/RBANCE fights on after hours oise after lights out laying radio, stereo after lights out
y Thursday . i r»vivM'w I"U m Afla*«Mtg N Seniors 1 if"i! f *at'* Friday Saturdays £ Te^ m Paper £^e- ,?CXr, : V.'<*J 5s^ 10 SeniorTesting Under graduate Record E>ams Ham 2pm PastorsStaffMtg 10 30am ClassOfficersMtg 11 30am SGA Exec Com Mtg 11 30am s< ,A I ..- t ft V ' | 11 v ten v 1 ^n_f x i Qfl^C, More 6(\p oJfy&C *J^f^clittM 11 Commencement Rehearsal G<«<cJU.c<jf-,t 0/iJ <• ->. c.e. Fl r.- ••• tAf'/\,u f *<§>** ?»<*>• *Lafe iWt . ' * * > 12 FFBh Mountau 7 50pm Sift 17s5cWool3 Ou t 11 Final Exams 2nd Semester ends Lastmeal-Dinner SKarOA's^r-tV^ S m L £ J\JLV ^ bcfo^tL. 7/ JO. J ddressesSmd Phone Numbers Jafc^JilJi^ jaL^LL6' x

Opportunities for Senior Class involvement were many this past year As the total SGA program shifted gears,so did the SeniorClassasmore responsibilitywas placed upon them to provide their own class activities

DuringtheFall Mass Mania, thesmallSeniorClassshowedextreme endurance and dedication as they battled for the championship Though outnumbered by the larger classes,they won deep respectfor their will-poweras theynearlyupsettheSophomore Classwhich hasalmost5 timesthenumber of participants. They later went on to win the Spring Mass Mania

Other activities included alate skateand aSadieHawkinsHayride Complications arose on the hayride when the trailor broke down, but that didn't stop the Seniors as they packed unto a smaller truck and took theirride

In November, 24 senior girlsparticipated in the Miss Liberty Pageant. Faith Donley was named Miss Liberty for 1978-79. Later that month, they had a special banquet at the Sheraton Innwhere Dr Ed Hindson, an LBC professor, shared on the subject of "handling pressures"

Second semester saw the Senior Class having a special retreat with two guest speakers from the Navigators Later,they held a flea market in order to raise money for the class fund

Finally,the most awaited event occured -graduation! This was their "license" to go out and change the world!

•«&<m 3f*


Senior Class officers "on the move" include:

Patti Lay, president; Craig Sands, vice-president

Christy Clayton, secretary; Debbie Howell,treasurer; Jane Sims and Delores Bishop, representa-

The Senior Class battles at the net to return the ball during a game of "volleyball."

Jackie Olson and Georgie Holliday conduct business at the Senior Flea Market Mass Mania, Senior Class President Patti Lay races to devour her piefirst


here are certain events ina person's lifethat are unique and unforgettable John Hosier had such an experience in 1977-78 as he travelled with the LBC Singers

While the Singers were on tour in Visalia, California, at the Walnut Avenue Baptist Church, a woman came forward for prayer during the invitation. One of the girls on the team took the woman aside to talk with her.After the invitation,the lady wished to talk with John. He went into a side room where she was waiting, and for the first time in sixteen years, he met his natural mother - for the past 15 years John had been living with his father and stepmother. That night,John stayed with her and her family, and as a result,she accepted Christ as her personal Saviour

John Hosier isgrateful for the parents he has,but as he said, "I was grateful that God allowed me to reach back into my past and touch a life that maybe nobody else could have It's a miracle!"

Gary Aldridge Sacred Music Dave Anderson Pastoral Cathy Babrick Elementary Education Bonnie Bailey Speech Education Jerry Bailey Physical Education James Baker Television

James Bates Youth

James Beckley Pastoral

Victoria Belles Elementary Education

Delores Bishop Psychology/Speech

Glenna Blaisdell Elementary Education

Naomi Boyle Elementary Education

Wayne Brooks Physical Education

Kenneth Brown Physical Education

Otis Brown Physical Education

m hi 1 1 ji VI » • ! er! >1 mmW ^mW ^r y^ ^ \y^



Steve Buie History Sandra Burry Christian Minstries Becky Busko Speech Education Sandy Butler Elementary Education Butts Pastoral Don Campbell Pastoral Judy Carter Elementary Education Steve Clark Christian Ministries
Comer Television

t iscommon knowledge that a year with a traveling musical group is a life-changing experience John Freel has experienced that feeling in his year with the LBC Singers Certain times, in particular, impress on and linger in John's memory.

One particular incident occurred while the team was traveling overnight to get to a concert in Kentucky. After several problems such as breakdowns, snowstorms, and such, the team decided to stop in Ripley,West Virginia,to get something to eat As the bus rolled into the restaurant parking lot the restaurant lights went out John went inside to see how soon they could get something to eat.He was informed by the waitress that when the lights came back on they could be served After the team waited several minutes, the lights came back on, and they went inside and ordered Just when the last person had given his order, the lights went out again The team began to sing songs Soon they began to witness one on one to the people inthe restaurant As a result, two people were saved and three rededicated their lives. As the last person prayed, the lights came back on. Then the group ate and continued on their way

To John itwas an amazing experience "God had worked out everything God had control of even the lights!"

Kendra Cook

Sacred Music

Ronald Cook

Christian Ministries

Jon Cooper Pastoral

Diane Crider Psychology

Don Cumming Television

Don Currin Pastoral

Senior* 1I \

David Davila Pastoral

Tom DeWitt ChristianMinistries

Donald Dorrin Elementary Education

RitaDoyle Psychology

Steve Dunn Youth

Felix Durand Radio

Allan Edgar Physical Education

Judy Edgreen Physical Education

Walter Fordyce Youth

» ~ ' •

Vicki Foster Psychology

Ralph Fox, II Christian Ministries

Wayne Frankenfield Christian Ministries

John Freel Pastoral

Anne Frye Elementary Education

Jonathan Futch Radio

n years to come at Liberty Baptist College, students will hear and sing the school song and think of Steve Reitenour As a graduating Senior with five years at LBC, Steve iswell acquainted with school spirit

fEarly in the school year, Steve began to think about the school song He sat at the piano in C Building with Tammy Bjorklund, his girlfriend and inspiration, and worked diligently on the school song. After Steve completed the music, Tammy put the finishing touches on the lyrics and the song was completed

Writing the school song for LBC was like the "icing on the cake" for Steve His years at LBC had been dedicated to the betterment of LBC He played the drums in "I Love America" for two years and "To People With Love" for one year Steve's latest interest was in the rapidly developing LBC marching band Steve has also played for the Living Christmas Tree, Robbie Hiner, and other well-known gospel musicians

Plans for the future include more education One day Steve hopes to teach music at the college level.


always wanted to do something different," was Jayne Mottershead's comment concerning her hobby Jayne, a New Jersey native, found herwish when shetook up the art ofskydiving orassome may call it "parachuting."

Jayne came toLBC tomajor inphysical education with plans to gethermaster's degree inemergency care Shehascoached basketball and softball inherhometown aswell asplayed those sports. She won a most valuable player award in basketball as well asan outstanding athlete award asa high school senior.

Her love for athletics andchallenge ledherinto skydiving At first,the experience wasrather frightening toher,soshe prayed alot (and stilldoes). When skydiving, shedresses in old,comfortable clothing, then "jumps" into her jumpsuit, parachute,and helmet When she jumps, she has the feeling that absolutely nothing isaround her and that sheisall on herown She has grown less frightened every time and really enjoys the experience.

Jayne comments, "It's fun-you're on your own with nobody there You seethings you've never seen before Youfeel closer to God."

Debbie Gaines Elementary Education Ronald Gallagher Christian Ministries Robert Gauthier Christian Ministries Jeff Gillette Pastoral Roy Glass, III Youth
Mark Godfrey Missions

Matthew Goodnough Youth

Michele Goodnough Youth

Gary Gordon Youth

Diane Gross Psychology

Debbie Grubbs Elementary Education

Garnet Hall Youth

Constance Hawks Psychology

/lK^jl/SvO Marvin Heath

j ':' Youth

Marion Herron,Jr. Pastoral

[Z 1 III
\ \

ene of the most popular hobbies Americans enjoy involves collecting things Gary Aldridge isnot uncommon to the American hobby scene because he collects Coke bottles.

Gary, an LBC graduating senior,began collecting bottles as a child in his hometown of Mobile, Alabama He has collected several from various countries as well as older ones from the United States One of his special goals isto collect Coke bottles with the brand name written in the language of each of the countries which he has visited at varioustimes

As a member of the EnPsalms,the LBC Chorale,and "I Love America," Gary has expanded hiscollection to include such items as vases, paintings, prints,and other objects native to the countries he has visited Gary also has an old gun collection

Perhaps Gary's interest in various "vessels" stems from his desire "to be the type of vessel which Jesus Christ can filland control to use to the greatest effect." Thus, he has also become involved in the Student Government Association.

Gary likes music and has majored in Sacred Music at LBC He hopes to use music to reach people in all the countries he has visited

Arthur Hockman, Jr Youth Katherine Hood Elementary Education Jerry Hooks Youth
^^%^lf ^
Ricky Hooks History Education Deborah Kay Howell Missions Deborah J Johnson Elementary Education

v Michelle Johnson Psychology

Tony Johnson Pastoral

Kenneth Kanagy ^XlJV^ I Biology

Mark Karika Pastoral

Daniel Kerr Pastoral

Donald Kinsey Youth

Gregory Kiser Radio

Frank Lacey


Marc Leatherwood Youth

•7 ^ f
tmic T




Rickey Linaburg Physical Education Lough Elementary Education Dennis Lugar Youth Claudia McCrory Missions Wendy McCutchen Elementary Education McFarland Pastoral David McLaury Psychology McLean Pastoral
Renee MacFetrich Elementary Education

part from the runaway boats and sharks he has encountered, Alan Rowe, known by fellow students as "Skid" enjoys his hobbies,surfing and skiing,greatly. Whenever the chance arises, he hitches up the boat, and heads for the beach Skid owns an 85 horsepower, 16 foot Evinrude boat which he keeps in Florida.

As a waterskier, Skid has practiced his technique in order to improve himself He has developed his ability to do tricks on the skis He isable to ski backwards, barefoot,and slalom Skid hasmade pyramidsaswellassome diskand kneeskiing.

In his time as a skier,Skid recalls two unusual times in his life. One of these times when Skid WESslalom skiing, he cut hard to the side to avoid a wave and put so much pullon the boat that he overturned it The driver was thrown out and the boat raced off down the river He also remembers breaking a record getting out of the water after spotting a shark.

Skid plans to go to graduate school and continue his work in Business Education. His goal isto work in a bank or a large corporation.





',<*?,X V R«>bert Miller Youth

David Marston Youth Melton Pastoral Merrill Physical Education Glenn Charles Mertens Pastoral Metz Elementary Education
Seniors/ 141

Rodney Minich Pastoral

Dorothy Mitchell Missions

Roger Moles Pastoral

David Moore History

Bryan Moquin Youth

Jayne Mottershead Physical Education

Wayne Nichol Pastoral

Nicki Nichols Physical Education

Benjamin Mosley >e vf) Pastoral tit \eT
y n

ay I have the envelope please? The new Lancaster County Dairy Princessfor 1974 is MissDianeCrider!"

As a Dairy Princess contestant, Diane had a real opportunity to demonstrate those qualities which would win the titlefor her.Personality,poise,speaking,and a knowledge of the dairy industry were qualities on which the contestants were judged On the other hand, although it was a common joke, there was not a consideration given to the contestant's speed in milking a cow

Having been Dairy Princess, Diane had many opportunities to appear at banquets and other events as a guest speaker Her topic was inevitably the subject with which she was well acquainted: the dairy industry. Because she was a Christian, Diane used these opportunities to share her faith with others. She tied the dairy and farming activities to the Lord's work

It was an exciting time for her and her parents For her it was a "neat" experience

/ & ' -
VickiNichols Physical Education
Darrell Orman Pastoral
^W^^^^^fXmm'* *"^Hx t ^|8 ^ ^ m _^ B ; mmWrnWr' WA— r~\ xXj^xdm -iPl
John Patton Television Samuel Payne Psychology Robert Peake Psychology Linda Post Missions
Seniors 14 I

n interest in the past iscommon toalmost allpeople. Some take a more active interest by-collecting antique items as a hobby. LBC Senior, Tony Johnson, isonesuch person.

Tony's interest inantiques has led himto become anavid searcher of old things He especially finds interesting those items that played an important part in people's lives He hasbeen in thecollecting business for eight years

Especially valuable toTony arethepieces he hascollected from the members ofhis family From his great-grandmother he obtained an old sewing machine An old rocking chair dating inthe 1840's was given tohim by his great-grandfather

He also has a number of old books such as a set of Clarke's Commentaries dating back to 1840. Tony has a Jefferson Bible fromthe 1840's. He also hasamong hispossession some rare coins. World War IIartifacts, uniforms, pictures, scrapbooks, and weapons are among Tony's collector's items He has owned three antique Fords, a 1934, 1940, and 1946 pickup

Tony plans to attend Seminary at LBS and eventually pastor a church


w^yw.y;:;y W
Dennis Price Missions
Paul Radobenko Youth Deborah Reeves History Education Steve Reitenour Music Education Larry Richards Television
Jay Roberts Physical Education

Sandra Sample Elementary Education

Marion Scheitor Psychology

Deborah Seneff Psychology/Speech

Keith Settle Sacred Music

Donna Shields Elementary Education

Conte Shinkle Elementary Education

Morris Rowe Business Administration James Sample Elementary Education




tudents atLBC, oratleast one, have launched intodifferent sorts of hobbies At theageof 14, Ralph Fox built a robot as a means of keeping with the emphasis on computers

As a young boy, Ralph wasfascinated by electronics His experience with being around electrical work helped himinhis ventureof building the robot Thus, after nine months of working on the robot, Ralph and hisshop teacher left fora state-wide contest at Virginia Beach As a result of his efforts inthedevelopment ofa robot with a homing instinct,Ralph won first place intheVirginia Industrial Arts Association Competition conducted by NASA

Ralph's robot is5'10" tallandiscapable ofmotion byits tractorlike mechanism The robot has a silver aluminum body and blue plastic head Ralph still hastherobot which isstill operational although he keeps itin storage

Ralph is a local resident of Lynchburg who went to E C Glass

High Hismajor isChurch Ministries Besides theblue ribbon that he received for hiseffortsonbuilding the robot,heobtained astanding offer towork with NASA but plans togo into full-time Christian service.

Beth Shumaker Elementary Education Sims Psychology Michael Slagle Biology Thomas Smith Pastoral Spangler Elementary Education
X^A* D T*)r
Steedley Elementary Education

Fredrick Steininger Elementary Education

Barbara Stroupe History Education

Debra Swann Elementary Education

Donald Taber Television

Daniel Thomas Pastoral

Perry Thompson Psychology

Ronald Tomlin ~"-^ Psychology

Philip VanderHamm History

Harold Vaughan Pastoral


Terry Wallace Pastoral

Julieanne Walsh Psychology

Clifford Welling Psychology

Charles Wemp Psychology

James Wheeler Pastoral

Murnice Venable Pastoral John Volkots Pastoral Robert Waddell Pastoral Donna Wallace Elementary Education

ai!" When you hear it, you had better be in good standing with the person who uses it!"Kai" isthe karate yell which helps the adrenalin flow more rapidly through the body prior to a karate blow

Wayne Nichol, LBC Senior, is a purple belt in karate, but he won't be seen using itexcept for sport or in case of self-defense He became interested ten years ago at the age of 17 and began training in Wilkes-Barre near his hometown of Dallas, Pennsylvania.

When Wayne felt called into the ministry, he moved to Lynchburg to major in Church Ministries at LBC While in Lynchburg, he trained at the Lynchburg Karate Academy under Jimmy Lee Horsley, who isknown in the east coast as "The Warhawk."

Although Wayne has been less involved with karate in the past four years, he plans to take itup again this summer. These days there ismuch more mind work involved in karate

As a form of enjoyment, people think thisroutine is fascinating The karate expert stands with three people around him, each holding a board. He throws his right elbow back and his leftfist out breaking boards in front and behind him He then kicks his foot out to break a board above him

Wayne enjoys the sport. Itisgreat for physical fitness.

[7.1 m
Rebecca Yohe Elementary Education

Joy Barnes

Marcia Bell

David Booker

Leonard Bradford

Dale Brown

Christy Clayton

David Cook

Richard Cooke

Jaqueline Dewald

Deborah Dockendorff

Richard Annas

Benny Atchley

Mickey Ball

Robert Eagy

Steve Ferreira

Donna Fleming

Beverly Ford

Richard Greene

Dana Haller

Stephen Hamilton

James Hawkins

Diann Heine

Brian Hertel

Rhonda Hewett

Ross Hintz

John Hosier

Paul Jack

Vicki Jackson

150/Non-graduating Seniors

David Kersey

Nathan Leary

William Lockard

James Lovett

Steve Mason

Donald Nadeau

Bruce Nelson

Steve Pust

Barbara Quaintance

Bobby Reaves Peggi Richards

John Runnels

Craig Sands

Linda Sherrlll

Dennis Slabach

Dennis Thomas

Steve Treadway

David Watts

Roger Webb

Rod Weimer

hat life could be more busy than the life of a Liberty Baptist College student? Janet Rowe, who has experienced being a student at LBC, knows that the year she spent as a Bicentennial queen was also that busy. During 1975-76, Jan reigned in the southeastern part of North Carolina as the Bicentennial queen of that area. The pageant was held in Willmington, North Carolina, and consisted of several areas of judging. The contestants were interviewed by the judges as a start.On stage,the potential queens were judged on their dress At this point,they were also asked to give a three minute answer on a Bicentennial history question The field was narrowed to ten girls and finally to the winner.

As the queen, Jan travelled extensively throughout North Carolina on the weekends The highlight of her year was when she was invited to the Governor's Banquet where she officially cut the 300 pound cake Jan isnow working with SMITE (Student Missionary Intern Training for Evangelism) as Campaign Coordinator She serves as a flight attendant on the LBC plane

7 xr* W
Non graduating Seniors/151

As we look back upon this year at LBC, many thoughts race through our minds. There was somuch todo,somany thingstobecome involved in. It was agood year, a fun-filled year, full of life and opportunity. Then reality hit us -this was our last year The question raced through ourminds- what had we done toleaveamark upon our school?

What didlife atLBC mean tous? It was learninghow tocope with, and then fall in love with the Island and Hotel It was "roughing-it" at Timberlake on those cold mornings when we used kerosene heaterstokeep warm Some ofuseven remember Rufner, fiveyearsago, and thosecold morningswithno heatersatall And LBC tous means remembering those prayer meetings on the Mountain, claiming the Mountain for God

Then dream became reality, aswe finallymoved intoour new buildingson our new campus Yes, there have been inconveniences -mud, dust, construction areas,etc Oh, we noticed, but we had already learned the precept that difficulties and inconveniences help mold us into better people. Compared to what things had been, now everything was luxury. In a way, itwas funny to sit back and listen to new students complain about petty inconveniences. We wondered -"would they have made it when we were Freshmen?"

Opportunities were varied The times of growth were many We lived here -LBC , isapartofus; we areapartofLBC We arewhat we arebecause ofourtimespent here. What have we done? We were involved in avarietyofministries- sports,music teams, conferences, RA's, ChristianService, Student Government, ... but we have gone beyond these activities and have found a day-to-day relationship with Jesus Christ

Graduation . . . Yes, we areready. As afinished product,we areready toliveand continue practicingwhat we have learned Yet,we will neverforget thetimesand the people who have helped make us what we are today.

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CO C O o X 2 o DO c c c CQ H

t's beginning to sound like a broken record, but for the eighth consecutive year the Freshman classset an all-time high as over 900 students registered in the class last Fall.While a few of these new students had the privilege of living on Treasure Island or in the Hotel,the majority of them willnever know the thrillsof "roughing ft" in those temporary facilitiesthat are fast becoming a "thing of the past."

The Freshman Class was a very enthusiastic class from the beginning. More than 25 students ran for justsix offices in the Student Government Association.They went all-out in one of the most colorful and exuberant campaigns ever held at LBC. When the posters came down off the walls, all were reminded that the colors of the walls really were blue and yellow

Exciting activities were experienced by the class as they sponsored several lateskates, moon-lightbowls, askitrip, and an end-of-the-year hike to the Peaks of Otter Freshmen athletes also dominated the sports scene as a result of heavy recruitment by the coaches Probably the most affected sport was the baseball team as their tremendous success was highly attributed to Freshmen players

ItwasanexcitingyearfortheFreshmen Everything was so much different from high school.There were new friends,new professors,new challenges,new opportunities — actually, itwas the beginning of new horizons.

Operating the switchboard, Stephanie Tee! answers the frequent calls that come into LBC Cindy Kraynik squints into the sunlight.
As an aid to her studies, use of the A-V library Suzanne Elliot makes
Angerville,Edzer Anthony, Rachelle Apperson, Michael Arbuckle, Robin Archer, Amy Ardinger, Rosalind Armstrong, Barry Arnold, Joyce Arsnoe, Cindy Ash Christel Ashworth Connie Astin Deborah Huddleston, Joseph Ausherman, Rodger
Freshman Class Officers: Ronald Snavely, Rep.; Mike Cameron, Vice-Pres.; Cherri Counts, Sec; Sandy Steffen, Treas.; Van Dalton, Pres.; Kelly Carr, Rep Susan Lawman gets a little surprise from a yearbook photographer

Freddie, Not Just Another Dumm y

indyBurr, afreshman from EvansCity, Pennsylvania, has theunique talent ofpresenting thegospel by bringing lifetoa littleboynamed Freddie. Freddie isa ventriliquism dummy who, with thehelp ofCindy, made many appearances with theJolly Sixties Ministry, around Thomas Road, andon Liberty Mountain. When seen around Thomas Road Freddie iseither singing,telling a joke,a story, ora poem.

Cindy andFreddie make a good team, asthey have been working together ever since Cindy was 11 years old. Together they have been tochurches, rest homes, banquets, youth group meetings, andtoHaiti four times

Aydlett, Nathaniel

Ayers, Debra

Ayers, Douglas

Ayers, Judy

Ayers III, Larry

Ayscue, Deborah

Bacigalupo, Charles

Bacon, Wanda

Baer, Lee

Baier, Cathy

Bailey, Colleen

Baker, Jerilyn

Baker, Mickey

Baldino, Lou

Balfour, Debbie

Balliet, Cheryl

Ballinger, Barry

Bane, Elizabeth

Barclay, Alan

Bargar, Amy

Bargar, Kathy

Barna, David Barnes, Coy

Barrick, Judy

Bartlett, Bret

Barton, Yonna

Bartram, Ginger

Baughan, Sharon

Baughman, Kristine

Baumgard, Dick

Bawtinhlmer, Martha

Bearce, Carol

Beardsley, Linda

Beazley, Mark

Beckles, Anthony

Rita Benedict, Anne Benedict, Charles Bennett Rene Bernstein, Elizabeth Bernstein, Susan Biggar, Carol Biggs, Richard Bimestefer, Lisa Bird, Lonnie Bishop, Gladys Bjorklund, Tamra Black, Timothy Blackford, William

Boeck, Robin Bogart, Suzanne Bogue, Ann Bollinger, Martha Bollman, Carolyn Boetsma, Deanna Boscaljon, Charles

Bovard, Larry Bowersock, Deanna Bowman, Greg Boyle, Scott Bradley, Michael Brady, Jon Brake, Judson

Bramlet, Charles Brandolinl, David Bratton, Beth Bream, Sid Brewer, Jana Brlndle, Robert Britt, Debra

Britt, Richard Broderick, Lois Brooks, Lesa Brooks, Mark Brooks, Mark Brothers, William Brouillette, Lisa Brown, Betty Brown, Dan Brown, Danny Brown, David Brown, Douglas Brown, Linwood Brown, Stephen Brown, Terr! Bryant, Phyllis Buchanan, Donna Buchanan, Robin Bucher, Judy Buck Diane Buckley Colleen Freshmen/157

Beckman, Vaughn Beckstrom Kerry Beiler, Sharon Belcher, Billy Bellamy,
Blanchard, David Blasongame, Sandy Blosser, Jana


Burd, Tim

Burnette, Susan

Burns, Dan


Burton, Bonnie

Burton, Robert

Bussell, Patricia


Cameron, Michael

Campbell, Ann Campbell, Connie

Campbell, Joseph

Campbell, Kern

Campbell, Teresa

Canfield, Cathy

Carder, Gregory

Carey, Paul

Carey, Paul

Came, Daphne Caron, Jan

Carpenter, Karen

Carpenter, Linda Carr,Kelly


Carver, Angela Cash, David Castle,Tim

Chamets, Michael

Chandler, Pauline

Chapman, Philip Chapman, Robert Chase, David Chastain,Joel

Childress, Waymon

o some, LBC may have looked like a circus last August when the students returned from summer vacation. Administrators and building crews were seeking for a place where the student body, increased by 20%, could meet for chapel

In reality, some may have thought that there was a circus on campus when they saw a twenty-five hundred seat tent erected next to the classroom buildings. Actually, it was theschool's "tentatorium." Thetent wasrented from an evangelist and used for large classes, student activities, and chapel services Dr Wemp liked to call the chapel services "Ole Tent Revivals."

The atmosphere of the tent was very conducive tospiritual unity, fellowship, and revival, and many students hated to see itgo at theend of first semester. The tent provided shade during the summer and was an umbrella when it rained. When winter arrived, heaters were installed to help take off the chill ofcold mornings

Students never seemed toreally mind thedusty chairs, the water puddles on the ground, or the cold air, because they realized that this had been another step in the pioneering stages of Liberty Baptist College. Many attributed thecloseness and unity of the students to that tent that no onewill forget

The Year Of The Tent

* v ',ajS&.
# 9 Q. 1 ^ St ^ il 4 1 N Christensen, Kathi Christie Kathy Chung Soo Young Ciampa, Roy Clapp, Pam Claridge Theophikis Clark. Chris Clark, Daniel Clark,Edward Clark,Ernest Clark,Gregory Clark, Kirby Clarke, William Clausen, Donna Clauser, Brian Claxton, Doug Claybaugh,Scott Clee, Wendy demons, Sandy Cleveland, Deborah Cobb, Michele Cobb, Robbie Cocilo,B J Cole,Paul Coleman,Suzanne Coles,Kathy Combee, Beverly Comerford, Maureen Compton, Kevin Conner, Kenneth Conway, Daniel Cook, Marcia Cook,Phyllis Cooke,Allen Cooper,Elizabeth Copeland,Dale Coplin,Kendy Costilla, Jr., Gilbert Counts, Cherrl Courson,Kay Cousins,Alan Cowan, Cheryl Cox, Lawrence Cox, Susan Cox, Susan Crlder, Rick Cromley,Vicki Cronklte, Maber Crook, Jettie Crowe, Sharon Crowell,Ed Cutler, Jane Culver Dona Curwin, Debra Dail,Roger Dakin,Shelley Dalton, Van Damron, David Davenport Linda Davids Cindy Davidson Charlie Davidson, Kim Day,Sherry Freshmen/159

Deal,Jr., Robert Dean,Gary

DeVilbiss, Daniel


Dieudonne, Raymond






Doebler, Dor

Donovan, Deborah

Dooley, Danny


Dow, Mark


Doze, Frank



Dungan, Susan Dunn, Laura


Eames, James Eaton,Marcus


Eberhard,Jr., Jerome


Echols III, William



Ehlert, Faith


Elliott, Suzanne Ellis, Duane Ellis, Larry

Elslager, Melanie

Elzey, Sandra

Emery, Donna Emery,Sarah




Everette, Lorl

Ezell, Timothy

Falciani, Cynthia Falls, Linda

Fantin, Richard


Faulkner, Laurie

Ferguson, Tracy


Fielder, Ruth

Fields, Glenna

Fields, John

Fields, Leesa

Figley, Lisa

Firkus, Randy Fish,Randy


Fisher, Elaine

Fisher, Rita




Viva La France

nstead of going home to Mama's cooking for spring break, 28 Liberty Baptist College students under the leadership of Dr. Woodrow Kroll ventured overseas to visit the often dreamed about countries of Europe. But it wasn't just a sightseeing and pleasure trip For the most part, itwas educational Contemporary European Theology was taught through lectures given by Mr Dan Mitchell

The itinerary was packed full of exciting places tovisit After arriving in Amsterdam they went to see the Cathedral in Koln, Germany, and the castle and town of Heidelburg

Baptist history was discovered in Zurich, Switzerland, where Zwingli, father of the Baptists,had preached Lucerne offered itsbeauty and Keon presented itsmagnificence when the students rode a cable car to the top of Mt Pilatus A day was also spent in Geneva sightseeing

Then itwas back to France to visit Chamonix, the ski capital of the world, and Paris for three adventurous days.

Brussels, Belgium, was next, and then itwas off to Rotterdam, Holland, to see the spot where the pilgrims had set off for America. One of the highlights of the trip came in Haarlem where they visited Corrie Ten Boom's home and the Ten Boom Watch Shop

Then came Amsterdam with itssights,and finally itwas back to the United States after an action-packed 15 days.

Flood, Sonya

Florence, Jann

Focht, Laurie

Ford, Allen

Ford, Lenny

Fore, Lynn Fox, Kimberly

Frankis, Marty

Freel, Gary

French, Robert Frerichs, Debbie

Frey, Katherine

Frey, Sybil Frisbie, Renee

Gaidowski, Tony Galinto William Garner, John

Garnett, Matthew Garnett, Vicki Gates, Michael

Gatz, Philip

Gay, Jackie

Gehman III, William Gelatt, Andrew Gibbs Amy Gilbert Beth Gibson Jody

Giess, Joanne

Giese, Ronald

Giles, Mark Gillespie Deborah Gillespie William Gillette, Paul Gingher. Holly Glaze. David Freshmen/161

. P"I W
9 $ &
Godfrey, Thomas
Melody Goins,Terri
Gregory,Denlse Griffith,
Griffith, Matt Grip,Karen
Guetterman, Robert Gum, Pamela Gupton,Linda Guthery,Susan Guy, Caryn Guy,Patricia
Hall,Cathy Hall,Randal Hall, Sheryl Hamer, Adrienne Hamilton,Brad Hamm, Craig
Haffiriek,Mike Hannold,Terri Hardison, Elizabeth Hardy, Jill Harley,Howard Harlow,
Harrington, Tammy Harris,Nena Harris,
Harrison,Mike Harvey,
Hawkins,Joanne Hayes,
Graff, Barry
Hamilton, Kathleen
Wanda Harmon, Yvonne
Guy Harvey,Robert
Dawn Hedding,Vicki Hedrick,Kevin
Herr,Karen Hess,
Hicks,Karen 162/Freshmen
Hefley,Sandra Heide,Laura Heider,Timothy Heiss,Sandra Heider,Jean Heller, William
Henderson, Ivy Henderson,Larry Henderson, Tammy Hepburn, Edward


Bne preacher that had a profound influence upon the student body was a young man from Manhatten, New York, named Tom Maharis He visited LBC during orientation week for a 2-day revival Monday and Tuesday nights Tom was formerly involved in drugs and the occult and at that time had no interest in knowing Christ Feeling no purpose in his life,he started searching for some answers and cried out to God in his confusion. Soon afterwards he was confronted by a member from Word of Life and taken to Schroon Lake where he eventually got saved. After this he attended Bob Jones University to get his preparation for the ministry

Hill, Karen Hill, Sharon Hillard,Jacqueline Hilliard,
Hitchcock, Kimberly
Hixon, Sherry Hoang, Thanh Hobert, Karen Hobson, William Hoffman, Mark Hoffsmith, Beth Hoke, David Hollandsworth, Dennis Hollis, Mike Holmes, Annette Holter, Jr., Robert Honey, Kathy Honeycutt, Karen
Steve Hoover, Gloria Houck, Connie House, Jay House, Jon Hovan, Kathryn Howie, Steve
Mellnda Hudson,Billy Hughes, Karen Hulbert, Donald Humes, Kim Hurst, Sherry Hyatt, Glenda
To m Maharis

eing able toputfeelings andexpressions on paper has always been an art ofitsown. Yvonne Williams, a freshman from Delevan, New York, happensto have that unique talent through poetry. Sheloves towrite about people,andherfreestyle poetry captures their special qualities along with the significant matters that affect their dailylives

Yvonne started writing poetry when shewas10 years old andwasable tousehertalent for many high school activities.During high school shewasselected tobeinWho's Who among American Poets


Grains so golden and sosmall, flow freely from the glass, that measures alifetime

For a moment, I willcapture them in silence, to remember and tocherish the experience of each day

Laughter . . . sorrow

beginning ending, hope, and truth,and love

Allthese Iwillhold forever to share with the new livesof the world


Ibrado, Millie Irby,Deborah Irby, Ditha Irby,Donna Irving, Alvin Jack, William

Jackson, Pearl Jackson,Susan

Jamerson, Wendy James,Charles James,Ricky



Jarrett, Teena

Maria Jenkins,Steve Joan,Martha Johnson,Douglas Johnson, Judith Johnson, Keith

Johnson,Melanie Johnson,Theresa Johnston,Cathy



Jones,Sandra Jones,Susan Judd, Randal!

Yvonne — A Poet
-Yvonne Williams
Mmm. . • tk«3l — IA a*fk A0mm^ JmWS. m\\\W*\ EL ' m% £a "~JmWe **n | f.I & • M i I I ^ 41
Johnston,Douglas Johnston,
Jones,David Jones,David
Jones,Jane Jones,Keith Jones,Rena


Jude, Barry Kane, Rodney Karnes, Lee Kauffmann, Robert Keasler, Tim Keenan, Cynthia Keep, Karen Price, Keith Keitzer. David Kelley,Phillip Kelley, Ritchie Kelly, George Kendall, Janet Kendall,Leslie Kendall, Mark Kennon, Linda Kent, Carol Kersbergen, Cheri Khan, Ali Killian,Gerald Kinard, Sheral King, Cynthia King, Victor Kinney, Timothy Kessler,Christina Kirby, Charlene Kirk,Chrlsti Kiser, Kathe Kline,Lisa Knaub, Dennis Knight, Mary Knisely, Pamela Knowles, Lee Ann Knutson, Diantha Knutson, Michael Kocharoff, Allison Koen, Jeff Kohorst,Sheila Kostreva, Warren Krage, Rick Kraynik, Cynthia Kyper, Garry Lackey, Tim Lamberth, Bonnie Lambright, Carl Lance, Ron Landess, Michael Landis, Jack Lane, Laurie Langley, Loraine Lanz, Joan Lawler, Timothy Lawman, Susan LeClare, Sandra Lee, Brenda Lee, Shirley Lehman, Michael Leldel, Barbara Lester, Daniel Lewis, Greg Liddle, Mark Liquori, Vincent Liles, Susan Freshmen/165

Lindsay, Craig



Lockwood, Cynthia

Long, Bethany

Long, Randy


Lowe, Deborah



MacDougall, Kim


Mackie, William


Maise, JoAnn








Maniscalco, Elizabeth



Maris, Donna




Martin, Russell

Martinez, Wanda


Matherly, Tommy

.Mauk, Dawna

Mauney, Brenda

he News andViews series wasa special lecture series designed toinform the students on subjects that they didnot learn about inchurch, chapel, or classes.

The sessions,which were held every Monday at 6:30 p.m. inC101, covered such subjects asdating,self-love, devotions, physical fitness, jogging, andvocational careers.

Most ofthe seminars were ledby LBC's ownfacultyand administration. However, there were several featured guest speakers among whom wasKaren Morrison, MissUSA 1974, whospoke on proper etiquette. Another ofthe guests was Congressman M.Caldwell Butler. With thelocal news media on hand tocover the story,hespoke on his role in Washington andhow itrelated tohis constituents He also touched on various controversial issues related tocurrent events.

Congressman Butler Speaks At News And Views
>*/ ; %ZLto Oft A ? A May, Mary Maynard, Dawn McCarrell, Beth McCarty, Craig McClung, Michael McCrory, Tim McCutcheon, Stephanie McDonald, Elaine McElwain, Nancy McKelvey, Janie McMonagle, Laura McMullen, Brenda McNulty, Bonnie Meek, Rodney Melan, Scott Mellema, Beth Metcaff, Tina Metzger, Brian Michael,Bettie Millard,Julie Miller,Chris Miller,Curtis Miller, Denise Miller, Donna Miller,Jim Miller, Melodi Miller,Phillip Millermon, Lisa Millermon, Paul Mllner, Pam Moats Donald Mobley, Michael Moeckel, Tim Mahar, Lisa Mol, Alan Monson, Pamela Moore, Cheryl Moore, Lee Moore, Mary Morgan, Frederick Morgan, Roy Morley, Deborah Morris, Judy Morris, Pamela Morrison, Becky Murray, Brian Mullens, Ken Mullins, James Mulllns, Judy Mullis, Wanda Munn, Beki Murphy, Dawn Mutter, Tonja Mutua, Joash Nash, Douglas Nason, Steve Nauman, Mary Neal, Michael Neider John Nelson Deborah Nelson Tad Newcomb Newton Selena Freshmen/167

Nickiow, Perry



Noggte, Robyn

Noll, Russell



Nunn, Jill

Nyberg, Judith



O'Neil, Peter

Ortlepp, Allan






Pantano, Ken Park,In Bae


Patterson, Chris

Patterson, Keith

Payne, LeJeune

Peeler, Teresa


Perkins, Jeffrey Perrino, Kathy


Pessagno, Raymond

•Pettigrew, Charles

Pettis, Michelle


Phillips, Michael Picard, Cindy

Pickering, Raymond Pierce, Joy

Pierce, Julia

Pierce, Kevin Pigg,John


Pilcher, Richard

Pilsort, Laurie Pitt, Nancy

Pleis, Dorothy Plott, Paul

Plunk,Michael Pohlkamp,Joanne Poole,Rene

Posey,Richard Potter,Christopher




Price, Diane Pritchard,Tamara


Prosper Jr., Charles



Rager, Pam

Ramy,Clinton Randolph,Teresa

I'M' j ^ ^ M)
mteA mWltlk


"Escape" From Treasure Island

his past year, LBC students inhabited Treasure Island for theseventh consecutive year What once heldthe entire student body, this year only temporarily housed 277 men and women.

Students enjoyed theoutdoor feeling ofliving on theIsland, which islocated inthemiddle oftheJames River They liked the privacy and quietness. There wasalso a close fellowship among the students that gave an atmosphere offamily living.

Then inOctober, themen students were moved from the Island toa newly completed dorm on Liberty Mountain The Island wastotally vacated onemonth later when thewomen studentswere alsomoved totheMountain.There were many mixed emotions; some students were glad tobe innewdorms while others were sadtoleave theplace ofso many memories. Nevertheless, moving off theIsland marked a turning pointin LBC history It meant that thecollege campus wasnow becoming a total reality

.2? G j

Rasmussen, Bonnie Rasmussen, Odrey

Ratzlaff, Tracy

Reecher Bonnie


Reeder, Robert Reeder,Terry

Reeves,Greg Reeves II,James Reimer,Ethel Reynolds,Bradley

Rhodes,Trey Rice,Laurie Richardson,Janice

Rickels, Jeffrey Robbins,Sherri Roberts, Bob Roberts, Dana Roberts, Donna

Rockwell, Kent


Rogers,David Rogers, Gregory




Roshon, David Rowe, Jimmy

Rowzee, Donna Rundell,John

Rung, LuAnn

Rush, Raymond

Rushton,Ricky Russell Sara Russell,Susan


Ruth, Sally


Salsbury, Michael






Sarver, Hillard


Saunders, Timmy


Scarborough, Derrick


Schirle, Michael

Schleip, Barbara


Schon, Tom

Scott, Jeffrey Scott,Tim


Sealander, Carl



Secrest, Bruce


Seibert, Shelley

Seneff, Tammy

Sergi, Sharon

Sharbono, Shirley

Sharpe, Thomas




Shephard, Sharon




Shults,Eva Leigh


Siegrist, Trisha

Silvers, John Mark






Sisler, Steven


Skinner, Linda


Slagle, Robert





Smith, Christina


Smith, Donna Smith,Greg

Smith, Gwendolyn

Smith, Heather Smith, Julie


Smith, Julie

Smith, Karen

Smith, Linda

Smith, Roger

Smith, Sarah

Smith, William

Snavely, Joel

Snavely, Ronald

Snell, Jan

Snodgrass, Sharon

Snyder, Sandra

Snyder, Steve

Spaulding, Damaris

Spaulding, Danelis

Spearin, Frederick

Springs, Allen

Sieglaff, Dennis

Stains, Bethany

Stair, Karen

Staley, Julie

Stanley, Susan

Stark, Debbie

Starr, Lois

Stauber, Melissa

Steffen, Sandy

Stephens, Doug

Stevens, Dale

Stevens, Carl

Stewart, Cindy

Stewart, James

Stewart, Jonathan

Stewart, Kimberly

Stilwell, Nadlne

Stirewalt, Jody

Stocks, Deena

obyn Buchanan,a Freshman from North Carolina, isa prime exampleofonewho hasexcelled in talentearly in life Being strongly influenced by her mother, she started rollerskating in competition at age seven.She has competed in regionalchampionshipsat North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, and Maryland After placing extremely high in the regionalchampionships, oneofwhichwasheldin Lynchburg, she went on the Nationals In the three times that she has been to the Nationals, she has taken 10th place twice and 9th place once. Robyn wants to make good use of her talentin thefutureand becomeeitherateacherora professional roller skater

Roller Skating Competition At Ag e Seven


They Gave Their Blood

his year the SGA Committee on Community Projects, headed by Randall Miller, sponsored the Red Cross Bloodmobile on three separate occasions In September and again in December, the MiniBloodmobile, a self-contained mobile unit, came tothe campus. Although only 35 pints were needed each time, over 50 donors showed up to give their blood on both occasions.

Then in February, the full-scale unit of the American Red Cross came in andset up their station in the loungeof Dorm 14 Twelve cots were laid out, and twenty-five Red Cross volunteers helped draw blood This time a quotahad been set of 110pints.However, volunteers were so plentiful that, after they hadfinished twohours behind schedule, a total of 157pints hadbeen collected.

Although themajority of thedonors were LBCstudents, staff, and faculty, there were also some local Lynchburg residents that came on campus tovisit the Bloodmobile.

At least 15 people had volunteered a pint of bloodall three times that the Bloodmobile wason campus








Strain, Susan

Stricktin, Susan

Strine, William

Stripe, Patricia





Sweat, Tom

Sweigart, Michael


Tau, Ruthann

Taylor, Doris



Taylor, Tylyn





Tew, Penny


Thomas, Michelle

Thomas, Sandy


Thomasson, Gene




An\\imiLv\ !3LttnP L

Thornton, Donna




Timm, Laurie

Timmons, Tom



Todd, Pamela


Townsend, Michelle

Trautloff, Julie





Tunnell Jr., Willard

Turner,Gregory E



Turpin, Donna

Tyer, Thomas Ulsh, Betsy

Underwood, Patsy

Underwood, Tammy

Ungeheier, Deborah Urban, Dan Utz, Nanci

VanLiere, Dona



Viar, William




Wade, Michael Waden, Carol

Walker, Tamara




Wanderaas, Melody

Wang, Marcia

Ward, Lamont


Waros, Lyon


Weaver, Brenda






Welbom, Susan

Wellman, Amy

L^N .A f 5, * / VflT
Wells.Marcy Wells Steven Wells, Tamara Whalen, Brenda Wheeler, Carol Whitacre Sharon White, David White Deborah

Whitfield, Phyllis


Wildermuth, Mike

Wilhelm, Mark Wilk,Debra



Williams, Desiree



Williams, Elaine





Williams, William

Willis, John Willis, Paula


Wilson,Clayton Wilson, Jeffrey

Wilson,Karen Wilson, Keith



Winckler, Eric Witt, Daniel Wolf,Glenn

Wood, Jamielee



Woodley, Treva

Woodward, Laurel

Works, Rebecca Wulff, Ramona

Yard, James



Young, Donnie



Young, Joanne

Youst, Rhonda Zander,Laura Zeigler, Sheree Zimmerman,Keith Zook, Randy



In the downtown library Paul Carey works heartily on a research paper
With the first 8-wheeler on campus Bill Adams and Charlie Bramlet grip hands to control the downhill ride on their skateboards classes, Doug Smith and Debbie Stark take time in Dorm 14 for study and fellowship

a o (rt CO £ *> o £ o «* ^

jrf, he "SUPER" Sophomores | startedtheyearoffwithabang when they defeated the opposingclassesintheFallMassMania

This victory was followed by a late skate and a Sophomore-only hayride in which Robbie Hiner was the special guest Approaching the end of thefirst semester, they feltas if they needed more advice and orginal ideas. Thus theyselectedMr.TowlesoftheEnglish Department and Miss Nancy DeMoss, a coordinator of the Children'sMinistriesatTRBC,tobecome theirspiritual and activitiesadvisors.

The second semester proved to be very productive for the Sophomores as they ventured into new areas and activities.Among these were a donkey basketball game, initiating a classgift fund, a spring hike to the Peaks of Otter,and a Sophomore Spring Spree (afaculty-student variety show) Although activities were a major part of the Sophomore year,the firstand primary goal of the year was to become a "unified group." The officers of the Sophomore Class feltthat they obtainedthisgoalonly, becauseasaclass, they put "JesusFirst."

"I feel as though the privilege ofattending LBC isa unique and special one. Since I've attended LBC, my life has been challenged in more ways than I ever dreamed possible.The atmosphere isthat of a Christ-centered society.Itistrue in some situationsthat knowledge isnot an education;yetI can honestly say that at LBC Ihave learned that the knowledge of Christ and living the Christian lifeisthe only true education."

Randall Miller Sophomore Class President
Sue Paulson and Lesa Sumner indicate withupraised fingers theposition theSuper Sophomores eventually would go on to win in the Fall Mass Mania Miss Flewel responds to the Barbershop Quartet singing "Lida Rose" during the Sophomore Spring Spree Sophomore Class Officers: Randall Miller, Pres.; Noel DePalma, Vice-Pres.; Ronda Katterheinrich, Sec; Anna Patterson, Treas.; Lesa Summer, Rep.; Sue Paulson, Rep "Hog Heaven" serenades the Spring Spree audience with some pickin'and grinnin' Barber, Sandra Barclay, Lori Barnes, Rusty Barnes, Timothy Barrett, Gina Barrett,Jeff Barringer, Tina Bartram, Bob Basham, Donna Bass, Rhonda Bassie. Mark Bauch, Bonnie Beals John Wesley Bell, Pamela Sophomores/177

Campu s Stars Discovered

ut good gospel music, skits, and blue jeans together and you have a jamboree known as the Sophomore Spring Spree.

Late intheyear, theSophomore Class provided a funloving evening full of variety forthestudent body LBC's own "muppets," Leroy and Easy, co-hosted the evening with a littlehelp inorganizing from Sophomore Class President Randal Miller, Class Advisor Mr Towles, and many other students Entertainment came from faculty members, students, and special guest, Mac Evans. It wasn't just a night to kick-up-your-feet with some pickin' and grinnin' from "Hog Heaven," acountry music group from theMaintenance Dept., but also a night to discover hidden talent in the college such as ventriloquism and a faculty barbershop quartet. Along with these new performers, many others participated whohadministered tohearts ever since they hadcome to LBC

Not only was itfun, hilarious, inspirational, and enjoyable, but itwas also a successful unifying activity for the college When the curtains closed, smiles were on every face

Benson, Don


Berrien, John Berry, Victoria


Bibb,David Bischoff, Joyce


Blackburn, Greg


Blaisdell, Terri

Blatherwick, Don Booker,Karen Booth,Carol



Bowen,Richard Boyd,Sandra

Bracken,Robert Britt, Doris Britton,Mark

Brooks,Oscar Brown,Jamie Brown, Twyla


Brunner, Bonnie

Buchanan,Robyn Bullard, Dawn

Burchett, Tina


Burk, Howard

Burton, Carol

Butcher, Connie

Byers, Judith Campbell,Michael

Canedy, Beth Cardeielli, Michaei Carey, Robert Carney Debbie Carper, Michael Carroll, Teresa Carter, Adrian Cassel,Cristelle Catapano, Salvatore Cernigliaro, Michael Chandler, Randi Chandler, Sandy Chaplik, Ted Chubb, Mary Lynne Churchman, James Clark, Mark Clayton, Darryl Clemens, Victoria Clouston, Terri Coggins, Ramona Coleman, Prlscilla Coley, Natashla Conklin, Lisa Cook, III,Harry Cooke, Sonya Cooley, Michael Cooley, R Sue Cooper, Lenore Coplin, Steve Coplin, Teresa Cordle, Jerry Corley, Constance Correll, Rebekah Cowan, Elaine Crlspell, Rebecca Crowe, Juanita Dalton, Johnnie Darnell, Tim Davidson, Kimberly Davis, Barbara Davis, Kenneth Day, Kathy Day, Terry DeFranza, Russell DeHart, Karen DeMoss, Charlotte Denny, Willie DePalma Noel DeVilbiss, Anita DeVilbiss, Thomas Dickens, Elton Dickerson,Billie Dickson, Charles Donell, Lee Downey, Philip Drumheller, Michael Drumheller, Vernon R DuBois, Bruce Duffey, Deborah Duke David Dunbar, Tex DuVall Tim Eagle Jr Roy Sophomores/17°

Eariey, David




Edwards, Charles Keith

Edwards, Gregory

Eldon, Lisa



Ernel, Caroline

Ervin, Pam





Farnsler, Natalie

Farris, Rhesa

Feathers, Cindy



Ferringer, Betty



Flowers, Pam


Ford, Valerie


Fox, William



Freel, Vicki

Freeman, Gwendy

French, Ellis

Friel, Kelli


ot many years ago a lady by the name of Mrs. Ralph Lind, took a trip tothe Holy Land with the Jerry Falwell ministry Itwason this trip thatDr Falwell learned of Kathleen Lind's love and concern for youth. For thisreason heasked her to come to Liberty Baptist College tobea counselor for the students.

Now a mother, a counselor, and a friend tothestudent body, Mrs. Ralph W. Lind is known to the students as "Mama" Lind

Mama Lind lives on thefirst floor oftheStewart Arms Hotel with thestudents. Sheeats with the students, laughs with them, cries with them, and prays with them. Along with being a friend and counselor, Mama Lind isdevoted toa ministry of intercessory prayer forthe students Students will never forget herwarm hand clasp andherwords,"I'll be praying for you, Honey."

Everybody Needs A "Mama"

.-» •- ^^liH L WWSJL/I 02.12. Gallagher, Bryan Gardner, Bruce Garland, Debbie Garner, Doris Garner, James Garnett, Gregory Gentry,Tim Gilbert,Julie Gilbert, Karen Gill,James Glass, James Godby, Diana Goff, Trudy Good, Joanne Gordon, Joseph Goss,Joe Gray, Vicki Grubb, Brad Guetterman, Lee Gutshall, Joe Guy, Edwin Guy, Peter Hamer, Colette Hamilton, Gary Hamilton, Mary Hamilton, Sandra Hamm, Donald Hammond, Brian Harmon, Thomas Hanson, James Hardison, Mary Hargett, Donny Harley, Eric Harmon, Jerry Harp, Brad Harper, Katherine Harris,Pam Harrison, William Hasklns, Jacqueline Hawk, Laura Herbster, Steven Heggie,Julie Heine, Diann Heiss, Linda Hendricks, David Hershey, Cindy Herron, Martin Hertzler, David Hetrick,Rob Hintz, LeeAnn Hippey, Robert Hipsley, Kenneth Hoagland, Ed Hoang, Ngan L Hofer, Steven Holcomb, Ronald Holding, Christy Holifield. Dawn Holstein Beth Hood Jeanette Hopkins Mike House, Steve Hoy, Melanie



Hulbert, Debbie

Humble Pam Hunt, Dennis Hunt,Janis Imhoff, Don

Jack, Jeff

James,Jo Beth Jarrett, Johnny Jefferson, Ricky Jessup,Helen

Johnson,Joyce Johnston, Kathy

Jones,Charles Jones, Cheryl Jones, Jeff Jones, Roy Joyner, LuAnne Katterhelnrich,Ronda Kee, F Gene



Kidd,Susan Kilburn, Joyce Killian, Cheryl Kindred,Frank Klase, David Klenz,Cindy Kufuor,John




Lange, Erik


LaTour,Luann Leatherwood, Rebecca

Leikvoli, Steven

Leotti, John M


Lewis, Lucretia




Uttlepage, Keith

Lituski, Patricia

Loftis, Allen

Long,Carla L


Lowman, Kevin Lubrich,Jr., Otto

Lucas, Deborah





Magas, Jr.,John


Keenan,Carol Keeney,David Keifer,
Keirstead,Jean Keith,
Kellam,Stan Kerr,Stephen

Student Vent Their Energies At

Mass Mania

he Student Activities Council came up with a new all-school activity this year appropriately named Mass Mania This informal action-oriented activity involved competition between the four classes with the winner receiving a special trophy to be handed down from year toyear

The first Mass Mania took place on Labor Day and was geared toward group games involving hundreds of people. Beginning after lunch and continuing allday,students pitted their strength and wits against each other ingames such as human croquet, three-legged race, needle in the haystack, human pretzel, tug-of-war, and a massive steeple chase which was won by the Juniors. Each team was awarded points according to how they placed, and atthe end of the day,the Sophomores came out on top, becoming the firstchampions of Mass Mania

By popular demand, another Mass Mania was held in the Spring This time it was designed primarily forindividualized competition with a few group games interspersed Among the events were "big ball" volleyball, a pie-eating contest, chariot race, crab soccer, dodge ball,balloon shaving contest, and other exciting events This time the Seniors, underdogs because of only having a few participants, came outontopandtook thetrophy away from theSophomores.

Mally, Richard Manna, Michael Mannlno, Donna Mark, Kal Markley, Klmberly Martin, Ken Marzolf, Dwlght Mathis Patty McCarter, Donna McCaskill, Doris McDonald, Catherine McDonald, Lynn McLamb, Jane McLellan, Trade A McNeill, Mark McVey, Richard Merrill,Alan Mlersma, Ubo Miller,Kitty Miller,Michael Miller, Randal Miller, Wesley Mitchell,Sally Mitroff, David Montgomery, Daniel Moody, Jr.,John Moody Timothy Moore, John Moore, Susan Moore, Tony Morgan, Jerry Morley, Deborah Morrell, Laurinda Moseley Laurie Moss, Roger Sophomores/183


Muilins, Jeary

Murniord, Don


Murphy, Dawn


Myers, Malcolm

Nagel, Sylvia

Neenan, Mark

Nelson, Billy



Norman, Ed




Otto, Alma


Palmer, Jeffrey

Palmquist, David Paris, Paul


Passe,Jr., David



Payne, Amy



Penn, Cailie





Poole, Lynda

Poston, Stevie



Pratt, Valerie

Prillaman, Martha



Quaintance, Laurie



Quidera, Sylvia

Rackley, Gwendolyn

Radcliffe, Rusty


Ramsey, Amy

Ratliff, Michael

Rechtzigel, Arlyn



Reynolds, Jeffrey

Rhoades, Tammie





Rogers, Phillip Rolf, Cathy Rusk,Jack

-^mkmk 184/Sophomores

any attempts were made this year tounify the student body Oneofthese wasthe SGA dorm meetings. Through the students' participation ingiving testimonies, singing songs,andpreaching, they experienced a oneness with one another. In these meetings they developed a better understanding of others and discovered common experiences which they did not know existed

Though there were many different backgrounds and personalities present, a common bond wascreated that could not bebroken

0 £* ixm w.< %% 1 ? ?ftfi fAi " f. ' Kit < /fr , f • « * m Sady,Louis Sady,Michele Sandy, Mark Saunders, Deborah Sawtelle, David Sayre,Kathryn Scherer,Karen Scherer, Phillip Schink Ray Schlesinger,John Schreiber,Dean Schrumpf Colleen Shank Ronald Shannon, Ted Sheppard, Tom Shirey, Tammy Shultz, Glen Simonds,Sandra Sindt,Bruce Skinner,Sandra Sloan,Laurie Smith,Carole Smith,David Smith,Debbie Smith,Harold Smith,Mark Smith,Renee Snavely, Vicki Snyder,David Snyder, James Sole, Pat Sosnoski, James Soud,Carey Spahr,Ruth Splawn,Melinda
SG A Dorm Meetings Enhance Unity Sophomores/185




Squires, Jerry


Stahl, Brian






Stewart, Michael

Stirewalt, Cindy

Strader, Sandra



Sumner, Lesa




Taitt, Steven



Thomas, John

Tiffner, Janet




Trenary, Judith

Trezise, Scott




Tsiatsios, Caryl





Utley, Denise



Vassiliou, William






Walls, Harry

Walton, Phillip




Webster, Douglas



Welkley, Christie

Welling, Faith

Wells, Ed



Westbrock, Bob


Wiiburn, Daniel

Williams, Paul Williams. Reginald Willis Hank Willis Thomas Willoughby Sharon Wilson John Wilt, Penny Wix Lee Wooten, Aubry Wray, Tommy Wright, Rupert Wrinn, Arvella Yelvington,Juanita Yeoman, Trevor
December 29, 1959 July 4, 1979 Sophomores/187
Several faculty members show their skills in the Sophomore-sponsored Donkey Basketball game Kai Mark ponders his next move against Roger Dail in the semifinals of the LBC chess tourney Kai later went on to defeat Mr. Keener in the finals to become the chess champion

he Junior Class set the pace for the 1978-79 school year The year got off to a fast start as the Juniors teamed together to win the Steeple Chase during the year's firstbig event, Mass Mania However, thingsdid not go quite as well as expected on their firstclass outing when their hayride developed into a "hay-sit" — the tractor would notstart. Nevertheless, theydidnot let that minor problem stand in their way of having a good time and staying one step ahead of the circumstances

They were represented well by Miss Sally Sistrunk and Miss Georgina Holliday at Homecoming festivities They were also represented well on the playingfield by the Junior members of the football team as LBC soundly defeated Ferrum College In fact Juniors played a big part inthetotal LBC sportsprogram with many ofthestarplayerscomingfrom theirclass

As far as fund-raising isconcerned, the Junior classdiscovered that late skates were very profitable and, combined with the sale of bumper stickers and a share of the profitsfrom Mexican Fiesta,they have a sizable treasury going intotheir Senior year Other activitiesof the year included ski trips,and a bigend-of-theyear picnic Also,Billy (Spud)Morris took the Mr Ugly contest with no problem "AsaJuniorClass, we had avery profitable year in many areas However,this yearhasonlybeenaglimpseofwhatisin store for us next year as mighty Seniors."

Rick Scharmann takes control of the "big ball in an attempt to prevent a point against the Juniors during the Spring Mass Mania
0) u td CX CO 0) C/) CO CO u o c
At the Junior Class picnic, Beth Glass sets the ball up in a pick-up game of volleyball

Junior Class Officers: Steve Patterson, Pres.; Kim Raynor, Vice-Pres.; Debbie Patrick, Sec; Georgie Holliday, Treas.; Kim Curry, Rep.; Steve Kearns, Rep

Abe, Brian Afarl,Seth

Alexander, Donald

Alfrey, Melanie

Amon, Suzanne

Angerman, Joseph Angers, Luc

Adams, Jill A

Aquino, Andrew

Axtell, Joseph Baker, Cindy

Barnhart, Kimberly Bates, Lesier

Beauchamp, Barbara

Bender, Richard Blank, Dawna Bloch, Sandra

Bohachek, Robert

Bonneau Ava

Bonner, Donald Bouler, Jon

Bowman, Barbara Boyd, Dennis Bradley Marlene Bradley, Teresa

Braley. Charlene

Branch, Gregory Brandt, Alfred Juniors/189

They've Got A Famous Grandpa

ornetimes we look atgreat menof Godascreatures of an almost inhuman nature They are socloseto God that we think that they do not even liveanormal life. Linda and Lauri Rice know differently, because their grandfather isDr.John R. Rice."Heisloving and concerned just like any other grandfather," says Linda, a junior at LBC

Dr. Rice and hiswife have twenty-eight grandchildren. Linda's andLauri's mother, Joanna Rice,isthe fifth of the six Rice daughters Their father isRev Bill Rice who is no relation tothe John R.Rice family except bymarriage.

The Rice family gets together every Christmas at Grandpa's house inMurfreesboro, Tennessee, to exchange gifts Grandpa preaches,andthere isa representative from each family who displays some sort oftalent.They also singtogether and share testimonies. The past two summers the whole Rice clan hastaken a two-week vacation inFlorida for a time offun,rest,and fellowship

"My grandfather has been a tremendous example and influence on me. Notonly ishe the greatest,most genuine Christian I've ever known, but he isalso a man with an enormous sense oflove and concern for his family aswell as for the world. Irespect him, admire him, andappreciate him Most ofallIdeeply love himandam extremely proud to be his granddaughter," exclaimed Linda, and Laurie agreed.

Braziel, Larry



Brewster, Dawn

Broome, Timothy

Browning, Michelle


Buffington, Bruce


Burchette, Steven

Burnham, Timothy



Castro, Jesse

Chapmon, Dennis


Chase, Vicki





Condon, Nancy

Conway, Nancy

Coquillard,Mary Lynn


Covington, Larry


Crowson, Andrea


Cubino, Dan

Cundall, Colleen


Cyr, Steven


Daniels, Joyce

Darnell, Gary Danner, Susan Davis, Alan Day, April Deeter, James Deitch, Cheryl Dekker, Joni Delphey, Julia DeVoe, Deborah DeVaul, Randy Dewitt, Richard Dice, Stephen Dorris, Jeff Dowdy, Wayne Draeger, Glen Dudley, Debra Dunn, Mark Durham, Andy Eason, Sabrina Edwards, Deryl Elliott, Patrick Ely, Cherie Erlckson, Jeanne Ewing, Bruce Fellenger, Linda Ferrin, Rick Ferrin, Ron Fields, Dennis Fischer, Edward Flake, Cindy Flowers, Richard Ford, Robbi Fowler, Bobby Fox, James Freel, Rex Friedman, Andrew Fuchs, Jim Fullmer, Ollie Fullmer, Ozzie Garber, Nancy Garland, Elwood Garnett, Roy Gass, Charles Generette, Gladys Giesman, Beth Gladfelter, Rod Glass, Frances Gomes, Regina Gregory, Lauren Haggard, Bobby Hagley, Joe Haleman, Steven Hales, Lisa Hall Harold Halsey, Paul Hamm Sandra Hammond Robert Hardy, Mark Harris David Harris, Teresa Harrison Brenda Hart Robert Hartsfield Bill


Haywood, Darlene


Hedding, Ed





Hinton, Clark


Hodges, Danny

Hodges, Donna

Holland, Don

Holliday, Georgina

Hopkins, Jeff

Home, Mark



Humphreys, Robert

Hunt,Mary Ann

Hutchinson, William

Jr 4,'feC


lies, Steven

Jack, Phyllis



Jarrett, Terrence

Jarvis, Cheryl

Jarvis, Robert


Jennings, Holly


Johnson, Rickie


Judd,J David

hree-thirty A.M isan early time to wake up, but that was the time LBCstudents had to get upto be ready for the buses leaving for Washington D.C at five-fifteen A.M.

April 27, 1979, wasthedate, and it wasthefirst time ever that a Christian rally had been held on the Capitol steps. This rally wasnotan everyday, sign-carrying,trashleaving, flag-burning rally It was the gathering of about 12,000 Christian people, led by Dr Jerry Falwell,who came to Washington to express their disapproval of the current moral issues of abortion, homosexuality, sex and violence onTV, IRS involvement inthe Christian school tax exemption, andpornography in classroom textbooks

Before Dr. Falwell's brief message,the "I LOVE AMERICA" team performed such songs as "I Love America," "Red, White,andBlue" with Robbie Hiner,"Armed Forces Medley," and "Church Triumphant" with LBC's own living miracle, Charles Hughes.

After the music,several Congressmen andSenators gave short speeches supporting the Christian rally

When the rally was over, LBC students were allowed to tour Washington forthe rest of the day Many of the students went inside the Capitol, toured the Smithsonian Institute, and visited theLibrary of Congress Some even went as far as the FBI building and the National Archives.

Looking back over the prosperous day, students realized that 3:30 A.M wasnotsuch an early time togetup after all

192/Juniors D.C. Here W e Come
i^ ^^9f ~~ M Jra it ^ ^ ^ ¥' E3 * ^ wi ™ 3LQ kmVtk 1 ^ * mum- \r *^Z r ^ * / -fr ^J^ ^^^ T"*'(/*M r » 0 1 *^^^re T " B^ ^h^^^^rk\m u M'^A 4 % /•% * ik • _ - » fr^^k W mk ^J|£jli^ .-Vf •: -X XX ; r ^ Jpt f t C^J V I ATS! ^JL -i .^^ , XJW 4 A If! f*s x3 X X a - k VL . ^ 4*fJ ', <** m "T riv "JL ^ J l •• • fxl r ^a i • I -Jft rH i # Q i $^ *3 ^l ^ '- a ^-/ -ii*,4 ^f c ^^ » JE-r^B IxXW n ^1 irirai x&% ]^i dmr 8f" JR. » ]t>» i^ % <f» i T ** x •-Jl ^ A t^5 T^f* i l 4 » ^ V <"""% ^ « 1 1 r ~ f & f ^ 1 -J Uk -^L mtZh W V W V A M l 1*5 . • * *£k • 7T # - ^ " -v m *M * ft-•" w i A ,-Wx J^ffifa m&m$&h Q-~*r 4 A i 'P'* ^ t ' & % \\WmVm M+JBk •11 1 A y x w ^ Ti ^ ^ ^p ^^k w ~ X W\ ^^ K til - jv *^L ^bAiW^i X*. ^ \ wi m r \ WX,W C .Ok WLiyJt mUMlx^Mi fx>\w w s ?"- "*• ' / ' ^4L ^B^^ ^ # 1V^Y *^ « ) / y^jW • wv'TfU M .^0,4iM -*^| - ^ -** w V^^rV ^f ^ A w^i rxii - " \x A /Ll ^1 v~ » a i' JT ,-^i' »9 '- ^^V 0BP t iP •KB f / ^ ^yWB • . w^» O^ A A~i' jfl k P^« r **• / L W /X^ X «. •9' A 44t9r X X # m f' * A M m &_^K f"^ £\ <^31 ^T *mTm dfM 0i r*% I "J M Kamphuis, Gerald Kearns Steve Kent, Jane Kesterson, Judy Kinnebrew, James Kirby, Jimmy Kull. Phillip" Kurczy, Vera Kyper, Sheryl Lattimer, John Lawton, Raymond Ledford, Judith Leonard, Chris Lepp, Deborah Lien, Michael Lithgow, Julie Lomison, Lana Long, Lester Love, Brenda Lovett, James Lucas, Pam Lugar, Robert Lutz, Robert Lytle, Ed Mackey, Roger MacDonald, Kathy Macon, Brian Martin, James Martin, Ken Martin, Marty Matanic, Carla McCauley, Beverly McCombs, Vicki McCullough, John McHaney, William Mclntyre, Lorri McLellan, Carol Meckstroth, Nancy Melvin Dennis Mendes, Joe Merry, Dena Meyers, Martha Michael, David Militti,Jeff Miller, Stanley Minnich, Harley Mitchell, Nancy Mitchell, Tony Mante, Lillian Morgan, Bradley Morris, Jr., Billy W Morykon, Michael Moyer, Ronald Murphree Wendy Murphy, Aaron Murray Herman Neyman, John Nieves Leonard Noffsmger, Karen Odcn'hal, Kathryn Olson, Douglas Olson Jackie Orman Elizabeth Juniors/ 193


Owens, Randell


Park, Keith

Parziale, Peter


Patterson, Steve

Patton, Miriam

Pelloni, Cindy



Perry, Paul



Picard, Brian


Prescott, Beverly

Prince, Brian




Raynor,Marvin Kim




Reed, Thomas

Reeves,Jeffrey S Reynolds, Cliff




Richards, Harold Ripley, Christie

Rivera,Manuel Robbe,Bret

Robinson, Peri Rogers, Redgie


Sanders, Cathy

Sanders, Craig

Scharmann, Rick Schrneckenbecher,Eddie


Schroeder, Gerald

Schroeder, Sally


Scott, Art


Setliff, Tim


Shearer, Virginia

Sherrick, Dwane


Shiflett, Linda

Shoemaker,George Shreve, Tamara


Sims, Eric

Slstrunk, Sally

Smiley, Julia

Smith, Annella

Smith, Julie Smith, Lori


"Big Ole Nice Guy "

ig, friendly, active, boisterous — these are the exact words to describe Seth Afari Seth comes to LBC from Ghana, Africa,where he left hisparents and eight older brothers and sisters His father isa pastor, and Seth isgoing to follow inhis footsteps

In his younger days, Seth served in the army where he learned survival techniques and self-defense combat. This training helped him gain a position as a bodyguard forthe President of Ghana.

Now Seth is actively involved in Thomas Road Baptist Church activities On April 20,he worked with a BusMinistry promotion in which he fought Steve Mandreger The fight was played up very big with the kids, and itwas an exciting time.Seth also taught a night classofKarate during the spring semester He carries a black belt in Karate; so there isno need to think he isnotqualified

Seth looks and istough, but that isonly when he hasto be To everyone at LBC he isa "bigole niceguy."

3 A $ $ 3k*?k 2m l\mL i t jmmk Smith, Randy Smith, Robert Smith, Tony Speer, Mandl Sprano, Peter Stahl,Patti Steffen, Cindy Stevens, James Stewart, Bruce Stockwell, Mickey Stone, Jay Stone, William Strong, Michelle Stryker, J Mark Super, Gary Sutton, Lyall Swanson, Peggy Swanson, Shirley Swean, Jane Taber, David Taylor, Honor Taylor, Russell Teel, V. Ashley Teeters, Brenda Teeters, Randall Terrell, Steven Thomas, Kevin Tinman, Jack Tobin, Martin Todd Robert Toews, Kenneth Totten, Mark Totten, Timothy Toy Sharon Traeger Bruce Juniors/195


Trezise, Scott

Trost, Stanley


Tyler, Sandra

Vanaman, Tambra




Vining, Ronald





Walters, Rick

Walton, Sherry




White, Patricia


Wilkerson, Carol





Witthuhn, Lisa Wolff, Jeff

Wolgamott, Rick


Woodburn,Beverly Worrell,Ken

Yates,Steven Young, Dean

A X A i ' t$7M ( » y±
With Dr Falwell looking on intently, Mark Totten, a junior, preaches to the student body during the finals of the sermon contest.


Mike Waite, on the Junior Class team, finds that taking "ten spins on the bat" during the Fall Mass Mania isn't as easy as itseemed
classes Juniors Linda Fellenger and Glenna Huffman break for a snack


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It's 8:00 a.m. and classes at TRBI open with an organ introduction As the music summons each to hisplace, the command isgiven, "Turn in your hymnals tonumber 403!"

You stand, fumble to find thepage, yawn, and begin singing, trusting the music to lift your heart, open your eyes, and help you to glean from the teaching ofGod's Word today.

To a would-be passer-by hearing 150 voices singing "Great is ThyFaithfulness," it would appear as though

chapel was in session at the old sanctuary of TRBC, but inquiry would disclose that the institute starts every day singing praise to God

You've come to love the opening singing since you've been here. The promises and truths given through song have been such a spiritual uplift, especially on those days when you wondered ifallyour efforts were worth the sacrifices The singing is certainly an improvement over the

\W.Lx^j|^|*i|jS| | 1 XrTrTV^'-
When spring arrived, Andrea Hrenko and others gather outside tofellowship between classes Gary Russell Interrupts Gayle Stokes as students collect their mail and test scores News from across the waters isa welcomed sight to Haitian student David Turnbull

There's twenty-some years of correlating and research tucked under that arm! Dr Willmington was enthusiastic to share his knowledge and wisdom through his gift of teaching to students at TRBI

clatter of yester-year when slamming lockers, cold hallways, and ringing bells began your schooldays.

The love of one man and his great appreciation for the old, old hymns has been passed on to you You're thankful for Dr Willmington's encouragement and heeding to not just sing these songs, but to read and linger on their meaning as part of your dailydevotions

Just before closing your hymnal Dr. Willmington remarks with a father's adoration, "You'll never hear better singing than this, folks!" He nods to Brother Chapman in mutual agreement, "If you miss the singing, you miss the blessing!

The institute boasts of its family-like closeness as a student body, and per haps when Earnest Carey gave his testimony of the blessings of TRBI at Senior Day he was remembering times like these when as a family we sang together
During a thirty-minute break, an ice-cold coke and a sandwich make a nice brunch for Larry and Maria Jester after listening to a super mini-marriage seminar by Dr Sumner Wemp Mrs. Lax has been a part of Thomas Road Bible Institute since itsinception Hardly ever does a semester go by without her presence. 202/Institute -Chapel
Monday morning praises...

Thomas Road Bible Institute students topped off their great in-depth Bible training on Monday mornings by worshipping God.

Because of the special chapel services every Monday, they were inspired and encouraged

Along with soul-stirring messages from top speakers in the country, the students also received valuable information via super-seminars! Some fact-filled topics covered were: "How to Start a New Testament Church," by Grant Rice, one of the nation's fore-most church planters; "Incredible Archaelogical Discoveries," by Clifford Wilson; "Scientific Creationism," by Dr. Henry Morris and Dr. Duane Gish, plus much, much more

The Dean, Associate Dean, and faculty members also challenged students to become powerful Christian leaders for the glory of Jesus!

For singspiration, students enjoyed listening to Fred Duncan (a favorite gospel singer at the Institute), as well as listening to other professional gospel singers. Under the direction of Rick Lawrenson, the students sang many of their favorite old-fashioned gospel songs also.

Merrill Womach, gospel singer Mr Pat Zondervan, Zondervan Corporation Grant Rice takes time out after a super-seminar to talk to a handful of students Some highly technical questions were fired at Mr Rice during this after-seminar mini-meeting
Institute Chapel/203


Since 1972 students desiring to learn God's Word have enrolled in the Thomas Road Bible Institute This year, a new look in the Book offered TRBI students the very best in Bible study curriculum

It was evident that Dr Willmington's teachings on Old Testament chronology in twelve main steps, and various studies in Bible doctrines, enriched, blessed and gave a greater understanding of the Holy scriptures to TRBI students Extended from the majority of the students was their greatful heart feelings to Dean Willmington and the institute faculty for their excellent teaching and support to the student family of1979

In addition to the many new study helps and materials received this year Students were asked to pray and take part inthe institute'sfuture progress Promo buttons were passed out and students helped prepare brochures for mailing which were sent out nationwide proclaiming TRBI's expansion of a new one year Christion Ministries program, and the opening of an evening course of three year duration

Those students submitting names of possible recruits for TRBI from their listof friends were given the taped elective course of their choice from Liberty Home if indeed any of the persons they submitted enrolled for the fall semester of '79. Also launching a new option to TRBI were some thirty-eight students who signed up for the Holy Land tour to Jerusalem which took place inMay. Stirred and excited about the school's growth, students discovered they would no longer be attending classes at TRBI, but would be sitting under the same teachers, in the same buildings, but under the new title of Liberty Bible Institute (LBI) as they united in name with the Liberty Baptist Schools.

RIGHT: Dean Willmington isconstantly upgrading the textbooks and other materials used at Thomas Road BibleInstitute CENTER: Textbooks, charts and maps, cassettes and programmed learning sheets are the basic materials used at Thomas Road Bible Institute BOTTOM: Dr. Lindsay J. Howan is the Administrative Coordinator for Thomas Road Bible Institute.

Where cana farmer inSpokane, Washington, a pizza shop owner in Livonia, Michigan, or a Cherokee Indian living in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, receive in-depth Bible training without leaving home? At Liberty Home Bible Institute, the fastest growing ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church Now anyone, anywhere, without leaving home, can receive the same Bible-centered training asstudents atTRBI.

Thanks to the wonders of electronics, they can listen to 300 hours of actual classroom instruction by Dr Harold Willmington

In addition to this, special programmed instructional sheets have been prepared by a qualified artist to aid the student instudy There are 18 different elective courses by 10 instructors to choose from These include courses in how to use the Bible knowledge inSunday School teaching, in Christian magazine writing, andindealing with false cults

Along with the cassettes, instructional sheets and practical how-to courses, the student also receives nearly a thousand pages of beautiful multi-colored and coded printed sheets ofvital Bible information

Once a student enrolls in correspondence work, he is guided every step ofthe way Ifa problem orquestion arises, a Liberty Home Bible Institute staff member will gladly help

ABOVE: Koy Newman, Associate Dean of LHBI, keeps the correspondence program running smoothly

BELOW LEFT: Reverend Wayne Morrison is the Correspondence Director for LHBI.

BELOW: Dr. Harold Willmington displays the complete LHBI cassette library.

Institute LHBI/205

An off-the-clock investigation reveals there's more to TRBI's teachers then ties,tests,andtextbooks.

When he doesn't have his nose ina book, Pastor KE N CHAPMAN, TRBI's Associate Dean, gets into some sticky business Bees! Building hives and raising bees has been his hobby for nearly thirty-five years

The bees reward histending with "A Little Bit of Honey." Some he eats, and some he sells to meet theexpenses of his fuzzy, flying chums

Brother Chapman also writes, studies much, and pastors Bethel Baptist Church of Amherst, Virginia.

A lover oftheoutdoors, he enjoyshis


vegetable and flower gardens, and he also collectsrocks.

Whether shopping with wife,Sue, in Washington D.C or Richmond for a weekend spree, DR. HAROL D WILLMINGTON'S hide-out in every mall is the bookstore Bible, science, and history satisfy his palate for reading Speaking of taste -food isa biggy on hislist of likes; however,his favorite feast ison the Word ofGod where he spends most of his time preparing and digesting each crumb of its truth. His haven of rest is his home, where a game of ping-pong withson, Matthew, or watching T.V ease the tensions ofhis busy schedule

Besides many hours over his light table in the graphics department of TRBI, RICK LAWRENSON , an institute graduate, now pastors New Life Baptist Church in Madison Heights, Virginia. He and his family spend most of their time circled around their church's activities, visitation and fellowships In season,

206/Institute -Faculty

Rick roots for the baseball team his son participates on and enjoys an occasional round of golf Other than Bible text, Rick's book interests are in archaeology.

A member of TRBI's basketball team and an avid raquetball enthusiast, BILL CROWDE R works a ballalmost as much as he works his students! A family man, Bill's favorite play is with his new son, Matthew An appreciation for gospel music cultivates his interest and collection of Christian records Bill, once active in the EnPsalms and "I Love America" program is also a Bible library builder

Collecting Sunday school memorabilia is a favorite for DR ELMER TOWNS, an appropriate hobby for the tagged "Mr Sunday School." His collection, once housed in an old bank building museum in Savannah, Georgia, memorializes some of the greats of the faith throughout our country's Christian heritage Old books, certificates, Dr Lakin's

saddle bags, and beautiful woodcut prints are just some of the treasures he has accumulated over his ten years of gathering Writing, jogging, gardening, and family fillhis after office hours

MRS MARIE CHAPMAN en velops much of her time outside of TRBI's classrooms in manuscripts

Comfortable at the keyboard, an assemblage of her years as teacher, editor, Christian worker, pastor's wife, music director, speaker, and mother have inspired the numerous published books and articles ticked from her typewriter Her motto, "Whatsoever thou doest, do quickly," makes time for exploring a wide variety of interests and handcrafts like photography, grave rubbings, and

sand-drying collected wild flowers

Writing, acting, or traveling is where one might happen across the animated, enthusiastic BOB HARRIS

A summer's tour of the U.S with a friend brought Bob to Lynchburg from California. As God led, soon he was studying at LBS, teaching at TRBI, and working at OTGH on the Journal Champion staff. With a talent in drama, Bob has taken part for two consecutive years in the production of "Calvary", this year portraying Judas Iscariot Bob also enjoys science fiction novels and hopes to be a prolific writer

An outer-office memo would record ANITA FORDYCE cooking, cleaning, and being a mom She enjoys cycling with her family, writing, and speaking at ladiesmeetings.

Out from behind her typewriter, homemaker CONNIE COCHRAN unwinds with a good book or limbers fingers on a stichery while relaxing at home.

BENITA SEVERSON'S single activities don't stop at punch out time! Actively involved with the singles department of TRBC, she travels with the Single Purpose singers

Institute Faculty/207

On the road again! Under thedirection of Tim Broome, the Bible Aflame Singers pack up, load up,and head for another church.

The nation-wide ministry of the singers covered well over 10,000 miles last year,36 weekends a season

At times the schedule seems almost impossible to handle. Many times on a single weekend they will travel 300 miles, visit two churches, and still make it back on Monday forclasses!

When asked if traveling ever gets boring, their enthusiastic reply is, "We love every minute of it!"



Not many groups exhibit such talent as these young people do. Their ministry through song and testimony wins souls and gets people right with God.

Traveling across the country ministering to peoples' hearts is only half thejob. The Bible Aflame Singers must practice four days a week, plus learn newsongs

When asked by a church member in AltaVista, Virginia, what makes them work so hard, Rick Donaldson, one of the singers, replied, "We're here because we love you."

Bible Aflame Singers !


Lowder and Charlene Braley; R.J Bullock, Tom Ritchie, Maureen Parrett; Louann Elias and Ron Sparks Front Row- Wally Long and Jill Gillespie; Ron Shank and Robin Hales; Joy Kendall and Rick Donaldson; Paula Willis and Curtis Adolphsen

TOP: Mr Tim Broome isthe Director of Bible Aflame Singers Tom Richie is the selfnominated chauffeur for the Bible Aflame Singers! RIGHT: Ted Bunker, soundman, may be behind the scenes, but without him who could hear thesingers?
208/Institute -Bible Aflame Singers

The other side of campus

The Student Government Association had their hands full! Academics are top priority in any school, but at Thomas Road Bible Institute,the development of Christian character and poise isalso very important Therefore, SGA offered a good balance of social activities for all students From exciting King's Dominion to the Peaks of Otter, from pot-luck dinners tobanquets, some socials were for married couples, some forsingles, others for gals only, but most socials were for everybody!

FAR LEFT: Gary Bane,President

LEFT: Manuel Guzman, Vice-President

BELOW LEFT: Nelda Moore, Treasurer

BELOW: Susan Berhow, Secretary

BillCrowder and son Matthew
Institute • SGA/209
Shooting the hoop! The Institute men play ball because it'sgood exercise and fun Winning or losing doesn't make much difference to them -it'sworking up a sweat and great fellowship thatcounts'

Steve Mandreger isn't a bionic man, but people who actually see him lift 1,005 pounds of solid steel seem to think so! Steve has a unique ministry which he calls Triumphant Athletes. This special ministry is both a show and tell evangelistic program. The show aspect of the program involves how Steve capitalized on his Godgiven physical ability to break the world's record for weightlifting The tell part of the program is Steve's personal testimony _ of how God lifted him from a high-rolling, drug-filled rebellious life. Then he goes on to explain how anyone can escape a defeated life and begin living for the glory of God through the power of Jesus Christ.

Pumping iron for th e Lord !

Triumphant Athletes is a nation-wide evangelistic association. Steve travels almost every weekend showing and telling how God has changed his life He also is an accomplished author and has been on many television and radio talk shows. Steve is currently scheduled in churches and auditoriums across the country a full year in advance He isn't all brawn though, Steve takes his education seriously He is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University where he majored in Physical Education Currently, he is enrolled at Thomas Road Bible Institute Afterwards, he plans to attend Liberty Baptist Seminary for his Masters Degree, then go on to work towards his Doctorate at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas,Texas.

210/Institute -
Steve Mandreger is in the ring ready to have a mock fight with Karate expert, Seth Afari This "super-fight of the century" along with Steve lifting the world record weight of 1,005 pounds was a special program for the bus kids at Thomas Road Baptist Church Mandreger

In 1978, Victor R Waldron put on a uniform and began working for the Sheriffs Department in Lynchburg, Virginia Today, Officer Waldron works at the city jail keeping an eye on the men there, but he isn't just a Deputy Sheriff — he is a Christian Deputy Sheriff

While making the rounds at the jail, Officer Waldron takes time out to tell the men that someone does care about them. He not only shares the gospel and counsels with the prisoners, but also brings in good Christian books and magazines for them to read. In addition to this, he also gives a Bible to any inmate who would like to have one. Even though Officer Waldron is a student at Thomas Road Bible Institute and a full-time Deputy Sheriff, he still finds time to work at his local church as a Sunday School teacher, Youth Counselor, a parttime bus worker, and director of the Junior Department.

Institute Waldon/211
LEFT: Deputy Sheriff Waldron, tells this young man how good GO Dis Arthur MacAffhur tperids Ttiesday nights with his children so wife, Eloise, can participate in ILF's program Sue Willmington faithfully devotes her time to others while speaking to, and sharing witllthf; ladies of lEF
learning to be a better • • •
Under the excellent instruction of Susan Karrer, TRBI's puppet creationist, Karen Wing and others learn how to make puppets during a Mrs Chapman presents Debbie Beck with her "Put Husband Through" award during Senior Day activities at Bethel Baptist Church





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Wives of TRBI students are often called upon tomake even greater sacrifices than their husbands Uprooted, they come to Lynchburg from near and far to prepare for theministry with their spouses. Many wives work long hard hours away from their families in order to make ends meet The Put Husband Through certificate isgiven to each wife of those graduating students in appreciation for their understanding, sticktoitiveness,andencouragementin their husband's finished accomplishment at TRBI

This year the Institute Ladies Fellowship (ILF) attracted the largest group ever since its founding Steadily active intheILFwere some fifty wives of institute, seminary, and college students

Realizing how valuable a trained helpmeet isto her husband's ministry, the administration of TRBI developed this helpful program to teach andprepare women for whatever ministryGod leads them into, particularly the pastor's wife

The purpose fortheir meeting each Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M wasthreefold: to instruct them in the Word, to inspire and incourage them asChristian workers, and toprovide fellowship Teaching the scriptures, Dr Willmington and Mr Ken Chapman used much ofthe same Bible materials for the ladies during their

meetings as was taught daily in TRBI's classrooms.

Offering her years ofexperience as a pastor's wife, SueWillmington, wishing someone had better informed herof what to expect as a young pastor's bride, offered helpful tips andhints for handling andavoiding some ofthe misconceptions andproblems faced by the pastor's wife.

Other visiting speakers were scheduled tocover the different aspects in a Christian woman's life Topics on finances, hospitality, organization, home entertaining, and grooming were presented by Mrs Harold McNabb, Mrs Elmer Towns, and Mrs Walter Fordyce, along with Mrs Willmington Dave Holdren and Dr. Woodrow Kroll presented the importance of what being a woman is in God's eyes, andexpounded on the roles of motherhood

and being a submissive wife They gave new insight to familiar scripture,and, "made every woman there feel like she was someone very special," as Sharon Lamphere expressed it

A variety ofactivities were organized by ILF's president, Anna Guzman, that included a shopping trip to Williamsburg and a fashion show presented by Hills Department store inwhich several ILF ladies modeled in-season togs. There wasalso a puppet seminar conducted which explored another type of ministry for reaching people with the gospel, while theMother-Daughter banquet closed out the year's meetings. ILF scored a unanimous plus by all attending, and many felt they were better equipped to enter the ministry with their families after the instruction they received there

oa * m k institute
iSi N?*' X
>-SA.» V Th e old institute roo m took on a ne w look and becam e the picnic grounds for the Sadie Hawkin s festivities Acrey, Stephen Adolphsen, Curtis Allen, Linward Austin, Hobart III Beers, Donald Beynon, Robert Boden, Timothy Bolduc, Craig Bradford, William
214/Institute-Undergrads An d Activities
Jim Montgomer y watches with delight as his roommate, Ro n Swann , gets bombarde d with flour in the Flower Child skit

Kittle, Sheila

Lamphere, Dean A Institute

Bnghtsen, Gilbert

Brown, Theron

Brune, Carol

Carrol), Thomas Chick, John

Cooper Donald

Creath Henry

David, James

DeLay Donald

Dogor, Emma


Elliott, Danny Falls Linda

Garnett, Gregory

Gillespie, Jill

Gillispie, Martha

Grant, Loran

Green, Andrew

Hansford, Cletus

Harbaugh, Donald

Harris, Lorraine

Haskins, Jacqueline

Hawthorne, Victor

Holland, Billy

Hoopes, Apryl

Hostler, Dorothy

Householder, Robert

Hrenko, Andrea

Jankowski, George Jester, Larry

Jones, Alan

Undergrads And Activities/215


Quinn,Irene Reynolds, Harvey Russell,Gary

Sanford, Thomas


Making his singing debut to the institute Bill Owens sings Ten Thousand Years at the pot luck supper Lamphere, Dean E Long, Henry Lowder, Timothy Lowman, Brian MacArthur,Arthur Mandreger,Steven Marshall,Donald Martin,Timothy Mayfield,Paul McCracken, George McHale, Kim McKinley,Willard McKisic, Beryl McQueen,Daniel Merritt,Eugene Michael,Deborah Miller, Curtis Mitchell,Malcolm Montgomery, James Nadeau,Alain Nadelen,Robert Nichols,Robert Nickell, Toni Omer, Bruce Owen, Marvin Owens, Dale Owens,William Pajic, Eric Palen,Gregory Parker, Jimmy Parker,Nicholas Scherer,Michael Schonfelder,Otto
216/Institute-Undergrads And Activities

Shook, William

Sparks, Ronald

Spencer, Sandra

Stewart, Bruce

Stewart, Perry

Stokes, Paul

Sutyak, Linda

Swann, Ronald

Swieringa, David

Sykes, Stephen

Teare, Bruce

Teboe, Larry

Thornton, Alan

Tice, Gerald

Turnbull, David

Wagner, Timothy Waldron, Victor

ti t, 4* fj. ^ «", >. Vd S
Westerfeld, Emmett TRBI's yearbook staff: Tom Fidler and Loran Grant, photography; Sandy Spencer and Greg Palen, layouts and copy Wing, Michael Woodruff, Peter
Institute-Undergraduates And Activities/217
fati PQ CO 05 CO \\\ 218/Instltute -Seniors

Henry Adkins

Gary Bane

Gerald Beatty

William Beck

Susan Berhow

Lonnie Bocook

Henry Branton

Theodore Bunker

Jerry Burke

Sherry Burke

Earnest Carey, Jr.

David Champney

Samuel Conway

Ricky Donaldson

Larry Douglas

Tommy Fidler

James Fister

Milton Gamble

David Garnett

Rufus Givens, Jr.

Manuel Guzman, Jr.

Thomas Harmon

Terry Harrell

Aloma Harvey

1 1 WWWf^^^ ______w\w ••••HHB 1 •
Institute - Seniors/219
GO t ^ CO CO PS S3 CO P5 PS CO 220/Institute -Seniors

Brian Jerner

Percy Kephart

Lannie Kidd

Laura Lamar

Dennis Lee

Michael Lucart

Kenneth Main

Davy Mayo

Nelda Moore

Laverne Murray

Maureen Parrett

Robert Powell

Cheryl Reid

Warren Rice, Jr.

Thomas Ritchie

Nathan Samuels

Charles Sanders

Leonard Smith, Jr.

Danny Sykes

Alvin Tanner

Larry Wilson

Donald Witham

Timothy Wommack

Frederick Zeller

Institute Seniors 221

Students of TRBI have always shared an eager interest and sincerity in the Lord's work and fulfilling the GreatCommission Recorded on Institute files are the many graduates already on the field of full time Christian service.

To the 47 seniors graduating from TRBI this year, graduation was not looked upon as an end or a beginning, but rather it was taken as a continuation and preparation in developing one's life's purpose and calling -sort of an "on your mark, get set" to GO!


Preparing as pastors, administrators, Christian workers and business people, the motivating thrust behind TRBI's students was their dedicated commitment to Christ, and mutual goal to see scores of people saved.

This year numerous opportunities were opened to TRBI's seniors as May's graduation approached. Several students had accepted positions in different ministries weeks prior to their commencement walk, while others waited patiently and prayerfully for the Lord's direction, and rejoiced together as the possibilities of future ministries became available

Following graduation, Michael Lee headed north to pastor Tower Baptist Church in Tower, Michigan Also Michigan bound was Dean Adkins after accepting an associate pastorate at Baptist Bible Church in Flushing Locally, taking

a youth director's position, Charles Sanders stayed on at Leesville Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, and David Garnett joined the ranks of Temple Baptist Church in Madison Heights as bus director. Warren Rice teamed up with Rural Bible Missions, and along with several other graduates setting out nationwide to start churches was Alvin Tanner, who traveled westward to Pheonix, Arizona, to establish a church there.

As the school year ended it was exciting to witness God's blessings on TRBI's graduates as they stepped out on faith in all directions and vocations of Christian service.

The Clifford Smith award was presented in "duo" this year when Manual Guzman and Tom Harmon tied for Outstanding Student of the Year as voted by their peers When the caps and gowns arrived anticipation mounted for Ted Bunker and Lannie Kidd as the reality of graduation drew nigh
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The President's Challenge

Liberty Baptist Seminary

Scriptural Scholarship Allame for Christ and for Souls

Dear Seminarian,

Vour yearbook i& a record ol this past year's activities as a graduate. studentat Liberty BaptiAt Seminary. I trustiX will serve as a spexUalreminderol God'*blessings upon you while. attending an institution ol higherlearning, whichid committed to servingthe LordJesus Christ.

It it, our hope and prayer that Liberty Baptist Seminary hoi encouraged, enriched and instilled in you a define ion. academic. excellence and an evangelistic lervor that will tnable youto reach a lost and dying woAid Ion. Him.

Graduate study ii important lor those entering ChrUtian Service. It provides a servant ol God a spiritual dimension and a realistic challenge to be {aiXh^ul, whether it is in the classroom, onthe foreign mission\ield, the pastorate, or in some other endeavor.

I would remind you the fields are lertile. The workers are lew. The challenge i^, great. Therefore, as President ol Liberty BaptistSeminary, I challenge you to be a laiXhlul servantandto win soutt, lor Christ in thesedays ol crimesand turmoil.

I trust that thU book will remind you, not only ol God's blessings upon yourHie, but ol yourresponsibilities \or the lutare.

Sincerely yours, >j

/cc 226/Seminary
^^ 3H

Faculty Enhances Learning

As seminary students progress intheir studies,they must remember the past How elementary itistolearn from our historyin order torealize the callingof Jesus Christ our Saviour

The role ofthe serious student isenhanced toa magnificent degree by the members of the faculty Liberty Baptist Seminary's faculty isoneof the most distinguished in fundamental, Bible-believing schools anywhere in the nation.

Seminary work is serious, but thorough; dynamic,fulfilling and made enjoyable by the outstanding men whoteach the graduate classes The study ofGod's Word is the deepest ofacademic efforts and seminary students must love the Word ofGod asthey absorbthe classroom instruction, detailed research andstudy andthe participation as a student body.


1 Dr Hughes teaches the Book of Daniel 2 Dr Sterling loves his books

3 Dr Alwine recognizes lunch hour 4 Dr Kim takes notes during chapel 5 Dr McNabb has a ready ear

6 Dr Diemer punctuates another point 7 Dr Schmitt is serious about final grades

Professors Give All To LBS

These pages are dedicated to the outstanding professors and staff who have given their minds, bodies and souls to instruct "hungry" students, to nurture the academes andtopreserve andprotect the solid, fundamental, Bible-believing scholarship as described for Liberty Baptist Seminary

The past academic year has been an exciting and thrilling one With the scholarship demanded by Dr.Hughes,

Dr Diemer, Dr Schmitt, Dr Alwine, Dr Lo and Dr McNabb, we can not help but look toward the future as Christian teachers andeducators.

Liberty Baptist Seminary is more than the faculty, more than the students and much more than thebuildings The seminary issurrounded and filled with God's Holy Spirit andwho can ask for anything more?

1 Mr Landtroop isthe arm of administration 2 Mr Matteson prepares for his next class 3 Dr Willmington enjoys Bible teaching 4 Dr Towns thoroughly researches his lectures 5 Mrs Lucas, Mrs Gerlinger, and Mrs Dorrin cheerfully greet visitors 6 Library staff provides service with a smile


LBS Chapel Periods Dynamic

Dean ofthe Seminary, Dr Robert Hughes, isthe spiritual head and leaderoftheentireSeminary

Well known for his love ofJesus Christ,Dr. Hughes sets the example for students andstaff toemulate His leadership ismost apparentin the Chapel periods which are always characterized by dynamic, forceful preaching

With each class period opening inprayer, our daily

routine isbathed with God's grace tomaximize thepotential for that hour

The continual sourceof our spiritual nourishment comes from Thomas Road Baptist Church It isimpossible togive adequate statement tothe value ofthe church. Perhaps understatement is most effective by saying that if it were not for the church ourSeminary could not exist


1 Don Ellison, class of '78, challenges students during chapel to commit all to the pastorate 2 Dr Hyman Appelman preaches as only a "completed" Jew can 3 Jim and Eileen Stallard share their chapel time together 4 David Musselman and Dan Totten join musical talents to inspire Seminary chapel service


Seminary sociallife generally proceeds along the pace set by the ladies ofthe Seminary This fellowship ofstudents and students' wives is the organizer and worker for all major activities This year's association lead by Cindy Birdwell, aspresident, Clara Malenich, Eleanor Henderson, Diane Cade, and Betsy Sargeant, as officers, hosted the Fall aswell as the Spring Banquet, Seminary-Fora-Day, Alumni Dayand numerous gatherings for all the ladies.

Realizing that all of existence is notwork, the Seminary Ladies' Fellowship provided relief and celebration but also served as a training ground for the social graces.

CO 0) u o o >

1 Dr Hughes and Larry Witt laugh together during alumni meeting 2 Dr McNabb is the master of ceremonies 3 Seminary Ladies' Fellow/ship plan another activity 4 Many good things are available on Seminary-For-A-Day 5 Glenn Pizor enjoys a pleasant evening with another of his lovely dates

:f M

Academics Devoted To Scriptures

The academic experience at Liberty Baptist Seminary when described in emotional termsis representative of life lived tothe full extent Sometimes fun, sometimes painful,always demanding, but never vain,the application of mind to facts about thetrue God and His church becomes the center of every student'slife.

In the Division of Theology we pursue God's Word in Greek and inHebrew. With hours upon hours and days upon days, we proceed from confusion to understanding to wonder and delight because studying God's Bible isitsown unsurpassable reward.

In the Division of Christian Education we seek the methods of teaching others what we have learned Application, practicality, and zeal to accomplish rule over discipline to discover the best way to apply Bible truths among those God has given us tominister

The most outstanding characteristic of our academicsis the great devotion to the Scripture as the ultimate authority for knowledge. Another remarkable feature isthe warm relationship between students and teachers. Here, the academic experience isone that ismutually shared by the teacher and

0 236/Seminary
1. Dr. McNabb teaches practical matters such as the minister and his finances 2 Dr Alwine challenges his class with problems of Day School Administration 3 John Sargeant appreciates research assistance by staffer Mary Catherine Wise
X %.W44_fi$J££
Daniel Chaffin Master ofDivinity Rob Connell Master ofArts
238/Seminary Graduates
Earl Denny Master ofDivinity

LBS Graduates Move Out

Coming from every area of the United States and from two foreign countries,the graduates of Liberty Baptist Seminary look homeward as well as to new fields Daniel L Chaffin from Poplar Bluff, Mo., isreturning to St Louis to build a soul winning, growing church Dan's B.S in Business Administration, his pastor's experience with the Whitewater Baptist Church in Missouri and his new Master of Divinity from the Seminary qualify him for expert operation of his new church.

Charles R. Cade, from Rome, Georgia, brings administrative experience from military service and his family-owned company to add to his Master of Divinity Chuck is remaining with Thomas Road Baptist Church to work in Administration.

Earl Leroy Denny's world traveling experience with the Air

Force coupled with his creative business work in forming Lynchburg's Shirt Shop isaugmented by his new Divinity degree Earl islooking toward beginning a new church in the area of eastern Virginia.

Ted E Derrick from Harrisburg, Pa.,adds the Master of Divinity to his B.S in Elementary Education and M.Ed, in Counselor Education Ted will be teaching on the mission field or in a pastorate

Roger James Elliot from Bradford, Pa.,after earning the Master of Arts in Christian Education isjoining the Stewardship Department here at Thomas Road In addition,Roger ishelping the Seminary with itsown endowment program, a critical endeavor

Rodney Douglas Earls from Madera, Ca.,has set the pastorate as his primary goal Rod plans

Rod Earls Master of Divinity
Seminary Graduates/239
Roger Elliot Master of Arts
Thomas Lineberger Master ofArts Steve Malenick Master ofArts
240/Seminary Graduates
Oliver McDowell Master ofArts Doug Sargeant Master ofDivinity

LBS Graduates Move Out

on returning toCaliforniato minister with the tools from his Master ofDivinity

Paul Steven Malenick from Wreston, W.Va., hopes toutilize his Master ofArts inChristian Education with his B.S. andM.Ed ineducation. Having been a professional teacher for seventeen years, Steve has a burden for the pastorate.

Oliver Alexander McDowell from Nashville, Tenn., earnedhis B.S in theology from Baptist Bible College Oliver is continuinghis work atthe Seminary towardthe Master ofDivinity Degree and his future plans consist ofseekingthe Th.D degree He notes that work on the staff ofHope Aglow Ministries serving inmates ofseveral institutions has been a high-point for him

Krista Lola Padgett from Lakehurst, N.J., earned her B.S in Home Economics Education at Florida State University andexpectsto use herMasters of Arts inChristian Education here inLynchburg Next year Krista will be working for the college asthe Assistant Dean of Women

From Ft Bragg, N.C., but through Huntsville, Ala., James Harold Stallard earnedhis B.S inMathematics at the University ofAlabama Jim wants topastor andteach with his Master ofDivinity

Douglas Ernest Sargeant of Oshawa, Ontario, has set academic records for excellence in the Master ofDivinity program Doug will be returning to Canada to pastor

Smith Arts Jim Stallard Master ofDivinity
Seminary Graduates/241
Ken Waggner Master ofDivinity
Robert Atkinson Sean Bergin George Bieri Joseph Birdwell Darrell Brumfield Don Campbell John Chow Soo Young Chung Steven Conwell Roy Dail Christian Dogor Don Done David Dryer Randy Eckman Mark Ellis Gerald Frimmel Frank Gregorin Armando Guzman Eleanor Henderson Carey Lamb 242/Seminary Underclassmen
Michael Lee Thomas Lippert David Milazzo Matthew Minahan James Moore David Napier Patrick Ogingo Glenn Pizor Dennis Powell Robert Powers William Risley Jim Savley Ricky Spry Michael Stallard Jerome Swank Danny Totten Jeffrey Winstead Mary Catherine Wise Philip Wood Jerry Wright Seminary Underclassmen/243

Graduation: Miracle Da y

May 13, 1979, the dayofgraduation for Liberty Baptist Seminary, was obviously going to be a remarkable day for allattendants Over many smiling and proud faces hung the clouds of one of those days in the spring when rain is the rule rather than the exception. However, with only a fewdrops in our area theevent went according toschedule while the rest ofthe city was inundated. Glory goes to God forhis miracle ofprovision.

Another miracle ofHis provisionwas the Commencement speaker The Seminary's own Charles Hughes delivered a compelling challenge to the graduates who had observed God's sustaining care inCharles' life during the last year and a half During this day of honor, pomp, and circumstance the weather and the speaker proclaimed our Lord's majesty in unison.

244/Seminary Graduation
ixpm *^m^
I* li iW% \\m U 11 V mm US" ^ ?r?wJZ$*&£i$!m: "**im4&*f xx -L 246/Closing


..'Liberty Baptist College

A Group Of People . . .*

iberty Baptist College a grou p of people wh o invested a year of their lives in the pursuit of spiritual, emotional, and intellectual growth.


at times,yetnot stopped, they continued on in their quest for excellence, challenged by what laybefore them These were the people "personal touch" affected Liberty Baptist College


: i
whose :X^ 248/Closing
*'*« KM& <s*1 Closing/249

L 156

Ayscue, Deborah A 156

Baker, Jerilyn C 156

Baker John L 116

Baker, Mickey W 156 88

Baldlno Louis M 156

Balfour, Deborah M 156

Ball Ronaele S 65 177

Balliet,Cheryl L 156

Balliet Patricia I 51

Ballinger,Barry T, 156

Band 42, 43

Bane Elizabeth 156

Bane, Gary T 218, 209

Baraty, Joseph 10, 177,81

Barber, Sandra 177

Barclay Alan W 156 81

Barclay, Doug 81

Barclay, Lori K 49, 177

Bargar, Amy J 156

Bargar Kathy 156

Barlow Daniel 116

Barlow, Wilma L 116

Barnes Coy H 156 69

Barnes, Darvin E 116 108, 109

Barnes, Joy 47

Barnes Rusty W 177

Barnes, Timothy W 63, 177

Barnhart, Kimberly J 189

Barnhart, Luther R 81

Barrett,Gina M 29,63,65,71, 177

Barrett,Jeff N 177

Barringer,Tina M 177

Barton, Yonna R 156

Bartram Ginger L 156

Bartram, Robert L 177

Baseball 100-103

Basham Donna G 177

Basketball, Men's 88 91

Basketball Women' s 96-99

Bass Rhonda C 177

Bassie, Mark S 65 177

Bates, James C 31 131 80,81

Bates Lester R 189

Batt, Michael J 30, 88

Bauch Bonita R 177

Baughan Sharon J 156 12

Baughman, Khristine, 156

Baumgard, Richard E, 156

Bawtinhimer Martha J 156

Beals John W 177

Bearce, Carol L 156

Beardsley, Linda 156, 109

Beatty, Gerald M 28

Beauchamp, Barbara A 189

Beazley, Mark W 156

Beck David 116 Beck Debbie 212

Beck, William J 219, 216

Beckles Anthony E 156

Beckley,James R 131

Beckman, Vaughn F 157

Beckstrom, Kerry F 157

Beers Donald L 214

Beiler,Sharon M 157

Belcher Billy E. Jr 157

Bell,Pamela J 177

Bellamy, Rita L 157

Belles Vicki 131

Bender Richard L 189

Benedict Anne C 157

Benedict,Charles R 157, 79

Bennett, C Rene 157, 29

Benoit Debra 116 110

Benson, Don P 47, 178

Berg, Sharon K 178

Bergin,Sean 242

Berhow Susan K 219 209

Bernstein,Elizabeth A 157

Bernstein,Susan C 157

Berrien,John P 178

Berry, Victoria L 178

Betts, Harry 105, 107

Beynon, Robert J 214

Bibb David W 178

Bieri,George S 242

Biggar,Carol A 157 63

Biggs, Richard D 157

Billups James D 79

Blackmon, Ronnie R 79, 178

Blaisdell,Glenn D 116

Blalsdell,Glenna R 131

Blaisdell,Terri L 178

Blanchard, David M 157

Blank, Dawna S 17,30, 189, 86, 87

Blasongame, Sandra K 157

Blatherwick, Don M 47, 178

Bloch, Sandra K 52

Bloodmobile 172

Blosser,Jana R 157

Bocook, Lonnie R 219

Bodden, Barbara L 177

Boden Timothy W 214

Boeck, Robin J 157

Boetsma Deanna K 157

Bogart, Suzanne E 157

Bogue Ann 157

Bohachek Robert P 189

Bolduc Craig K 214, 201

Bollinger Martha J 157

Bollman, Carolyn R 157

Bonheim B 187 Bonheim, Robert L 93 94, 95

Bonheim, Scott 81

Bonneau Ava L 189

Bonner, Donald L 189

Booker David W 54 63

Booker, Karen S 178

Booth, Carol J 178

Borland James A 117

Bornemeier Steve A 178

Boscaljon,Charles A 157, 71,81

Boudrieau, Sherman H 178

Bouler, Jon G 189

Bovard, Lawrence J 157,64, 65

Bowen Richard L 178

Bowen, Robert L 117

Bowers, Charles W 178, 110 Ill

Bowersock Deanna L 157

Bowman, Barbara A 189

Bowman, Greg D 157,81, 105

Bowron Carrie L 110

Boyd, Dennis M 66, 189

Boyd, Sandra L 178

Boyle, Naomi R 131

Boyle Scott A 157

Bracken, Robert D 75, 178,82, 105

Bradford, Leonard J 49

Bradford, William T 214

Bradley, David B 79

Bradley, Marlene V, 189

Bradley Michael W 157

Bradley, Teresa E 189,86 87

Bradley, Victoria 51

Brady, Jon W 157

Brake Judson M 157 103

Braley,Charlene J 189, 208

Bramlet, Charles 157,84, 175

Branch Gregory P 189, 88

Branch John 238

Brandolini,David P 157


BBabcock, Gary E. 177

Babrick,Cathy A 31,43, 13 63, 130

Bacigalupo Charles M 156

Bacon Wanda M 156, 11

Baer Robert L 156

Baler, Cathleen L 156, 65

Bailey, Bonnie E 130

Bailey,Colleen A 156

Bailey,Connie L 177

Bailey Jerry C 0

Bailey Judith A 51

Baker Cindy A 189

Baker James M 130

Bimestefer, Lisa J 157

Binkley Verle L 51

Bird Lonnie E 157

Birdwell,Cindy 234

Blrdwell,Joseph H 242

Bischoff Joyce F 178

Bishop, Delores M 31,66, 131, 13, 129

Bishop, Gladys M 157

Bjorklund Tamra K 157 135

Black,Timothy J 82,84, 105

Blackburn,Gregory A 178

Blackburn, Linda K 178

Blackford William H 157 75 105

Abe, Brian R 189 Achilles,Doug 47 Ackah Samuel 81 Acrey, Stephen W 214 Adams Billy J 155 175 Adams, JillA 189 Adams, Michael S 155 Adams, Richard L 74, 177,92, 94 Adams Moody 24 Adkins David E 155 Adkins, Erie L 155 Adkins, Karen R 155 Adkins, Henry D 218 Adolphsen, Curtis 214, 208 Atari,Seth B 67, 189, 195, 210 Ainsworth, Jeanette M 177 Akins, Teresa M 155 Albaugh Kathleen S 177 Albury, John D 155 Aldridge Gary M 31 62 63 130 138 Alexander, Donald G 189 Alfrey, Melanie E 63, 189 Allamon Robert E. 155 Allen Gayle L 155 Allen Joy C 155 Allen Karen S 177 Allen, Linward 214 Allen Ronald 155 Allison David D 64 116 178 Alston, Leonard 88 Alvarez, Richard 238 Alwine, Nevin S 228, 236 Amon, Suzanne 52,53, 189 Anderson, David W 14, 31, 78 79 130 Anderson, Dorothy E 155 Anderson, Richard A 155 Andrews JillL 155 Andrews, III,Tom B 177 Angerman Joseph J 189 Angers, Luc B 189 Angerville,Edzer 155 Anthony Rachelle L 155 Apperson, Michael I 155 52, 53 Aquino, Andrew W 189 Appelman, Hyman Dr 233 Arblaster,Janette P 177 Arbuckle, Robin R 155 Archer Amy L 155 45 Ardinger,Rosalind K 155 Armstrong, Barry K 155 Armstrong Martha K 177 Arnold, Joyce L 155 Arsnoe, Cindy L 155 Artist Series 20,21 A s Yo u Like It 28 Ash Christel R 155 Ashworth, Connie L 155 Astin, Deborah J 155 Atkinson,Alyce A 177 Atkinson, Barbara L 177 Atkinson Robert B 242 Ausbrooks Yulinda A 52 Ausherman, Rodger E 155 Austin
S Ill 214 Avila
94 Axtell,
Gary 116
Joseph W 67, 189 Aycock, David B 79 Aydlett Ill,Nathaniel T 156 Ayers, Debra K 156 Ayers, Douglas S 156 Ayers, Judy D 156 Ayers, III, Paul
Alfred W 189 Branton, Henry Phil 218 Bratton Beth A 157 Brasure Ralph J 117 Braziel,Larry W 190 Bream, Sidney E 157, 101, 102, 103 Breen Nadine 190 Brewer, Jana L 157,47, 50 Brewer Roscoe H 46 Brewster, Dawn D 190 Brlghtson,Gilbert 215 Brindle, Robert H 157 Brinkley Thomas E 117 Britt,Debra L 157 Britt Doris R 178 Britt Richard M 157 Britton,Mark E 178 Broderlck, Lois N 157 Brooks Lesa D 157 Brooks Mark A 157 74 91 94 Brooks, Mark W 157 Brooks, Oscar J 178 Brooks Robert W 74 131 92 94 Broome, Timothy D 190, 208 Brothers,Jr.,William L 157 Brouillette,Lisa D 157 Brown, Betty L 157 Brown Bill 100, 103 Brown Dale E 49 Brown Danny S 157, 63 Brown David F 157 102 103 Brown David P 157 74 79 94 95 Brown, David W 157 Brown, Douglas A 157 Brown Harold Daniel 157 63 Brown, Jamie L 178 Brown, Kenneth F 131 Brown Llnwood R 157 Brown Otis L 131 Brown, Stephen A 157 Brown, T Lamont 215 Brown, Terri A 157 Brown, Twyla 1 178 Brownfield, Kimberle E J 178, 105, 106, 107, 111 Browning, A Michelle 190 Bruckner, Lee I 67, 117 Bruckner, Lila D 117 116 Brumfleld, Darrell 242 Brune, Carol A 215 Brunner Bonnie J 178 Bryant, Karen M 63, 66, 190 Bryant Rachel P 157 109 Buchanan, Donna L 157 Buchanan Robin L 157 Buchanan, Robyn R 157,65, 178, 171 Bucher Judy L 157 65 Buck, Diane S 157 Buckley, Colleen M 157, 14 Buffington Bruce A 190 Buie Stephen P 63 132 84, 105 Bullard Dawn L 178 Bullock Joel C 158 Bullock, R J, 208 Bulluck Judy L 190 Bunker Ted L 218, 208, 223 Burchett Tina M 178 Burchette,Steven M 47, 190 Burd, Tim H 158 Burger Stephen A 178 Burk, Howard M 178 Burke, Jerry O 218 Burke Sherry M 219 Burnette,Susan M 158 Burnham, Timothy L 190 burns, Daniel A 158 Burr, Cindy L 158, 156 Burry Sandra L 31 132 Burton, Bonnie L 158 Burton, Carol E 178 Burton Robert H 158 Business Assoc 67 Busko, Rebecca L 132 Bussell Patricia S 158 29 Butcher,Connie L 178 Butcher,Jerry L 63 Butler, M Caldwell 166 Butler Sandra L 31 132 152 Butts Jr.,James C 158 Butts,Sharron K 132 Byers Judith A 178 Cade Charles R 238 Cade Diane 234 Calvary 28 Cameron Michael S 158 155 Campbell Connie H 158 Campbell, Don A 132, 242 Campbell, Joseph T 158 Campbell, Kern M 158 Campbell, Margaretha A 158 Campbell, Michael B 178 Campbell Teresa E 158 52 Camuglia, Grace G 190 Canedy, Beth E 179,97, 99 Canfield,Cathy L 158 Cannon Kelly L 190 Carder, Gregory 158 Carderelli Michael A 179 Carey Earnest,Jr 219 201 Carey, Robert W, 179 Carlock, Danny 79 Carlson Curtis B 79 Came, Daphne A 158 Carney, Debra E 179,51 Caron, Jan E 158 Carpenter, James O 117 Carpenter, Karen K 158 Carpenter Linda J 158 Carper, Michael A 11,49, 179 Carr, Kelly F 158, 155 Carroll,Teresa A 179 Carroll Thomas J 215 Carter Adrian B 179 Carter,Judy G 132 Carter,Polly E 158 Carver Angela F 158 Cash, David W, 158 Cassell Cristllle D 179 Castle,Timothy L 158 Castro,Jesse 74, 190, 94 Catapano, Salvatore M 179 Cernigliaro,Michael C 179 Chaffin, Daniel L 238 Chambe r Singers 45 250/lndex

Derrick Ted 239

DeVaul Randy E 47 191

DeVilbiss Harold D 160,81

DeVilbiss Mable A 47 179

DeVilbiss Thomas G 49 179

DeVoe Deborah A 191

DeWitt Richard 63 191 101, 102, 103

DeWitt, Tommy R 134 103

DiBlasi Timothy S 160

Dice Stephen J 191

Dickens Jr.,Perry E 179

Dickerson Bill C 179

Dickson Charles E 179

Diemer, Carolyn 117

Diemer, Carl J., Jr 229

Dieudonne Raymond 160,80,81

Diggs Thomas 118

Dillard, Mary E 160

Ditmars Rebecca M 160

Dixon, John E 160

Dixon, Karen Y 160 71

Dobbs Cynthia K 160

Dobson, Edward G 18, 118,80,81 187

Doebler, Jr.,Donald H 160

Dogor Christian A 242

Dogor, Emma A 215

Donald Edward 118

Donaldson, John 118

Donaldson, Ricky S 218, 208

Done Don 242

Donell Lee A 79 179

Donley, Faith C 13, 14,51, 128

Donovan, Deborah L 160

Dooley Danny J 160

Dooley Melanie F 160

Doorln, Donald E 134

Dorrin, Jeannlne 231

Dorrls Jeflery W 191

Douglas Larry A 218 201

Dow Mark B 160

Dowdy Wayne P 191

Dowell Connie D 160 65

Dowling, Tom 76, 78

Downey, Philip B 179

Doyle, Rita K 134

Doze, Jr.,Frank J 160

Draeger Glen R 63 75, 191 105

Drumheller Michael 179

Drumheller Vernon R 63, 179

Dryer, David E 2J2 , DuBois Jr , Bruce E 179

Dudley Debra L 191

Dudley H Haddon

Chamberlin, Ruth L 117 Chamets Michael L 158 Champney David E 219 Chandler Pauline E 158 Chandler Randi S 179 Chandler Sandy 179 Chaplik Ted M 47 179 Chapman Benjamin 117 Chapman, Kenneth A 206 Chapman Marie M 207 212 Chapman Phillip T 158 Chapman, Robert B 158 Chapman, William R 190 Chapmon Dennis G 28 29 53 65 190 Chappie Derrick M 79 Chase, David L 158 75 79 Chase Vickl 190 Chason, Lynn 58, 59 Chastaln Joel T 158 79 Chayka, Leonard M 47 Cheerleader- 110 111 Chick John A 215 Children's Ministry SMITE 50 51 Childress,Waymon A 158 Cho Paul C 117 Chorale LB C 54 55 Chow, John L 242 Christensen Kathi M 159 Christian Service 68 69 Christians,Curtis L 100 103 Christie,Kathy J 159 Christmas Robert 117 Chubb Mary L 26 179 Chung Soo Young 159 242 Churchman James L 179 Ciampa Roy E 159 Clapp Pamela E 159 Clapper Paula J 190 Claridge, Theophllus U 159 Clark,Christine K 159 Clark, Daniel W 159 Clark Edward D 159 63 Clark Ernest C 159 Clark,Gregory M 159 Clark, Kirby L 159, 103 Clark, Mark C 179 Clark Stephen L 132 Clark, Suzy 58 Clarke William D 159 79 Clarkson Barry D 103 Clausen Donna L 159 Clauser, Brian L 159 Claxton, Douglas J 159 75 Claybaugh Scott H 159 Clayton Christy M 129 Clayton Darryl S 179 Clee Wendy R 159 Clemens, Victoria L 49, 119 demons, Sandra A 159 Cleveland Deborah L 159 Clouston, Terri R 179,51 Cobb, Mlchele D 159 Cobb Robbie F 159 Cochran, Connie 206 Cocilo Jr. B J 159 Collman Raymond G 190 51 Coggins, Ramona G 179 98, 99 Cole, Paul T 159 Coleman Cheryl D 190 Coleman Priscilla A 47 179 Coleman, Suzanne E 159 Coles, Kathy A 159, 109 Coley, Natashla G 54, 179 Combee, Beverly Denise 159 Comer, Terry A 132 Comerford, Maureen 159 Compton Kevin R 159 Compton Steve C 190 Concert Choir 44 45 Condon Nancy D 190 Conklin, Lisa K 179 Connell, Robert B 238 Conner Kenneth C 159 Conway Daniel L 159 81 Conway Samuel B 218 Conwell Steven L 242 Cook, III,Harry 179 Cook Kcndra D 13 54 133 Cook Marclo S 159 Cook Phyllis E 159 Cook Ronald D 133 Cooke Allen 159 Cooke Sonya F 179 Cooley Michael T 179 Cooley Rita S 179 Cooley Russell 117 Cooper Donald E 215 Cooper Elizabeth F 159 Cooper Jon W 71 133 Cooper Lenore E 179 Cooper Lil M 97 96 99 Cooper, Stephanie 217 Copeland Dale A 159 Coplin Kendy S 159 Coplin Steve P 179 Coplin, Teresa A 179 Coquillard Mary L 190 Cordle Jerry M 179 Corfman David W 190 Corley, Constance A 179 Correll Rebekah A 66 179 Costilla Gilbert V 159 108 109 Counts, Cherri A 159 155 Courson Kay L 159, 108, 109 Cousins Lawrence A 159 Covington Larry E 190 Cowan Cheryl J 159 Cowan, Merry E 16, 179 Cox Lawrence R 159 Cox Susan J 159 Cox Susan L 159 Crane Phillip 25 Creath, David S 31 67 Creath, Matthew H 215 200 Crider Diane M 13,31,66, 133 143 Crider Ricky L 79 159 Crlspell Rebecca A 179 Criss, Trena F 31,84,97 98 99 Cromley Vlcki L 159 Cronkite Maber W 159 Crook Jettie D 159 Cross Country 82-84 Crowder Carole A 63 190 111 Crowder William 207 209 Crowe Juanlta M 179 Crowe Sharon E 159 Crowell Edward B 159 Crowson, Andrea L 190 Croy, John F 190 Cubino Daniel 69, 190 Culler,Jane A 159 Culver Dona J 159 Cumming, Donald W 133 Cundall Colleen A 54, 190 Currin Donald B 133 Curry Kim 1 71 190 189 Curwin Debra S 159 Cyr Steven R 190
DDail. Jimmle Roger Dail,Robert A 190 Dail Roy 66 67 242 Dakin Anita R 159 Dalton,Cindy A 54, 63 Dalton Johnnie S 179 Dalton Reese Van 159 155 Dalton, Rodney Y 79, 105 Dalton Trenda L 106 Damron David A 159 94 Daniels, Joyce 190 Danner Susan E 191 Darnell Gary T 191 Drnell Tim B 179 Davenport Linda J 159 Davids Cynthia A 159 Davidson Charlie N 159 Davidson, Kim C 159 Davidson Kimberly K 179 Davlla David 134 Davis Alan E 191 Davis Barbara J 179 Davis Gaylord 117 Davis,James H 215 Davis Kenneth W 54 179 Davis, Susan L 109 Davis, Tobyann 117 Day April E 191 Day Kathleen 179 Day, Sherry L 159 Day Terry L 179 Deal Jr. Robert G 160 75, 105 Dean Gary S 160 Deeter James A 191 DeFranza Russell E 65 179 DeHart Karen E 179 Deitch Cheryl L 191 DeKalb Ka y 23 Dekker Jom F 191 51 Delay Donald A 215 Delmonico Rodney J 81 Delphey
Denny Willie
DePalma Noel D 65
110 111 177
Julia R 191
Charlotte A 179
Nancy 176
Earl L 238
M 179
118 Duffey, Deborah
179 Duke,
110 Ill Dunbar Tex
V 160 Dungan, Susan L 160 Dunn Laura A 160 Dunn Mark A 191 Dunn Steve E 81 Dunn Steven L 134 Durand Felix 134 Durham Carl A 191 DuVall, Tim D 179 Dykes Valorle D 160
R 179
118 203
Lorie J 160
180 Eaton, Marcus M 160 Eaton Pamela P 54 160 Eberhad Jerome L 79 160 Eberts Debbie L 160 Echols William H 160 Eckman Randy L 24 2 Edgar, Allan D 4 Edgin Dave E 160 Edgreen, Judy K 134 Edinger Rhonda M 160 Edwards Charles K 180 Edwards Deryl M 191, 81 Edwards Gregory A 180 Ehlert Faith M 160 Ehrman David L 56 118 119 Eldon Lisa D 14 180 Eldridge Randy L 180 Ellas Louann G 208 Elliott, Clilford C 215 Elliott Danny L 215 Elliott Patrick C 191 Elliot Roger 239 Elliott Suzanne M 63 160, 154 Ellis Duane K 160 Ellis Larry B 160 Ellis Mark L 242 Ellison Don 232 Elmer Richard 118 Elmore Ronald S 180 Elslager,Melanie C 160 Elwell Angela E 13 14 18 31 Ely Cherie W 191 Elzey, Sandra C 160 Emel Caroline J 180 Emerick Dane E 67 Emery, Donna M 26 160 Emery Sarah R 160 EnPsalm s 32 52 53 Enckson Jeanne E 29 191 Erickson Rocky A 160 Erwin, Pamela R 180 Escobedo Jr. Ruben 74 160 92 93 94 Estes, Diana S 160 Eternity 22 Euliss Jan 50 51 Eure, Debra K 180 Evans, Mac 178 Evans Shawne M 30 180 Everette Lori L 160 Ewing Bruce E 65, 191 Ezell,Timothy R 160 Fahnestock, Leonard L 180 Falciani Cynthia A 160 Falls,Linda G 160 Falls Linda 215 Falwell Jerry 24 32 35 114 115 196 Fantin Richard 160 Farley, Pamela A 180 Farnsler,Natalie M 65, 180 Farris Rhesa B 180 Farris Timothy S 160 Farver Linda L 118 96 97 99 Faulkner Laurie L 160 Feathers Cindy L 180 Fellenger Linda R 191 197 Fenlason James J 180 Fentress, Deborah L 65 Ferguson, Kimbra L 180 87 Ferguson Tracy L 160 Fero Melody D 65 160 Ferrin Rick L 191 Ferrin,Ron L 191 Ferrlnger, Betty 180 Fidler,Tommy 219 Fielder Ruth S 160 Fields Dennis F 191 Fields Glenna R 160 Fields John E 160 88 Fields,Leesa G 160 Figley,Lisa G 160 Flrkus Randall S 160 Fischer,Edward J 191 Fish Randy L 160 Fisher,Dave C 79 160 Fisher Elaine M 63 160 84 104 105 106, 107 Fisher,Rita D 160 Fishers of Me n 67 Fiske,Caren A 160 Fister James T 219 Fitzgerald Russell 118 Flake,Cynthia D 191 Flake, Darryl L 54, 160 Flattum Debra L 180 Fleming, Donna J 66 Flewell,Joan 118 119, 177 Flocco Brenda 71 180 Flood, Sonya M 161 Florence,Jann K 161 Flowers Pamela R 71 180 Flowers Richard A 66 191 Focht Laurie J 161 Football 76 79 Ford Allen 161 Ford Beverly J 68 Ford Hilda J 180 Ford Lenny D 161 Ford Roberta F 63 191 Ford Valerie J 180 Fordyce, Anita 206 Fordyce, Walter E 134 Fore Karen R 45 180 Fore Sarah L 161 Foreign Exposure Student 4H 49 Foster, Vickie K 135
EJr.. Roy A 179 Eames, James C 160
David B 180
Rodney D 66 239
Ricky R 180
Sabrina A 191
Michael L 180
Barry A 54

L 161

Giesman, Beth A 191

Giess Joanne L 161

Gilbert,Beth R 161

Gilbert,Julie A 181

Gilbert,Karen D 181

Giles,Mark T 54, 161

Gill,James L 181

Gillespie Deborah L 161

Gillespie,Martha J 215

Gillespie,Mary J

Gillespie William E 75 79 161

Gillette Jeffrey W 31 136

Gillette,Paul S 161

Gingher Holly M 161

Givens Jr. Rufus Norman 218

Gladfelter,Rodney E 79, 78, 191

Glass,Frances E. 191,85, 188

Glass, III Roy E 136

Glaze, David E 79, 161

Glover, James E 162

Godby Diana C 181

Godfrey, Mark S 136

Godfrey Thomas E 162

Godsey, Melody E 162

Goff, Trudy A 181

Goins, Terri L 162

Goldbach Paula K 162

Gomes, Helen C 99

Gomes, Regina M 191

Good Joanne E 181

Goodnough, Matthew E 137

Goodnough, Michele A 137

Goodwin, Otis S 162

Gordon, Gary L 137

Gordon, Joseph C 181

Gosnell Patricia J 162

Goss, Joe R 181

Graham, Kim 119

Grandison, Alfred B 162

Grant, Loran D 215, 217

Gray Vicki D 181

Green, Andrew 215

Greene, Wendi M 162

Greenhalgh, Patricia 119

Greer, Philip B 162,51

Gregorin,F, David 242

Gregory, E Denise 162

Gregory, Lauren B 191

Grenier,Curtis C 105

Griffeth Matthew M 162

Griffith,Kimberly A 162

Grip, Karen S 162

Groff,Barry L 162

Grooms, J.O 119

Gross, Dinae M 137, 152

Grubb, Bradley N 54 181

Grubbs, Deborah J 31, 137

Grundy, Jerry E 79

Guetterman Arthur L 181 102 103

Guetterman, Robert L 79, 162

Guillermin,A Pierre 24,62, 114-115

Gum, Pamela S 162

Gupton Linda D 162

Guthery, Susan D 162

Gutshall, Joseph M 181

Guy, Caryn I 162

Guy Jr. Edwin C 181

Guy, Patricia A 162

Guy, Peter L 181, 103

Guzman, J Armando 242,209, 217

Guzman Manuel B 218, 223

HHaggard, Bobby W 191

Hagerty Charles J 119

Hagley Joseph S 49, 191

Hagner, Ralph 58 59

Hale and Wilder 20 21

Haleman, Steven T 45 191

Hales Lisa C 61, 191

Hales, Robin E 162, 208

Hall Amy 58

Hall, Catherine R 162

Hall,Cline F 119

Hall,Garnet R 56, 137

Hall Harold M 191

Hall,James L 119

Hall Randal S 162

Hall Sheryl D 162

Hall Michael 47 197

Halsey, Paul C 191,51

Hamer, Adrienne M 162

Hamer, Colette R 67, 181

Hamilton Bradley D 162

Hamilton Gary L 181

Hamilton, Kathleen D, 162

Hamilton, Mary J 181

Hamilton Sandra D 181

rlamm, Craig A 162

Hamm Donald W 181

Hamm, Sandra F 191

Hammersley Jacqueline G 47

Hammond Robert D 30 191 81

Hammond William B 181

Hamrick, Mike R 162

Hannold Terri L 162

Hansford, Cletus S 215

Hanson, James K 181

Harbaugh Donald W 215

Hardison Elizabeth A 162

Hardison Mary C 43 181

Hardy, JillA 162

Hardy Mark R 63 191

Hargett, Donny L 181 51

Harley, Eric D 47 181

Harley Howard 162

Harlow Wanda L 162

Harmon, Jerry D 181

Harmon, Thomas B 181,219, 223

Harmon Yvonne K 162

Harp Brad 181

Harper Kathy 181,85,86, 87

Harrell Terry L 219 216

Harrington,Tammy 162

Harris David C 102 103

Harris, Lorraine D 215

Harris, Nena B 162

Harris Pamela A 181 99 109

Harris, Robert D 206

Harris Teresa M 191

Harris, Valerie 162

Harrison, Brenda A 191

Harrison, Donald E. 119

Harrison, Mike 162

Harrison,William A 181

Hart Robert D 191

Hartman, Harvey D 119, 178

Hartman Jeff 58

Hartsfield William M 191

Harvey Aloma J 219

Harvey, Debbie 58

Harvey, Deborah K 162

Harvey Guy 162

Harvey, Robert C 162

Haskins Jacqueline A 181 215

Hawk, Laura N 181

Hawkins, Joanne 162

Hawkins, Ronald E 119

Hawks, Constance E 137

Hawthorne Victor 215

Hayden Denise L 109

Hayes, James H 162

Hayes Jeri L 192

Haywood, Darlene T, 192

Hearn, Diana J 192

Heath Marvin J 137

Heberly Colleen R 162

Hedding Edward L 192

Hedding, Vicki L 162

Hedrick Kevin W 162

Heffner, Bruce 23

Hefley,Sandra J 162,86, 87, 109

Heggie, Julie A 181

Heide, Laura J 162

Heider, Timothy A 26 162

Heine Diann F 181

Heiss Linda S 181

Heiss, Sandra L 162

Heider Jean E 162

Heller William C 162

Helt, Davinda L 162

Henderson, Daniel 13 26,60 61, 192

Henderson, Eleanor 66, 242, 234

Henderson, Ivy R 162

Henderson Larry D 162

Henderson, Tammy L 162

Hendricks David M 56, 181

Hendricks Terry G 30 43 54

Hepburn Edward 162

Herbster,Steven L 67, 181

Herr, Karen K 162 106 107

Herron Martin T 181

Herron, Marty L 31,33, 66, 137

Hershey, Cindy 181

Hertzler,David J 79, 181

Hess Hugh O 79 162

Hess Karl G 192 88 91

Hesse Charles E 192

Hetrick, Rob L 74, 181, 94

Hewitt, Earston A 79

Hickey, Alvin E, 120

Hicks, Karen S 162

Hicks Rebecca J 192

Hill,James A 163

Hill Karen R 163

Hill Sharon A 163 109

Hillard,Jacqueline S 163

Hilliard Gail D 163

Hilton, Mark K 163

Hindson, Edward E 19,27,58,61, 128

Hinkle,Carl V 120

Hinton, Waylon C 192

Hintz LeeAnn 181

Hippey, Robert S 30,67 181

Hippey Sabrina M 192

Hipsley Kenneth L 181

His Ambassador s 22

Hitchcock, Kimberly R 49, 163

Hitter Geroge S 163

Hixon, Sherry L 163

Hoagland, Edwin F 47, 181

Hoang, Ngan L 181

Hoang, Thanh L 163

Hobert, Karen D 163

Hobson William T 163

Hockman Arthur F 138

Hodges, Danny H 54,56 63, 192

Hodges, Donna C 192

Hofer Steven J 181

Hoffman. Mark H 163

Hoffsmith Beth A 163 106107

Hoke David A 163

Holcomb Ronald J 181

Holding, Christy 181

Holdren Dave 58

Holifield Marguerite


Hudson David K 182

Huffman, Glenna J 192, 197

Hughes, Charles R 33 244

Hughes, Karen 163

Hughes Robert L 228 231 234

Hulbert, Deborah S 182

Hulbert, Donald L 163

Humble Pamela 68 182

Humes Kimberly B 163

Humphreys, Robert E 192

Hunt Dennis E 182

Hunt, Janis M 182

Hunt Mary A 192

Hurst Sherry R 163

Hutchinson, William B 54, 192

Hyatt, Glenda S 163

Hyde Jeffrey D 164

Hyland, John E 192

IIbrado, Millie S. 164. 51

lies,Steven L 192

Imhoff Don E 182

Institute 198-223

International Students Club 67

International Studies 161

Internationals LB C 46

Inverso Glenn A 77 79

Irby,Deborah L 164

Irby,Ditha J 164

Irving Alvin W 79 164

JJack, Jeff G. 182

Jack, Phyllis T 192

Jack, William S 164

Jackson Pearl 164 107

Jackson, Susan A 164

Jackson, Vicky R 13 31, 66

Jacobsen Helen 192

Jamerson, Wendy J 61, 164

James Charles W 164

James Jo B 182

James, Ricky K 164

Jameson, Teresa L 164

Jankowski, George 164, 215

Jantz, Elmer 120

Jarnagin,John H 192,88, 103

Jarrett,Johnny R 182

Jarrett Teena L 164

Bobby E 191,92, 103
James R 191
Kimberly A 161 Fox, II,Ralph W 135, 146 Fox William J 74 180,94, 95
58 Frankenfield, Wayne R 135 Frankis, Martin D 161 Frankum, Doug W 79
H 180
L 161
W 54, 135, 133 Freel,Rex A 191 Freel,Vicki L 180 Freeman, Gwendolyn D 180 Freerkson, James 118 French, EllisL 180 French, Robert S 161 Frerichs Debbie L 161 Frey, Katherine J 71, 161 Frey, Sybil A 161 Friendman, Andrew B 191 Friel,Kelli A 180 Fries Marcy E 180 Frimmel, Gerald J 242 Frisbie,Renee D 161 Frisk,Martin A 31,66,75,82 84, 104, 105, 106 Fry, Mary J 52 Frye, Rachel A 135 Fuchs James H 191 Fullmer,Oliver B 191 Fullmer Oscar M 191 Fuss Mark A 65 Futch, Jonathan H 135 Gaidowski, Tony A 161 Gaines, Deborah J 136 Galinato,William D 161 Gallagher, Bryan O 29, 181 Gallagher Ronald L 136 Gamble Milton Keith 219 Garber, Nancy J 191 Gardner, Bruce A 181 Garland Debbie L 181 Garland, Elwood C 191 Garner, Doris A 181 Garner, James T 65, 181 Garner, John T 65, 161 Garnett,David A 218 223 Garnett Gregory R 181 215 Garnett Matthew W 161 Garnett, Roy D 191 Garnett, Vicki Anne 161 Garrett James P 47 Garrison Donald 79 Gass, Charles M 191 Gates, Michael E 161 Gatz Jr. Philip J 161 Gauthier, Robert D 136 Gay, Jackie R 161 Gehman III William A 161 Gelatt Andrew C 161 Generette,Gladys E 47, 191 Gentry, Timothy C 181 Gerlinger,John 118 Gerlinger,Judy 231 Glbbs Amy S 161 Gibson Dale 118 88 89 Gibson, Jody L, 161 Giese, Jr.,Ronald
D 181 Holland, Billy L 215 Holland Donald E 192 Holland, Rudy 203, 217 Hollandsworth Dennis E 163 Holliday, Carol A 31 Holliday Georgina M 14 66 192 129 188 189 Hollis,Jerry M 163, 88 Holmes Annette 163 Holstein, Martha B 181 Holier, Jr.,Robert D 163, 82,83, 105 Honey, Kathryn L 163 Honeycutt Karen L 163 Hood, Jeanneatte M 181 Hood Katherine 138 Hooge, Steven L 47, 163 Hooks Jerry W 138 Hooks Ricky L 138 Hoopes,
215 Hoover,
Hopkins, Jeffrey D 192 Hopkins, Mike C 181 Home Mark S 192 Horton, David 120 Hosier John D 55 130 Hostler, Dorothy C 215 Houck, Connie L 163 Hous e of Delegates 60 62 63 House, Jay P 163 House, Jon J 163 House Steve P 181 Householder, Robert 215 Hovan, Kathryn J 163 Howell Deborah K 13 47 138 128 Howie, Steve D 163 Hoy, Melanie F 181 Hoy Melinda B 163 Hrenko, Andrea M 215, 200 Huddleston, Deborah G 182 Huddleston, Gary D 192 Huddleston, Joseph L 155 Hudson Billy

Joyce F 182

Cheryl L 182

Gerald L 165

C Daniel 228

Sheral L 165

Chester F 182

Cynthia L 165

Victor A 79 165

Players 64 65

Kinnebrew, James M 193

Kinney Timothy R 165

Kinsey Donald R 139 Kirby Charlene W 165 Kirby, II,Jimmy D 193 Kirk, Chrlsti A 165

Kiser Gregory L 139 Kiser Kathe M 165

Kittle,Sheila A 215 Klase David A 182

Klenz, Cynthia J 182 Kline Lisa K 165

Knaub, Dennis S 165 Knight Bruce W 31 66

Kinght Mary L 165

Knlsely, Pamela J 165

Knowles, Lee A 165

Knutson Diantha J 165

Knutson, Michael K 165

Knutson, Pennie R 13 Kocharoff, Allison 165

Koen, Jeffrey E 165 Kohorst, Sheila M 165

Korpi Michael F 120

Kostreva Warren S 165

Krage, Richard E 165

Kraynik Cynthia L 165 154

Kroll,F Gerald 120

Kroll,Woodrow M 120, 122 161

Kronmeyer Olga 120

Kufuor Jr. John O 182

Kull Rhlllip J 193,80,81

Kunkle, Kim D 49 182

Kurczy Vera L 193

Kyper Fred G 165

Kyper Sheryl A 63 193

LLacey, Frank W. 139

Lackey, Tim D 165 Lamar Laura Price 221 Lamb, Carey 242

Lamberth Bonnie K 10 165

Lambrlght,Carl S 165 Lamphere Dean A 215 Lamphere, Dean E 216

Lewis, Greg 165

Lewis Lucretia A 43 182

Liddle, Mark A 165

Lien Michael F 193

Liguori, Vincent J 165

Liles,Susan E 165

Linaburg Rick L 79 140

Linaburg, Sandra S 182, 111

Lindsay Craig G 166

Lindsey, Diane R 182

Lineberger,Thomas 240

Lippert,Thomas R 243

Lithgow Julie M 193

Litman John E 166, 88

Littlepage,Keith A 11 54, 182

Lituski,Patricia A 30, 182

Living Christmas Tree 44

Livingston,Tonya L, 166

Lloyd, Helen R 28,64 121

Lloyd, Mark B 64, 121

Lo, Lawrence N 121 119

Lockwood, Cynthia L 166

Locy Raymond S 43 121 80 81 178

Loftis,Allen K 182

Lomison Lana I 193

Long, Bethany E 166

Long Carla L 182 51

Long, Henry W 216, 208

Long Jr. Lester E 193

Long, Randy M 75, 166, 105

Lorenz, Lori A 182

Lough, Patricia A, 140

Lougheed Donald G 166

Love Brenda D 193

Lovett,James D 193

Lowder Timothy A 216 208

Lowe Deborah R 166

Lowell, Lois L, 166

Lowman, Brian P 216

Lowman, Kevin 182

Lowry, Mark A 13

Lubrich Jr. Otto H 182

Lucas Deborah A 182 193

Lucas, Myra 231

Lucas, Pamela S 63, 110-111

Lucart, Michael P 221

Luff Gordon 57

Lugar Dennis W 30,63 140

Lugar, Robert D 47 193

Lutz James M 182

Lutz Robert B 193

Lyerly Donna A 182

Lykins,Gina L 182

Lynn, Ernest L 166

Lytle Edwin G 47 193

MMacArthur, Arthur 216, 212

MacDonald, Kathryn J 193

MacDougall Kim A 166

MacFetrich Renee A 140

Mackey Roger W 62 79 193 110,111,

Mackey Susan I 166

Mackie William S 166

MacLagan, Marianne D 182

MacLagan, Richard L 166

Macon Brian D 63, 193 88, 89

Magas Jr. John 182

Langley Lori A 165

Lanz, Joan E 165

Larson, Irene S 120

Latour, Luann 182

Lattimer,John L 193

Lawler, Timothy D 165

Lawman Susan B 65, 165, 155

Lawrenson Mark A 57

Lawrenson Richard 206 203 215

Lawton, Raymond J 193

Lax Mrs 202

Lay, Patti D 31 13 129

Leatherwood Marc O 139 100 103 110 Ill

Leatherwood, Rebecca G 54, 182

LeClare Sandra G 165 104-105 106-107

Ledford Judith A 193

Lee, Brenda J 165

Lee, Dennis M 221

Lee J Michael 243 223

Lee Shirley K 165

Lehman, Michael E 165

Leidel Barbara J 165

Leikvoll Steven K 182

Leonard, Christine F 11, 193

Leotti John M 182

Lepp Deborah S 193

Leslie Donald R 121

Lester,Sr ,Daniel E 165

Lever, Joy L 52 182

Lewis Anita 54

Maguire Douglas S 182

Mahar, Lisa A 167

Maharis Tom 24, 163

Main Kenneth A 220

Maise, JoAnn 166

Malcolm, Jean L 166

Malenick Anna L 166

Malenick Clara 233

Malenick, P Steven 240

Maley, Jr.,John T 166

Mally Denise J 166

Mally Richard E 183

Mama Lind 180

Mandreger Steven J 216 210

Maness Diane S 166

Mangle, Beth A 166

Maniscalco, Elizabeth H 166

Manna Michael T 183,84 105

Mannino Donna G 183

Mannino Mllo T 166

Mante Lillian B 193

Mantzey, Sharon A 71, 166

Maris,Donna E 166

Mark Kai D 183 187

Markley Kimberly K 183

Marlett Anne E 166

MarshaJl Donald R 166 216

Marshall Roy A 79

Marston David L 141

Martin, James D 193 105

Martin Kenneth A 183 193

Martin, Kimberly G 166


Jarrett,Terrence E 192 Jarvis Cheryl B 192 Jarvis,Robert M 192 Jason Karen L 192 Jefferson, Ricky D 182 Jenkins Maria J 164 Jenkins,Steven L 164 Jennings Holly L 192 Jerner Brian 220 Jessup, Helen E 182 Jester, Larry E 215, 202 Jester Roswitha M 202 Joan Martha 164 Jobe, Susan Y 54 192 John Douglas 120 Johnson, Carl K 164 Johnson, Deborah J 138 Johnson, Douglas H 164 Johnson Joyce E 182 Johnson Judith B 164 Johnson, Melanie J 164 Johnson Michelle L 139 Johnson Rickie 66 192 Johnson, Terry L 13, 111 Johnson Theresa L 164 Johnson Tony L 139, 144 Johnston, Cathy L 164 Johnston Chris D 79-164 Johnston Douglas 164 Johnston Kathy A 182 Jones, Alan L 215 Jones Charles R 63 182 Jones Charles "T," 26 Jones Cheryl A 182 Jones David B 164 Jones David N 164 Jones, Donna L 164 Jones, Jane I 65, 164 Jones, Jeffrey C 182 Jones, Keith A 164 Jones, Rena K 164 Jones Roy C 79, 182 Jones, Sandra J 164 Jones, Stanley P 79, 215 Jones Stephen L 77 79 192 Jones Susan W 164 Joyner, Lou Anne 182 Judd J Randall 164 Judd Joseph D 192 Jude Barry M 79 165 K Kamphuls. Gerald H 63, 193 Kanagy, Kenneth E 139 Kane Rodney D 165 Karate Club 67 Karlka Mark 139 Karlett,Herbert J 120 Karrer, Susan 210 Karnes Roger Lee 165 Katterhelnrlch, Rhonda K 182, 176-177 Kauflmann, Robert H 165 Kearns Stephen E 78 79 193 189 Keasler, Timothy L 79, 165 Keck, Dawn M 162 Kee Fred Gene 182 Keenan Carol J 182 Keenan, Cynthia H 165 Keener Lamar H 70 71 120, 178 187 Keeney David L 182 Keep Karen 165 Keller Peter T 182 Kelrstead, Jean 182 Keith, David L 79, 182 Keltzer, David A 165 Kellam Stanton E 182 Kelley, Phillip T 165 Kelley, Ritchie S 165 Kelly George 165 Kelly Robert W 63 75 83 105 Kendall,Janet L 61, 165 Kendall Joy B 215 208 Kendall Leslie A 63 71 165 Kendall Mark M 10 165 Kendall Thane R 52 53 Kennon Linda J 165 Kent Carol M 165 Kent Jane M 193 Kent Lucille 120 Kephart Percy O 220 Kerr Daniel R 139 Kerr Stephen P 182 Kersbergen, Chen L 66 165 Kersey David M 51 Kessler Christina M 165 Kesterson Judith A 193 Keys Kevin 120 Khan,
All G 165
Lannie L 220 223
Susan B 182
Lance, Ronald W 165 Lance, Steven J 182 Landess, Michael D 79 165
Edward L 78 79 182 Landls,Jack W 165 Landtroop, Dorman W 230 Lane Laura E 165 Lane, Richard S 79 Lange, Erik G 182 Lange Irene 182
Lewis R {Marty 79 193 Martin Russell P 71, 166 Martin,Timothy D 216 Martinez Wanda L 166 Marvin, Beth 166 Marzolf Dwight P 183 Mason, Jeff 58 Matanlc Carla J 193 Matheny William D 121 Matherly, Tommy R 166 Mathis Marcia A 85 87 Mathis Patty L 183 87, 109 Matney, James T 74, 94 Matthes Lloyd J 75 121 82 104-105 Matthes, Sandra 121 Matteson, Richard C 121, 230 Mauk, Dawna S 166 Mauney Brenda K 166 Maurer, Norman R 88 May Mary E 167,86 87,87, 109 Mayfield, Paul 216 Maynard, Dawn M 167 Mayo Davy L 220 McCann, Jr.,John D 81 McCarrell, Beth A 167 McCarter Donna 183 McCarty, Craig E 167 McCaskill Doris M 183 McCauley Beverly L 193 McClary, Amber R, 84 McClung Michael W 167 McCombs Vicki 193 99 McCracken, George W 216 McCrory Claudia 13,31,47, 140 McCrory, Daryl T 30,71, 167 McCullough, John S 193 McCutchen, Wendy R 31 140 13 Mc^utcheon Stephanie J 167 McDonald, Catherine R 183 McDonald David E 79 McDonald Elaine L 10 167 McDonald, Lynn 183 McDowell, Oliver A 240 McElwain Nancy E 167 McFarland, Allen R 140 McGibbon A Garth 122 McGibbon, Rose Mary 122 McGulre Ronald W 101, 103 McHale Kim D 216 McHaney William D 193 Mclntyre Lorrl S 193 McKelvey, Janie E 167 McKlnley, Willard C 216 McKisie Beryl G 216 McLamb Jane H 47 183 McLaury, Dave N, 66, 140 McLean William S 140 McLellan,Carol D 61 193 McLellan Trade Annette 183 McMonagle, Laura 56, 167 McMullen, Brenda A 167 McNabb Harold G 229 234 236 McNeill James M 183 McNulty Bonnie S 167 McQueen, Daniel L 216 McVey Richard G 183 Meckstroth, Nancy K 193 Medley Carla J 67 Meek Rodney L 167 Melan Scott M 167 Mellema Beth A 47 167 Melton Alton R 141 Melton Brenda J 96 98-99 Melvln Dennis F 193 Me n of Armou r 67 Mendes Joseph A 79 193 Merrill,Allen L 183 Merrill,Jon!M 141, 87 Merritt,Eugene O 216 Merry, Dena K 3 Mertens, Glenn C 141 Metcalf Tina M 167 Metz, Diane M 141 Metzger, Brian V 167, 101 103 Meyers Martha J 193 Michael, Bettle L 167 Michael David A 193 Michael Deborah R 216 Miersma Ubo 183 Millazo,David 243 Militti Jeffrey Y 193 Millard Julie A 167 Miller B Chrla 167 103 Miller Curtis T 167 216 Miller Denise M 167 Miller Donna K 167 Miller Jim C 167

Wendy S 193,85,86,87, 108, 109

Merphy, Aaron J 193

Murphy Dawn M 167, 184

Murphy Diana L 184

Murray, Brian 167

Murray, Herman G 193

Murray, Laveme Carl 221

Musselman Dave 233

Mutter, Tonja D 167

Mutua Joash V 167

Myers, Malcom B 67 184

Neenan, Mark D 184

Billy W 184

William S 167

Robert B 216

Vicki L 143, 13 Nicholson James E 46 Nicholson, Rhonda F 168

Perry S 168, 94

Leonard 193

Michael S 168

Karen L 193 Noggle Robyn A 168 Noll Russell W 16, 168

Nonnemocher Kerry W 71 168 Norman, Don 24 Norman, Robert E 52,53 184 Norris, Debra M 168, 109 Nuckols, Pete 184 Nunn JillA 168 Nyberg Judith K 168 109

oOdendhal, Kathryn A. 49. 193

Offenbacker Buz 56

Offenbacker, Sarge 54 56

Ogingo Patrick O 243

O'Grady, Nick 122 Olson, Douglas S 66 193 Olson, Charles 168

Olson, Jackie K 63, 193, 129

Olson, Jim C 168 Olson, John A 26, 66 Omar Bruce A 216

O'Neil Peter A 168 Opare, Alexander A 184 Organizations 40-71 Orman, Darrell P 10,31,66, 143 Orman, Elizabeth L 193 Ortlepp, Allan M 168

Patterson Sling 240

Patterson,Steven D 15 79 194,188,

Patton,John R 143

Patton Miriam A 194

Paul, Bill Jr 187

Paull,Tom J 94

Paulson Susan F 184 176 177

Payne, Amy M 47, 184

Payne LeJeune 168

Payne, Samuel M 143

Peake Robert W 143

Pederson, Kathy L 184

Peeler Teresa R 168

Peet, Joseph F 168

Pelloni,Cindy R 194

Pence Ada S 184

Penn, Callie 184

Peoples Randy L 79 78 194

Perkins,Jeffrey A 168

Perrino Kathy L 168

Perry, Aaron 194

Perry, Paul R 194

Perry Rebecca S 168

Perryman Cheryl A 47, 194

Perschke, Beth A 184

Pessagno, Raymond L 168

Peters,Gregory A 194

Peterson,Dale 46, 51

Peterson,Yvonne J 47, 184

Petite,Chip 58

Pettigrew,Charles L 168

Pettis,Michelle D 168

Pfau Michael J 168

Pfau, Stephen M 184

Phillips,Mark 79

Phillips Michael L 75 168 82 83 84

Picard Brian L 194

Picard,Cynthia L 168

Pickard, Kim L 184 108 109

Pickering James J

Pickering, Raymond P 168

Pierce,Joy E 168

Pierce,Julia M 168

Pierce, Kevin R 168

Pigg,John D 168, 105

Pike, Doug E 168

Pilcher Richard L 79, 168 94

Pilson Laurie A 168

Pitt,Nancy L 168

Pizor Glenn 243, 235

Pleis,Dorothy F 168

Plott Paul G 168

Plunk, Michael D 168

Pohlkamp, Joanne C 168

Poole Lynda G 184

Poole, Rene M 168

Posey, Richard T 168,81

Post Linda 143

Poston Stevie C 184

Potter,Christopher M 168

Poucher, David 184

Powell, Brenda L 184

Powell, Dean I 102, 103

Powell Dennis R 243

Powell, Mark P 168

Powell, Robert H 221

Powell Sarah R 17 168

Powell, Timothy L 194

Powers, Robert Jr 243

Prange, Barbara L 168

Pratt Valerie 184 109

Radcliffe Russell D 79 184

.89 Rader Tara A 194

Radabenko, Paul V 144

Rae, Stephen T 168, 94

Rager, Pamela C

NCCA A Nationals 74 75

Nadeau, Alain D 216

Nadelen Robert C 216

Nagel Sylvia J 184

Napier David W 243

Nash, Douglas A 167

Nason Steve V 167

Nauman, Mary A 167

Neal Michael L 167

PPackard, Julianne E 184

Padgett, Krista 67, 240

Padgett, Tamara C 194

Painter Douglas W 168

Pajic,Eric J 216

Palen,Gregory E 71,216, 217

Palerm o Brothers, Th e 26, 27

Palmer Jeffrey B 184 Palmer, Pamela V 168

Palmquist,David R 184

Pantana,Dave 48

Pantana John J 122

Pantana Philip M 18, 19,27, 122

Pantano, Ken R 168, 103

Paris Paul D 52 184

Park In B 168

Park, Keith L 194

Parker, Jimmy R 216

Parker, Nicholes D 216

Parker, Paul E 216

Parrett, Maureen J 221, 208

Parson, Melody 2 184

Parson, Monica L 168

Parziale,Peter A 194

Passe David 184

Patrick, Debra L 194, 189

Patterson Anna M 184 177

Patterson Chris E 79 168

Patterson, Keith L 168

Prescott Beverly A 56 194

Price, Dennis L 31, 144

Price, Diane L 168

Price, Loy K 165

Prillaman Martha E 184

Prince Brian C 194

Pritchard,Tamara L 168

Proctor,Richard D 168

Prosper Jr. Charles T 168

Provencal Roger N 184

Pry,Walter C 184

Pust,Susan D 168

QQuaintance, Barbara A.

Quaintance, Laurie J 184

Quaintance,Terrence R, 184

Quattlebaum Mary K 52 184

Quidera,Sylvia 184

Quinn, Irene E 216

RRackley Gwendolyn K 184

Miller Kitty C 183 Miller Melodi B 167 Miller Michael E 183 Miller,Phillip R 167 Miller,Randal C 183 172, 176-177 Miller,Robert D 61, 141 Miller, Stanley W 193 Miller Wesley C 183 Millermon, Lisa R 167 Millermon Paul R 167 Milner, Pamela A 71, 167 Minahan, Matthew P 243 Minnich Harley G 193 Minnich, Rodney A 142 Missions Club 67 Mitchell, Daniel R 122, 161 Mitchell, Dorothy E 142 Mitchell, Malcolm D 216 Mitchell, Nancy L 193 Mitchell Sally E 183 Mitchell,Tony G 70, 71, 193 Mitroff,David A 183 Moats Donald I 167 88 Mobley Michael B 167 Moeckel Timothy S 62 167 Mol Alan M 167 Moles Roger C 142 Monson, Pamela J 167 Montgomery, Daniel P 183 Montgomery, James I 216 214 Moody Jr. John W 183 Moody, Johnette 58 Moody Timothy L 183 Moor e an d Moor e 26 27,81 Moore, Alfred 122 Moore Cheryl L 47 167 Moore, David A 79 142 Moore James E 243 Moore John E 183, 81 Moore, Lee A 167 Moore, Mary C 167 Moore Nelda K 220 209 Moore, Susan E 183 Moore, Tony L 183 Moquin Bryan W 142 Morgan, Bradley T 193 Morgan, Frederick A 167 Morgan Jerome L 183 Morgan, Roy K 167 Morley, Deborah S 167 183 Morrell Laurinda J 65, 183 Morris,Jr.,Billy W 79, 193, 188 Morris,Judy A 167 Morris Pamela J 167 Morrison, Karen 12, 14 Morris, Ron 203 Morrison, Rebecca L 167 Morykon Michael J 193 Moseley Laurie S 183 Mosely, Gregory L 78, 79 Mosley, Benjamin G 142 Moss Roger L 183 Mortershead Jayne L 13 142,87,98,99, 136 Moulder, Gloria J 107 Moyer Ronald L 193 MuUtey, Vickie L 47, 184 Mullens Kenneth D 167 Mullens James R 167 103 Mullins,Jerry R 184 Mullins Judy C 167 Mullis Wanda J 167 Mumford Donald W 26, 184 Munn, Beki T 167 Murdock, Stephen H 184 Murphree,
John T 167
Bruce K 51
Deborah L 26 167
Tad L 167
Ruth A 49 184
Selena A 167
s & View s 166
John E 193
Wayne G 142, 149
Nicki L 54, 142, 13
Nickell,Ton! G 216
P 216 Owens Dale L 216 Owens Randell G 79 194 Owens,
David S 184
Lucindia A 168
Richard M 79, 194
Susan L 168
Debbie M 54, 184
Alma L 184 Overcast,Louis D 122 Overla, Terry K 168
William B 216
S 122
168 Rains Linda S 184 Raker, Roger A 194 Ramey, Clinton D 168 Ramsey Amy L 184 Randlett, David P 52,53 119 Randolph Judy A 194 Randolph, Teresa 168 Rasmussen, Bonnie L 169 Rasmussen, Odrey E. 169, 105 Ratliff,Michael T 184 Ratzlaff,Tracy L 169 Raynor Marvin K 14 79 194 189 Reach, Desi 194 Rebold Randy 58, 59 Rechtzigel,Arlyn F 184 Reecher Bonnie L 169 Reed, Cynthia K 169 Reed Kathy L 194 Reed, Thomas E 194 Reeder, Robert C 169 Reeder, Terry J 169 Reese, Linda C 54 184 Reeves, Deborah J 144 Reeves Gregory L, 169 Reeves II,James A 79 169 Reeves Jeffrey S 194 Reid, Cheryl N 220 Reimer, Ethel F 169 Reitenour Steve L 144 135 Renaissance 23 105 Renas,Jane B 12, 123, 117 Renas K Lawrence 12 44 123 119 Resident Assistants 66, 67 Revell Donnie C 79, 184 Reynolds Brad A 169 Reynolds, Cliff S 194, 103 Reynolds Debra A 194 Reynolds, Harvey L 216 Reynolds, Jeffrey A 184 Reynolds Steven K 79, 194 Rhoades Tammie M 184 Rhodes, Tray 169 Rhoton, Teresa F 30,67, 194 Rice Grant 203 Rice Laurel A 169 190 Rice, Linda J 71,194, 190 Rice Warren Melvin Jr 220, 217, 223 Richards,Cathy J 184 Richards Harold E 194 Richards,Larry W 144 Richardson, Dale 184 Richardson, Janice L 169 Richardson, Karen L 184 Richey Debbie K 184 84 Rickels Jeffrey S 169 Ripley Christel D 194 Risely C William 243 Rist,Boyd C 123 Ritchie,Thomas W 220, 208 Rivera Manuel J 194 Robbe, Bret R 4 Robbins, Sherri A, 169 Roberts, Bob D 169 Roberts Dana L 169 Roberts Donna J 169 Roberts Jay D 144 Roberts, Mark W 31 54 63 Robinson Albert 123 Robinson Lila 123 Robinson Peri E 194 Rockwell Norman K 169 Roger, Melinda S 169 Rogers, David M 169 Rogers, Gregory E 169 Rogers Phillip D 184 Rogers Redgie M 194 Rogers Sharon L 169 Rohleder Theresa M 169 Rolf,Cathy L 184 Rose, Frederick A 79 Rose Michael T 169 Rosevear, Glenda K 52 Rosevear, Tom 52, 53 Roshon, David P 169 Ross Earnest W 81 Ross, Vicki L 30, 13 Rowe David G 28 29 Rowe, Janet M 13,26,31, 151 Rowe, Jimmy 79, 169 Rowe M Alan 145 141 Rowzee, Donna L 169 Royer Matt S 63 103 Rundell John E 169 Rung, Lu Ann 169 Runion Garth 123 Index/254

Tamara E 194

Shults Eva L 170

Shultz,Glenn 185

Shumaker Beth 10 13 32 146

Sica,Thomas J 170

Siddons, James D 123

Sieglaff Dennis J 171

Slegrest, Trisha L 170

Silvers,John M 170, 51

Simmons, Bill 123 Simmons Donna J 30 170

Simmons, Terri L 194

Simon, Kevin W 170

Simons, Deborah E 170

Simonds, Kathleen A 170

Simonds, Sandra J 185 Simpson Susan K 109

Sims, HI Eric O 49 194

Sims, R Jane 13, 66, 146, 129

Sindt Bruce E 185

Sine, Rebecca J

Spaulding, Damaris D 171

Spaulding Danelis D 65 171

Spearin Frederick G 171

Speer Mandi M 195

Spencer Sandra L 217

Splawn Melinda 66, 185

Sports 72-111

Sprankle, Kenneth W 186

Sprano Jonathan D 75 186 81 107

Sprano Peter A 5

Springs Warren A 171

Squler Jane M 186

Squires, Jerry W 186

Stadel, Randy 186

Stahl Brian K 186

Stahl Patti A 195

Stains Bethany A 171

Stair Karen D 171

Staley, Julie K 171

Stallard, James H 241, 233

Stallard Michael D 243 233

Stanford, Dave 46, 47

Stanley Mark E 186

Stanley, Renee 186

Stanley, Susan M 171

Stark Debbie A 171, 175

Starnes Troy I 186 Starr Lois S 171

Stauber, Melissa A 171

Steedley Gerry M 146

Steffen Cindy A 66 195, 104 105 106

Steffen, Sandy L 171, 84, 155

Steinhoff Mark W 124

Stelninger, Frederick P 147

Stephens, Doug D 75, 171, 104 105

Stephens, M Kevin 49, 63, 186

Sterling Wayne E 288

Stevens Carl 171

Stevens, Earl C 30, 186

Stevens, James D 171

Stevens, James E 195

Stevens, James 124

Stevens, William C 171

Stewart Bruce C 79, 195

Stewart, Bruce W 217

Stewart Cindy L 171

Stewart, James E 47, 171

Stewart, James T 47

Stewart Jonathan W 171

Stewart Kimberly S 171

Stewart, Michael L 186

Stewart, Perry 217

Stllwell,Nadine L 171

Stirewalt Cynthia A 186

Stlrewalt Jody L 171

Stocks, Deena C 171

Stockwell, Mickey R 79, 195

Stoffel, Larry J 124

Stokes Gayle 200

Stokes Mark R 172

Stokes Paul S 217

Stone Jay D 66 195

Stone Joanna M 172

Stone, Leola E 172

Stone Maurice L 124

Stone, Susan 172

Stone Syndi L 172

Stone William N 195

Storey, Lucinda M 172 Stout Diana L 172 Stout Mark E 172

Stowell D Jane 11,51

Strader, Sandra D 186

Strain Susan K 56 172

Strasser, Rob M 103

Stricklin Susan J 172

Strine,William W 172

Stringfield, Jr , James C 186

Stripe Patricia L 172, 109

Strong Michelle 195

Stroupe Barbara J 66 147

Stryker, J Mark 195 Student Governmen t Association 60-61

Suders Steven D 172 81 Suess, Barbara J 65, 186

Sumner Lesa G 30, 186, 176 177

Sumpton, Paula 172


Sorenson Dana K 94

Sosnoski, James E 185

Soud Marcus C 26 185

Sound Edition 54

Spahr, Ruth N 14 185

Spangler Sherrie S 146

Sparks Ronald D 7 208

Rush, Raymond F 169 Rushton, Ricky K 169 Rusk, C Jack 184 Russell Gary L 216, 200 Russell Sara J 169 Russell Susan L 169 Ruth Sally V 170 Rutherford Gordon L Ryver, Cindy G 194 170 Sady Louis S 185 Sady Michele 185 Salsbury, Michael A 28, 64, 170 Sample James M 145 Sample, Sandra K 145 Samples, David B 170 Samuels Nathan T 221 Samuelson, Marshall B 123, 124 Sanders, Cathy A 194, 99 Sanders Charles R 221 223 Sanders, Christopher B 49, 170 Sanders, Craig D 194 88 Sanders John E 79 170 Sandford, Thomas F 216 Sandrof Nigel P 170 Sands Craig L 91 129 Sandy Mark A 185 Sanford William R 170 Sapp, Jeffrey L 47 Sargeant Douglas E 240 Sargent, John T 237 Sargeant, Judy 234 Sarver Jr. Hillard L 170 Sateren, Corey A 170 Saunders, Deborah M 47, 185 Saunders Tlmmy F 76 79 170 Savley, Jr.,James W 243 Sawtelle, David A 43, 56, 185 Sayre, Kathryn E 185 Scarborough Dave M 170 105 Scarborough Derrick 170 Scharmann, Richard J 60, 61, 194, 110, 111, Scheitor, Marlon 145 Schenk, Mary C 170 Scherer Karen A, 185 Scherer, Michael L 216 Scherer, Phillip J 185 Schlnk Ray P 185 Schlelp, Barbara J 170 Schleslnger, John J 63, 70, 71, 185 Schmeckenbecher, Eddie 194 Schmeckenbecher Mellnda G 170 Schmidt, Bonnie K 194 Schmltt, Frank J 229 Schon, Thomas M 170 Schonfelder Otto 216 Schoolcraft, Steve E Schreiber Dean K 65 185 Schroeder Gerald R 194 Schroeder, Sally R 194 Schrumpf, Colleen J 185 Schumacher, Marilyn D 194 Schwartz Sharon 123 Scott Arthur G 52, 53, 194 Scott,Jeffrey W 0 Scott,Tim D 170 Scruggs, Danny H 52, 170 Sealander Carl E 170 Sebastlon Dwayne D 170 Secrest, Bruce A, 170, 103 Segrest, Rebecca 170 Selbert, Shelly L 170 Selders Kenneth W 194 Solah Staff 70, 71 Seneff Deborah M 31 61, 145 Soneff Tammy S 170 Sergl, Sharon P 170 Setliff,Timothy A 194 Settle Keith A 145 Severson, Benita 206 Seyler Al 58 Shaffer Bethany A Shamblin CIOA S 67, 194 Shank, Ronald L 185, 208 Shannon Jr Ted R 79 185 Sharbono Shirley A 170 Sharpe Thomas J 170 Sharpley Mary M 170 Shearer, Virginia C 194 Sheehan, M Faith 216 Sheet; Dlanne T 49 Shellman Dike K 170 103 Shemelia, Corinno B 170 Shephard Johnny R 79 Sh#phard Sharon K 170 Shsppard, Tom A 185, 51 Sheranko,
Sherrick Dwane K 49
Shields, Deborah D
Shields Donna
Sandra L 170
Wilma 123
K 145
Linda C 194
Conte L 66, 145
Nadine 170
Tammy J 185
Geroge L, 194
William C 217
170 Singers LBC 24,58,59 130, 133 Sisler, Steven L 170 Sistrunk Sally A 14 30 66 194 188 Skinner, Donna F 170 Skinner, Linda D 170, 99 Skinner, Sandra S 64, 65, 185 Slabach, Harry D 66 Slagle, Debra L 31, 63,67, 170 Slagle Michael R 146 Slagle Robert N 170 Sloan, Donald T 170 Sloan, Laurie A 185, 109 Sloan, Ronald T 170 Smiley Julia R 194 85 87 97 99 106 Smite 46-51 Smith Annella Sue 54, 194 Smith Baron Patterson 170 Smith Carole E 63 185 Smith Cathy A 170 Smith, Christina M, 170 Smith, David K 185 Smith Debbie D 185 Smith Donald W 170 Smith, Donna L 47, 50, 170 Smith, Greg N 170, 84, 105 Smith Gwen 170 Smith Harold E 185 Smith Heather L 170 Smith, Julie D 47, 194 Smith, Julie Dee 170 Smith Julie F 171 Smith Karen 171 Smith, Lenora 123, 194 Smith, Leonard M, 221 Smith, Linda L 171 Smith, Mark 185 Smith Renee M 185 Smith, Robert M 195 Smith, Roger L 171 Smith, Sarah J 171 Smith Thomas M 146 Smith, Tony
M 195
William D 171 103, 175 Snavely, Joel M 171 Snavely Ronald L 171 155 Snavely Vicki L 185 Snell,Charles J 123 Snell Jan M 171 Snodgrass, Sharon J 171, 96 98 99
Albert W 123 Snyder David E 185
James R 71 185
Scmcotha 52
Sandra L 171 Snyder Steve A 171
80, 81
Soden Ellen 123
Soden, M Elmer 124 Softball Women' * 108 109 Sole Patrick D 74, 185 94 95
Swanson Shirley L
Sumrall, H Glenn 124 Super, Dianne M 172 87 Super Gary A 195 Supervisors 66-67 Sutton, Lyall L 5 Sutyak Linda S 26 217 Swank Jerome W 243 Swann Debra M 147 Swann Ronald L 217 214
Pearl I 45, 186
Peggy M 195
195 Swean, Ane J 195 Sweat Lowell T 172 103
Michael S 172 Swiennga, David 217 Swift, Mark R 88 Sykes Danny M 220 Sykes, Stephen 217 Sylvester, Steven J Taber, David R 195 Taber, Donald J 147 Taccatl, Lynn M 186 Taggart, Paul D 186 103 Taltt,Steven E 186 Tallman, Michael P 172 Tanner Alvin 220 223 Tau, Ruthann M 172 Taylor Doris J 172 Taylor, Honor L 66 195 Taylor, Kandi L 186 Taylor, Karen R 172 Taylor Kelll K 172 Taylor Rebecca L 13 14 31, 54 Taylor Russell H 52 53 195 Taylor Tylyn J 56 172 Taylor Verna J 172 Teal Vicky L 172 Teare, Bruce R 217 Teboe Larry E 170 217 Teel Stephanie S 30 172, 154 Teel Vernon A 195 Tetters Brenda L 195 Teeters Randall S 195 Temple, David E 186 Terrell Steven E 54, 195 Terris Nancy J 172 Tew, Penny L 172 Thomas, Aaron 94 Thomas Daniel L 147 Thomas, David 52 Thomas, John C 186 Thomas Kevin R 195 Thomas Lowell E 172 Thomas Michelle P 172 Thomas Pervls O 79 'Thomas, Sandra 172 Thomas, Timothy J 79 Thomas, William E 172 Thomasson, Jr.,Gene F 172 Thompson Laurie E 172 Thompson Perry L 147 Thornburg, Karen J 172 Thornton, Alan S 217 Thornton Donna K 173 Thurston Vernell G 173 Tice,Gerald R 217 Tidwell Christopher D 173 Tllfner Janet E 186 Tilley M Kathy 173 Timm, Laurie L 56 173 Tlmmons Thomas H 173 94 Tinman, Jack T 195, 94 Tinman, Julie A 173 Tobaison Suzette G 173 Tobin Jr. Alvin F 186 Tobin Martin D 195 Todd Pamela G 173 Todd, Robert S 195 Toews Kenneth E 195 Tomlin, Ronald 147 Tompkins, Larry J 186 Totten Danny D 243 233 Totten, Mark T 31, 195, 196 Totten Timothy F 195 Tower Dianne M 173 Towles, David E 124, 176 Towns Elmer 207, 231 Townsend Michelle A 173 Toy Sharon M 67 195 Track 75 104 107 Traeger Robert B 65, 195 Trammel Clyde A 186 Trautloff Julie A 29 65 173 Travis, Kathy A 196 Treece Eleanor M 124 Treece James W 124 Trenary, Judith A 14 56, 63, 186 Trent Carole E 173 Trombly Charles A 186 Trost, Stanley J 195 Trower, Glenda C 186 Trua* Jesse D 173 Truman Beth A 186 Trunkle Timothy J 173 Twatiios Caryl A 186 Tubbs Suian L 186 Tucker Karen F 196

Volume 6 of the Liberty Baptist College Selah, Lynchburg, Virginia, 24506,wasedited byTony Guy Mitchell and lithographed byJosten's/ American Yearbook Company of State College, Pennsylvania Press run: 2000 copies of 256 pages Paper: 80# Stippletone Endsheets: Cinnamon with Engravers Brown ink school art Binding: 150 point binders board, Smythe sewn, rounded, and backed with black headbands Cover: Custom embossed and debossed Sienna Brown fabricoid with Pin Morocco grain and a brown overtone hand rubwith 60 point Avant Garde Gothic Demi type Type: 6,8,10, and 12 point Souvenir with bold and italic emphasis faces with dropped initialin Poster style for body copy Headlines: 18 and 30 point Souvenir Regular throughout - handset headlines in Student Life, Institute, Seminary and Organizations Divider: 60 point Avant Garde Gothic Demi. Portraits:Bob DeVaul.

Selah would like togive special thanks to:

—Mr Lamar Keener, fordoingagreatjobhisfirstyearofadvisorshtp

—Lori Jennings,Mr. Keener's secretary,forallherspecial help.

—Alice LaVoie, Josten's Yearbook representative, for her invaluable advice,counsel,and wit

-Bob DeVaul, LBC photographer, forallthegiving he did

-Mr Towles, Dr Ozolins, and Dr Kronmeyer, faculty, for proofreading

-Smite and Youth Aflame Outreach fortheir cooperation and the use oftheirslides

-Dr Lila Bruckner, faculty, for the use of her Learning Assistance Center.

—All thesecretaries down theline who helped

-And most of allto the Lord forallowing the Staff to produce this the 1978-79 edition ofSelah

Tucker Teresa D 186 Tucker, Tina A 173 Tunnell Jr. Willard C 173 Turley, Thomas R 17,63, 186, 51 Turnbull David R 217 200 Turner Kathy 58 59 Turner, Gregory 173, 105 Turner Patrick T 173 Turner, Ross 58 59 Turner Laura 173 Turpin, Donna L 173 Tyer III Thomas J 173 Tyler, Sandra L 196 u Ulsh Betsy L 173 Umberger, Scott C 79 Underwood Patsy M 173 Underwood Tammy K 173 Ungeheier, Deborah M 173 Unger Gary P 186 Urban Daniel E 173 Utley Denise L 186 Utz, Nanci S 173 V Vanaman Tambra E 196 Vandenbrink, John P 186 VanderHamm, Philip L 147 Van Eaton, James 125 Van Hook, Lori 58 VanKirk, Steven R 186 VanLiere, Dona S 173 Varkey, Alexander 125 Vassiliou William B 186 86 87 Vaughan, Harold D 31, 147 Vaughn Venetia C 186 Veach Karen L 196 Veach Kathy L 196 Veale, Penny L 173 Venable Murnice W 31 148 Vermillion Teresa A 173 Vessel!, Eleanor J 65, 186 Viar, William 173 Vickers Edward C 63 196 88 90 Vickers, Reginald E 173 Vienna Choir Boy s 20,21 Vignealle,Rick 58 Vagneulle Rick 58 59 Vincent,Albert W 173 Vincent,Kathryn A 186 Vining, Gil 46, 49 Vining Ronald R 169 81 Volkots, John Mark 148 Volleyball, Women' s 85 87 VonDuyke, Timothy D 186 w Waddell Robert E 148 Wade Michael D 79 173 Waden Carol L 173 Waggner Daniel H 45, 241 Wagner, Timothy A 217 Wagner, Patricia 186 Waite Michael W 196, 197 Wakefield, John C 30, 196 Waldron Victor R 217 211 Walker Pat 56 Walker, Tamara L 173 Walker Wendell S 196 Wallace Donna R 148 Wallace Terry J 31,49, 63, 148 Walls III Harry F 186 Walsh, Bettye S 125 Walsh John P 196 Walsh Julleanne E 148 Walters Rickey L 196 Walton, Barbara A 173 Walton Phillip W 186 Walton, Sherry L 196 Waltz Paul A 173 Waltz, Ruth J 173 Wanderaas Melody C 71 173 Wang, Marcia 173 Ward Daniel T 56 186 Ward Lamont D 79 173 Warden, Randall C 196 Ware Julie S 173 Waros, Lyon 173 Warren, Ronald A 47, 196 Washington D.C Rally 192 Waters, Michael H 71, 196 Watkins Gregory B 173 Watros, Kimberly A 186 Watts, David B 67 Weaver Brenda G 173 Weaver, Carla M 173, 98,99, 108, 109 Weaver, Patricia L 186 Webb Roger E 88 Webster, Douglas L 186 Weed, Linette E 186 Weidenmoyer Valerie J 173 Weigle Cheryl L 173 Weimer Rod 152 Welborn, Susan M 173 Welch Larry A 186 Welch, Patricia M 173 Welch, Richard J 173 Welkley, Christine G 186 Welling Clifford N 148 Welling, Faith I 43 71, 186 Wellman, Amy A 173 Wellman. O Max 67 125 121 Wells Edward L 186 Wells, Marcy L 173 Wells Tamara D 173 87 109 Wemp Carolyn 47 Wemp, Charles A 148,80 81 Wemp, Sumner C 35, 125 Wertz, Lori E 186 West, W Blane 186 Westbrook, Robert L 186 Westerfeld, Emmett L 217 Wetherington, Debra A 186 Whalen Brenda L 173 Wheeler Carol A 173 Wheeler, Jr H Bill 125 116 Wheeler, James L 148 Whitacre Sharon L 173 White Barbara H 125 White David L 173 White Deborah L 173 White, Patricia A 196 Whitfield,Phyllis R 174 Wilburn Daniel 186 Wilder Michael D 174 Wildermuth Clark M 174 Wilhelm Mark S 174 Wilhelm, Rick 196 Wilk Debra R 174 Wilkerson Jr., James M 174 88, 90 Wilkerson Patricia C 196 Wilkinson Sherry L 174 Williams Desiree V 174 Williams, Donna M 174 Williams Doug 103 Williams, Elaine B 174 Williams Glenn C 174 Williams,John D 174 Williams Kent F 125 Williams, Lloyd D 174 Williams Paul J 187 Williams, Peggy A 196 Williams, Reginald R 79, 78, 187 Williams, Vernon L 79, 174 Williams, Wayne R 149 Williams William A 79 174 Williams, Yvonne K 174, 164 Willis,John M 174 Willis N Hank 79 187 Willis Paula J 174, 208 Willis Thomas L 187 Willmington Harold L 201, 206, 230 Willmington,Sue 212, 213 Willoughby Sharon L 187 Wilson Ann M 217 200 Wilson, Arthur J, 174 Wilson, Clayton M 174 Wilson, Frances D 196 Wilson Jeffrey A 79, 174 Wilson Johnny B 149 Wilson, John R 31 47, 187 Wilson, Karen J 174 Wilson Keith G 174 Wilson Larry 220 Wilson Maria K 49, 174 Wilson Richard L 196 Wilt Penny M 187, 109 Winch, Jean F 63, 196 Winch, Steven A 174 Winckler Eric L 26 174 Wing Karen 212 Wing, Michael E 217 201 Winstead, Jeffrey 243 Wipf, Amos S 125 Wipf Joyce W 125 Wise Mary Catherine 243 237 Witham Donald P 221 Witham Stephen P 125 Witt, Daniel N 174 Witt, Larry 234 Witthuhn, Elizabeth L 196 Wix, Charles L 79, 187 Wolf, Glenn D 174 Wolff,Jefl P 63, 79, 196, 110 Ill Wolgamolt Rick A 196,, Merrill 24 20 3 Wommack Timothy R 221 Wong Carmen R 125 Wood, Bette J 125 Wood, Don 125 Wood, Jamielee 174 Wood, Philip B 243 Woodard Dalese E. 196 Woodard, Jeffrey S 174 Woodard Michael G 174 Woodburn, Beverly A 196 Woodley Treva L 174 Woodruff, Peter A 217 Woods, Byron J 149 Woodward Laurel L 174 Wooten, Anita C 65 Wooten Aubry A 65 187 Works, Rebecca L 174 Worrell Ken E 196 Worthington Allan F 125, 100, 103 114 Wray, Wayne T 28,65, 187 Wrestling 74, 92-95 Wright, Jerry 243 Wright, Melanie S 54 Wright Rupert C 79, 187 Wrinn, Arvella M 187 Wulff, Ramona E. 174 Wyly Cris L 152 Yard James M 174 101, 103 Yates Steven E 196 Yelvington, Juanita J 187 Yeoman Travor J 187 Yerger, Cheryl M 174 Yoder, Richard J 174 Yohe Rebecca E 149 Yonce, Edna J Young Dean A 196 Young, Donald C 174 Young, Janet L 174 Young Joanne E 174 Young Joanne L 174 Younts Steve R 173, 103 Youst, Rhonda M 173 Yout h Aflam e Outreach 54-57 Zander Laura L 173 Zeller, Frederick 221 Zeigler,Sheree D 3 Zeitler,Philip D 187 Zick, David W 28,29, 31, 47 Zike, Douglas J 187 Zimmerman Janelle K 187 Zimmerman, Keith A 173 Zondervan Pat 203 Zook, Randal] E 173 80, 81
The Personal Touch The Personal Touch The Personal Touch The Personal
— Touch The Personal Touch The Personal Touch The Personal Touch The
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Articles inside

LBS Graduates Move Out

pages 245-247

LBS Graduates Move Out

pages 243-244

Academics Devoted To Scriptures

pages 240-242

LBS Chapel Periods Dynamic

pages 236-239

Professors Give All To LBS

pages 234-235

Faculty Enhances Learning

pages 232-233

The President's Challenge

pages 230-231


pages 227-229

Pumping iron for th e Lord !

pages 214-216

The other side of campus

pages 213-214


pages 208-212


pages 202-207


page 173


pages 167-168

Viva La France

pages 165-166


pages 148-159


pages 119-148

Their Influence Is Felt Near An d Far 'HJH,

page 119

The New Look

pages 114-118

A n Up-And-Coming Sport

pages 112-113

O n The Right Track

pages 108-111

Impressive Was The Word

pages 104-107

They Rose To Task

pages 100-103

Liberty Hosts First Tourney

page 99

Division I Schools Fall Prey T o Wrestlers

pages 97-98

Serving Up TheirBestSeason

pages 89-96

Newest Addition To Women's Sports

page 88

The Reversal Of Fortunes

pages 86-88

Making Believers Out Of Everybody

pages 80-85


pages 78-79

Selah Gets Personal!

pages 74-77


pages 71-72


page 70

n^mKORE }

page 70


page 68


pages 66-67


pages 64-65


pages 62-64


page 61


page 58


pages 56-57


pages 52-55


page 52


pages 50-51


pages 47-49


page 46

Mountain Top Experience cont.

pages 43-46

tnmtain Top Experience

pages 38-39

the POUflU hnuie

pages 28-35


page 27


pages 18-26


pages 16-18


pages 12-15
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