EMADEIRA_87.qxp_Layout 1 23/11/21 00:00 Página 18
In the heart of Camacha T
he wicker industry in Madeira started around 1850 and it is impossible to disassociate this art from the village of Camacha. It was there that the first steps toward this type of handicraft were taken, and it is there where, even today, most of the wicker production is concentrated. Taking this into account, the installation in the centre of the village of a sculpture related to the art of wickerwork is only natural. The "O Rachador" piece, by Camacha-born sculptor Hélder Folgado, seeks to pay tribute to the wicker industry. The piece is inspired by local artisans. The rachador, now immortalised, is one of the main tools used in wicker production and it is used to split the wicker to form
various sticks - which can then be shaped by the craftsmen. These objects have a handmade nature and still enjoy a close relationship with the landscape, as they are made from the wood of local plants, such as heather, for example. For this reason, the Madeiran artist Hélder Folgado travelled through the various locations of the village of Camacha, in conversation with several artisans, in order to arrive at a uniformed mould for the rachador. The work will be displayed in the Achada square, located in the heart of Camacha, which has recently undergone a profound remodelling work. This is one of the most important places in the village and there are other facilities there that are well worth a visit. www.essential-madeira.com 18
indústria do vime na Madeira surgiu por volta de 1850 e é impossível desassociar esta arte da vila da Camacha. Foi ali que se deram os primeiros passos deste tipo de artesanato e é ali onde, ainda hoje, se concentra a maior parte da produção de vimes. Dito isto, a instalação no centro da vila de uma escultura relacionada com a arte dos vimes acaba por ser natural. A obra “O Rachador”, do escultor natural da Camacha Hélder Folgado, tenciona ser um tributo à indústria do vime. A peça é inspirada nos artesãos locais. O rachador, agora imortalizado, é uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas na produção do vime e, como o nome indica, serve para rachar o vime de modo a formar várias varas – que depois podem ser moldadas pelos artesãos.