Essential Madeira Islands N.º 87

Page 22

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Between blue and green S

ome say that Madeira was a tourist destination even before the word 'tourism' was invented. Exaggeration of expression or reality, the fact is that this destination has more than two centuries of fame and prestige and has accumulated international awards and acknowledgment, of which the World Travel Awards are just one example in recent years (several times the best Island Destination in Europe and the World). For many, this acknowledgment is no surprise. But is it worth trying to understand what is special about Madeira? What makes the landscape unique and what makes this place stay in the memory of those who visit it?

For Eduardo Jesus, Regional Secretary for Tourism and Culture, the reason for international acknowledgment lies in the authenticity of the destination, based on the alliance between the islands and those who visit them. Besides the fact that it is authentic, Destination Madeira stands out for its plurality, transversality, and boldness. Yes, this is the only way to explain the world of possibilities, between blue and green, that the archipelago has to offer. Anyone visiting Madeira must be prepared to face several microclimates and, sometimes, to go through all four seasons in one day. This is also a challenge for photography lovers. 22


á quem diga que a Madeira já era um destino turístico antes mesmo de a própria palavra turismo ter sido inventada. Exagero de expressão ou realidade, o facto é que este destino tem mais de dois séculos de fama e prestígio e acumula prémios e reconhecimentos internacionais, dos quais os World Travel Awards são apenas um exemplo dos últimos anos (várias vezes melhor Destino Insular da Europa e do Mundo). Para muitos o reconhecimento não é surpresa. Mas vale a pena tentar perceber o que tem a Madeira de especial? O que torna a paisagem única e o que faz este lugar ficar na memória de quem o visita? Para Eduardo Jesus, Secretário Regional do Turismo e da Cultura, a resposta ao reconhecimento

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