2022 Scholarship Winner Highlights

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Carolyn Greenfield Achievement

Harold and Edith Shaw Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

make a difference.

During her 9 year 4-H career, Carolyn Greenfield volunteered 240 hours of her time to reach over 118,000 people through various community service projects. She was active on leadership teams at the local, county, and state levels. She also conducted 21 workshops and classes that reached 750 youth and adults. She has many favorite 4-H memories but a highlight for her is going on the Citizen Washington Focus trip, where she was able to learn more about our country and its history.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H has helped me with my self confidence and work ethic. You can go a long ways with belief in your abilities and hard work.


McKayla Hunt Agriculture

Kunc Family Farms

4-H Inspires me to...

be a better version of myself and always help and do things that I used to be uncomfortable with.

During my past 8 years in 4-H I have participated in many clinics and leadership trainings to help me grow and share my leadership skills in my project areas and life. I remember every workshop I have conducted and how it left an impact on youth and adults all around. My favorite 4-H activity was being a mentor for youth participants in one of the Nexus Equine Challenge Makeovers, the same competition I have competed in and received the very first scholarship they offered.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Teaching me how to make everything inclusive for anybody.


Ryne Crosthwait


Kunc Family Farms

4-H Inspires me to...

be better for me and my community!

During his 11 year 4-H career, Ryne Crosthwait has helped in many different community service based projects. He has helped more than 5,000 people. His favorite project areas are community service and beef. He likes to combine the two to help reach those in need.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect of 4-H that has given me the biggest influence is the friends that I have made. Those friends are my best friends and will be people that positively influence my life for many years to come.


Abby Logan


4-H Inspires me to...

Shawnee Milling

continuously search for positive ways to influence my community by serving others, teaching a skill, or simply being an encouragement to people around me.

Throughout her 8-year 4-H career, Abby Logan has not only participated in over 30 service projects within Oklahoma but has also planned and organized her own service projects benefiting her community. Her most meaningful project was raising school supplies for Afghan refugee children attending school in Payne County.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

One of the aspects of 4-H that has had the biggest influence on my life has been the diversity of every project area. Whether it is showing livestock, or designing and creating a robot, 4-H has something for everyone. The countless project areas have allowed me to find my love for bread-making and teaching others about this passion.


Matt Martin

Charles and Betty Smith All Other Projects Science and Technology

Orlean and Shane Smith

Help out my community.

During his 8 year 4-H career, Matt Martin has participated in over 400 hours of community service projects. His favorite was packing food for Salvation Army angel tree distribution.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Public speaking competitions and opportunities.

4-H Inspires me to...

Hayley Brown Child Care Kathy Rutledge Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Take the initiative and not to wait around for something to happen.

In her 2 year 4-H career, Hayley Brown participated in 24 community service projects. Her favorite activity is working with the Special Education kids.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The biggest aspect of 4-H that has helped me the most, would be the people. My social skills have developed tremendously. I was closed off and not willing to talk to most people. If anyone had asked me a question, I would look to my mom or sheepishly answer. I have grown as a person and have started to put myself out there. With the help of 4-H I have started volunteering for leadership positions, offering to teach classes, and taking the initiative in many other aspects of my life.


Alexis Haynes

Citizenship Gene and Judy McKown Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

give back to my community.

During her 7 year 4-H career, Alexis Haynes participated in 100 community service projects and conducted 30 workshops and classes that reached more than 2,581 youth and adults. Her favorite service project is the Rockem Sockem sock drive that reaches 1,000 foster kids in Oklahoma and Texas. She leads a project to help cancer kids and donated 50 Lego sets to Children’s Hospital in OKC, help a family that lost their 15 year old son to Cancer, and gave 30 board games to kids with cancer. She also co-leads in a bear drive that raises 1,500 bears that have been donated in Oklahoma and Texas.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Public Speaking. I started out doing speeches and would stumble through them. I can now get in front of my club, other 4-H clubs and my county club without even second guessing myself.


Berkeley Ulrey

Conservation of Natural Resources

Oklahoma Vegetation Management Association

4-H Inspires me to...

Be a leader to my community.

During my short 4 years of 4-H membership, I have made it a personal goal to teach my community about 4-H and highlight civic engagement and community service. During Covid shutdown when activities were limited I found a way to engage the community safely while being outside and promoting my 4-H club and environmental awareness.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Civic Engagement.


Brooklyn Autrey Dairy Southwest Dairy Museum

4-H Inspires me to...

become the best me that I can be and it’s brought me to be the best leader and person. As a whole 4-H has pushed me to do a lot more in life.

During my 8 years of 4-H I’ve participated in over 75 community service projects and have put on 15 dairy workshops that have reached a total of 2,900 people between youth and adults. My favorite activity is being able to teach the younger generation how to become a great leader.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Public speaking has had a big influence on my life because it’s brought me out of my shell and showed me you can conquer anything you put your mind to.


Hannah Cross Dog Dr. Stuart Ratcliff Family

4-H Inspires me to...

make a difference in my community, state, country, and world.

After moving to rural Oklahoma in 2016, Hannah Cross joined 4-H as a way to make new friends and expand her horizons. 6 years later, Hannah’s 4-H projects have reached over 33,000 people. Her favorite 4-H project was the 4-H Veteran interviews which later branched into the creation of the Kay County Walk of Warriors.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The biggest influence 4-H has had on my life involves pledging my hands to larger service not only for my club, but my community, my country, and my world. Through a 4-H project, I learned about local veterans and their stories of service, sacrifice, and humility. Veterans’ stories have influenced me by giving me a new perspective on patriotism and their sacrifices for our country.


Christabel Thomas Fabric and Fashions

Wilma Wendt Pattillo Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Make the best better.

Christabel has been in 4-H for 6 years, serving their community through sewing Christmas stockings, sewing Quilts of Valor, baking for the Ronald McDonald House, sorting and packing for Food 4 Kids, and helping teach the younger members of their club through workshops and lessons.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Christabel learned to sew through 4-H and now wants to be a professional costume designer.


Haven Hinton

Food Sciences

Edwin and Winona Presley Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

inspire as many people as I possibly can and help them become the best version of themselves. 4-H has helped me conquer some of the biggest fears in my life and it has made me want to encourage others to do the same.

During her 9 year 4-H career, Haven Hinton participated in numerous community service projects and workshops focusing on Food Science and Health and Fitness. She currently serves on the State Leadership Council as the Southeast District Representative and also serves as the Johnston County President. Her passion for food and healthy living has led her to conduct workshops and demonstrations in elementary classrooms and clubs across the district, where she demonstrates how to cook meals and snacks and gives tips on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. One of her favorite activities was helping foster kids decorate Christmas cookies at a countywide foster care event.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Public speaking has brought me out of my comfort zone and forced me to be brave! It made me a more confident person and helped me discover my passion for communicating with people.


Brandon Raulie

Geology Oklahoma Energy Resources Board

4-H Inspires me to...

do the best at whatever task I try. There is always room to improve.

During his 5 year 4-H career, Brandon Raulie participated in many community projects including Rogers County Clean Up, Food 4 Kids, Hydrate Tulsa and more. He has reached over 1 million people with his educational booths about Oklahoma fish and oil usage as well as being selected as a finalist at the international canCode Hackathon Compeition and 2020 state 4-H hackathon winner.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

STEM, by far. I want to be an aerospace engineer when I am an adult and 4-H has exposed me to many different areas needed for this profession including meterology, computers and math.


Samuel Patterson Goats Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Work and help others to make their goals a reality.

In his 8 years of 4-H Samuel has held many leadership positions and worked to better his county through the 4-H officer team. He loves caring for animals and teaches others how to show them. He has lead and attended a great number of workshops in his life and loves the 4-H program.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The county officer team would be most influential to me. I’ve met friends, learned how to be a leader, and it’s helped me be a good team player.


Audrey Allen

Health and Fitness

Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives

4-H Inspires me to...

focus on doing things for the community. Doing these volunteer activities makes me feel like an important part of the community and the world.

During her 7 year 4-H career, Audrey Allen has reached over 6,000 people in civic engagement/community service projects and given over 76 speeches reaching more than 1,200 youth and adults. Her favorite project has been the bucket calf project, where you bottle feed a calf. She loved it so much, she participated 3 years, and now volunteers to help with the county program.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Learning how to volunteer in her commuity is a big aspect of 4-H for Allen, as well as the friendships she has made, and the wide variety of experiences she has had.


Abbey Loney

Horse Shawnee Milling Company

4-H Inspires me to...

use my knowledge and abilities to bless others in my community.

Since joining 4-H 7 years ago, Abbey Loney has completed over 800 hours of horse training lessons, workshops and horse care. She has reached over 3,500 people through public speaking and leadership including petting zoos, “Ag in the Classroom” workshops, and speeches at 4-H events. Abbey has also reached over 2,500 people through civic engagement and educational outreach opportunities, such as Oklahoma land run reenactments. She has most enjoyed sharing her knowledge and love of horses through giving horseback riding lessons.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The annual Horse Communication Contest hosted at OSU has given me the opportunity to stretch my knowledge of horses and apply what I have learned in practical ways with my own horse. These contests have also enhanced my relationships with mentors in the area of horse knowledge and care.


Kylee Detrick

Horticulture and Plant Science

Oklahoma Horticultural Society

4-H Inspires me to...

be present at most meetings so I can see my friends and make connections with others. It inspires me to be involved in my community through service projects and volunteering. It inspires me to be a better leader, and improve my speaking skills. It also inspires me to do better each time I compete in numerous competitions.

During Kylee Detrick’s 7 years of her 4-H career, she has participated in 40 community service projects and conducted 9 workshops that have reached at least 15 people each consisting of youth, kids, and adults. Kylee Detrick also does a lot of leadership activities such as running for office, giving speeches, and leading community service projects. Kylee’s favorite activity was leading her club in painting rocks for inspirational encouragement for the Oklahoma City VA Rock Garden. Kylee likes painting rocks for other people because she loves to make people’s day when they are having a bad day. Kylee volunteers at the Yukon Manna Pantry by helping box canned goods given through the postal food drive each year and donating vegetables from her garden. To date, she has donated over 400 pounds of vegetables from her garden.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Kylee Detrick recalls being very shy when speaking in front of people. Being encouraged to participate in public speaking and team problem solving activities has given her the courage to speak in front of groups both large and small. Public speaking will be a skill that she will carry with her regardless of her career choice.


Jack Geary

Leadership Jerry and Julie Kiefer Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

improve myself and my community and fill the needs I see around me.

During his 7 year 4-H career, Tulsa County 4-H Hall of Fame recipient Jack Geary participated in over 40 community service projects and led numerous club and county events, reaching hundreds of 4-H members and other youth and adults in the Tulsa area. His most unique opportunity to promote 4-H was making Tulsa Drillers mascot Hornsby an honorary 4-H member at a Tulsa Drillers baseball game.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Community has been the aspect of 4-H that has influenced Jack’s life the most. In his club and county he has worked to develop a strong sense of community among members, encouraging them to participate in 4-H events and even meeting outside of 4-H. 4-H has also encouraged him to look outside of himself and see how he can help to make life better for all those who live in his community.


Jacob Raulie

Performing Arts

Edwin and Winona Presley Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

pursue a STEM career and be open to teaching others about the topic.

During his 7 year 4-H career, Jacob Raulie has performed in countless magic acts at local, district and state levels. He has also been named as a finalist in the canCode international Scratch Teen Hackathon, a winner of the state 2020 Computer Hackathon and a first place state winner of the International Kangeroo Math Competition. He has donated over 20 hours playing the glockenspiel for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive and local nursing homes for the past 4 years. One of his most memorable events was leading a Pi Day State Scratch Coding workshop in 2020.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Roundup was a great experience because I got to experience college life. I also got to perform onstage in front of the entire 4-H delegation and had opportunities to code and do robotics.


Skyler Kearby

4-H Inspires me to...

be a better citizen in my community, become a leader, and make not only the world, but also the best, better.

During her 9 year 4-H career, Skyler Kearby participated in numerous community service projects and conducted many workshops and classes that reached more than 1,000 youth and adults. Her favorites were the activities she was able to present as a staff member and counselor at 4-H camps.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Discipline to lead and be of service while meeting goals.

Photography Tracy Family Endowment

Jenessa Dugger

Public Speaking

Noble McIntyre of McIntyre Law

4-H Inspires me to...

not just talk about what is important to me but act upon it. 4-H helps me find a way to overcome every obstacle. Through 4-H I’ve become more innovative and dedicated to my causes, for the better of everyone and not just myself.

During her 9 year 4-H career, Jenessa Dugger has reached over 45,000 people through her leadership and conducted 40 workshops and classes. Her favorite activity is teaching Character Critters to over 300 kindergartners and watching all of their faces light up with excitement!

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

I believe the opportunities that 4-H has given me has had the biggest influence on my life. The amount of events that I’ve been able to go to and experience has taught me many valuable lessons and has helped me develop goals that I want to achieve in my life!


Kate Wardlaw

Recreation and Leisure Arts

Ray Parker Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

share what I have learned with others, to make a difference in my community, and inspires me to strive to become the best possible version of myself.

Kate Wardlaw has been an active 4-H member for over 6 years. She has held offices on the club and county level and was honored to have recently been chosen as a State 4-H Ambassador. She has organized 7 county level community service projects and taught over 50 workshops. Kate enjoys working with the younger 4-Hers and sharing what she has learned with others.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The biggest influence 4-H has had on my life is in developing my public speaking skills. When I was younger, speaking in front of large groups was not always easy for me. Through 4-H’s speaking contests and Share the Fun, I found the support and encouragement I needed to overcome my shyness. This has made giving speeches, teaching workshops, presenting class projects or playing the flute in front of large groups much easier and helped me build my self-confidence.


Rebecca Taylor Safety

Oklahoma Farm Bureau

4-H Inspires me to...

reach out and inspire younger 4-H members, like others have inspired me.

I’ve participated in many leadership and community service events with my local and county 4-H clubs. My favorite activity is cooking for the OK Kids Korral. I enjoy teaching others about safety practices in many areas of life.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The involvement in our community and helping others through 4-H events has had the biggest influence on my life.


Grace Burton

Sheep Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

build a better life goal for myself as well as to always help others.

During my 8 years of 4-H I have competed and shown every animal I could think of. I started with dairy goats, then rabbits, then cows, then chickens, then pigs, then sheep, oh and cant forget about my horse! I have had so much fun showing all my animals in 4-H.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The 4-H community as a whole has had the biggest impact on me. They have always been so supportive and amazing in everything. They always love to help no matter the circumstances.


Johnathan Bullard Shooting Sports

Oklahoma City Gun Club

4-H Inspires me to...

In my 7 years in 4-H I have completed 19 workshops, qualified for the national 4-H shooting sports event twice, and my favorite moment in 4-H is that I have won county and district high point in my division since I started shooting sports.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

be the best person I can be. shooting sports.


Braden Robbins

Swine Oklahoma Pork Council

4-H Inspires me to...

Help my neighbor and never be afraid of the unknown.

During Braden Robbins’ 4-H career he has shown leadership in a multitude of ways, helping the youth in his club with countless workshops from livestock to welding, arts and crafts to games and team building. He prides himself in donating over 1,000 pounds of pork to various nonprofit organizations.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H has given me the confidence to stand tall and not be afraid to speak in front of large crowds.


Neva Howard Veterinary Sciences

Chapman Farms

4-H Inspires me to...

be a better person, help my community, and push myself in ways I wouldn’t have before. 4-H inspires me to grow and become the best version of myself that I can be.

During 7 years of my 4-H career I have volunteered 515 hours at adoption events, rescued over 450 animals, volunteered roughly 2,300 hours at spay and neuter clinics and assisted with 4,800 surgeries in my state.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Being involved and included in activities and getting hands on experience. 4-H has helped me grow as a person tremendously through some of my leadership roles and public speaking.


Steven Koehn

Wildlife and Fisheries Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

continue to become a better leader and influence the youth entering our program.

Giving back to the community has always been a huge part of my upbringing. 4-H has allowed me to give back even more, by getting not only my local club but county club involved. We’ve served numerous times at several local food banks in Kay and Noble Counties, helping thousands of those in need. Collecting products needed at the OK Kids Korral and serving dinner there to the families is one of my favorites. Because of those in our community, I’ve been able to donate over $3,000 worth of cleaning supplies, paper products, etc.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?



Bridger Arrington

AOP Agriculture and Natural Resources

Oklahoma Vegetation Management Association

Dr. Gary and Becky Stone Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

be a better role model to the people around me.

During my 7 years in 4-H, I have had the opportunity to teach 18 workshops on a local, county, and district level that have reached more than 500 youth and adults. I have also led or participated in 22 citizenship activities that reached over 5,500 people. I have also held 4-H offices at the local, county, and district levels.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect of 4-H that has had the biggest impact on me is the ability to speak in public and adapt to speak to new people in new situations.


Maggie Amador

AOP Family and Consumer Sciences

4-H Inspires me to...

be the best I can be every day.

I’ve been in 4-h for 7 years. I have ran for office every year that I could and went to every workshop and camp I was able. I have greatly enjoyed my years in 4-H and have had a great time helping others and learning along the way.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

For me, the biggest influence is helping others. Every year during spring we go to Baptist Village and have a fun day for the senior adults.


Dylan Neely

AOP Small Animals

Hesser Memorial Endowment


Inspires me to...

Live up to the 4-H motto of “To Make the Best Better.” I want to be a lifelong learner and leader, but always trying something new and never giving up on things you are passionate about.

During Dylan’s 8 year 4-H career, he has participated in 38 community service projects and conducted 24 workshops and classes that reached more than 4,300 youth and adults. Spending 474 hours completing civic engagement activities throughout his time in 4-H. His favorite activities are Reading with Rabbits and Rabbit Showmanship workshops.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Learning to adapt to situations most people would never find themselves in.


Advanced Achievement

Vernon and Ronda McKown Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

make myself better by being a lifelong learner willing to listen and learn from others.

During his 9 year 4-H career, Hayden Harper participated in over 470 community service hours, led 274 activities or workshops, that reached more than 3,280 youth and adults. His fondest activity is always County 4-H Camp where he enjoys serving as a camp counselor, conducting games and educational workshops as well as motivating young 4-Hers to get more involved.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect of 4-H that has had the biggest influence on my life is the network of friends I have built through my involvement in 4-H. This is a group of people that I am confident I will be able to rely on as I move into the next phase of my life. I believe I will have a strong set of fellow 4-Hers to lean on throughout college and we will, together, help each other succeed.


Advanced Agriculture Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

shine a positive light to those around me.

Being in 4-H for 10 years, Emma Taylor has raised and shown pigs, sheep, and horses... all at once! Taylor has also competed in 6 other main project areas, along with giving numerous STEM related workshops and presentations to 4-Hers and community members alike.

Serving the community by beautifying public places, volunteering at the Special Olympics, and organizing supply drives have been some of Taylor’s favorite works. Taylor is currently serving as a 4-H State Ambassador and a Representative on the State 4-H Leadership Council.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The most significant aspect of 4-H to me was the amount of stage time I received through public speaking and performing. This provided me with the conviction and confidence to study both music and political science in the future.

Emma Taylor

Maggie Evans

Advanced Citizenship

Mike Synar Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Set big goals and not be afraid to try new things.

Maggie has been a 4-H member since Cloverbuds. She has participated in 68 civic engagement projects and spent 425 hours serving in her community. She has conducted 74 leadership activities affecting 96,535 people over her 4-H career. Her favorite service project is preparing meals each month at the Chickasha Soup Kitchen.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H has helped me to see the value in becoming an active member of my community. Serving others has reminded me again and again that I should put others before myself.


Summer Prince Advanced Fabric and Fashions

Wendt Pattillo Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Be a better person in my community and be able to help people when it is needed.

During my 8 year 4-H career I have been involved in a lot of community service projects. I have taught workshops over leadership, swine, and entomology. My favorite activity I participate in is my “Pillow Cases for Kids” service project.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Community Service. You don’t realize how much you are impacting your community by doing small service projects. I have had such an amazing time being able to see the impact my club, district, and state have made on organizations.


Hunter Kelsey

Advanced Family and Consumer Sciences

OEAFCS and OAE4-HYDP Endowments

4-H Inspires me to...

Be the kind of person people look up to.

During my 10 years as a 4-H member, I have attended 16 workshops, given 26 presentations, conducted 33 workshops, produced 8 radio programs and 2 national leadership activites reaching over 200,000 people. My favorite activities have been teaching fire safety at the after school programs and being a Clover Buddy at Special Clovers Camp.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Leadership, 4-H has taught me how to be a leader and given me the opportunity to teach younger kids about leadership and what it means to be a leader in our community.


Matthew Lewis

Orlean and Shane Smith

4-H Inspires me to...

inspire others!

During his 8-year career in 4-H, Matthew Lewis taught thousands of people about STEM and robotics and showed his love for the youth program. He also served his community in emergency situations as an Amateur Radio Operator and shared his passion for his project area with anyone who would listen.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H has definitely helped my talking and leadership skills plus many others. Before 4-H I was very shy, but now I can talk to almost anyone!

Charles and Betty Smith Advanced AOP Science and Technology

Zachary Wagner

Ira Hollar Advanced Leadership Ira Hollar Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Help others no matter what differences and struggles we face.

4-H showed me the value in trust, integrity, and kindness to name a few, which have built me into the leader I am today.

During my 8 year 4-H career, I have done an array of different events, such as 100+ hours of community service, taught 20+ workshops, and 50+ community service opportunities reaching a total of more than 20,000 youth, also one workshop taught on the national level reaching countless numbers of youth across America. I love volunteering my time at food banks and local service opportunities which allow me to be more active in my community and personally reach more people.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The diversity. Many people have the misconception that 4-H is all about showing animals, but it is so much more than that. 4-H offers more variance in opportunities than anything I have seen before.


Elizabeth Chambers

Advanced Public Speaking

4-H Inspires me to...

be a person that makes a positive change and impact in my community, my state, my country, and my world.

Elizabeth has participated in the Performing Arts Projects Area, and has done many service projects within that project area. She has held many 4-H officer positions such as: Northeast District Representative to the Oklahoma 4-H State Council, Oklahoma 4-H Recreational Leader, and Oklahoma 4-H President, as well as serves as a State Ambassador. Her favorite thing to do in 4-H is teach leadership and music workshops to youth across the state.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

I have gained friends, mentors, and memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I have had the opportunity to work with many fantastic young leaders and citizens because of 4-H.


Hayden Harper

Oklahoma Youth Expo Oklahoma Youth Expo

4-H Inspires me to...

make myself better by being a lifelong learner willing to listen and learn from others.

During his 9 year 4-H career, Hayden Harper participated in over 470 community service hours, led 274 activities or workshops, that reached more than 3,280 youth and adults. His fondest activity is always County 4-H Camp where he enjoys serving as a camp counselor. conducting games and educational workshops, as well as motivating young 4-Hers to get more involved.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect of 4-H that has had the biggest influence on my life is the network of friends I have built through my involvement in 4-H. This is a group of people that I am confident I Will be able to rely on as I move into the next phase of my life. I believe I will have a strong set of fellow 4-Hers to lean on throughout college and we will, together, help each other succeed.


Ethan Haggard

BancFirst Outstanding 4-H Member BancFirst

4-H Inspires me to...

Be the best that I can even when nobody is watching and I don’t want to.

During his 7 year 4-H career, Ethan Haggard participated in 61 community service projects and conducted 34 workshops or fair booths that have reached more then 2,400 youth and adults. His favorite activity was teaching students at Glenwood Elementary about how to have fun in science.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect of 4-H that has had the biggest influence on my life would definitely be the friendships that I have created through 4-H.


KayLea Taylor

Brady Benson Memorial Scholarship

Benson Family Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

be the best version of myself by helping others to obtain their goals. I love to assist and encourage others within their respective projects. Just that little extra encouragement may be all someone needs to succeed. Giving of your time is so important in helping reach your goal.

My 9 years in 4-H, I have had so many opportunities to lead workshops at the local, county, district, and state levels. From county mini round ups providing goat showmanship clinics, to leading workshop at State Round up. There I have taught I Scream for Ice Cream, which is my favorite. It draws in all of participants, because who doesn’t like ice cream on a hot summer day?

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Leadership through 4-H has taught me so much in how to communicate with others and being able to give speeches and emcee different events in an array of settings.


Wyatt Hood

4-H Inspires me to...

give to others, be a leader and mentor, and reach high for my goals.

During his 8 years in 4-H, Wyatt Hood has served as president of his local club for 6 years, county vice-president, treasurer, and recreational leader. He has reached approximately 2,000 youth and adults in his project areas, communicated with over 4,000 participants through workshops and speeches and various leadership roles, and touched over 7,000 citizens through service projects.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

My biggest influence would be all the support I have received within my club and county teams. I have always felt included, supported, and encouraged.


Haven Hinton

Choctaw Nation Scholarship Choctaw Nation Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

inspire as many people as I possibly can and help them become the best version of themselves. 4-H has helped me conquer some of the biggest fears in my life and it has made me want to encourage others to do the same.

During her 9 year 4-H career, Haven Hinton participated in numerous community service projects and workshops focusing on Food Science and Health and Fitness. She currently serves on the State Leadership Council as the Southeast District Representative and also serves as the Johnston County President. Her passion for food and healthy living has led her to conduct workshops and demonstrations in elementary classrooms and clubs across the district, where she demonstrates how to cook meals and snacks and gives tips on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. One of her favorite activities was helping foster kids decorate Christmas cookies at a countywide foster care event.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Public speaking has brought me out of my comfort zone and forced me to be brave! It made me a more confident person and helped me discover my passion for communicating with people.


Mucio Davila

College of Education and Human Sciences

College of Education and Human Sciences

4-H Inspires me to...

Be a better person for my community.

During his 12 year 4-H Career, Mucio Davila participated in 5 annual community service projects annually, totaling 60. He also conducted over 12 workshops and classes reaching around 300 youth and adults. His favorite activity was the Food Showdown, where he not only competed, but taught younger 4-H’ers knife and food safety.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Leadership learned in 4-H has carried over to every aspect of my life. It all started with a local club speech. Now I speak to a multitude of people on a regular basis.


Karson Frans

Dana Smith Memorial McBroom-Sanders Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

do more, become more, and have fun!

During his 11-year 4-H career, Karson Frans conducted numerous workshops reaching over a thousand youth and adults and participated in community service projects to help foster children, help control feral hog populations, gather cattle for different ranchers, and build fence for neighbors during the pandemic.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Learning to serve others and teach about the rich history of Oklahoma and the cowboy way of life has been the most rewarding.


Phillip Raulie

Dorris and Allan Goodbary Scholarship

4-H Inspires me to...

better myself in many aspects of my life.

During his 9 year 4-H career, Phillip Raulie participated as an animal advocate, donating over 90 hours to Ward Wiseman Animal Haven as well as teaching various workshops over making dog rope toys on the local, county and district levels. He also was selected 3 years to participate at the 4-H National Shooting Sports Competition, chosen in the areas of .22 rifle and .22 pistol.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The ability to explore multiple activities and be actively engaged in all of them.


Rylee Young

Floyd & Viola Hartman Memorial Hartman Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

make tomorrow better for my community, country, and world by improving today.

During her 8 year 4-H career, Rylee Young has participated in events and trips at the local, county, district, state, and national level. She has been involved with countless community service and citizenship projects. Her favorite activity has been making food bags for the Stamp Out Starvation project.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Being able to experience so many amazing opportunities to improve my knowledge and skills in order to help others.


Carrington Kohout

Gibson-Ott Memorial Gibson-Ott Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

be a better person for my club, community, country and world. I’m so thankful for all the opportunities I’ve been given through 4-H and the countless memories. I hope to encourage younger children to join and get involved in 4-H.

During her 10 year career, Carrington Kohout participated in 56 community activities and helped with countless junior 4-H meetings often presenting helpful information to countless children. Her favorite activity would be teaching basic Choctaw words to the junior 4-H group and helping with Santa’s Workshop each year.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

I’m not a country girl and I didn’t grow up on a farm, although I think showing livestock is great. I have loved that 4-H offers so many other things for city kids besides livestock showing and judging. I was able to participate in cooking contest, fashion contest, talent shows and speech contest.


Emily Griffith

Larry D. Anderson Memorial

Larry D. Anderson Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

make the best of what we have and make it better.

Emily Griffith’s 4-H experience primarily focused on service and investing in future 4-H members. She served in leadership roles from the age of 9, participating in various programs, service projects and enrichment activities on a local, county, district, state and even national level. Emily was privileged to serve over 2,200 youth and adults through a variety of activities and projects. Her favorite activity is working with other horse club members to improve their equestrian skills.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The family-like community of the local, county, district, and even state levels have impacted my life in many ways. I have made many close friendships and have had many adult leaders become great parental figures throughout 4-H activities. Having this type of community to come back to as a McClain County 4-H Alumni will be a treasure I will always hold close to my heart.


Michael Landoll and Family Scholarship

Michael Landoll and Family Endowment & Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

look at the world around me and see what I can do for it. Above all, 4-H inspires me to make the best better in all things.

During her 10 year 4-H career, Molly Bellew participated in over 130 Communrty Service projects. These projects touched the lives of thousands and have left a lasting impression on her. Bringing awareness to community needs and helping bring those to the attention of others is so important.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The biggest influence 4-H has made in my life is the self-confidence it has given. Through 4-H I have found my interests, made meaningful friendships, and it’s taught me both hard and soft skills that I will always be able to draw on. All of this together has me leaving 4-H confident in my abilities and knowing that I can and will strive for great things, expecting to achieve them.

Molly Bellew

Hunter Kelsey

Oklahoma 4-H Key Club Scholarship

Oklahoma 4-H Key Club Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Be the kind of person people look up to.

During my 10 years as a 4-H member, I have attended 16 workshops, given 26 presentations, conducted 33 workshops, produced 8 radio programs and 2 national leadership activites reaching over 200,000 people. My favorite activities have been teaching fire safety at the after school programs and being a Clover Buddy at Special Clovers Camp.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Leadership. 4-H has taught me how to be a leader and given me the opportunity to teach younger kids about leadership and what it means to be a leader in our community.


Bailey Hatfield

Oklahoma Association of Fairs and Festivals

Oklahoma Association of Fairs and Festivals

Endowment & Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

look where I can be a larger impact on my community.

During my 10 year 4-H career I participated in 32 contests, presented 82 workshops and have been a part of many community service projects. My favorite activity was making tie blankets for veterans.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H has given me the chance to learn how to communicate with different generations through civic engagement and mentorship.


Ashlynn Huston

Oklahoma Youth Expo Oklahoma Youth Expo

4-H Inspires me to...

try things even when I am scared to do it. It has shown me that even a failure can be turned into success depending on how you look at it. It is all about what we learn and take away from the experience. It has taught me to try everything and find what you are passionate about and don’t be afraid to share that with others. It has helped me use what I thought was a weakness of being scared to my advantage. I am not the only one that has faced it, and it helps me recognize it in others and try to help bring them out of their comfort zone to try new things.

During her 5 year 4-H career, Ashlynn Huston participated in approximately 25 community service projects and served as a camp counselor and workshop leader. She volunteered her time helping others with their livestock projects. Her favorite activity was showing goats.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Leadership, citizenship, speaking opportunities, and showing. These are areas that have been very impactful in my life.


Khloe Haile Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

touch my community beneficially, one person at a time.

During her 8 year 4-H career, Khloe Haile held 14 sporting equipment giveaways, conducted 18 workshops, and reached more than 110,000 people in her community. Her favorite activity was donating sporting equipment through her service learning project, In Jesus’ Name We Play.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Citizenship and Leadership through 4-H has shaped me into the person I am today, and helped me to decide my future career path.


Adeline Harn Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

help others and be outspoken in what is right as well as help others find their voice.

During her 6 years in 4-H Adeline Harn has focused on reaching out to younger people in her community and teaching them the importance of public speaking and leadership. Her favorite activity was leading workshops or games for others to practice public speaking.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

I think the biggest influence 4-H had on me was seeing the importance of giving back to your community as well as speaking up for others and yourself, being confident.


Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

be a better leader while giving back to my community.

During her 9 year career, Emma Hickey participated in a number of civic engagement projects including Pop Tabs, Blankets for the Brave, and her Pill Bottle Project. Her favorite activity was going to State 4-H Roundup where she was able to connect with old friends and always make new friends.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H has helped me get out of my box from a shy girl to someone who can talk in front of 300 people.


Taylor Kelley

Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

be a better person and help others.

Throughout her 8 year career in 4-H, Taylor Kelley has participated in numerous community service projects, including the Back 2 School Giveaway and Christmas Toy Giveaway. She has also conducted record book workshops, successfully reaching more than 10,000 youth and adults. Her favorite activity was the Ag. Olympics at the County Fair.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The skills 4-H has provided me with have allowed me to blossom into who I am today and help me to become an influence on others’ lives.


Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

be a better version of myself and be the best I can be.

In his 11-year 4-H career, Wyatt Nikodym held offices on the local, county and district levels. He was also selected as an Agriculture Innovator and attended Citizen Washington Focus as well as National Conference. His favorite 4-H trips were State 4-H Outdoor Adventure trips to Colorado and Minnesota.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H taught me how to live and work in today’s world.

Wyatt Nikodym

Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Be the best person, leader, friend, and family member I can be.

During Murphy’s 9 years spent in 4-H, she has participated greatly in the Public Speaking and Performing Arts project areas. She has served in leadership roles from club level to national level. She performed in 4-H Has Talent and State Vocal Contest at the 100th Roundup where she placed second. She has also received 1st place in both district and state speech contests. She says that her favorite memory was her very first Roundup where she decided she wanted to be a true leader.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect of 4-H that has had the biggest influence on Murphy’s life is the leadership. Serving on the State Council has taught her life skills including how to be a great leader, as well as a friend to everybody she meets.

Murphy Peterson

Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Help others no matter what differences and struggles we face.

4-H showed me the value in trust, integrity, and kindness to name a few, which have built me into the leader I am today.

During my 8 year 4-H career, I have done an array of different events, such as 100+ hours of community service, taught 20+ workshops, and 50+ community service opportunities reaching a total of more than 20,000 youth. Also, one workshop taught on the national level reaching countless numbers of youth across America. I love volunteering my time at food banks and local service opportunities which allow me to be more active in my community and personally reach more people.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The diversity. Many people have the misconception that 4-H is all about showing animals, but it is so much more than that. 4-H offers more variance in opportunities than anything I have seen before.

Zachary Wagner

Brianna Deeds

BA Pratt Memorial BA Pratt Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

Be active and diverse. Do not limit yourself to one project; there are many out there that you will fit right into. You can still be active in your school activities and still be very involved in 4-H.

During my IO year 4-H career I have spoken with over 4,000 people through speeches and demonstrations. I have taught workshops to over 25,000, whether that be through officer duties or just volunteering. I have reached over 50,000 through community service projects ranging from my community to around the United States.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Leadership, because it has taught me to have confidence in myself. That is important to have so that younger members can look up to you. Throughout my 4-H career, the speech contests, teaching workshops, and speaking at events has flourished me into the leader I am today, which has helped me obtain the leadership roles I have earned.


Lilyana Sestak

BA Pratt Memorial BA Pratt Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

reach for success and always be hungry for more.

During her 9 year career in 4-H, Lilyana Sestak reached 1,642,467 youth in leadership and 288,808 in citizenship. Her favorite activity was mentoring the youth of today to ensure a better tomorrow. Lilyana plans to expand her reach using her own community service project called Food for Families.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Valuable skills, combined with the humility, learning capability, and kindness of 4-H members influences us to reach higher and dream bigger than ever before.


Emily Ward

BA Pratt Memorial BA Pratt Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

be a leader and to always strive to make the best better.

During her 9 year 4-H career, Emily Ward became a leader at the local, county, state, and national levels. She attended summits at the National 4-H Center in the areas of STEM and Healthy Living. She served as a State 4-H Healthy Living Ambassador, and she was named to the National 4-H Healthy Living Design Team. She also served as a State 4-H Ambassador and as Mayes County president.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The opportunity to make new friends and collaborate with youth across the state of Oklahoma and across the United States has had the biggest influence on my life.


Erin Slagell

Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

step out of my comfort zone and strive to reach goals that once seemed unattainable.

Over her 10 year 4-H career, Erin Slagell served as Southwest District reporter, State Council West District representative and as the State Executive Council reporter. She has taught over 100 workshops and presentations on a local, district, state, and national level. In 2020, she had the honor of being inducted into the Oklahoma 4-H Hall of Fame.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Through all my 4-H experiences, I have met lifelong friends who share common interests. I know I can always count on my 4-H friends to be supportive.

Modell Patillo and Hugo Graumann Memorial Modell Patillo and Hugo Graumann

Tori Booker

Memorial Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

get up and make a difference

Tori Booker served as a 4-H member for 10 years. She participated in many community service projects; she is most proud of raising over $4,000 for the Change for Change service project. She has taught multiple workshops on the local, county, district, state, and national level. Her favorite workshop she conducted was the goal setting tree, and helping young adults find their passion as she found hers.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The civic engagement portion of 4-H has really grown me as an individual. I have spent countless hours on 4-H trips giving back to 4-H and learning about our nation.

Modell Patillo and Hugo Graumann Memorial Modell Patillo and Hugo Graumann

Cortney Evans Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

help others, speak up and serve with my whole heart.

During her 10 year 4-H career, Cortney Evans participated in 132 community service projects and led 44 different workshops and presentations. Her favorite memory was going to Washington D.C. in 2019 for the National Healthy Living Summit with her fellow Healthy Living Ambassadors.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The most impactful part of the 4-H program, to me, has been the connections I have made.


Karina Feng Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

help others reach their goals and never give up.

In her 9 year 4-H Career, Karina Feng founded the Adult Clothing Protector Service Project and taught workshops for organizations including the HUGS Project, Little Dresses for Africa, and Operation Gratitude. She has reached over 20,000 people with her community activities and hopes to help others develop leadership skills.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H’s emphasis on giving back to the community has had a huge impact on my life by making me realize that living a life dedicated to service is the best way to help others.


Madison Stephens Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

be proactive and work hard.

Throughout her 4-H career, Madison Stephens has taken on many different leadership roles and held offices on the club, county, district and state levels. She also served as State 4-H president and State 4-H secretary. As chairman of the State Service Committee, she helped raise $22,765 for Oklahoma Children’s Hospital.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H has taken me to unexpected places and experiences in leadership, citizenship, public speaking and performing that no other youth organization could do.


Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

be aware of the needs of others and to take action.

During his 9 year 4-H career, Raphael Wall has prepared, organized, taught, led, and participated in community service in 420 activities, reaching over 80,000 youth and adults and investing over 15,000 hours. One of his favorite activities was being with children at the children’s hospital where he organized games and he served as a waiter for their dinner.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H has taught me about the importance of citizenship and how helping others has a big impact on the community and everyone around me.

Raphael Wall

Serena Woodard Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

reach for the stars and never let go of my dream.

Throughout Serena’s 10 year 4-H career, she has participated in several community and leadership activities. During her term as a National 4-H spokesperson, she was able to visit different states and talk with those who specialized in production agriculture. Her favorite memory was making a witch sock puppet her first year as a 4-H’er and placing with it at the Tulsa State Fair.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect that has influenced my life greatly is that 4-H feels more like a family than an after-school activity. Your 4-H family will always be there to lift your spirits.


Jentri Rayburn

Tracey Cox Memorial

Tracey Cox Memorial Endowment & Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

challenge myself. I never knew what I was capable of until educators, volunteers, and other leaders encouraged me to become the best version of myself.

Jentri Rayburn’s 10 year 4-H journey consisted of creating her own service project, “Socktober”, in which she impacted nearly 10,000 people, being a buddy for individuals with special needs, and giving back to her community by being involved in 20 different service projects throughout her 4-H career. She also enjoyed assisting new members to embark on their own 4-H journey and helping them to achieve their goals.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Not only have I learned immensely from 4-H, some of my favorite memories happened because of this program. The friends and mentors I have made throughout my 4-H career will last a lifetime.


Erin Slagell Pickens Scholarship

4-H Ambassador Alumni

4-H Inspires me to...

step out of my comfort zone and strive to reach goals that once seemed unattainable.

Over her 10 year 4-H career, Erin Slagell served as Southwest District reporter, State Council West District representative and as the State Executive Council reporter. She has taught over 100 workshops and presentations on a local, district, state, and national level. In 2020, she had the honor of being inducted into the Oklahoma 4-H Hall of Fame.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Through all my 4-H experiences, I have met lifelong friends who share common interests. I know I can always count on my 4-H friends to be supportive.


Phillip Raulie Pickens Scholarship

Barnes Family Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

better myself in many aspects of my life.

During his 9 year 4-H career, Phillip Raulie participated as an animal advocate, donating over 90 hours to Ward Wiseman Animal Haven as well as teaching various workshops over making dog rope toys on the local, county and district levels. He also was selected 3 years to participate at the 4-H National Shooting Sports Competition, chosen in the areas of .22 rifle and .22 pistol.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The ability to explore multiple activities and be actively engaged in all of them.


KayLea Taylor

Pickens Scholarship


4-H Inspires me to...

be the best version of myself by helping others to obtain their goals. I love to assist and encourage others within their respective projects. Just that little extra encouragement may be all someone needs to succeed. Giving of your time is so important in helping reach your goal.

In my 9 years in 4-H, I have had so many opportunities to lead workshops at the local, county, district, and state levels. From county mini round ups providing goat showmanship clinics, to leading workshop at State Round up. There I have taught I Scream for Ice Cream which is my favorite. It draws in all of the participants, because who doesn’t like ice cream on a hot summer day?

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Leadership through 4-H has taught me so much in how to communicate with others and being able to give speeches and emcee different events in an array of settings.


Tori Booker Pickens Scholarship

Lindsay and Lindsey Sheerer Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

get up and make a difference.

Tori Booker served as a 4-H member for 10 years. She participated in many community service projects; she is most proud of raising over $4,000 for the Change for Change service project. She has taught multiple workshops on the local, county, district, state, and national level. Her favorite workshop she conducted was the goal setting tree, and helping young adults find their passion as she found hers.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The civic engagement portion of 4-H has really grown me as an individual. I have spent countless hours on 4-H trips giving back to 4-H and learning about our nation.


Emily Ward Pickens Scholarship

4-H Inspires me to...

be a leader and to always strive to make the best better.

During her 9 year 4-H career, Emily Ward became a leader at the local, county, state, and national levels. She attended summits at the National 4-H Center in the areas of STEM and Healthy Living. She served as a State 4-H Healthy Living Ambassador, and she was named to the National 4-H Healthy Living Design Team. She also served as a State 4-H Ambassador and as Mayes County president.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The opportunity to make new friends and collaborate with youth across the state of Oklahoma and across the United States has had the biggest influence on my life.


Ashylynn Huston Pickens Scholarship

NoBro Farms LLC Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

try things even when I am scared to do it. It has shown me that even a failure can be turned into success depending on how you look at it. It is all about what we learn and take away from the experience. It has taught me to try everything and find what you are passionate about and don’t be afraid to share that with others. It has helped me use what I thought was a weakness of being scared to my advantage. I am not the only one that has faced it, and it helps me recognize it in others and try to help bring them out of their comfort zone to try new things.

During her 5 year 4-H career, Ashlynn Huston, participated in approximately 25 community service projects and served as a camp counselor and workshop leader. She volunteered her time helping others with their livestock projects. Her favorite activity was showing goats.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Leadership, citizenship, speaking opportunities, and showing. These are areas that have been very impactful in my life.


Wyatt Hood Pickens Scholarship RD Farmer Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

give to others, be a leader and mentor, and reach high for my goals.

During his 8 years in 4-H, Wyatt Hood has served as president of his local club for 6 years, county vice-president, treasurer, and recreational leader. He has reached approximately 2,000 youth and adults in his project areas, communicated with over 4,000 participants through workshops and speeches and various leadership roles, and touched over 7,000 citizens through service projects.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

My biggest influence would be all the support I have received within my club and county teams. I have always felt included, supported, and encouraged.


Hayden Harper Pickens Scholarship

Retta Miller Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

make myself better by being a lifelong learner willing to listen and learn from others.

During his 9 year 4-H career, Hayden Harper participated in over 470 community service hours, led 274 activities or workshops, that reached more than 3,280 youth and adults. His fondest activity is always County 4-H Camp where he enjoys serving as a camp counselor, conducting games and educational workshops, as well as motivating young 4-Hers to get more involved.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect of 4-H that has had the biggest influence on my life is the network of friends I have built through my involvement in 4-H. This is a group of people that I am conifident I will be able to rely on as I move into the next phase of my life. I believe I will have a strong set of fellow 4-Hers to lean on throughout college and we will together help each other succeed.


Tori Booker Pickens Scholarship Shaw Scholarship

4-H Inspires me to...

get up and make a difference.

Tori Booker served as a 4-H member for 10 years. She participated in many community service projects; she is most proud of raising over $4,000 for the Change for Change service project. She has taught multiple workshops on the local, county, district, state, and national level. Her favorite workshop she conducted was the goal setting tree, and helping young adults find their passion as she found hers.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The civic engagement portion of 4-H has really grown me as an individual. I have spent countless hours on 4-H trips giving back to 4-H and learning about our nation.


Kallie Clifton Pickens Scholarship

Shaw Scholarship

4-H Inspires me to...

be the very best person I possibly can be, because younger members are not only watching but, you are a role model for them.

In Kallie Clifton’s 9 years in 4-H she has lead and participated in many community service projects, as well as public speaking events. She loves setting an example for other 4-H members in her community that, no matter where you are from, you can be involved.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Without a doubt the Public Speaking project area has made me into the person I am today, I am able to speak confidently in front of large crowds and be conversational during interviews.


Keona Mason Pickens Scholarship Shaw Scholarship

4-H Inspires me to...

teach others how to be the best version of themselves and be proud of who they are.

During her 4-H career, Keona Mason has taught workshops, attended conferences, and introduced younger 4-H members to new project areas. She has donated pork to Pork for Packs and her local food bank where she has reached roughly 250 families in her community.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Public speaking has helped me learn about communication skills in and out of 4-H. It’s taught me how to interact with people of all ages.


KayLea Taylor

Pickens Scholarship Shaw Scholarship

4-H Inspires me to...

be the best version of myself by helping others to obtain their goals. I love to assist and encourage others within their respective projects. Just that little extra encouragement may be all someone needs to succeed. Giving of your time is so important in helping reach your goal.

In my 9 years in 4-H, I have had so many opportunities to lead workshops at the local, county, district, and state levels. From county mini round-ups providing goat showmanship clinics, to leading workshop at State Round up. There I have taught I Scream for Ice Cream which is my favorite. It draws in all participants, because who doesn’t like ice cream on a hot summer day.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Leadership through 4-H has taught me so much in how to communicate with others and being able to give speeches and emcee different events in an array of settings.


Emma Taylor

Pickens Scholarship Shaw Scholarship

4-H Inspires me to...

shine a positive light to those around me.

Being in 4-H for 10 years, Emma Taylor has raised and shown pigs, sheep, and horses... all at once! Taylor has also competed in 6 other main project areas, along with giving numerous STEM related workshops and presentations to 4-Hers and community members alike.

Serving the community by beautifying public places, volunteering at the Special Olympics, and organizing supply drives have been some of Taylor’s favorite works. Taylor is currently serving as a 4-H State Ambassador and a Representative on the State 4-H Leadership Council.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The most significant aspect of 4-H, to me, was the amount of stage time I received through public speaking and performing. This provided me with the conviction and confidence to study both music and political science in the future.


Lilyana Sestak Pickens Scholarship

Stowers Family Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship

4-H Inspires me to...

reach for success and always be hungry for more.

During her 9 year career in 4-H, Lilyana Sestak reached 1,642,467 youth in leadership and 288,808 in citizenship. Her favorite activity was mentoring the youth of today to ensure a better tomorrow. Lilyana plans to expand her reach using her own community service project called Food for Families.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Valuable skills, combined with the humility, learning capability, and kindness of 4-H members influences us to reach higher and dream bigger than ever before.


Emilee Coxsey

The Griffith Family & Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...

build the foundation for youth and help them find their passion.

Over the course of Emilee Coxsey’s 9 years in 4-H, she has participated in countless community service projects and successfully led the Friendship Bench Project and the Foundation for Tomorrow Project, conducting 158 workshops reaching 238,981 people. Her favorite workshop was building a toilet paper roll model rocket with 25 preschoolers.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect of 4-H that has impacted me the most is learning to be true to myself while respecting other people’s differences, giving to my community and being a leader.

Griffith Family Community Service Scholarship

Hayden Deeds

4-H Inspires me to...

give back to my community. Throughout my years in 4-H I have learned that community service along with the right leardership can lead our communities and world in a better direction. It could be so easy to sit back and let someone else volunteer and hope our community activities will continue however, I have learned to be a youth leader in my community by setting an example of using your Head, Heart, and Hands to achieve goals that are set.

During my 6 years in 4-H, I have participated in numerous community service projects and conducted several workshops that reached numerous youth and adults. My favorite activity to date was teaching youth as well as adults about Animal Tracks. The adults seem to have as much fun as the kids did learning to identify the different tracks. I have really enjoyed my Wildlife and Fishries project as well as my Shooting Sports. Gun safety is so important to all ages, therefore, I believe the more education opportunities available the better.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

I would say Wildlife and Fishries project. I would have never thought that I would be able to speak in front of a large group until I began speaking about a topic I am passiotate about. I realized then that is what was important, to find a project you were interested and hopefully passonate about to share your knowledge with other 4-Hers and comminuty members.

Enid News Eagle Enid Publishing Company

Conner Quintero Enid News Eagle Enid Publishing Company

4-H Inspires me to...

help, lead and grow others! My goal is always to leave a place better than when I found it.

During Conner’s 6 year 4-H career, he has collected over 120 pairs of cowboy boots for his Boots for Bennie’s Barn project that benefits a therapeutic horseback riding facility. He has also volunteered countless hours at 4H-Kids teaching camps, leading sensory friendly activities and putting together many community wide events that are developed for kids and adults with special needs. He has partnered with a local assisted living facility and has done many things to brighten their day, including the Greenbrier Olympic Games, painting residents’ windows, table cards, door decorations, activity packets and much more. Conner has had a good time with his 4-H “FUN” Club that he started 2 years ago in Garfield County. “FUN” stands for Fitness, U (personal development) and Nutrition. He meets monthly and teaches lessons in health and always makes it “fun” with fitness games and activities.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

4-H has provided me many opportunities to be a leader from a very young age. These experiences have carried over into other aspects of my life, too. Not only am I a leader in 4-H, but also in my school, community and on the football field.


Summer Prince Sidwell Agribusiness Scholarship

Sidwell Family

4-H Inspires me to...

Be a better person in my community and be able to help people when it is needed.

During my 8 year 4-H career I have been involved in a lot of community service projects. I have taught workshops over leadership, swine, and entomology. My favorite activity I participate in is my “Pillow Cases for Kids” service project.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Community Service. You don’t relize how much you are impacting your community by doing small service projects. I have had such an amazing time being able to see the impact my club, district, and state have made on organizations.


Morley Griffith

Southeast District Scholarship Southeast District 4-H

4-H Inspires me to...

Work hard for my goals, not only for myself but for my community and family.

During her 4-H career, Morley Griffith has served 2,799 hours through 4-H based community service projects and has reached 64,935 youth. She has found her passion through the 4-H program by pursuing opportunities through her beef project. She loves advocating for youth within agriculture and is extremely grateful for her time in the 4-H program.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

At the county level, 4-H has had the greatest influence on me. From starting as a five year old Clover Bud to now being a senior I have seen young leaders come into their own in countless ways. It is so empowering to see young people find their voice and passion. I have seen firsthand how it can change someone’s life to find the thing they love doing. I have truly found my passion and I am happy to do it with the people that I love.


Kynli Jones

Southeast District Scholarship Southeast District 4-H

4-H Inspires me to...

always be the best version of myself, even if no one is watching.

During my 8 year 4-H career, I have participated in approximately 40 service projects and conducted 23 workshops that reached more than 3,000 people. My favorite activity was sewing approximately 50 masks for local healthcare workers.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The State Ambassador program has had a tremendous impact on my life, as I’ve learned the importance of accountability, time management, and how to work in a team setting effectively.


Emilee Coxsey

1st Place Winner Sholar Essay Contest

4-H Inspires me to...

build the foundation for youth and help them find their passion.

Over the course of Emilee Coxsey’s 9 years in 4-H, she has participated in countless community service projects and successfully led the Friendship Bench Project and the Foundation for Tomorrow Project, conducting 158 workshops reaching 238,981 people. Her favorite workshop was building a toilet paper roll model rocket with 25 preschoolers.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The aspect of 4-H that has impacted me the most is learning to be true to myself while respecting other people’s differences, giving to my community and being a leader.


Colton Tripp

2nd Place Winner Sholar Essay Contest

4-H Inspires me to...

be a better leader in my community. By taking the initiative to teach workshops to members of my community, starting a service project to benefit foster children, or just reading books to children, 4-H inspires me to “make the best better”, not only in my community but within myself.

Colton Tripp has been a member of the OK-Okies 4-H club for 8 years. He currently serves as the OK-Okies President, the Kay County 4-H President, an Oklahoma 4-H State Ambassador, and a Northeast District Representative. At just 17 years old, he has reached more than 2,500 youth and community members through workshops and demonstrations; he has started numerous community service projects within his county that have come to every district of Oklahoma 4-H. “The project that I am most proud of is my community service project, Comfort Bags, as it helps out my community. I am incredibly grateful for the response I have received from my community.”

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

Growing up in a multi-generational 4-H family, I have always been involved in 4-H ever since I was born. The biggest thing that 4-H has taught me, and has influenced my life, is to not be afraid to say yes, and try new things. Oklahoma 4-H has so many wonderful opportunities, and I have been able to take advantage of them to better prepare myself as a public speaker, community member, and a better leader in my community.


Hannah Cross 3rd Place Winner Sholar Essay Contest

4-H Inspires me to...

make a difference in my community, state, country, and world.

After moving to rural Oklahoma in 2016, Hannah Cross joined 4-H as a way to make new friends and expand her horizons. 6 years later, Hannah’s 4-H projects have reached over 33,000 people. Her favorite 4-H project was the 4-H Veteran interviews which later branched into the creation of the Kay County Walk of Warriors.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

The biggest influence 4-H has had on my life involves pledging my hands to larger service not only for my club, but my community, my country, and my world. Through a 4-H project, I learned about local veterans and their stories of service, sacrifice, and humility. Veterans’ stories have influenced me by giving me a new perspective on patriotism and their sacrifices for our country.


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Articles inside

Colton Tripp 2nd Place Winner Sholar Essay Contest

page 94

Emilee Coxsey

page 93

Kynli Jones

page 92

Morley Griffith

page 91

Summer Prince Sidwell Agribusiness Scholarship

page 90

Conner Quintero Enid News Eagle Enid Publishing Company

page 89

Hayden Deeds

page 88

Emilee Coxsey

page 87

Lilyana Sestak Pickens Scholarship

page 86

Emma Taylor Pickens Scholarship Shaw Scholarship

page 85

KayLea Taylor Pickens Scholarship Shaw Scholarship

page 84

Keona Mason Pickens Scholarship Shaw Scholarship

page 83

Kallie Clifton Pickens Scholarship Shaw Scholarship

page 82

Tori Booker Pickens Scholarship Shaw Scholarship

page 81

Hayden Harper Pickens Scholarship

page 80

Wyatt Hood Pickens Scholarship RD Farmer Endowment

page 79

Ashylynn Huston Pickens Scholarship

page 78

Emily Ward Pickens Scholarship

page 77

Tori Booker Pickens Scholarship

page 76


page 75

Phillip Raulie Pickens Scholarship

page 74

Erin Slagell Pickens Scholarship

page 73

Serena Woodard Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment

pages 71-72

Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment

page 70

Madison Stephens Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment

page 69

Karina Feng Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment

page 68

Tori Booker

page 66

Emily Ward

pages 64-65

Lilyana Sestak

page 63

Brianna Deeds BA Pratt Memorial BA Pratt Memorial Endowment

page 62

Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

page 61

Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

page 60

Taylor Kelley Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

page 58

Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

page 57

Adeline Harn Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

pages 56-57

Khloe Haile Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment

page 55

Ashlynn Huston Oklahoma Youth Expo Oklahoma Youth Expo

page 54

Hunter Kelsey

pages 52-53

Emily Griffith Larry D. Anderson Memorial

pages 50-51

Carrington Kohout

page 49

Rylee Young Floyd & Viola Hartman Memorial Hartman Endowment

page 48

Phillip Raulie

page 47

Mucio Davila

page 45

Haven Hinton Choctaw Nation Scholarship Choctaw Nation Endowment

page 44

Wyatt Hood

page 43

KayLea Taylor

page 42

Hayden Harper Oklahoma Youth Expo Oklahoma Youth Expo

pages 40-41

Elizabeth Chambers Advanced Public Speaking

page 39

Zachary Wagner Ira Hollar Advanced Leadership Ira Hollar Endowment

page 38

Matthew Lewis

page 37

Hunter Kelsey

page 36

Wendt Pattillo Endowment

page 35

Advanced Citizenship

page 34

Advanced Agriculture Rule of Law Endowment

pages 33-34

Advanced Achievement

page 32

AOP Small Animals

pages 31-32

Maggie Amador AOP Family and Consumer Sciences

pages 30-31

Bridger Arrington

page 29

Steven Koehn

page 28

Neva Howard Veterinary Sciences

page 27

Braden Robbins

page 26

Sheep Rule of Law Endowment

page 24

Recreation and Leisure Arts

page 22

Jenessa Dugger Public Speaking

pages 21-22

Jacob Raulie Performing Arts

page 19

Kylee Detrick Horticulture and Plant Science

pages 17-18

Audrey Allen Health and Fitness

pages 15-16

Samuel Patterson Goats Rule of Law Endowment

page 14

Brandon Raulie

page 13

Haven Hinton Food Sciences

page 12

Brooklyn Autrey Dairy Southwest Dairy Museum

pages 9-10

Hayley Brown Child Care Kathy Rutledge Memorial Endowment

pages 6-7

Abby Logan

page 4

Ryne Crosthwait Beef

page 3

McKayla Hunt Agriculture

page 2

Carolyn Greenfield Achievement

page 1
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