2023 Primary Election Voters' Pamphlet

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1 Pierce county Primary Election August 1, 2023 Look for your ballot July 15 - 19 PierceCountyElections.org | 253-798-VOTE Official Local Voters’ Pamphlet

Districts Participating in the August 1, 2023 Primary Election

Grey Area

If you live in the grey area, you WILL receive a ballot for the Primary Election. You can expect your ballot in the mail between July 15 - 19.

White Area

If you live in the white area, you will NOT receive a ballot for the Primary Election. (You will get a ballot for the General Election, however).

Why are only some districts in the Primary Election?

If a non-partisan office has three or more candidates running, then that office will be on the ballot for the Primary Election. The two candidates who receive the most votes in the Primary will then advance to the General Election.

Why is Pierce County Council in the Primary Election if there are only two candidates? Partisan offices are always on the ballot for the Primary Election, even if two or less are running.

Questions? Contact us at (253) 798-VOTE or Elections@PierceCountyWa.gov

In Election

What's Inside



Your ballot includes only those races and issues that you are eligible to vote on, based on where you live. You may see races and issues in this voters’ pamphlet that don’t appear on your ballot. Statements are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor’s Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content.

Pierce County 8 Cities and Towns Auburn 9 - 11 Bonney Lake ................................................................ 12 - 13 Edgewood 14 - 15 Fircrest ......................................................................... 16 - 19 Lakewood ..................................................................... 20 - 21 Pacific 22 - 23 Puyallup ....................................................................... 24 - 25 Tacoma 26 - 31 School Districts Yelm Community Schools .......................................... 32 - 33 Sumner-Bonney Lake School Dist. No. 320 ............. 34 - 37 Dieringer School Dist. No. 343 38 - 39 Eatonville School Dist. No. 404 .................................. 40 - 41 Park and Recreation Districts Peninsula Metropolitan Park District ....................... 42 - 43 Sumner Library Capital Facility Area ............................... 44 City of Tacoma 45 Graham Fire & Rescue ....................................................... 46 South Pierce Fire & Rescue 47 Fire District No. 3 (West Pierce) ........................................ 48 Fire District No. 5 (Gig Harbor) ......................................... 49 Fire District No. 14 (Riverside) .......................................... 50 Fire District No. 27 (Anderson Island) ....................... 51 - 52 Anderson Island Park & Recreation Dist. 53 Letter from the Auditor 54
Voter Services and Assistance ....................................... 4 - 5 Ballot Drop Boxes 6 - 7

About the August 1, 2023 Primary Election

In each race, you may vote for any one candidate listed.

The two candidates who receive the most votes in the Primary will advance to the General Election.

Each candidate for partisan office may state a political party that he or she prefers.

A candidate’s preference does not imply that the candidate is nominated or endorsed by the party, or that the party approves of or associates with that candidate.

Need in-person Assistance?

Pierce County Election Center

2501 S 35th St. Suite C, Tacoma, WA 98409

Open Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Extended Hours:

July 29 - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

July 31 - 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM

August 1 - 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM

Voter Services:

• Register to vote

• Update voter registration

• Get a ballot and vote

• Replacement ballots for lost, damaged, or mismarked ballots

• Disability asssitanceLarge font, color, contrast, and audible ballot options

• Get a voters’ pamphlet

points of assistance

Every public library in Pierce County, Tacoma, and Puyallup provides voter assistance on Election Day only.

Libraries are available during their regular business hours up until 8 p.m. to assist voters.

Voter Services:

• Register to vote

• Update voter registration

• Get a ballot and vote

• Replacement ballots for lost, damaged, or mismarked ballots

• Get a voters’ pamphlet

PierceCountyElections.org | 253-798-VOTE (8683)

Voting is EASY!


Follow the ballot instructions to mark your choice.


1 2 3

You must sign your return envelope.


Your ballot must be postmarked by election day or dropped off by 8 p.m. on election day at an open drop box.

Additional resources

Limited English


Llame al número gratuito y hable de inmediato con un intérprete.


Disability Assistance

Center for Independence

(253) 582-1253 (voice)

(800) 724-8172

Hearing, Speech & Deafness Center

(253) 475-0782 (voice)

(253) 474-1748 (TTY)

(253) 292-2209 (videophone)


Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities

(253) 565-9000 (voice)

711 (TTY)


한국어 다음의 수신자 부담 번호로 전 화하여 통역사와 즉시 통화하
Tiếng Việt Hãy gọi đến số điện thoại miễn phí và trò chuyện ngay với thông dịch viên.

Ballot drop boxes will open on July 14.


Barney’s Corner

43 drop box locations

will be open for the August 1, 2023 Primary Election.

Anderson Island

Anderson Island Park & Ride

Yoman Rd (near Villa Beach Rd)

Anderson Island 98303


Ashford County Park

29801 SR 706

Ashford 98304

Bonney Lake

Bonney Lake Park & Ride

Sky Island Dr E & 184th Ave E

Bonney Lake 98391

Browns Point/ Northeast Tacoma

NE Police Substation

4731 Norpoint Way NE

Tacoma 98422


Buckley Library

123 S River Rd

Buckley 98321

40512 Meridian E

Eatonville 98328

Eatonville Town Hall

201 Center St W

Eatonville 98328


Edgewood City Hall

2224 104th Ave E

Edgewood 98372


Elbe Fire Station (Next to Lahar Siren)

Elbe 98330

Fife Fife City Hall

5411 23rd St E

Fife 98424


Fircrest City Hall 115 Ramsdell St

Fircrest 98466

Fox Island

Fox Island Fire Station 53 906 Kamus Dr

Fox Island 98333

Gig Harbor

Gig Harbor City Hall

3510 Grandview St

Gig Harbor 98335

Gig Harbor Library

4424 Point Fosdick Dr NW

Gig Harbor 98335

Purdy Park & Ride

14567 Purdy Dr

Gig Harbor 98332

Graham Graham Fire & Rescue

10012 187th St E

Puyallup 98375

Graham Library 9202 224th St E

Graham 98338


Lakewood City Hall

6000 Main St SW

Lakewood 98499

Lakewood (SR 512) Park & Ride

10417 South Tacoma Way

Lakewood 98499


Milton City Hall

1000 Laurel St

Milton 98354


Orting Valley Fire & Rescue 401 Washington Ave SE Orting 98360


Parkland/Spanaway Library 13718 Pacific Ave S

Tacoma 98444

Roy Y Park & Ride

SR 507 and Pacific Ave S

Spanaway 98387


Puyallup/South Hill

Puyallup Library

324 South Meridian

Puyallup 98371

Skookum Archers

11209 Shaw Rd E

Puyallup 98374

South Hill Library

15420 Meridian E

Puyallup 98375

Roy Roy City Hall

216 McNaught Rd S Roy 98580


Totem Yacht Club

(Behind Totem Yacht Club, entrance off N 51st St )

5045 N Highland St

Ruston 98407

South Prairie

South Prairie Fire Department 350 Highway 162

South Prairie 98385


Steilacoom Library

2950 Steilacoom Blvd

Steilacoom 98388

Summit Summit Library

5107 112th St E

Tacoma 98446


Sumner Library

1116 Fryer Ave

Sumner 98390


72nd St Transit Center

1319 E 72nd St

Tacoma 98404

Community Health Care at Salishan 1708 E 44th St

Tacoma 98404

Hilltop 902 S L St

Tacoma 98405

Kandle Park Police Substation (parking lot) 5140 N 26th St

Tacoma 98407

NE Police Substation 4731 Norpoint Way NE

Tacoma 98422

Pierce County Annex 2401 S 35th St

Tacoma 98409

Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities

6315 S 19th St

Tacoma 98466

UW Tacoma 1906 Pacific Ave

Tacoma 98402

Wapato Park

S 72nd St & S Ainsworth Ave

Tacoma 98408

Wheelock Library 3722 N 26th St

Tacoma 98407


Tillicum Community Center 14916 Washington Ave SW

Lakewood 98498

University Place

West Pierce Fire & Rescue 3631 Drexler Dr W University Place 98466

Two ways to return your ballot - No stamp needed!

Must be returned by 8 p.m. on August 1, 2023


must be postmarked by August 1, 2023

drop boxes close at 8 p.m. on August 1.
Drop Box
me to view map of ballot drop boxes.

Paul Herrera

Prefers Republican Party

(253) 251-2044



Elected Experience

Pierce County Council; Governors Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee; Chaired subcommittee for Global War on Terrorism Memorial; Pierce County Equity Review Board; Pierce County Veterans Advisory Board; Pierce County Law & Justice Review Board.

Other Professional Experience

Police Sergeant Puyallup Tribe; Director Fish & Wildlife Enforcement; School Resource Officer; Pierce County Gang Taskforce; Swift Water Rescue Technician; Group Crisis Intervention; Undercover Narcotics Detective; Military Squad Leader


Tacoma Community College, Police Certification

Community Service

Member, Washington State Veterans Legislative Coalition. Veterans of Foreign Wars, State Commander 2022-23. Local Commander 2016-2018, Veteran of the Year for Washington State 2015-16. Local nursing home visits; Active in local church.


I want to cultivate an environment where individuals, families, and businesses feel secure going about their dayto-day activities. My drive to campaign stems from my strong desire to serve and protect my community. As your County Councilmember, I will be hands-on in our neighborhoods, creating change throughout Pierce County. I will fight for affordability, safety, and bettering our county.

My military and law enforcement experience has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and insight into civil rights and public safety issues. I will use this experience to make sound decisions and initiate policies that make a difference. I understand that public safety encompasses more than just crime prevention; we must also address public health and emergency preparedness.

Communities thrive when residents have access to the resources needed to live healthy, stable lives. We must invest in our public health programs to help our vulnerable populations struggling with homelessness or addiction. I understand how crucial it is to fund programs that prioritize and address these issues to create a strong community foundation.

Your County Council should reflect your interests. I promise to be your boots on the ground councilmember. Together we can build a strong, thriving Pierce County.

Jamie Smith

Prefers Democratic Party

(360) 556-1429



Elected Experience

Executive Board Member, Puyallup Education Association

Other Professional Experience

Eighteen years teaching history at Rogers and Puyallup High School, Cross Country and Track Coach, and Regional Curriculum Trainer for a national character development program working with veterans and teachers across the nation.


Pacific Lutheran University and National Board-Certified Teacher.

Community Service

From a bi-partisan family of nurses, teachers, veterans, and police officers, service is a family value. I’ve helped raise money to support a women’s shelter, mission trips, and service projects at the Puyallup United Methodist Church, and work with veterans and teachers across the country to develop character in students.


Living and teaching in Pierce County, I’ve seen party politics get in the way of solutions to our problems: Traffic, increasing crime, affordable housing, threats to our liberties, and education that doesn’t prepare students for a quickly changing workforce. These shouldn’t be partisan issues but are community problems we must work together to solve.

I will fight for improved infrastructure so we can spend less time in traffic and more time with our families. I will create programs where our first responders can work side-by-side with mental health professionals to reduce crime, because we all deserve to feel safe in our schools and homes. I will develop an affordable housing plan that takes into account growth while maintaining the character of our community and beautiful environment. I will support women’s rights to all healthcare. And I will improve our already great schools with job training and mental health professionals.

This is my home because I love the quality of life – from parks, to people, to local businesses, and community events. I am committed to making it even safer and more vibrant for the next generation.

8 end of office Pierce County Council, District No. 2
Endorsed by Pierce County Councilmember Jani Hitchen and Puyallup City Councilmember Julie Door.


(253) 258-2474



First in family to graduate college. BA in Communications, Pacific Lutheran University


Council Member, City of Auburn


I am running for re-election to create a welcoming environment where residents want to live, work and see their businesses flourish.  It’s important to have an inclusive community where all people feel accepted.  As a resident of Auburn for the past 18 years, I have seen the rise in crime and the increasing number of homeless on the street.  As residents, we all want to feel safe and ensure that everyone in our community has a place to call home.  And we want a thriving community full of economic growth.  I intend to keep fighting for this by implementing new drug laws, expanding mental health services, increasing patrols, and revitalizing the Downtown.

We have to face these issues head-on.  As a single working mother of 2 sons, I know hard work and I plan to use that same determination to continue working hard for you. I ask for your vote.


BS in Human Development-Warner Pacific College; MA in Organizational Leadership, Brandman University.


Founder/Executive Director, Your Money Matters Mentoring. (US Army Veteran-Desert Storm)


My family has lived in Auburn for the past 12 years. I currently serve as a board member on the Auburn Public School Foundation, JumpStart Washington Coalition and I am a council member on the Washington State Partnership on Juvenile Justice Council. Serving on these boards and councils has provided me with valuable experience working with leaders in the public and private sector.

If elected to city council, I will work with other council members and our mayor to make decisions based not just on immediate need, but with an eye toward the future. I will work to make city government more transparent and fiscally responsible and keeping our neighborhoods safe and crime rates low and to find and implement solutions for the homeless issues plaguing our city. Together we can make Auburn better than ever. I humbly ask for your support and vote.

For More Information: clinton4citycouncil@gmail.com


9 continued Auburn - Council Position No. 5

Adeeb Altallal

(206) 669-9601






Bachelor’s in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Washington State University.


Utilities Engineer, Broker, Notary Public, and Soccer Coach.


We deserve a leader that will listen openly to the community’s ideas and not just go through the motions of conducting a Committee or Council Meeting. The new leader needs to be ambitious to usher us into the future, while forging a relationship with new and existing small and local businesses to encourage them to flourish in our City and revitalize the Downtown area. Increasing the safety for residents and businesses alike is a hurdle we need to overcome immediately.  The answer will never be simply increasing or reducing the Police budget. We need a fundamental restructuring of an essential organization to make sure it works for and with its residents.

We need to continue having these difficult conversations; our kids deserve a safe learning environment; our residents deserve a lively and bustling Downtown. Those changes start with your vote.

I plan to earn your vote to become that leader.


Columbia River High School, Bellevue College

Occupation Chief Administrative Officer


Despite petty partisan politics derailing many good ideas in state and federal politics, I believe local government still affords the opportunity to solve problems by coming together. That’s why I’m running for City Council!

I’ve lived in many places across this great country, but my wife and I chose to settle right here in Auburn— a vibrant, welcoming community that I know is not even close to reaching its full potential.

Once elected to City Council, I plan to use my years of professional experience, including as a small business owner, to lead on the issues important to you and your family. Issues like: reducing crime, addressing homelessness and addiction, funding community infrastructure improvements, and investing in the revitalization of downtown. I look forward to working For you to help make our part of Washington the best place to live, work and raise a family. Visit www.votelott.com to learn more.

10 end of office Auburn Council Position No. 5
Auburn Council Position No. 7 continued

Hanan Amer

(253) 466-1707 info@voteamer.com voteamer.com


Bachelors, Chemistry, Benghazi university; Graduate Auburn Police Citizen’s Academy and FBI Citizens Academy.


Boeing Chemist; Auburn Planning Commission; Girl & Boy Scout Instructor.


I was born in Oklahoma and moved to Auburn in 2008.  My two sons graduated from Auburn High School.  I am running for the city council because I want to help Auburn deal with future challenges.

My priority is to create an environment where everyone feels empowered to speak up and engage.  My passion is helping others. I want to find solutions to homelessness, support small businesses, and make sure Auburn is safe.  I am a volunteer with the Auburn Police Department doing administrative tasks so officers can spend more time on patrol.  I also volunteer with the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and local libraries.

I am proud to be endorsed by Auburn Mayor Nancy Backus, Deputy Mayor James Jeyaraj, Councilmember Kate Baldwin, former Councilmember and retired police officer John Holman; and State Representative Chris Stearns. Vote for me for a vibrant and inclusive Auburn! Together, let’s make Auburn better.

end of office
No Information Submitted
No Information Submitted
No Information Submitted Auburn
Ofa Langi Ofa.langi7@gmail.com Education
Council Position No. 7

J Kelly McClimans

(253) 691-3396


Elected Experience

Bonney Lake City Council 2019-Present; Lake Jane Estates: President, Park Board.

Other Professional Experience

38 Years of Software Engineering: Software Technical Fellow, Chief Architect, Software Manager, and Technical Lead.


Bachelor Mathematics University Washington 1985, UW C++ Certified, UW 3D Game Certified, Digital Signal Processing Air Force Institute of Technology.

Community Service

Sunday school teacher (12 years); Youth leader (6 years); Soccer coach (12 years); Lake Jane Estates Board (6 years); President Lake Jane Estates (1 year); Member of Families For A Responsible Bonney Lake; Happily married (43 years); 2 adult children - graduates of UW Seattle and happily married, 4 adorable grandchildren.


I have been effective in keeping my promises. I have voted for lower water rates, voted to keep water rates from increasing, asked hard questions, and voted no. I will continue to work to ensure the government is responsible to you.

Growth must be managed well. Bonney Lake can be a beautiful, business friendly community or it can become a sprawling suburb like South Hill. I commit to ask: “What if I vote no?”

I commit to ask: “Will this serve citizens well?” I commit to preserving the beauty of Bonney Lake. I commit to responsible spending by safeguarding the existing budget and fighting unplanned expenditures. I commit to responsible growth by ensuring the plans and the budget for the city provides the critical services: police, streets, water, and sewer. I commit to a measured, responsible approach to growth that doesn’t tax the existing citizens. I commit to responsible planning, so plans ensure efficient use of every dollar. I understand every dollar spent is taken from citizens and it’s a sacred responsibility to use those dollars wisely. I would be honored to serve you and request your vote.

Duty is ours; results are God’s. - John

Thank You

Tom Watson

(253) 951-6385


Elected Experience

Bonney Lake City Council, 12 years.

Other Professional Experience

Kmart and Office Depot Store Manager combined 39 years, Small business owner, of Watson’s Wooden Words, LLC Master designer and wood carver past 12 years.


Associate degree in criminology from Grossmont Community, Graduate of American Management Association Training.

Community Service

Past Member of Bonney Lake’s Mayor’s Citizens’ Advisory Council, Bonney Lake Lions member Vision Chairman and past President.  Beautify Bonney Lake Board member and past Chairman.  Greater Bonney Lake Historical Society member, a member of the Adopt-A-Street program reducing streetside litter and improving the general appearance of our City.  Member of Bonney Lake, The Chamber Collective.


Our family has lived in Bonney Lake since 1995. My involvement in organizations and events is a testament to my commitment to positively impact our community.  Whether it’s through my participation in the Bonney Lake Lions Club, Lions 4 Kids House, Communities for Families, Lions Vision Program, Beautify Bonney Lake, serving meals at the senior center, showing up to support the local Food Bank and The Annual Big Give.  I consistently contribute my time and energy to help others and improve the lives of those around us. I feel that’s what’s necessary to be not only a leader, but a servant leader in this community.  I put my heart and soul back into this community for over 2 decades.  I have been on every City Council committee over the last 12 years, Finance, Chair of Public Safety, Economic Development & Community Development. I feel my service and understanding needs of this community are unparalleled. My passion for lowering water & sewer rates, adding parks, tax responsibility and equality for everyone makes me the only candidate you should consider for Bonney Lake. I appreciate your confidence and support over the past 12 years and would be honored to have your vote.

12 continued
Bonney Lake
Council Position No. 4

Leia Timm-McKenrick

(206) 403-0599


Elected Experience


Other Professional Experience

I have 20+ years of being a Senior Store Manager at National corporations, I also worked for non profits such as WashPIRG, and Working America focusing on environmental and workers issues.


Columbia Basin College; DeVry University

Community Service

I have been involved with scouting, and coaching youth sports


I have a fabulous wife and 4 wonderful kids.  I love the outdoors, grilling in my backyard, music, and family time. I strongly believe in fiscal responsibility, inclusiveness, and working together to make our community stronger and safer. I want to ensure that local businesses thrive and and our children have a bright future.

13 end of office Bonney Lake - Council Position No. 4



Elected Experience

Edgewood City Council 2005-2013; Deputy Mayor 2005-2009.

Other Professional Experience

I’m currently a Division Manager for Alcon Vision, overseeing sales representatives throughout a 10-state region. Most of my career has been selling medical devices in the healthcare sector.


Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Washington State University.

Community Service

I’m currently a Puyallup School District classroom volunteer for my daughter who is a second-grade teacher. I also serve regularly with Seattle’s UGM Search and Rescue program. I’ve held various positions within churches that I have been a member of, such as Elder (The Well NW Church), Church Chairman and building campaign Chairman (Bethany Baptist Church).


My roots grow deep in Edgewood. In 1975, when my father was the Assistant Principal at Edgemont, he would take me to Noel’s for milkshakes after football games. In 1992, my beautiful wife Cheryl and I bought our first home in Edgewood where we raised our four daughters Robyn, Adria, Emily, and Bethany. Now in 2023, I am prepared to step down from my job and serve Edgewood as a full-time mayor.

I see three distinct groups of people that the mayor needs to work with. The most important group is our 13,000 citizens. A mayor needs to have the ability to interact well with everyone, all 13,000. Next, there is the city council. Since the mayor doesn’t have a vote on the council, they need to guide the council to properly represent the citizens of Edgewood. Finally, the staff at city hall. They need thoughtful leadership and support. I believe I have the proper skillset and personality to work well with all three people groups.

My experience gleaned from eight years on the council, and two terms as Deputy Mayor, combined with my corporate experience, have prepared me well to serve you as mayor.

I would appreciate your vote.

Christi Keith

(253) 234-7510



Elected Experience

Current Elected Edgewood City Council Member. South Sound Housing Affordability Partners Executive Committee. 31st PCO.

Other Professional Experience

Strategic leader, organizational change consultant, and professional mentor with 35+ years of experience in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. Founding President & Co-Founder: Tahoma Community Land Trust (Affordable Housing).


North Texas State University, Honors English; International Publishing Management Association - Certified Publishing Management; Totally Quality Management - XEROX Training Program Graduate; Southern Methodist University - Graphics; Lean Management

Community Service

Non-Profit Fundraiser and volunteer. I am a long-time community advocate for education, food security, healthy communities, healthcare, housing, rural economic development, and fairness for all.


Edgewood is growing and must stay a welcoming place to live, shop, and play with a high quality of life for all by protecting our community while providing economic opportunities, robust public safety, and growth infrastructure by sharing costs among all -- not just current residents.

Protecting public health and safety, environment, and ease of transit are critical. The Growth Management Act constrains but we can lessen growing pains while embracing Edgewood’s Master Plan.

I’m a proven leader, change manager, and big systems thinker that brings competing perspectives together. A fiscally conservative budget hawk known for directness, consensusbuilding, transparency, fairness, and fact-based management, I identify and fix problems and build future capacity through the work of others.

Mentoring through roadblocks, retaining/growing staff, and aiding council in congenial, factual decision-making with a weak mayor/strong council requires full-time dedication with experience managing people and boards, building community, and creating agency partnerships. I focus on good change that people can actually feel, even when it’s hard and have put my money where my values are by focusing my latter career to civic service. I am a small-town, easy-going, no nonsense farm girl at heart with big city experience and ask for your vote!

14 continued Edgewood - Mayor

Tyron J. Christopherson

(253) 891-9134

tyronchristopherson@outlook.com friendsfortyron.com

Elected Experience

2014-2021 City of Edgewood Council Position No. 3.     2016-2019

City of Edgewood Deputy Mayor.

Other Professional Experience

Currently employed with a multinational investment bank and financial services corporation for the past 28 years. For the past 15 years I have been Vice President and Financial Center Manager in Milton, WA.


Graduate of Centralia High School, A.A. Degree from Centralia Community College, and B.A. Degree with an emphasis in Business from The Evergreen State College.

Community Service

Proud donor and volunteer at the Edgewood Nourish Food Bank. Former member of the City of Milton Police Foundation.


As a 21-year resident and a recent two-term city council member, I have had the privilege of working in and for a community that I love. This provides me with incredible insight as to how our city should look.

Like you, I want the amenities that our surrounding communities have. As your future mayor it is important to me that we continue to take an active approach to growth while meeting your expectations. We accomplish this by having a mayor, council and city staff that embody our city’s vision of “A unique, safe and prosperous community of neighbors.”

Having an enjoyable and safe community for our families and children can be achieved by managing and planning for growth. Prospective businesses are looking at Edgewood. We need to demonstrate that we are capable and willing to accommodate their needs while keeping our citizens’ best interests in mind.

I’m confident, as a father and husband, more than three decades of leadership make me the ideal candidate for this position. I will work hard for you so that Edgewood will be the city that inspires change and encourages growth that we all can enjoy.

Ryan Day

(202) 330-2969


Elected Experience

I have served on the Edgewood City Council for the past six years where I have been the consistent voice for tackling challenges head on.

Other Professional Experience

I spent fifteen years working in public policy for non-profits on topics including children with disabilities, maternal and newborn health, childhood hunger, safe routes to school, and national security.  I currently work in cyber security with a network detection and response company.


BA George Mason University - Government

Community Service

I served in the US Marines Corps from 1999-2003.  On September 11th 2001 I was on duty at Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia.


My promise to you is that I will always give you an honest and straightforward answer. If I disagree with you, I’ll explain why, and if I cannot explain why then I’ll probably change my mind. You deserve a mayor who is more interested in getting the best answer than winning a popularity contest. I think I’m that guy.

We cannot stop the growth that so many of us dislike, but we can shape how it happens. Most of us want sidewalks connecting our parks and schools, and we need to figure out if and how to pay for that. Many of us have septic systems that will eventually fail, and expanding sewers is extremely expensive. There are many challenges that your next mayor will have to guide the discussion around, and I think with my experience and reputation for straightforwardness and not “kicking the can down the road”, that I’m the right person to do it.

P.S. – My daughters Paige and Zoey want to bake treats for city meetings, so at least we’ll have snacks!

15 end of office Edgewood - Mayor

(253) 820-1714


Elected Experience

This is my first campaign for public office.

Other Professional Experience

Principal, Lakes High School, Clover Park School District (2009-present); Assistant Principal, Lakes High School, Clover Park School District, (2007-2009); Taught English and Social Studies from 1992 to 2007 at Silas (formerly Wilson) High School, Foss High School and Tacoma School of the Arts


Certification in Educational Leadership, City University; Masters in Education, City University; Bachelor of Arts and Teacher

Certification, The Evergreen State College; Associates Degree, Tacoma Community College

Community Service

PTSA, youth league softball coach, YMCA volunteer swim coach


From a Fircrest family since the 1970s, I ran around the Tot Lot, played softball in the park, and couldn’t wait to pass the swim test so I could go in the deep end.

Even though I moved away for a time, I always knew I would come back and raise my children here. Now, I take my grandson to the newest iteration of the Tot Lot, and thanks to the work of so many, the Community Center and Pool are better than ever and remain the heart of the community.

After nearly 30 years in public education, I understand how important a safe, inclusive community is in order for families and children to thrive. If elected, I will support our police department’s commitment to community policing and keep our parks well maintained and welcoming to all.

As an educator and administrator, I have the experience, integrity and commitment to make a difference in Fircrest. I’m proud to say I am endorsed by Councilmembers Hunter George, Joe Barrentine and Nikki Bufford. I would love the opportunity to give back and help keep Fircrest a safe and caring community.

Chris Sommerville

(253) 780-1444



Elected Experience

First Time Running

Other Professional Experience

After High School, I went to work in the printing industry as a proud member of our Local Printers Union until promoted into Management & Sales (13 years). In addition, I have 10+ years Mortgage & Banking experience, and held licenses as a Realtor & Insurance Agent/Broker. Currently, I am Business Development Manager for a National Insurance Underwriter.


Attended local private & public schools: St. Patrick’s Elementary, Jason Lee Junior High, Stadium High School.

Community Service

Past Rotarian (Rotary 8), where I was involved in many community service initiatives. Proudly volunteered at The American Lake Golf Course for Veterans.


Ever since I was young, Fircrest has evoked images of a familycentric, safe, and nurturing community. Recently married and starting a family later in life, I found Fircrest to be the ideal location for my growing family after outgrowing our modest home in Central Tacoma. I feel like the City Council’s mission should be to maintain Fircrest as the ideal place for longterm residents and families to settle, establish roots, and to thrive. If elected, I plan on helping achieve this by listening and responding to our residents’ needs, striving to keep it rooted in it’s legacy and rich history. My values revolve around accountability, fair law enforcement with adequate funding, infrastructure development, improved parks and public spaces, and a strong focus on education. Together, we can improve and maintain our vibrant and thriving community that fulfills the hopes and dreams of every family and resident of the beautiful city of Fircrest.

16 continued Fircrest - Council Position No. 4

(253) 219-5675


Elected Experience


Other Professional Experience

Small Business Manager, Sales Manager, Business Development and Senior Account Executive for United Parcel Service


AAS Pierce College; BA American History, University of Washington Tacoma; MA School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington

Community Service

Participation in city planning workshops. Member of pool/ rec steering committee. Regular attendee at City Council and Planning Commission meetings.


I grew up in Steilacoom and, with my wife Sue, moved to Fircrest in 1986. We raised our two children here because we loved the small-town feel and sense of community, and we stay because it is quiet and safe. Most of these attributes remain—but they are threatened by high-density development, new state zoning mandates, crime and other pressure from nearby Tacoma.

2025! I want to help see Fircrest into its second century. Progress, yes--but at a pace that preserves who we are. We are an island in an ocean of change, but we still have a voice in how that change looks. I believe we ought to tap the brakes on development if it is too fast, too expensive, too dense or too imposed.

I am fiscally conservative. I am pro-law enforcement. I believe we should control our zoning locally. I oppose the expansion of Form-Based Code. I want everyone, from young families to our legacy residents, to keep living here affordably. Property taxes should not be increased. You won’t find me on Facebook, but please reach out to me by phone, email--or in person!

17 Fircrest - Council Position No. 4
end of office

Hunter T. George



Elected Experience

Fircrest City Councilmember, 2012 – present; Mayor 2018 - 2021; former Chair of Fircrest Finance Committee

Other Professional Experience

Policy and Government Relations Officer for Metro Parks

Tacoma; Chair of South Sound Housing Affordability Partnership; Vice Chair of Pierce County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee; 28 years of private- and public sector leadership including communications and human resources


B.A., history, North Carolina State University, 1990

Community Service

Member of Kiwanis Club of Fircrest, University Place Presbyterian Church, Rotary 8, American Leadership Forum Class XXX, National Recreation and Park Association, and Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence; Chair of 2019 Fircrest Park Bond campaign


Leadership with Integrity: Kathleen and I chose Fircrest as the place to raise our children because of its safe, family friendly, small town charm. It’s an honor to represent you on the City Council.

Enhanced Public Safety: We increased the Fircrest Police Department’s budget to add a 10th officer, which will boost traffic enforcement and neighborhood patrols, and I support adding an 11th officer as soon as our budget can sustain it. I’m the Council’s leading advocate to develop a comprehensive pedestrian safety plan (placement of crosswalks, bike lanes, planter strips, etc.).

Improved Parks and Recreation: As Mayor, I was proud to co-lead the community effort to design, fund, and build our new pool and community center. What an impact on our quality of life and property values! Recently, I sponsored the city’s work to update the master plan for Whittier Park, and I’m excited to see how you determine that park’s future.

Better Customer Service: We are modernizing Fircrest’s systems, enhancing support for our beloved community events, and we even made it easier to get a passport! Our little city can do these things because we are careful stewards of your tax dollars. I humbly ask for your support.

Vince Navarre

(253) 441-5152



Elected Experience


Other Professional Experience

42 years as a health influencer in medical/pharma health care field working with providers and patients and focusing in on education to effect behavior change.


Bachelors Biology Central Washington

Community Service

Fircrest Kiwanis; Dupont Historical Society Board of Directors; Buffalo Soldiers Museum; JDRF South Sound Board of Directors; American Diabetes Association


For the past 12 years, my family and I have called Fircrest home. I have resided in Pierce County over fifty years.

As a husband and father of three boys and grand father to six grandchildren who also reside in the county, I am fully vested in our community and our future.

Fircrest is renowned for its safe and family-friendly community, and I am running for city council to ensure that we maintain our small-town values distinct from the larger cities around us. My top priorities as your council member will be

Safety is the bedrock of any community, and I am committed to working with the council and law enforcement to prioritize public safety. Service is at the heart of our community, and I am dedicated to working collaboratively to serve the needs of our residents. This includes supporting our public works staff, community center, parks, and recreation employees. Integrity is of the utmost importance in all our operations and governance. We must prioritize the needs of the Fircrest community, serve with honesty, and communicate transparently. Our stewardship of the city’s finances must be carried out with diligent consideration and accountability.

Fircrest - Council Position No. 5 continued

Louisa Beal

(253) 565-8447


Elected Experience

I have not held elected office.

Other Professional Experience

I owned a veterinary practice at Browns Point for 10 years and had a companion animal behavior consulting practice for 30 years.  I created the program for veterinary assistants at Renton Technical College.


DVM from WSU.

Community Service

Executive Director for Radio Tacoma, a local community radio station; Board of Noah’s Pet Project, a free monthly clinic for cats and dogs; Board of AIDNW, which advocates for immigrants in the detention center on the Tacoma tide flats; Advisory Board for Renton Technical College Veterinary Assistant Program.


Since 1994, I have lived in the house my aunt and uncle built in 1940 when Fircrest was Regent’s Park.  My father was born in Fircrest and my sister and neice also live here, so I have deep family ties to this community.  My focus is living in harmony with nature and our neighbors.

It is important to recognize that there will be disruptive weather events in the future as there have been in the past.  Fircrest needs to be forward-looking and prepared to meet those challenges.  The new Roy H. Murphy Community Center provides the perfect venue for educational events to inform our residents about how we can be prepared to deal with our needs in the future.

19 end of office Fircrest - Council Position No. 5

Ryan Pearson

(928) 830-9475


Elected Experience

I am a first time candidate.

Other Professional Experience

I am a licensed Professional Engineer in Washington State. For the past five years I have been employed by Pierce County. The previous six years I worked as a civil engineering consultant.


Northern Arizona University - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with Minor in Mechanical Engineering.

Community Service

Vice-chair of the Lakewood Planning Commission; President of HOA.


As a professional engineer, I work as a problem solver with both public and private sector experience. I have developed a positive relationship with members of the Council and familiarity with community issues. I have contributed to revisions to the Land Use & Development Code and other development related items and am excited for the opportunity to serve you in an expanded capacity.

My wife is a lifelong Lakewood resident. I have proudly called Lakewood home for the past decade. We are grateful to be raising our two young children here. I understand the importance of public safety to your family. While the state has made law enforcement more difficult, I pledge to continue Lakewood’s resistance to misconceived policies which endanger our community.

Being mindful of environmental factors, we need to encourage development which allows people to live close to employment opportunities. We have a beautiful community. The city has invested in impactful infrastructure and parks projects. I pledge to continue this trend.

If you are looking for a firebrand or politically divisive candidate, that is not me. I promise to be accessible, listen to the public and be an advocate for common sense. Please honor me with your vote.

Charles Ames

(253) 888-1126

chasinlakewood@gmail.com chooseChas.us

Elected Experience

Neighborhood Association President. President, Harrison Preparatory School Parent Teacher Org. City of Lakewood Public Safety Advisory Committee, 2-term Chair. Marine Corps League, Detachment 504, Commandant. Veteran Service Officer, American Legion.

Other Professional Experience

20 years military career, Marine Corps and National Guard. 90 days, Defense Information School, Journalism.


Pierce College alum, Phi Theta Kappa, President’s List. 2 years Communication Technology.

Community Service

Certified Veteran Service Officer and monthly benefit columnist. Lakewood Arts Task Force, inaugural member and first donor. Lakewood Playhouse advocate; actor, usher. Lakewood Sister Cities Association. Lakewood Sign Code Committee.


Over 1/3 of Lakewood has never been represented.

So, what gets me out of bed each day? Adversity. I always have one foot in the future, watching for a problem that needs solving. As Chair of the City of Lakewood’s Public Safety Advisory Committee, I began handing out masks two years before COVID-19. I inquired about Lakewood water safety, was told “don’t worry about it”, then we all found ‘forever chemicals’ in our water the following year. I asked if Amtrak had conducted tests prior to the DuPont derailment... they had not.

When 20 City employees were furloughed, I was the only one who raised my voice in protest while the City gave themselves a 50% pay raise. I was the only person to advocate for housing safety, which was later implemented in the Rental Housing Safety Program.

I’ve been a resident of Pierce County for most of my life, almost all of it spent in the City of Lakewood. In my neighborhood, people know me as someone who helps them out. What if I could do that for an entire city... See how at ‘chooseChas.us’

20 continued Lakewood - Council Position No. 4

Paul Wagemann

(253) 209-5638



Elected Experience

Pierce County Charter Review Commissioner, Clover Park School Board Director, Precinct Committee Officer (PCO).

Other Professional Experience

Decorated Marine Corps fighter pilot (Major USMC retired) with Navy, Air Force, Marines, and NASA commendations.  Entrepreneur and business owner.  Retail, management, grocery, construction and finance experience with large companies.


University of Washington Bachelor of Science - Aeronautics and Astronautics, Air Force Test Pilot School, Naval Aviation Safety Officer School, Command and Staff College, Hillsdale College Online Courses.

Community Service

Lakewood Planning Commissioner (8 years), Chairman Lakewood Transportation Committee (8 years), Lakewood YMCA Advisory Council (10 years), Bible Study Fellowship Leader (29 years).

Married to Linda 50 Years.


I’ve served my community and nation with common sense leadership for many years. Locally I’ve help direct Lakewood’s development, infrastructure maintenance and improvements. As a school board director my priority was increasing the District’s academic achievement.

Our region is experiencing turmoil caused by increased homelessness, drug use and a lack of hope for the future. Lakewood needs to be proactive in addressing these issues before they affect the quality of our lives. Economic development must provide good paying jobs for our citizens and a business friendly environment for our entrepreneurs.

Our community must promote crime prevention and law enforcement. Only by holding our citizens accountable to the values that make for a livable community can we live in peace and care for each other. America is a land of hope and I am committed to helping Lakewood be a community of hope.

City budgets must be linked to the problems we hope to solve while caring for our most vulnerable neighbors. We need common sense values that honor and equip those who educate, serve, and protect our community and country, and remove the roadblocks that impede success. We can work together to build a brighter future for all of us.

21 end of office Lakewood - Council Position No. 4


US Army Airborne Ranger, Associate’s Fire Command/ Administration, Associate’s Arts/Science, Bachelor’s in Business (Honors Graduate)


Retired Firefighter, Small Forest Tree Farm Owner, Pacific Council Member


As your council member, I made fixing our deteriorating infrastructure like our streets, water and sewer lines my top priority.  These are essential services that government provides its citizens.  Now, crime and speeding are on the rise and we need our laws to be enforced.

As a combat veteran, I understand the importance of sacrifice for the greater good. I have committed my life to public service and have proven leadership experiences in building successful teams.  As council member, I promised to work with the Council and Mayor to fix our problems and develop plans that make our city an example to be followed rather than a city to be ridiculed.  I believe I succeeded in keeping that promise.  Allow me to continue moving us forward, continue fixing our streets and other infrastructure as well as enforce the law.

Help keep our city government transparent. Please support me for Mayor.

Education Bellevue College


Sales Supervisor at Statco Engineering


I have been a resident of Pacific since 1990, and a city council member for the past six years. Prior to that, I served on the Park Board and volunteer at many of the city events. During my years of serving the city I have found it important to work with the businesses and residents for their input.

You deserve a Mayor that is ready to serve your needs, such as road repair, infrastructure, expanding community services i.e. the Senior Center and Youth Services. It is my goal to see the city continue to move on a forward path that enriches the lives of our residents.

As your Mayor, my door will always be open to meet with you and discuss your vision for the community in which we all live. With your assistance, we can keep moving Pacific in a positive direction. I humbly ask for your vote.

22 continued Pacific - Mayor
(253) 329-0075 kave4pacific@hotmail.com
(206) 446-6237 karbear574@yahoo.com

Nancy Franklin

(253) 797-7685



Education Psychology, Education Classes, Heartland College (Margaret Espidido Scholarship) Home and Family life Certification, Centralia College


Founder, Owner, Dazed and Reused Artworks; Art Instructor, Event Planner


For the past decade, I’ve had the privilege of calling Pacific home, while wearing many hats as a small business owner, artist, and proud mother. I have three generations living here. My heart truly beats for our town. Being a prominent member in Tacoma’s small business scene and spreading the joy of self-expression through mobile art classes, I’ve found I have a fire in my heart for community development and helping people.

As Mayor, community and safety take top priority. I’ll work to transform our parks into functional safe havens. I’ll make sure playground equipment is well-maintained, monitor road conditions, collaborate with local enforcement to address concerns, revamp our evacuation route, and create new opportunities.

Drawing from my artistic and entrepreneurial background, I’ll infuse our community with a renewed sense of charm and spirit! With fun community events, trail activities, and a local farmers market, we’ll revitalize our home together.

23 end of office Pacific - Mayor

Dean Johnson

(253) 799-0311



Elected Experience

Dean Johnson currently serves as Mayor of Puyallup and is the only candidate in this race ever elected by Puyallup voters. Our Mayor Johnson holds the unique distinction as being the only City Council member elected two times by voters from across the entire city and represents all three districts

Other Professional Experience

Mayor Dean Johnson is not a career politician, rather he supports his family as a small business owner and works parttime at Nordstrom. Previously Executive Director, Breast Cancer nonprofit and Pastor, Immanuel Celebration Church


Master’s Degree, Faith International University-Seminary

Community Service

Parks Trail Volunteer; Board Vice-President YWAM Adoption (past); Coach YMCA (past)


Mayor Dean Johnson is the only candidate in this race ever elected by voters to serve on the Puyallup City Council. Mayor Johnson will never vote to defund our Police and is the only candidate in this race endorsed by both Puyallup Police unions including the Police Management Association. Hence a vote for Dean is a vote for our Puyallup Police!

Dean believes in protecting Puyallup farmlands and works hard to limit the negative effects of massive warehouse developments! He supported the new Van Lierop Park and our fully remodeled Puyallup Rec-Center with multi-use sports-fields and artificial turf. He supported the expansion of the Riverwalk and Puyallup Loop trails as well as new green space and playground equipment for our children.

Seniors and families are struggling financially and he believes all major tax increases, including a new Public Safety Building, should be decided by the voters, not City Council. Dean prioritizes local family and small businesses, not outside rich corporations!

Our Mayor is committed to running a positive campaign and realizes that misleading statements may be said by opposition, however he trusts your ability to ignore politically driven noise. A vote for Dean protects Puyallup from radical politics and agendas!

Elected Experience


Colombo (253)

Precinct Committee Officer; Current City of Puyallup Design Review & Historic Preservation Board Member.

Other Professional Experience

IT Project Management & Facilitation; Former Counselor for Consumer Credit Counseling Service.


M.A., Psychology, Western American University; B.A., Western Washington University; Gov. John R Rogers High School; Ballou Junior High.

Community Service

Founder of a Local Civics Minded Organization; Founder of Families of Puyallup Public Schools group; Charter Member of Pierce County Virtual Lions Club; Ballou Jr. High PTA Member; Former Puyallup Kiwanis Member and Dessie Evans Puyallup Elementary School PTA Member.


Puyallup urgently needs ethical leaders. I moved my family back here after graduating college so my daughter could learn in our great schools and share our sense of community. Now I want to give back by building a stronger foundation for our city.

As a longtime resident, I feel it is important for Puyallup to keep its small-town charm. I want to preserve farmland and keep warehouses from taking over. I will find solutions to the Shaw Road problem. Accountable government repairs potholes and crumbling sidewalks. I will champion transparency and accountability throughout government, starting with an independent ethics commission that our city desperately needs. I will make certain police and first responders have the resources they need to do their jobs.

24 continued Puyallup - Council District No. 2 Position No. 1
I am the only candidate who is endorsed by labor and Puyallup teachers. I earned their support because they know I’m the grassroots candidate who will do what it takes to get things done. My background in finance uniquely qualifies me to ensure your tax dollars are wisely spent. I have a proven history of doing what’s right by helping others. It would be an honor to earn your vote as your next city councilmember. 307-5835 joe@friendsofjoe.info

(253) 381-7957



Elected Experience

This is my first public election campaign.

Other Professional Experience

Project Manager, Federal Way Link Extension Traffic Mitigation Project, Puyallup City Engineer, Puyallup Stormwater Engineer, licensed professional Civil Engineer; LEED and STP certified; Pierce County PSRC Project Selection Committee, Pierce County Ad hoc Committee, Stormwater Workgroup, Clarks Creek Task Force Lead


Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Structures, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY

Community Service

US Army veteran (Captain, Corps of Engineers); Puyallup Parks and Recreation Board; Puyallup Planning Commission; Treasurer, Puyallup River Watershed Council; Webmaster, West Point Society of Washington; Pierce Conservation District volunteer; Stonegate Homeowners Association, President


I’ve been an engaged and involved citizen of Puyallup since 1987, after leaving service as an officer in the US Army. I raised my children here, and now my grandchildren live here too. I’m invested in this community.

My unique blend of experience is an asset for this position and provides me with a balanced perspective. Having been a small business owner, a land developer and government employee at local, county and federal levels provides me with a deep understanding of stakeholder and city interests.

This position is non-partisan, and I embody that philosophy. I’ve made it my practice to seek out differing opinions, listen carefully to those concerns, and work to understand their point of view. In my experience, the best outcomes result from such an approach. By working this way, I will be able to make informed decisions which are the best for the great City of Puyallup.

I will work hard to help Puyallup be all it can be. Together we can improve what we already have by supporting our parks, funding our infrastructure needs, focusing on public safety, encouraging smart growth and responsible government.

25 end of office Puyallup - Council District No. 2 Position No. 1

(253) 503-9502

info@walker4tacoma.com walker4tacoma.com

Elected Experience

Current Tacoma Deputy Mayor and City Councilmember

Other Professional Experience

Former Executive Director of Downtown On the Go. City of Tacoma Transportation Commission. Foss Waterway Development Authority. Washington State Commute Trip Reduction Board.


BA, Pacific Lutheran University. American Leadership Forum Tacoma-Pierce County.

Community Service

University of Washington Urban Studies Advisory Board. Transportation Choices Coalition Board of Directors. Former ywca RAGS Guild, ALS Association Board, Tacoma Center YMCA Board of Directors.


On the Council, I’ve worked with my colleagues to improve inequalities related to our transportation system and home ownership, worked diligently to close equity gaps, and passed legislation improving air and water quality in vulnerable communities. If reelected I will continue to prioritize expanding shelter options, increasing safe parking sites, and building more affordable housing.

As a mother of young kids and spouse of a teacher, I’m committed to making our neighborhoods safer and doing more to prevent gun violence. By expanding community engagement programs, supporting youth programming, implementing the crime reduction plan, ensuring the police force is fully staffed, and investing in alternative response units, we’ll improve public safety. I’ll invest in our neighborhoods to ensure they are diverse, safe, and vibrant. I’ll continue to support small businesses to grow our local economy, invest in innovation, and create goodpaying jobs, and keep fighting to strengthen environmental protections and combat climate change.

Endorsements: Mayor Woodards and 6 councilmembers; U.S. Reps. Kilmer and Strickland; State Senators Nobles and Trudeau; State Reps. Jinkins, Fey, Leavitt; Pierce County Councilmembers Mello, Campbell, Hitchen, Denson; ATU 587, Washington Conservation Action, Pierce County Central Labor Council, IBEW 483, National Women’s Political Caucus, Tacoma Education Association.

Elected Experience

No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience

Web developer, database and server administrator.


Bachelor of Science, Computing and Software Systems,University of Washington Tacoma; Associates Degree, Pierce College; Franklin Pierce High School;

Community Service

Graduate of the City of Tacoma’s Citizens’ Academy


I want to pave our roads and grade our alleys because many of them are in rough shape. I want to reduce 911 response times, because a 10-minute average for priority 1 calls, and a 2-hour average for “routine” calls, is too long. I want to build enough shelter beds so that we can eliminate homelessness in Tacoma, while still abiding by the 9th Circuit’s “Martin v. City of Boise’’ ruling. I want to address housing affordability with a focus on building starter homes and discouraging absentee/corporate landlords so that Tacomans can start to build wealth, rather than forcing them into being lifelong renters.

I want to invest in better recycling machines and carbon capture incinerators so that we don’t have to continue shipping all of our trash 30 miles out of town. I want to agitate the legislature for the ability to put an advisory vote on the general election ballot asking “Would you prefer more, fewer, or the same amount of police patrols in your neighborhood,” because I believe that we Tacomans should be the ones who decide how we are policed. Please email me with any questions you may have. Thank you!

26 continued Tacoma - Council-at-Large Position No. 8

(253) 970-7341



Elected Experience

No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience

I’m biracial, born in ‘88 and raised on Hilltop. In my lifetime I have witnessed many changes in Tacoma, both good and bad. I seek to serve Tacoma as a force for positive change. Professionally, I work for the state as a transportation planner to improve salmon passage. During my free-time, I serve on three non-profit boards and am active in our local Masonic Lodge, Fairweather #82. I enjoy hiking with my wife and two shepskis, savoring the beauty and splendor of Tacoma and the great Pacific Northwest.


No Information Submitted

Community Service

No Information Submitted


Tacoma’s graduation rate has improved from 48% when I graduated to nearly 80% today. This was accomplished by providing supportive programs and additional funding, and the data reflects that. The City of Destiny, Tacoma, has all of the support and ingredients we need to succeed. We have diverse residents, solid infrastructure, and plentiful natural beauty and resources. Tacoma has many unique qualities—let’s put them to good use!

We live in a data-driven society and that data tells a story. We can study, measure, and quantify like never before, thanks to modern technology. If our destiny is to use technology to improve our quality of life, then the City of Destiny should embrace the future. As a councilmember, my goal is to shape a city of the future and ensure a high quality of life for all Tacoma residents. We must proactively supporting a modern workforce and making Tacoma an attractive fit for new, upcoming industries. Some examples include microchip technology production, renewable energy production, and sustainable maritime. We have a history of microchip production here in Pierce County, and we can once again be at the forefront of technology, and boost our national security.

Tacoma - Council-at-Large Position No. 8 end of office

Malando Redeemer

(206) 745-2010



Elected Experience


Other Professional Experience

Negotiator/Contract Director, UFCW 3000 (2022-Present); Youth Ministry, Shiloh Baptist Church (2018-Current), Youth Pastor, Peoples Institutional Baptist Church (2015-2018); Union Organizer, SEIU Healthcare 1199 NW (2019-2022); Civic Engagement Coordinator and Organizer, The Institute for Community Leadership (2017-2018)


Bachelor’s in political science, Evergreen State College

Community Service

Founder and President of United Advocates for Justice; Executive Vice President, Tacoma Branch of NAACP; Director, NAACP Youth Council; Delegate, Pierce County Central Labor Council; Delegate, MLK Central Labor Council; Board Member, Associated Ministries; Charter Board Member, Youth and Young Adult Homeless Campaign; Tacoma Black Collective; Director of Equity and Social Justice Tacoma Ministerial Alliance


District three has been home since childhood. Even when my parents were priced out to Spanaway, we commuted every day for school, work, and worship. I got married and bought my first home here and it’s where I’ll raise my family. My love for this community inspires my service as a union organizer, Youth Pastor, and partner in community promoting equity and creating solutions to homelessness. This love has led me to run for City Council.

I want Tacoma to be a place where families can live where they work and work where they live, without being priced out or commuting to find living wage jobs. Through my labor organizing and my own experience buying a home in 2021 – I know firsthand the struggle working families face. A strong economy and thriving workforce will benefit everyone. When people’s basic needs are met, they invest in our local businesses and we see decreases in poverty, homelessness, and crime. On the council, I’ll advocate for better resources, safer neighborhoods, and more opportunity for families to reach their destiny.

I’m proud to be supported by Pierce County Labor Council and many local leaders, including Mayor Woodards and the council including Councilmember Blocker.

Jamika Scott

(509) 730-5846



Elected Experience

No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience

AmeriCorps - Peace Community Center in Tacoma; private childcare provider; YWCA Pierce County as an assistant in the Children’s Program; YWCA as the School-Aged Children’s Advocate providing domestic violence services to youth and families; Event photographer; Filmmaker.


B.A., Linfield University

Community Service

Co-founder of Tacoma Action Collective; The Grand Cinema Board of Directors; Tacoma Arts. Commission; Tacoma Public Library Foundation Board of Directors.


As a lifelong Tacoma resident, I have seen what happens when systems fail to serve marginalized and vulnerable people. I am running for City Council because I know it doesn’t have to be that way. We need leaders committed to urgent, positive action–the status quo isn’t improving our health, safety and economic security.

As your Councilmember, I will prioritize improving public safety by investing in crime prevention, gun violence prevention, and alternative response programs; I’ll step up for youth and families by expanding affordable housing, childcare, community centers and park improvements; I’ll help create a dynamic economy through workforce training and promoting women, LGBTQ, and BIPOC entrepreneurship; I’ll address environmental and climate justice impacts that disproportionately harm low income households and workers.

I’m proud to be endorsed by Council member Kiara Daniels; School Board Directors Lisa Keating and Chelsea McElroy; City Prosecutor Sergio Flores; Port Commissioner Kristin Ang; Washington Conservation Action; and more!

The work we have to do is both difficult and possible. It will require bold action to find solutions that are creative and considerate, moving us closer to the safe, healthy, and affordable city we all know Tacoma can be!

28 continued Tacoma - Council District No. 3

Chris Van Vechten

(253) 666-8987



Elected Experience

Precinct Committee Officer (2016-2018), Neighborhood Council (2010-2012)

Other Professional Experience

Trial Attorney: nine years as a public defender, two as a rule 9 prosecutor.  Owner of the Law Office of Chris Van Vechten (2014-Present).  Washington State House Policy Staffer (2006) and State Senate (2008).


J.D., Seattle University School of Law, B.A., University of Puget Sound.

Community Service

Tacoma Community Redevelopment Authority, Pierce County Arts Commission, Mayor Strickland’s K-12 Education Task Force, NW Justice Project’s Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program, Pierce County Neighborhood Legal Clinic, Peace Community Center, Mi Centro, Pierce County Superior Court Criminal Procedure Committee, NORTAC kindergarten soccer coach.


Chris is an attorney, entrepreneur, and long-time resident of Hilltop whose candidacy aims to bridge the gap between compassion and common sense on issues such as crime, homelessness, economic development, and housing. He is the father of a second grader, the husband of a healthcare professional, and an accomplished advocate for working families.

If elected, Chris will ensure that Tacoma has a well-trained and accountable police department with adequate resources to respond to citizens’ calls and complaints. He will also push for investment in crime prevention through accessible counseling services, constructive after-school programs for underserved youth, and stable housing for low-income families. Additionally, Chris will use his professional experience to foster entrepreneurship, create living wage jobs, and support job creators in historically marginalized communities.

Finally, Chris believes that homelessness should be addressed by providing services that offer opportunities for all while holding everyone accountable. He does not accept a housing market where inheritance is the sole path to home ownership.

Endorsements: Port Commissioner Kristen Ang, Former State Auditor Brian Sonntag, Former Pierce County Executive John Ladenburg and Pierce County Councilmember Connie Ladenburg, Former Tacoma City Councilmembers Robert Thoms, Lillian Hunter, and Tom Stenger, Former Tacoma Public Schools President Scott Heinze

Elected Experience

Grateful for the opportunity to be a first-time candidate for elected office

Other Professional Experience

Worked for 23 years in IT before switching to Healthcare 17 years ago. Nominated as a Union Employee Representative/Delegate and selected to serve on Bargaining/Negotiation Committees for the ratification of agreements between employer and employee where we achieved our mutual goal of providing quality patient care.


Clover Park Technical College, Tacoma Community College, Renton Technical College

Community Service

Honored to have worked with organizations whose focus is to not only sit with the broken but to also walk alongside them on that wonderful road we call recovery


I am running for Tacoma City Council because I believe there is a choir of voices that desperately want a city that is safe, a city that is clean, and a city that is united. I would be telling an untruth if I said that I have all the answers. But mark my words, if I am elected as your City Council Member I will neither put forward nor support anything without first considering whether if helps with achieving these fundamental goals for our wonderfully diverse city that we call Tacoma.

I humbly ask for your vote. Tacoma’s escalating homelessness, drug epidemic, and mental illness literally came to my front doorsteps like it has for so many of us. In my quest for answers I not only formed friendships with some of my “street neighbors” but I also got to know and work with some of the most wonderful people in Tacoma, including businesses, schools, churches, and city leaders.

I want to continue to meet, listen, and serve my neighborhood and city where I was born, raised, and have lived most of my life. My hope is that together we can have a Tacoma that is safe, clean, and united.

Tacoma - Council District No. 3
facebook.com/Sheldon for Tacoma City Council, Dist. 3 continued
Sheldon Greyell sheldonegreyell@gmail.com

John Frazier

(253) 495-9134


Elected Experience

Hi, my name is John Frazier, I’m a single father who has lived and owned my home on the hilltop for over 25 years. Two of my kids have graduated from Tacoma public schools. In 2008 I was elected as in national delegate to the Democratic convention to represent Barack Obama who eventually became the first black president of this country. I have also worked for the state of Washington for over 29 years and have been the union president  regular people.

Other Professional Experience

Union member and president of Local 1488 and the Washington state federation of state employees for 29 years.


No Information Submitted

Community Service

No Information Submitted


As your City Councilman, I have 4 priorities in my first term. My community service; Homelessness; Affordable housing; Crime; Policing

Jonathan Cassis

(253) 921-1162



Elected Experience

First time running

Other Professional Experience

Throughout my Highschool years I worked with the current principal to create programs that would help students not fall behind. After high school I started working for Tacoma Costco and quickly learned the ropes becoming the one management desired for demonstrating and leading new employees.


I have my Highschool diploma (GED).

Community Service

I refurbished campsites and trails. I volunteered at the Tacoma Rescue mission serving food to the homeless. I got inspired by Peace Bus and dressed up in a fun suit and handed out fresh underwear and socks to homeless on the street during the winter months.


I am running for Civil Service position #3 because I have a strong passion for my community that has helped me get to where I am today. As I grow and learn more, I realize that our current structure is not working and needs major changes. The CSB is a great opportunity for me to get hands on experience on where our tax dollars go and why they go there. I would also have the opportunity to greatly benefit current city workers in a time where inflation is on the rise and wages are stagnant. I would be extremely humbled and grateful for the opportunity to serve you, beautiful people of Tacoma.

30 continued
Tacoma Council District No. 3 Tacoma - Civil Service Position No. 3 end of office

Max J. Heller III

(253) 229-7766


Elected Experience

Elected Democratic PCO  2004 - 2021; State Rep candidate Pos 1 LD dis 2     2004

Other Professional Experience

Business owner 1998 - current; American Airlines employee 2023 - current; Airport / Airline employee 2006 - current; Union member since 2006


Everest college 2012; Eatonville High school 1994-97

Community Service

Advocate for the homeless and needy; have volunteered in the community at homeless shelters and meal kitchens; neighborhood clean up and vitalization program participant


Public office no matter position,is the opportunity to serve our community. the civil service board is extremely important and is a voice for our city employees. The Civil Service System for the City of Tacoma extends Civil Service protections and coverage to the majority of the City’s work force. Powers and duties consist of making revisions to the Civil Service Rules, also known as Personnel Rules, advising City Council and other officials on Civil Service and personnel matters, investigating conditions of employment in Civil Service, conducting appeal hearings on suspensions more than 30 days, demotions, or terminations, and hearing complaints regarding Civil Service rules.

The Civil Service System for the City of Tacoma extends Civil Service protections and coverage to the majority of the City’s work force. Powers and duties consist of making revisions to the Civil Service Rules, also known as Personnel Rules, advising City Council and other officials on Civil Service and personnel matters, investigating conditions of employment in Civil Service, conducting appeal hearings on suspensions more than 30 days, demotions, or terminations, and hearing complaints regarding Civil Service rules.

if entrusted with your vote I will be a trusted voice our city workers can rely on

Myrah Lyle Ballentine

(253) 283-1665


Elected Experience

My commitment to serve others guides my leadership style.

Other Professional Experience

No Information Submitted


Tacoma Community College 2022 for my associate degree in applied science. Then obtain my bachelor’s degree at University of Washington.

Community Service

I am a dual liaison for the Washington Student Engagement Network for University of Washington Tacoma Campus and Tacoma Community College. I serve on the Executive Board as the Central Neighborhood Council Secretary. Tacoma Community College’s Asian and Pacific Islander Club President and ASTCC Student Senator. I am member with the League of Women Voters, a member of the Asian Pacific Culture Center and serve the Board at Peace Center.


I am Myrah Lyle Ballentine. I was born and raised in Pierce County where I have lived for 42 years. I am a community partner, a mother who chose to raise her children in Tacoma, and I am a life-long student. I stay grounded by serving my community in the City of Destiny.

All employees deserve to be treated fairly, with dignity and respect, and I want to bring my experience and values, and your voice to serve the City of Tacoma on the Civil Service Board.

I hope to earn your vote to serve our city. Thank you.

end of office Tacoma - Civil Service Position No. 3

Karen (Kay) Anderson

(360) 347-6271 kmanderson75@comcast.net

Elected Experience

Yelm Prairie Special Needs PTA

Other Professional Experience

Leadership Academy Graduate; YCS Special Needs Advisory Board


Masters in Mental Health Counseling; Bachelors in Psychology; Associates in Criminal Justice

Community Service

Educational Advocate; Community Resource Advocate; Yelm Special Needs Support Network


As a candidate running for YCS School Board Director for District 5, I am committed to our children’s education. I currently have 3 children enrolled in Yelm Community Schools and believe in creating a safe, inclusive environment for our children. As a community leader, I understand the importance of creating strong partnerships between the schools, local government, and local businesses. I build strong relationships that can build bridges between our students, schools, and community.

As a parent who have current students at YCS, I have a unique opportunity to see both the amazing aspects of the current educational systems in place and where there is need for improvements. I have great experience working with diverse communities and understand the important of collaboration and teamwork. I am passionate about providing our students with an exceptional education and truly believe we must work together to create and collaborate for the best educational experience. I thank you for considering me as a candidate for YCS School Board and look forward to earning your vote.

(360) 206-4950


Elected Experience

No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience

I have worked as an auditor for various state agencies for more than 9 years. I have fifteen years of additional public and private accounting experience.


California State University, Fresno - Bachelors in Finance and Urban Land Use; Eastern Washington University - Bachelors in Professional Accounting; New England College - Masters in Forensic Accounting; Certified Fraud Examiner

Community Service

No Information Submitted


As a school board director candidate, I am committed to promoting diversity, equity, and belonging in our schools. I believe that every student deserves to feel valued and respected, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

My priorities as a school board director will include increasing access to resources and opportunities for underrepresented students, supporting culturally responsive teaching practices, and working to eliminate systemic barriers that prevent students from reaching their full potential.

I also believe that it is essential to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, families, and staff. I will work to promote dialogue and understanding around issues of diversity and inclusion, and to ensure that our schools are safe and supportive spaces for everyone.

Join me in promoting diversity, equity, and belonging in our schools. Together, we can create a more just and equitable future for all students. Vote for me and let’s make a difference!

Yelm Community Schools - School Board Director, District No. 5

(360) 458-7068


Elected Experience

YCS school board director since 2004.

Other Professional Experience

Electrician at Wilcox Farms for 50+ years.


Yelm Community Schools 1st-12th grade, graduate class of 1968. Bates Vocational School electrical program 1968-1970. TCC Emergency Medical Technician Program graduate for PCFD 17.

Community Service

PCFD 17 20+ years fire fighter and first responder & EMT. Yelm dollars for scholars auction & interviews. YHS volunteer of the year along with my wife 2021-2023. TCYFL football coach 6 years. Prairie soccer coach 6 years. Basketball coach 1 year. YHS mock interviews 2 years. YHS senior breakfast volunteer 2023. #1 Tornado football fan 2023 3A champions!


I believe every student deserves the best education possible for their future, whether that may be college, vocational training, military or entering any employment. We have to make sure every student has the opportunity to be successful. The covid years has been stressful on our students, we need to make sure we give them every tool they need to navigate their future. We are working diligently to make up for their losses and to build their scores to surpass expectations. We should strive to support every student group beyond expectations. We have accomplished many goals but still need to work toward higher goals to make YCS the best possible place to educate our students. I feel that every student is one of my kids. Please let me continue to support our students as they are our future and legacy. Thank you for considering my candidacy.

end of office Yelm
Community Schools
School Board Director, District No.

Sumner-Bonney Lake School District No. 320 - Director Dist. No. 3

Elected Experience

Bonney Lake City Council – 2015 – Present, Public Safety Committee – Chair, Former Deputy Mayor, Pierce County Regional Council – Current , Previous Chair & Vice Chair, Former Member of the Puget Sound Regional Council, Former Legislative Aide to State Senator Jim Kastama

Other Professional Experience

Logistics Coordinator – Elderhealth (Non-Profit), Project Manager - db General Contractors, Operations Manager - Metaltech, Inc.


Pierce Community College - Business / Highline College – Project Management

Community Service

Beautify Bonney Lake – Current Board Member, Previous Chair/ Vice Chair, Bonney Lake Veterans Memorial - VP, SBLSD Safety Advisory Committee, EPF&R Advisory Committee, Volunteer Firefighter & EMT - KCFD44


I consider myself fortunate to live in the most beautiful area of Washington! We have beautiful parks, great neighborhoods, and an amazing School District! For the last 8 years, I’ve strived towards a City where we are proud to live and work, with a vibrant community. As a father of a 9-year-old 4th grader in the district, I’d love to take that experience and same passion and put it towards strengthening our educational system. In our community, we need a measured and metered approach towards educational growth. This will help ensure consistency in training and continuity in education.

I will strive for transparency in policy and procedures along with fiscal responsibility and efficiency of the people’s money all while working towards enriching the lives and safety of all students and families we serve.

My experience with the council in Bonney Lake, a non-profit and as a volunteer Fire Fighter, taught me the importance of focusing on the core services of local government. It has been a privilege being a servant leader these last 8 years. I’m hopeful for the opportunity to continue serving with the SBLSB. I am grateful for your trust, thank you!


Elected Experience

School Board Director, SBLSD School Board

Other Professional Experience

Manufacturing Sales Director (7 years); Small Business Owner Consulting Agency (3 years); Director of Sales Action Sports Industry (16 years)


University of Washington Tacoma, Green River Community College; Sumner High School

Community Service

Coach, Sumner Basketball Academy; Volunteer, Sumner Middle School Spirit Wear Coordinator; Committee Chair, Donald Eismann Elementary PTA; Volunteer, McAlder Elementary PTA; Volunteer, City of Sumner Early Act Rotary; Member, SBLSD Equity Advisory Committee; Volunteer, Fishing Kids and C.A.S.T For Kids; Member, Pierce County Boating Advisory; Founder, #BeLikeHayley Scholarship for SHS, BLHS, Elhi Hill


I’m proud to call the Sumner-Bonney Lake community our home. It’s an honor and privilege to now serve the same district I graduated from.

There’s a lot to celebrate in this district. When it comes to stability our enrollment is up, and our finances are strong. When it comes to services, we’ve increased multilingual training for staff, and saved before and after school care when the City of Bonney Lake planned to cut funding. We’ve increased graduation rates and prepared students for post high school careers. We’ve grown our workforce ready programs that landed 13 seniors jobs at Boeing directly after graduation this year. We’ve implemented JROTC programs at both high schools and continued to win awards for enrichment programs like Culinary Arts, Band, Robotics, and many others.

There is still much work to do. We need to know, value, and support every child in the district to ensure they have a welcoming, diverse, and safe environment. I‘m eager to continue my involvement at the district level to serve this great community.

On behalf of myself (SHS 97), my wife (SHS 97), our two daughters (SHS 21 & 24) and our rescue pets your vote is appreciated.

34 continued
Lewis (253) 906-4056 kevin.lewis527@gmail.com


Elected Experience

First elected position

Other Professional Experience

Manager/ Director of Security managing site safety, contract enforcement; Seneca County Sheriff’s Office in NY FTO Corrections officer; Sales representative machinery sales company encompassing WA, OR, Utah; USAF Instructor.


Dawson College: Poli-Sci/ Criminal Justice; CCAF: InstructorTechnical and Military Science, Applied Science; Pierce CollegeApplied Science; Graduated NYSSA Accredited Academy; Seneca County Sheriff’s Department.

Community Service

Served as Deacon with our church for the last year and Security Captain for 5 years providing a safe, welcoming atmosphere for all. Coached youth soccer for 3 years, U-8 and U-9 working with 3rd thru 5th graders developing social and athletic skills.


I’ve been in Bonney Lake for a total of 11 years. We raised our 4 children here and have 2 graduates from BLHS. Having observed the changes over the last 2 decades I decided it’s time to take a stand. I’ve listened to neighbors and students tell me how these changes have impacted them.

I want to use this platform to amplify voices of concern and stand up for parents and families that want our schools to be more fiscally responsible, for our schools and teachers to align with the values and ideas the taxpayers hold close, and to make our schools a place our children can feel safe attending. As a former USAF instructor, I am intimately familiar with building curriculum and lessons, I spent years as a Field Training Officer training new recruits to exemplify their oaths to the public.

I want to expose the strengths and weaknesses to make our schools the best in the state, bringing the focus back to the parents and children the Board serves. With my addition to the Board, I can be a voice for the parents, driving change we need in schools and with your support, we will do just that.

35 end of office Sumner-Bonney Lake School District No. 320 - Director Dist. No. 3

Sumner-Bonney Lake School District



Elected Experience

First-time candidate, inspired to bring a fresh perspective to our school system.

Other Professional Experience

Finance Manager at Amazon and former Sr. Manager at Providence St. Joseph Health. Lean Six Sigma Black Belt holder with a knack for operational excellence.


Masters in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix and Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Economics from St. Cloud State University.

Community Service

President-elect of the Bonney Lake Tehaleh Rotary Club, Bonney Lake Food Bank board member, and former Vice-President of Hillcrest Village HOA. Committed to fostering community development through service.


As a devoted father of two and an actively involved community member, I bring both personal dedication and professional expertise to the School Board. My credentials include a Master’s in Business Administration and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, assets that have consistently driven excellence in my roles at Amazon and Providence.

In the community, as President-elect of the Bonney Lake Tehaleh Rotary Club and a board member of the local food bank, I’ve seen the transformative power of service and cooperation. I aim to bring this community spirit to our school system.

If elected, I am committed to tirelessly advocating for an environment in which all individuals feel valued, respected, and supported within our schools, bridging the gap between our educational institutions and the community, and ensuring the effective use of resources for the benefit of all students.

My professional experience, dedication to community service, and my role as a parent in this district make me a strong advocate for our schools. Understanding the dreams and concerns we all share for our children’s education; a principle of continuous improvement will guide my efforts on the school board. Together, we can provide the best education for every child in our district.

Elected Experience

No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience

Assistant Superintendent, High School Principal, High School Assistant Principal, Classroom Teacher (Special Education, Science, General Studies), High School Coach, Community College Coach, SPSL League Principal, Washington State High School Soccer Coaches Association Vice President, AESD Accreditation Team member, 41 years serving WA public schools, 26 years in SBL SD.


M.A. Education (Administration), B.A. Education (K-12) with focus in Special Education

Community Service

Coaching boys’ and girls’ soccer, volunteered and support for Sumner-Bonney Lake Family Resource Center, Campaign Coordinator for United Way, supporting and leading various business and community partnerships with the SBLS SD.


Every student in the SBLSD deserves a world class education to provide them with the skills, knowledge, and abilities to be successful. I have demonstrated dedication and successful leadership to the youth and communities for 26 years. If elected, I will provide this within the SBLSD Board of Directors and our communities. From my 41 years in public education, service at multiple levels, and community service has provided me experience and knowledge.

As a proven effective collaborator, problem solver, and independent thinker, I am committed and strive to understand others and a wide variety of issues. I have demonstrated success in positions of leadership where I have been able to guide processes to reach positive solutions. Fiscal responsibility for District budgets and public funds is critical. I have successfully demonstrated the skills to work with others to sustain financial efficiency and effectiveness. Doing this takes effective communication, collaboration, and communications with others.

36 continued
No. 320 - Director Dist. No. 4
If elected to the SBLSD Board of Directors, I will be provide leadership and positive direction, while working collaboratively and communicating with other directors, the community, staff, and students. With open and honest communication, relationships are built. With relationships you build trust. With trust, you will build success. (253) 740-1875
Jason Bass


Elected Experience


Other Professional Experience

30 years experience as a journeyman plumber, plumbing foreman and currently a plumbing superintendent since 2015.


Graduate of Falmouth High School in Falmouth, MA, plumbing apprenticeship, Reno, NV. Private pilots certificate.

Community Service

Boy Scouts of America Cubmaster for 4.5 years, Boy Scout Chaplain & Committee member for 7+ years, 11+ years of various community service projects with BSA, led small groups.


I’ve lived in Bonney Lake 17 years. I’ve been married to my wife for 28 years and we have two boys. Our boys started their education in private school and later moved into public school, so I have the experience of viewing education from both perspectives.

I’ll have a pragmatic common sense approach, prioritizing a high quality education for all students. I believe core subjects like mathematics, language arts, history and science are fundamental. Keeping up with the newest technologies and providing trade based career opportunities are essential as well. I want to provide opportunities for all students to succeed, while in school and after they graduate.

In my professional career, I’ve worked as part of a team to see each project to its completion, on time and on budget. I’m committed to maintaining a balanced budget and being fiscally responsible. If elected, I will bring that same approach to the school board. Our children are our biggest investment. It’s our responsibility to provide them with a strong foundation which to build from. I’d be honored to serve on the school board.


Elected Experience

No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience

Elementary Classroom Teacher, Substitute Teacher


Bachelor’s Degree - WSU, Master of Arts in Education - PLU

Community Service

No Information Submitted


I believe in the importance of educating our children for the future health of our community and economy. Both my wife and I are teachers, in other school districts, but our daughter is a student here. I am invested in helping ensure her district is a strong and successful as it can possibly be.

The core of education starts with the partnership among parents, administrators, and teachers. Together we help guide our students or children to become strong members of our communities as adults. All of us must be working together to make our schools strong.

We must also foster equity, safety, and inclusivity with our students. None should be made to feel like they are outside the community. They, and our community, will be stronger together.

37 end of office Sumner-Bonney
No. 320 - Director Dist. No. 4
Lake School District

Mark Pampe

(206) 369-1315



Elected Experience

No governmental elected experience.

Other Professional Experience

Retired Boeing manager responsible for a diverse team of 20 and a multi-million dollar budget.  Small business owner (manufacturing).


Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering

Community Service

Husband to one wife, Dad to two men, Papa to two boys.  I have previously served multiple terms on the Board of Elders at Grace Community Church, to include one term as Chairman. I am currently serving a third term on the Board of Directors for Quiet Water HOA, currently President. My wife and I have volunteered for over twenty years helping engaged and married couples achieve a healthy marriage.


Dieringer has great schools, surpassing neighboring districts in most academic measures. Still, fewer than 70% of Dieringer students meet ELA, Math, and Science standards. Better-thanaverage is not good enough and there is much to do to repair the damage caused by recent shutdowns. If elected, I will not be satisfied with better-than-average academics.

Unfortunately, a district focus on academics is increasingly challenged by a state-imposed focus on social issues. While it is the parents’ job to teach their values to their children, statewritten social policies are actively pushing state values onto your children through your schools. That is not their job, but school districts are under financial, social, and political pressures to accept these values and impart them to your children. If elected, I will take every opportunity to push back on state social influence and lead our district to implement policies that reflect our community, not Olympia. They are your children. Teach them your values.

Finally, because competition makes everyone better, I support efforts to get Washington State to fully fund quality education in a way that supports school choice (dollars follow the child).

Endorsed by Mom’s for Liberty – Pierce County Chapter

Megan Bearor

(253) 973-3593


Elected Experience

Currently hold the position of School Board Director for District 5. Board President 2022 to present.

Other Professional Experience

Human Resource and Payroll Professional


No Information Submitted

Community Service

No Information Submitted


I am honored to present myself as the incumbent school board member and current board president seeking re-election for another term. I have had the privilege of serving our community, and I am committed to continuing my dedication to education, student success and fostering a positive learning environment. During my tenure, I have worked tirelessly to ensure every child receives an excellent education. I have advocated for increased funding for our schools, resulting in improved facilities and the hiring of highly qualified teachers. I have also advocated for a curriculum that caters to diverse learning styles. Collaboration is key to achieving meaningful change within the education system. I have actively engaged with parents, teachers and community members to understand their concerns and incorporate their valuable input in decision-making processes. I will continue to advocate for policies that promote academic excellence, foster critical thinking and equip our students with the skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world. I humbly ask for your vote to allow me to continue serving as your board member. Thank you for your trust and support!

38 continued Dieringer School District No. 343 - Director District No. 5

Elected Experience

No Information Submitted

Other Professional Experience

I am an attorney who worked with infrastructure development and business litigation. Presently, I collaborate with researchers to bring about advances in cancer care at Fred Hutch.


B.S in civil engineering and graduate studies in public administration from Cornell University; Certificate in Biomedical Regulatory Affairs from University of Washington; J.D. from Georgetown University

Community Service

As a Dieringer parent, this past year, I challenged top-down decisions and achieved reversal of an administrative act to increase class sizes. The Board resolved to hire a new teacher and reduced class size by two students for every 4th and 5th grade class. Oversight and impact!


I am deeply committed to providing children with the best educational opportunities. This is why I am running for Board Director.

My training and experience equip me with the ability to review complex processes, to carefully analyze policies, contracts, and data. Responsible oversight is needed. Alarming issues are being missed. I will use my skills to ensure that Board decisions are sound, accountable, and based on real information.

One of my goals is opening pathways for parents to engage and have their voices heard. Parent involvement is crucial to the success of our schools.

Another goal is listening to teachers. We entrust our children to their care and guidance. It is imperative that leaders understand teachers’ perspectives. Education can transcend boundaries and bridge gaps, providing a pathway to break free from cycles of poverty and inequality. I understand the transformative power of a well-rounded education. It takes a village to raise a child. I am committed to making a positive impact on our district. Join me in my campaign for a seat on the Dieringer School Board. Let’s work together to shape a brighter future for our children. The kids come first!

39 Dieringer School District No. 343 - Director District No. 5
end of office
(253) 391-8801 paul@votegilmartin.com votegilmartin.com

Corey Ackerman

(801) 889-8910


Elected Experience

Unanimously appointed to Eatonville Board of Directors by current School Board (2022).  Navigated Union contract negotiations.  Searching and hiring of Superintendent,  2022 WSSDA Board Training.  Eatonville School District Safety and Security team.

Other Professional Experience

Journeyman Machine Tool Mechanic for Boeing; IFPS Master Mechanic in Hydraulics and Pneumatics; Milling and Lathe Certification (Renton Tech); Automotive Salesman and Mechanic


Washington State Apprentice Graduate 2019; Bingham High Graduate 2004; 2 years Tradition College (SLCC)

Community Service

Coach for multiple sports for EYSA.  Cub Scout and Varsity Scout Leader.  Leader of many 9/11 days of service projects.  Local Youth group leader.  Currently sit on School Board.


Eatonville is a special place! Its rich history of hard work and devotion to family are easily seen.  If elected I will continue in that tradition!  I will work tirelessly for our children and families.  The family is where our community starts.  I will devote my time and talents to ensure our parents are the primary stakeholders in our children’s education.  My goal is to be accessible to parents and the community.  I want to communicate and educate how the Board can help students and parents.

I will continue to push for policies of accountability and stewardship.  I will empower all in the district to do better and to be better.  I want Eatonville School District to be a beacon of success across our State.  I want to change the expectations of success. To push Students, Teachers and Staff to exceed State requirements.  My desire is to work with the Superintendent to achieve the community’s vision for our children.

With your vote I plan on serving our children.  To assist you in giving them all the tools necessary to succeed.  With your support I look forward to creating Eatonville’s future leaders.  Together we can keep Eatonville Special!


Elected Experience

First time running!

Other Professional Experience

With 24 years in Real Estate and finance and diverse teaching roles in four of five of our schools in Library, Technology, STEM, and Special Education, my unique expertise promises to effectively enhance our district and community.


24 years of real estate education. Paraprofessional certification, my unique expertise bridges property management, community development, and education, ensuring comprehensive school improvement.

Community Service

I’m actively involved in our community; I’ve coached youth sports, taught in church, and mobilized youth for the unhoused, providing care packages. I collaborated initiatives like Yarn Bombing for Lunches and spearheaded Giving Forward, addressing local child hunger.


Hello Eatonville! As a proud mother of four boys who have all attended Eatonville schools, I am excited to run for our School Board. I aim to create an environment where every child’s potential is realized and all stakeholders work collaboratively for our students’ success.

Public education’s quality is primarily shaped by top-level decisions, including budget allocations, academic program approvals, and the effective use of our tax dollars. I firmly believe we need to bridge the gap between OSPI (state)/administration, teachers, students, and parents to foster a supportive, allinclusive system.

Instead of pointing fingers, let’s work together. Each child, irrespective of their background or circumstances, deserves our full support. As a board member, I commit to closely scrutinizing behind-the-scenes decisions, understanding and advocating for our children’s diverse needs, and pushing for policies ensuring the highest equity level for all students.

We have a responsibility to prepare our students not just academically but also emotionally and socially for the world ahead. With your support, I pledge to work tirelessly to ensure Eatonville School District provides an enriching, inclusive, and high-quality education that equips each student for their future. Let’s work together for a better tomorrow!

40 continued Eatonville School District No. 404 - Director-at-Large Position No. 4
(253) 431-2141 karencarr@johnlscott.com

(360) 832-7659

KimWilliamsWA@gmail.com KimWilliams.us

Elected Experience

It’s an honor to be of service.

Other Professional Experience

Educator (15+ years): Public School Teacher (China, Virginia, Nevada), Adjunct Professor (American University & Catholic University of America), Artist Facilitator; Media Producer (15+ years): Documentary Filmmaker, Associate Producer (A&E, Tiger Aspect USA)


Master of Fine Arts, Film & Media Studies American University, Washington DC; Bachelor of Arts, Education, English & Theater, University of Nevada, Reno; Film Technology & Practice, Directing, & Camera Works, Czech Republic; Professional Internship: National Geographic Specials, Film & TV

Community Service

Girl Scouts Leader, Catholic Charities, Jane Goodall Institute, Pioneer Farm Museum, Middle School English/History Tutor, Paiute Indian Reservation Tutoring Program


I come from deep roots on both sides of the Cascades; greatgranddaughter of pioneers, granddaughter of wheat farmers, and the “coach’s daughter” within a family of beloved teachers and military veterans. Having experienced the world, I’ve returned home with my children, to produce a film about horses and take care of my dad.

My life experiences run the gamut, from HS athlete to multimedia teaching artist. I’m a lifelong learner and active listener who understands different viewpoints. I’ve homeschooled while traveling abroad and appreciate what public education offers.

When elected, I’ll help shine light on what’s working within ESD and work diligently to improve what’s not. Important issues include simplifying and strengthening communication channels for better access to information for all stakeholders. Focusing on adequately funding learning and rebuilding facilities by actively pursuing passage of responsible bonds and levies. Cultivate STEM and CTE, bolster our athletic programs, foster the Arts and improve mental health access, so all our scholars, K-12, can flourish.

My approach is to listen, offer a fresh perspective, and work together to provide our youth excellent opportunities. Our responsibility is to educate all learners and prepare them for success within Eatonville’s community and out in the world.

41 end of office
- Director-at-Large
Eatonville School District
Position No.

Billy Sehmel

(253) 414-2978



Elected Experience

No public offices ever held.

Other Professional Experience

20+ years in the technology sector, with over 15+ years in leadership & management positions at IBM leading teams that develop and support cloud computing automation products and services for enterprise and federal clients, solving their most complex technical issues, and identifying areas of process improvements.


Henderson Bay HS - ASB President. Vocational Certifications: Microsoft, IBM, Cloudera

Community Service

PenMet Parks Information Technology & Communications Citizen Committee (2019-2020); PenMet Parks Park Sorting & PROS planning Citizen Workshop Committee (2022-2023); Envirocorps Adopt-a-Road participant (2009 -2012); Envirocorps Trail volunteer (2004 - 2006); Friends of Homestead Park website creator (2001)


As a 5th generation citizen of the Gig Harbor Peninsula, I have a deep-rooted passion for our community. My family homesteaded what is now Sehmel Homestead Park in the late 1880’s.  I am dedicated to making Gig Harbor an even better place to live, work, and play. With a strong understanding of our district’s needs, I will be a voice that represents your concerns and works tirelessly to address them.

As Parks Commissioner, I will ensure our district takes care of existing facilities and implements financially responsible plans for future growth. Your tax dollars will be used appropriately and transparently, with a focus on supporting citizens of all abilities.

I will actively work towards the development of small park projects, including sport courts, small community fields, and improvements around water access. These spaces will foster a sense of unity and provide opportunities for recreational activities for residents of all ages.

Transparency and accountability are essential in decisionmaking. I firmly believe that major projects, such as an aquatics/ community center, should be put to a vote of the people. Your opinion matters, and I will ensure you have a say in shaping the future of our parks.  I will appreciate your vote!

(360) 241-5329


Elected Experience


Other Professional Experience

Business Founder and Owner, French Toast Theater (2019Present); Business Founder and Owner, Tots on their Toes (2017Present)


No Information Submitted

Community Service

Pride Parade Organizer; Student Community Programs


When I moved to Gig Harbor, I looked around and saw a beautiful town. I also saw a lack of arts and thought: I should change that. I partnered with PenMet to open two businesses that introduced children to theater and ballet while building their confidence.

My partnership with PenMet gave me an inside view of how they care for their buildings, train their staff, and interact with the community. Ultimately, they did not meet the standards of health, safety and dignity that I have for my own business and our partnership was terminated. I see great potential for PenMet and I know we deserve and can do better.

I’m running to bring the potential I see to life. PenMet is a place where children should thrive. I’m committed to making sure the voices of families are heard and that we keep the communities interest at heart when making decisions. I’ll prioritize the beauty and maintenance of our parks and community spaces, ensure our cultural and sports programs are accessible to all, and protect our green space.

If elected, I’m committed to holding PenMet to the same standards I’ve always held for my own businesses: competency, safety, trust, and respect.

42 continued Peninsula
No. 5
Metropolitan Park District - Commissioner Pos.

(360) 662-6362



Elected Experience

No Previous Elected Experience

Other Professional Experience

I previously served an appointed position as the Chairman of the Parks and Civil Service Commission, City of Orting, 2013 - 2015; I have spent my twenty year career as an Aerospace Quality Engineer and Quality Systems Manager and am a natural people leader


Bachelor of Science, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering, University of Washington, 2004

Community Service

Coach, Pen-Met Parks, Youth Baseball - 2/3, 4/5, Middle - 2018 to current; Trail restoration and habitat preservation, Audubon Society; Workplace Coordinator for American Heart Association Events 2012 - 2020


As a father of four, I can attest to the value of a thriving parks system in balancing work and play with my family. I use the parks as an opportunity to coach, as an avenue to nature, and as an opportunity to educate my children on the importance of connecting to something bigger than ourselves. I see the positive impacts a healthy parks system has on my family. To that end, I strongly believe that the primary effort of the parks commission should be to emphasize continued conservation efforts while ensuring access to natural park areas. I have a deep commitment to parks that beautify our community in a way that best represents life on this side of the bridge.

I also know that many in our community have been subject to property crimes while enjoying the parks. We should not have to fear that visiting a park is running a risk of break-ins and broken car windows. I intend to make security efforts a meaningful line item in the parks budget so we can enjoy without the worry.

I want our parks safe, beautiful, and natural. Your vote tells me that you want this, too.

43 end of office Peninsula Metropolitan Park District - Commissioner Pos. No. 5

Sumner Library Capital Facility Area

Ballot Title

The Pierce County Council adopted Resolution No. R2023-48 concerning a proposition to establish the Sumner Library Capital Facility Area. If approved, this proposition would establish the Sumner Library Capital Facility Area with boundaries as described in Resolution No. R2023-48, authorize it to acquire, construct, furnish, and equip a new library in Sumner, incur indebtedness to finance such improvements through the issuance of up to $15,000,000 in general obligation bonds with a maximum term of 21 years, and levy annual excess property taxes to repay such bonds. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved?

Explanatory Statement

A vote for Proposition 1 will establish the Sumner Library Capital Facility Area (“SLCFA”). The SLCFA would be an independent taxing district, separate from the City of Sumner, Pierce County Library System, and Pierce County. Its sole purpose would be to fund a new Sumner Library to replace the existing library in Sumner, which needs costly repairs, is undersized for the population it serves, and is difficult to access. The SLCFA will have boundaries that align with those of the City of Sumner, and its governing body will be three members of the Pierce County Council to be selected by the full Council.

A vote for Proposition 1 will also authorize the SLCFA to issue up to $15,000,000 in general obligation bonds with a maximum term of 21 years to finance the new Sumner Library, to be repaid from annual excess property tax levies. The estimated annual excess levy rate would be $0.24 per $1,000 of assessed property value or, for a home with the Sumner average assessed value of $501,717, approximately $120 per year ($10 per month). Homeowners who are 61 years or older or disabled, and who meet low-income requirements may qualify for a property tax exemption.

Statement For Statement Against

Sumner Pierce County Library is a cornerstone of our community, strengthening people, economy, businesses, schools, and quality of life.

Our current Sumner Library building was built with community support in 1979 and has been well-used. 3 million visitors have borrowed books and other materials there, and countless people have learned, read, used technology, connected with neighbors, and improved their lives over its 44 years. Now, the building has out-lived its useful life and requires replacement.

Your yes vote in this election will bring a larger, more accessible Library to the walkable heart of Sumner as we invest in a building to serve all ages, today and into the future. Your investment through this bond will cost an owner of a $514,000 home, the average value in Sumner, an additional $10 monthly for 20 years.

Join us in voting yes for a new, larger Sumner Library on Main Street.

Committee Members: Jeffrey A. Rounce, Tara Bywater, Georgia Lomax, Citizens for Sumner Library


Special Election - Proposition No. 1 - General Obligation Bonds - $15,000,000 Questions? (253) 548-3300 Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
statement was submitted against this issue.

Ballot Title

The City of Tacoma Council adopted Resolution No. 41180 concerning restoration of the City’s emergency medical services property tax levy. This measure would continue to fund emergency medical services and care (EMS) by restoring the EMS levy to $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed value for collection in 2024; authorizing an annual increase of up to 6 percent annually to not exceed the $0.50  rate for 2025-2029; and authorizing use of the 2029 levy amount as the base for computing levies in future years, per RCW 84.55. Qualifying seniors, veterans, and others would be exempt, per RCW 84.36.381. Should this proposition be approved?

Explanatory Statement

Tacoma’s Emergency Medical Services (“EMS”) permanent property tax levy was approved by voters in 2002 to fund EMS for Tacoma residents. However, property values have increased significantly faster than the levy collection rate and state law limits the amount a city can increase the levy collection rate to 1% annually. The current rate is $0.28 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.

The City is seeking voter approval to restore its EMS levy to $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation in 2024 and to adjust the levied amount for 2025-2029 not to exceed $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. The property tax amounts in 2029 would be used to calculate future property tax amounts. If this is not approved, the City will still have the 2002 levy to pay for EMS, but in very reduced amounts.

The revenue generated, as has been the case since the 2002 voter approved levy, may only be used to provide EMS, including related personnel costs, training, equipment, and structures. It will also pay for charges incurred by qualified city residents for all Tacoma Fire Department transports (not paid by third parties or insurers). The average property owner would pay an additional $9.04 per month in 2024.

Statement For Statement Against Taking From Peter to Pay Paul

Vote “Yes” to restore full levy funding to sustain the Tacoma Fire Department’s life saving Medic One, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) program. This is not a new tax. It is a restoration of the levy rate voters previously approved in 2006.

Annual  demand for Tacoma Fire’s Medic One service increased 51% since 2006. In response, Tacoma Fire added 15 firefighter/paramedics and 50 firefighter/emergency medical technicians.

The current EMS levy rate is not sufficient to fund its share of the expenses for the increased workload. A “Yes” vote will restore the EMS levy to the previously approved $0.50 per $1000 of assessed property valuation. For a residence assessed at $400,000, the homeowner would see an increase of $7.34 per month.

Please vote “Yes” to maintain funding for this essential, lifesaving emergency medical service delivered to our community by Tacoma firefighters.


This simply restores the rate of the EMS levy, which has dropped to $0.28 per $1000 of assessed value from the $0.50 that voters approved in 2006. This is anything but a “quick fix.” For over 20 years, Tacoma has had a permanent EMS levy and we need to restore it to the previously approved amount. A “no” vote won’t end crime or homelessness. A “yes” vote saves lives. Please vote “yes.”

Committee Members: Michael Fitzgerald, James Duggan, Robert Thoms mfitzems2023@gmail.com

Regardless the issues or reasoning behind it, it’s a quick fix for deeper issues. Having funds at the ready for EMS should never be an issue. Not ever!

The Dollar Tree Mentality

Adding fifty cents here and there to our property taxes - it doesn’t sound like much. We load up our cart at the dollar tree, then are stunned to see we owe hundreds of dollars in total.

The Hardest Part of Saying Yes is Saying No

Until we fix the root cause of homelessness and crime in our city, homeowners can expect higher taxes. Property owners bearing the brunt of never-ending tax increases to fix the ills of our city is becoming unbearable. Saying no to proposition 1 is saying we’ve had enough.

The Domino Effect

Voting yes on proposition 1 will increase rent, increase homelessness, and increase crime, which will increase EMS calls. Please vote no.


No rebuttal statement submitted.

Committee Members: Donna Walters

lauradawn412@gmail.com, 253-209-7988

45 City of Tacoma Special Election - Proposition No. 1 - Emergency Medical Services Property Tax Levy Increase Questions? (253) 591-5505 Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org

Ballot Title

The Board of Graham Fire & Rescue adopted Resolution No. 987, concerning an increase in the District’s regular property tax levy. If approved, Proposition No. 1 will restore the District’s regular property tax levy for emergency medical services to the previous voter-approved rate of fifty cents ($.50) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation for collection in 2024, allow annual increases of up to six percent (6%) for each of the succeeding five (5) years and use the 2029 levy dollar amount for computing the limitation for subsequent levies. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved?

Explanatory Statement

Graham Fire & Rescue (“District”) is placing a multi-year EMS lid lift proposition on the August 1, 2023 primary ballot. The District responded to the community’s requests for emergency medical care, fire suppression, rescue, and other emergencies, 7,994 times in 2022. This is a 37.5% increase in calls for service since 2012. Of the total responses, 72% are for medical aid. However, while firefighters are responding to more calls, the District’s statutorily-approved $0.50 EMS levy rate is projected to fall to $0.35 per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2024, due to statutory limitations.

Revenue raised by this measure provides sustainable funding for emergency medical purposes. If the measure passes, a taxpayer with the average home value of $483,497 would anticipate an increased tax of $4.43 per month. If approved, this measure authorizes the District to maintain the levy rate of $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value as previously approved by voters. It would allow the levy dollar amount to increase by up to 6% in the succeeding five years, but the rate cannot exceed $0.50 even if properties increase in value. The dollar amount of the levy in 2029 would be used to calculate future levy increase limits.

Statement For

Increasing Populations with Limited Resources

Graham Fire and Rescue provides emergency medical, life and property protection, as well as fire suppression and prevention services to more than 70,000 residents and growing. Since 2012, the fire district has experienced rapid growth in both population and demand for emergency services; 35.7% increase in call volume and 23.7% increase in population. Without Proposition 1 the fire department will lose funding needed to keep up with growing populations, affecting the departments ability to provide life saving services.

Not A New Tax

A Yes Vote is not a new tax, but a re-authorization of the voter approved EMS Levy limited to $0.50 (Fifty cents) per $1000 Assessed Valuation.

Supported by Firefighters and Fire Commissioners

Your Professional Firefighters and the Board of Fire Commissioners determined this measure to be both necessary and essential for the protection of life and property. Thank you in advance for reauthorizing Proposition No. 1.

Committee Members: Shawn Prather, Russ Bartsow, Brian Estes sprather21@gmail.com

Statement Against

No statement was submitted against this issue.

46 Graham Fire & Rescue Special Election - Proposition No. 1 - Multi-Year EMS Levy Lid Lift Questions? (253) 271-1822 Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org

Ballot Title

The Board of Fire Commissioners of South Pierce Fire & Rescue adopted Resolution No. 2023-005 concerning an increase in the District’s property tax levy. If approved, Proposition No. 1 will restore the District’s regular property tax levy for fire and emergency services to the previous voter-approved rate of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation for collection in 2024, allow annual increases of up to six (6%) percent for each of the succeeding five (5) years and use the 2029 levy dollar amount for computing the limitation for subsequent levies. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved?

Explanatory Statement

South Pierce Fire and Rescue (“SPFR”) is placing a multi-year lid lift proposition on the August 1, 2023 primary ballot. SPFR responded to 3,175 emergency calls in 2022. This is an 8.21% increase in calls since 2018. However, while firefighters are responding to more calls, SPFR’s general levy rate of $1.50/$1,000 of assessed valuation has been reduced to $1.13/$1,000 due to 1% limitations, even though SPFR voters approved the general levy rate of $1.50/$1,000 in 2018.

Passage of this measure would provide sustainable funding for SPFR operations and emergency response. It will help SPFR keep up with increased service demand and continue to provide the high level of service voters expect.

If approved, this measure authorizes SPFR to restore the levy to $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value as approved by the voters. A taxpayer with the average home value of $500,000 will see a $15.42 per-month tax increase. Passage of this measure would allow the levy dollar amount to increase by up to 6% in the succeeding five years, but the rate cannot exceed $1.50 even if properties increase in value. The dollar amount of the levy in 2029 would be used to calculate future levy increase limits.

Statement For Statement Against

Proposition 1 is Not a New Tax

South Pierce Fire & Rescue (SPFR) units responded to 3,175 emergency calls last year. While call volume is on the rise, the voter-approved $1.50 levy rate fell in 2023 to $1.13 per $1000 of Assessed Property Value (APV) due to 1% limitations. Prop 1 would maintain the voter approved levy rate of $1.50 per $1,000 of APV for 2024 and then apply a limit factor of six percent (6%) in the succeeding 5 years; SPFR will never collect more than $1.50 per $1000 APV even if property values increase.

This is not a new tax: Prop 1 provides critical funding for emergency services, fire prevention, protection, and suppression. Prop 1 will allow SPFR to keep up with the ever-increasing demands and maintain a high level of service. Prop 1 authorizes SPFR to maintain the levy rate of $1.50 per $1,000 APV as previously approved by voters. This would allow the levy dollar amount to increase no more than six percent over the next 5 years; the rate will never exceed $1.50 even if property values increase.

This is not a new tax

Committee Members: Pete Ellis, Alice Dowie, Ronda Litzenberger


No statement was submitted against this issue.

47 South Pierce Fire & Rescue Special Election - Proposition No. 1 - Multi-Year Fire and Emergency Levy Lid Lift Questions? (253) 847-4333 Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org

Ballot Title

The Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 3 (West Pierce Fire & Rescue) adopted Resolution No. 050223-003 concerning a proposition to finance maintenance and operation expenses. If approved, Proposition 1 will authorize the District to levy the following additional taxes on all taxable property within the District:

to be used for maintenance and operations for emergency medical services. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved?

Explanatory Statement

West Pierce Fire & Rescue (WPFR) is requesting renewal of the maintenance and operation levy for the next four years. This M&O levy has supplemented WPFR’s regular and EMS levies for decades. In 1939, the legislature established fire districts to serve rural areas, rather than urban areas such as University Place and Lakewood. WPFR’s current regular and EMS levies are insufficient to provide appropriate fire and emergency medical services to two highly urbanized cities with more than 100,000 citizens, a hospital, two colleges, a major state psychiatric hospital, a regional golf course, and shopping centers.

This levy will fund over 25% of WPFR’s operating budget. It will cost approximately $0.87 per thousand dollars of assessed value in 2024. If this M&O levy is approved by the voters, law prohibits any further tax levies for maintenance and operational support of WPFR during this four-year period.

If this measure passes, a home with an assessed value of $500,000 shall be subject to a monthly tax for M&O of $36.25. WPFR is a fully paid fire district, providing fire suppression, emergency medical treatment and transport, hazardous materials and technical rescue response, water rescue, fire prevention, and code enforcement throughout University Place and Lakewood.

Statement For Statement Against

West Pierce Fire and Rescue needs your support. We are asking you to Vote Yes for a four-year maintenance and operations levy. This is not a new tax but a continuation of funding voters have supported for nearly 50 years. The Fire District receives no tax funding from the cities of Lakewood or UP, Pierce County, or Washington State. There were 17,721 calls for service in 2022, a staggering 36% increase since 2011. Over 25% of operational funding depends on this Levy. Failure of this levy will result in elimination of critical emergency services. Continued support of this levy will allow WPFR to maintain the current level of exceptional service you have come to expect. For WPFR to continue responding to your emergency needs in a timely fashion it is vital for you to Vote Yes.

Please Vote Yes and Keep Help Coming.


WPFR’s 2024 tax revenue  is estimated to be the lowest of similar Pierce County Fire District. Calls are a 911 request for service, not the member of vehicles. WPFR has the highest call volume per capita of any Pierce County Fire District. The levy  funds an additional medical unit, squads, and  Connected CARE  which were supported by voters in 2019. WPFR has Puget Sound shoreline, island homes, marinas, and multiple recreational lakes to protect

Committee Members: Layne Bladow, Bart Dalton Citizens for West Pierce Fire and EMS Citizens4wpfe@gmail.com

Property tax rates for West Pierce are far and away the highest in Pierce County

West Pierce tax rates are 27% higher than any other fire district and are 22% of total property taxes in UP and Lakewood. While West Piece provides services to Steilacoom, residents don’t pay taxes to West Pierce. Instead, Steilacoom contracts with West Piece at a rate less than half of what UP and Lakewood residents pay for the same service.

West Pierce expenses increased 46% over the past 5 years to $54 million in 2023

The $17 million increase since 2018 far exceeds the rate of inflation and increase in department calls. Don’t be misled by department call volume numbers – each vehicle that rolls is a “call”, so every 911 response can be up to 6 “calls” by the department.

Replacement Levy is a 21% increase in tax dollars compared to the current levy

Current levy collects $14 million annually; replacement levy collects $17 million. Why is the increase so high? Vote No!

Unnecessary spending by West Pierce prevents spending on more important community priorities

Did you know that West Pierce has 3 fire boats? Taxpayers want responsible government spending on things that have broader community impact.


While the levy is not new, it is a 21% increase in the tax dollars you pay. Call volume may have increased 36% since 2011, but expenses are up 46% since 2018, so spending is out of control. This levy is one of 3 levies that West Pierce has, so failure will not be catastrophic to department services. Like the rest of us, West Pierce must learn to live within their means. Vote No!

Committee Members: Chris Hannon Against Committee, wpfr.levy@gmail.com facebook.com/WPFRLevyInfo

Protection District No. 3 (West Pierce) Special Election - Proposition No. 1 - Excess Property Tax Levy for Maintenance and Operation Expenses
Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
Questions? (253) 564-1623
Collection Year 2024 2025 2026 2027 Approximate Rate per $1,000 of Assessed Value $0.87 $0.82 $0.77 $0.72 Levy Amount $16,904,354 $16,904,354 $16,904,354 $16,904,354
Levy Year 2023 2024 2025 2026

Ballot Title

The Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 5 (Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One) adopted Resolution No. 2023-06, concerning an increase in the District’s regular property tax levy. If approved, Proposition No. 1 will restore the District’s regular property tax levy for fire and emergency services to the previous voter-approved rate of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation for collection in 2024, allow annual increases of up to six percent (6%) for each of the succeeding five (5) years and use the 2029 levy dollar amount for computing the limitation for subsequent levies. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved?

Explanatory Statement

Gig Harbor Fire and Medic One (“District”) is placing a multi-year lid lift proposition on the August 1, 2023 ballot. The District responded to 7,016 emergency calls in 2022. This is a 48% increase in calls since 2012. However, while firefighters are responding to more calls, the District’s $1.50 general levy has been reduced to $1.18 due to 1% limitations, even though District voters approved the general levy rate of $1.50 in 2017.

Passage of this measure would provide sustainable funding for District operations and emergency response. It will help the District keep up with increased service demand and continue to provide the high level of service voters expect.

If approved, this measure authorizes the District to restore the levy to $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value as approved by the voters. It would allow the levy dollar amount to increase by up to 6% in the succeeding five years, but the rate cannot exceed $1.50 even if properties increase in value. A taxpayer with the average home value of $700,000 will see a $18 per-month tax increase. The dollar amount of the levy in 2029 would be used to calculate future levy increase limits.

Statement For Statement Against

This is not a request for a new tax. State law has caused Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One’s general levy to drop below the level previously authorized by voters in 2017, reducing available funding used to provide critical fire and emergency services. Voting yes restores the levy to its previous rate.

Calls for service increased 10% from 2021 to 2022. Voting yes pays for new fire engines to update our aging fleet and also more firefighters with the ultimate goal of staffing more stations as funding allows. If this measure is not approved, it is likely that current service levels will be reduced at the same time calls are increasing.

Voting yes allows Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One to provide the highest possible level of care to our rapidly growing community, while still having a lower tax rate than other comparable Pierce County fire districts.

Please vote yes!

Committee Members: Bryce Nelson, Robyn Denson, Nick Langlow, Vote Yes for Gig Harbor Fire yesforgigharborfire@gmail.com, 253-254-5670 facebook.com/voteyesforgigharborfire

No statement was submitted against this issue.

Protection District No. 5 (Gig
Special Election - Proposition No. 1 - Multi-Year Fire and Emergency Levy Lid Lift Questions? (253) 851-3111 Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org

Ballot Title

The Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 14 (Riverside Fire & Rescue) adopted Resolution No. 2023-388 concerning an increase in the District’s property tax levy. If approved, Proposition No. 1 will restore the District’s regular property tax levy for fire and emergency services to the previous voter-approved rate of $1.50 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation for collection in 2024, with adjustment by the greater of 3% or the annual CPI-U for Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue as reported each August for each of the five succeeding years and use the 2029 levy amount for computing the limitation for subsequent levies. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved?

Explanatory Statement

Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 14 (Riverside Fire & Rescue) provides emergency fire protection, rescue and emergency medical services to its community.

The maximum regular levy rate for Washington fire districts is $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value. Due to the statutory 1% limitation on property tax increases, the Riverside Fire & Rescue’s current levy rate in 2023 is approximately $1.00 per $1,00 of assessed value. The District previously levied at the full $1.50 rate in 2017.

If approved by the voters, this proposition will authorize the District to restore its regular property tax levy rate to $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation in 2023. The proposition will also allow the District to keep pace with inflation by establishing an annual growth factor based on the greater of 3% or the annual consumer price index identified in the Board’s Resolution. At the end of the six-year period, absent further voter approval, the District tax levy rate in the final year will be subject to statutory limitations.

The Board of Commissioners has determined that the tax levy is necessary to maintain current level of services, fire fighter staffing, equipment and facilities necessary for the protection of life and property.

Statement For

Riverside Fire & Rescue is asking our voters to restore the previous voter-approved Fire Levy. Please join us voting Yes on Proposition No. 1, Multi-Year Fire & Emergency Levy Lid Lift.

Riverside Fire & Rescue’s response district has experienced significant population growth over the last decade. This is not a new tax; this restores the District’s property tax levy for fire and emergency services to the previous voter-approved rate of $1.50 per $1,000.00 of valuation collected.

By voting yes on this levy, you are ensuring that Riverside Fire & Rescue can keep up with the pace of the increasing call demand. We as Pierce County District #14 as a fire department remain committed to providing excellence in emergency services when serving our community. Please vote yes for Riverside Fire & Rescue to maintain exceptional emergency services that our citizens deserve.

Committee Members: Holly Kennison, Miller Gates, Jack Anderson, PCFD14 For Committee holly.kennison8@gmail.com, piercefire14.org


50 Fire Protection District No. 14 (Riverside) Special Election - Proposition No. 1 - Multi-Year Fire & Emergency Levy Lid Lift Questions? (253) 922-5644 Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
No statement was submitted against this issue.

Ballot Title

The Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire District 27 (Anderson Island) adopted Resolution No. 202324 concerning an increase in the District’s property tax levy. If approved, Proposition No. 1 will restore the District’s regular property tax levy for fire services to the previous voter-approved rate of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation for collection in 2024, allow annual increases of up to six (6%) percent for each of the succeeding five (5) years and use the 2029 levy dollar amount for computing the limitation for subsequent levies. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved?

Explanatory Statement

Anderson Island Fire Rescue (“District”) is placing a multi-year fire lid lift proposition on the August 1, 2023 primary ballot. The District responded to the community’s requests for emergency medical care, fire suppression, rescue, and other emergencies, 250 times in 2022. This is approximately 28% average increase in calls for service since 2013. However, while firefighters are responding to more calls, the $1.50 regular fire levy rate previously approved by voters fell to $1.06 in 2023 due to statutory limitations.

If this proposition passes, a taxpayer with the average home value of $400,000 would anticipate an increased tax of $14.67 per month.

Passage of this proposition will reauthorize the property tax levy rate at $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for collection in 2024, coupled with annual increases of up to 6% in each of the five subsequent years, as previously approved by voters. However, the levy rate cannot exceed $1.50 even if properties increase in value. Passage of this proposition will maintain an effective level of service. The dollar amount of the levy in 2029 would be used to calculate future levy increase limits.

Statement For Statement Against

This is not a new tax. Proposition 1 will restore the regular levy for fire services and provide crucial funding to help Anderson Island Fire/Rescue keep pace with rising costs and increased demand for services to meet growing population needs. Our fire department operates within budget limits as set by law, but costs for fuels, utilities, supplies, and equipment have risen faster than the depleted rate allows. The proposed lid lift is the first since 2007 and will restore the regular levy rate, increasing current assessments by 44 cents per thousand to reach the maximum $1.50 allowed.

Your support of this measure will provide essential resources for fire protection delivery and emergency services. The additional funding will be critical to sustain operations through safety equipment improvement, apparatus maintenance, station upgrades, safety training, and volunteer firefighter protective equipment. Please vote yes.

Committee Members: Al Parker, Dan Wheeler


Protection District
Special Election - Proposition No. 1 - Multi-Year Fire Services Levy Lid Lift Questions? (253) 884-4040 Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
No. 27 (Anderson Island)
No statement was submitted against this issue.

Ballot Title

The Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire District 27 (Anderson Island) adopted Resolution No. 202325 concerning an increase in the District’s property tax levy. If approved, Proposition No. 2 will restore the District’s regular property tax levy for emergency medical services to the previous voter-approved rate of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation for collection in 2024, allow annual increases of up to six (6%) percent for each of the succeeding five (5) years and use the 2029 levy dollar amount for computing the limitation for subsequent levies. Should Proposition No. 2 be approved?

Explanatory Statement

Anderson Island Fire/Rescue (“District”) is placing a multi-year EMS lid lift proposition on the August 1, 2023 primary ballot. The District responded to the community’s requests for emergency medical services (EMS) 176 times in 2022. This is a 30% increase in EMS calls for service since 2013. Of all the District’s responses for EMS, fire protection and other emergencies, 70% are for EMS. However, while firefighters are responding to more calls, the District’s statutorily-approved $0.50 EMS levy rate fell to $0.35 per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2023, due to statutory limitations.

If this proposition passes, a taxpayer with the average home value of $400,000 would anticipate an increased tax of $5.00 per month.

If approved, this proposition authorizes the District to restore the levy rate of $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value as previously approved by voters. It would allow the levy dollar amount to increase by up to 6% in the succeeding five years, but the rate cannot exceed $0.50 even if properties increase in value. The dollar amount of the levy in 2029 would be used to calculate future levy increase limits.

Statement For Statement Against

This is not a new tax. Proposition 2 will restore the EMS levy and provide crucial funding to help Anderson Island Fire/Rescue keep pace with rising costs and increased demand for emergency medical services to meet growing population needs. Our fire department operates within budget limits as set by law, but costs for medical supplies, equipment, fuels, and utilities have risen faster than the depleted rate allows. The proposed lid lift is the first since 2007 and will restore the EMS levy rate, increasing current assessments by 15 cents per thousand to reach the maximum $0.50 allowed.

Your support of this measure will provide essential resources for EMS delivery by skilled EMTs serving our community. The additional funding will be critical to sustain EMS services and expand current capabilities, through equipment improvements, apparatus upgrades, and CME training. Please vote yes.

Committee Members: Al Parker, Dan Wheeler voteyesandersonisland@gmail.com

Special Election - Proposition No. 2 - Multi-Year EMS Levy Lid Lift Questions? (253) 884-4040 Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
Fire Protection District No. 27 (Anderson Island)
No statement was submitted against this issue.

Ballot Title

Will the Anderson Island Park & Recreation District be authorized to impose regular property tax levies of $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for each of six consecutive years, beginning in 2024, so as to continue to maintain and operate park and recreation facilities on Anderson Island?

Explanatory Statement

Anderson Island voters approved a regular levy request at a rate of $0.50 per $1000 in 2017 to fund the maintenance and operations of the Anderson Island Park & Recreation District. This levy expires in 2023 and the District’s Commissioners are asking voters to approve another levy at this same rate to be collected in the years 2024-2029, so that the District may continue its current programs. Expenditures include insurance, maintenance, and groundskeeping of park facilities, as well as a variety of recreational programs. Such local levies are the sole source of tax revenue to the District, which is not funded by Pierce County or the State of Washington.

The Anderson Island Park & Recreation District’s Regular Levy, approved by voters in 2017, expires this year. The District’s commissioners are asking voters to approve this new levy, at the same rate, to fund ongoing operations for the next 6 years. The amount is comparable to what we Anderson Island taxpayers have been paying for the Pierce County Library. The District receives no funds from the State or Pierce County, such levies being its sole source of regular funding. Our parks are important to our high quality of life on the island, providing greenbelt, wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities for islanders and our guests. The commissioners have made our tax dollars go a long way, with grants, donations, and the contributions of volunteers. Help us continue the tradition of having beautiful, well maintained parks and recreational facilities for both young people and adults!

Committee Members: Richard G. Anderson, Belen Schneider, Elizabeth Emerick, Serving Our Parks rickanderson@harbornet.com AndersonIslandParks.org

53 Anderson Island Park & Recreation District Special Election - Proposition No. 1 - Maintenance and Operation Property Tax Levy Questions? (253) 683-0791 Complete resolution text at PierceCountyElections.org
No statement was submitted against this issue.
Statement For Statement Against


(253) 798-3188

Dear Voters,

I hate waiting.

I registered to vote shortly after I turned 18. Even though my parents never talked about who they voted for, it was clear by their actions that voting was important. It was a privilege and a duty and a right.

I was eager to exercise my newfound power. My high school in rural Southwest Washington had a passionate civics teacher and before I knew it, I was hooked. I wrote for the school newspaper, edited the yearbook and dreamed of someday running for office. Being in the know and having a voice was important to me.

But, darn it, I didn’t become eligible to vote until 1986, smack dab in the middle of presidential elections. Too late for 1984, too early for 1988.

Did I mention I hate waiting?

That’s when I discovered that my voice still mattered between presidential elections. That year I got to vote for a U.S. Senator and a U.S. Congressman. I got to weigh in on a referendum, an initiative, four joint resolutions and a slew of state and local candidates.

To be honest, it was years before I realized that the real power is wielded closest to home. Votes for school board, fire district and city council matter more to daily life than most people realize. Your vote is powerful.

I’m not waiting.

As your new Auditor, I am committed to continuing Pierce County’s legacy of accurate and secure elections. My goals are to bring more access and a renewed excitement to the elections process.

To that end, we are embarking on an ambitious remodel of our current elections center. The new design will bring more ballot processing space which will allow us to count votes faster. And, it will allow us to welcome more people year-round into the building. We’re also going to step up education and outreach with an eye to increasing voter turnout, particularly around non-presidential elections.

I’ve carried a passion for knowledge and community involvement my whole life and I’m excited to share it with you!

Linda Farmer

1. Online

You can register online, 24 hours a day, at VoteWA.gov. To register online, you will need:

• A current Washington State driver license, or

• A current Washington State ID card

2. By mail

Download and print a voter registration form and mail it to Pierce County Elections. Forms are available in many languages. Visit PierceCountyElections.org

3. In-person

THREE WAYS TO REGISTER: Registration Deadlines

You can register to vote in-person at the Pierce County Elections Office in Tacoma: 2501 S. 35th St. Suite C, Tacoma, WA 98409

55 register to
Online/Mail July 24, 2023 In-person August 1, 2023 VoteWA.gov offers an easy-to-use online voter portal where you can:
• Register to vote
• Update your address
• Track the return of your ballot
a ballot
near you
• View the
guide • Find
drop box
Pierce County Auditor's Office 2501 S 35th St, Suite C Tacoma, WA 98409 August 1, 2023 Primary Election NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID TACOMA, WA PERMIT NO. 19 ECRWSS Residential Customer Must be returned by 8 p.m. August 1, 2023. Must be postmarked by August 1, 2023. Two ways to return your ballot No stamp needed!

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